The Telescope 45.17

Page 1

Strictly Business

Duo Culture

Investment opportunities available on the market for students Lifestyle/Page 8

Boehm Gallery's duo-exhibition features mixture of culture and color Arts&EntertainmenUPage 9


HE Friday, February 28, 1992

Palomar Community College, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos CA 92069-1487

Volume 45, Number 17

Changes proposed for constitution By Mark Wiberg News Editor

Steve Troop and Michael Kline/St<ffP/tqr11 lltu.Ttrdlion

The new student «nter, first proposed in 1990, would can for the remodeling and the addition ofa second story to the

current Student Union. Short-term business, how~ver, in student government has putthe proposal on the backburner.

J..C)S'I' Ir J..Itll

·~ • ---------------------~--------------------


Proposed student center on hold

Editor's note: This is the first installment ofa three-part series on the progress of building projects currently in the works for Palomar College. By RomanS. Koenig Editor.-in -Chief In the spring of 1990, Palomar College's Associated Studept Government proposed the construction of anew student center on campus. Now, two years later, the campaign to build the center bas come to a standstill due to lack of interest by ASG members, according to organization officials. "I've thought aboutit, but right now there's no movement in the ASG to pass (~e initiative)." said LoweD KepicS. student government senator. "It re3lly basn•t ~n Q,(Qught ll.P· Right nQW 'Ye're in a very ~sitiomll period." The original plan two yeats ago called for a second 1 ' stocy containing offices for Clubs well as food court with a number of independent food vendors. Inrerescinpmsuing the ptojectbighte,e~ainin the fall of 1990. but the.reorganization of tlie ASG and o~r concerns are now taking presedence. According to both Kepics and ASG Adviser Jjln Bowen. attention has been focused this semester on the upheaval in student government after the president and trea.'>urer reSigned and one senator was successfully voted out of office by the ASG regarding mi~nduct in

office. Within the last three weeks, said Bowen, seven new people have joined the student government, making up a majority of the ASG. But despite the ASG's preoccupation with other matters, Bowen said he will continue to let studentgovernments down the lineknowoftheproposed student center's importance. At this point, he said, the best thing to do now is to wait until April's student government elections and work with the new group from scratch on the issue. Kepics cited several other reasonswhy the center: isn't being p~ued at this time, including the financinl commitmenttequiredtohireanarchitecttodrawupplansand the amount of work needed to drum up student support. Both Kepics and Bowen•agree that a massive.,PUblic~ ity campaign would be needed to get the support of the

stUdents. According tO both Kepics and Bowen, a student center fee would be needed to pay for construction of the cOf!Wlex.'I'he fee•scost would be$1 a unit, up to lOunits to be paid by students yearly, Kepics said. The fee came

into being. as a .result of a California state sellate bill '"

passed in the late 1980S."

MiraCosta College students passed the fee in the sp,Qng of 1988. and haq their' new tw<rstory :Student center completed by 1990. Kepics said that 3,600 students would have to vote at Palomar in order for such a fee to pass. When tl)e ASG

•• see CENTER; page 3

The student government leadership isn't alone in undergoing changes recently; their own constitution is now under the knife. On Wednesday, the ASG's constitutional review committee introduced suggested changes to the current constitution. "It's more focused," said Senator Lowell Kepics, one of three members of the committee. Senator Denny Ngo and Alpha Gamma Sigma member Heather Douglas are also members of the review committee. "Hopefully, this will set up a good framework for a longlasting and productive government," Kepics said. The proposed changes would allow the ASG to appoint four permanent vice-presidents heading up committees that include state affairs, social affairs, policy and procedures and finance. Kepics said most of the changes consisted of fixing up typographical errors and title names. If approved, the title of vice-president would be changed to executive vice-president, according to Kepics. The constitutional changes must first be approved by the ASG with a two-thirds vote, and then the Palomar student body must approve it with a two-thirds majority vote . Kepics added that by-laws in the constitution were still being reviewed, but mentioned that one by-law dealing with the recall of student officials has been expanded to be more thorough. In the past, the vague by-laws allowed for the past president to declare a recall invalid. A provision for impeachment of the student government president is also included in the new constitution. The by-laws do not have to be approved by the student • see CHANGES, page 3

Faulty air conditioner causes evacuation By Mike LaJoie Staff Writer Smoke from a faulty air-conditioner atop Room P-32 billowed into the student-occupiedclassroom Monday night, forcing students to leave the building. The Fire department was called to the scene by Campus Patrol. "Apparently a motor-blower inside the air-conditioner malfunctioned and caused smoke to enter the ventilation system." said San Marcos Fire Captain Chris Marchizo. The faulty air-conditioner has not been repaired. "The air-conditioner was old," said Facilities Director Mike Ellis. "The motors sometimes fail, but this kind of thing is unusual." Professor Richard Peacock was showing his Art/Cinema class the movie "Salaam Bombay" when a burning-smell and wisps of smoke filled the class room. "Nothing like this ever happens," said Peacock, "it's quite a surprise." The disturbance lasted less than an hour, however, class was not resumed.


Friday, February 28, 1992 The Telescope

CAMPUS BEAT MEETINGS GOVERNMENT Faculty Senate Meeting, Mondays, 2 p.m., SU-30 AGS Executive Meeting,Tuesday, 10 a.m., SU-22 Inter-Club Council, Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m., SU-22 President 's Advisory Council Meeting, Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month , 2 p.m., SU-18 Associated Student Government, Wednesdays, 1 p.m., SU-22 Governing Board Meeting, meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month in Board Room at 7:00p.m. Foundation Board Meeting, Every other Thursday, 3:30p.m., SU-22

CAMPUS CLUBS Afrikan-American Student Alliance, Wednesday, noon, SU-18 Alpha Gamma Sigma,Wednesday, 10 a.m. SU 22 American Indian Organization, meets Friday 10 a.m. SU-22 AsianCiub Meeting, Tuesday, 2:30p.m., SU-16 Bible Studying Meeting, Wednesday, 1 p.m., SU-15 Biosphere Club, Monday, noon, Arboretum steps. The Connection, Friday, noon, SU-18 EOPS Meeting,Thursday noon., TCB (special meeting) GALA Meeting, Tuesday, 1 p.m., SU-15 ICC Metting, Tuesday, 12:30 p.m. lntramurals,Thursday, 11:30 a.m., Student Union Area (ring toss) KKSM Meeting, Tuesday, 11 a.m., SU-16 MEChA, Thursday, 2 p.m., SU-17 N.O.W., Wednesday, 2 p.m., SU-22. Patrons of Palomar, Wednesday, 9 a.m. SU-22 Psychology Club, Friday, 1 p.m., BE-6. Radio and Television student organization meeting, Feb. 5, noon,Q-1 Students for Christ, Tuesday, 11 a.m., SU-18

CLASSES¡ AND SEMINARS Friends of Bill W. Meetings every Monday and Thursday at noon in SU-18 New Views of Women: "Myths of Femaleness," Wednesdays, noon, SU-17

DEADLINES ADMISSIONS Spring Graduates. March 2 is the deadline for spring graduation. Dropping a class. From Feb. 18 through AprillO, a student may drop with a grade of "W" at the discretion of the instructor and only for serious and compelling reasons.

