'Patriotic' rally slated Tuesday THE TELESC<DPE Palomar College · Volume 24 Number 48 · A Publication of the Associated Students ·
May 21, 1971
· San Marcos , Calif.
French ploy • continues run this weekend
Dr. Schwarz , a native of Brisbane, Australia, is a graduate in medic ine and surgery of Queensland Medical School and practices in Sydney. He has made a profound study of Communist t exts, and has debated against Communist advocates in many lecture tours in this country and continental Europe. He has a l so lectured in Asiatic countries. One of his present activities is c onducting anti-Communism seminars to train educators, ministers, military personnel and c iti ze ns generally in what he describes as "the true nature of the Communist enemy," in the belief that ''understand ing is the sole foundatio n of survival." Also on the program, Chambless announced, is Lt. Gen. Edward W. Snedeker, USMC -retired, who will deliver a tribute to America's veterans. He was a car eer Mari ne, a veteran of the earlyday Nicaraguan and Haitian campaigns, then World War II and the Korean fighti ng. His last ass ignment was as commandant of the Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Va. Norman Gaski ns, technical director for the play, "T he Egg" which is currently r unning May 21, 22, 27, 28 and 29
instructs Obie O'Brien and Tom Henderson in the construc tion of the top half of the egg. (Photo by Nora Cochran)
Apprenticeship ceremonies set The 16th annual Palomar College apprenticeship completion ceremony and banquet will be held at the Escondido Country Club tomorrow at 7 p.m . The largest group of appre ntice carpente rs e ver to be advanced to the status of journeyman in one year, in the North County will be honored. The graduates are: Michael P. Bartlett, Dewayne Warriner, W.G. Davies, William Downing, David H. Greer, Robert G. Labadie, Jam es R. Ward, Donald L. White, Gary L. Cook, John B. Kennedy, Robert M. Cromwell, Steven Goodwin, Paul Plummer, Ge orge W. Green, Benjamin J. McAnally, William Menko, Michael Nighswonger, Ron Ozaki , Robert Van Brook, and Robert R. Veale. The program includes Miss Nancy Moore, soloist of San Marcos High Sc hool and a group from the Dance Art Stud io of San Marcos-Carlsb ad which will perform, directed by Mrs. Dorothy Bleth. Others participating in the program are: Walter Brown. dean of vocational
Blood to be lost Indian scholarship here on Tuesday applications open Blood may be deposited by students wishing to do so in the Palomar Blood Bank drive , sponsored by the Business Club. The Bloodmobile will be on campus next Tuesday from 9 a.m . to 1 p .m. Anyone who has contributed to Palomar's Blood Bank may withdraw blood for himself or any member of hi s immediate family . He may even withdraw blood for himself (but not his famil y) after he has left Palomar. Over 100 pints were deposited during last year's successful drive . This year the Blood Bank has instituted a new regulation in which thet require that persons intending to give blood should so indicate by signing a li s t . The purpose of which is to indicate to the Blood Bank that it is worthwhile to send doctors, nurses, mobile unit, etc. Donor lists, along with donor requirements , are posted in the mail room, B-15 , the Business Departm ent bulletin board , and various places around cam pus .
