ETELESC Palomar College · Vol'lme 23 Number 1
· A Publication of the Associated Students
'Social Evolution- Not , Social Revolution ... P.y Jackie Easley Dr. Frederick Huber, Palomar College president, made his own personal plea for better understanding and com-
10 Teachers Join Fall Staff
The above scenes show the internal and external congestion of the campus, both
on the way to the college and outside the bookstore and snack bar entrance.
Student Day Enrollment Meets College Capacity A record enrollment of 2758 daytime students has put the college at full capacity. Dr. Frederick Huber, president said, "Right now what we need are some specialized facilities for para-medical, auto shop and a swimming pool," He went on to say that an even greater problem is that there is not sufficient funds to pay the needed instructors. In reference to the classroom situation he commented, "All are full and some are overcrowded." All classrooms are not being used all day according to Huber, but there are not enough instructors to staff them. Dr. Huber blamed the lack of required state funds as the cause of the problem, adding that Palomar wasn't getting its fair share of the funds. He said normally a junior college would be financed from 40% to 45% by state funds. At this time Palomar is receiving only 22% in state funds. According to him the college would have no financial problems if the full financial support of the state was received. Mr. Robert L. Burton, dean of student personnel, says the school is at capacity with a total enrollment of 5,280 students, including adult education. Parking is turning into a problem on campus with cars crammed in nearly
every available space. Burton said that the ten-year master plan of the college allows for additional parking, if available funds make it possible. THE TELESCOPE interviewed Mr. William Bedford of the engineering department to find out the situation in the classroom. Bedford said, "My chemistry 10 class is the largest class I have ever had. My physical science class has two more people than there are chairs in the room. I am not complaining about this, I encouraged them to come in. It's just that there are lots of students who need to take classes." Long lines of students wishing to enter additional classes have existed in the admissions office all week.
Alpha Gamma Sigma Holds Future Picnic Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold a getacquainted picnic Saturday, Sept. 27, at ll a.m. at Felicita Park in Escondido. Honor society members will be given free hamburgers while the charge for guests is 50 cents. Additional information may be obtained from Steve Hinthorne in Room E-20.
Eight Noted Speakers Highlight Series By Lois Cavalier Community Service presentations scheduled for 1969-70 include eight noted speakers, art exhibits in varied media, music recitals, weekly planetarium lectures and five special adult education classes. Humorist Richard Armour will discuss "My Life With Women" Sept. 30 in the first of a series by noted lecturers from a wide variety of fields. Other speakers are Group Dynamics creator Richard Farson, author Ray Bradbury, educator Julian Nava, comedian and civil rights leader Dick Gregory, historian Dr. Clinton Rossiterandphotographer Ansel Adams. Lectures by Madame Rajan Nehru of India and the replacement for the late Drew Pearson, to be !ltlilounced later, will be joint MiraCosta-Palomar programs. Also appearing as part of the series are the Folklorico Chorus of Mexico and Margalit Oved, principal dancer of Is-
San Marcos , Calif.
ASB Cardholders to Appear Before Student Council Five ASB cardholders will appear before the ASB Council Monday at 11 a.m. to ask for refunds of their card fees . According to Council President Frank Mott, refunds may only be given if a student withdraws from all of his classes. The council may elect however, to waive the ruling. The recent controversy over ASB Cards dates back to last spring when a proposal by former Council President Lloyd Walker, raising card fees fro111 $15 to $20, was accepted by the council in one meeting. The following night Walker took the matter to the Board of Governors where it met with their approval. Students unhappy with the new ruling, headed by SDS organizer Neil Hoffman, circulated a petition calling for a consensus vote on the increase. More than 300 students signed the petition--well over the number of students who voted in the last two council elections. The council's Elections and Credentials Committee turned do\Vn the request for a new election on the grounds that the petition had asked for a consensus vote and not a recall. Tempers simmered until earlier this month when first day registrants, wishing not to buy an activity card, were re-assigned registration priority dates and told to return on September 12--the final day of registration. The following day campus officials rescinded the ruling with the stipulation that non-purchasers must ~et an "excuse" from Deans Robert Bowman or Robert Burton. "This was the policy throughout the rest of registration," said Mott. Evidently, there were a great deal of students, mainly transfers and incoming freshmen who were not aware of the requirements or alternatives of purchasing an ASB card. The qouncil did a commendable job of explaining the benefits and disadvantages of having as ASB card but failed to mention the fact that ASB cards are not mandatory on this campus. Many students thought that registration was unorganized and complained that the persons handling the registration desks, particularly those who collected fees, were not informed of information regarding registration and often times gave out mis-information. Whether the ASB card becomes mandatory on the Palomar campus remains to be seen. The ASB, as usual, needs the money desperately to offset the cost of the lengthy list of ASB-orientated activities a,nd obligations. It is expected that a heated debate will come ,up over the question, if and when it comes up before the council. Mott believes the · card is worth the $20. "If a student attends and participates in all ASB sponsored activities the card is worth about $55. Even if he attended only half the activites he would be getting his money's worth," Mott said. "The ASB card conflict at registration was an unfortunate situation," said Mott. "It made for bad publicity for the ASB and it is possible that the September 12 priority date change could have effected someones's schedule---someone's education. The most unfortunate thing, however, is that the whole procedure could have been avoided with more effort and more organization."