Send news calendar items to The Telescope, in care of Sara Skol, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069.

FRIDAY FORECAST Fair with temperatures on the coast- between 72 and 78 and inland tempertures between 78 and 82.

Surf report: 4 to 6 foot swells are expected for Friday and into the weekend.

Extended forecast: Clouds increasing over the weekend leading to a possibility of significant rain early to mid-week. A cooling trend is expected as well.

Fundraising a success At the curtain raiser for the 1992 private fund raising effort, it was announced by Dale Wallenius, chief advancement officer for Palomar, that$110,000toward the goal of$250,000 had already been given or pledged. At a reception hosted by Escondido Motors, Ltd., Dr. George Boggs, president/ superintendent of Palomar, thanked the donors of the "Leadership Gifts." "The college can no longer rely strictly on state and local tax sources to meet the growing educational needs of our citizens. Palomar College is a taxassisted institution, not taxsupported," Boggs explained. One of the door prizes sponsored by Angelo Damante, president of Escondido Motors, was the use of a Mercedez-Benz 560L for the weekend. It was won by Maria Backart, a financial aid technician at Palomar. If you can help to support the Palomar College Foundation, pleasecall744-1150or727-7529, Ext. 2732 or 2733.

More parking spaces Dr. George Boggs, president/ superintendent of Palomar College, accepted a million dollar check late in January from Mayor Jerry C. Harmon of Escondido for the acquisition of land and construction of a parking lot south of the Escondido satellite campus. The funds became available through a redevelopment bond. The new parking area is expected to be ready for use for the fall '92 semester classes beginning in August.

Phone jack law in effect

Between classes Mervat Zubridat catches some rays while studying. The warm weather was brought by the seasonal Santa Ana winds.

Blood drive next month The next Palomar College blood drive will be held March 16-17 from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the Student Union. The bloodmobile, provided by the San Diego Blood Bank, is sponsored by Student Health Services and the Inter Club Council. Donors will receive a free T-shirt. A sign-up table will be inside the main cafeteria door March 9-10 from 11:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Students may also call the Health Service office at Ext. 2380 to make an appointment. Before donating blood, donors are advised to eat a well-balanced meal and drink plenty of fluids. Donors should also wear shirtsleeves that can be easily rolled up and plan to spend 40 minutes for the total donation time.

A new law is now in effect that requires landlords to provide a working telephone jack in every rental unit and maintain it. Prior to the new state law, it was unclear who was responsible for This summer students may maintainingthehook-up. Accordparticipate in a six week leadership ing to Beth Givens, Project Mancourse taught at Fort Knox, KY. ager of the University of San The purpose of the course is to Diego's Center for Public Interest enhance leadership and decision Law, the inside wiring used to be making skills of students while owned by the phone company, but increasing their self confidence. with deregulation, it was transMter completing the course, ferred to the consumer. Then, it students will recieve $700, three was unclear who was responsible college units, placement credit for for maintaining the wiring in rental two years of Army ROTC training units until Jan. 1st. and, if qualified, the chance to win To receive a free brochure fura two year scholarship. ther explaining the law and sugApplicants must be a full-time gestions for money-saving phone student enrolled in a 4-year school repair options, call the Center at 1by fall1992, be a college junior by 800- 491-9114.

Army trains leaders

fall of 1992 or have two remaining years of academic work on advanced degrees. Applicants must be physically fit, willing to accept a challenge, under 27 years and have no prior military experience. The SDSU Army ROTC department provides all equipment and round trip air transportation. Training spaces are limited. For more information contact the Army ROTC department at SDSU, the Physical Education Building, or call594-4943.

Upcoming campus activities Palomar Vets Club held their first meeting Feb. 27. Veterans from any service branch may join. For information contact Patricia Hodny, SU-10, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Ext.2599. National Collegiate Drug Awareness Week, sponsored by the Student Activities Office, will take place March 2-6. On March 4, a Community Resource Fair will be held at the Student Union from 10:30a.m.-1:30p.m. Someof the participating groups are the PalomarClub, "The Connection," D.A.R.E.,M.A.D.D.,the Women's Resource Center and Scripps Trauma Center. KKSM will be holding their annual lip-sync contest. Auditions for the lip-sync will be held March 17. OnApril22, theBiosphereClub will introduce Earth Day at Palomar. The American Indian Association will hold a Pow Wow on May9.

The Telescope

Friday, February 28, 1992


NEWS Junior colleges may lose with parental choice By Salvador Marquez Lifestyle Editor An initiative, meant to revolutionize public education at the elementary and high school level, can possibly endanger funding for community colleges. This is the end result if the "Parental Choice in Education Initiative" is put on the ballot and passed in November, according to Palomar President Dr. George Boggs. "This lowers the Proposition 98 income, which thecommunitycolleges have conservatively estimated the loss of $140 million annually by 1995," said Boggs. "For Palomar College that could mean a $1.5 million a year loss." The initiative will grant parents the option of sending their elementary and high school age children to any school of their choice, say proponents. Half of the tax support (averaged from districts across the state) will be given to families in the form of a voucher for each school-age pupil. The vouchers can be used toward private schools, which are allowed different curriculum and standards than those of public schools. Losses will incur on the community college level, says Boggs, since Proposition 98 funding is contingent to public school attendance. Proponentsoftheinitiativemust have at least 615,958 signatures of registered voters by May 28 to be eligible for the November ballot. While some see the initiative as the death knell for public education, others see it as reform. Former Vista School Board member Dr. Stephen Guffanti heads "Parents

for Educational Choice," and said the central issue is parents' rights. "The fundamental issue is: do parents deserve the right to control where the child goes to school," said Guffanti, who gave up a private medical practice to lobby for the initiative. "We spent $28 million to educate five million kids," said Guffanti. "Fifty percent of those kids will come out with a seventhgrade education - meaning we paid for 12 years and got seven." Proponents also see a division of the lower and higher classes in education, citing a 1983 study by the U.S. Department of Education which states that, nationally, education is becoming an unequal twotiered system. The big fear, say opponents of the initiative, is the lack of regulation that will be a result of its implementation. "Schoolscannotderegulateand keep high standards at the same time," said Dr. Harry Weinberg, San Diego County superintendent of schools. "It's like a Rube Goldberg contraption- it won't fly." Boggs, while he agrees in principle with parental choice, said these choices should be made between public schools. He says he sees the initiative as the government sponsoring private business, in some aspects, promoting religion (in the case of parochial schools). ond largest group in favor of the initiative are minorities, according to a Meta poll of 500. He said more inner city families will have access to prestigious private schools with the vouchers.

