Palomar College · Volume 24 Number 5
· A Publication of the Associated Students
1n financial aid program
Livingston joins Palomar faculty as band director Mr. Larry J . Livingston, formerly the assistant concertmaster of the Univer'Sity of Michigan Symphony Band, is a new member of the Palomar College music department and director of the college concert band. He succeeds Mr. Burrill Monk who retired at the end of the spring semester. Livingston was a member of the music faculty at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, from 1965 to 1969, where he taught woodwinds and music theory. He also conducted the college stage band, and was assistant conductor of the Luther College Concert Band. He has studied clarinet with Paul Schaller, first clarinetist in the Detroit Symphony, and with Dr. William Stubbins of the University of 1ichigan. While a student at the University of Michigan, where he received his master's degree, he toured with the university band throughout the United States. He was also a member of the University of Michigan State Department Tour Band in 1961 when it performed in cities over Europe, including Soviet Russia. He has played clarinet, bass clarinet, flute, saxophone and piano in various professional engagements, and at Luther College he was the producer-arranger for the Luther Rock and Roll Ensemble. He was recently a guest lecturer in theory in the spring term at San Diego State College, and is working toward his doctorate degree at the University of California at San Diego.
San Marcos , Calif.
Accreditation slated lor October 21-29
Change seen
Students who plan to apply for financial aid for the 1971-72 academic year should be advised of two changes in application procedure . Financial aid applications should be submitted only to the campus where a student applies for admission; they are not to be made to other campuse •; 0f the University. If a student's application for admission is transferred from the campus of his first choice because of redirection to another University campus, his financial aid application will also be transferred. If the financial aid application was submitted prior to the deadline date set forth, the student will be considered for financial aid on an equal basis with other students at the campus where the application is transferred. If a student's application for admission is transferred because of a change of campus preference by the student, he will be considered for financial aid within the funds available at the time the application for aid is transferred . Beginning with financial aid applications for 1971-72, all university campuses will use the same basic application. Supplementary instructions and information will be provided by each campus to enable students to be considered for local campus scholarships and aid programs. The supplementary information will also be provided as necessary to students whose financial aid applications are transferred from one campus to another. Financial aid applications for 1971-72 will be abailable about November 1, 1970 and will be mailed to students who request them. The 1971-72 deadline for filing applications for financial aid, including scholarships, is January 15, 1971. Parents' Confidential Statements should be mailed for processing to the College Scholarship Service by December 15, 1970, at P. 0. Box 1025, Berkeley, California, 94701. Financial aid applications should be filed as soon as possible, and applicants should not wait for notice of admission. The October, 1970 issue of "California Notes" will contain more detailed information about financial aid programs available at University campuses. For further information see Mrs. Marjorie Wallace in A-62.
Oct. 6, 1970
An Application for Accreditation has been submitted by Palomar College to be used by the evaluation team of the Accrediting Commission for Junior Colleges. The book was compiled by Mrs. Rita A. White, art instructor. The purpose of the Accrediting Commission is to rec ommend whether or not Palomar should be accredited, or reaccredited, by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. To help the work of the accreditation team, the 100 page application was put together in three parts; general information, action on recommendations, and areas of concern. Each area is outlined in detail and contains an in-depth evaluation of that area. "We gave questionnaires to the administration, the entire faculty, and members of the student council to get their ideas about the Accreditation, ' ' said Mrs.
White. · Members of the Chamber of Commerce in the college community were also contacted for comment. After a rough draft was compiled, it was submitted to the faculty, student council, adm inistration, and Board of Governors for approval. "At an Administrative Staff meeting we went over the book page by page and corrected and changed it. It was a very troublesome way, but extremely effective," Mrs. White commented. The final draft of the Accreditation book was printed on campus by Mr. James S. McNutt, graphic arts instructor. A six-man accreditation team will be on campus October 27, 28, and 29. They will be observing campus activities and classes, and meeting with members of the administration to hear reports on new courses, student government, and other campus-related topics.
Bibliography compiled "The American Indian," a multicultural bibliography of resources available in the Palomar College library, has recently been compiled by Mrs. Bonnie Lou Smith, reference librarian. Mrs. Smith stated that she compiled the book because, "We should have access to as many resources as possible about something so important in our lives."
News Briefs Fairfield Steelworks (formerly Sandy and the Classics) will perform for a dance in the Dome this Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Cost is $1.50 with an ASB card and $2 without.
