The Telescope 59.09

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CH P11lomllt student Stlltts SklltBbOtltd comp11ny. • PAGE 8

Student killed in 111otorcycle accident By John Asbury & Matt Null THI ULESCOPE

A Palomar College student was killed Oct. 31 after his Harley Davidson motorcycle collided with an Oldsmobile sedan shortly before 5 p.m. Nicholas James Sweetman, 23, was pronounced dead at the scene on the corner of Hacienda Drive and Via Centre at 5:11p.m. At 4:57p.m. Sweetman was driving eastbound on the 1900 block of Hacienda Drive approaching the driveway to a shopping center, east of InN-Out Burger. Sweetman was in the far right lane when the Oldsmobile, driven by a 71year-old woman, exited the shopping center crossing both eastbound lanes. "It appears she violated his right of way," said Sgt. Midge Masis of the San Diego County Sheriff. "He slammed on his breaks, he laid his bike down and slid into her vehicle." Masis said Sweetman had litt)e chance to avoid the collision and the driver said she did not see Sweetman as she turned. The driver of


Palomar College Police Academy cadets Carl Fredrickson (left) and Michael Nealon (right) participate in a role-playing scenario that involved taking a suspect accused of assault into custody. The part of the assailant was played by instructor George Vanderhoof.

Learning the ropes By Josh Rios THE TElESCOPE

After graduating from Palomar College's Police Academy, students can make $50,000 per year with benefits. The academy takes a little less than a year to complete and students can still work or go to school full time. The application deadline for the next academy is Nov. 10.


Republican speaker stresses self-sufficiency

Once students have completed the academy, they get 57.5 college units. Though the units are not transferable, they can be used toward an associates degree. And with the completion of three more classes, Juvenile Justice, Criminology and an internship they can receive an associates degree. The academy begins new classes every January and August. The

next program begins on Jan. 3. The total cost for the program is about $3,500. It has dual accreditation with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The academy allows students to work during the day while attend• SEE ACADEMY, PACE 5

College Fair offers transfer information

By John Asbury THE TEUSCO PE

By Chrystal! Kanyuck

Republican advocate and author C. Mason Weaver discussed his message of self-sufficiency and conservative government in front of the Student Center Oct. 27. Weaver came to speak at the request of the Palomar College Republican Club and told audience members they had to take the initiative themselves to survive in the job market after college. "This school is here for one purpose - to prepare students to compete, not just to be educated," Weaver said. "They're trying to create good competitors, not good employees." A former Vietnam War veteran, Weaver was a civil rights activist and Black Panther at Berkeley from 1972 to 1975. After graduating, he went on to become a government contract specialist and an independent entrepreneur. Weaver hosted a Los Angeles radio program from 1991 to 1999 and now works as a public speaker and author. Weaver was selected as a guest speaker for his history of motivational speeches, said Republican Club President Malia Bassett. • SEE SPEAKER, PACE 14

SEX IS A REALim Proper sex edutlllion is need to _11111ke good ehokes.


Some touted personal attention for students. Others bragged about high academic honors, strong statistics, or successful athletic programs. No matter the tactic, everyone was trying to boost their school's enrollment at the College Fair on Oct. 25. Representatives from 40 colleges and universities from across the country spoke with students from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of the Student Center. Each school had its own table and distributed informative pamphlets and fliers. Many gave away small items with the school's name and logo, such as pens, magnets and bookmarks. Students crowded around the most popular tables - those from San Diego area schools. Cal State San Marcos hosted one of the more popular tables. The school added several new majors. ''We have a nursing program now,"


'DARK RAPTURE' Sex, drugs lind 111011e1 - 1111 in one

said Colleen Manthey, a Cal State San Marcos representative. The school also initiated computer science and kinesiology majors, and will offer a mass media major beginning in the fall of2006. Manthey said business is the most popular major at Cal State San

Marcos, and students enjoy personal attention because of a student-to-faculty ratio of about 18-1. "All your professors will know you by your first name," Manthey said. Alliant International University, • SEE



Biology majors Cassie Mclean (left) and Ariel Dellanus (center) talk to Shelly Mitchell of the National Polytechnic College of Engineering and Oceaneering at the College Fair on Oct 25.

BEYOND PALOMAR Series pi'Oiiles Comets who llllnsm to 4-yfllt schools.



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This week JD Palomar history

Arguing •bout Arnold

... r.-...-- ,_,_,

1969 A memorial service was held on cam-

pus to remember two former students killed during the Vietnam war. The students names were added to a war memorial.

1 1I[§I • Election Day


Jane Goodall spealrs on rampus Famous primatologist Jane Goodall

Spec1al election on state propositions and San Diego mayoral race.

1970 spoke at Palomar about her study of chimpanzees in Africa.

Ralph Nader visits Palomar Consumer advocate and environmental activist Ralph Nader spoke at Palomar about the importance of community colleges, the dangers of corporate secrecy and the nation's energy crisis.

1973 • •

IWf I • Camp~s I

11, 19

Clorlrtower dedirated on rampus


A ceremony was held to dedicate the landmark Palomar clocktower on the south end of campus.

Poway renter at a stand-still

IWf 1 • ASG meeting

)998 Officials were

at odds about a proposed 30-acre campus in Poway. City officials from Poway were concerned the site would draw students away from Miramar Community College.


Ivan Reed, a representative from the Republican Club debates proposals on the Nov. 8 special election ballot during an election forum in front of the Student Center Nov. 2. Members of the Republican and Democratic clubs squared off on a series of questions to offer different opinions on the issues to student voters.



By John Asbury


The Associated Student Government discussed endorsing a state law and college policy that requires all students to pay the $14 student health fee. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger approved a change to the law in September that requires community colleges to charge the fee to students who recieve Board of Governor's Fee Waivers beginning next semester. BOGW students were previously exempt from the fee. At its Nov. 2 meeting the ASG postponed a motion to endorse the fee, after being asked by college officials for student input. Members will vote on a motion at its Nov. 9 meeting in support of charging the fee while taking BOGW students into consideration with alternative payment methods. ASG Sen. Alex Mendoza suggested that the ASG should support the ASG resolution, based on what she had discussed at Health Services committee meetings. Mendoza said the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services division of the college has agreed to pay the fee for EOPS students and the ASG could explore options to assist other students who did not qualify for financial aid.

TeliScope Monday, Nov. 7, 2005

Volume 59, No_ 9

FOCUSED ON PAI.OMAR The Telescope is published weekly on Mondays, except weeks containing holidays or exams. Signed opinions are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily represent those of the entire newspaper staff, Palomar faculty and staff or the Governing Board. HOW TO REACH US IIDDIIESS THE TELESCOPE, PALOMAR COLLEGE, 1140 WEST I\IISSION ROAD, SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 NEWSROOM ROOM TCB-1

Mendoza said enforcing the fee would increase funding for Health Services. The fee would give $60,000 to $120,000 each year from BOGW student fees, said Health Services Director Jayne Conway. Mendoza said students would not be impacted, since most BOGW students qualify for other types of financial aid. "It won't affect students nment from coming to school," Mendoza said. "The money's not coming out of their pockets, it's coming out of money used for student fees." ASG Adviser Bruce Bishop said the college would like to charge the fee to every student in order to improve Health Services. Bishop said by implementing the fee, Health Services would be able to cover its costs and develop a reserve fund. "Somebody has to pay it," Bishop said. "If we charge the fee to these students , Health Services can operate they way they want to ." Several members of the ASG said they were BOGW students, but were divided on approving the measure. Sen. Jesse ''Rupert" Dubler said the ASG should explore other options of paying the fee before imposing it on students. "For a few people the cost increase



would cause enrollment to drop," Dubler said. "Our purpose is to provide support and move forward with understanding for students who can't pay." Sen. Curtis Van Engle said it was wrong to impose the fee on students who did not qualify for Financial Aid. "Some students don't know what the situation is and it could hurt them," Van Engle said. ''We don't want to put them in that situation." In other business, the ASG continued preparations for Comet Week scheduled for Nov. 14-16. Comet Week is a celebration of campus pride and will include a series of activities in front of the Student Center. English Professor Barb Kelber from the Learning Outcomes Council attended the meeting to discuss free-speech day, which is scheduled for Nov. 16. "We want to help students grow to respect diversity, alternative lifestyles and the right to speak," Kelber said. "We need to go about it in a way that doesn't suggest intolerance and accommodates people's speech and humanity." The ASG also agreed to promote student activities on campus with the Student Activities Office. The Student Activities office sponsors basketball games at the Student Center on Mondays, volleyball games on Tuesdays and movies on Wednesdays.






Every Wednesday at 1 p.m. Room SU-18.