Greg Sklnner/S~ Photographer

MUDDY WATERS Jim Diaz of custodial services, left, and Director of Facilities Mike Ellis found themselves in a muddy situation on Feb. 19 as they repaired an underground main water line valve. The line,

located above The Telescope offices near Comet Circle, broke at about 6 p.m. The break in the line was attributed to the age of the pipe, which broke three days after heavy weekend rains.

pare for the future, especially when current facilties are in good condition and can handle the current student population. Continued from page 1 "The reason (the fee) passed so successfully at Cuyamaca (Colput the initiative up for student lege) and MiraCosta was they were voting in spring 1990, nearly 600 living out of trailers," he said. "It's voted- 3,000 less than was re- easy to (convince someone) when you need something, and in our quired. Bowen said it is difficult to pre- _ case we're not living out of trailers. We don't have the best facilities, but we have adequate facilities."


However, Bowen said that in observing new student centers in comparison to Palomar's, he found a more close-knit feeling in the


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Continued from page 1 body. The ASG must approve any new or changed by-law with a twothirds vote, according to Kepics. The ASG can vote to approve the constitution when all the senators have studied the changes, which could be as earlier as the


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Express yourself. Let your views be known by writing a letter to the editor. Drop It by The Telescope offices In room TCB-1.

current Student Union. "You get a feeling that things are alive at the college" in contrast to the antiseptic feeling he said he found with other student centers. Nonetheless, Bowen said that the ASG must think ahead of current problems if an upgraded Student Union is to become reality. ¡ :'Hey, get movin' ," he said. "Think ahead, don 'tjust think about the near future. What are they going to need in five years? In five years,if we keep growing like this, everything's going to need upgrading. And the only way you're going to get money for this facility is through the student center fee."

next meeting or a couple of weeks , according to Kepics. The ASG adviser and Director of Student Activities, Jim Bowen, said that because so there are so many new senators,they should wait awhile before voting_ "Seven people are so unfamiliar with it(the constitution)," Bowen said, adding that Kepics did "a great job" in proposing changes.

Clarification In a news story about Palomar College's alcohol and drug referral assistance program, published in last week's edition of The Telescope, a caption that went with an accompanying photo illustration may be misundertood as identifying a photo of the program's director Beth Post This is not the case. The Telescope staff apologizes for any confusion this may have caused.


Friday, February 28, 1992 The Telescope

Foundation half-way to meeting $2SOK goal By Mike LaJoie Staff Writer Thisschoolyear,$110,000 has been raised by the Palomar fundraising organization, The Palomar College Foundation- almost half of their expected goal of$250,000. During a year when state funding for instructional equipmentwas eliminated, the Foundation, inactive since 1959, was reactivated to form a committee of volunteer workers.

TYPING AND WORD PROCESSING Jenny Southworth/Sttff Photographer

Foundation Board President Barbara Swearingen (left) and Palomar President/Superintendent Dr. George Boggs attend a recent meeting.

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Foundation Vice-President Dale W allenius, who helped to reactivate the organization, attributes the money-raising power to volunteers who spend hours working on fund-raising projects. "Volunteerism is on the rise in America and that's what makes organizations like the Foundation successful," he said. Concerts, drawings and school plays were organized to provide Palomar College with new equipment such as computers and class-


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room furniture. The organization's goal for 1991 was$125,000,andtheymade over $200,000 The main purpose of the group, said President Barbara Swearingen,is to create fund-raising events by the volunteer members. Efforts to help promote the Foundation created two college monetary support groups: the Palomar College Alumni and Associates and the Palomar College Retirement Association.

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The Telescope

Friday, February 28, 1992

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Friday, February 28, 1992

The Telescope

OPEN FORUM Students are directed toward community education Are today's college students being directed towards community colleges to fill their general education requirements? The once agonizing decision about where to attend college has become less of an optional choice and more a financial decision. Governor Wilson's new educational budget proposal gives validity to this claim. Wilson's proposal outlines a 10% increase for California state funded community colleges. This budget plan does not include an increase for UC or CSU school systems beyond COLA (costoflivingallowance) increases. California's community colleges, state universities and UC schools all receive roughly thesarneamountoffunding, butthecostspent on each full-time student by these schools varies. Each school makes budget allowances in accord with its needs. For example, schools in the UC system tend to spend a sizeable portion of their state funding on research costs. In contrast, community colleges spend very little of their funding on this, but their student population is much larger. On an average, the state funds around $15,000 per full-time student at the UC level. Although the CSU schools spend less, about $8,000 per full-time student, the real savings to the state comes with educating community college students - the cost per full-time student being only about $3,000. Governor Wilson's intent appears to be that of educating more students for less. Because of the current state budget crunch, a rise in tuition fees in all three systems has ensued. In San Diego, students at UCSD are being the most severely affected. Their tuition fees have gone up nearly 40 percent over last year's fees. Because of these high enrollment fees, many high school seniors planning for a future college education are undoubtably taking this into consideration. The low cost ofcommunity college surely is an appealing alternative, especially in today' s unstable economy.

Political awareness club formed on campus

Telescope fighting the 'war on drugs' commended

I would like to inform the entire student body of Palomar college that a much needed student club has officially formed. The club, Student Organization for Political Awareness (SOPA), will be one of the most active clubs on campus. Members of SOPA will have the chance to inform others about political issues, meet with local and state representatives to discuss concerns, and see how politics really works. SOPA already has many members; however, SOPA would like to encourage all students to join. SOPA's first meeting will be held on March 4 in SU-16 at 3 pm. Attending the meetings is helpful but not mandatory, there are other arrangements if you can not attend the scheduled meetings. Hope to see all you activists there.

