ETELESC Palomar College · Volume 24 Number 1
· A Publication of the Associated Students
selected as 'outstanding'
Dr. Frederick R. Huber addressed the Palomar College student body Friday at the annual president's convocation formally opening the 25th anniversary of the college.
Two members of the Palomar College faculty, Harold E. Cheyney, Jr., and Richard Norlin, have been selected for inclusion in the 1970 edition of "Outstanding Educators of America.''
Former Vice President Hubert Humphrey, who wrote the introductory message for the 1970 edition of the book, says the men and women included: "The greatest strength of any natfon is its human resources. These are the men and women who by their actions in the classroom today mold the course of history. Our hope---the nation's youth--- is in their hand. " The publisher's announcement said selection guidelines included an educator's talents in the classroom, contribution to research, administrative abilities and civic and professional recognition.
Seven awarded aid by Pabmar Patrons Seven students are currently attending Palomar with financial help from the Patrons of Palomar scholarship program. Scholarship awards of $100 were presented to Sze Kwan who is pursuing an engineering career, Jeannie Garwood who plans a career in speech therapy, and Danny Dorlaque who will pursue a career in accounting. They are all returning to Palomar as sophomores. Awards of $100 for Honors Day achievements were presented to Doug Gerhart for art, Janey Oertle for biological science, and James Sturges for physical science. Catherine Lewis received a $50 nursing scholarship. Three awards of S200 were given to sophomores going on to four year colleges. They are Catherine Widrig who will attend San Diego State, James Hallowes who is going to the Los An. geles Art Center, and Lee Ann Wilson who will also attend San Diego State.
CAMPUS CALENDAR TUESDAY, Sept. 22 Associated Men Students, ll a.m., F-2 3 Freshman Class, 11 a.m., 11-5 Associated Women Students, -1 p.m.,in the home of Dean \\'allace for dinner and workshop
Classes had started Monday and the president told the convocation assembly that the preliminary day enrollment count had reached 3,140 day students, a new high record. The attendance growth again emphasizes the urgent need for increased finances, he said, and pointed out that the state's share of the junior college operation is only 24 percent on the present financing basis. He noted the college was unable to add a single new facult y member this year , despite the enrollment increase. Students are shown during the book swap held last Wednesday and Thursday
while others wait in line to enter the bookstore. Photo by Larry McDaniel
Noted environmentalist • kicks off lecture ser1es
He called for a large body of student volunteers to "go out and ring doorbells" and talk to the district citizenship, as a way to counteract what he described as a current concept that "higher education, students, faculty and administration, are wasting time and money.'' "I would like for the public to know you," he said, "and find out from you at first hand what you believe in, what you think about the issues of today, and what you are doing here at Palomar. " Dr. Huber said "This has proved to be very effective in a number of colleges throughout the United States. I'll
"Pollution: The Problem and How to Fight It,'' will be noted environmentalist Dr. Norman K. Sanders' topic when he kicks off the Community Services lecture series this year October 13 at 8 p.m.
Lynn Cayce, columnist Russell Kirk, and Dianne Kennedy Pike, widow of Bishop James A. Pike. Mr. Cayce will speak at Palomar on December 10, Dr. Kirk on March 2, and Mrs. Pike on May 4.
Holder of two major National Science F oundation grants in the study of man and the oceans, Dr. Sanders has vast experience in environmental pollution, including the application of remote sensing techniques to the study of coastal processes and the problems of monitoring oil pollution in Southern California waters.