Sept. 19, 1969
rael's Inbal Dance -Theatre and presently a member of the UCLA dance department. An exhibit of recent art works by members of the art department faculty opens Tuesday in the Boehm Gallery. Exhibitors are Rita White, John Barlow, Russell Baldwin, Harry Bliss, Val Sanders and James Hulbert. Among exhibits planned for the school year by gallery director Bliss, "An Environment," which is a "sight, sound and sensation" experience, an invitational group painting show, an open drawing, print and small sculpture competition, a crafts and stitchery exhibit, and the annual student art show and sale. Organists to be presented in recitals by the music department are Mrs. Emilie I. Sinz and Howard Don Small. Mrs. Sinz, a music teacher who has served as organist for local churches, will perform Nov. 15. Small, who has given recitals tlll!oughout the ·area and is active
with the American Guild of Organists, will appear Feb. 16. Planetarium shows are held weekly with the subject matter changed each month. Performances are at 7:15p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. The topic for September is • Under Southern Skies." In addition to regularly scheduled adult education classes, five special courses are offered this semester. They include "The Horse in North County", "AfroAmerican History", • A Western Approach to Meditation", "Modern Memory Training" and "Teacher Aides in the Classroom". Further information and meeting places and times for these classes may be obtained from the Schedule of Classes and the Admissions Office. Robert E. Bowman, assistant dean of student personnel and activities, is in charge of the Community Service program in the absence of dean Theodore Kilman, who is on sabbatical leave.
munication when he addressed a scattered crowd of students in the Dome Wednesday. President Huber began his address by inviting the students sitting' in the bleachers to join those seated on the floor. A few students responded, and Huber went on with a message that was highlighted by a plea for personto-person communication on the Palomar campus and "social evolution" rather than social revolution. "In 1969 it is a dangerous job for the president of a college to take on. As I stand before you, in suit and tie and vest, I see students ln various clothes, both boys and girls, and different lengths of hair, both boys and girls. Just for a while, I want you to think in terms of the fact that there is no generation gap. You have your thing and I have my thing. You have your bag and I have mine," Huber said. Huber stated that we are on the brink of the "now" generation and that the current social revolution is a protest against the dehumanization of man in the mass society, a protest against man becoming unfeeling and insensitive.
Ten new teachers are on campus for the fall semester. Mr. Andrew Gilmore replaces Mr. Joseph Brennan in the physical education department. Mr. Gilmore received his Master's degree from California State at Los Angeles in 1967. He comes to Palomar from Pasadena City College where he taught P.E. and health education. Mr. Paul Jacques joins the Foreign Language Department, replacing Dr. Dan Pratola, who is on a one year sabbatical. Mr. Jacques received his M.A. from San Diego State in 1968 and has been teaching Spanish at the Army-Navy Academy in Carlsbad. The business department welcomes Mr. Brian Michaelson, who will be teaching data processing. Mr. Michaelson graduated from California State at Long Beach with an M.B.A. degree in 1969. He taught in the business department at Cal State and at Ohio University as a student assistant. Mrs. Bonnie Smith joins the library staff as a replacement for Mrs. Judith Branscom. Mrs. Smith received her M.L.S. from the University of Maryland in 1967. She was reference librarian at USIU and librarian-cataloger at the US Naval War College in Rhode Island. The history department is joined by Mr. John Tanner, who received his M.A. from Claremont Graduate School in 1968 and has been in the Ph.D. program there, working as a research assistant. Mr. Timothy Ulman, replacing Mr. Adolph Heyne in the foreign language department, will teach German. Mr. Ulman\ holds an M.A. degree from UCLA and taught German at the University from 1964 until 1968. Mr. James Wood will teach physics this semester. He was an engineer at McDannel Douglas Corp. and Jet Propulsion Lab from 1965 until 1967 and received his M.S. from California State College at Los Angeles in 1969. Mrs. Betty Webb, who took over Miss Barbara Corcoran's classes during last semester, will remain with the English department. Mrs. Webb has been working on a Ph.D. at UCSD. Miss Corcoran, because of illness, will not return to Palomar this semester. Also new in the English department is Mrs. Ellen Wright who taught technical writing at Scripps Research Institute and at Stanford University. She received her M.A. from San Diego State in 1964 and from Stanford University in 1965. Mr. Benedict McCormick, who taught summer school at Palomar, will return this semester to teach English in the evening classes. Mr. McCormick received his M.A. from the University of Notre Dame in 1960 and has been teaching at San Luis Rey College.
