The Telescope 45.15

Page 1

Baseball Preview


.....: .

Special features highlighting love's favorite holiday

Vetter, Comblum and Afenir lead Comets into new-look '92 season

Open Forum/Page 7, Lifestyle/Page 8

Sports/Page 10

Friday, February 7, 1992


Palomar Community College, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos CA 92069-1487

Volume 45, Number 15

Changing of the guard continues in student gov't "I think it would be a great asset to have an Afrikan-American on the senate," Jenkins told the ASG. He is currently the vice-president The Associated Student Govof the Afrikan-American Student ernment underwent more revamping Wednesday by choosing a new Alliance. Sadova was also pleased to be vice-president and electing three new senators, including Lowell one of the ASG' s newest senators. "I'm looking forward to talking Kepics, who had previously been with students," Sadova said," and voted out. ''I'm really glad I got a second see what they want and try to make chance to make up for my mis- a difference." The senators were chosen after takes," Kepics said. Kepics and former senator Tom Turk had been the ASG promoted Candye Caleb stripped of their positions by the to the vice-president position. "I'm glad to be able lend my ASG after pressure from a recall services," Caleb said. She has been effort. "They were able to make a value a Palomar student for three years judgement deciding on whether the and is majoring in women's studpositives outweighed the nega- ies. She is also president of Camtives," Kepics said. He asked the pusFriends ofNOW (National OrASG to consider his qualifications ganization of Women). Nominees and elections for two when voting, and not to make it a more open senate seats will take personal issue. Kepics, Robert Jenkins and place next Wednesday. They were Michelle Sadova were sworn in made vacant by a resignation from Daniel Arrezola and from a disduring the last meeting. Jenkins said he was glad to be qualification of Haywood Chambers for too many absences. voted in as a senator.

By Mark Wiberg News Editor

Janet Duffy/Staff Photographer

Students who waited until the last day to add classes on Jan. 31 were caught in a line extending all the way out to the parking lot in front of the Student Services Center.

New early deadline prompts I student call for investig3:tion By Mike LaJoie Staff Writer Associated Student Government President Paul Raineri addressed the President's Advisory Council Tuesday about the forming of an ad-hoc committee to investigate the consequence of the new registration deadline. The temporary committee will examine the cause and effects of the deadline on students and class schedules: The new registration deadline for Palomar classes has been diminished from eight to two weeks. Palomar is state funded only for the first two weeks of the semester, and enrollment funds after this are not projected or available in Palomar's budget. After the meeting, Raineri expressed his views on the deadline. "It's too drastic from the eight weeks students had before," he said. "We need to fmd out the deadline's effects." According to Sandy Nanninga, supervisor of admissions, about 50 to 75 people tried to get class on Monday,


the first weekday after the deadline. She said many of the students had good excuses for registering late, such as illness. However, the majority of students were turned down for late registration. Diane McAllister, assessment test technician, expressed optimismaboutthedeadline."We

had the schedule deadline posted everywhere and had assessment testing up to the first week-of school," she said. "No student was turned away from the tests," she said. "I don't think there was a real problem this semester with the two week deadline. By and large, it is a matter of getting used to it."

Depts may suffer in growth By Steve Fox Staff Writer No new records are expected to be set this semester in enrollment according to Herman Lee, director of Admissions. Lee said that there are 25,195 students currently enrolled, and ''Palomar has even more room for growth," he said. Growth is an issue that Lee and other school officials don't have much control over, he noted. At this point limited state funds keep Palomar from adding any new courses to accommodate an expected increase in enrollment in the coming semesters, according to Lee. "Internal shifting of classes to the more populated general education courses, like English, is all the school can do," said

Lee. If that is the solution, he said, then the school's weaker departments will be the ones to suffer. •see GROWTH, page 4

Escondido grants $1 million for parking ·at satellite By Mike La Joie · Staff Writer Officials from Palomar college received a check for $1 million from the city council of Escondido last week paving the way for a new parking lot at the Escondido Education Center. Two hundred and sixty-nine parking spaces will be added, saving students from the now troublesome hunt to find a parking space. The groundwork for the $1 million bond issuance was set in 1984 when the Escondido City Council agreed to allow Palomar College to join Escondido's newly formed redevelopment agency. Palomar's portion of the commission's recent bond proceeds will be used for acquisition and improvement of parking facilities adjacent to the college's

NEW PARKING RULE· Administration expands staff parking In front lot. Page 3. Escondido Education Center. The $1 million bond issuance will make it possible for the college to purchase the land adjacent to and south of the center, without requiring monies from the college district's general fund. The land acquisition will eliminate the college's current temporary $1,500 a month lease expense on an existing parking lot, which the college can have access to only during the evenings. The Palomar College Escondido Education Center plans to open the new parking area in August 1992, in time for the beginning of the fall1992 semester. • see PARKING, page 3


Friday, FEBRUARY 7, 1992 The Telescope

CAMPUS BEAT MEETINGS GOVERNMENT Faculty Senate Meeting, Mondays, 2 p.m., SU-30 AGS Executive Meeting,Tuesday, 10 a.m., SU-22 Inter-Club Councii,Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m., SU-22 President's Advisory Council Meeting, Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month, 2 p.m., SU-18 Associated Student Government, Wednesdays, 1 p.m., SU-22 Governing Board Meeting, meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month in room sse at 7:30p.m. Foundation Board Meeting, Every other Thursday, 3:30p.m., SU-22

CAMPUS CLUBS African-American Student Alliance, Wednesday, noon, SU-18 Alpha Ganima Sigma,Wednesday, 10 a.m. SU 22 American Indian Organization, meets Friday 10 a.m. SU-22 AsianClub Meeting, Tuesday, 2:30p.m., SU-16 Bible Studying Meeting, Wednesday, 1 p.m., SU-15 Biosphere Club, Monday, noon, Arboretum steps. The Connection, Friday, noon, SU-18 EOPS Meeting, Friday, 2 p.m., TCB GALA Meeting, Tuesdays, 1 p.m., SU-15 ICC Metting, Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. Intramurals,Wednesday, 11:30 a.m., Student Union Area KSM Meeting, Tuesday, 11 a.m., SU-18 MEChA, Thursday, 2 p.m., SU-17 N.O.W., Wednesday, 2 p.m., SU-22. ¡ Patrons of Palomar, Wednesday, 9 a.m. SU-22 Psychology Club, Friday, 1 p.m., BE-6. Radio and Television student organization meeting, Feb. 5, noon,Q-1 Students for Christ, Tuesday, 11 a.m., SU-18

CLASSES AND SEMINARS Friends of Bill W. Meetings every Monday and Thursday at noon in 0-11 New Views of Women: "Woman and Music", Wednesdays, noon, SU-17

DEADLINES ADMISSIONS Spring Graduates. March 2, 1992 is the deadline for spring graduation. Dropping a class. Through Feb. 13, no notice, refund given. From Feb. 18 through AprillO, a student may drop with a grade of"W" at the discretion of the instructor and only for serious and compelling reasons. Send news calendar items to The Telescope, in care of Sara Skol, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069.