Action was quick and skillful during the Southern California Karate Championships held last Saturday evening in the Dome. Competition was spon-
Casting completed for latest play Casting for "Death of A Salesman" has been completed. The play by Arther Miller will be staged by the drama department on October 29, 30, 31, and November 5, 6, and 7. Cast members are Mel Schuster, Willy Loman; Kris Robertson, Linda; Perry Sites, Happy; David Fennessy, Biff, and Don O'Rourke, Bernard. Other cast were Claudia Keithley, the woman; Dr. Rollin Coleman, Charley; Dave Rethoret, Uncle Ben; Steve Sanders, Howard Wagner; Hazel Chamlee, Jenny; John Herrera, Stanley; Cheri Jaques, Miss Forsythe and Barbara Price, Letta.
sored by the Palomar Family YMCA and the Kengakai Institute of Self Defense. Photos by Randee Tracko
CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY, October 6: Administrative Council, ll a.m., Conf. Room WEDNESDAY, October 7: Film-- "Potemkin" 7 p.m., P-32 Planetarium Feature "Myths and Monsters" at 7:15 and 8:30 in the Planetarium THURSDAY, October 8: Football--Riverside Here, 8 p.m. FRIDAY, October 9: Cross Country at Grossmont, 4 p.m. SATURDAY, October 10: ASB Dance, 8:30 p.m.
in the Dome
"Potemkin," a famous Russian film directed by Sergei Eisenstein, will be shown tomorrow in P-32 at 7 p.m. It will be run again on Thursday in P-32 at 12:30 p.m.
Besides book titles, "The American Indian" also includes analytical entries under the articles for the Bureau of American Ethnology. Currently, this work was distributed to various libraries in the area. When new books concerning the American Indian are added to the Palomar Library, a supplement will be compiled. The American Indian is the second in Palomar Library's series of multicultural bibliographies. The AfroAmerican was the first such work. Future issues are now being planned for the Mexican-American and the Asian Americans.
Palomar Community property tax reduced for 1970-71 fiscal year The property tax in the Palomar Community district for the 1970-71 tax year has been reduced 3.4 cents on the $100 assessed valuation, college officials announced . They were advised by the county school department that the new rate for community college purposes in 1970-71 will be 50.8 cents, compared with 54.2 cents in 1969-70. The major reduction in the Palomar district levy was made in the bond interest and redemption protion of the tax, cut from 7. 5 cents to 4. 5. The remainder of the cut was in various other categories making up the general purpose components of the total tax rate. College officials said that while operating costs and the total budget are considerably higher for the new year,
Archer explains special National Guard offer Mr. Roy R. Archer, political science instructor and captain in the California National Guard, has announced that a veteran in grade of E-5 or above with recent combat experience may apply for a direct appointment as a second lieutenant in the Army National Guard. Except in the case of a truly outstanding leader, an applicant must not be more than 28 years of age. Archer explained that the applicant's service record must clearly show that he displayed a high degree of leadership and technical proficiency while performing his duties in combat and further identifies him as an individual who possesses a high potential for service as a commissioned officer. Anyone interested may contact Mr. Archer at his office in P-17E.
This 93 page work was compiled through the use of the card catalog and by looking through the shelves. It is divided into three sections: A general section of all American Indians, a special California section, and a section concerning the Eskimos.
the increase in total property assessments in the district and the reduction in the bond interest and redemption fund made the rate cut possible.
TELESCOPE receives first class rating THE TELESCOPE has been given a first class honor rating by the Associated Collegiate Press Association of the University of Minnesota. Areas in which the paper received marks of distinction were writing and editing, physical appearance, and photography, Each semester THE TELESCOPE sends copies of every issue to the Associated Collegiate Press and the paper is rated after being compared with other papers in the same classification. Editor of THE TELESCOPE during the Spring semester of 1970, for which the first class rating was earned, was Jackie Easley. Staff members were Tom Anderson, Willabert Parks, Jan Gustina, Ken Carr, Bill Grote, David Bengston, Alex Hinds, and Betsy Alvine. Photographers were John Eden, Ted Karounos, and Bill Anthony.