I Wf I • UC application

; Student reps consider health fee options TilE TELESCOPE

Explorattons "Environmental Ethics." Lecture and panel discussion, 2 p.m. in Room ES-19. Film screening will be followed by a discussion with producer Tom English.



workshop 1 p.m in the Career Center.

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IM.],i -" .•'II1 14

Veteran's Day No classes will be held to honor and remember U.S. veterans.

•CometWeek Activities in front of the Student Center Nov. 14-16 to celebrate campus pride.

IWf I • Free Speech Day

11J 16

11 a.m to 1 p.m. Open forum for speakers in front of the Student Center.

What belonts

here? Tell us. or call (760) 744-1150, at. Z450

The Telescope welcomes all letters to the editor. Letters must be typewritten (no more than 350 words), and must be signed with the author's first and last names, major and phone number. The Telescope reserves the right to edit letters for space and not to print letters containing lewd or libelous comments. Letters must be received by Monday at 3 p.m. to be considered for publication the next Monday.





Bush makes second anempt at court nominee By James Kuhnhenn and William Douglas KRT NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON (KRT) President Bush appeased his restive conservative allies Oct. 31 by choosing Judge Samuel Alito as his new Supreme Court nominee, but he set up a potentially grueling Senate confirmation struggle by inviting a clash with Democrats and moderate Republicans. Alito, 55, a 15-year federal appeals-court judge whose views on abortion have . angered liberal groups, could drive a handful of moderate Senate Republicans into an alliance with Democrats. While his solid judicial credentials and intellectual heft make him a formidable nominee, he could face a Senate filibuster fight even though most senators would prefer to avoid one. Sen. Patrick Leahy of the ranking Vermont, Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee and one of 22 Democrats who voted to confirm Chief Justice John G. Roberts, called Alito a "needlessly provocative nomination." Liberal activists went further. Bush ''has chosen to divide Americans with a nominee guaranteed to cause a bitter fight," said Ralph Neas, the president of People for the American Way, a liberal group that's been at the center of previous judicial-nomination

struggles. Neas vowed to wage a national campaign against Alito for what Neas called his "record of ideological activism against privacy rights, civil rights, workers' rights and more." Conservative senators rejoiced at Alito's selection. "I believe Judge Alito has every quality necessary to be a great Supreme Court justice," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who's also a member of the Judiciary Committee. Alito was born in 1950 in Trenton, N.J. He graduated from Princeton University and from Yale Law School. He served in senior positions in the Justice Department during the 1980s, pleaded 12 cases before the Supreme Court and was twice confirmed by the Senate: once as U.S. attorney in northern New Jersey, and in 1990 to sit on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in Philadelphia. "Federal judges have the duty to interpret the Constitution and the laws faithfully and fairly, to protect the constitutional rights of all Americans, and to do these things with care and with restraint, always keeping in mind the limited role that the courts play in our constitutional system," Alito said after Bush announced his nomination Monday morning at the White House. Alito and his wife have two children. Even if Democrats can't defeat Alito, his confirmation could provoke them to fili-


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President George W. Bush introduces Samuel Alito as his choice to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court.

buster, a parliamentary maneuver in which a minority of senators block votes until 60 of the 100 senators vote to end debate. The potential for a filibuster puts the spotlight on a bipartisan group of 14 senators who agreed in May to hold together against a Republican effort to prohibit filibusters of judicial nominees. The 14 agreed to support a filibuster - or to prohibit one only if "extraordinary circumstances" warranted. One key member of the group, Sen. John Warner, RVa., said Monday that after the Judiciary Committee's hearings, "there is a potential for the Gang of 14 to perform a

pivotal - if not decisive role." But Sen. Arlen Specter, RPa., the chairman of the Judiciary Committee and a supporter of a woman's right to choose abortion, said such a confrontation might not occur. "' don't think there's any basis for a filibuster here," he said, adding that the Senate may not dispense with Alita's nomination until the new year. Specter, who's known Alito for about 20 years, said the judge voiced support for the legal foundation of Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 abortion-rights case, during a private meeting Monday. Still, the abortion question

GMv~r had gnocch i? Then

looms large over Alito. In 1991 he was part of a three-judge panel that upheld most of a Pennsylvania law that restricted abortions. The court rejected only one provision, which required women who wanted abortions to notify their husbands. Alito dissented on that portion of the ruling, arguing that spousal notification didn't place an undue burden on women. "It does not signify disagreement with Roe v. Wade," Specter said of Alito's dissent. Concerned Women of America, a conservative group that had opposed Miers, praised Alito as an "excellent choice."

y·ou'rec in for a gn ic.e surprise. Gnoe:chi is how Italy does the potato dumpling. Add tender burgundy hraised heef. a ~plasli of e.-earn, a little onion, mushroom ilh sweet re pepper. and yo1lve .got a h!ile of Ito Iian heaven. Don't wait to ht it. our Gnoeclii -dish ts only aval,able: for .a limited time. After that. it's arriv~-derci. 59t GRAND AVE - S£ CORNER OF SAN MARCOS 8LVD & TH£ 78 FftUWA.Y










Other studies have shown to have no overall effects in delaying sexual intercourse or reducing the frequency of sexual intercourse, and no effect in reducing sexual risk behavior, which these classes are supposed to do. On the other hand, the Centers for Disease Control recently reported that Bv Abbey Mastracco comprehensive sex-ed programs, conTKE TELESCOPE trary to many conservatives' belief, do The number of abstinence-only sex not increase sexual intercourse or sexeducation programs is large and grow- ual risk behavior. Comprehensive programs promote mg. Ironically, so are teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease abstinence as the best protection against pregnancy and STDs, but also rates. The Center for Disease Control and educate students on STDs and contrathe Sexuality and Information ception methods, important elements Counsel of the United States has that abstinence-only programs leave reported that the United States has out. A congressional analysis has also the highest teen pregnancy and STD found many abstinence-only programs rate in the developed world. A controversy has erupted in to be false and misleading. Rep. Henry Montgomery County Maryland result- A. Waxman, D-Calif., commissioned ing in homosexuality being taught as the study and found outrageous claims a morally wrong choice in that presented opinions as scientific Montgomery County School District's fact in 11 of the 13 most commonly high schools. The people backing used abstinence-only curriculums. Some of the curriculums made these programs are the ones making bogus claims that half of all gay males the wrong choices. The 2005 Fiscal Year budget pro- in the United States have tested posiposed billion-dollar cuts on federal tive for HIV, HIV can be transmitted programs such as Medicaid, but allot- through sweat and tears, and that ted $270 million for abstinence-only touching a person's genitals can result sex-ed programs. These programs in pregnancy. Planned Parenthood reports that received twice the amount of funding many abstinence-only programs are in 2005 than in 2004. This was money well-wasted, since based on religious ideology. Whatever recent studies, including ones done in happened to a little thing called sepastates where abstinence-only is pre- ration of church and state? Over the past year, the dominantly taught, students of some of the have shown that abstitop high schools in the nence-only programs The government11nd do not even work. religious orgt1niz111ions country in Montgomery County Maryland have A study commisneed to stop trying to been in the middle of sioned by the Texas Department of State r11ise the n11tion's kids. pointless lawsuits. In May, six pilot schools Health Services earlier were set to start testing this year showed that ninth grade girls and boys were more a comprehensive sex-ed program that likely to have sex while enrolled in, or included discussions of homosexuality after taking an abstinence-only sex-ed with eighth graders, and a video demonstrating how to put a condom on class.

• Abstinente-only sex edutlllion deprives 11nd misle11ds our kids 11bout vitlllllltls


a cucumber for lOth graders. The curriculum would have tested in the spring and a final version was to be implemented in all Montgomery County School District middle and high schools this fall. But the district superintendent scrapped the program because two heavily religious affiliated groups sued the school district. Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum, and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays said the program does not stress abstinence enough and they want homosexuality to be looked at as a reversible lifestyle choice, and

focus on ways homosexuality can be changed through therapy. These are unsupported, extremist views. The government and religious organizations need to stop trying to raise the nation's kids. What they teach their own kids at home is one thing, but it is not their job to tell their neighbor's son that his lifestyle is wrong and he can change it, or to tell someone else's daughter that making out with her boyfriend could lead to pregnancy. It's time for the government and religion to butt out.

Manners are out of style, rudeness is all the rage Bv Josh Rios


From road rage during rush hour traffic to loud cell phone conversations at lunch to cussing in public, Americans have become increasingly bad mannered and rude over the years. According to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll, nearly 70 percent of those polled think that over the past 20 to 30 years Americans have become ruder. But did we really need a poll to tell us that? When we drive to school we are surrounded by people who think that they own the road and can drive however they want. Then we arrive at school and have to dance our way through the minefields of gum, giant puddles of human spit, and obstacle courses of construction debris. Finally, we get into class and think that we're safe. But even within the walls of the classroom, students disrespect teachers and don't hold the door open for other people. During break, you're surrounded by a thick cloud of smoke and cuss words.