I commendyouforyourFeb.21 Telescope issue featuring several articles dealing with drug and alcohol problems, programs and services on campus. Palomar College students, staff and faculty are dedicated to drug education, prevention and intervention. There are many, many people on campus combining efforts to fight the war on drugs. It is with continued campus-wide cooperative and administrative support, that the programs you featured have a chance to make a difference . Your advocacy is laudable

Anthony Montroy President ofSOPA

THE TELESCOPE Volume 45, Number 17

Friday, February 28, 1992

Serving the Palomar College community

Beth Post Student Activities Office

Telescope opinionated This will most likely be an editorial that The Telescope would rather throw away; however, since The Telescope does try to

EditorsinChief....................................................................................................................................ArneliaBowles RomanS. Koenig NewsEditors.................................................................................................................................................MatinaMelson Mark Wiberg

~;§~1:L_~:-~.:.:_i·~-~.~-·~·-~:·:.:·.::-.:_ : :~ ~.:~:~·~ ~·:·:~:-:. : ·.:· ~.: : : : :_ :·.-. : : :.·.~.L~ :. ~ ~:_ :_:.:_:.;: ~·; ; -;.;. ;·:::iF.~~~ =~:r~::.·.·:.·:::::::~·:::.~~::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·.::::::::·.:·.:·.·.:·.:·.:·.·.·.·.:·.·.:·.-.·.:·.·.:·.·.:r~;;:= PhotographyEditor I OfficeManager............................................................................MichaeiBagstad AsslstantPhotographyEdltor.........................................................................................................PauiSteele Cartoonists ........ _____________________________ ,_, ................................................................................................................ .JayHerzog. Eddie Stacey, Steve Troop AdvertisingManager......................................................................................................................ChrisS.MacPhail JoumatismAdviser................................................................................................................................. SusanDaacon

~~:~6~!~:t-k;~:·.·.·.-.-.-::::::::·.·.-:::::::::~·.·_·:.·.·::::::::·.·-·-·.-::::::::::·_·_·:_·::::::::·.·.·.·.·.·::::::::::·:.·::::::::N;;;is·:~==~ Todd Arnold, Letty Brewster, Bernice Hart, Mark Hopkins, Jill LaGrange, Anna Spare Morrber: California Newspaper Put>ishers Assoc. and the Journalism Assoc. of Community Colleges Til< T<l<=p< is published each Friday except during exama and holidayo. Lcttcn 1D tbe editor and other ~donee eon be lrought or malled to the ncwopaper office, TCB-1, oo thencrtluide of campuo, O<call7441!50, ext. 2450. Signed opmions ~ those of the individual wriErs and do not necessarily repteoent tho>c of Til< T<lucop<.

Please recycle this newspaper.

Staff ...................... Jim Adams, Chris Bon Bill Comer, Jacques Domercq,Yvonne Esperanza, Sean Frtting, Steve Fox, Christopher Gast, Brenda Godfrey, George Hadden, Sandy Kraisirideja, Mike LaJoie, David Mosier, Martin O'Neil, Sarah Schulz Photographers ............................................Judi Calhoun, Janet Duffy, Ten Kane, Belinda McCauley, · Scott Rasmussen, Sarah Schultz, Jenny Southwonh,Paul Steele, Meg Weiland

maintain some credibility, I know that this letter will appear in this weeks issue. While I was a member of the Associated Student Government, I often heard The Telescope say, "Wearenotprejudiceagainst anyone." Today, that falsehood will have to stop. I confrrmed for myself the rumor that our school paper, The Telescope, had a picture offormer senator Tom Turk hanging in their office with dart holes all over his face and though that was not enough, there was comments plastered around the picture. However funny the staff of The Telescope may fin~ this sort of immature thing, it obviously reflects an opinion which the staff has. Sure it may of only been one person who hung the picture and wrote the remarks next to it and maybe only one person threw the darts, but it would have also only taken one person to remove it.

Anthony Montroy President of SOPA Editor's note: The Telescope staffwas aware ofthe problems associated with the photo in question and repeatedly asked the staff member who posted the picture to remove it. The picture did not go up until after Turk had been removed from office and does not reflect biased news reporting .

The Telescope welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters must be typewritten and include the author's name, major and telephone number. The Telescope reserves the right to edit letters for space, and to not print letters which contain lewd or libelous comments. Please send letters to: The Telescope, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos CA 92069. Letters may also be delivered to our offices located at the north end of campus in room TCB-1.

The Telescope

Friday, February 28, 1992


Why public support of private education is a bad idea The "Choice in Education League" has submitted a voucher initiative entitled "Parental Choice in Education" to the State Attorney General's Office, hoping to qualify it for the November 1992 ballot. No doubt we will be asked to sign the initiative as we enter or exit supermarkets, drug stores, or other public places. The authors hope to collect 61 5,9 58 valid signatures by May 28, 1992, thereby taking to the voters in November the choice of public support for private schools and state-supported scholarships for every kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) student in California. At the same time, the legislature will be debatingthemeritsofaconstitutionalamendment (SCA 30) which would have nearly identical provisions. Differences include provisions on the number of students necessary to constitute a scholarship-redeeming school, prohibitions on employment or ownership by those convicted of child abuse or molestation, and specific revisions ofProposition 98, the voter-approved guarantee of funding for public education. Supporters, however, are focusing on the initiate rather than the constitutional amendment because no voucher legislation has ever passed through the legislature despite repeated attempts during the last fifteen years. Under the initiative, publicly-supported scholarship vouchers would be at least SO% of the state-wide K -12 spending per pupil in the prior year. For 1991-1992, the estimate for each and every K-12 student is SO% of $S,ooo, or $2,500. While the initiative would prohibit children already enrolled in private schools from receiving the scholarship vouchers until 1995-1996, new private school students could begin receiving them in 1993-1994. Even assuming no growth in private school enrollment between now and 1995 and no increase in per pupil spending, the citizens in California could be asked to support 500,000 private school students to the tune of $2,500 each. Yes, that totals

Superintendent/ President George R. Boggs gives his statement on private education $1.25 billion per year starting in 1995. If only 10% of the public school students shifted to eligible private schools by 1995, state officials estimate that the cost could be another $2.5 billion. Unless the taxpayers can come up with another $1.25 to $3.75 billion per year to fund these vouchers, public schools stand to lose a considerable amount of their funding. And it doesn 'tstop there. Under Proposition 98, the minimum funding guarantee for public schools would drop by between $5,000 and $10,000 for every student who accepts a scholarship voucher to attend an eligible private school, the actual amount depending on the state's economy and the public school enrollment Of course, public schools will save some money by not educating the students who leave them for the private schools. The marginal savings is estimated to be $4,000 per student lost Subtracting the $4,000 savings from·the $5,000 to $10,000 toll yeilds a net loss of between $1,000 and $6,000 per student who leaves a public school. Because community college funding also is allocated