retired Marine general to speak A patriotic program, featuring an address by Dr. Fred Schwarz, president of the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, and also a talk by a retired Marine Corps lieutenant general and music by a Navy band from San Diego, is s c heduled for the Palomar campus Tuesday. Dr. Beauford Chambless, of the college faculty, heads arrangements for the program which is to begin at 10:50 a.m. and run to 12:30 p . m. on the football fi eld . He said bleacher seating would be provid ed and that the North County public is invited to attend. Chambless said the theme is to be '' Honor God and Country.'' "A num be r of people have suggested we hold some type of patriotic rally at the college," he said, "for the area public, so we have arranged this . program for that purpose . "
''The Egg,'' a humorous French comedy, continues its two-weekend run tonight at 7:30 in room P-33. The Felicien Marceau play will be performed tomorrow night also and again next Thursday through Saturday night. "The cast has finally jelled and will be r e ady for opening night. It took longer to be ready partly because of the large and inexperienced cast and partly because it is a fragmental type of thing. That is, it's done in small scenes, Ashbrook explained. Tom Henderson is Emile Magis, the leading character who wanders in and out of the scenes, and addresses the audience directly whenever he wishes to c omment on the e gg, a symbolism of the world, the system to which eve ryone wants to belong. "There will be a big audience involvement in this play. T he leadi ng characte r will talk to people in the audience as if they were c ha r ac ters in the play. The play is very interesting as well as funny, '' As hbrook said . Beverly La rson, Claudia Eiche n, Dr. Rollin Coleman, Darlene Booker, Claudia Keithly, Es te lla McDill, John Higdon, Ed Molthen, Don O'Rourke, Wayne Saldon, Steve Barns, Bob Garvin, Obie O'Brien, Cheri Jacques, Mary Vollmer, Cher Kunz and JoAnn Watkins compose the s upporti ng cast. Norman Gaskins, technical director, who designed an unusual egg-shaped set - for the in-the-round production, comm e nted on the construction. "It was a most difficult structure to make as far as construction goes. It was extr emely difficult to get arches of the top shell of the egg on top of the set without it collapsing. I used white pine for the frame and be nt " strut" pieces into shape and then put on a basic covering of cardboard. The center of the egg had to be c ut out to fac ilitate the hanging of lights." The stage construction, which has the top of a broken egg shell hanging on top with the corresponding lowe r half on the bottom, was pronounced by Gaskins ''quite an engineering feat." "Lighting plays a big part in the play," Ashbrook added. "This is one of the more difficult stages to be lighted because of the quick scenes. There are 75 light cues altogether." Discussing the technical difficulties in constructing a stage in-the-round, Gaskins said that everything must be double-checked both sideways, backward and front, because the audience can see everything from all directions. As hbrook advi ses those planning on attending "The Egg' ' not to bring children to see it. Ticket pri ces are $.5 0 for s tudents and $1.50 for non-stud e nts. Reservations may be m ade by calling the college and asking for extension 77 or c ontacting Jill Moore, house manage r .
Head of Anti-Communist group,
Stud e nts who are m embe rs of the San Diego County Tribal Bands of Indi a ns are e ligible to apply for the Bobby Robinson !\Iemorial Scholarships offered by the United Ind ian \\"o men's Club. Applicants must be presently carrying a minimum of 12 units. The two Sl25 scholarships are gi ven annually to an Indian male and fe male student who are going on to hi gher ed ucation . The awards are named after a Campo Rese rvation Indi an killed in Vietnam. Applications must be subm itted by August 1. They can be obtained in Benjamin Lucero's office. LS-4.
Ecologist spealcs here Recyc led paper for Palomar will be the theme of a talk to be given by Mrs . Gemma Parks today in F- 10 a t 11 a.m. Mrs. Parks is a writer on health and ecology and is currently associated with the Ford Foundation committee on environm e nta l problems.
education at Palomar; Alan Chamberlain of Chamac Inc., General Contractors of Escondido ; N. A. Thorseness, area supervisor of the State Division of Apprenticeships Standards; Les Parker, secretary, District Council of Carpenters, San Diego; Dr. Robert Woodward, h ead of the Palomar Business Department; and Robe rt Downing, one of the graduates. F r ed Gough, coordinator of Apprenticeship Training for the District Council of Carpenters will be master of ceremonies. Robert Cromwell will r eceive special r ecognition for having placed third in the San Diego County contest held April 17.
The general saw action in the Pusan perimeter, the Inchon-Seoul operation and the epic breakout from the Chasin Rese rvoir while fi ghting in Korea from August, 1950, until May, 1951. In World War II he fought through the Guadalcanal Tulagi- Bougainville campaign and the capture of Okinawa. He was commissioned in 1926 upon graduation from the US Naval Acade m y. Serving as ushers at the program will be volunteers from the Navy- Marine ADCOP class at Palomar. Opening remarks will be given by Dr. Frederick R. Huber, college president. The prayer will be by . Dr. Coy T. Maret, pastor of the Emmanuel Faith Community Church, Escondido. Pledge to the flag will be led by Col. Sanford B. Hunt, USMC-retired, of Poway, president of the Green Valley Civic Association. Hunt will introduce Snedeker, and introductionof Dr. Schwa rz will be made by Chambless. Music will be played by the Unit 29 band, Naval Air Forces Fleet Pacific,
San Diego, conducted by Wallace Q. Roderick. Numbers will include a preliminary concert starting at 10:50, and, during the program, the "National Anthem," "Battle Hymn of the Republic," and, concludingtheprogram, "The Stars and Stripes Forever."