Cafeteria staH should be commended I am writing because I didn't like the cut of the hours of the cafeteria either. But I can see why, if they are not making money, staying open longer doesn't make sense. Food can get dried out and sit and sit. I normally eat at a restaurant in San Marcos, their hours are 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. I understand because after 4 p.m. a lot of people want to go home. I want to congratulate Kathy and Ben. They hired a great staff. The staff is friendly and warm. They are never cross or impatient with me when I am getting my

Customer service is at its worst. Walking into a retail store, it takes either cleavage or a window breaking earth shattering, "Excuse me!" Which is only returned with a look that can only say, "Excuse me? Excuse you!" Our society is so degraded that when someone holds the door open for an elderly woman they are praised and anointed for saint hood. As a new generation, we are suppose to progress from the last, not regress. Young teenagers hardly know that there are more utensils than just a spoon, knife, and fork. It has become so bad that common sense manners are even ignored when visiting the White House. Northwestern University's women's lacrosse team demonstrated this when some of their members wore flip-flops to the White House to meet the President. The President of the United States! According to the poll, the blame goes across the board. Among those to blame are parents, busier lives, T.V shows and movies, celebrities and athletes.

We live in a world where we take for granted conveniences that were undreamed of, not more than 30 years ago. Many of us grew up with computers, graphing calculators, and microwaves. We want things now and expect to get them now, which is apparent in everything from our frozen dinners to instant messaging. We were trained at birth by television and movies to expect instant gratification. Anything less is an infringement on our rights and somebody should be sued for it. Fear not, for not all hope is lost. Although we might not be able to change society at the snap of our fingers, we can help. We can start with ourselves. We all hate admitting our faults, but the fact is we're human and we have them. The next time you just feel like giving that guy the bird, stop. Instead of just spitting your gum out anywhere you want, aim for the trash can. And, if you ever take a class with me, please don't blow smoke in my face during the break. Thank you.

money out to pay them. I am well known and I like everyone there. I also like the Snackshack staff. They are friendly and very helpful. One day I couldn't open my medicine that I had just bought. One of the staff members helped me open the medicine because I was struggling with it. I have been to places that I couldn't open something after I bought it. I went and asked and was turned down. The Snackshack and the cafeteria staff are very nice and helpful. I understand the problem is money. Why stay open if you are only going to have a few customers? If the Cafeteria is making more

money during the lunch hours or in the morning, that is great. The food has been the best ever. Hats off to the cafeteria. It's better having them there then putting money in a vending machine and you hit a button and you have lost your money because the machine is jammed. I have yet to see the snack bar closed. I have class in the morning and later on in the day. If the door is closed, maybe they are trying to keep the heat out. I say thumbs up for the cafeteria and Snackshack. - Jennifer Knapic GRAPHIC DESIGN



Debate team takes

cue from coach

also the assistant forensics director and an associate speech professor. Whearty said he got the debate bug Mter eight years of competing in when he competed in high school in speech and debate, Brandon Whearty Montana. After four years of competition, decided to use his experience to help oth- he received a scholarship in the field as ers. an undergraduate at Northern Arizona "Speech and debate has been my meal University, where he competed for anothticket all the way through (school) since I er four years. He then coached at Cal was about 17," Whearty said. State Long Beach, where he received his And he is now using that experience to master's degree. Now he is at Palomar. help the Palomar Whearty is already College speech and making changes. One debate team as its new 11H1 (Wh111rty) h•s • 1'1111 new program, Campus head coach. p•ssion •bout this •etivity. Outreach, will bring in After taking over for a professionals to share team that ranked sec- You e•n tell he r~•lly likes their experience and ond in the country at the doing it. 11 knowledge with the Phirhopi National students. - Jason Hosfield Whearty will be Tournament, this year, DEBATE TEAM CAPTAIN adding an electronic Whearty started with a new cast of students. communication via Whearty said he is pleasantly surprised Internet web links. with this year's team. ''We will be able to have speech and "They are energetic and dedicated and debate team arguments over the it is starting to pay off," Whearty said. Internet, without ever leaving the classJason Hosfield, the debate team cap- room," Whearty said. tain said, "we have a really good shot to The students will be communicating continue the success from last year." with the U.S. Air Force Academy for the The team captain had only good things project. This will give both teams an to say about Whearty. opportunity to train. "He has a real passion about this activThe program also allows the teams to ity. You can tell he really likes doing it," record the competition. They are able to Hosfield said. "He is an amazing teacher review the recordings, learn from them, and is responsible for all the success we and save them for future use, Whearty have had." said. Along with serving as a coach, he is Whearty coaches the debate team six By Jan Clark



Debate team members Allison Riley (left) and Jason Hosfield (center) practice with coach Brandon Whearty. Whearty took over as coach earlier this year.

hours per week. "Rather than telling the students what to argue, we figure out what they care about, then give them the tools to be able to argue those positions effectively," Whearty said. In debate, students are challenged to think outside of the box. "The rules of the game are what you argue the rules to be," Whearty said. Team members do not know the topic or what side they will be debating until

15 minutes before the competition begins. This forces the members to be knowledgeable about both sides of the issues. "Debate is like an intellectual chess game," Whearty said. "Every debate is different." Whearty can no longer compete in any of the debate competitions, leaving that part up to his students. "My goal is just to sit back like Dr. Dre and produce hits," Whearty said.

• ACADEMY: Training program offered twice per year, January and August CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

ing Palomar because classes are held evenings, Tuesday through Thursday and all day on Saturdays. "It's a great academy, you're getting post-certified and college credit. It's like killing two birds with one stone," said Cadet Mark Gehler. "It's hard but it pays off in the end." Gehler will be graduating on Dec. 15 and said he already has a job lined up. Mter graduating from the academy, students can go right tp work for most law enforcement agencies as police officers or deputy sheriffs. Tom Plotts, the director of public safety programs at Palomar College's Public Safety Training Center, said 70 percent of students get jobs right after graduating - compared to a statewide average of 55 percent. This year alone more than 12,000 new law enforcement jobs will need to be filled in California. "The Academy provides students with the skills and training necessary to enter the workforce," Plotts said. The academy is separated into three 16-week blocks. During the first block, students are primarily in the classroom learning criminal law. The second block is more hands on Plotts said. The students go through drills, learn defensive tactics, and participate in firearms training. The final block consists of simulated situations in which students must combine all of what they learned. Near the end of the third block, the academy brings in recruiters from local police departments to help their graduating students get jobs. Past recruiters have come from Escondido, Chula Vista, Fountain Valley and Carlsbad police departments, San Diego Sheriff's Department and others. The application process is divided into three parts, eligibility requirements, testing and conditions of acceptance. Testing involves both physical and intellectual tests. Students must submit a written essay and pass an oral interview. Then they must pass six physical agility tests; a 500-yard run, a 99-yard simulated foot chase, drag a 165-pound dummy 32 feet , scale a 6-foot chain link and wooden fence and run one mile in less than 10 minutes. Once accepted, students must pass a medical examination, background check and be able to pay $1,906 of their tuition on first day of class. "Two words - 'physical training'. That's the main thing. Make sure you're in shape," said Cadet Ruben Velazquez, who graduates on Dec. 15. "Make sure your family is well informed of the commitment you're making, it's a lot of hours. It's exciting and thrilling, but it's hard work." For additional information go to or call (760) 7441150, ext. 1770.


Above: Police Academy cadets Michael Nealon (right) and Carl Fredrickson (center) attempt to disarm a suspect armed with a knife, during a role-playing scenario. Instructor Craig Carter played the role of the assailant. The scenarios help prepare the cadets for real world situations.

Left: Police Academy cadet Vanessa Gomez practices handcuffing a suspect. Instructor George Vanderhoof played the role of the suspect.