Fourth quarter action shows Jim Ridlon(85) making a fine tackle as Scott Free(82) and Wayne Jennings (85) move
up to make the assist. Comets won 20-14 in last Saturdays contest. Photo by L. Littlefield
Coming away with a last minute, 20-14 non-conference win Saturday, the Palomar Comets will tangle with the Tigers of Riverside, in a rare Thursday night game at Memorial Field in Escondido. Kick-off time for the contest Thursday night is 8p.m. With 34 seconds remaining in the football game, fullback Tony Letuligasenoa picked up a key block by tailback Gary Rees and rambled 25 yards for the winning score.
San Diego county recycling centers are benefit to all
Your 'right to know' did not ·come easily Newspaper jounalism began i n this contry just 280 years ago. But there were no celebrations, speeches, proclamations, or any special occasions to mark the auspicious event. As a matter of fact when ''Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick," the nation's first newspaper, "hit the streets" in the town of Boston on the morning of September 25, 1690, there was considerable apprehension and a feeling of foreboding. To be sure, the little four-page newspaper was eagerly accepted by the local residents . As a matter of fact, every copy was snatched up. The demand far exceeded the supply. And the little paper carried a wide variety of news stories never before produced in the Colonies. There were stories about a smallpox epidemic in Boston, a kidnapping of two children by Indians, a suicide by a depressed old man, who recently lost his wife, a big fire that destroyed 20 homes, a report of the labor shortage and the difficulty of harvesting the crops, an account of skirmishes among the French, Indians, and English troops, and even a story that shocked some concerning the amours of King XIV of France. There was no doubt about it, editor Benjamin Harris had published an exciting little paper. But the trouble was he had committed a crime by publishing his newspaper. And it was a serious crime at that. It could mean a jail sentence. The law of that time, as Ben Harris knew very well, was that a license must be obtained before any printing was done, and most certainly if the printing contained public information or information about governmental activities. But Harris took a long chance and waited. He didn't have to wait very long. He was summoned before the Colonial Governor and Council to e xplain why he had violated the Regulation of Printing and Lic ensing Act of 166 2. Why, he was asked, didn't he first obtain a license before putting out the news pape r as r e quired under the Act? Harris, of course, really couldn' t answe r the question. He knew very we ll, however, that a license meant prio r approval by the gove rnment of the contents and that meant a dull, uninteresting, not-too-informative publica! i Jn. That is not what Harris had in mind . The fact that Harris put out an interesting newspaper that was extremely popular, probably saved him fron a jail sentence. The law was violated, of course , but even the stern Colonial authorities we r e loath to press too far against the new popularity of editor Harris. Harris was not jailed. He was prevented from ever publishing again in the American Colonies. His one issue of "Publick Oc currences" was all that the Governor and Council would tolerate . In the proc la ma tion issued by the Gove rnor and Council, the offic ial pos ition about publishing news papers without a license was made ve r y clear in the following word s: "The Go ve rnor and Council havinghad the pe rusal of the s a id pamphle t, and finding that the re in is contai ned r eflec tions of a ve ry high na ture: As also sundry doubtful and unce rtain r eports do hereby manifest and dec la r e the ir high resentment and disallowance of said pamphlet, and orde r tha t the s ame be suppressed and called in ; s tric tly fo r bidding a ny pe rson o r pe r sons for the futur e to s e t forth anything in print without Li cense first obtained fr om those that are or s hall be appointed by the Government to grant the same . • • The point was made and the lesson was learned about publishing news papers without permission.