By Darren Ane Arts & Entertainment Editor I understand that animal rights activists work for a worthwhile cause and I respect that However, I don't respect them when they jump to conclusions and protest before they know the facts. Last week a tiger was shot and killed at the San Diego Wild Animal Park after he escaped from his rain-damaged enclosure. When the story hit the press there was an instant uproar with the activists and the general public. The park was immediately crucified and criticized for its actions before an explanation was given. The tiger was discovered loose at 6:10 p.m. and by the time they caught up with him he was moving fast and he was too far away to tranquilize. Because of the darkness, the density of the brush and the rain, repeated

How do you feel about the tiger shooting at the Wild Animal Park? (Photos by Michael Bagstad)


attempts to tranquilize him failed. He was shot and killed at approximately 7:25 after he broke through the perimeter of the property. Park: officials made the only decision

under the provisions of Proposition 98, they will also lose money, even though their students will not be eligible to receive the state-funded vouchers. Losses to community colleges by the 1995-1996 school year are estimated to be a least $140 million annually. Proponents of the voucher initiative cite perceived lack of quality i.Tl a public education system which must accept all students, Amelia A. Bowles and perceptions that rigid publicly-mandated bureaucracy has made the schools unresponsive to parents. They hope to empower parents by letting them "vote with their feet." That is, they want the ability to take their children and $2,500 per child in public money to the school of their choice. However, there are problems in addition to the devastating fiscal impact on public Recently white supremacy leader Tom education associated with public support of private schools. The use of public tax dollars Metzger was released from jail to be with his for parochial schools raises constitutional terminally ill wife. The judges decision in questions about separation of church and this matter, though controversial, was a good state, a principle basic to the founding of our one. I do not now nor will I ever like or approve nation. Also, the initiative would allow private schools to discriminate on the basis of of Metzger's racist behavior. But that is not gender and handicaps, in addition to reli- what is important here. Metzger's wife deserves to have her husgion. Even "cult" schools could be eligible for public money. The voucher system would band at her bedside in what could be her make it possible for public schools to lose fmal days here on Earth. After all she stood the most able students, leaving them with by him as he lost everything, his home, his the more difficult to educate and with even business, even his despicable Aryan Nation. In my eyes that's devotion, even if it is fewer resource to do the job. Sending public money to private schools misguided. Not very many wives today could eventually tum the private schools would have put up with all the things he put into public schools with all of that unwanted her through. So, yes, the judge made a wise decision. bureaucracy and public accountability. The initiative tries to make that difficult by re- A decision for her, not for him. A decision quiring a 3/4 vote of the legislature to estab- that shows us the courts can be compassionlish regulations for the eligible private ate if need be. A decision that comes at a time when most schools. Perhaps we should make it as difficult to establish costly and bureaucratic regu- people don't think very highly of our judicial system and how it operates. lations for public schools. Sometimes good things can happen to bad IT threatens private schools with the loss of their independence. It's a bad choice for people. As for Metzger, when the end comes for his wife, he really will have lost it all. California.

As I


Courts show compassion for Metzger's wife

possible, even though to lose an animal is devastating to all who work at the park. Tigers are predatory animals. The alternative to the choice made could have ended in the loss of human life or other animals in the park. As an employee of the park I regret the loss of the animal but I support the decision made by the individuals involved. The park: and the San Diego Zoo are operated by the San Diego Zoological Society, which is a non-profit organization. It is the largest zoo society in the United States and has achieved international acclaim. The park has been recognized by curators and zoo-keepers from all over the world for its excellence in animal care, education and preservation. It was named the best zoo in 1991 by the American Aquarium Zoo and Park Association.

They earned this reputation by treating the animals as their top priority. The people who work there, whether they work with the animals or take tickets, care a great deal for the animals. I would like the activists and protestors to realize that this was the only choice avail- · able and it is one they will always regret For the keepers, trainers and curators at the park:, losing an animal is like losing a child. They did not do anything wrong and I think the activists need to open their eyes before they open their mouths. Correction: In the Feb.21, issue of The Telescope, there was an error made in the Haley leaves deep 'roots' article. The NAACP executive Director is Benjamin Hooks, not Benjamin Brooks.

Brenda Dolan Teaching

James Baker Photography

Kay Hulbert Drama

Dave Hurbon Computer Drafting

Manie Morales Bilingual Education

"I think it was unnecessary. I think they could have captured the tiger without shooting it. It was a rash decision."

" They should have better enclosures for animals. It's a shame they killed the tiger."

" They should be prepared for something like that."

"They handled it the right way. If the tiger escaped it could have caused trouble."

"It was unecessary because the the park keepers have a responsibility to look for other ways ofprotection."


Friday, February 28, 1992 The Telescope

LIFESTYLE Over-thecounter stocks


'lll~illl' Technology funds


Real estate investment trusts (mortgage)

Growth funds


Real estate investment trusts (equity)


Silver bullion -13.41-%

Five best/worst kinds of investments of '91

Platinum bullion -18.47%

= $200 gain/loss per $10,000 invested

Rare Coins -35.67%

Salvador MarquezJStoff Graphic


Bargain investments availa-ble for students By Amelia Bowles Editor-in-Chief


bullion - 12.15%


he flurry of the



change pit can be described as utter

chaos. Wheeling and dealing is done in a wink, over large sums of capital at times. But this kind of action is not restricted to Wall Street types. "It's an auction which meets every day at 9:30a.m. (EST) and lasts until4 p.m. (EST)," said John Forbes, account vice president for Paine Webber in Rancho Bernardo. "Say you want to buy some stock in McDonalds. You tell me how many shares you want and what you're willing to pay. I send it by wire to the New York Stock Exchange," Forbes said. When the wire is received on the floor, that's when the shouting and throwing bits of paper occur, he says. Those people are doing the actual buying and selling of stocks. For the average college student, playing the stock market is furthest from their mind, not to mention money. But according to Jose Esteban, associate professor of economicsatPalomar, "Studentscanandshould invest their money. "Before investing, the student needs to look at what am I investing this for; short term for that ski trip next year or long term for a house or very long term for retirement," said Esteban. Esteban warns, "Never, ever invest in something you don't understand. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. The problem is scams and a lot of people in San Diego have been taken by scams." According to Esteban, the stock market is not the first place to go for students. "For as little as $500 and no particular stock in mind, a student can invest with a mutual funds development company," he said. The company will handle everything and there are no brokerage fees, Esteban added. Mutual funds were started 10 years ago because most people couldn't get into the stock market "This is a good way for a student to go," he said. It works just like the stock market, it is divided into shares and if it makes money you make money, Esteban added. To get your money, just cash it in. Individual Retirement Accounts for college students are a fantastic investment, explained Esteban. "There were banks that would take as . little as $25 a year and the rate of return was extremely high," he continued. "But that all changed because of the bloody politicians and changes in legislation." A new twist on this investment are super IRAs, whereindividualscan borrow on them to buy a house or for educational expenses. "But I believe there is a consensus that the Democrats and Republicans will do some-

'For as little as $500 and no particular stock in mind, a student can invest with a mutual funds development company.'

