The Telescope 21.28

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EDITION ...................... • • • •. .



Area voters reject tax override bid •

College faces maJor cutbacks Fifty-six per cent of the participating voters refused Palomar's bid for operational funds in Tuesday's 19 cent tax override election. Only 12.445, 28. 17 per cent of a possible 44,213, voted in the 50 precincts. Further breakdown showed anegative vote in 35 of the 50 with yes-no totals of 5.373 and 7.082 respectively. Poway and Fallbrook are the only areas that voted the tax override in. Palomar mountain figures were tied . A breakdown of the figures by areas is: Escondido 2007 yes, 2,408 no : San Marcos, 202 yes. 540 no: Vista, 1.650 yes, 2,022 no: Valley Center, 76 yes, 248 no: and Palomar Mountain-Pauma Valley, 55 yes, 92 no. Absentee votes were 22 yes, 39 no.

Michael Krestler, one of the 6:372 voters who turned out at the polls in Vista, places his signature on the voter

- -roster during the Palomar tax override election last Tuesday. Vista voters downed the issue 2,022 to 1,650 .

Dr. Frederick R. Huber, Palomar president, commented on the situation. "Naturally I'm quite disappointed. What's tragic is that there was such a small turnout for the number of eligible voters. But I feel that this is in no way an indication of the actual support for Palomar College, when only 28- per

cent of the electorate turned out. It is indicative of the interest of those who did turn out but not necessarily of those who didn't. "What happened was an expression of displeasure at the prospect of a property tax increase , even in the small amount called for. "I've stated before that I personally don't feel that the property tax is a proper source of income, but it's our only recourse. And the need still exits. "Things will worsen. But I only hope that the citizenry will somehow come to realize that the way to support an educational program is not to vote 'no,' and that the Board and Administration have been on record for many years as supporting long-range financingplan . "We feel our needs are justified, and we can't do anything else but present them to the public in this manner." Dr. Huber said that any plans for a future election will have to be discussed by the Board. "We'll now be in the process of developing our first budget for

THE TELESCOPE Palomar College · Volume 21

A Publication of the Associated Students ·

Students to attend Area 1 conference at Mesa tomorrow Approximately 20 students will be representing Palomar College at the Area I conference tomorrow. The conference has a dual purpose in that it is a chance for junior colleges' delegates to discuss recommendations pertaining to local issues and a means · of communication between the colleges in this area, according to Robert E. B.owman, rlean of student activities. San Diego Evening College is hosting the conference that will be held at Mesa College. Area I colleges include MiraCosta, Grossmont, Mesa, SanDiegoCity, Southwestern and Palomar. Five workshops will be provided for the students attending the conference. They are 1) Advances in education today, 2) Student-faculty relations, 3) How can student government communicate with student body, faculty and community, 4) Relationship between society and student, 5) President (in relationship to students, finance, budget, ASB cards, etc.) Any resolutions passed during the Area I conference which pertain to the overall junior college system in California will be forwarded to the California Junior College Student Government Association (C,iCSGA) conference to be held April 18-20 in Los Angeles. Resolutions passed at the CJCSGA convention will then move on to be presented as a bill in the Sacramento legislature. Palomar's delegation will be leaving campus at 8 a.m. tomorrow and will return about 4 p.m.

Bank of America presents scholarship awards to two Palomar students tcxiay This year's Bank of America Junior College Business Awards winners at Palomar are Carla Fulcomer and Bettie Schleiff. Both girls will receive $300. Miss Fulcomer has won the award in banking and business administration studies. Miss Schleif£ is the winner in the secretarial and clerical division. The cash awards will be presented today at a banquet at the BeverlyHilton, Beverly Hills,


Rio Hondo names student center 10 honor of fotmer PC president

The late Phil H. Putnam

Six-week srnnmer school scheduled for Guatemala A six-week summer school program at Guatemala City is scheduled from June 24 to August 2. It will be directed by Dr. Warren A. Beck, chairman of the Department of History at California State College at Fullerton. The trip is open to all persons eligible for regular CSF summer sessions and counts for up to six graduate or undergraduate credits. Among the courses off e r e d in the English language will be anthropology, history of Central America and geography of Latin America. Conversation and Latin American literature will be offered in the Spanish language. Independent study will be available in most fields to students who are qualified to pursue it. "Although the program is basically educational," Beck said, "there will be ample opportunity for recreation and for touring the cultural and historical sites of Central America."

