The Telescope 21.24

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Faculty votes Monday on teacher evaluation issue

Faculty t:;enate listens to Bob Thoreson explain_ing the teacher evaluation during a sesswn for the vote ot its approval. It was passed 16 for and -~ £Lga1nst,

ana may po:ssibly come into etfect next tall. Dr. Roland Phelps (far right) served as teacher evaluation committee faculty chairman.

President Huber cites results if tax override election should fail Palomar College will suffer a decline in the quality of education if the March 1:.:: tax override election fails,according to President Frederick R. Huber. He stated it was a "pass the tax measure or suffe r education consequences"' situation. ··It is incomprehensible to me that the community s~::rved by Pafomar CqJlege would want to see an abrupt _ero-' .!?ton of the program the collage has developed in the past 21 years," Dr. Huber said. The consequences of failure would cause a number .. of cutbacks to be inititated in the fall semester when a record ·number of 2800 or 3000 enrollees are expected . . Needed funds to accornodate the increase would not be available. Br. Huber said the money is needed to keep teachers salaries in line, replace equipment in labs and activity programs and to meet the expense of additional enrollment. Dr. Huber cited six cut back examples: 1. Adult education classes, with attendance of several hundred, will be curtailed severely to •continue' credit 2. The needed addition of i9 teach-· ers to the staff will not be possible. 3. Students will not be able to complete their programs in the normal twoyear period because classes will not be available to them. 4. Equipment breakdown and lack of replacement funds will hinder lab and vocational classes. 5. The county's first registered nurse program will be ended. It was started last year to meet a decline in the number of nurses available at local medical institutions. 6. A planned dental assistant program will not begin in September as scheduled. "The tax is for five years only, beginning in 1968. It is important that the public understand this. That means that the 19 cent increase would cost you $9.50 more on your tax bill," Dr. Huber stated. The override would be added to the present district tax rate of 35 cents. "The

.ASB council to study fall budget breakuown An ASB finance committee has been formed to investigate budget requirements and requests for next year's budget. The committee's first order of business is to investigate a proposed five per cent reduction on the prices· in the ASB bookstore. This reduction, according to ASB president Bob Thoreson, would mean $4,000 less money recei_ved _{_rom the bookstore Long range plans for the committee include researching the 44 different areas which receive ASB funds in order to decide on the budget allotments for the corning year. If the reduction of prices in the bookstore proposal is put into effect it will mean, according to Thoreson that -the difference in the amount of rnone~ corning in from the bookstore will' have to be compensated for by cutting other areas of the budget. The committee will look into the breakdown of use by each area which receives ~unds to determine if the money is being-used properlv. After it completes its research, the committee will recommend a budget breakdown to the ASB council. Members ot the · corn rn itt ee are Thoreson, chairman; Janis Rose, treasurer; .Scott Bowman; bebbie Hayward.; Joan Kattelrnann; Randy Hartman; John Rice; and Heather Hodson.

cost to the average property owner (assuming a $:.::0,000 horne assessed by the county at $5,000) would be only $9.50 per year, obviously a small sum to allow your district college to move forward," said Dr. Huber.

Teacher evaluation may come into ,effect next fall. The decision now lies · with the Faculty Association. Evaluation rating sheets on campus courses were passed by the Faculty Senate.J.ast Msaday. The course rating sheet was required to have a last factor in the rating scale: a •no opinion' item. This was passed unanimously in the form of an amendment to the main motion by Dr. Beauford Chambless. Using a roll call vote, the threepart, 21 question rating sheet was passed 16 for, two against, with two senators absent. The rating sheet covers content, presentation, and assignments iD its two pages. Space for additional comments is also provided. Dr. Chambless, who voted against the rating sheet, stated •I believe it is very favorable to have teacher evaluation as to presentation for the instructor's personal improvement but did not understand fully the other uses which the students envisioned.)) Palmer Kremer, who also voted against the rating sheet said, "We just had Qlle meeting to look the form over. It was . presented to us at that meeting. I wish only a little time to look it over .before I voted on it. Now that I have had that opportunity, I think it is a very good evaluation device." Before the voting of the passage of the form, Dr. Roland Phelps, teacher evaluation committee faculty chairman, stated that the device presented was !he result of man_y .hourB of work with