planned by two colleges in dome Sunday
Performance of the Mendelssohn oratorio, "Elijah," an ambitious joint project by the Palomar and MiraCosta music departments, is scheduled for 8 p.m. Sunday in the Palomar Dome. ' A second performance will be given the following evening at MiraCosta. The 160-voice chorus will be accompanied by a 32-member orchestra made up of musicians from the San Diego Symphony Orchestra. Joe R. Stanford , chairman of the Music Departme nt, will conduct the performance here , and the MiraCosta mus ic c hairman, Jeffrey Sell, will conduct the performance at that campus. Stanford s aid, "This is a significant oratorio from the standpoint that it was originally written in English, and therefore may be performed in that language without necessity for a translation. Mendelssohn, although born in Germany, visited England many times and composed this oratorio in 1846 on request of the Birmingham, England, Festival Committee. ' ' The production by the two colleges has been in rehearsals at intervals since last fall, with the 160-voice choir made up of seve ral area groups. They inc lude the Palomar Concert Choir, MiraCosta College Community Choir, the choir of San Luis Rey Academy, and members of various church choirs in North County cities. Soloists include: James Kenneth Chapman, of San Clemente, in the bass-baritone role of Elijah. Chapman, a vocal instructor, sings professionally in the Los Angeles area and has done operatic work with the American Opera Company. David Atwwod, Escondido, tenor, who has performed extensively in a solo capacity in the San Francisco area. JaDene Dugas, Vista, soprano, who is well known to North County audiences; she has appeared in many concerts over the years and is an executive secret ary at Palomar. Dr. Robert Emile, concertmaster of the San Diego Symphony, will be concertmaster for the "Elijah" performance at Palomar. The second performance at MiraCosta will be accompanied by a student-community orchestra. Tickets for the Palomar production are $1.50 and $. 75· and may be purchased from any chorus member or at the Palomar book store.
Chilean student gives impressions By Guy Ke nnedy Rosanna Palma Monzon, is a dark haired, green-eyed beauty from Santiago, Chile, who seems to have stepped bodily from the cove r of a ladies fashion magazi ne. She speaks precisely in a low, Her Engli s h is tinged husky voice. with a de lightful Spanish fl avor. Her fragile appearance gives little hint that her many hobbies inc lu de Ka r ate . I spoke with her one rainy , windy, afternoon in the livingroom of the residence s he shares with a nother Palomar for eign s tudent and a Palomar instructor. "\\'hat do I think of the US?" She paraphrased m y initi al questio n. "It is a wonderful country. I was ve r y impressed with it when I came as a tourist a few years ago. I am still impres sed, though r see it different now that I live here. But it is so different from Chile. Chile is a long country, d ivided into t hree main regions; the hot and dry north , the nice central , and the cold but beautiful south. The South is very nice, it is much like Swit zerland in appearance. T he skiing is very good . San Diego is much like the central region. •' "Americans work so very hard at
everything. American business firms work as if they are racing the clock. Chilean office workers do not get as
Rosanna Palma Monzon
much work accomplished , but they seem to e njoy their work much more, •• she added with a sm ile in the corners of her mouth. "It is very hard to compare Americans with Chileans, as we do not have the large middle class in Chile. Chileans of my social class," she paused, self conscious at the statement. "Are much more congenial and enjoy a more leisurel y paced life than Americans. Americans seem to be in a hurry, a rush to do something.'' Then as an after-thought, she added, "But they have done so very much good in the world ." Elaborating, s he explained, "Well, Ame ricans are r eady to be the policem e n of the world and protect the weak nations . But it would seem that they · are not convinced of what they think. "They feel very bad when someone c ritici zes them ." She shrugged. "In Chile, one of the largest copper mines was owned by Ame ri cans. The company did much good for Chile and the people. But whe):l the people condemned them explain what they had done for Chile. Now it is rumored the company will be nationali zed by Allende's new govern( Continued on Page 2)
Buss, Larkin,
Stines, try for honors
/I Garry Stines, Don Buss, and Jay Larkin (left to right) are the three Comets going to the Southern California Jun-
lor College finals tomorrow at Balboa Statium in San Diego. Stines qualified for the finals with a toss of 48feet
8 and one-half inches in the shot put. Buss cleared a lifetime best of 14feet 6 inches in the pole vault, while Lar-
kin pounded out a 1:52.9 880 to qualify him. (Photos courtesy of Vista Press)