It took 14 years before s omeone else was able to muster enough courage to try again. In 1704, Bos ton Postmaster John Campbell did try again, but he first made sure he had a license to publish. He published his safe but dull newspaper ' ' by Authority'' for the next 20 years. Another Bostonian in August of 1721 decided to publish a newspaper without a license. He tried it and he got away with it despite the Regulation of Printing and Licensing Act still very much "on the books." His name was James Franklin, older brother of Benjamin Franklin. Brother James F ranklin was most unlike younge r brother Be n in ternpenn ant and pe rsonality. Ben had all the qualities necessary to get along very well with people. Throughout his life he was consid e red diplomatic and personable. James was an opposite. One thing James Franklin did possess however, was a talent to publish a very interesting and readable newspaper. Right from the beginning his unlicensed newspape r, The New England Courant, ''caught on.'' Everyone in Boston seemed to read it. The reputation of the newspaper ;;pre ad throughout the colonies. Why was he allowed to print without a licens e? For one thing, the authorities were quic k to recogni ze that the New England Courant was extremely popular. And who enjoys opposing popularity? For another thing the Courant eschewed go vernment news. Instead, the Courant conce ntrated, in the beginning at least, on items about people, witty and entertaining essays, poems, letters, and criticisms of the establl8hed church. Since the church was the one power block that the Gove rnor and Council feared, the governmental authorities were happy to have Franklin oppose the church as much as possible. The longer this went on, the more popular and powe rful the Ne w England Courant became. It was n't until J ames Franklin decided to c riticize governmental authorities (for laxity of law enforcement) did the Governor begin to object to Franklin's unlicensed newspaper. By now it was too late to invoke the Licensing Act. The authorities had to object on other grounds. The Charge: sedition. Franklin was jailed for a month for the crime of sedition (criticizing the law enforceme nt policies of the Governor) but the Courant survived. The New England Courant survived for 5 l/2 years and James was again tried for sedition. The punishment the second time prevented Franklin from owning or publishing the newspaper unless it first be censored by the authorities. Sinc e he refused to do this he was not allowed to keep the newspaper. His way out of the dile mma was to put the newspape r in brother Ben's nam e , which, of c ourse, was perfectly legal. As a fighting force T he New England Courant was now fini s hed. Benjamin F ranklin s oon left fo r Philadelphia to s tart a new c areer and James went to Rhode Island. But James F ranklin and the Courant had won the " war. " Licens ing of the press in the Colonies as a viable , wo rkable conc ept was done. No longe r could authoriti es insist on a license or pe r mit to publish or print unde r the Re gulation of Printing and Licens ing Act. The shackle t hat had controlled the pre ss since Gu te nberg's time in the mid 1400 's was finall y broken, thanks to J ames F ranklin.
By George Spee rs, New England Pres s Chairman, Department of Journalism, Northeastern Unive rsity
'Under 30' returns to KPBS Under 30, the pri ze-winning KPBS-TV series that explores the ide as and ideals of today's youth, r eturns to the Channel 15 air at 8:30p.m. Friday.
the U. S. involve me nt in Cam bodia, and two San Diego State College s tudents , He r man Baca and Bob Knight, preside nt of Az tec Young Republicans.
It will be repeated at 7 p.m . Monday on KPBS-TV, San Diego's public television station.
KPBS-TV produced 29 Under 30 programs last year on a Ford Foundation grant of $125,000. Subjects ranged from a student c onfrontation with Gov. Reagan to a study of a Marine Corps deserter.
The first program will explore the timely subject of students in politics-whether young people today are interested in working within the present system, whether the voting age should be lowered , whethe r schools should be adjourned to permit students to campaign and whether political institutions ar e r espons ive to voters under 30. Guests will be Ann Roman and Jim Galloway, UCSD graduate s tudents who lobbied congress men last year after
This year's s eries will consist of an hou:-ly program every month. The November topic will be an examina tion of the r ecent report by the Pres ident's Com mis s ion on Campus Unrest. Peter Kaye, news and public affai r s di r ector, is producer and moderator of the series. The director is Myron T is del.
Beetle Bailey
Ecological activists urge volunteer campaign help (Editor's note: the following is an excerpt from the monthly newspaper of the San Diego Clean Air Council.)