other evaluation sheets studied not only from Californian institutions, but from across the nation as well. "To improve instruction, but not to criticize, and to point out difficultiee of a course were the two main objectives the committee kept in mind in gathering the questions for fue sheet, •· stated Dr. Phelps. Between the faculty-student committee, meetings, Dr. Phelps consulted with the Professional Procedures committee of the Faculty As-s ociation --;:-g to the correctness of the Palomar rating sheet, added Dr. Phelps. Student speaking for the rating sheet were Rita Schrniat, teacher evaluation cornrnit~ee student chairman, and Bob Thoreson, student body president. About 40. students appeared at the Conference room meeting in support of the rating sheet. The concept ot teacher evaluation was started here over three semesters ago when the Young Democrats club was a discussion group. The Faculty Assoication aprroved the concJ:)pt of teacher evaluation last spring. _llrerrmfnary work was done oy a temporary committee, but was cut short with the ending of the spring semester. However the temporary committee did send requistions to colleges across the nation for their rating sheets. These sheets were used this ~ar by the 13 member teacher evaluation committee which has meet weekly since October. This committee produced the presented rating sheet. Faculty members of the committee

THE TELESCOPE Voll,Lme 2_1 Number 24


March 1, 1968

Override ca_nvassing to begin Student leaders in the tax override campaign were assigned to districts at the Wednesday ASB Council meeting. Tbe leaders were also informed of their duties, responsibil~ties and given lists of all t~e registered voters in their assigned distriCt.

the Focus? Why not sofne other depart- 1 Several council members brought up the rnent?-- Ulltl 1 ' this report is heard there fact that it would be virtually impossible will .be no further action or discussion _to get a tow truck into a few of the parking on the Focus suggestion. lots on campus . The motion was tabled Parking seems to becoming a problem indefinitely although the san Marcos Fire !_t Fa16iflar, as a ·bill ~aB brought up to ·station will be contacted for advice on the hav '!Legal parke q,ars ~~~1..1'---~rnJl-tt cr.

The sixteen districs were decided upon by Theodore Kilman, aean of adult education and community services, according to response in the previous bond issue and to th~ density of voters in the area. The groups will meet at a designated place at which the volunteers will receive the materials they will be working with. Each campaigner will be equipped with a button, a ribbon, leaflets and a stack of "reminder to vote'~ cards. The students involved in the campaign are Debbie Hayward, Joan Kattelrnann., and Rita Schmidt for Vista, with Dean Burton as adult leader; Paul Hauptman and Fred Heuling for Escondido, with Dean Kilman and John Barlow, art instructor. as advisor; Linda Welch and Brice Larsen are in charge of the Fallbrook area. The ASB office will be the sign-up point for any additional volunteers. There are two consecutive Saturdays planned for the canvassing of the areas, March 2 and 9. OnMarch2, halfthe areas to be canvassed are hoped to be completed, and the othyr half taken care of the following Sahirday. ' Dean K il rn an and the s tude n tcarnoaigners will hola a meeting to discuss the reactions ot tne contacted voters. . Tbe dean also stated that girls must work in couples and that no one is allowed to enter a house. Dr. Beauford Chambless suggested that the students also sell tickets to a record dance to be held at Palomar on tne evening of March 2. Proceeds will go to campaign money for the tax override . . The suggestion was rejected because the council decided it would interfere with ,,the object ofthecampaign. Dean Bowman wtll keep the tickets in his office for students who wish to sell them. Paul Hauptman, ASB vice-president presented the idea of an ASB instant identification card, which would be laminated and contain a picture of the student. The card would cost the student $1 over the amount previously charged and would cost the ASB !l hout s;::JoOO to have printed. Hauptman said tnat having these new cards would end thepassingofASBcards among students at dan c e s and other school functions. The motion was tabled indefinitely. The finance cornrnitcee was appointed to investigate the feasibility of a 5 per cent reduction on items in the book store. The reduction w o u 1 d come about by cutting the budget in other areas . Focus magazine was the recommended area. Cecelia Lodico and Joan Kattelrnann defended tlie rnagazi®.,. The fre- · quently heard -statement was that of •'Why

Bob Thoreson directs information to Rita Schmidt and Bill Mason aboutplans

for Vista canvassing to promote the tax override.