FRIDAY FORECAST A series of storms is approaching the area. The first storm will end sometime today leaving an inch of rain inland and half an inch on the coast. Cooler temperatures can be expected.


re~rt: 3to5footswensareexpected tbroughtoctay.

Weekend report: A second storm is expected to arrive on Sunday and will remain in the area through Tuesday.

Teacher Corps honored Six students in the Palomar College Teacher Corps merited a place on the spring 1991 "Deans list". They are Arcela Alvarez, Deborah Mixon, Ana Mosher, Amelia Crawford, Bernardo Estrada, and Barbara Seeds. All of them carried a minimum of 12 units and had at least a 3.5 grade point average. The Bilingual Corps consists of 30 students preparing to become bilingual elementary and secondary school teachers. As part of their training, corps members serve as teacher's aides in area schools. They are supervised by members of Palomar College's English as a Second Language Department and are supported by a federal grant through Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

Picnic area built Students may notice a new picnic and leisure area at the north end of the campus between the Graphic Arts building and the Telescope office. The Patrons of Palomar, a community group dedicated to the college, agreed to donate a picnic table if the college supplied the area to put it. The labor was donated to the college by the Sheriff Work Release Program. The only cost the college had to supply was the building materials and supervision. The area will be furnished with some low-maintenance droughtresistant plants.

Dr. Merrilee Lewis, vice president of instruction, and Darlene Schuck-Larimer drew the name of student Susan Kauntz who won a reserved parking space in lot 12.

Magazine sponsors festival

University representatives scheduled

The Transfer Center has Go Magazine is sponsoring the scheduled representatives from the 1992 Kashi Bicycling and following universities: Adventure Festival on Sat. and Sun., Feb. 8-9 at the Del Mar University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Tuesday.-Feb. 4 Fairgrounds. There will be 75 and 18, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. exhibits of bicycles, equipment and health-related training San Diego State University products. The Eagle Creek (SDSU), Wednesday ,Feb.l2, 9:30 Adventure pavilion will display a.m. to 1:30 p.m. CSU, San Marcos (CSU,S M), the products of outfitters for Thursday, Feb. 13, 10:00 a.m. to adventurous travel. !2:30p.m. A competition that promises to Stop by the Transfer Center in attract 250 expert climbers will challenge them with the ascent of rooms SU-1 and SU-3 or phone all but smooth 35 foot high solid, ~ Ext. 2552 to schedule an appointFree body fat testing will be rock wall. ment with one of the representadone at Student Health Services Some of the celebrities who tives. No appointment is neceson Feb. 11 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 will be at the Festival includes sary to see the National Univerp.m. at the main campus. Mem- Stacy Allison, the first American sity represenative in the Student bers of the Scripps Hospital staff woman to climb Mt. Everest; UniononFeb.12and 13 from 5:30 will administer the test using a Ned Overend, the 1990 World to 7:00p.m. skin caliper. Call ahead for an Mountain Bike Champion; John appointment. 744-1150 Ext.2380. Howard, author and adventurer who hiked the 3,000 mile coastline of Baja; and John Howard, Olympian, Ironman Competition winner, and the world's fastest human on a bicycle. Palomar College Electronics Department is holding a GovernThe forms to nominate Palomar ing Board authorized surplus instructors for this year's "Distinequipment sale, on Feb. 10, from guished Faculty Award for Excel4:30p.m. to 7:00p.m. The sale will lence in Teaching" are now availbe held in room Q-2 on the main able. campus. The nomination forms can be The Student Health Services will All the items are priced at a low found at the Library (main desk), Student Services (Admissions and provide blood cholesterol screen- amount which is fixed and nonCounseling), Student Union, Fac- ing for students Feb. 17 through negotiable. They are sold as is and ulty Lounge or can be obtained 28. The screening costs $12, is by are non-returnable. Price lists are from Dr. Michael Newbrough (P-,andwillbeddothne available from the Electronics Deat both .the mam campus an e partment 17). The sale is on a first come, first Deadline for nominations is Fri- Escondido campus. For an ap¡ pointmentcall744-1150Ext2380. serve basis. day, March 6.

Body fat testing

Students to nominate best teachers

Surplus sale to be held

Cholesterol tests given

The Telescope

Friday, February 7, 1992


NEWS Construction of corner gas station at full speed By Yvonne Esperanza Staff Writer

Teri Kane/Staff Pltotographu

Workers from Best Steel work on the frame of the new gas station near the southwest corner of campus.

Staff parking increased in front lot By Roman S. Koenig Editor-in-Chief Palomar College's front parking lot is now completely reserved for staff, with the exception of one row reserved for visitors, since administrative action last week to curb misuse of the lot . The rule, which took effect Feb. 3, was implemented because too many students were parking in the lot, which before was split between • faculty and visitor parking, according to Director of Administrative Services Michael Gregoryk. Visitor parking is now limited to the lot's first row of spaces, located next to the Campus Patrol building. Gregoryk said the move was

prompted by employee concerns. "We've had a number of complaints from staff," he said. "In . fact, we've had a number of staff members having to park illegally" as a result of the overcrowded con- . ditions from the misuse of the lot. Boyd Mahan, director of Campus Patrol, said faculty members . would leave the main campus to teach at the Escondido satellite center or got out to lunch and lose their designated spaces when they returned. The overcrowding of the lot also resulted in a fire hazard, according to Gregoryk, who said that fue trucks could not get into the lot as a result. The San Marcos Fire Departrnept warned the college of the

problem, he said, so enforcement of the rule will be tough. According to Mahan, visitors who have no room to park in the single row of spaces are being directed to the student parking lots. Campus Patrol officers have been directing traffic at the college's entrance· this week since the rule went into effect. Special permits have been written up for elderly visitors and for people attending or working with the Performing Arts Department, which is also located next to the lot, said Campus Patrol Officer Sean Nix. He said new temporary permits are also available for visitors coming to the college to meet with administrators.