INews at a Glancel
Dr. Sanders is one in a series of four speakers, jointly sponsored by Palomar and MiraCosta colleges, who will speak on "Pollution, Population, Environment, and Man." Also included in that series will be Jane Goodall, Roger Conklin, and John Hessel. Speaking at Palomar on November 4, Miss Goodall, whose official title is Baroness Van Lawick Goodall, holds a doctorate from Cambridge, England, and is well-known in scientific circles for her work with wild chimpanzees. She began her work under Dr . Leakey's guidance and has since made an international reputation for herself. Roger Conklin, who will speak on March 26 at Palomar, is one of America's authorities on the world beneath the sea. As director of the Miami Seaquarium for over ten years, and a celebrated naturalist, he has traveled through the world exploring marine life from a submarine in the Caribbean to the airboats in the Florida Everglades . Speaking at MiraCosta on April 21, Dr. Hessel is a post-doctoral fellow at Stanford and has done vast research in ecology , predator-prey relationship a nd behavior, and the evolutionary effects of insects on plants. He will speak on the 'Population Bomb! Other speakers scheduled for the lecture series are well-known author Hugh
Are you a music lo ver? Do y ou play an instrument? If so, you are invited to be a member of the Palomar ::::ollege Band. Plans for th ia semester include a winter concert all:l appearances at the Comet football g! ,:; . Anyor!C lnterested should contact Mr. Livingston in C-34 or call 744-ll50 (Escondido), 727-7529 (Vista) Ext. 22.
Sign-up for Fall Intramurals will be held Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday accor:ling to Coach Marrin. Intramurals will begin on Tuesday, September 29 and be held every Tuesday and Thursday at ll a.m. The first sport to be played will be 3-man basketball to be played on half court. Coming later in the fall and early Spring will be volleyball, basketball (5-man, regulation), badminton, pingpong and softball. Any interested players should sign up in the Dome, or contact Coach Marrin, or Coach Curran.
Veteran's for Peace will hold an organizational meeting on Wednesday at 11 a .m. in P-ll. This gro'lP is designed for those men and women who have experienced the military and wish to find new approaches to the world situation.
. The Palomar College Community Symphony Orchestra, directed by Lois Miers of Escondido, is inviting musicians of the area to join the organization for the fall season.
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 23 Associated Women Students, ll a . m., F-22 Alpha Gamma Sigma, 11 a.m . , F-12 Campus Crusade, ll a.m., F-ll Varsity Club, ll a.m., 0-12 Planetarium Feature-"Birth and Death of a Star"- 7:15 and 8:30p.m. in the Planetarium Film- Dr. Caligari- 7 p.m., P-32
Mrs. Miers said, "We will welcome musicians of all ages and invite those interested to enroll in the orchestra. Classes will be held in Room C-6 at the college from 7 to 10 p.m. each Tuesday.'' The course title is "Student Community Symphony Orchestra," and musicians of high school ages are especially invited to enroll, the director said.
"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" will open the 1970 Fall Film Series tomorrow night at 7 p.m. in P-32. Of his impressions of the film. instructor Dick Peacock said, "It is one of the earliest, and maybe best examples of movies being used as an art form, instead of merely entertainment.' • The German film, which was directed by Robert Wiene in 19'20, is also set for viewing at 12:30 p.m. Thursday in P - 32. These films will follow "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari": "Potemkin" ,October 7' "M", October 21; "La Terra Trama", November 4; "Monika", No•1ember 18; "Yojimbo", December 2; "La Guerre Est Finie' ', December 16; and ''Poor Cow'', January 13. All students should make sure their cars are registered and display a parking sticker. Sheriffs began issuing tickets to improperly parked cars as of yesterday. An enrollment of 3,140 day students has been reported by Mr. Robert L. Burton, dean of student personnel. Enrollment has also reached a record high for evening classes at 1800. Registration for night classes is still open. "The only requirement for students wishing to enroll is that they are able to attend the second meeting of the class," said Dean Burton.
New singers announced
THURSDAY, Sept. 24 Inter-Club Council, ll a.m., R-3 Judicial Committee, ll a.m. , R- 5 FRIDAY, Sept. 25 International Club, ll a.m., B-1 Ski Club, ll a.m., F -ll Young Democrats, ll a.m., P-18 Young Republicans, ll a.m., R-5 Women's Recreation Assoc., ll a.m., 0-13 Cross Country, 4 p.m., Citrus SATURDAY, Sept. 26 Football- Santa Barbara, 8 p.m., There ASB Dance, 8:30 p.m., Dome
San Marcos , Calif.