Money-eating machine causes costlyexperiment

A costlypsychologyexperiment by two students has yielded some interesting results. The two students , Dana Kindrick and Jim Smith. conducted their experiment three weeks ago from an observation area in the back of a truck. It all began, ·sa id Kindrick, when a friend of his placed 25 cents in the candy machine in the engi neering wing. Nothing happened . The friend rocked and pounded on the machine but with no result. So he and Kindrick put' a sign on the machine which read: "This

March 15, 1968 · San Marcos , Calif.

n:ach1ne IS a money eater--use at own nsk. '' In the following half hour, six students read the sign, thought a moment, andput their money in. Only one took the hint from the sign and saved his money. Kindrick said that 95 cents was lost by _stud~nts who wanted to gamble on the mac?rne. Invanably, the students placed thel r money In the slot, pulled handle and proceed~d to shake, rattle, and sock the offendmg money grabber. "It would have been a perfect set-up for Candid Camera," said Smith. The results. as interpreted. prove why people gamble with slot machines in Nevada, agreed Smi th and Kindrick. "They know they will probably lose their money. Everybody knows it. but they don't pay any attention and go right ahead and pour the cash in." said Smith. "If the maintenance man from A.R.A. hadn't come. there is no telling how much money students would have lost over the course of a day." When the repairman did come. the original composer of the note got his · money back. According to the repairman. the rest went to the company as a donation to the ''Repair A Machine" fund.

The name of Phil H. Putman, former president of Palomar College, will grace the new student center at Rio Hondo Junior College in Whittier next month. The sparkling new facility will be dedicated April 24, a·l most one year after the Putnam Memorial Library on the Palomar campus. Putnam's lifelong career of service began 60 years ago in Custer, South Dakota, a Black Hills town that was the scene of the 1874 gold rush. In 1931 he was g r ad u ate d from Black Hills Teachers College with his bachelor's degree and a state football championship honor. Mrs. Putnam recalls that "he was always a great sportsman," and believed in a strong athletic program. Mrs. Putnam, who works in the main library, also especially remembers Nove m be r 25, 1932 - the date of her marriage to Putnam. Following a stint as a high school. superintendent in South Dakota: Putnam moved west to Oregon with his wife where the young educator earned his masters at the University of Oregon in 1937, and later his doctorate at Stanford. Putnam left his position as Oregon superintendent of s c h o o 1 s to enter the army as a private in 1943, to emerge as a lieutenant in 1945, eventually retiring as a major in the reserves. Following his military service, hereturned to education and was instrumental in the establishment of Oregon's first junior college. The college, Vanport Junior College is now a four-year institution, Portland State. Then in 1952,

NEWS BRIEFS Medical Technology inclined students are now being offered a $500 scholarship by the Nation a 1 Committee for Careers in Medical Technology. In order to qualify, students must be eligible to enter a college curriculum as a full-time junior. They must have had enough science to com p 1 e t e their academic requirements for medical technology (which includes 16 semester :hours each in chemistry and biological sciences and a course in mathematics) before entering their fourth or final year of clinical training in a hospital school of Medical Technology accredited by the American Medical Association.

Putnam became president of Palomar. Mrs. Putnam recalls, "when we came here, the place looked like a Mexican labor camp." Under Putnam's able leadership, however, Palomar's first permanent buildings were erected. When he departed in 1956, the new college was thriving. Putnam next lent his talents to Ventura Junior College, which he left in 1960 for Compton Junior Co 11 e g e. He was engrossed in his last assignment, the new Rio Hondo Junior College in Whittier, when he passedawayonOctober 13, 1966. All who knew him would have to agree that Putnaq~ left behind him more than an entry in'"Who's Who.'1 "Anybody was at home with him," Mrs. Putnam reminisced, "his greatest attribute was his love for people."

next year for presentation to the Board. The election resultswill be reflected in that budget. Needless to say, there'll be many things we won't be able to do. "The Administrative staff will meet to discuss what curtailments will be presented to the Board to offset the results of the tax election. Curtailments in the fact sheet are definitely going to come about, and there will be others," stated Dr. Huber. Plans for actions resulting from the loss of the tax election will be discussed when the "Administrative members meet to discuss what curtailments will be presented to the Board to offset the result of the tax election," Dr. Huber continued. A meeting is tentatively scheduled next week. Prior to the election a "Palomar College Election Facts " sheet was distributed explaining the present college situation. Contained on the sheet were the consequences of the tax issue failure. "If we must curtail the programs and activities which are assets to Palomar and the community," he said , "it erodes the purpose of tliis institution." Specific details cited for curtailment include: 1) The Registered Nurse AA degree program will not expand. The program was started last year to meet the area's decline in the number of nurses available at local medical institutions. 2) The planned Dental Assistant program will not be expanded to meet the number of interested students who have doubled during the year. 3) Nineteen additional instructors needed will not be hired. The school will not be able to open additional classes to meet the student load in business, geology, English, math, physical education, social science and physical science. "Some students will not be able to complete their programs in the normal two year period because not enough basic classes will be available to them," Dr. Huber stated. 4) Equipment breakdowns and lack of replacement funds will hinder laboratory and vocational classes. 5) Bus services will be cut back. 6) Adult Educational courses will be reduced or discontinued. 7) Funds to make up the anticipated reduction in Federal and State f u n d s are not available . The accredition of the college is dependent on the continuance of financial· support •.It may not be renewed if there is a curtailment of enrollment, course offering, quality standards and service to the community.