"The .committee asks the full cooperation of all faculty members- fri'pu'sing the rating sheet Monday,J" urged Mi~s Schmidt. · · All etudents llre urged to attend this meeting in P-3:.:: at LL a.m. in support of course rating and teacher evaluation.


Ayn Rand calls selective service· 'unconstitutional,' "The draft is clearlyunconl:!titutional." chlirged Miss Ayn Rand on tape Wednesday in P-7. "It will be found to be involuntary servitude,• she continued. About 40 person crowded into the relatively small room to hear Miss Rand condemn everything from foreign aid to the hanoling of the Vietnam War. The presentation was sponsored by the Studentsfor Radical Individualism club. Miss Rand said that the draft irnp!Hlsi that "man's lite belongs to the state. It says that man must pay the state for his rights , hi:s lite being the payrnen~ This is in direct contradiction of our system of government." She attacked "draft dodgers and Vietniks for being against the draft for the wrong reasons." A totally volunteer army, which she advocates, would "keep us out of ventures like Vietnam.'' said Miss Rand. "People will not fight for a corrupt government or it they don't know what they are gihting for. She said charges that a volunteer· military wouw cost too much are UIJ.fOunded. "Best estimates are $4 billion a year. We spend $4.5 (a year) .on fore_ign aid and $5.5 (a year) on space programs, and people say we can-t afford a volunteer army." The draft is used by the federal government to hold the populace at ba__y, according to Miss Rand, by constantly saying that "a man owes his lUe to the state, in return for his right. The only alternative left to the u.s. in Vietnam," she said, iB to .. hurry up and win it.'' Miss Rand stated that she was opposed to the U.S. entering the conflict in the first place. "There is no proper solution to the war. It is a war we never should have entered. It is the culmination of 50 years of suicidal foreign policy. "They tell us Communist aggression must be contained in Asia, but not in Africa. They tell us Communist agression must be contained in Vietnam, but not in Europe. They tell UB North Vietnam is a threat to us,. but Cuba is not. No wonder there is a credibility gap. "Our government calls Vietnam a •cold war/~- said Miss Rand, ~but a war is a war, no matter what temperature you choose to call it."


fub Tmreson travels to Sacramento for state assembly bill discussions ASB President Bob Thoreson announced Tuesday that he will be leaving Marcli 4 to testify before an education committee in Sacramento. Thoreson will be discussing two bills presently before the state assembly. The first, assembly bill 440, will make ASB pards mandatory in California junior .colleges and will also set a maximum charge for the cards. The second bill is a measure to amend assembly bill 8453 of the education code. The bill would cause the cancellation of the controversial speaker policy on Palo-

were Dr. Phelps, chairman; PatArcher, Dennis Bostic, Peter Bollington, Wade Snyder and Jack Quintero. Miss Schmidt headed the studentcornrnittee of Don Dilworth, Sharon Dernpsy, Peggy Oertle, Bill Mason, Steve Woooall and Joe Wu. In December and over Christmas vacation, the student's committee collected detailed course objectives from all instructors. When instructors did not turn syllabi into the members, his detailed course objectives were taken from tne dean of instruction's files. In booklet form, the course objectives are accessible to student. in the counseling area and in the reserve hook sectiqn of till;l Putnam Library. • We, the committee, are asking all students to please look up their courses during the next couple of months because there will be questions on the rating sheet which will refer directly to the objectives of the courses as written by the instructors or taken from syllabus files," st~Jte_d Miss Schmidt. On Monday, the same ratfng sheet with the 'no opinion• rating replay y.rill ' be presented to the Faculty Asaociation, which all the instructors belong to.

mar's campus. Section 8453 presently prohibits the distribution of sectarian, partisan, or denominational material on secondary school campuses of which junior college.s are included. It also prohibits 'the teaching of sectarian, partisan or denominational material on secondary school campuses of which junior colleges norninational doctrine on the school campuses. The billproposedon the assembly woula separate that law from junior colleges but it would still pertain to high schools.