By the middle of March, students who arrive to school low on gas will be able fill up after school without having to drive more than block. Development of a gas station on the northeast comer of West Mission and Las Posas Road is proceeding on schedule according to Project Director Tom McGlade. Development of the 20,000 squarefoot project is under the supervision of Colucci Brothers Contractors in Vista. Construction of the gas station started in September, and according to McGlade, "If nothing interferes with this project, the first phase should be completed

phase should be completed by midMarch." The gas station will also featurea small drive-through car wash service at no cost when purchasing a full tank of gasoline. A small commercial center on the four-acre parcel behind the gas station is also underway. The center will house 10 to 12 retail outlets, including boutiques, restaurants, a coffee shop, music shop and a bookstore that would purchase and sell students' books. According to McGlade, the completion date is not certain "Since the economy has been rather slow, retail spaces are not all rented yet," he said. But development is expected to be completed by spring of 1993.

PARKING Continued from 1 Palomar President/Superintendent Dr. George Boggs said ·it took effort on the part of Palomar Vice-President/Director of · Finances/Administrative Services Mike Gregoryk and Palomat Governing Board member Barbara Hughes to persuade the city council to give the money needed to create the parking lot. Gregoryk said the $1 million check the college received J ari.29 was the culmination of "two-and-a-half years of hard work convincing the city council to give us the money." Palomar Special Projects Manager Bryant Guy said the funds are important for another reason; "It's not that the money is being given to Palomar. Tax proceeds from Palomar will go to paying back the city. · "Part of the decision to give the money was that the Palomar Center is now considered a part of Escondido by city council members."



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Friday, February 7, 1992

The Telescope

Cheerleading trip cancelled

tJ -



By MiYooa Graves Contributing Writer




Janet J>uffy/ S taff P/w((}gropltu

A LITTLE MAGIC Magician David Johns, also known as ''The Great Zucchini," performs his wonders in a recent magic show at Palomar with student Elizabetb Mayraut.

Palomar's Cheer team had little reason to cheer last month when they were forced to cancel their trip to the National Cheerleading Championships in Dallas. The team, which was ranked second in the nation and had high hopes of a title, was unable to raise enough money to pay for the trip. Expenses to the competition would have exceeded the $3,000 that the team had raised through donations, fundraisers, and an allocation from the Associated Student Govern~ent The members of the team also held a basketball game to raise money for their trip. The $3,000 that was raised went towards the purchase of airline tickets for the 18member team. Promises to cover additional expenses had come from McDonald's, and team members had put some of their own money into a Student Activities Trust Fund account. Director of Student Activities Jim Bowen .: made the decision to cancel the trip because · of the $2,200 debt the cheerleading team had accumulated. The cheedeading team is given $6,000 by the ASG at the beginning of the year which barely covers the cost of uniforms, according to team member Paul Groom. There were four turnovers during . the season, resulting in the necessity of four new uniforms, which added to the debt The plane tickets had to be refunded to pay off the debt. All students, businesses, and other organizations who contributed were compensated, with the exception of those who allowed their donation to go towards repaying the debt.

The cheerleaders are very disappointed about the cancelled trip, said Groom, adding that the announcement came after they had practiced four hours a day, five days a week for two-and-a-half weeks. He feels that the administration doesn't realize how good the squad is, and that the team deserves monetary help. "Palomar's cheer program is going to suffer," explained Groom. He said that after watching the way the school handled the squad, he would rather cheer for someone else.

GROWTH Continued from page 1 The long term solution to Palomar's growth must come from state funding, which Lee thinks may be available down the line. If the money doeS become available then an increased number of afternoon courses can be expected, he said, because it is the slowest time of the day at Palomar. Lee anticipates the enrollment to continue to rise at all community colleges. He notes the "poor economy" and the fact that state college fees are up added to the school 's growth expectations. Registration has yet to become a major problem because of the increasing use of PAR registration, according to Lee. Almost 14,000 students used the telephone to avoid long lines. Lee urges even more to take advantage of PAR. "We want as many students as possible to use PAR," Lee said, "because it helps the whole process to run more smoothly."

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The Telescope

Friday, February 7, 1992


Money cuts hit EOPS By Carlos Bott

Staff Writer Faced with increasing student use without an increase in allocated funds, the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) program is cutting back on the monetary grants given to students who use this service at Palomar College. Currently, approximately 900 students are enrolled in the EOPS program, up from 735 students last year. ."Because the amount of allocated funds have not kept pace with the increase in student need, some services were scaled back this year," said P J. DeMaris, director of the EOPS program. The program was only given additional cost ofliving allowance funds, but did not receive any new growth money for additional students. Additionally, $140,000 of vocation education money was cut, as well as three staff positions. Direct student aid of $100 per semester was cut back to $100 a year. As a result, students who received this money in the fall did not receive it this semester. Other sources of financial aid, handled separately though the Financial Aid Department was not part of this aid freeze. " Although direct monetary aid is an important function of the EOPS program, we feel that counseling and other student support

services help our students more," according to DeMaris. EOPS is state-sponsored and is designed to aid students who have experienced economic hardship or social or cultural differences to succeed at Palomar. This program helps disadvantaged students achieve their academic, vocational, or personal needs or goals. · DeMaris added,"EOPS provides many counseling services that can help the students at Palomar College; we provide personal, single-parent, academic, vocational, and peer counseling." EOPS provides financial assistance and offers book awards, bus passes, parking permits, financial aid fee waivers, Palomar Identification Cards, and emergency loans. EOPS also sponsors a student club, multicultural events, educational workshops, and, in past years, a summer academy. To qualify for the EOPS program, a single student's annual income may not exceed $7,500, and a couple's may not exceed $15,000. AFDC and general assistance aid recipients automatically qualify. Other qualifications must be met by applicants. Students may apply in the EOPS office located in the TCA building on the north end of campus.

Michael Kline/ Staff Photographer

Students Ramona Famble and Joelle Gabriel view the Black History display in the Palomar library.

Palomar students celebrate Black History Month in ceremony By Amelia Bowles


With over 100 people in attendance, Palomar's AfrikanAmerican Student Alliance club kicked off Black History month with a ceremony honoring their culture. The event, held at the Student Union on Feb. 3, included several speakers as well as a presentation of Afrikan art work to President/ Superintendent Dr. George Boggs. According to Ramona Famble, treasurer of the club, the event was "EOPS is not a handout pro- held "just to make people who gram, EOPS is here to try to rem- were unaware, aware of Black edy the damage already done," History month and some of the DeMaris said. great inventions that came from

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black Americans." The black national anthem, which according to Famble, is not well known, was played in hopes of starting a tradition for years to come, she said. Michael King, a counselor at Palomar, gave a speech honoring a wide range of famous Afrikan Americans. King spoke about the achievements of Dr. George Washington Carver who developed scores of uses for the peanut and Dr. Charles Drew who developed the concept of blood plasma and the blood bank. King also said that once, when Drew was injured in an accident, he was taken to several hospitals, but was refused admittance because he was black.