!i Performance is a suspenseful escape Ill


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By Katy Goodwin THE TElESCOPE

Money, sex, drugs and escape are the dominant themes in "Dark Rapture," a play by Eric Overmyer. Turner Directed by Delicia Sonnenberg, Palomar acting instructor, and performed by students in the Palomar performing arts department, "Dark Rapture" promises a night filled with intrigue and mystery. "Dark Rapture" is like film noir in that the storyline is dark and i! 'Dark Rapture' violent and events unfold in a, SHOWTIMES ANDSATURDAYS a maze of twists ir FRIDAYSATBP.M. SUNDAYS AT 2 P.M. and turns. Set i NOV. 11 • NOV. 20 in the 1980s, NOV. 17 AT 4 P.M. HOWARD BRUBECK THEATRE the play begins ADMISSION with a house S8 FORSTUDENTS $12 FOR GENERAL PUBUC fire in Los Angeles, where authorities find a disembodied hand. Residents then raise questions about whom the hand belongs to and where the $5 million in the house went. Sonnenberg chose the play. She said she is a big fan of Overmyer's work because of his style and language. "The language is more hip," Sonnenberg said. "Each person has a distinct speaking style. There is an economy and poetry to the language in this play that I really love." Sonnenberg also said she chose this play because she thinks it presents ideas and themes the audience can relate to. "The play is about escape: something we all fantasize about," Sonnenberg said. "If we all had the chance to start over, would we make the same decisions as these characters? I hope that even though this play is stylized, people can see themselves in the characters." The main characters in this play




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Adam Brick and Mollie Samocha star in "Dark Rapture," a play by Eric Overmyer that will run Nov. 11 -20 in the Howard Brubeck Theatre.

are Ray Gaines, who is played by Adam Brick, and his wife Julia Gaines who is played by Annabella Casanova. Brick, the star of Palomar's last play, "Tartuffe," said he knew what the play was about when he auditioned. "It's a cool play, there are lots of scenes," Brick said. "The plot is intricate and mysterious, and it all comes together in the end." Brick also said the dialogue in "Dark Rapture" are more contemporary and casual than in "Tartuffe." "I like the lines because they're staccato, punctuated," Brick said. "They're more like street lingo, with cussing and slang, instead of

"Tartuffe," which was in rhyming couplets. It's more fun." Casanova agreed, saying the lines were like "machine gun fire." "The language matches the content of the play. We have a raw play with raw language," Casanova said. More than language, "Dark Rapture" is a play characterized by action and drama. Stacy Michelle Walker, stage manager for the play, said that within the first 20 minutes, there is a fire, a gunshot and people making out in a hotel. "It's very exciting, and the storyline moves really fast," Walker said. Walker also said that Sonnenberg brings a lot of stability and professionalism to the performance.

Sonnenberg is the co-founder of Moxie Theatre, a local developing theater company. Because of Sonnenberg's experience in professional theater, students are held to higher standards. "Delicia is so organized and her sense of responsibility gives actors a great advantage when they get out in the real world," Walker said . Chris De La Cruz, who plays a supporting character named Tony, said this is his first time acting and is taking Sonnenberg's class. "Delicia is not afraid to push the boundaries with her plays," De La Cruz said. "I would never have auditioned for "Dark Rapture" if it weren't for Delicia's encouragement."

Beck rocks Rimae before unenthusiastic audience By Thomas May


Even though the audience was unenthusiastic and even lethargic, Beck put on a great performance at the Rimae Arena at UC San Diego Oct. 27. Opening explosively with a raucous performance of i! 'Beck' his first big hit, "Loser," he iS led the crowd in singing • , (OUT Of f(}JR STARS) the familiar chorus, "I'm a loser, baby, so why don't OCT.27 UCSDRIMAC ARENA you kill me?" By the third SAN DIEGO, song, "Devil's Haircut," Beck and his band had found their groove. They went on to play fan favorites from his entire career during the nearly two-hour long show. Beck sounded great for the most part. There were a few minor mistakes that he quickly covered up, including getting something caught in his throat at the beginning of one song and then starting over. His instrumental and vocal performance was superb. Despite this, the crowd rarely got into it. It seemed like quite a few people in attendance were kids who only knew Beck from a few of his more recent singles, but had no knowledge of his earlier work. Unfortunately, this put a damper on the energy and excitement that Beck and his music exuded. One of the most enjoyable parts of the performance was the visual aspect. Behind the stage, a projection screen displayed stylish and colorful animations that played to match with the music. Theatrics by the band and Beck were the highlight of the visual performance, however. Beck fans will be familiar with the Dancing Guy, a member of the band who dances on stage at concerts, but doesn't play an instrument. On this night, he was dressed like a Mormon missionary, with tight black slacks, a white shortsleeve shirt and a tie, along with Buddy Holly-



Beck played his hit songs "Loser" and "Where It's At" during his concert on October 'l1 in San Diego.

frame glasses. The Dancing Guy absolutely stole the show, prancing around the stage like a cross between Mick Jagger and Elaine from "Seinfeld," that was hopped up on speed. Beck and the guys also did a couple skits that went along with the show. During "Where It's At," the Dancing Guy came on stage with an old school, 1980s style boom box and kept acting like he was trying to turn it up. Beck sent him back after fiddling with the controls, and the Dancing Guy came back with a bigger one. Eventually, a huge boom box was lowered from the ceiling while the Dancing Guy rocked out.

While that skit was weird and funny, another skit was just kind of weird. While Beck played an acoustic portion of the concert (more on this later), the band set up a dinner table on stagecomplete with food , a tablecloth and candles and began eating while Beck played on. Later the band would use the glasses and plates to create a very cool percussion (sort of like the popular stage show "Stomp"), but watching them eat for a while was bizarre and distracting from the music. The Rimae's acoustics weren't bad from my vantage point on the floor in front of the stage. The notes were sharp and clear, and Beck's trademark vocals came through in a way that carries even more weight and emotion than his album cuts normally do. This was especially apparent when Beck paid homage to his coffee shop roots, playing an acoustic guitar and a harmonica without his band. He used this part of the concert to play a few of his more low-key songs, hitting his peak when he played "The Golden Age." His quirky sense of humor came through when he did an extra-long, acoustic version of the goofy "Debra," which includes the lyrics, "I wanna get with you I Only you, girl I And your sister I I think her name is Debra." As he sang "Debra," he started making up words to it and eventually said, "Part four coming up. This is the R. Kelly version, you guys." He was, of course, referring to singer R. Kelly's multi-part song, "Trapped in the Closet." Beck closed the show with an exuberant rendition of "E-Pro" while a few selected fans danced onstage behind him. It was a solid way to cap off the evening, and one of the few songs that the crowd responded well to. Mter seeing the concert, it was hard to know whether or not the audience saw the same performance I did. Perhaps they felt the same way, but didn't express their excitement. To quote a line from a Beck song, his beat was correct that night.





• Rom•ntit tomtdy t11k11 11 rtlllillit look 111 11 lov1 tri11nglt Bv Danielle Druther


Actor Steve Martin is no newcomer to the silver screen. Over the years, his characters and a: comedic timing have $; 'Shopgirl'


earned him recogni- I tion as one of the top , . (Cu;oFFOURSTARSJ actors of his time. He STARRING CLAIRE has taken his turn at DANES, STEVE MAR· TIN, JASON producing, directing, SCHWARTZMAN and even screen writRATED R ing dozens of films. But perhaps his lesser known role is that of a best-selling author. Directed by Anand Tucker, "Shopgirl" brings one of Martin's more popular novellas to life, the first of what has now become a list of literary works.

"Shopgirl," playing now through Nov. 10 in Hillcrest, chronicles several months in the life of Mirabelle Buttersfield, a soft-spoken Vermont native whose visions of grandeur lead her to Los Angeles and a position behind the glove counter in Saks Fifth Avenue. Mirabelle, played by Brokedown Palace star Claire Danes, lives alone with her cat, where she spends most of her time sketching a makeshift art portfolio and finding herself yearning for a companion. She finds solace in two unlikely suitors, Ray and Jeremy, played by Martin and actor Jason Schwartzman, respectively. The two come from drastically different walks of life: Ray is a successful and charming older man with two homes in separate parts of the country, while Jeremy is a young struggling artist who appears to lack many social graces. Mirabelle finds herself going back and forth between Ray and Jeremy over the duration of the film, thus presenting a somewhat traditional love triangle storyline.

While "Shopgirl" seems to have the potential for being cliche, Martin takes a relatively realistic approach that rids the script from much Hollywood normality. The characters on their own are not necessarily ones you would find in your basic Danielle Steel novel. Where any other similar film would write in an outgoing, fashionable leading lady, Mirabelle is plain and soft-spoken. There are no Fairy Godmothers or quick-witted girlfriends to help her through her situation. And it seems that each character brings to the table their own sets of quirks and flaws. This is evident especially in the case of Jeremy, who finds himself undergoing some drastic change as the movie progresses. Neither man seems to embody the idealistic 'knight in shining armor,' a far cry from many other films in the romantic comedy genre. But to put this film in the same caliber as other popular romantic comedies like "My Best Friend's Wedding" would seem like an ill-fitted choice. In exchange for redundantly crude humor and a light-

hearted soundtrack, "Shopgirl" possesses a much more poignant message with a more simplistic approach, seemingly asking audiences to look deeper. Overall, the acting is right on target. Martin's portrayal of Ray is very well received for being so different than his usual fatherly, softer roles. Danes brings a unique flair to copper-haired Mirabelle. Her innocence and light make it easier for audiences to relate and root for her as she struggles through the conflicts of the film . But it is Schwartzman's quirky Jeremy that seems to steal scenes. His uproariously funny and animated presentation was a stark but pleasant contrast to the darker tones of the film. Having nabbed various awards at this year's film festivals and winning over the hearts of critics nationwide, "Shopgirl" is an unexpected and heart-warming alternative to other films of its genre. Lacking a major sap quotient, it is anything but your regular "chick flick," containing themes and characters that both men and women can not only enjoy, but relate to.