All sophomore class members are urged to attend the Shophornore C fa s s meeting at 11 a.m. in R-5, according to Charlotte Jaques, class president. Projects for Club Week will be discussed.


An 'Old Timers' Record Hop' will be held tomorrow night by the Faculty Association. According to Dr. Beauford Chambless, association president, Mis Mildred Ayers and her students will display techniques of ballroom dancing from 8 to 10 p.m. The waltz, fox trot and cha cha will be demonstrated. Dancing to records will follow until midnight. The purpose of the dance is to raise funds for publicity for the tax override election and serve as a get-acquainted session between the college employees and the community.

sports scope By Rick Monroe

With Palomar· s success in the Pacific Southwest Conference relays relying on his jumE_. Tom Reis goes 43-9 3/4

in triple jump for fourth place, enabling the Comets to tie Grossmont for the champi<:mship.

Comet track squad ties for Relay title The Palomar College track and Halo team continued to look strong Saturday, tieing Grossmont for the Pacific Southwest Confer.ence relays title in a blanket finish of the third annual event on the Comets' oval. Yesterday the squad hosted Imperial Valley and MiraCo~ta in a triangular meet and tomorrow compete in the Long Beach relays. The the PSC relays Grossmont and .Palomar had 68, Grossmont 68, Mesa 67,

MVP Mitchell ·leads teammates to mat regionalsLooking forward to success in the California State Junior College Regional Wrestling Finals to be held at Rio . Hondo College tomorrow, Coach Tony Lynds is sending his best performers to represent Palomar College. Jon Mitchell, Pacific Southwest Conference Co-Player of the Year. will lead eilftt teammates into the tournament. Mitchell, team captain of this year's Comet squad, had only one point recorded against him in the conference action this season. Right behind Mitchell will be AllLeague wrestler Tim Turner who posted a sparkling 6-0 record at the 177 pound level. Other all-leaguers selected from Palomar ~ heavyweight : Greg__Arnold, 130 Jeff Johnston and Don Metcalf wrestling at 152 pounds. Palomar fell to league <iliampion San Diego Mesa College last Wednesday af- · ternoon 22-17 , to conclude regular seaon play for the Comets. Lynds stated that Bob Cordner, Ed Moore and Chris 1 Cremins all turned in top efforts in the Mesa match.

'THE TELESCOPE ~ditor-in-Chief


. decelia Loaico . Jerry Nicholas Assistant. . . . . . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday. . Joan Kattelmanrt Assistant. . . . . Jan Donoho Page 1, Friday. . _$teve Schneider Assistant. . . . Corky Wisniewski Pa~e 2, Friday. . . . _E.ick Monroe Assistant. . . . . . . . .Dave Cnnrad , News Editor. . . . . . • ~ J_oe Wu Exchange Editor. . . _ . Sherr~ ~all R~perters. . . ~ ~ . . .ll!eil Hoffma.h, Ken Kline, Tom Wheeler · .Advertisements. . . . Dianna Houser, Jim Reeploeg Journalism Advisor. . . Fred Wilh~lm· 1 Photography Advisor .• IJustus Ahrenct. Grl;!.phic Arts Advisor . . James Mc.Nutt

-Page 1, Tuesday .