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"He was not allowed to use his own invention," said King. Carol Johnson, president of the club also, presented to Dr. Boggs an Afrikan batik that was made in Kenya. "I was very · pleasantly surprised to receive it," said Boggs. "I have asked my staff to display it either in my office or just outside of it for the rest of the month." According to Joelle Gabriel, cosecretary of the club, the event went "nice and smooth considering we only had one meeting before the event." "This kind of celebration is important for us as a college as we celebrate our diversity and richness here on campus," said Boggs

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Friday, February 7, 1992

The Telescope

PE Boehm Gallery Management class needs to be reinstated Minimum enrollment for the Palomar College classes Gallery Management 170 and 171, is 18 students. This semester, the roster tallies short by six students, simultaneously cutting both of the classes and the life blood of the Boehm Gallery. This spring, Dean of Humanities Gene Jackson says that there will be some money available to provide some short-term hourly staff to assist in the preparations of the coming gallery exhibits. But it's just not the same. The gallery provides the academia quality learning grounds to prep students for survival in the monetary world. Through Gallery Management, Art Gallery Director Louise Kirtland Boehm has been able to acquire off-campus internships (such as the San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art) for students, which sometimes leads to employment. It is general consensus that Palomar College as a whole benefits from the gallery; the art shows bring in community, national, and international acknowledgment. Last semester, over 7,000 visitors came to see the quality shows put on by the Gallery Management class. Palomar College could not even buy that kind of positive press. Via press critiques, the Boehm Gallery has made a name for itself and Palomar College as well. Focexample,last year the San Diego Union's Art Critic Robet1 Pi!x;us listed three of the Boehm's exhibits as toJr ranking for '91. Besides gallery appraisal in the local spotlight, (The San Diego Union, Times Advocate, The Blade-Citizen, San Diego Arts Monthly), Palomar College name is also reputable nationally and abroad. (Art in America magazine) It is the gallery class that puts on the quality shows for the collyge, while at the same time, learning all aspects of the art industry and obtaining hands-on experience that could never be learned sitting in a classroom or reading a book. The Boehm Gallery needs its students. The students need the Boehl!l Gallery.

Students short-changed jn education systems By Sarah Schultz Staff Writer Hard times lay ahead. As a full-time and long-time student, I thought I had already experienced those hard times. Shortage of funds has always been a concern; most of us take part-time jobs to be able to go to school. If we weren't in school, many of us could make more money. But, right now, we aren't in it for the money. We are planners, foreseers, and are working for that college degree which will get us where we want to be in life. So we are sacrificers. In the list of college students' problems, lack of money is almost always put at the top. Sometimes students are able to get grants from the state, or scholarships from their school, but it is difficult to do so, since these funds are always in demand. The state funds and school funds have been short to begin with, and now Governor Pete Wilson has planned to "trim" $2 billion off school budgets. Not only has state funds been shortened and harder to get a hold of, now schools have been cut down on the money they run their schools on. . This has affected students from the ages of 5 to 65. Elementary students are being jammed into classes and losing their teachers. High school students are losing counselors needed in these times of gang shootings, child abuse cases, and violence in the home. And we college students ·are being told that funds already short, have become even smaller. California schools have the largest classes in the nation, according to the Los Angeles Times. And Palomar student can verify this. This is my gripe. As college students in

Roe vs Wade issue aborted On Jan. 22, the anniversary of Roe vs Wade, the historic Supreme Court de<;ision allowing legal abortion, Campus Friends of NOW attempted to host a free speech platform.WeinvitedmembersoftheSpeech

Editors-in-Chief.... ~ .........


45, '"

' 14



31, 1992

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RO'ITEN 111\l!lCllT

California, we have alWho has the time or til.: money? ready been hit with hard times. All too often, the difficulties such as the cost BLANK FXI'RESSION No life.: , due 10 school and of school, cut classes, and } u·m t l·d wdu/cs. no room in classes, have made it seem impossible to ever graduate from college. Indeed, many of us have dropped out from school. Why then, is our Governor making it even harder for us to go to school? Does he want to wipe out all our determination and drive? I see a major problem in Wilson's, and other politician's, thinking. It is illogical to take funds away from schools. It is the schools that breed the students, and it is the students who will shape the future. ·We will be the next politicians, businessmen, scientists, authors, and teachers. How we are schooled will make the difference whether we are What do the politicians of today want the good at what we do or not. What if these future to be like'! My answer is this. If they school budget cuts make our next Einstein want educated and specialized people in the become discouraged with the system and leadership positions of tomorrow, then they drop out? What a loss for humanity that would help the education process, not hamwould be. per it. Does Governor Pete Wilson see only into I understand that the recession has hit the next 10 years? Are there blinders on his hard. Everyone is having to sacrifice. But eyes which make him focus solely on his my position remains the same. Find somecareer as a politician? With these "trim- place else to make the cuts, Governor, like mings" off of schools' budgets, it seems that from prison budgets, and make the future the answer to those questions would be yes. more secure by doing so.

Department to speak and opened · the microphone to any interested parties either pro- choice or anti-choice. How saddened I was to see that no one seemed. to care about this very important and timely issue. WillaPalomarCollegestudent have to die from an illegal abortion before students realize that this is a issue that affects all sexually active people? It is my hope that

................... ......................

each student at Palomar will examine their own feelings and come to a decision either for or against the issue. And next year, when Jan. 22 rolls around, or this issue comes up before the High Court, people will be brave enough to stand up and take a side.

Candye Caleb ASG vice president

Ame'la Bowles Roman s. Koenig Marina Melson Mark Wiberg

ga;~C::r~:~~~~- :·....'.'.'.::::::::.'.'...'.:::::::::.'.'.'.::::::::.'.'''''''"_·:.·::::::....'.' .:·.::::::..'.'.'.'.'.::::::::~~raH:~ Ufestyle Editor. ............... ..:......... .. ..................................................... Salvador Marquez Entertainment Editor ... ........................................................................... •.......... Darren Ane Sports Editor.....................................................................................................Sean Dear Copy Editor. ......................................... - ................................................... Teng Monteyro Photography Editor I Office Manager. ..... .. ......... " .................................... Mfchael BagstaG Assistant Photography Editor................................................ .......................... Paul Stee Cartoonists. ............................................................... .................................... Jay Herzog, Eddie Stacie, Steve Troop Advertising Manager. ............ ......... • • . ..............................................Chrls S. Mac:Pha. Journalism Advi- ......................................................................................... Susan Deacor Photography Adviser.................. ,.................................................................... Donna Cosertino Graphic Communicatlons ................- ............................................,.........- ....... Nell Bruington, Todd Jlmold, Letty Brewster, Bernice Hart, Mark Hopkins, Jill LaGrange, Anlta Spare Staff. ... ............ ..... Jim Adams, Bill Comer, Jacques Domercq, Yvome Esperanza. Sean Attlng, · Steve Fox, Ctvistopher Gast, Mlyona Graves. Brenda Godfrey, _George Hadden, Sandy Kraisirideja, Mike Lajoie, David Mosier, Martin O'Nc'l, Sarah Schultz Photogrc:phars. . ... .. .. .. ............ Judi Calhou:l, Janet Duffy, Terl Kane, Belinda McCauley, Scott Ramussen, Sarah Schultz, Greg Skinner, Jenny Southworth, Pa~.ol Steele, Meg Wieland, Belinda McCauley, Saul Rivera, Greg Skinner

The Telescope welcomes aU letters to the editor. Letters must be typewritten and include the author's name, major and telephone number. The Telescope reserves the right to edit letters for space, and to not print letters which contain lewd or libelous comments. Please send letters to: The Telescope, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos CA 92069. Letters may also be delivered to our offices located at the north end of campus in room TCB-1.