• vtewer New indie film surpasses expectations Bv Ben Greenstein


"The Squid And The Whale" is currently receiving a good deal of buzz as a Wes Anderson side project. Anderson (director of "The Royal Tenenbaums" and "Rushmore") helped to produce the film , which is written and directed by Noah Bambauch (the cowriter for Anderson's "The Life Aquatic"). ~ 'The Squid However, to view this film , play- ~ and the Whale' ing in Hillcrest until Nov.. 10, as a : side project is not fair to the peo- ,.... iCUTOFFOURSTARSJ ple involved. Despite a similar STARRING JEFF DANIELS . d·f-c DIRECTED BYNOAH sense of h umor, "S qm.d" IS 1 1erBAMBAUCH ent than Anderson's other projRATED R ects, and Bambauch is a very different director. While Anderson's films have thus far all been colorful and surreal comedies, Bambauch's movie is a comedic drama - a stunningly realistic one, often as brutally emotional as it is hilarious. The plot is almost overly simple- a father and mother decide to get a divorce, tearing their two sons apart. Since there isn't much to the story, the film understandably focuses on character development, where it succeeds, thanks to some excellent performances. Jeff Daniels is the centerpiece as the father, Bernard, a ridiculously pretentious and egotistical over-the-hill writer. Daniels, an extremely underused and underrated actor, is brilliant at making his character both sympathetic and frustrating- likeable and despicable at the same time. Laura Linney portrays the mother Joan, who has recently begun to find the artistic success that Bernard wishes was his own. While she doesn't get nearly as much screen time as Daniels, she provides a good counter to his mix of pride and anger. The sons, Walt and Frank, are the focus of the plot, but they don't dominate the scenes like the parents do. They are still played incredibly well, by Jesse Eisenberg (as the awkward, nerdy Walt, desperate to imitate his father in every way), and Owen Kline as Frank. Kline has many of the funniest scenes, but also some of the most disturbing. Those expecting a good movie



Afamily struggles with divorce in 'The Squid and the Whale,' which will run at the Landmark Theater in Hillcrest through November 10.

for a date or for their family should be warned that the movie features images of 13-year old Frank not only swearing and drinking alcohol, but masturbating and yes, even ejaculating. While these scenes aim to artistically portray the sexual awkwardness that comes with being a teen, they detract from the film somewhat. Even someone quite familiar with the male reproductive system may find it hard to resist squirming. The only other drawback is the lack of a conclusive ending. I am sure that the intent is to force the audience to imagine what happens to the characters, but the end result is that the movie feels unfinished, with

several plot threads introduced but never resolved. The film is well worth seeing, regardless of these faults, if only for the excellent performances and the sharp script. Daniels in particular looks like a good candidate for the Oscars. Without his perfect performance, even the film's wittiest dialogue would be far less effective. Bambauch has directed two other films, which I have yet to see but are hopefully as entertaining (if not as personal) as "The Squid And The Whale." With any hope, his future work will be just as brilliant, and he will soon shed the inappropriate tag of "Wes Anderson's sidekick" and become a household name himself.



= PlJNI{ rock antbition '-'o • 11.

P•lom•r student to-founds sk•tebo•rd tomp•ny on • budget By Josh Weinreich




With a little bit of money and a vision, Palomar College student Wayne Acciacca's dream of owning a skateboard company has finally come true. Acciacca and his business partner and longtime friend Enrique Lazaro recently created Muerto Skateboards "We're on a punk rock budget," Acciacca said. "You know, do-it-yourself, Xerox fliers and put them out there." Acciacca and Lazaro have known each other since childhood. Acciacca said he and Lazaro made skateboards in their high school woodshop class and were two of only five skateboarders in the town of Tucson, Ariz. Acciacca said it wasn't until he recently inherited a small amount of money that they were able to get serious about starting up a company. "This is the first company I've ever started and it's definitely a learning experience," Acciacca said. "It's something we've always dreamt about." Lazaro was born in Mexico and is the artist for Muerto Skateboards. He said his main influences and inspiration come from the Mexican culture. "I think what stayed with me was the 'day of the dead' type stuff because we always had that stuff in our household," Lazaro said. Acciacca said the company draws its name from the Mexican holiday 'Dia de los Muertos,' or 'day of the dead.' Acciacca works at Siemens administrating their web site, and computers have always been a hobby of his. "I have an IT background," Acciacca said. "Enrique supplied me with all the art work and I did all the web site - putting the shopping cart together, getting web hosting -


Palomar student Wayne Acciacca holds up two of Muerto Skateboard's products as local skater Taylor Williams takes off at the Vista Skate Park. Below, the company offers two different size skateboard decks emblazoned with Mexican-influenced designs.

and that saved us a lot of money." The company has had their web site running and skateboards available since July. Just two months after establishment, Muerto Skateboards debuted at a skate park in Denver. Acciacca said they gave away free decks and shirts and signed dozens of people up for mailing lists. "We're both really in it for the same reason, and that's to put something out there for people to enjoy," Lazaro said. Acciacca completed his associates degree in December 2004 and is now taking art courses at Palomar to transfer to Cal State San Marcos. He plans to enroll in their art technology program and possibly minor in business. Lazaro works as a tattoo artist in Colorado and said he concentrates on expanding his art work for the

good of the company. "We're skaters - we're not trying to get rich or anything," Lazaro said. "We're just trying to put something out there that you know has substance to it and has meaning." Acciacca said Lazaro has set up some good things in Denver, like making a deal with a T-shirt printing company and getting Muerto into several skate shops around the town. Muerto Skateboards has both men's and women's T-shirts and two different size skateboard decks one early 90s style board used mainly for pool skating and the other a standard popsicle-shaped board. Muerto products are available through their web site at or at Schmidt's Boardhouse , located across the street from Cal State San Marcos.


"We're looking to grow bigger," Acciacca said. "We're looking for possible investors and business partners and distributorships and things like that to propel it forward. " With a little more money and some growth, Muerto's skateboards might be the next big thing on the skateboarding scene.

Professor authors introductory psychology textbook By Josh Weinreich


Psychology professor Karen Huffman has taught at Palomar for over 25 years. In between serving as co-coordinator for the psychology faculty and teaching full time, Huffman authors textbooks for use in introductory psychology classes. Huffman has received numerous awards in the field of psychology. She has been honored by the American Psychological Association with the National Teaching Award for Excellence in Community/Junior College Teaching. Palomar awarded her with the first ever Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the University of Texas at Austin awarded her with an Outstanding Third in a series Teaching award. Huffman started writing textbooks in 1984 when she and Mark Vernoy, now Palomar Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences, wrote the first edition of the introductory psychology textbook, which published in 1987. Vernoy co-authored four more editions with Huffman but stopped after becoming a dean. Huffman said she is 98 percent done with the eighth edition of her text, titled 'Psychology in Action' for its emphasis .on active learning. The text will be available for classes in January 2006. Huffman said she enjoys traveling to classrooms in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico that

Wtiting is like •nothlf form of te•ehing exeept you e•n't s11 the •udienee." 11


Karen Huffman


use her book. She holds workshops with the teachers and gives lectures students on the material in the book. Huffman said the most difficult thing about writing a text is giving all the information and facts about the latest research without losing the students' interest. She said she tries to keep her writing interesting by incorporating real life situations into the field of psychology. For example, Huffman's latest edition will include the research done by psychologists during the recent hurricane and tsunami disasters. Huffman said psychologists learned a lot about human's ability to cope with large scale loss. She said people were more capable of dealing with stress when there was a "camaraderie ofloss," as opposed to dealing with the devastation alone. Huffman said keeping up with research is also a hard task when writing a text. She said it can be information overload. "At one point it was estimated that nearly 240 articles per month were published and that's just in social psychology," she said. Huffman said she reviews all the literature and then looks for common themes.