San Diego City 58 and Southwes!ern 57. Palomar, leading through most of the meet, captured three first places. In the distance medley Rick Fox, Randy Hartman, 0~~ Jones and George Odle ran 10:22.5, four seconds off the Palomar record set last year. Odle ran 1:57.5 for his 880 leg, the b~ be has ever done. PQ.lomarsl four-mile relay • wa-s made~ up of Hartman, Fox, Sal Castro and Lee McComb. Fox and Hartman also were on the fourth place two-mile entry. Shot puttll:r Doug Price loft~d another school record with tosses of 4710, 47-7 1 / ~ and 47-5 as he won the event. The only meet record broken was by Wetsley Williams. who leaped 47-3 1/ 4. Palomar finished third in the sprint mealey, fourth in the 880 relay, third in tne mile relay, fourth in the 440 relay, and third in the 480 shuttle hurdles. The Comets were favored in the hurdles, but Roger Bielasz fell in the first leg of the event and Len Thompson's 14.6 time in the 120-high's brought the locals up to third in the five team · field. In other field events, Hick Trestrail got a fourth and Bruce Galloway a fifth in the Javelin, Otto Ray fourth and Price third in the di!'lcus, Mike Heredia second and Pat Hallman fifth in the high jump and Mike Quirk fifth in the pole wault.

Southwestern dumps Palomar golfers

It wasn't the bottom of the tenth inning an overtime basketball game, or a long pass at the gun of a football game, but Saturday·s Pacific Southwest Conference Relays had nearly as much excitement and tension as Palomar ·tied- with Grossmont for the title . And for the deciding event--well , it was the triple jump (hop, skip and jump if you prefer) that had that distinction. About 75 of the 100 visiting sp e ctators and athletes, all surrounding the runway and pit, stayed to see the final event and tabulation of the scoring. Tom Reis wasn't expected to do very well in the ewmt. since he has only jumped about Z5' tlmes.However. 'Reis placed fourth wiTh a 43-9 3/4 leap -- only three inches fron the Palomar recor<f. Palomar had a two point lead going into the event but defending meet record holder Wesley Williams and Grossmont's Lucky Fleming finished 1-2 to put their sclioo1s ahead. Depending on how Palomar finished or if Mesa or Grossmont _ placed in the top five, any number of ties could have developed. The most nervous person in the crowd seemed to be the Comets· track and field coach, Doc Marrin. Guiding the squad in his first year here , Marrin made a big splash upon arriving on the campus last fall when he coached the cross country to a PSC title, the Comets second championship in any sport in four years. Saturday Marrin was never in one place, dashing from scorer·s table, to athletes, to microphone and back to ··hi~:> 11 competitors. The former coach at Los Altos High School in Covina is shaping a strong squad and , if Saturday· s closeness is any indication of the '"What basket?· wonders Comet conference meets to come, it will be an exciting Larry Waterman as Southwestern·s season.

Diamond crew wzns as Adkins slams 3 After losing four games at the start of the season, the Palomar baseball squad is rounding into form by winning four of its last six contests, including 2-of-3 in an impressive weekend series. .. We should have taken all three, but but had two men thrown out at the plate in the one we lost to Imperial Valley," stated diamond coach Jim Clayton. The locals annihilated College of the Desert last Friday by posting a bru-

Sports schedule FRIDAY Archery -- San Fernando State and San Bernaroino Valley here at 1 p.m. SATURDAY . Basketball--PSC All-StarGameat SDCC •at 1 p.m. Track--at Long Beach Relays ~1i0 a.m. Wrestling- Regionals at Rio Hondo (L.A.) MONDAY Golf-- Grossmont here (San Louis Rey Course} at 1 p.m. WEDNESDAY Bas~ball-- SDCC at' Palomar in conference opener at ~:30 p.m.

