The Telescope 22.25

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THE TELESCOPE Palomar College · Volume 22 Number 25 · A Publication of the Associated Students ·

Ja n. 14, 1969

'Government • says U.nruh By Lois Cavalier

Former State As s e mbly Speaker Jesse Unruh answers a question from an un-

identified student following his speech in the Dome Friday night.

· San Marcos, Calif.

irrelevant,' speech here


"Last November, the fewest votes cam e from the 21-29 age group, unfortunately proving that many of today's young people are coming to feel that gove rnment is irrelevant", Jesse Unruh told an audience of 400 Friday night in the Dome. "A career in government today ranks among the least desirable to college graduates, because they don't feel opportunities are provided which use their education and talents to the best advantage", he said . "And, worst of all, government is unresponsive ." A member of the California Assembly since 19 54, Unruh served as Speaker

from 1961 until last November when he was ousted following loss of the majority by Assembly Democrats. "Our conce rn should not be that an effort is being made in government, but for the quality of that effort", he said. He cited the fact that many state legislators spend much of their time on "case work" help fo r constitue nts in instances where the proper agencies have been ineffective. "The physical sciences are outdistancing the social sciences today because we have removed the heresy and limitations once placed upon them," Unruh stated. "It is sad to note that, in spite of the new facts that have come to light in the social sciences, we r efuse to yield our

Dean of Adult Instruction Theodore Kilm an and Dr. Frederi ck Huber, president of Palomar view Jesse Unruh as

he answers a question from the audience following prepared remarks during a speech Friday night.

New English course for spring to deal with motion pictures Looking for a differe nt and exciting course for the coming semester? Go to the movies. Pending board approval today, E nglish 33, The Flim as Graphic Art, will be a dded to the curriculum for the spring semester here. Incorporating Palomar's highly acc laimed film series , the three-unit course will atte mpt to supply students with the critical skills necessary for an intellegent appreciation of t he motion picture as a fo rm of art. Mr. Richard Peacock, instructor of the course, said that the class will view a different film every other week. In the a lternate week the c lass will discuss what they have seen with the accent on such aspects as theme, characterization and visual beauty. Movies already scheduled in the series are "This Sporting Life", "The Kitchen" , "Come Back Africa", "Grand Illusion", "The Entertainer", and "The Mark" with two more titles to be added for the month of May. Commenting on the avant-ga rde course, Mr. Peacock said, "This is a

very exciting direction that the colle ge is taking. The motion picture may well become one of the most significant andrelevant art forms of the last half of our century. "This is only the first in a series of four classes that will be offered in the film. Hopefully, these will generate a greater appreciation for the film and might even lead some to consider the motion picture as a major." Further, Mr. Peacock said that there was an obvious need for such courses in that there is more interest in the movies by the general public than the other visual or literary a rt fo rms but that the motion picture has long been ignored as a suitable area for academic study. Mr. Peacock said that the class should be fun and exciting but he emphasized that this will by no means be a snap course. The instructor pointed out that grades will be based on such mudane considerations as completion of assigned r eadings, outside research and writing assignments as well as class participation.

Choir to present festival The Palomar College concert choir and chamber singers will present a "Festival of Choral Music ," at 7:30 p.m. this Friday in the Student Union. The colle ge music department is dedicating the program to the city of

'Old Lady,' 'Telephone' well done; • twin bill program a pleasure to VIe W By Steven A. Krueger Last year, the theater arts department t r ied something new called "Mother Courage and He r Children". The play was different in language and idea, and not really very pleasant to view. This year, the theate r arts department again is trying something differe nt than anything done here before. This time, it is a double bill, two mini-musicals, pres ented on the same program and for the same price , and it is extremely pleas ant to view. "The Telephone " and "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals" are the two plays, and they are well worth the adm ission price . "The Telephone" takes place around the turn of the century in Paris. Young Ben, played by Don O'Rourke, is frus trated in his effort to propose to a beautiful Luci, played by Barbara Mayfield, by her te l ephone. Everytime the poor guy starts to tell her of hi s love, the phone rings and she is off on a trivial conversation with 1) a girl friend, 2) a disgruntled ex-boyfriend, and 3) another girlfriend. Finally Ben gives up and leaves, unnoticed by Luci as she is well stuck on the telephone. Ben tries one last effort, though, and calls her to propose. She a ccepts, and they s ing on, to where he must go to catc h a train. She stops him. She asks him to remember something of her's while he is away . Her lips? Her hands? Her eyes? No, her telephone num ber! The set for both "The Telephone" and "The Old Lady" were d.esigned by Norman Gaskins, technical director of the drama department and constructed by the stagecraft class . Both productions were directed by students. Miss Mayfield, beautiful Luci in the production, has a beautiful, full , clear singing voice. She sings in the best operatic style for this musical, which is a