Jose Esteban, Palomar economics professor thing about the IRAs." he said. Esteban believes that, for a student, investing in an IRA is a very safe, long term investment. It will provide supplemental income for retirement. Another area of investment for a college student is dollar cost averaging, where the student can invest a fixed amount of money and doesn't worry if stock goes up or down, according to Esteban. If a student is employed, another way to buy stocks is to purchase stocks in the company they work for. "There are no brokerage fees to pay and the company will usually help with the cost," he added. According to Forbes, when students enter the corporate world they need to know about 401K programs. "It's a saving investment plan where they can buy company stock or mutual funds. It forces them to save money," he said. However,the stock market is underutilized by college students according to Esteban. "They would make more money if they used their funds wisely," he said. However, he adds the stock market isn't for anyone. "A person must be calm, cool and collected, not emotional," he said.

The Telescope

Friday, February 28, 1992


ARTS~ ENTERTAINMENT MUSIC ON CAMPUS Palomar College Performing Arts Department Spring 1992 Concert Hour: Concerts are every Thursday from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Perfonnance Lab (D-10). Admission is free; community members, staff and students are welcome. Call 7441150 Ext. 2317 or 2316 for further infonnation. Mar. 5- Liang-Hu Trio, clarinet, piano, voice Mar. 12- Elgart-Yates, guitar duo Mar.19- John Redford, piano Mar. 26- Warren Hoffer, tenor, Mary Pendleton, piano

OFF CAMPUS San Diego Nites will feature a battle of the bands involving 3 bands on Saturday, Feb. 29. Red Handed, Prophecy and Tumbleweed will be the three bands that will compete. Future Vision Productions is sponsoring the event. San Diego Nites is located on the comer of Black Mountain Rd. and Miramar Rd. in San Diego. Tickets are $2 in advance and $4 at the door. For advance tickets and further infonnation.


DUO CULTURE By Kathy Hines Open Forum Editor The fust Boehm Gallery duoexhibition of the spring semester is featuring a fresh montage of culture, color, and narrative enigmas. The two contributing artists are Leslie Nemour, presenting "Cuerpos y Almas/Bodies and Souls," and Mari Omori, presenting "Black Drawings." In Nemour's series of bilateral pastel drawings, enigmatic stories are told. "The nove las of Mexico, a sultry stylized soap opera in a comic book fonnat and the folkloric dichos (proverbs) are departure points which bait and feed the narrative structure of my work," says Nemour.

ON CAMPUS Cole, a perfonnance honoring and featuring the music of Cole Porter will start with elaborate opening ceremonies on March 6 at 8 p.m. in the Palomar College Theatre. Tickets for the opening night benefit performance are $75 for prime seating and the postperfonnance reception, $50 for preferred seating, and $40 for all other seats. For tickets and further perfonnance dates contact 7441150 Ext. 2732 or 727-7529.

OFF CAMPUS You Can't Take It With You will open on Mar. 12 and will run until Mar. 29 at the Moonlight Ampitheatre in Vista. This performance is part of the theatre's third indoor winter season. For tickets and further infonnation contact the theatre at 724-2110.

ART ON CAMPUS Palomar College Boehm Art Gallery presents Leslie Nemour's Cuerpos Y Almas, Bodies and Souls and Mari Omori's Black Drawings. The exhibit opened Feb. 6 and will run until March 4. For gallery hours and further infonnation or to arrange a tour contact Jennifer Collins at 744-1150 Ext. 2304.

OFF CAMPUS VIVA La Archive Exhibit is now on display at the VIVA Adobe Gallery, 640 Alta Vista Drive in Vista and will run until March 1. Gallery hours are from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Weds through Sun and admission is free. For further infonnation contact the gallery at 726-3499.

'I was brought up in an environment of an orderly and systematic way of life.'

Mari Omori Artist Nemour's brightly colored illustrations are seduced by romantic ideas. Although Nemour is not Mexican, her art is heavily influenced by images south of the border. One such example is "Ojos que no ven/Eyes that do not see." In this large pastel, the woe of a woman is depicted. In the left half of the frame, a woman is shedding a tear on her pillow, crying herself to sleep. In the right half of the

Mexican styles influence the work of artist Leslie Nemour. frame, there is a sleeping man snuggling his cheek on the upper thighs of a woman in a spaghetti-string teddy. Only the essentials, for an assumption, fills the frame to its full capacity. There is no face on the "other woman," and only the head and shoulder of the "boyfriend" is shown. Nemour's passionate narralives, contain a multiplicity of interper-tations. TraditionalMexican symbols, such as coffee cups to represent fortunetelling, are used to aid in direction of the pastel. However, Nemour believes that they are "read by way of one' s personal history." In contrast to the bright, flashy

MOVIES ON CAMPUS Palomar Spring Cinema Series: The collection chosen is an exciting cross-section of American and international films. They are played Thursdays at 7 p.m. in room P-32 and admission is free. Mar. 5- Metropolitan (USA 1990) Director Whit Stillman presents a cast of haughty young Pa_rk Avenue socialites discussing the meaning of life, and if it is all worth it. The low budget surprise film of the year. Mar. 12- Vincent and Theo (USA 1990) Robert Altman directs this striking interpretation of Vincent van Gogh's relationship with his brother. The film shows off the splendor of the man's work and the troubled mind that created it.

Send Arts & Entertainment calendar items to The Telescope, in care of Darren Ane, 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069.

.. Artist Leslie Nemour with her piece, The Best Advisor. The Spanish translation of the title is El Mejor Consejero.

matador-like images of" Bodies and Souls," "Black Drawings" depicts a quiet and meditative feeling. Omori imports Japanese style on theblackandwhitehangingscrolls that make up the series of graphite and ink drawings. "Having been born in Japan, a land ruled by rigid conformity, I was brought up in an environment of an orderly and systematic way of life," says Omori. Her artwork is an apparent reflection of Japanese culture. One such illustration, "Black Rain/ Never Again," is a reference to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Although mainly black in appearance, the white on the paper can be interpreted as hope. Black, upsidedown hand prints in the center of whiteness adds to the abstract art. Omori says that "the work deals with human conditions: man's emotions, mortality and history." Characteristic of Omori's drawings is the stark contrast of black and white, and conformed grid lines. "Contrast of black and white markings convey a relation between absence and presence. Presence made known by absence, and absence revealed by presence. The tension between the two generates a force. The grids, numbers and Kanji characters act as time/place devices ... they connect the past and the present." Although Omori and Nemour strong! y contrast in style, they both use a basis of culture to support their drawings. The use of medium color, or lack of for that matter, is effectively used by the two artists to transport their feelings to the onlooker.