Huffman explained that she had to remove a diagram from her text this year because it taught students that brown hair and eye color were dominate genes, which she said is no longer true. Huffman said the recent death of Rosa Parks inspired her to modify the book. Huffman will expand the section on destructive obedience, which uses Parks as an example, and will add a picture of her to the page. Bill Barnard, Huffman's husband, said her love for psychology shows in the amount of hard work she puts into teaching. "She brings high energy and intelligence into her teaching," he said. "She's definitely a psychology expert." Huffman said she loves the field of psychology because knowing how a human brain learns and remembers can be applied to life situations. ''You can study (how the brain works) and do better on tests or use it on how to raise your children better," Huffman said. "I always say we should have more psychologists advising our politicians.'' Huffman spends her free time with her three grandsons, ages 13, 8 and 6, and enjoys skiing, hiking and camping. Huffman said she is looking forward to releasing the next couple editions of her text and doesn't plan to stop writing anytime soon. ''Writing is like another form of teaching except you can't see the audience," Huffman said. The Facult) Research series profiles Palomar College professors who continue to do research or achieve merits in their chosen fields of study.



Embracing t~lkr~-r~ in enchanted lands • Seotl•nd trip proves tours •re worth the dime Scotland - land of haggis, hairy coo'oos, kilts, bagpipes and sheep. A four-and-a-half-hour train ride from London landed me and about 55 other students in from my program Edinburgh, the capitol of Scotland, at 10:30 p.m. We had the night to explore the city, but had to be awake and ready to start a three-day tour of the Scottish highlands early the next morning. Arriving in a city at night does not usually give a great first impression of the city's character, but in Edinburgh it does. People out on the streets were, for the most part anyway, still sober. The majority of them greeted our giddy caravan of students with smiles and a few words of welcome. no With more than a few hours of dancing in a local pub, I knew that I had lost my heart to Scotland. Following a night fractured by snoring roommates, the larger group was split into two smaller units to fit in minicoaches the next day. My group had 28 crazy kids , one program coordinator crazier than the kids and one kilted tour guide named Tony, who was crazier than everyone else combined. We headed out that morning on a bus emblazoned with "Wild & Sexy" and not quite knowing what to expect. That feeling of hurtling into the unexpected never deserted me, it just became a standard part of the day. Our first destination, the

Scotland's versions of leprechauns , beside a mountain stream. At the end of the stories , we all dunked our heads in the frigid water hoping the centuries old enchantment of a wee folk remained and still had the power to make us seven times more beautiful. The day passed with frolicking on a ridgeline and a picnic lunch in castle ruins and ended with yet another dip into cold water. This time, a group of us went swimming in Loch Ness in the middle of the night. Nessy, the fabled monster of the loch, greeted us by

Isle of Skye, lies off the northern coast of Scotland. Normally, this would be a full day's drive by itself, but we planned to make several stops in the highlands along the way. The first break from driving came in the form of Hamish the hairy coo'oo. Hairy coo'oos dot the Scottish landscape almost as frequently as sheep and look like shaggy cows with killer horns. Back on the bus, we danced our way to one of the bloodier episodes in Scottish history, the massacre at Glencoe. From the top of a nearby hill, Tony related the story of how one clan fell into disfavor with the king and was massacred by another clan hired as mercenaries. Men, women and chilt S dren were all killed m their beds or shot down as they tried to escape into the surrounding mountains. The story goes that on foggy nights you can still hear the screams of those trying to escape. Later in the afternoon, I learned more Scottish history when we visited Eileen Donan castle. Never before have I found history more alive than on this trip. I could feel the centuries that had aged the stones. We moved on with the setting sun to the Saucy Mary's hostel on the Isle of Skye. That night, a small group tried to hike to Saucy Mary's castle, but we were foiled by shindeep mud and rising tides. The next day was entirely devoted to exploring the Isle of Skye. Wet and picturesque, Skye only recently began to be inundated by former city dwellers looking for a simpler life. The day began with a chilling dip into local folklore surrounding the wee folk ,

eating two right flip-flops. The next morning - our last on the tour - found us baptizing N essy dolls in the loch and performing a Nessy summoning dance. A few walks through more ruins and more history lessons courtesy of Tony rounded out a long weekend full of laughter, learning and falling in love with the land. I never thought I could enjoy a planned tour; it simply was not the type of traveling that interested me . This tour changed my mind, though. With the right guide and the

right people, I came away with 30 new friends who I can wave to on the streets of London. That goes a long way toward making this city feel more like home. I would not trade my sleep-deprived holiday for anything in the world, except maybe a longer one. Sarah Foglesong is participating in Palomar College's fall study abroad program in London. She corresponds each week in The Telescope and on The Telescope Online at E -mail her at

Sarah mee

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• ACCIDENT: Student sought fire tech degree

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the other vehicle was not injured. familiarity and closeness. This class is The speed limit in t he area is 35 definitely going to be impacted." mph and based on witness accounts, On the first day of classes, Sweetman was not speeding, Masis McFarland had students fill out inforsaid. Sweetman was wearing a hel- mation cards and Nick listed body met when the accident occurred. boarding, church and motorcycles as A memorial now sits near the his interests. scene of the accident with his picture Sweetman's brother, Jon Sweetman and notes from family and friends. said Nick was identified at the scene by Sweetman's mother, Diane a test in his backpack - he had Sweetman, said her son had been received an "A." riding for about two years, but was "He had a huge heart and he always not licensed. worried about other people before himSweetman was studying for his self," his brother said. "He would motorcycle license and also worked always set aside anything for someone at a motorcycle shop. The motorcycle else. " in the accident was borrowed from a Rebekah Richcreek, Sweetman girlfriend while his was being repaired. friend of two years , said that at 6 feet 5 Sweetman, a 2001 graduate of inches tall Nick's size captured who he Vista High School, was a full-time was. student at Palomar and was working "He was a gentle giant," Richcreek toward a degree in Fire Technology. said through tears. "He was funny and Family members said he wanted to kind of a dork - but in a good way. He become a firewas an awesome son, a fighter and was 11 phenomenal friend and taking Advanced His l•st n•me (SwHtm•n) w•s a great boyfriend." First Aid with so indie•tive ol wh•t kind ol Richcreek said he was professor Teri PftSOn he rHIIy is, he is • anxious to begin his McFarland. career as a firefighter 11 "He was a stu- re.lly sweet guy. and was also involved dent I really _ Teri McFarland in his church, Hope cared about," said PROFESSOR Church of Nazarene in McFarland, who Vista. is in her 31st year Pastor Phil Barron at Palomar and said she has never said .Sweetman volunteered at the had a student this close to her die. church working with toddlers and "His last name was so indicative of added that he was dedicated to the what kind of person he really is, he church and had given his life to the is a really sweet guy." Lord. McFarland said the Advanced Sweetman was remembered at a First Aid class is not a normal class memorial service Nov. 5. because each student wants to "The most comforting thing to know become a firefighter. is that he was living a life pleasing to "This is the type of class where God," Barron said. "Tragedy like this is people get to know each other pretty never an easy thing to deal with, but it well," McFarland said. "It is a differ- reminds us of how important the people ent atmosphere in these classes with in our lives are. "


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Students endure rigors of paramedic program By Matt Null THE TELESCOPE

You have probably seen them around the Escondido Center, hanging out in their paramedic uniforms. But what you may not know is that those students are enrolled in what may be the hardest program at Palomar College. The Emergency Medical Education program has been a part of Palomar since the early 1980s and has graduated more than 500 students. But the course load to become a paramedic, or even getting accepted into the program, is not easy. Mary Reed, the Academic Department Assistant for the EME program, said she receives about 70-100 applications per class. However, only 25-30 students are selected to participate in the nine-month program. Only two classes are offered per year because each student requires an internship. Debi Workman, who has served as Director and Instructor for the Emergency Medical Department at Palomar since 1989, said the paramedic programs are tightly regulated with very specific requirements for the internships. Workman said there are three types of internships - didactic, clinical and field. For clinical internships, students must spend 160 hours at a hospital and an additional 20 hours at Children's Hospital. "We send them to paramedic-base hospitals, which are hospitals that have the ability to communicate and give orders to paramedics," Workman said. For the field internship, Workman said the students are assigned a para-


Paramedic students Eric Sauerwein (left) and Joey Bradshaw participate in the program's "IV Day," where they learn how to administer intravenous fluids to patients.

medic that works with the student for 22, 24-hour shifts. She added this job is usually on an ambulance. "We also require nine additional 12hour shifts of ride alongs where the student is able to do paramedic-level assessments," Workman said. Workman added that during both internships, students perform the same skills and procedures as a paramedic. But why do the students wear the uniforms? Workman said they were implemented because of a class that was a little

too ambitious. "They were so out of control and competitive that I started the uniforms to level the playing field," Workman said. "They still are competitive but in a much less negative way. It gives them all a common ground and I think helps build professionalism, group bonding and pride." Before getting the uniform, students must first get accepted. Workman said students have a written exam of 200 questions based on the Emergency Medical Technician final

exam. They also have a general medical terminology and a math exam. Once they pass, students have an interview, a patient assessment and a diagnosis and treatment plan. They also have the opportunity to explain their work and student experience. Another stipulation to being accepted is their EMT experience. Students must complete one year as an EMT to be considered. The difference between an EMT and a paramedic is that an EMT can only perform basic life skills, such as firstaid, bandaging and splinting. A paramedic performs advanced life skills, such as administrating medicine, sutures and IV's. Reed said the prior experience is necessary students are aware of the nuances of the job. However, even with students who understand the course-load, the program has about an 80 percent passing rate, Reed said. And those who fail, try again. "We believe that if a student fails the program, extending them past 10 shifts only continues their inabilities," Workman said. "So we have them repeat the entire program to rebuild and strengthen the components they are missing." The program costs more than $2,000, which covers tuition, books, certifications, uniforms and a materials fee.However, a student who fails must only pay the unit fees to retake the course. Once the students graduate and become paramedics, they can expect to make $40,000 to $50,000 per year, double what they were making as EMTs. Maybe wearing a uniform all day isn't that bad in today's job market.