m1m-opera with no spoken _lines. Don O'Rourke began his first scene last Wednesday a little nervously, but he firmed up and demonstrated his excell ent voice as the 25 minute production continued . "The Telephone" is a delightful event to prelude the main fa r e, "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals." After a brief intermission, the first thing most spectators will notice is a huge set where before had been a plywood wall. This is the set of the World War I musical-comedy- tragedy. Mr. Gaskins designed a tremendous set , authentic and realistic. If it looks fam iliar, it is because it is the platform of the l ast play, "The Shrike". All the costumes in "The Old Lady" were made by students, wi th the lone exception being the authentic "Black Watch" uniform of the soldier. This was rented from a commercial establishment. When the lights come on, you may have to remind yourself that the actresses are 18 to 20 year old students only made up to look like aging scrubwomen. Jim Southers stars as the brave soldier from the trenches. Chloe Damus is Mrs. Dowey. Other players include Steff Sarph, Jeanette Des Ermia, and Jonellen Goddard, as scrubwomen and Larry Whitten as Rev. Wilkenson. The play opens with four scrub women seated around a table enjoying tea, disc uss ing their sons away in the a rm y. They each play upon the role of each of their son's regiments. One lauds the trench fighters, another the air force , another the RHA, and Mrs. Doweyproudly c laims the "Black Watch" r egiment as her own. The "Black Watch" regiment is one of the most famous Scottish "kiltie" regiments in history, from Wate rloo to India, through both World Wars. Suddenly the Rev. Wilkenson interrupts them and tells Mrs. Dowey that her son is upstairs. She shudders, and we find out that she has "adopted" the

trooper from a newspaper photo showing a group of kilties. The soldier enters, all six foot four inches of him, and confronts the scrub women. Anyway, the play continues and the woman and trooper eventually grow in friendship until the day he is to leave. Then he asks to be her son. She agr ees a nd, fo lks, there isn't a dry eye in the place when he l eaves fo r the front. It isn't often that sophisticated college students can be driven to tears, but thi s scene does it to many girls and more then one male in the audience. "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals" is just about the best dramatic ve nture yet undertaken by the theater arts department. Special credit should and must go to those in c harge of make- up for the scrub women. Their work shows in the old, gnarled faces of the young girls playing the old hags . Students were the drivi ng force behind both plays. Dave Jones and John Rabe, ·members of the stagecraft class, were technical directors for "The Old Lady". Greg Krueger was construction supervisor and technical director of "The Telephone". Sylvia Olcott and Belta Felgen are in charge of costumes and props, with Michael O'Rand the designer of the lighting for "The Old Lady" staging. Lighting was hung by Jeff Chamberlin and Gregg Slivikoff. The most unsung heros of both productions will be the two pianists who accompany the production. Sue Mayfield plays the constant music of "The Telephone" (flawless ly) and Orv Harris, complete with his own resplendent entrance and final bow, played the catchy and melancholy tunes of "The Old Lady" . Curtain is at 8 p.m. tomorrow night a nd Thursday, with the concluding performance Saturday night. If the word gets out that this fine show is at Palomar, it might be wise to call for reservations. Prices are $.50 for student body card holders and $1.50 for the others.


San Diego in honor of its 200th anniversary observance. In portions of the program the choir will be accompani ed by a 28-piece orchestra composed of musicians from the Musicians Association of San Diego, many of whom are members of the San Diego Symphony. The orchestra will have Dr. Robert Emile as its concertmaster, Dr. Emile is an instructorin music at Grossmont College and also the concertmaster for the San Diego Symphony Orchestra. Joe Stanford , director, said the c horus will include members of both the concert choir and chamber singers . F ran z Joseph Haydn's "Te Deum" will be the major choral production with both the concert choir and the chamber singers combined. The program will also includ e: Mozart's "Regina Coeli ", and Daniel Pinkham's "Christmas Cantata". Shorter works representing the various styl es in t he history of music will be presented. The concert will have a special admission price of $1 for students and military personnel. General public admission is $1.50 and rese rved seats are $2.