Dr. Huber calls for 'task force'
Two teachers
They were nominated on the basis of, their professional and civic achievements, the book publishers announced, and for general leadership and excellence in education. Cheyney, science faculty member and instructor in medical assisting and zoology, joined the college in 1962. He holds a master's degree from Long Beach State College. Norlin, instructor in the English department, has been on the faculty since 1959. He received his bachelor degree from Drury College and his master's from Occidental College.
Sept. 22, 1970
Late registering students are shown waiting patiently in the never ending
lines at Station 6 in the counseling office last week. Larry McDaniel Photo
The Palomar College Chamber Singers have announced tre names of ten new members. They are Nikki Dean, Arch Ledbetter, Frank Hartley, Ron Vest, Leslie Stein, Marianne Nichols roy, Susan Harper, Laurie Green, Cass Smith, and Jill Moore. Ch:>mber Singers are a performing group '1f 20 singers involved in the performance -:-f music written for small ensemble. Membership in the group is open by audition. Tryouts were held during the first week of school. Returning members are Kathy Cloney, Sheran Gallipeau, Pat Larson, Linda Norman, Lee Thomas, Dave Tracy, Bruce Yudoff, and Laura Paterka.
accept volunteers beginning right now and we will - set up a series of orientation meetings and plan the 'Campaign Truth About Students'." In his address, titled "The Fragile Years," he said, "These years are precious to you. They need nurturing. They need care. They need attention. This is not an ordinary time that we live in. This society is beset by complexities, and you and your peers are discouraged and disillusioned and rightly so. The dilemma has reached the point now where extremism from both poles has entered the arena. "This is a period when we must look to ourselves for strength and wisdom to resolve man's inhumanity to man," he said. "I feel that I can justly ask you to seek more answers---maybe just the answer about your own life. 'Know thyself' is not a bad place to begin.'' Dr. Huber told the student body of the approaching date for the visit of the accreditation team which will study college operations in detail as the required step toward renewal of accreditation in the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. That organization, he explained, must approve accreditation for all colleges and universities. The nine-man accreditation team will be at the Palomar campus October 27, 28, and 29. Huber pointed out that on the last such occasion, in 1965, Palomar received the full five-year accreditation rating.
Planetarium show starts oH season with star series "Birth and Death of a Star" is the title of the planetarium presentation to be shown each Wednesday night in September. Free of charge , the programs, which change on the first Wednesday of each month, are shown at 7:15 p.m . and 8:30 p.m. and are open to the public. Dean Charles A. Coutts, planetarium director, Mr. Joseph P. Willis, assistant director, and Mr. Richard S. Noble alternate in the presentation of the programs, which are community sponsored and funded. Commenting on the programs, Noble said, "Being community funded, you wonder about the use of the planetarium. With the programs for school children, plus Wednesday nights, we've run approximately 65,000 people through there." Explaining that the Spitz projector used cost $30,000, Noble added, "It is used and appreciated by the people and that's what we want.'' ''Birth and Death of a Star'' traces the history of our sun from gas cloud to red giant to white dwarf, and will be followed in October by a presentation entitled "Myths and Monsters." The remaining Fall semester programs will include "Light and Color in the Sky," (November), "The Christmas Star," (December), "Keeping Time," (January), and "The P's and Q's of Unusual Stars," (February).
Dramatists hold tryouts for play "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller has been scheduled as the first fall production to be given by the Palomar College Drama department. Tryouts for the eight male roles and the five female roles will be held Thursday and Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. each day in the drama lab, P-33. Mr. Buddy Ashbrook, drama instructor, said that any student, regardless of classes being taken or major, is welcome to tryout. All people from the North County Community who are interested are also invited to tryout. Most rehearsals will be in the evenings, depending on the schedules of those cast. Rehearsals will begin September 29, and the six performances will be October 29, 30, 31, and November 5,6, and 7.