Seventh annual international banquet features judo exhibition, folk dances International "cuisine' ' from Italy, Syria, Mexico, Germany and the Phillipines coupled with an extensive entertainment program formed the seventh annual International Banquet. About 200 guests attended the event held last Saturday in the Student Union. The banquet was dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cook, a couple who have shown active interest in the International Club for many years. and who recently hosted the club at their Vista home. They are both in Tri-city Hospital. Cook is suffering from a blood clot in his leg and Mrs. Cook is recovering from an auto accident sustained while returning from the hospital on a visit to her husband. The banquet menu feat u red three different main dishes. Lasagna from Italy, Lubee eb Ruz from Syria and

Casuala de -Gallina y Elote from Mexico comprised the selection. German Devtschen Slaw was the salad followed by Bibingka, rice cake, from the Phillipines. Following dinner, a program of 14 different entertainment acts began with a judo demonstration. Brian Kelly and Don Rowe, two students, assisted Ernie Gates, Marine Corpsjudo champion. Other performances included Philippine, Samoan, Mexican and Germ an dances. Students formed into trios, and solo performers sang and played. The program concluded with Tinikling, a Philippine dance in which the dancers hopped between and around clicking bamboo poles. Richard Freeman, one of the dancers , caught his ankle between the poles and finished his dance in the sympathy of the audience.

The Ed e 1 weiss Dancers,- Barbara Ruzek, Kurt Flynn, Marilyn Mitchell and

Allan Dawson performed at the Inte rnational Banquet on Saturday.

Deadline is April 15. 1968 for filing applications for the $500 scholarship. Applications are available in Mrs. Marjorie Wallace's office in student personnel area.

* * *

The Vets Club sponsors "This Day in Vietman" today at 11 a.m. in P-32. Narrating and answering questions about the film will be Staff Sargeant Downing of the public relations office of Camp Pendleton. A question and answer period will be held in R-5 following the film. The movie is part of a series sponsored by the Vets Club to give a c learer picture to the students and faculty of Palomar College of what the l'nited States is doing in Vietnam.

Comets clip Apaches behind Oliva's pitching

Coach Doc Marrin goes over stategy with mile-relay members (left to right) Pancho Enriquez, John Schnarr, Rick Fox and Randy Hartman. The group is the final entry in todll.y's PSC opening meet here againlit SDCC.

Gil Pumar, who lashed two singles in as many at bats, plated the winning run in the ninth inning Wednesday as the Palomar baseball squad won its second straight conference victory. Ernie Oliva went the distance in scattering six hits and six base on balls and whiffing 10 in the 2-1 struggle over the Southwestern Apaches. Jack Ashby was also in the limelight, stinging three hits in five at bats and driving in Pumar with the go-ahead run on a squeeze bunt that fell for a single. Palomar collected nine hits and made just one error in the game, leaving ten men on base. The Apaches scored in the third inning on a base on balls, a sacrifice bunt and double. Palomar tied the encounter with a walk, a two base error of Greg Abney's blast in center field and Pumar's first hit. Southwestern, dropping its third Pacific Southwest Conference tilt, re-

ceived strong pitching from Gordon Mitchell, but the hurler's fielding was off. Twice in the first inning and on other plays including Ashby's deciding bunt, PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE BASEBALL STANDINGS Palomar Mesa SDCC Gross mont Southwestern

W 2 l 2 0 0

L 0 0 1 2 3

a better fielding pitcher would have made the out. Palomar's league mark is now 2-0 and they are 6-7 for the season. Others getting hits besides Ashby and Pumar were Bob Snead, Rick Adkins, Oliva and Ben Edwards. Shortstop Adkins made a brilliantplay in the second, picking a hot grounder up to his right for a force out at second.