traditions ,become flexible or try to communicate." Unruh said that he does not understand the opposition to lowering the voting age to 18. Only 4.8 pe rcent of the population in California is in the 18- 21 age group a nd "even if they were all radicals , although polls show them politically e quall y divided with the rest of the population, we needn't i;>tand in fear of an immediate r evolution. "We have an obligation to show an act of good faith in our young people by opening the decision- making processes to them, he said. "Most of the great enthusiasm shown in the McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy campaigns last year came from young people who could not vote, but they proved to the mselves and the nation that they do have a voice which can be heard politically." In referring to allocation of state funds to projects which he considers less important than education, Unruh said he thinks "our sense of priority is very much 'out of whack'". "For example , we spend 18 million dollars on a new state fair this year which lost money , while denying funds for construction of additional classrooms for state colleges and universities. "We also refused two million dollars to provide counsellors in the State Dept. of Employment to help secure summer jobs for students who want to work. We tell our kids to stand on their own two feet and not ask for handouts, and then do not do our part to he lp provide jobs." He also cited 20 million dollars that g_oes annually for agricultural research, "the only industry I know of that gets this indirect subsidy", while 14 million was refused to provide for additional readi ng teachers. Asked to summarize the Reagan administration in the question-and-answer period following his talk, Unruh said it is a "crisis administration" that has a hands-off policy of responding to crises rather than anticipating them. "There have been many worthwhile bills passed during the administration, particularly the one on mental health, which provides a model for the nation, but nothing constructive has been done in the fie ld of education," Unruh said. He said he would "just once like to hear a constructive word about present conditions in the field of education" fro m the administration. "They criticize the situation but do nothing to improve it., Unruh said he will continueto support passage of a Summer Youth Work Program Bill . The last bill came toolate in the summer to be really effective, he said, and when it did finally r each the governor it was vetoed. "I am deadly serious about the importance of thi s bill and will do everything in my power to see it passed," he said . Unruh's lecture on "Politic s in Educatiun" was one of ten in the 1968- 69 ·Palomar College Community Lecture Series. The next speaker will be anthropologist L. S. Leakey on Feb. 4. His topic is "What Is Man: How Did We Come To Be What We Are?"

Unruh not happy 1n minority role, may be be number two in '72 By Steven A. Krueger What may have been the first political Unruh made concerning his own political endorsement and glimpse into the future future, would lead one to believe that Unruh might have higher ambitions than in the 1972 Presidential race was made here Friday night by deposed assembly the state house. speaker Jesse Unruh. It isn't any secret that "Big Daddy" Unruh, in reply to a question by a will, in all likelihood , challenge Ronald TELESCOPE reporter, s aid that he was Reagan for the governorship in 1970 .. If not in a position to either "advise or he should win, he would be a maJor discourage" Edward Ke nnedy from contender for the Vice- Presidential nod enteri ng t he 1972 race for President. from Kennedy. Unruh played a major Unruh el aborated , saying, that it seems role in the successful campaign of John much more evident that Kennedy will try Kennedy, and his role with Robert for t he Presidency after his successful Ke nned y c ontinued through the police car bid to depose Senate Ma jority Whip ride with Sirhan Sirhan . Richard Long from his long held post as Edward Kennedy could pick a worse number two Democrat in the Senate. running mate. As governor of the most The Kennedy family, said Unruh, popular and richest state in the Union, "seems almost immune to the tragedy and Unruh would be a major influence in hardships they have incurred through the national politics . As minority leader in past five years." the s tate assembly, however, he would "He will be a candidate for any office have little voice on national issues. he feels to be of importance to the So the people of California should nation," said the man known for years as watch Jesse "Big Daddy" Unruh. He has "Big Daddy" , partially because of his ambition and he is relatively young, only rotund physique and partially because of 46. the massive power he wields in the Jesse Unruh wants more than to be State capital. minority assembly leader. This remark, coupled with others