The Telescope

Well it is Valentines time again. This brings up one of my perennial questions. What is love? When I was in fourth grade I asked my mother. She told me to ask my father. When I asked him I got a two hour, red faced, lecture on the human reproductive system. When he was done I told him that everyone knew where babies come from. I wanted to know what love was. This seemed to stump him. He gave me a hug and said, "It ain't nothing that you say. It ain't nothing that you do. It's that special sorta something that you. share with someone else. It makes you do things ...just because." This was not the answer that I was looking for. I decided to ask my old friend Merriam Webster. The Webster's


nny alent1ne

My By Sean Fitting Staff Writer

Friday, February 7, 1992

SeventhNew Collegiate Dictionary defines love as "affection based on admiration or benevolence." That's all fine and proper but it sure as heck didn't capture the way that Ifelt about Claudia Jennings in seventh grade. To figure out those feelings I, like every other

teenager in the last 40 years, turned to the radio. Santana said, "I had some dreams but they turned to dust. What I thought was love turned out to be lust." This clarified my feelings about Claudia, and just about every other girl in my class. But it didn't help me with my original question. It was over the airwaves that I learned that love is a book. Love is a rose. Love is a drug. Love is like oxygen. It's "a chemicalreactionoranallergy."Itis"biggerthanaCadillac." It is what "the world needs now," and sometimes "all I really need is ... goocllove." . Niel Sedacka asked the musical question, "why do fools

fall in love?" A new beer commercial on TV asks the same question. The commercial concludes that what the world needs now is a Bud Dry. The TV tells us that love, or the lack of it, is the reason we buy beer and breath mints, motor cars and greeting cards. Perhaps the answer to my question lies in a Hallmark shop. I went into one the other day and found a card with a out- of- focus picture of a horse running through a field of daisies. "If you love something set it free," the card said My favorite used -bookstore has a whole section of 15 year- old self help paperbacks that say about the same thing for about half the price. Love, according to the greeting card industry, is soft and fuzzy on the inside and sweet and sticky on the outside. "Like chocolate coated caterpillars," I thought to myself, "which are easier to swallow than this drivel." For me flowers and candy (at $30/dozen and $15 a box) are out this Valentine's day. Ifacertainpersonasksmewhy I'll give her a hug and say, "It ain't nothing that you say. It ain't nothing that you do. It's that special sorta something that you share with someone else." On Feb. 15 I will buy her two dozen half -priced roses just because ...

Ther~ Kerns

& Mike BaUmer Eight months. Recreation/Psycology


·. .



Darren. Little & Stephanie Howells Dating Business/ Undeclared

"Trust and sharing is important .. you have to be honest, open and let that little wall betweeJt you down.•"

'"The best thing in any relationship is a foundation of trust and honesty."

What's the secret to staying together? (Photos by Michael Bagstad and Teri Kane)

Louise & Jim Kelly Married 47 years Sociolugy/Speeelt ,. Youhave to look at the bigpicture andnot let thelittle ~tuff get in tlte way ... have respect for each other.".


Sam Kucera & Jessie Rose School semester pals Policeman/Baby Doctor

Robert Von Maier & Heather Me Sharry One year and two months. Palomar Alumni I Molecular Biology

" Good habits fight bad habits ... we play a lot and get along real well."

"Communication is the main secret ... we became friends before lovers and we still really love each other."


Friday, February 7, 1992 The Telescope

LIFESTYLE Cupid strikes twice in business law class By Sarah Schultz Staff Writer

ithin a period of 20 years, it happened twice; in the same class, with the same teacher, in the same room, and in the same family. Something unusual was definitely going on. According to Joann Succi, it was love. Joann Succi, a Palomar professor, took Jim Felton's business law class at Palomar in 1966. It was in this class that she met her husband-to-be, Carlo Succi, who is also currently a professor at Palomar. Almost 20 years later, Succi's daughter, Jina, met her husband-to-be, Todd Plate, also in Jim Felton's business law class.¡ Both couples


Paul Steele/Assi.rtalll Photography Editor

In 1965, Jim Felton's business law class not only produced two future faculty members, but also a husband and wife. Carlo

"I felt real good~ Yeah, ... I felt like a real Yenta.'~ Carlo and Joann Succi, faculty at Palomar, met in 1965, room B-12. had the business class in the same room, B12. The first realization of these extraordinary events occurred when Todd Plate carne to pick up Jina for their first date. Joann



Jim Felton Business law professor on his match-making ability

Succi, a banking procedures teacher, and Joann Succi; a business writing teacher, met each other in Felton's class.

Succi asked him where he had met her daughter. When Plate said they had met in Jim Felton's business law class, Joann was amazed. "I just couldn't believe it! " Succi said. "I said, 'you're not going to believe this, but that's exactly where Carlo and I met years ago." When Jim Felton heard that two of his former students (mother and daughter) had met their husbands in his class, he said, "I felt good. Yeah .. .I felt like a real Yenta." A Yenta, as any fan of "Fiddler on the Roof' knows, is a village matchmaker. Joann Succi speaks of Felton with high

regard. "I thought, what a neat father, and role model he was. And still is. He really seemed to project a caring and sincere attitude toward the students." Jim Felton, a father of five, has been teaching at Palomar for 32 years. He resigned from full-time teaching in 1990, but Felton plans to work part-time until the end of the semester. This year, Joann and Carlo Succi will be celebrating their 25th anniversary. Last month, on Jan. 4, Jina Succi and Todd Plate were married, proving lightning can strike twice - even in the same room.

date is a bo1nb ~hen she brings a book

An analogy of a 'bad date' warns of tell-tale signs By Salvador Marquez Lifestyle Editor

Women are the reason why blues were created. Bad dates are usual! y the reason why monastaries recruit so well. Everyone has a bad date. This is mine.