Jack Ashby gets a good lead in recent game. Ashby went 3-for-5 in Wednesday's 2-1 win over Grossmont, including a game winning squeeze bunt (for a single) in the ninth. inning and a stolen base.

Baseball, track squads zn weekend spotlight •

Track and baseball will share the sports' spotlight this weekend, with both squads in key encounters. The trackmen, undefeated in two meets and reigning as the Pacific Southwest Conference Relays' co-champions as well, will host San Diego City College today in the conference opener for both schools . First field events are scheduled to fitart at 2:30 p.m. and the first running event(440-relay) at 3 p.m. with the meet labeled a toss-up by coach Doc Marrin. · - Baseball gets in action tomorrow with the Cemets laying out the carpet to Grossmont in the first game of the scheduled doubleheader to start at 11 a.m. The diamond crew has looked sharp in posting two PSC wins for first place in the league standings . Coach Jim Clayton has indicated he will start righthanders Jeff Dawson and Ernie Oliva. Clayton has been using an infield of Bob Snead

catching, Greg Abney at first, Kent Dawson at nesday, meeting vre-:season favorite Mesa at 2:3D finished in the state playoffs could be on the team. second, Rick Adkins at short and Jimmy Dean p.m. 1\'Iesa nas oeen scoring aoouf 10 runs a game: Harold Greenwood of City is the favorite in the at third. The sprints (100. 220, and 440) should be close high jump, going 6-10, but Pat Hallman and Mike Shagging balls in the outfield are Bill Briscoe with the Come.t s having slightly better times in Heredia should be in competition. in left, Jack Ashby in center and one of several both relays, 43 .4 to 43.5 in the 440 and 3:23.1 • There's not a single meet we can be sure of winpossibilities in right. Ben Edwards and Dean Smith to 3:25 in the mile. ning," said track tutor Marrin, "but we'll be close in Harold Greenwood of City is the favorite in the each one." have been spelling Oliva at the rightfield post when he's not on the mound or at first; hig'h jump, going 6-10, but Pat Hallman and Mike He indicated that Grossmont and Mesa are going Sam Blalock has joined the squad after a perHeredia should be in competion. to be stronger tests, but that Southwestern and the formance on the basketball team and the honorable The Knights' Henderson and Comets' Tom Reis Knights were very close and the outcome could mention selection of last year in the conference have both good marks in the triple jump, with go down to the final event--the mile relay. may earn position in the outergardens. the long jump likely to go to SDCC. The locals appear to have a definite advantage The horsehider's , 6-7 on the year, appeared at Rick Trestrail, Mike Quirk and Bruce Galloway in the discus and hurdles but in the other events the start of the season to be strong on pitching, have thrown well in the javelin and should give the would have a rough going. but injuries have hampered that department with visitor's Jim King a strong test. Star shot putter Marrin believes the· outstanding event of the day Oliva claimingfour of the wins. Doug Price will be hard pressed by two of the will be the 88U, with Palomar's Rick Fox having As the season· progresses , however, the mound Knights. a best time of 1:54 to the Knights' 1:53 (1:52.5 in corps may get stronger with reports that Tom One of the things that worries Marrin is the a relay)by Romo. Johnson and southpaw Jerry Carpenter are getting possibility of the Knights turning up with some Palomar's other distance star, Randy Hartman, their hurt wings back into shape. top athletes that haven't competed yet this year, is entered in the mile and two-mile with the main T~ ~oo ~ ~~furan~~r~=nf=e~re~n~c~e~ti=U~W~e=d~--~in=d=i=~~t=i=n~~~~-m~e~o~f~t=h=e~~=s=k=e~t=b=a~ll~p:la~y~e:r~s~t~ha:t~~:s~t~~o~p~~~ffi~·tiooby~~n.

Turner seventh in state; batXIUet set for matmen

Hodson selected WRA president; girls' cage team beats Grossmont WRA, with its new officers, has started off its basketball season. Heather Hodson is the new president and Romona Castellanos is the new vicepresident. The other officers are Kathy Creech, secretary; Sally Larson, treasurer; Gloria Perez and Stancie Tulloch,