Editor casts jaundiced eye

It was a mediocre year By Steven A. Krueger The school year of fall, 1968 is just The next student government should act about over. We begin final examinations on several ' major problems besides a week from tomorrow, and new ASB apathy, however. officers will soon be elected. First, they should investigate ways to This year, despite a great deal of spread the responsibility around, such as personality clashing, has been a modpassing a. simple rule--no member of erately successful one for Kim Clark and student government may hold more than the other officers of student govern-, one post in the student government, club ment. For those who would doubt the presidencies, or ICC. Further, no stueffectiveness of the student regime this dent government member may parfall, let us review their accomplishticipate on more than two committees ments. during his reign in office. Palomar now has a free speech area, This would prevent the complaint that something that Berkleyites staged extenthe same people run everything. This is sive demonstrations for several years the major complaint which brought about ago. Few speakers have bothered to use the defeat of the student court in the student evaluation. If it could be assured the free speech forum since it's legalization months ago, however. that there would be different people on the court than those who are involved in A new controversial speaker policy everything, then this columnist would is being written, partially by the faculty willingly support the court idea. senate's committee and partially by Secondly, the student government members of the stud ent government. The should try to bring more guest speakers ASB's version is done and has been subonto the campus. These guest speakers mitted to the ad hoc committee establishwould not have to be of the national stature ed by the Faculty Senate. of Jesse Unruh or Art Hoppe. For inKim Clark and his small band of ASB warriors started something new this stance, Vista has an anti-hippy law. year, a program evaluation by the stuWhy not ask the mayor of Vista to come dents. This isn't completely tallied as to the campus some day during college hour to explain it? of this writing, but it's results should give the next student government someCertain clubs, mainly Newman and thing to work by . Further, suggestions Behavioral Science, have done this type written by many students about certain of thing recently. The crowds drawn to departments and programs will be forhear these speakers far overshadow warded to those departments for action. those who attend most ASB affairs. Some suggestions have been made to Thirdly, the new student government THE TELESCOPE staff and they will should investigate and act . to establish be acted upon next semester. more parking on the campus. Further, Yes, the ASB student government has representatives of student government done some good. The next student govshould ask the city fathers of San Marernment will have to strive to do more, cos to widen Mission road and set aside however. They should not be allowed to a long left turn lane to ease traffic sit on their hands and do nothing as problems. some past governments have done. The Inter-Club Council next semester Acting upon the mandate of the stushould forget Club Week as it was predents, the evaluation, they should cut the sented this year. Students don't seem budget where it is required and increase to care about tricycle races, etc ., anyit where it is needed. more. Programs of modern music, pot The next student government will face a ery shows, chalk-ins, guest speakers, perennial problem of Palomar student etc., seem to stir more student interest. governments--student apathy. This stuIf student involvement is the key, then the ICC should try some of these. I dent government failed to achieve any think they would have more success. substantial gains in the battle for stuIt hasn't been a "very good year" for dent interest. The next one probably student government, but it hasn't been all will have no better luck, but it must try bad either. We can hope that next semagain. Someday, a way will be found to ester will be the one we can call a truly stimulate stud ent interest back to events successful year for student government. in college.


News At A Glance

Yesterday marked the beginning of ASB Campaign Week as eight students launched their own brand of spring offensive on twelve seats in the student government here. Offices on the line include ASB President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and eight Representatives-atLarge. Declared candidates as of this writing are, for President, Jim Strain and Lloyd Walker; for Vice President, Ken Bowers and James Vaught; for Secretary, Judy Andrykowski; and for Treasurer, D. Jess Ashcraft and Patricia Smith. Running for Representative- at- Large are Cindy Morris, Roger Scalice, Karen Schmidt, Cathy Smuck, and Catherine Widrig. Interested students have until 3 p.m. today to sign up for any of the above offices. The deadline, originally set for yesterday, was extended to give more students a chance to apply, especially for the representative posts since, at present, all of those now running are certain of election due to lack of competition. An assembly will r held on Friday to introduce the cand1Jates to the student body and to give those running a chance to explain their programs and platforms. The election will take place on Monday from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m. with polls located in the usual places.

* * * Weekly classes in portrait painting will be offered by Palomar College on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 in the recreation center of Lake San Marcos, beginning Feb. 6. Mrs. Fern Slevin, professional portrait artist, who is teaching art in San Diego adult schools, will be the instructor. She has recently opened a studio in San Marcos. "The course will include basic color handling and composition of portraits and will use live models," according to Theodore Kilman, dean of adult education. "Techniques of painting from photographs will also be included." The instructor was for many years a commercial artist working for Cowles Publications in Spokane as an illustrator and cover artist, and for adverting films in that area. Registration will be taken at the opening session of the class. There will be a fee of $10.


Led by Jack Murphy and Roger Scali.ce, Palomar's forensics team captured first runner's-up trophy at the recent Matador Invitational Meet held at Arizona Western College at Yuma, Arizona, The t eam swept all individual awards at the tourney. In addition to leading the individual events, Murphy and teammates Gil Hain won first place in the upper division debate class while Scalice and Hank Pinto were doing the same in the lower division debate class. Murphy and Scalice also won first place awards in radio announcing. Jan Glasgow and Mrs. Jane Jackson combined to win first and third place respectively in the extemporaneous speaking class. Cathy Widrig completed Palomar's sweep by winning the top trophy in the persuasive speaking class. Northern Arizona University won the sweepstakes trophy, narrowly edging out the speakers from Palomar.