A worthwhile $15 investment Returning Palomar students will remember the controversy over ASB cards last fall. A false impression led many people to believe that an ASB card had to be purchased in order to register. This false impression resulted in many hassles and the ultimate result was that over 50 students had their $20 refunded. Other students, left clutching their ASB cards and little else, grumbled for the remainder of the year. Few people received $20 worth of use from their cards, which were good for voting purposes, free admission to home athletic activities, and $.50 discounts at dances. So, using experience gained, last spring's ASB council reduced the cards' price to $15, and started plans for a discount booklet that would accompany the ASB cards this fall. During the past summer your newly elected fall council members completed work on the coupon book, making it a reality. A coupon book worth over 550 in one-time discounts and $100 in continuing discounts. The sales approach used during this year's registration
was low-key. As a result of this, plus the bad experience from last year, sales are low. Less than 33 percent of the student body have bought ASB cards compared to 70 percent last year. What does this mean? It means that the ''low'' budget drawn up by last semester's ASB council, and binding on this semester's council may not be met. Approximately 850 ASB cards have been sold. Over 100 more must be sold to meet the "low" budget. It means activities that you participate in will most likely have their bue!get c~t_for lack of funds. This is inevitable because the ASB has no funds to fall back upon, and the administration is also having budget problems. The saddest part is that the student not buying an ASB card actually loses money. A $15 investment can save you over $100 this year. Can you afford to lose money this year? -----willie
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Today, I failed to report for induction into the armed forces of this country. There are so many things I feel should be said. There is so much pain because I know so many people will never understand. I do this because it is the only thing I can do. There is no other way. Everyone I talk to has his own opinion as to the route I s hould take. They are not new , I have thought of them before. I am not a pacifist. Like most people I have been taught hate and I have become used to violence. I would kill to save the life of someone I love. Vengeance is also locked inside. I know these things are wrong, but it is extremely difficult to cast these demons out. Perhaps someday. I am not a martyr. At least I don't think that that was a motivating factor in the decision. As I said before, for me there is just no other way. I am not a political activist (whatever that means). I refuse to recognize the world in the form of politics, governments and countries. The world is people and each person is unique in some way. Countries' boundaries are not tangible. They are merely a conception of man. I refuse to share that conception .
I have been many things to different people. I have been many things to myself. A long cast of characters that I have played or have been thought to have played. Now I am Stephen . . . that is all that I am. I am against the war in Southeast Asia as, ideally, I am against all wars and anything that forces men to take each other's life . I am only interested in the positive aspects of life. Governments deal in death. Now, it seems, the revolution has come. A revolution which deals in death for the sake of life. It has seeped out of the colleges and ghettos into the streets of the downtown districts. People are buying guns and bombs have replaced the marches. I feel it is not the way. You can't get to heaven by going to hell . . . but it seems like that is the direction we've taken. Wars will stop when men refuse to fight them. The barriers produced by countries will no longer exist when men refuse to believe in them . I have tried to communicate the beliefs and fee lings that brought me to this step. I know that I have failed to a large degree. I am trying to convey emotion. . words don't fit and they never will.