The Comet golf squad, sporting a season record, fell Monday to Southwestern College on the Chula Vista course. The Comet~:> are returning to play next Monday against Grossmont after last week's win over San Dfego and will be looking forward to the next home me~ting witn Southwestern and upping Palomar College will host their first _the1r conference mark to :t-1. - spring archery match today· at 1 p.m. "Southwestern has a real fine team on the Palomar archery range, seeking this year although we weren·t playing their second victory of the _year. tm to , par," stated golf coach Ward Palomar's Archery Team is inc reMy~. asing in depth with Dan White, Terry - -Comet Neil Gudgeon had the low score Malberry, Kelly Nobles., Joe White and for Palomar by posting a 76 but went George Ward attempting to find a spot down swinging to Southwesterns' Osgood on the first team, which includes Jim who honored with the lowest score of Crafts, Jim Kinley, Mike - Brown and the entire meet at 73. Hugh' Hamilton. Palomar•s foursome Terry Reiffa (78) shot for Palomar~s holds several national titles. second low gross honors with Phi 1 The women archers this year are Stower (80), Gary Etheredge (84), Zem Kathy Keane, Lynda Jessen, Maggie Hopkins (80) and Tom House stroking Duffy and Heidi Weflin. a (94) even though the Comets were deSchools competing --toaay' will be San feated by a final meet score of 37-17. "One big factor,• commented Myers, "'is the different course possessing, soft, thick greens which pose a c ompletely different situation than our home course. :t-~

ising 20-7 victory. Saturday's doubleheader at Imperial Valley was split, the Comets· losing a 4-3 decision in the uproar and coming back for a 6-4 triumph. Yesterday the squad hosted MiraCosta in their final tune-up to its Pacific Southwest Conference inaugural Wednesday against San Diego City College on the Palomar diamona. Rick Adkins supplied the power in the COD game, slugging three home runs , one with the sacks full. His teammates rapped out 16 hits to further support the win. Freshman Ernie Oliva was credited for the victory against the Roadrunners, working seven innings before Stan Harpin relieved him in the final two frames .. In Saturday's game, the Comets blasted nine h{ts, getting two runs in the first, three in the third and a final in the seventh. Right-hander Jeff Dawson went five innings to collect the win with Nick Arouri and Oliva "mopping up." After ten games , Bill Briscoe is leading the regulars with a .440 batting average, followed by Ernie Oliva':s .345, Larry Murphy'!! .330 and Bob Snead)s .::!~5.

Palomar hosts first archery match

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Fernando State College and San Bernardino Valley College , two top schools in archery competition. -san Fernando has Gary Filice, number four archer of the top ten in ~he United State Intercollegiate Championships. Palomar features Jim Kinley, number eight and James Crafts, number nine, of the top ten. San Bernardino s&.rsMaureen Sanders one of the top woman archers in the country. Now 19 the time for the experienced "The Blues Messengers· ·

Lew Wooten and unidentified teammate appear to be drawing a. foul.-

Hoopsters (1-26) given awards; two in all-star game The season's finally over, except for the Pacific Southwest Conference AU-Star game tomorrow at San Diego City College. Two Comet players are representea on the squad, freshman forward Mike Judd and sophomore guard John Thatcher. The two were selected Sunday night on the all-conference second team , Doug Boyd, Grossmont 1 s 6-8 center, was named the league·s Most Valuable player and was joined on the first team by forwards John Otis, San Diego City and John Ugrin, Grossmont; and guards Bill Punch, Mesa and John Devore, Southwestern. Others on the second team are forward Ken Ohlendorf of Southwestern, center John Oliver of SDCC and guard Mike Humphrey, SDCC. At the Palomar basketball awards banquet last night, Sam Blalock was awarded the Lt. James Mitchell Jr. Memorial trophy and John Thatcher, the Most Valuable Player trophy. Other awards were given to Blalock as captain of this year's squad, Gary Farr as the Most Improved Player, Rudy Waardenburg as the Outstanding Frosh, Cris Cory for the Sportsmanship , award ana Waardenburg as Captainelect for next season. Palomar lost its finale Tuesday, 10:.l9.t to Desert Conference champion Imperial Valley and lost its last game in the conference Saturday 93-88 to Southwestern. Joe Brennan's cagers thus became the most unsuccessful basketball team in the college's history with a 1-11 PSC record ana I-26 mark on the year. The coach pointed out that "this has been the highest scoring team in the college's history, scoring over 80points a game , and was within 10 points of winning in all but one of the conference games.

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