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• FAIR: Recruiters from 4-year colleges try to sell their schools to Palomar students CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

located in Scripps Ranch, also participated "We are accepting applications for spring semester," said school representative Tammy Landrum. She said the average class size is about 15 students. Other schools boasted high levels of individual attention as well. Mayville State University in North Dakota is known as the "school of personal service," said Cherine Heckman, the school's vice president of enrollment. The school's total enrollment is about 900 students. "I tell students that sometime in their four years, they'll have dinner at the college president's house," Heckman said. She also said the school has an educational partnership with ..- Gateway Computers, so every student is issued a Gateway Tablet PC. While some colleges focused on personal attention for students, others chose to emphasize their academic merits. Sonoma State University in Northern California has the highest success rate for pre-med students. About 78 percent get accepted into medical school, said Marguerite St. German, an admissions counselor. She added that the beauty of

California wine country is a big draw for many students. South Baylo University in Anaheim is a school that specializes in acupuncture, herbology, and Oriental medicine. The school has the highest passage rate for the California state license, at about 80 percent. "We are the largest acupuncture medical school in the country," said school recruiter Patrick Latimer. Latimer said many students come from the medical field to broaden their skills. "We'll have a doctor or a chiropractor come in with advanced standing," Latimer said. "They can integrate Oriental and modern American techniques." Schools that cater to working students were also on hand. Webster University in San Diego specializes in business management degrees. "Most of our classes are at night, once a week," said Lisa Garcia, school recruiter. She added that the school accepts up to 98 transfer units. This is more than the usual 70 units accepted by most four-year institutions. Many students at the College Fair were looking for more than just location and academic reputation. "I want to go to a Christian


Nutrition major Amanda Lodoza (left) requests more information from Cal State Dominguez Hills outreach officer Patricia Enyekwe at the College Fair on Oct. 25.

school," said Palomar nursing student Kar-ran Ellis. "I want to be a youth minister." Ellis said she had narrowed down her choices to either Point Lorna Nazarene or San Diego Christian. Other students said they wanted to see what was available.

Lorena Solee has not decided on a major, but she still spoke with representatives from several schools. With many college and university application deadlines approaching, the fair had a great student turnout, said Transfer Center Director Teresa Egkan.

She added that the Transfer Center has several workshops to help students with their applications . Students who want to meet with a counselor for transfer advice or want to attend a workshop should call the Transfer Center at (760) 744-1150,ext. 2552.

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Telescope staff honored for 'excellence' Members of The Telescope staff brought home several awards from the San Diego Press Club at its Oct. 27 banquet. The staff also won more than 30 awards at the Journalism Association of Community Colleges Southern California Conference held at Cal State Fullerton, Oct. 28 and 29. The staff received awards for mail-in, bring-in and on-the-spot competitions. Staff members competed against other Southern California community colleges in various on-the-spot competitions in writing, photography and design categories. The staff earned more awards than any other college, including the highly coveted "General Excellence" award.

members earned more than 30 awards at the Journalism Association of Community Colleges conference on Oct 28 and 29.

The Telescope Staff

Rachel Keeler


San Diego Press Club

General Excellence

John Asbury

Donnie Boyle

San Diego Press Club

San .Diego Press Club 2nd - Opinion 2nd - Sports

2nd - Critical Review

JACC 2nd - Column Writing 2nd- On-the-Spot News Story 4th - Copy Editing HM-Opinion

Jessica Ralston JACC 2nd - Critical Review HM - Critical Review HM- Photo Essay

San Diego Press Club JACC

1st- On-the-Spot Opinion Writing 3rd - Critical Review 4th - Sports Game Story HM- Editorial Writing HM- Column Writing

1st- Front Page Layout 2nd- Sports Feature Story 2nd- Bring-in lnfographic 3rd -Front Page Layout HM - On-the-spot Sports Story HM - Bring in Photo Illustration

Andrew Phelps

Stephanie Tombrinck


JACC 3rd- Online Photo

1st - Profile Feature




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Ian Clark JACC

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• SPEAKER: Argues against 'indoctrination' CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Weaver said he was banned from speak"He has experience in what we're going through," Bassett said. ''With his view- ing at Palomar several years ago when he point, you have to wrap your head ran for State Assembly because the college around things you won't hear from your did not want to endorse one candidate. He said professors are indoctrinating students professors." Weaver spoke to about two-dozen stu- rather than educating them. "SB 5 is at the heart of campus bias in the dents and faculty members and said he was there to address liberal rhetoric and classroom," Weaver said. "Students should be able to have opinion's in the classroom lies being spread on campus. "It's important for students to hear the and not be brainwashed by their profestruth," Weaver said. "If I don't tell them sors." The bill was sponsored by State Senator they won't know - If I don't lead them, Bill Morrow of Oceanside and failed to pass they won't go." Race was also a charged issue in last spring. Aaron Byzak, a representative Weaver's speech. Weaver said race has from Morrow's office attended the event and become too much of a political issue and said he is convinced the bill will be approved, after being modified from its origis being exploited by Democrats. "Republicans don't care about race," inal form. There were some dissenting opinions Weaver said. "We care about issues- not regarding Weaver's speech. Palomar color." He was also signing his book, "It's OK College Democrats President Cody to Leave the Plantation: The New Campbell said Weaver's views were solely Underground Railroad." Weaver said based opinions and he lacked facts to support his arguments. his book tells about his "He was just spewtransformation from a 11 Democratic activist and Republie11ns don't tllte 11bout ing the Republican's explained the "planta- ttlee. We e11re 11bout issues- party-line - he has no real statistics," tion mentality" of not eo/or., Campbell said. Americans depending on the government for _ C. Mason Weaver Business student REPUBLICAN ADVOCATE Boris Tkach engaged support. Weaver in a heated Specifically, Weaver discussion about the addressed federalized health care and unemployment. Weaver response to Hurricane Katrina and said said students should be terrified of gov- Weaver was close-minded. "He beats around the issue through ignoernment provided health care due to the rance," Tkach said. "He's not looking for a increased costs involved. ''Why do you think your tuition in so response and he's not proving any point." Weaver said his message was relevant to high?" Weaver said. "Everything the govall Americans and he believed in a tradiernment touches increases the price." When an audience member asked tional capitalist system. He said the country about people in full-time professions should follow a proven structured model without health care, Weaver said those that works. Weaver said he stands firm in his beliefs, regardless of opposing viewpeople need to find other jobs. Discussion was renewed on th e pro- points. "I'm aggressive and don't care about peoposed "Student's Bill of Rights," ple's feelings- I'm just me," Weaver said. Senate Bill 5.

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Opportunities arise for star pitcher 0 • Athletit progr11m - providlllllhletel opportuniti11 lor , lour-ye11r ltllnller By Matt Null


Six months ago, Amanda Martinez was on the mound leading the Comet's softball team to a second place finish in the state playoffs. N o w , Palomar has returned the favor. Martinez is set to take to a scholarship in January, First in aseries of three 2006 . to Ft. Lewis College in Colorado. Martinez, 20, is just one of the many student athletes who come to Palomar to extend their playing careers after high school and get their education paid for. A graduate of Vista High School, Martinez will recieve a partial scholarship that will pay more than half ofthe yearly $14,000 tuition to the school located just outside of Durango. Martinez said the biggest hurdle she is going to face is the weather. She has never lived outside of San Diego, but is still excited about her new venture. "I picked the school because it is in a small town and there are no distractions," said Martinez, who plans on majoring in sociology. "For a person like me, that is what I need to succeed." Martinez will not be the only former Comet on the Skyhawk's roster. Former teammate Leslie Reed has already transferred to Ft. Lewis. Skyhawk's head coach Pam

Beyon Palomar


Ex-Comet's pitcher Amanda Martinez will transfer to Ft. Lewis College in Durango, Colo. next semester. Martinez is one of eight softball players that transferred from the 2005 team. Martinez will join former Comet teammate Leslie Reed on the Skyhawks roster.