Thirteen new instructors added to college faculty Thirteen new instructors have joined the Palomar College faculty for the fall semester. Mrs. Mary P. Anderson is replacing Mrs. Eva ne ll K. Renick in the business department. Mrs. Anderson received her B.S. from the Univers ity of Washington. She has been a teacher's aide at San Diego State and a student teacher at Grossmont College . The library welcones Mr. Anthony Axtman n who replaces Mrs. Carolyn C. Wood. Axtmann received his B.S. from Minot State Teachers Coll ege and hi s 1\I.S. from UCLA in 19 66 . He has been a librarian at both Vista and f'all brook High Schools. Mr. Walter F. Brown will replace Mr. James G. Soules in the Vocational Education department. Brown received his B.S. from Cal Poly in 1963 and his M.A. from there in 1970. He has also attended San Jose State, lJCLA, and Long Beach State. He was a Vocational Coordinator for the Hancock College District and at Saddleback College. Mr. David H. Chittock joins the counseling department, replacing Mrs. C~· n thia M. Poole. Chittock r eceived a B. S. from Brigham Young University and an M.A. from San Diego State in 1966. He has been a high school counselor and a counselor at San Diego State and a history teacher at the junior high school level. The science department welcones 1\Ir. Gary M. Freeman who replaces 1\Ir. \Vade F. Snyder. Freeman received his B.S. from San Diego State and his M.S. in 1970 from SDS. He has been a teacher's aide at San Diego State. Mrs. Marilyn Hawkins will replace Mrs. Angela Mantyla in the nursingprogram. Mrs. Hawkins received her B.S. from Fresno State College in 1962. She has taught nursing at Fresno City College and Modesto Junior College. The science department also welcomes Mr. Lester V. Knapp who is replacing :t'1r. Robert R. Ebert. Mr. Knapp re-
I have not written this to condemn anyone or anything. I don't have that right. This was written with the hope that someone might understand. I hope someone does. Now I will wait for the vengeance of the United States of America to fall upon me. I have committed a so-called crime. I am not alone and I will be ready. Stephe n Schneider, Former TELESCOPE editor
Matheny exhibit open Plastic constructions and paintings by Robert Matheny are being featured in the first exhibition of the new season at the Dwight Boehm Gallery, Palomar College. The show, which began September 14 and continues through October 3, is free to the public. Gallery hours are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 10a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Matheny is an art instructor at Southwestern College and a resident of San Diego. "The exhibit will reflect his skill with plastics and his awareness and sensitivity in the contemporary philosophical concerns in the arts," said Mr. Harry E. Bliss, Palomar art faculty member and director of the gallery. The display will consist chiefly of large primary constructions in clear and translucent colored plastic and of primary paintings in contemporary media, Bliss said.
Dr. Frederick addressing the
R. Huber is shown student body at the
Fragile Years!) yoursforthetaking
If you attended last Friday's assembly· in the Dome, you heard Dr. Frederick R. Huber, president of Palomar, give a speech entitled, "The Fragile Years." And if you listened carefully to what he was saying, and thought about it, you just might have walked out feeling a twinge of anticipation inside yourself.
Because what Dr. Huber was saying was that we, as students here at Palomar, owe it to ourselves to get the best possible college education we can. In order to do this, we must look for any problems or obstructions that might hold us back and work together to break them down. As Dr. Huber said, "Our future depends on whether or not we can open ourselves up to the problems we face right now." The organization of a task force was proposed which involves student volunteers who would go out and talk to members of the community about topics vital to them both, a "taking of the college to the community." This, as well as taking a hard look at some of our classes and working to the betterment of student to student and student to teacher relations, seems to be a good way to begin bringing about the recognition of many of our problems. There are many ways in which we can make ourselves be heard. One is
ceived his B. A. and M.S. from San Diego State and hi s M.A. from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1970. He has been a teacher's aide at UCSB. Mr. Larry J. Livi ngston replaces Mr. Burrill G. Monk in the music department. Mr. Livingston rece ived his S.M. and his M. M. in music from the University of Michigan in 1970. He also received a PhD from UCSD. He was previously an instructor in music at Luther College.