It was a dark and stormy night -


wish. My nightmare date happened during a fmeJuneday, a day with thesunout, the surf up, no traffic cops around and nothing but green lights at every intersection. Just for ~e. as if fate decided, "Sal has been nice this year, so here,haveaniceday." What a cruel hoax. And I still cringe when I hear"Have a nice

day." Her name was Caroline, a comely, independent-minded, polite French exchange student. We were on the newspaper staff, "The Panther Print," an award-winning (aren't you getting tired of heari.;1g that) newspaper. Everyone worked hard on stdf, so Caroline and I spent most of the time working¡ together. Most of the year, she looked, well- she looked fetching, so I did and asked her out to see "Wargames," starring Matthew Broderick. By the way, never take a girl out to a movie that stars someone better looking than you. It invites disaster. Pulling up to her driveway, I was ready, one lean, green, pristine, romance machine. Actually, I was green but the car was blue, though it sure smelled green. There was so much of that "evergreen" car freshner in my Honda Accord that a couple lumber companies wanted to hack off my car seats. We get into the car. One thing I notice is

that Caroline brought a book, a big book. This book was so large it wasn't literature anymore, it was a status symbol. "That's a big book, Caroline." "I have to do some light reading." And I have to kill a fly. Pass me the flamethrower. And with that, she began to read. The Accord is as quiet as a hearse. At the ticket booth, I endured indignant stares from theater employees. What cheek that someone should bring something literate in a movie theater. But maybe the movie guys had a point. I almost had to buy another ticket for the tome my date brought. She was still reading. I bought popcorn, soda and Goobers- all for her. That didn't stop her; she still read. The lights went out, the movie started and she just flipped another page. There is something wrong with her, I thought. Who can read in the dark? "Having a good time?" I asked. "Ssshhh." On the screen, Matthew Broderick cracks

the computer code for NORAD's missile network. She still read. Broderick falls in love and I fall into oblivion. The world is being saved on screen and I'm given a slow death in the seats. And she still read. The movie was over, the lights flicked on and the curtain went down. Through a halfway decent movie, a box of Goobers and half a tub of popcorn, Caroline continued to read, despite my efforts at having a date. It's one thing to be ignored, it's another to ignore someone so well, it makes a statement. "Sal?" She speaks! Caroline looks into my eyes with her dark pair that could melt a glacier. Her dreamy gaze stops my heart and my breathing. I wanted attention, but now she is giving me

a moment. My mouth is dry, my hands are clammy, cold sweat is coming down my face ... "I'd like to go home, Sal." Crash. I wonder if there's room at the monastery?

The Telescope

Friday, February 7, 1991


ARTS~ ENTERTAINMENT Faculty dancers in vogue

MUSIC ON CAMPUS Palomar College Performing Arts Department Spring 1992 Concert Hour: Concerts are every Thursday from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Performance Lab (D-10). Admission is free; community members, staff and students are welcome. Call 7441150 Ext. 2317 or 2316 for 'further information. Feb. 6- Baroque Duets, Kathryn Evans, Elisabeth Marti, sopranos Feb. 13- Steven 'Gray, organ Feb. 20- Hawthorne Trio, violin, cello, piano Feb. 27- Mary Evans Johnson, piano Concert Band, directed by Rick Lorenzen will perform at the Palomar College Theatre on Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 general admission and $4 for students and seniors. For further information contact the Palomar Performing Arts Department at 744-1150Ext 2317.

PERFORMING ARTS ON CAMPUS Modern Dance Faculty in Concert will on Feb. 8 at 8 p.m. and Feb. 9 at 2 p.m. in the Palomar College Theatre. The show will feature dance instructors from the Palomar College Performing Arts Department. Tickets are $7 general admission and $5 for students and seniors. Group rates are also available. For further information contact the box office at 744-0136 or 744-1150 Ext 2453.

OFF CAMPUS Les Liaisons Dangereuses: Also known as Dangerous Liaisons, this performance opens on Jan. 30 at the Moonlight Arnpitheatre in Vista and will run until Feb. 16. This play about a war between the sexes is recommended for mature audiences only. For tickets and further information contact the theatre at 724-2110. The School For Husbands is now playing at the Old Globe Theatre. This story about lessons in love and marriage was written by Moliere and will be directed by Edward Payson Call. Tickets range from $17 to $29.50 and Visa, Mastercard and American Express are accepted. For further information contact the theatre at 239-2255.

ART ON CAMPUS Palomar College Boehm Art Gallery presents Leslie Nemour' s Cuerpos Y Almas, Bodies and Souls and Mari Omori's Black Drawings. Theexhibitopens today and will run until March4. For gallery hours and further information or to arrange a tour contact Jennifer Collins at 744-1150 Ext. 2304.

OFF CAMPUS VIVA La Archive Exhibit is now on display at the VIVA Adobe Gallery, 640 Alta Vista Drive in Vista and will run until March 1. Gallery hours are from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Weds. through Sun. and admission is free. For further information contact the gallery at 72q-3499.

MOVIES ON CAMPUS Palomar Spring Cinema Series: The collection chosen is an exciting cross-section of American and international films. They are played Thursdays at 7 p.m. in room P-32 and admission is free. Feb. 13- Cinema Paradiso (Italy 1989)- An academy award winning film by Giuseppi Torna:tore is an ode to the cinema and its effect on a group of young people growing up in small town Italy. Feb. 20- My Left Foot (Ireland)- With an award winning performance by Daniel Day-Lewis, the film recounts the life of writer and painter Christy Brown and the faith of his courageous mother. Send Arts & Entertainment calendar items to The Telescope, in care of Darren Ane, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069.