Comet golfers host unbeaten SW today in rematch of defeat After Friday's postponement, the Palomar College golf team strengthened its title hopes Monday by stroking San Diego City College 32-22 there. Eyeing a· first in the PSC, the Comet six is now looking for an upset in today's home match against league-leading South western. A match behind the Apaches, Palomar will have to be up to par today on their home course as a victory will place the Comets in a tie for the top position. Southwestern is the only team to defeat Palomar. Coach Ward Meyer~ commented, "Southwestern is the favorite to win the conference and has a good chance in the state finals although our boys are all hepped up and we feel that we can take them." Meyers also stated, "that all six of the Apacnes' members on the squad are shooting in the 70's. Results in Monday's San Diego meet were low medalists, Neil Gudgeon (78); Gary Etheredge (78), who both crushed their pairings; and City's Phil Ronis (78). Other Comet winners were Phil Stoewer and Zem Hopkins. Jeff Blankenship, lost his match to medalist Ronis while Marv Richardson of the Knights handed defeat to Tom Reiffs.

publicity; Di Risch, ICC representative; and Donna Haworth sports chairman. The basketball team began its season by playing Grossmont, winning 44 - 18. The starters are Karen Friedricks, who has been the high scorer throughout the three games so far played; Ellie Minor; Di Risch; Heather Hodson; Gail Eldridge; and Donna Haworth. Other team members are Fran Craig, Sally Larson, Cheryl Jourey, Nancy Kimberling and Ramona Castellanos. The other two games played were against San Diego State and Cal Western. They play each of the five teams in the league twice. At the end of the games, a playoff will be held between the top two teams. The sight for the championship in the dome gym on April 3. The team will play College of the Desert there today. On March 27, a game will be played here at 7:30p.m. with Cal Western. Practices are held Mondays and Wednesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. in the dome. The practice sessions are open to all who want to watch. The coach is Mrs. Viola Jeffreys and the WRA advisor is Miss Donna M. Reiser.

The girls' basketball squad consists of the following members: front row, (left to right) Gail Eldridge, Donna Haworth, Fran Craig, Heather Hodson, Nancy Kimberling and Ramona Castellanos.

Sports schedule TRACK-- San Diego City here at 3p.m. GOI;F -- Southwestern here at 1 p.m. SATURDAY BASEBALL -- Grossmont here (doubleheader) at 11 a.m. WEDNESDAY BASEBALL -- Mesa here at 2:30p.m. THURSDAY TENNIS -- Grossmont here at 3 p.m. WRESTLING BANQUET -- at Palomar Cafeteria at 6:30p.m.

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Back row, (left to right) are Mrs. Viola Jeffreys , team coach; Di Risch; Ellie Minor; Cheryl Journey; Sally Larson; Karen Friedrichs; and manager Toni Thompson.

Tennis squad drops match to Knights A 9-0 loss Tuesday to Mesa left the Comets' tennis team with a 1-1 Pacific Sputhwest Conference reading. The squad's next test is Thursday, playing host to Grossmont. Against Mesa, not a single Comet won a set. Ray Love's netters include Bob Simpson, Fred McClain, Mike Shaw, Mark Tuttle, Bob Austin and John Pegg.

Coach Tony Lynds and his wrestling squad will be honored in the annual wrestling banquet Thursday. The dinner will start at 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union. Tim Turner was the only Comet to win in the state finals in Chabot Co 11 e g e in San Francisco Thursday, finishing seventh in the tourney. Turner, in an 8-5 decision victory over Roger Kelley (El Diablo Valley) on the first round, fell by a pinning combination in his second round match with 7:40 the match by Alan O'Brien of Modesto in the 177-pound class . Palomar also had two other entrants in Saturday's state finals, although, only one member was able to compete. Grappling in the 137-pound class, Jeff Johnston fell 7-0 while suffering a hard battled defeat in his first round of competition. Jon Mitchell lost by forfeit. A non-college supported t (lam, the Palomar Olympic Club, coached by Greg A r no 1 d , i s com p o s e d af returning Comet wrestlers and high school grapplers. The team will compete in the · San Diego County AAU championships at Grossmont College tomorrow.

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THE TELESCOPE Editor-in-Chief . . . Cecelia Lodico Page 1, Tuesday . . . Jerry Nicholas Assistant. . . . . . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday. . .Joan Kattelmann Assistant. . . . . Jan Donoho Page 1, Friday. Steve Schneider Assistant. . . Corky Wisniewski Page 2, Friday. . . Rick Monroe Assistant. . . . Dave Conrad News Editor. . . . . . . . . Joe Wu Exchange Editor. . . . . Sherri Hall Reporters. . . . . . . Neil Hoffman, Ken Kline, Tom Wheeler Advertisements. . . . Dianna Houser, Jim Reeploeg Photographers ............ . ... Don Bartletti, Ted Karounos. Bob Nelson Journalism Advisor. . . Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor. . Justus A hrend Graphic Arts Advisor . . James McNutt

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