Hinduism, Zen courses offered Experimental non-credit courses in Hinduism and Zen Buddhism will be offered during the Spring semester. The course in Hinduism will be an introductory course into the Hindu concept of Self and the Universe as these relate to contemporary western man. The course will includ e such concepts as: God and Creation, Soul, Hindu e thics; and the four spiritual disciplines (Yoga). Mr. Wade Snyder will be the coordinator of the course which will be held Tuesday and Thursday. at 11 a.m. in room LS-16. The Zen Buddhism course will consist of a seminar study in .the contrasts between Zen intuition or non-logic and Western dualistic logic (the two "lifeviews"). The coordinator is Mr. Leo Ward. The Seminars will take place Monday and Wednesday at 11 a .m. in room P-7. Those who are interested in these courses, registration will be conducted Wednesday and Friday of this week. The registration table will be set up in the cafeteria at 11 a.m. Courses are being sponsored by the Behavioral Science Group.

By Steve Schneider

Currently showing in the Dwight Boehm gallery are the works of San Diego sculptor John Rogers . This work is typical of Mr. Roger's style. Girl in background

is not part of exhibit. Gallery is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, to 4:30 Friday, and 10a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday. There is no admission fee.

Focus staff presents diverse collection of writing, artwork Focusing on such diverse subjects as religion and pot., the spring issue of FOCUS, the campus feature magazine, is fast nearing completion. Under the ':iirection of editor, Cece McPherson, the staff of twenty students has produced a thirty p::tge extravaganza that is due to come out before the end of the semester. This semester's FOCUS staff was made up of students with a great variety of interests, and those interests are reflected in the wide variety of features in the magazine. The staff of writers, artists, photographers, and graphic arts people expressed themselves in their stories. and artwork contributions were also made by students not on the staff. "The Mad Squad" is the most satirical. article in the magazine, and concerns the adventures of three innocent, but misunderstood do-gooders lost in the big, bad society. "One thing we did different this semester was we gave artists more free reign and as a result the overall design will be better," Miss McPherson said. As an example of this free-reign of artistic ability, the FOCUS presents "La Torre De Bloques", a pictu r e-story

on Rick Cole's sculpture. The cover of FOCUS is yet another artistic endeavor accomplished by the staff. The tri-color design "is quite sophisticated," Miss McPherson said. "We've avoided the current trend to be psychedelic and have produced a cover that shows the exciting times we're going through. Not only is it a nice design, but it relates to the contents without direct refere nce." FOCUS looks at the phases that have developed in religion in "Is not Religion All Deeds?" The complexities of Christianity and a short explaination of mystecism are discussed . "It was hard to keep personal opinion out of something that meant so much to us," Miss McPherson explained. In an attempt to explain the purpose of FOCUS, Miss McPherson said, "FOCUS is different from TELESCOPE in that its aim is to look at campus life and find things that would lead to creativity. "Our purpose is to raise the intellectual level of the campus." Miss McPherson explained. "Its questionable whether we have achieved this purpose, but we have made an attempt to look at the phases college students are going through."

ILEITERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Regarding the semantics of your announcement in the December 17 issue, "Due to the birth of an obsure figure almost 2000 yea rs ago. . . ", there was and is nothing obscure about Jesus Christ. There was and is nothing obscure about the person of Jesus, who was God in the form of Man, who was of humble birth, never was mate rially wealthy, never held public office, and nearly 2000 years after his birth has a fo llowi ng of 9 00 million. Arnold Toynbee, the most eminent historian of our day, has given more space to Jesus of Nazareth than to any others ix great me n who have ever lived , among whom are included: Mohammed, Buddha, caesar, Napoleon and George Washington . I would venture to add, that to point out to an intelligent being the mere fact that our calendar dates from his birth would discredit a label of obscure. Gregory B. Arnold D 2130 Pres ident, Campus Crusade

* * * Dear Ed itor, As chairman of the Faculty Senate committee on speaker policy, I welcome student initiative participation in this matter. I have no intention of formulating a policy opposed by the ASB council. One issue in the council revision which seemed to require clarification has been discussed with Mr. Clark and other members of the council. I believe the Council will agree with our conclusions in thi s area. If the committee, the Senate , the Administrative Council, or the Board

of Governors initiate changes in the policy, I will see that the student council has a chance to respond before the changes are enac ted . Gene Jackson Chairman, Faculty Senate ad hoc Comm ittee on Speake r Policy