By Yvonne Esperanza Staff Writer

The Palomar College Performing Arts Department is presenting "Modem Dance Faculty in Concert" on Feb. 8 and 9. The spring semester production will feature three of Palomar's dance faculty members. Mary Neuru and Faith JensenIsmay, along with Stacy Scardino have choreographed a series of dances which will be performed bymembersofMOJALET, which is condensed for modem jazz and ballet and is a dance company that utilizes an eclectic blend of modem jazz and ballet techniques. The company is directed by Jensen-Ismay and Neuru, who attended San Diego State University, and received a Master's of Arts degree in dance. MOJ ALET was created for independent artists to choreograph and develop ideas in a professional environment. Its main goal is to offer a venue for artists to present their work locally and abroad. The MOJALET Company production will also feature local alumni and advanced Palomar students. Neuru, Jensen-Ismay, and chore.ographer Dana Dominic work and perform with their own dance company. Dominic, founder and director of the dance company Pax Fiat will be featured in the second half of the program. Pax Fiat uses Martha Graham techniques and meets for training in modem dance and classical ballet as well as for

Phot06 courtesy of Palomar Dance Department

Dana and Anthony Dominic dance and direct the Pax Fiat company.. Dana is the founder as well as the director of the company. rehearsal. The company emphasizes the mutual human experience, illustrated by performers and shared with the audience. Dominic, along with her husband Anthony, will be joined by members of Pax Fiat to perform "The Magnificat," music by Claudio Monteverdi, and "How I Got Over," gospel spiritual music by Mahalia Jackson. Other presentations will be performed to music by David Arkerstone, a New · Age Reggae musician, Enya and George M. Zelenz, a Palomar music student. The music is a collaborate effort by George Zelenz, Neuru, and Sound Technician Jim Weld. The dancers will perform six different styles of dance presentations which, according to Neuru, have "Styles that range from playfully kinetic dances to introspec-

tive and socially pertinent statements." The first presentation is "Kinetic Tease" a playful sextet that flows with the easy dynamics of the music and teases the dancers into motion. After that comes "Cursum Perificio" a mediative introspective piece about the microcosm and macrocosm of life and its dynamic perfection, which Neuru said is, "Rhythmic and ritualistic." "So What's Important?" follows with a social comment piece on the educational system not flinctioning adequately due to lack of funding. Three other presentations will round out the show titled, "Brainstorm," "Journey," and "Walk My Way" all choreographed by JensenIsmay. Neuru described the dance collaboration as "A technical style with a sprinkle of each choreographers' vocabulary."

Videos for · Valentines By Sandy Kraisirideja Staff Writer

Sometimes no matter how well advertisers and local merchants promote an upcoming holiday, we just can't seem to muster up anything but a faint "yeah." Valentine's Day falls under this category, and is often anticipated with a·sense of dread by many. This is true simply because it is exclusive. Only couples in love, or people searching for love fmd any use for this day. We seem to forget that it is a celebration of all the people we love in our lives, not just our boyfriends or girlfriends. This year, if you're a little slow warming up for Valentine's, why not rent some videos to put you in themood. Notonlyaretheresome great classic love stories out there, but over the last few years there have been several that have tugged at our hearts just as well. Most recently in the movie "Ghost;" the pottery scene alone

caused an increase in attendance at the ceramics department at Alfred University in Alfred, New York. ~owever, the all-time classic lovers' movie, in my opinion, is "Cyrano De Bergerac." The most recent version stars Gerard DePardieu, but there is also an older version with Jose Ferrer. If you are a woman who can't resist a man who can speak French, then DePardieu's "Cyrano" is for you. There is also a modem version of this classic tale called "Roxanne." This romantic-comedy stars Steve Martin in the title role, and yes, he can be romantic. Speaking of comedies, you can also try "The Princess Bride," "When Harry Met Sally," and a new film starring John Candy, "Only the Lonely." Those of you who doubt Candy's amorous ability-will be surprised at his performance. If your mate needs some work on his lip locks, the documentary "Kisses" hosted by Lauren Bacall

has just been released on video. It is a historic look at the steamiest and most unforgettable kisses in the last 100 years of film. Or maybe your relationship could use a little spice, for this "9 1/2 Weeks" has some interesting suggestions. And ladies, if the love in your life has been acting a little flaky lately, well just pop "War of the Roses" or "Fatal Attraction" into your V.C.R. and remind him just what can happen when a woman doesn't get what she wants. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to get the heart strings singing. Some movies up that alley include, "Somewhere in Time," ''The Way We Were," and "Love Story." More reeently is Julia Roberts' "Dying Young," a story of a young woman who falls in love with a man dying of leukemia, played by Campbell Scott You '11 defmitely need a full box of tissue for this one. Finally, for the kid in all of us, there are "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella".


Friday, February 7, 1992

The Telescope

SPORTS Comets are hitting with the bases loaded Head Coach Bob Vetter is making a pitch for his 200th Palomar victory

SLAPS HOT Christopher Gast

There should be 'Magic' in Barcelona Earvin (Magic) Johnson took the NBA stage 13 years ago and put on a great show for the United States and the world. Now that the HIV virus has brought his athletic career into its final act, he has the chance to take one more bow in Barcelona on the U.S. Olympic basketball team where ignorance and fear shouldn't prematurely bring down the curtain. Johnson announced his condition and retirement from the NBA to a shocked world last fall but made it clear that the Olympic fire still burned in his heart. Since then, an underground debate has raged about whether or not his presence in Barcelona this summer should be allowed. Well, last month the Australians surfaced the topic which the medical community had submerged in the hopes that it would drown in AIDS awareness and education. The physician for the Aussie basketball team, stated that the risk of his attiletes contracting the AIDS virus is just too great He recommended that the Australian team, along with the rest of the world boycott the basketball tournament if Johnson plays. Well, there'salsoariskthata 747 will plow into the arena, killing everyone; that a rabid dog will find its way into the locker room, chew on the Aussies and give them rabies, or even that Jeffery Dahmer wi~ escape and make Barcelona his new home. In other words, it just shouldn't happen. Members of the world-wide medical community, including the head Olympic physician, quickly dispelled the Australians fear by stating that the odds Johnson will transmit the disease are minute, if not non-existent

Coach Bob Vetter holds a full deck going into the season with strong pitching and player depth.

By George Hadden Sports Writer When coach Bob Vetter and his 1992 Comets take the field this season, all eyes will be on the pitching staff. Vetter also feels this year's squad is loaded offensively. "We have guys who can hit the ball, we should be good defensively and this may be the best depth we've ever had.'' "(But) the key to this club will be the consistency of the pitching staff," said Vetter. Coach Vetter has lead Palomar to backto-back championships in 1988-89. Over his w ·year reign as Palom~ head coach, Vetter has accumulated a record of 198168, and is looking to reach the 200 win mark this season. Vetter, assisted by coaches Stan Crouch and Mike Abruzzo, will be shooting for his third P.C.C title in five years. The Comet baseball team will be lead by sophomores Ed Com blum, the Pacific Coast Conference batting champion last year with a .390 batting average (BA) while playing first base. Tom Afenir (.288BA), an All-PCC player last year at catcher. Pitchers Robert Erp, an All-PCC pick two years ago (8-2, 2.25 earned run average), Matt Taylor (3-1, 3.01ERA) an All-PCC pick last year and Chris Adams who led the

Ed Cornblum (#22),-the defending Pacific Coast Conference batting champ, anchors the '92 Comet infield.