through student government. If you recognize a problem, discuss it with any member of the Student Council (if you were at the assembly Friday, you know who they are) or bring it up at the weekly ASB meeting, every Monday at ll a.m. in R-3. Another channel of communication is the student newspaper, with offices located in R-4. The TELESCOPE welcomes your opinions through guest editorials and letters-to-theeditor. Also, informal talks with faculty and fellow students can bring about a better understanding of many issues. Perhaps an education outside the classroom can be just as meaningful as one obtained inside. This may be the year for change. Let's not lose the spirit we have now. Dr. Huber stated, "We must try, and if we all help, together we may find some solutions." Certainly someone will be listening. -----jan
William Buckley speaks at Peterson Gym Friday Author-lecturer William F, Buckley, Jr., will speak at San Diege State, Friday, September 25. "Reflections on Current Disorders" will be Buckley's topic at 8 p.m. in Peterson Gym. The public lecture is sponsored jointly by Campus Studies Institute and the Associated Students of San Diego State. Buckley, founder and editor of "The National Review," attracted a capacity crowd of 4,500 whin he appeared at San Diego State last September. No charge will be made for the public lecture.
THE TELESCOPE Published Tuesday and Friday of each school week, except during final examinations or holidays, by the Communications Department of PalomarCollege, San Marcos, Calif., 92069. Phone: 7441150, Ext. ll9. Advertising rates are $1.50 per column inch. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, views of the Associated Student Body Council, college administration, or the Board of Governors. The TELESCOPE invites responsible "guest editorials" or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author, including I.D. number. Names will be withheld upon request. Letters may be submitted to the TELESCOPE editorial office, R-4.
1\lr. Duncan D. McGilvray r eplaces Mr. Sheridan Hegland in the soc ial science department. Mr. McGilvray received his B.A . from Occidental College in 1954 and his M.A . from the Uni versity of Washington in 1967. He has taught economics at Highline College in Washington and at Los Angeles City Coll ege. The nursing department also welcomes !\Irs . Joan :\I. 1\Ia honey who is replacing Mrs. l\Iuriel L. :\Iitchell. !\Irs. Mitchell received hi s B.S. in nursing education from Niaga ra Uni versity in 1951. She has been a nursing inservice instructor at Scripps 1\Iemorial Hospital and has taught nursing at Barstow College. :\Irs. Ruth Gibbs :\Iurphy and :\!iss Sabina J. Pesuti will also join the nursing staff. :\Irs. :\Iurphy is replacing :\Irs. Odell :\I. Rotella and :\Iiss Pesuti is taking the place of :\Irs. :\Iarilyn J . Lynds. :\Irs. :\Iurphy received her B.A. from San Diego State in 1959 and her :\1..-\. from SDS in 19 69. She has previously taught nursing at Grossmont College and :\Iercy College of Nursing. :\Iiss Pesuti received a BSN from 1\It. St. :\Iary 's College and a MSN from UCLA in 1959. She has been the director of the ~ursing Program at St. 1\Iary's Sc hool of Nurs ing in Tucson, Ari zona. The English departme nt we lcomes 1\Ir. Arthur J. Wilks who replaces Mr. Angelo Carli. Mr. Wilks received his :\I.A. from Oxford University in 1952 and his post-graduate certificate from London Unive.r sity in 1953 . He taught at Nevills Cross College in Durham, England.
President's convocation held last Friday in the Dome. Photo by Ken Wheeland
Editor-in-Chief. . . . . . . Jan Gus tina Page 1, Tuesday . . . . . Carolyn Stedd Page 2, Tuesday . . . . Willabert Parks Page 1, Friday. . . . . . • Frank Hoffa Sports Editor. . . . . . . . Ken Carr Reporters. . . . . . . . . Richard Brooks, Mike Hicks, Debbie Ingraham Staff Artist. . . . . . . .. Ray King Photographers. . . Ken Wheeland, Larry McDaniel Ad Manager. . .•. Jerrie Cheung Journalism Advisor. . • Fred Wilhelm Photography Advisor . . . Justus Ahrend Graphic Arts Advisor. . . . Jim McNutt
WANT TO BUY Electric trainL While mother registers, a potential Palomar student of the future, ponders
the mysteries of the fall bulletin. Photo by Ken Wheeland
s..•. Archer--Room P-17