The battle for Proposition 18 has started, and it looks like another classic public vs. private interest test. Well-financed, ecology-be-damned forces will be pitting their millions against the over-taxed, under-organized public interest. Prop. 18 is the constitutional amendment authored and sponsored by San Diego's Sen. Jim Mills, which 11-llows for use of some of the highway funds for air pollution ·research and control. Also, it allows for a local option approach to the solution of local transportation problems. Helping to get Prop. 18 passed is going to be one of the biggest challenges the Clean Air Council (CAC) and other ecology groups have had. According to Dr. Alan Schneider, CAC president, his group is going to devote all of its energies from now until election day to get this measure passed. Dr. Schneider urges all Council members to do their utmost to help the campaign. He suggests the following courses of action: Volunteer your services to the central group. Richard Miller, 234-0108, is the local chairman. Volunteer to paint posters. Contact Arthur Jungblut at 2234 Bolinas St,. San Diego. Write letters to ten friends urging them to vote for Prop. 18 and also ask them to write to ten of their friends urging them to do the same things. Write letters to the editors of all loc al papers. Send monetary donations for the campaign to Miller at 625 Broadway, Suite 601, S.D. 92101 Organize a letter-writing group in your neighborhood. Ask your employer to take an official positive stand on the proposition, and then convey this to Miller. This is going to be an uphill battle all the way. The automakers, Auto Club, auto insurance companies, oil interest, highway builders, bulldozer salesmen, and most of the truckers want more and more highways. Becaus e of their economic drive--the profit motive--the y ignore the fact tha.t more fr eeways will not solve the transportation problems, and tha.t the environment can hardly stand more cars and roads and all the increas e in pollution they cause . T he ke y point is, of course , that these highway profiteers will be spending enormous sums of money to defeat this amendment. For them, it is clearly an "investment for the future." For the population, however, continuation of the current road and car proliferation could be disastrous. Another key point of the Proposition is that if it is not passed, California could risk losing $1 billion in fe de r al matc hing funds for rapid transit deve lopment. The Federal Congr ess is preparing a 12-year program of $10 billion to construct public transportation facilities. Passage of 18 will be a giant step toward getting a good share of that money. Article 26 of the California Constitution, written in 1938, makes it mandatory that all state gasoline tax revenues be spent on highway construc tion and / or repair. Prop. 18, an amendm ent to this s ection, will allow the following: The s tate legi s latu re to use s ome of the fu nds to r esearch and stud y-and hopefully c ontr ol-- air pollution. For state highway funds and gas tax a llocations to be used fo r acquiring and / or cons tructing other transporta tion facilities or syste ms. The funds only can be used in this regard after a
favorable vote by the voters within that particular county or jurisdiction. The money so voted could not be used for more highways, and the maximum that could be diverted would be 25 per cent of what the county contributes to the highway construction program. Statistics show that about 87 per cent of the trips on the California highway system end in the county of origin. It turns out that we are no longer building a state highway system, but instead local transportation systems. And with the air pollution and land congestion problems that we have today in many of our high-population areas, public transportation is the only solution. Proposition 18 really does not provide the necessary funds for what we really need to effectively fight the pollution battle. It is, however, an important step in the right direction, and the Clean Air Council must work hard to aid in getting it passed.
'Vets' will meet Vets for Peace will hold a meeting tomorrow in P-ll at ll a.m. The club does not restrict non-veterans from involvement, and all students interested in its goals are requested to attend. Officers will be elected .
WANT TO BUY Electric trains See Mr. Archer--Room P-17
In the interests of ecology-minded students, and for the benefit of all Palomar students, THE TELESCOPE is printing a list of recycling centers !ocated in the San Diego County. If your area has any other "drops" not listed here please call 755-2066. NEWSPAPER--Tied bundles of newspape r may be taken to the Solana Beach and Cardiff Fire Stations. Untied papers may be placed in drop boxes around town in Del Mar. In Oceanside, take your papers to the Boys Club. GLASS--A glass center, paying one cent a pound, will open in San Diego in November. PLASTIC--The Golden Arrow Dairy will take back your clean plastic milk and water containers which are then used in making irrigation hoses. CARDBOARD--The Encinitas Safeway store will take your mashed and tied cardboard boxes. They will also accept brown paper bags. Egg cartons should be given back to private chicken and turkey ranches. ALUMINUM--Shoreline Beverage at 623 N. Cleveland Ave., Oceanside, will pay ten cents a pound for crushed aluminum cans on Saturday from 9 to ll a.m. and on Monday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aluminum drops are also located at the Escondido Village Mall, Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and at the YMCA in Encinitas. All metals except for "tin" cans will be taken and paid for by the pound at Industrial Metals and Salvage Co., 1345 S. 27th Street, San Diego. Unused poison sprays and powders may be taken to the Otay Refuse Disposal Area. Check with the operator at the gate first before burying poisons.
THE TELESCOPE Published Tuesday and Friday of each school week, except during final examinations or holidays, by the Communications Department of Palomar College, San Marcos, Calif., 92069. Phone: 744ll50, Ext. 119. Advertising rates are $1.50 per column inch. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, views of the Associated Student Body Council, college administration, or the Board of Governors. The TELESCOPE invites responsible "guest editorials" or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author, including I.D. number. Names will be withheld upon request. Letters may be submitted to the TELESCOPE editorial office, R-4. Editor-in-Chief. . . . • . . Jan Gustina
And A-1 Custom Contours on his body. In no-iron solids, stripes and patterns. Moderately flared, heel-to-toe slant, flap pockets. A mind full at only $11 to $13 a pair.
REBEL shop Plaza Camino Real