"They say this is the Age of Aquarius, and that great things are to happen. If we can find the essence of each other, than truly this Age of Aquarius will be one in which the sun will shine," he said.
Students attending the President's Convocation Wednesday heard Dr. Fred-·
erick R. Huber make a plea for better communication and understllnding.
"The university campus is the focal point of the current revolution. The sooner those involved in education realize what is happening, the quicker we can help you resolve the problems. "People are crying out in anquish because of their protest of the technical machine, the military machine, the political machine, and the ecclesiastical machine. We---those who represent the establishment---we have not recognized that members of this group are much more unique, much more sensitive about civil rights . . . they want to be a tool of social justice. "How do you bring about a revolution? We want to feel that it is more of an evolution---something comes out of it. Then there is more of an opportunity for more people to be involved. Revolution can involve only a small minority. Society can afford an agressive minority, but they don't want the majority to default." Huber is convinced that students and faculty should use methods of inquiry to get to know the individual person. In order to accomplish this, we must take time. "Time is where you see the individual. If you don't get to the essence, you're hearing, not listening. "You all know .what a myth is. There are traditional myths. You may have thought of them as fairy tales---but they are beliefs. I suggest, in achieving social evolution, that you create a myth. ' Look into yourself---this is what it is all about. The myth you create in 1969 is yourself, and puts you in touch with human potential." In conclusion, Huber expressed the hope that the students at Palomar can help to resolve some of the conflicts, and can in part be reclaimers of man, communicating and relating---individual to individual.
Student Leaders Attend Confab Thirty-three students and several administrators attended the annual Leadership Conference held at Camp Palomar Sept. 8-10. At the Palomar Mountain retreat student leaders divided into several committees to discuss the coming year's activities. There were five different discussion groups involved in the conference. They were: ASB finances, Associated Women's Activities, Inter-Club Council and related activities, Guidelines for Communication and Student-Teacher Evaluation. Among topics of the discussions was a proposal to make three teachers "ombudsmen" for students. These represenfatives would act as a means ofcommunication between the students and faculty thus cutting down on some of the red tape now involved. An important recommendation coming out of the ASB finance discussion group was a proposal that the finance committee on the ASB council, which as of now is active only in the spring semester when drawing up the budget, be active throughout the year. The feeling of the group was that there should be fre-
Comet flanker Louie Ruiz hopes to continue this kind of running during the '69 season.
quent checks of the budget expenditures so that various areas of the budget won't be depleted too soon. Frank Mott, ASB presdient for the fall semester, felt that the conference this year was a success in all areas. "There were several good points coming out of all of the workshops this year. Especially from the Guidelines for Communication and ASB Finance workshops," Mott said. All recommendations drawn up in the various workshops will be presented to the ASB Council in their weekly meetings for action. A highlight of the conference was the after-dinner meeting on the second night which was attended by Dr. Frederick Huber, president of Palomar College, and all of the members of the Board of Governors.
THE TELESCOPE Published Tuesday and Friday of each school week, except during final examinations or holidays, by the Communications Department of Palomar College, San Marcos, Calif., "92069. Phone: 7441150, Ext. 40. Advertising rates are $1.50 per column inch. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, views of the Associated Student Body Council, college administration, or the Board of Governors. The TELESCOPE invites responsible "guest editorials" ·or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author, including I. D. number. Names will be withheld upon request. Letters · may be submitted to the TELESCOPE editorial office, R-4.
Comets Defeat MC Spartans; FALL SPORTS SCHEDULES FOOTBALL Battle SBCC Next Saturday Palomar College, richer than ever before in hefty linemen, launched its 1969 season last night against arch rival MiraCosta College. It was the 22nd meeting between the two North County junior colleges, which shaped up as a rough battle pitting the Comet's big linemen against the Spartan's fleet running backs and receivers. The Comets, who were bruised by San
Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 Oct. 24 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 21
Santa Barbara Hartnell Riverside Southwestern Grossmont Citrus Chaffee
Escondido There Escondido There Vista There There
8:00p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:00p.m.