* * * Dear Editor, The Classified Staff of Palomar College has attended the Planetarium Christmas Show, the beautiful musical presentation, heard the carolers, and been inspired and strengthened by each group that has given us gifts of some of the true Christmas spirit. We are saddened and depressed to pick up the Telescope and find the announcement of Christmas vacation mad e in suc h a flip, satiristic way in the center of the front page. Christ was never an obscure figure. Christmas is still Christ's birthday. Surely the students who would so refer to this glorious celebration are in the minority--surely we are surround ed by much greater numbe r of them who would celebrate His birthday in humble gratitude. Cannot we hear from some of them? Elvera D. Bailey Ola Bradford Helen Wood Ruth M. Serr Doris L. He ndren Elsie McNabb Gretchen Miham Marjorie McGhee Jeanette Lorenzen Lou Burnett Margaret Parry Marilee F. Barth Maude Perkins Jane Malton Jay Day Lucille England Judy Duncan Virginia Wiggenjost Elaine Cassidy Mary Soncront JaDene Dugas Beulah Wood Betty Smith

Next Monday students of this college will be voting on who they wish to be the leaders of student government for next semester. Most students, however, do not really care who is running. In fact, most students do not care if anyone is running. On this campus, there are four legislative bodies. The most powerful of which is the Palomar College Board of Governors. Next in the power line is the Administrative Counci l, then the Faculty Senate and last and probably least, Student Government. Yet in reading this newspaper students probably notice that of all the different legislative bodies Student Government probably gets the most coverage . Why? This newspaper is a student newspaper. Therefore, it is supposed to report on all of the different games students of this campus play. Student government seems to be one of the biggest games (besides football) that students play. Student government has no autonomy from the administration on junior college campuses. The education code under sections 10701 through 10705 is very specific in outlining the limitations of power for student government. The governing board can even disenfranchise student government if they so desire. Student government has no official power other than to act as a channel of communication between the students and the administration. It's very sad that they cannot even do this. Student government this semester seems to be working under the assumption that they can actually pass legislation. Actually, their sole power is advisory, due to the fact that their power is checked by other legislative bodies on campus. But the game goes on. Students go out and sign up for the various elective positions. They then proceed to the campaign trail, whereupon they rack their brain in order to come up with some type of platform. More student power! A bigger ASB Bookstore. More money for athletics! Each semester it's the same trash. Insane! The students even get to make speeches which gives them a chance to get their fellow students emotional over the problems of student government. Insane ! Hidden artistic talents are exposed when the student governmental hopefuls attempt to paint their campaign signs. In fact, student governmental hopefuls even attempt to act friendly to their fellow students in order to "get votes". Insane! Election time comes and the best people win? The victors are usually the people with the nicest smiles and the most pleasing personality and often the ones that said the least in their platform. Insane! If you like games like Monopoly or Life, the n maybe you should try ASB. But as for me, I'm fed up with games and therefore I will not vote for any candidate who doesn't have the guts to stand up and say something relevant to life itself. Perhaps this means that I will not vote on election day.

T ETELESCOPE Published Tuesday and Friday of each school week, except during final examinations or holidays, by the Communications Deps r tment of Palomar College, San Marcos, Calif., 92069. Phone: 7441150, Ext. 40. Adve rtising rates are $1.50 per column inch. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, views of the Associated Student Body Council, college administration, or the Board of Governors. The TELESCOPE invites responsible "guest editorials" or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author, including I. D. number. Names will be withheld upon request. Letters · may be submitted to the TELESCOPE editorial office, R-1. Editor-in-Chief . . . .. Steve Schneider Page I, Tuesday . . . . . Steve Krueger Page 2, Tuesday . . .. Jackie Easley Page 1, Friday . . . . . . . . . . Jan Hart Tom Anderson Page 2, Friday . . . . . . . . Chris Read Assistant . . . . . . . . .. Jim Strain Exchange Editor Lois Cavalier Advertisements . . . . Starr Bennett Staff Artist . . . . . . . . Joe Warren Photographers . . . . . David Williams, Ted Karounos, Betty Geiser, Edward Means, Roger Stovold · Journalism Advisor ... . Fred Wilhelm' Photography Advisor ... Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor •. James McNutt

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