Chilean talks of homeland Spring Sports Banquet slated (Continued from page one) ment . So the Americans will go hom e, and the mine will not produce because of the lack of technique." Her face was sad. "My father is unusual in that he did not follow tradition and go into his father 's work. Instead he c hose to begin an electrical import business. He was one of the very first e lectrical importers in the country. He was very successful. But businessmen are afraid of the new government." Her hands fluttered about in confusion. "American te chnology is a wonderful thing. In Chile we have to le t crops rot in the fields sometimes, because the roads are not good enough to get the food to market before it spoils. And then we have to import food for the c iti es from overseas." What of American people? "The American young people I have met seem very sincere, even the hippies. The hippies in Chile are only imitations of the American ones. They do not have a real cause, they are only seeking diversion." "Here at Palomar, the students seem to be interested in slowing down the pace of American life. I think they are beginning to learn how to enjoy life more." What are work and schooling like in Chile? "! worked as a secretary , also as a model for both magazines and television advertising. I had a few parts in films; one an American film I hope will be released here soon. It is titled 'Self Portrait' . " "My schools were all private. The public schools in Chile a re not too good. Most of the private sc hools are conducted on foreign lines --Italian. English, French, e tc. I went to Ame ri can private sc hools and to the Santiago American College." What are your plans for future em ployment? She gave a winsome shrug and roll ed two big green eyes. "I would like
to work in public relations, or advertising, or maybe tourism. Anything where I have contact with people. I love to work with people." Concerning conditions in Chile, she said that things are very bad there now for businessmen and landowners. "Chile has suffered many national and natural disasters, and now Allende." "We are accustomed to earthquakes, fires and extremes of climate. An entire city was lost to an earthquake and tidal waves in 1964. Tremors occur in Santiago almost daily, we are used to such things . " She looked out at the scudding storm clouds tumbling across the hills of Vista. "But we are not experienced with Communism. Many of the people who voted for Allende are now very sorry . . Some that could, have left the country, taking great losses in the price they had to accept for their property and the black market exchange for the dollar has gone to three times the normal rate." It would seem that Mr. Allende has some support. The people seemed to give him a mandate of support in the most recent elections . "He has support only amongst the political naive. A lot of people expect a good life without working for it, land without paying for it." "He became President by only 30,000 votes. And in the last voting a lot of people did not go the polls, so his majority is not as strong as it might appear to be. He is supported by some students, mostly among the technical and engineering students.'' Opposition has already appeared but most of it is threats of violence, which is bad. A political assassination has happened. It is bad." What kind of man is Allende? Rosanna's eyes darkened. "I met him during a campaign in South Chile. He was very condescending and profuse to the people, smiling and shaking hands. But when the crowd was gone, the first thing he did was to wash his hands."
'The Trial' to be shown One of Orson We lles' greatest works, "The Trial," will be the final offering in the film series next week. The film was written, directed and produced by Welles from a novel by Franz Kafka. It is a story of a commonplace young man who is awakened and questioned by the police about an unidentified offense. Placed under "open arrest," he attempts to find out what he is supposed to have done. He is thrust into a surrealistic world, in which it becomes increasingly difficult to determine reality.
Encounters with his landlady, neighbor and law magistrates lead to his confusion and he begins to feel guilty without knowing why. Finally, he is led by two executioners to a deserted field, where he is killed by dynamite. Anthony Perkins plays the lead role, with Orson Welles, Jeanne !\Tore au, Romy Schneider, Elsa 1\Iarinelli, Akim Tamiroff, Suzanne Flon and Madeleine Robinson supporting him. The film will be shown Wednesday night at 7 p.m . and Thursday at 12:30 p.m.
Student earns pilot's license Dennis McCarthy, 20-year old Palomar student, is the first person to receive his private pilots license through the college. He received the license two weeks ago at Palomar airport in a Cessna 150. "I took basic ground instruction here just out of curiosity. I'd never been up in a plane before, but once I got up in the air, I didn't want to come down." Now that he's got his private license, Dennis is working for his commercial
lice nse. The commercial license entitles one to fly for hire, such as charter flights . McCarthy's future is still wide open, but he's considering teaching flying, although "there is so much to go through for your instructor' s certifi cate.'' The two c lasses need ed for the private license through the school are Aero l (Basic Ground Instruction) and Aero 2 (Flight Instruction). They are five unit courses, and both can be taken at once.