San Bernardino
(Sat.) (Sat.) (Sat.) (Sat.) (Fri.) (Sat.) (Sat.) (Sat.) (Frt)
Palomar 6 MiraCosta 3 Diego City College in one scrimmage, then out-fought Santa Ana in another, will send an almost all-veteran offensive unit in against Santa Barbara c.c. Sept. 27. Sophomore JerryWard,injured against Santa Ana and still not back to normal, will open at quarterback with tailback Shuichi Konces, flanker Louie Ruiz, and Tony Letuligasenoa at fullback, rounding out the backfield. All but Letuligasenoa are returning sophomores. Palomar recorded a 7-2 win-loss balance last year, finishing second in the rugged Pacific Southwest Conference, renamed this season the Mission Conference. Lead by Mick Meek, 235 pound tackle, Palomar is expected by some to be the toughest in the league. Meek is the son of Mira Costa trainer Chester Meek. John Faires (235), Frank Barnhart(l96), Bob Munnich (191), and center Chuch Perkins (214) make up the front wall of muscle. On defense Palomar also has experience in Bob Waggoner (231), Dave Gibbs (241), and Steve Bryant (217). Freshman Stan Gida (227) from San Dieguito will also see action. In addition, Palomar has a good line backing corps of Rory Reeves (200), Dennis Melton (192), Jim Iveson (188) , and Vista's Gary Eaker (188). Eaker was the local Avocado League's
Comet Baseball Star Leads Rookie Loop Rich Zinninger, a Palomar graduate, led the Pioneer Rookie League in wins and complete games and was second in strikeouts according to the parent team, the San Diego Padres. Zinninger, who signed with the Padres this summer after college careers at Palomar and Brigham YoungUniversity, won 13 games this season for the Salt Lake Bees. The win total topped the league for the hard-throwing left hander from San Diegufto High. Zinninger was second in the · league in strikeouts with 164, and in earned run average with a 1.8 mark.
Editor-in-Chief.. . . . . . . . Chris Read Page I, Tuesday . . . .. Tom Anderson Page 2, Tuesday . . . . . Jackie Easley Page I, Friday ........ Marilyn Olson Sports Editor . . . . .. Jerry Nicholas Exchange Editor ... . .. Lois Cavalier Advertising Manager . . . Jan Hart Staff Artist . . . . . . John Spaulding Reporters . . . . . . . Steve Schneider, Martha Miller, Bill Grote, Larry Hendrick, Jim Strain Photographer . . . . . Ted Karounos Journalism Advisor. Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor . Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor .. . . Jim McNutt
Comet Jerry Ward opened at quarterback last night against the Spartans. lineman of the year in 1968. Other all-leaguers joining the Comet Roster are Roger Redding of Orange Glen, Rick Muren of Escondido, and Charles Szentisi of Poway. Transfer John Johnson of La Mirada High will start on the defensive line also. Coach Mack Wiebe has indicated that Palomar intends to play a ball control game stressing the strong line. Santa Barbara C.C. has replaced Glendale this year on the local schedule, with Hartnell taking Cypress' place. Returning league members are Grossmont, Southwestern, San Bernardino Valley, Riverside, Chaffey, and defendingchampion Citrus. Fourteen of last year's Palomar team received scholarships and are attending four-year schools.
Sept. 20
Long Beach
Fri. Fri.
Sept. 26 Oct. 3
Fri. Fri.
Oct. 10 Oct. 17
Fri. Fri.
Oct. 24 Oct. 31
Fri. Fri. Fri.
Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21
Nov. 29
Long Beach Invitationa l Citrus ChaffeyRiverside Grossmont San Bernardino Valley College Southwestern Mt. Sac Invitational Aztec Invitational Open Southern California Meet State Meet
Palomar Chaffey Palomar San Bernardino Palomar Mt. San Antonio College San Diego State
Ride Wanted
Ride wanted 8 a.m. daily to Palomar from Rancho Bernardo. Call Helen . 487-4500.
Drama Group Holds Auditions Auditions for Palomar's Theatre Arts first production ofthe year are being held this afternoon in the Drama Lab. "Rashomon," a dramatization of a Japanese classic, is slated to open in the lab October 30. There are six male roles and three female roles in the drama set in the ancient city of Kyoto, Japan. It is the story of murder and thievery in a forest near the city. The play revolves around the use of flashbacks to unveil four different accounts of the crime, leaving from a police court where the witnesses tell their stories to the forest where their view of the crime is acted out. The drama was written by Fay and Michael Kanin from a Japanese classic story by Akutagawa. dep~trtment's
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Draft Deferments Students who plan to apply for a student draft deferment must fill out the application form as soon as possible according to Mr. Robert L. Burton, dean of student personnel. The necessary form is available in the admissions office.
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