Friday, February 28, 1992

The Telescope

SPORTS Left: The Palomar bench clears to congratulate Spike Mitchell on his homerun vs. San Diego City CC Feb. 20. Below: Ed Cornblum slides under the tag, successfully stealing second base. Palomar lost to the San Diego City Knights 6-3.



Kings to take Comets ·tally two wins the throne Palomar baseball slides into league play In the past the Los Angeles Kings have not lived up to their team nickname. Instead of ruling the ice, they have been the court jesters of the Campbell Conference and the National Hockey League. The Kings have never won a Stanley Cup Championship but owner Bruce McNall is doing everything in his power to buy one. In doing so McNall has brought in pro hockey's greatest player Wayne Gretzky, as well as right winger J ari Kurri and defenseman Paul Coffey, to the city of angels to direct such ah attempt. Gretzky, is the NHL's all-time leading scorer and is beginning the twilight of his career but he can still skate with the best of them. Proof of that is evident in the fact that he is currently leading the league in scoring. Kurri on the season has been a disappointment so far, though his past experience of being with a winning organization in Edmonton with Gretzky, r.offey and defenseman Marty McSorley, should help out come play-off time. Coffey, recently acquired from Pittsburgh, could be the missing link the Kings defense has needed all season. He should also be a positive influence on young defensemen like Rob Blake and Brent Thompson, who have grown up quick this season. The key of course in the quest for the cup besides staying healthy, which has been a problem for Los Angeles this season, is defense. This is something the common Kings fan has not witnessed all season. Goalie Kelly Hrudey has had an up and down season, but has done a great job considering the support he has been given. The recent acquistion of goalieS teve Weeks from the Islanders will give Hrudey the needed rest on occasion to prepare for the playoffs. The Kings also ·possess one of the best young lines in hockey known as the "The Kid Line," featuring Kyosti Karjalainen, Corey Millen and Mike Donnelly. This line has turned out to be a big surprise for coach Tom Webster and helped keep Los Angeles from falling into the depths of the Smythe Division. Add to that the veteran talent of all-star left winger LucRobitaille, right winger Dave Taylor and the return of right winger Tomas Sandstrom from injury, Los Angeles has the . makings of a team that could challenge for Lord Stanley's cup. However, Father Time is rounding the corner on most of the Los Angeles Kings athletes so McNall has to ·hope all his wheeling and dealing pays off this season and that the Kings take their rightful place on the throne.

By Steve Fox Sports Writer Palomar's baseball team finished the first week of Pacific Coast Conference play with mixed results. Coach Bob Vetter said he felt the team played too tight in the conference opener against San Diego City College, however he was pleased with the way they settled in to play much more relaxed on Saturday against Imperial Valley. After playing only three games prior to the start of conference action Vetter is now forced to use league games to help him set the starting lineup. The effects of early season inactivity showed. City College took advantage of poor control by starting pitcher Matt Taylor in the first inning to jump out to a 4-0 lead. The Comets were able to mount an attack in the middle innings but came up·too short. "Spike Mitchell's home run in the fifth

inning gave us momentum," Vetter said. "We had them in control then gave up two runs in the seventh inning on errors," he added. The Comets could get no closer than 4-3 in the fifth inning before finally losing the game by a score of 6-3. Saturday's game against Imperial Valley showed Vetter signs of a tum around for his club. "A couple of errors hurt us early against Valley, but that's to be expected right now," said Vetter. Infielders Eddie Thompson, at third base, and Brian Kooiman, at second base, helped to put an end to that as they played outstanding defense. Three successful double plays by the Palomar infield supported a strong performance by starting pitcher RobertErp. Chris Adams then took over the mound in the late innings and recorded a save as the Comets came out on top 6-4. Vetter felt the offense in the game was

Fifth is fine for women's b-ball with freshman Becki Callahan an alumni of San Pasqua! took the honors. Recognition for other team members will be given durThe Palomar women's basketball team ing theteam'sawardsceremonybeingheld rounded up the 1991-92 season, corraling a at the Earthquake Cafe on Feb. 29. fifth place Pacific Coast Conference finish Having devoted his time and energy to a in what Head Coach Jon Cnossen described successful season, Cnossen now feels its as the best year since he took the reins. time to devote a little time and energy to The Comets jumped himself, parting ways from the starting gate at with his staff duties for the start of the season, a semesterlong sabbatiheading in a different cal. direction. Mi d way Every seven years a thro ugh the '9 0- '9 1 Palomar Staff member campaign a fl urry of inis eligible to take temjuriescoupledwithplayporary leave from the ers who quit the squad, schoolunder thecollege caused the program to policy. fold. "I just wanted some This year, however, timeoff," said Cnossen. the athletes not only 'Tm no t going anycompleted their journey, where. I'll be back they compiled a 11-16 teaching this summer." overall record (3-7 in Even in his absence, league) hurdling the 10 however, basketball is win mark for the fust Basketball Coach Jon Cnossen. on his mind. "Recruiting is going real well for next timeinCnossen'sfouryearsascoach, climbing as high as third in the standings. year," he said. "I think we're going to be "We broke four team records and eight even better." individual ones," said Cnossen. "I wasn't Cnossen'sleavefrom the coaching staff real happy with the way we finished, but had created a vacancy in the head coaching overall we had a real good year." position for men's tennis . Jim Miller, who Among the team's accomplishments was has coached and taught the game since the placing two athletes on the all Pacific Coast mid '70s and who has a daughter on the Conference team. Sophomore Stephanie women's squad has been hired to fill the Howells from Rancho Buena Vista along void. By Christopher Gast Sports Writer

Michael Bagstad/ Photography Editor

very well dispersed throughout the lineup with clutch hits coming from Tom Afenir, Ben Duncan and Chris Chavez. "Our offense wi II score a lot of runs this year," said Vetter. After the game Vetter said he was happy to get the fust conference win under his belt and optimistic toward the rest of the season. "We have some sophomores that are the type to lead by performance. Throughout the season they will set the tone for the team with their play on the field." Mesa College was the next to fall to Vetter's squad. On Feb. 25, the Comets jumped on the Olympians with three runs in the first, two in the third and two in the ninth on their way to the 7-5 victory. The Comets now 2-1 in the Pacific Coast Conference and 2-3-1 overall, face big challenges against conference rivals Grossmont and Southwestern in the coming week.