Palomar's Athletic Department will holds its annual Spring Sports Awards Banquet May 27 at 6:3 0 p.m., in the Student Union. Baseball, golf, tennis, track and archery will be the athletic teams honored. Awards, along with certificates of participation, Most Valuable, Team Captain, Most Improved and Best Sportsmen for each sport , will be announced .
Along with these awards will be presented three major awards covering this entire athletic year. They are: Outstanding Athlete of the Year, Sportsmanship Award, and a scholarship for this year's student athlete . All faculty, students and general public are invited. The price is $2.25 per person.
Football to begin on Monday; day, night classes scheduled Intercollegiate football will begin on Monday May 24 at ll a.m. for three weeks of class instruction, basic skills and conditioning. The day classes will begin at ll a.m. and run Monday through Thursday. Their purpose will be to show the coaches what the potential of the team will be for next fall. Basic plays and formations will be shown, plus conditioning now and throughout the summer will be explained. The night class room sessions will be set up mainly for new playe rs where the Comet team policies and formations, both offensive and defensive, will be explained on a chalk board. However, all players are urged to attend these sessions. On Thursday, June 3, at 5 p.m. a bar- b-que will be held for all returning players, new players, including high school seniors, and their dates. It will be held at the Wallace Memorial Pool behind the dome. Mack Wiebe, head football coach, is interested in all players who are thinking of playing. "I would like to see as many men out as possible. We will
THE TELESCOPE Published Tuesday and Friday of each school week, except -during final examinations or holiday.s, by the Communi. cations Department of Palomar College, San Marcos, Calif., 92069. Phone: 744ll50, Ext. ll9 . Advertising rates are $1.50 per column inch. Opinions expressed in signed editorials and articles are the views of the writers and do not necessarily represent opinions of the staff, views of the Associated Student Body Council, college administration, or the Board of Governors. The TELESCOPE invites responsible "guest editorials" or letters to the editor. All communications must be signed by the author, including I.D. number. Names will be withheld upon request. Letters may be submitted to the TELESCOPE editorial office, R-4. Editor-in-chief. .. Page l, Tuesday.
have a good team for the 1971 season. We've got some very strong players returning from the 1970 squad, and and we've picked up some of the best area high school talent." Assisting Coach Wiebe for the 1971 season will be Jim Clayton, Tony Lynds and Chuck Nally. All men interested in being part of the 1971 Comet football team should contact Coach Wiebe or one of his staff members.
Running a 1:52.9 time in his 880 heat at last Saturday's Southern California JC Prelims, Jay Larkin qualified to compete in tomorrow night's Southern California JC Finals. Larkin , who has not been able to participate in any tournaments during the past month, will be joined at the Southern Cal Finals by two other Comets, Garry Stines and Don Buss. Larkin equalled the previous Palomar 88 0 record with his effort and placed second in his heat behind James Baxter of Los Angeles City College, who had the fastest qualifying time of the day with a time of 1:52.0. Larkin had the second fastest qualifying time for the event. Both are ranked nationally due to their efforts Saturday. Baxter had the second fastest time in the country for junior college track, while Larkin placed fourth nationally. Garry Stines will also compete in the Finals after his shot put distance of 48-8 and one half. Don Buss qualified for tomorrow's meet in the pole vault by clearing 14-6. He easily cleared the first height of 13-6, and the second height of 14-0. A greater height was not attempted, however, since competitors in ~other meet we re waiting to use the pole vault facilities. The four top competitors in e'ach event tomorrow will be able to go to the state meet, being held May 29. Although looking toward the state meet, assistant coach Mike Curran said, "The important thing right now is that we got Jay (Larkin) into the finals." Because of his ankle injury Larkin had to receive a bye for the conference prelims and final meet.
Ex Comet Dempsey will show kicking on Sunday Former Palomar football great Tom Dempsey of the New Orleans Saints and holder of the NFL field goal record will conduct a field-goal kicking demonstration Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at San Dieguito High School. Sponsored by the Encinitas Optimist Club, donations will be adults, $1 and . 9hildren, $.50.
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