Tom Afenir (#8) catcher and catalyst for Palomar, gears up for the 1992 season.

league in saves last year. Jason Schmeiser, who hit .276 last season, will grace the shortstop position, while Spike Mitchell, an All-PCC catcher/outfielder, Scott Collins, outfielder, Brian Frank, first base, and infielder Greg Sorrell, a transfer from the University ofPacific, will round off the strong roster. The freshmen include pitchers Scott Tebbetts, Jose Lopez, Chris Young, Gavin McQueen, Dan Webb and George Hadden. Catchers Rick Aguilar and Ben Duncan. Infielders Chris Gorr, Eddie Thompson, Chris Hancock, Jay Kjeldsen, Brian Kooiman and McQueen. Along with outfielders Chris Chavez, Jose Gonzales, and Duncan. The boys of summer had a chance to flex their muscle last weekend, only to feel the winter chill. The Comets, who hosted Saddleback College for a two game series, were swept by the upstart Gauchos. Jan. 31,Palomar,playing atMyer'sField, found themselves with the short end of the bat, losing their home opener. Feb. 1 proved more painful, though, as the Comets amassed a 11-4 lead by the fifth inning only to fall apart and allow 14 runs in the fmal four. Thus, Palomar fell to Saddleback 18-14 in a three-hour, 45minute marathon. Five Comet errors and a plague of walks allowed the two sides to accumulate the 32

total runs. The Gauchos scored their 18 runs on only 11 hits, while Palomar tallied up its 14 runs on just 10 hits. Palomar will tackle the Chaffey Tournament at Chaffey Feb. 6-8, and will then host Golden West Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. andGlendaleFeb.14 at1 p.m. and February 15 at 12 p.m. The Comets will return home Feb. 20 to begin conference play against the San Diego City College:KJ1ights. Palomar then will be tested as they go on a three game road trip against three ·more tough conference foes.

Magic Johnson (and everyone else who preaches AIDS awareness) has agreatchance to dispel a number of myths about the virus at the '92 Olympics. Johnson can show society ho.w it isn't spread, that no one is immune or even that people with the HIV or AIDS are still humans. Magic will also show the world he's still one of the ~eatest.

February 1 Saddleback 18, Palomar 14 Comets Gauchos

123 456 789 R HE 105 320 030 14 10 5 000 317 106 18 11 4

Men's Tennis Feb. 7 GlendalPFeb. 25 San Diego City

2p.m. 2p.m.

Women's Tennis Feb. 11 Mt. SAC


Men's Volleyball Feb. 14 Rancho Santiago Feb. 25 Grossmont

In a time that governments, doctors and scientists preach the truth about AIDS and spend billions on education to combat irrational fears, it's sad to see an entire nation embarrass itself through pure ignorance. Since then, however, the Australians have turned the other cheek and invited Johnson, along with the rest of the all-star U.S. Olympic basketball team, to compete down under in a pre-Barcelona tournament, in an attempt to pry the monkey off their backs.

Janet Duffy/Staff Photographer

Janet Duffey/Stoff Photographer

3p.m. ?p.m.

• All games listed are at Palomar




Catchers Rick Aquilar alld Bel DuiiCIII

Infielders Claris Gorr, Chris Hucock,Jay Kjelcboa, Briu Koolmu, GIYil McQueea aad Eddie Tbompso11


Robert Erp, Darren Little and MaUTaylor

Great Mexico Trips Chris Adams, George Haddea, Jose Lopez, ScoU Tebbetts and DaaWebb



Outfielders Jose Goazales

The Best Fares Everywhere.,


Salvador MarquwStaf!Graphic

The Telescope Friday, February 7, 1992


PILEDRIVER Men's b-ball spears the Spartans By Martin O'Neil Sports Writer The Palomar Comets men's basketball team faced a stem test on Wednesday Jan. 29. No wins in their first two road conference games, Palomar had to go to MiraCosta College and defeat the league leading Spartans. Guard Mike Fields led the Comets, (9-15, 3-3 in conference) scoring attack with 21 points while center-forward Shaun Scurry made his presence known by adding 14 points for the victors. Tough defense and excellent free throw shooting paved the way for the upset victory over MiraCosta (previously 5-0 in conference play). Tied at 33-33 at halftime, the Comets allowed the Spartans only 26 points in the second half while pouring in 42 points themselves. Palomar also made the most of their opportunities when going to the free throw line, the Comets hit 22 of28 shots from the charity stripe. With the victory, Palomar moved into third place two games behind conference leading MiraCosta. Palomar's next game will be on the road Saturday Feb. 8 against the Olympians of San Diego Mesa.


s T E



Telacope File Photo

A sight that· was very common for Palomar opponents. Comet wrestler Richard Leeman drives his opponent into the mat during a match this season. The Comets went on to compete at the State Championships where they took third place. Among the individual placers were Erick Johnson, Dusty Harliss and Todd Falk.

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1991 EYExAMzooo

Ray Whitney leads 'Da-Gulls' San Diego Gulls winger Ray Whitney maybe only 19, but he is rapidly showing the hockey world that he will be one of the NHL' s next great superstars. Whitney showed off his stuff this last weekend at the International Hockey League All-Star game, where he scored two goals and had three assists on his way to taking the MVP honors. Whitney amazed the crowd at the Omni in Atlanta along with those in the viewing audience with his Gretzky-like fmesse and his Hull-like power.

Babe, Brown and Wrestlemania The NBA All-Star game is this weekend in Orlando and will truly be remembered for the conterversy on ·whether Ma!_dc Johnson should or should not play; which is sad because this game should be remembered for the first appearence in the classic for Denver's Dikembe Mutombo. Mutombo is the next great center that basketball fans have been waiting for. Larry Brown is back, oh yeah! Clipper fans now have to wonder how long before Brown is fired or I should say asks to be fired. Maybe the reuniting of Brown and Danny Manning will jeU a team full of potenial. Then again maybe not, a Barkley trade could be in the forecast. For those Charger fans who miss the Babe, he's back, well sort of. (Babe) Laufenberg was the first round pick by the Ohio Glory in the WLAF draft this week. Obvisiously they must know something we don'L I wonder where Maik Malone is? I think the sports world is tired of hearing about the Mike Tyson rape trial, how many times must we hear that recording between the alleged tape victim and the 911 dispatcher. The trial is definitely hurting the sport of boxing, not that it 's getting any help from the Holmes-Mercer fight (which is tonight) or the $19.95payperview(over)chargetoseethese"greatheavyweights." NOT! Wrestling fans, Beware! Wrestlemania Vlll is coming. Hulkarnaniacs everywhere will be united with bandanas on and Hulkster vitamins in hand in a cause of good, which means bad news for current champ Ric Flair. We the sports writers of The Telescope feel that Sid Justice got ripped and should have been - When Sid his shot, will be served. Flair's

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Friday, February 7, 1992

The Telescope


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