Telescope's NCAA hoops top 25 Team 1. Duke 2. Kansas 3. Indiana 4. UCLA 5. Arizona 6. Missouri 7. UNLV 8. North Carolina 9. Kentucky 10. Ohio St. 11. Arkansas 12. Oklahoma St. 13. usc 14. Tulime 15. Alabama 16. Michigan St.

Record 20-2 20-3 20-4 21-2 19-3 17-4 23-2 18-5 20-5 17-5 19-6

21-5 19-4 19-3 20-6 18-5

17. Georgetown


rJR. ~yracuse ."*.¥' . . 19. Cincinnati: •·


20. Connecticut·· Q.l. Florida St:' «-'\

"' '26.4 17-6' '~r'

The Tel esco pe

Friday, February 28, 1992


Men's hoops head into playoffs By Salvador Marquez Lifestyle Editor Upon trouncing MiraCosta College last Saturday, 80-72, Palomar College clinched a state playoff spot and finished their season 6-6 in the Pacific Coast Conference, 13-18 overall. The Comets will have little time to celebrate, however, since their opposition will be College of the Canyons (ranked sixth in the state, fifth in Southern California) at Newhall tomorrow. "They're a good, solid basketball team, with an offense similiar to ours," said Richard Johnson, head coach of the Comets. According to Johnson, Palomar's 28th seeding (out of 32 teams) was somewhat of a surprise. Although he said he expected the Comets to finish higher, Johnson has seen improvement with his squad since ChristmasPalomar since went 4-2 in conference. Inexperience and the loss of all-conference guard Michael Graves (to injury) have contributed to Palomar's early-season malaise. In Grave's absence, freshman Dana Pope, first-string AllPacific Coast Conference guard, has had a stellar year so far. Pope led the PCC in scoring.



s T A

c E

File Photo ([he Telescope

Jason Wiegel digs out a shot during a match last season. The '92 volleyball team couldn't win a close one against Grossmont Feb. 21, losing 3-1 to the Griffins in The Dome.

Comet spikers taunted by loss to Griffins By David Mosier Sports Writer After dropping the first game of their match Feb. 21, the men's volleyball team went on a roll that made them seem unstoppable. However ,their dominance lasted only through the second game and their inconsistent play led to a loss against rival Grossmont 15-11,11-15,15-13,15-11. In the first game, which was played equally sloppy by both teams, Palomar traded points and sideouts until the end, when Grossmont pulled it out to take the advantage. Before the second game, head coach Duncan McFarland made a few changes, one of w~ich had Randy Lawrence seeing his first action of the night Lawrence, who compiled a game high 17 kills, led Palomar in a very competitive second game.

Golf swings Gulls lookin.g at Lindros into action The NHL's super prospect Eric Lindros may be on his way to the San Diego Gulls. New owner Fred Comrie has offered Quebec's number one draft pick and Canadian Olympic hero a 30 game minor league contract worth in the neighborhood of $500,000. If the Gulls manage this aquisition I think it would be safe to say San Diego would have the second best hockey team in California, San Jose of the NHL a close third.

By Christopher Gast Sports Writer

The Palomar golf team has been swinging its weight around, winning the first tournaments of the season and placing second in the San Diego Community Col: lege Tournament on Feb. 25. So Let's see... The Dodgers aquired Eric Davis, the Reds Palomar finished the par 72 aquired Tim Belcher, Greg Swindell and Bip Roberts, the Rancho SanJ uaquin Country Club National League Champion Braves didn't lose anyone. The course with a 383, six strokes bePadres? They signed Craig Worthington, Kurt Stillwell and hind the tournament winner, Randy Myers: Murderers row? More like skid row. Predicted Saddleback Community College finish: fourth. who finished with a 377. Is anyone going to pay $19.95 on pay-per-view to watch Julius Paul Calabrase, Rob Lang and Erving (otherwise known as Dr. J) play Kareem Abdul Jab bar Rick Martin all shot 77 for the one on one Feb. 28? Some of you might, but keep this in mind. The Comets. Major Indoor Lacrosse League is going to air on Prime Ticket the "We played very good but the same night.Decisions, decisions. other team played a little better," Fans in Anaheim have to be thrilled at the fact that Los Angeles said Head Coach Bob Lusky. Rams running back Cleveland Gary, has signed a contract to play Behind athletes such as Calabaseball with the California Angels. Now they can watch him brase, a sophomore from Mt. underachieve in two sports at the Big A. Carmel and Darran Chini from The sport of boxing has to be in its darkest days. The so-called Rancho Buena Vista, Lusky dubs championship fight to be between Evander Holyfield and Larry the '92 squad as one of the top four Holmes is a joke. Don't you think a match between baseball's in Palomar's history. Jose Canseco and his wife Esther would be more entertaining. "We think we're going to have UCLA basketball fans have a lot to worry about these days. a very storng team," said Lusky. Following a loss to sub-.500 Notre Dame, the Bruins must face top "Our depth looks pretty good. The 20 teams USC (who would love nothing more than to sweep the biggest question is if they're willtwo games this season) and number one ranked Duke. It looks like ing to improve mentally and physithe Bruins will be hybernating for the remainder of the season. cally. If they're willing to make some sacrifices, we'll be good." Compiled by Sean Dean, Martin O'Neil and Christopher Gast Next up for the golfers, The .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. Pacific Coast Toum. March 2.

N.L. West, Dr. J and boxing's darkest days

Both teams stepped up the level of their play, but the Comets were able to execute in all phases of the game. Palomar was able to get their passes up to the net which let setter Justin Gresham open up all his options on offense. The third game started similar to the second as Palomar jumped to a 13-3 lead, only to see it go as quickly as it came. The poor serve receiving that haunted the team in the first game returned and the offense became almost predictable. Middle blockers Chris Bannock and Jason Ford saw almost no action in the offense because Gresham was forced to set mostly to the outside. Grossmont battled back, overcame the Comets, and stunned the team and the crowd. As the fourth game started, it seemed as Palomar had found it's game again getting off to a 8-2 lead,however, lightning does

strike twice and without any waming,they went into the tank. The Griffins used a clutch block and good serving to even up the score and eventually put the home team away for good. The four game match left the Comet 's scratching their heads, wondering what had happened to their big leads. Some of the Grossmont players made the defeat even harder for the Comets to swallow by celebrating after key points, including taunting some of the Palomar athletes. The referees didn't let it go unnoticed issuing three yellow card warnings and one red card which gave the Comets a point. Eric Bean and Ford contributed 13 kills apiece in the losing effort. Palomar will have to wait until April 8 for another shot at Grossmont. The Comets will play Palomar alumni on March4 before taking on Long Beach March 6.


Friday, February 28, 1992

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