Adams said she was excited to see Martinez choose Ft. Lewis. "Amanda is a solid pitcher that will help us immediately," Adams said in a press release. "She knows how to work hard and knows how to

win. She's a tremendous pitcher and person." Comets' head coach Mark Eldridge said the reason Palomar is successful is due in large part to the performance both on and

Comets' team effort not enough several service errors . "We need to just minimize our errors, we're making far too many of them," Seiler said. Palomar took an early lead in the second It was a rough week for the women's vol- game. An unexpected hit by setter Sierra leyball team. After suffering their first loss Clark gave them a 6-2 lead. The move proved to San Diego City College in over a decade, effective as Clark scored immediately after the Comets fell to rival San Diego Mesa with the same surprise hit. College on Oct. 28. "Our setter, Sierra Clark, was real"They're tough like last time OLYMPIANS J ly good tonight" Seiler said of Clark's and we knew that, but we COMETS 0 performance against Mesa. played hard tonight," said head Mesa came back to lead 18-16 en coach Karl Seiler of the Pacific route to the commanding 2-0 lead. Coast Conference leader and state runnerGame three was anybody's game. up Olympians. Clark and Huntoon made great plays The Olympians (14-3, 7-0 in PCC) defeated together, and then Mesa got sloppy. Mesa the Comets 3 games to 0 (33-31, 30-24, 30- uncharacteristically lost several points and 25) at the Dome in front of a big Mesa fol- it seemed as if Palomar could win the third lowing, whose fans filled the bleachers . game . However, all for naught as the The three conference losses Olympians came back and scored this year equaled the same IIWP/ost, but we the match point, leaving the amount the Comets have had ~ Comets in tears. 11 in the previous three seasons . p/11yed well togethet. Even with overwhelming Mesa Middle blocker Amanda support on the bleachers, the Huntoon led the Comets (9-6, - Jency Basinger Comets put up a good fight . 4-3) with 12 kills. Libero COMET LIBERO "I think we played a lot better Jency Basinger contributed 16 than we've been playing in the digs. past." Seiler said. "I'm really "We lost, but we played well together," happy about that. We're playing better than Basinger said. "In the beginning it was bad, we did earlier in the week." but we pulled it together." A tearful Huntoon hugged her mom as All three games went back-and-forth, with Seiler consoled an equally tearful Lindsey the lead seemingly changing every other Olhausen, who was celebrating her 20th rally. Four points behind the Olympians, the birthday, as she left the court. Also tough for Comets rebounded after the first timeout of the Comets was playing in front of a large game 1 to tie it 16-16. Mesa gallery on their home turf in the Dome. Palomar narrowly lost the first two games. The Comets next match will be at home In the third game, Palomar lost points for Nov. 9 versus Cuyamaca at 7 p.m . By Abbey Mastracco


off the field. "Palomar College has had a lot of success sending athletes on mainly because of excellent preparation in the classroom and on the field," Eldridge said. "Steve White (Athletic Academic Adviser) does a phenomenal job academically with the athletes. We have developed a reputation nationally." Eldridge, who has led the Palomar softball team since 1978, added that the athletes success after Palomar also helps future Comets because the universities and colleges take notice. Martinez said that the connections Eldridge has in softball helped her greatly in finding the right college. "Palomar is really well known for · softball and that kind of helped out." Martinez said. "As the season went on, Mark knows a lot of coaches and a lot of schools, so he put my name out there and it got noticed." Sacramento State, Pittsburgh State and University of Kansas were just a few schools looking to add Martinez to their rosters. However, she said she had not taken a few of her core transfer classes and could not transfer until spring 2006. That is too late to begin at some schools because practice starts in the fall. Martinez is still practicing with the Comets and she said that leaving the team will be one of the most difficult things she's ever done. "I will miss the team the most," Martinez said. Martinez' overall record was 4811 with 1.40 ERA at Palomar. This past year she was 27-2 with a 1.01 ERA and was named Pacific Coast Conference pitcher of year for the second consecutive season. The Beyond Palomar series profiles former Palomar athletes who are continuing their athletic careers at four-year schools.




FOOTBALL The football team finally got back on the winning track, breaking a four game losing streak with a 36-7 drubbing of Pasadena City College Oct. 29 in Pasadena. Quarterback Josh Somerville threw for 227 yards and three touchdown passes to lead the Comets, who got back to the .500 mark at 4-4. The victory was the first for the Comets in Mission Conference American Division play, improving their divisional mark to 1-2. Tight end Kevin Small scored two touchdowns for the Comets, one a 27-yard touchdown reception of a Somerville pass and the other on his own fumble recovery in the end zone. Wideout Jermaine McQueen caught a Somerville pass from 44-yards out for a touchdown and tight end Clayton Cardenas caught one from 26 yards out. Palomar sacked Pasadena City quarterbacks a total of eight times with defensive end Antonio Johnson recording two . . The kicking game, normally a weakness for the Comets, shined as kicker Joey Lopez twice pinned Pasadena City at its own 1-yard line. Last week's star Darrick Jackson, who rushed for 216 yards in his first career Palomar start, was inactive for the game against the Knights. The Comets will play their final game of the season Nov. 12 at home against Long Beach City College.

il Ill




Left: Forward Shin Takemura takes possession of the ball away from Mesa defender DaVake Ware in the Comets 5-2 home loss Oct. 26. Right: Midfielder Matt Tannehill runs through the Olympians defense.

Lack of intensity costly in Palomar loss head coach Carlos Hernandez. "It came down to us having opportunities and not capitalizing on them." ~ssed opportunities and lack From the start, the game was of intensity was the story of the day for the men's soccer team, not in Palomar's favor, as defendwho lost in convincing style to er and co-captain Dante Brooks San Diego ~esa was given a red card for College 5-2 at home OLYMPIANS 5 what the referees conOct. 26. COMETS 1 sidered a rough takedown. The first half was "I could have complained to the a defensive gem, with ~esa conbut I'm tired," necting at the end of the half for referees, an early lead. The Comets com- Hernandez said. "It's a never pletely fell apart in the second ending battle, and you're never half. The Olympians dominated going to win." ~esa captured the lead in the second-half, scoring four 27th minute when times to put Palomar College the Olympians midfielder Casey away. "I was very disappointed in Poston knocked the ball off the the way we performed," said post and past the Comets' div-

By John Scafetta


ing goalkeeper Julio Ruiz. Olympians up 2-0. Palomar came out with an "You come out with the energy, increase in energy. In the 6th you get the opportunities and you minute of the sechope to put them ond-half, forward away," Hernandez Craig Wilkinson "W1 k11p bl11ming th1 said. "Then they scorched the ball rlfs lor our losSis, get discouraged, past the goalie, hitand stop putting 11nd WI ttln't do ting the post as it the extra effort in." Two bounced back in m •· " minutes play. later, ~esa was at - Craig Wilkinson it again, when Wilkinson said FORWARD the Comets had a lot Joseph Giubardo of scoring chances, slipped passed a but lacked the team chemistry defender, beating Ruiz, and blew and creativity to finish out on top. the game open for the Olympians. The energy quickly dissipated In the 78th minute, the Comets in the 60th minute when Poston saw the game slipping away. recovered the ball off a Palomar ~dfielder Kyle Bissonnette was defender and knocked it into the flagged with another Palomar red back of the net, putting the card for a hard slide tackle.


"There's definitely a problem with the refs in junior college," Wilkinson said. "Some of the fouls that were called were legitimate. We keep blaming the refs for our losses, and we can't do that." One of Palomar's lone bright spots came in the 87th minute, when midfielder Thomas Ortiz gathered the ball from a group of ~esa defenders and slammed the ball into the net, cutting the lead to 3-1. The teams traded goals in garbage time to bring the game's final score to 5-2. Hernandez said he believes if the team can put a streak together, regardless of a playoff birth, that this could be a good nucleus for a great team.

Comets lose as conference title hopes diminish far left of the Palomar goal box that sailed into the goal after goalkeeper Kylie Taylor misjudged her leap to stop Frustration and anger were the two the shot. prevalent themes for the women's socThe Comets were scurrying to tie in cer team in its' 2-0 home loss the second half when to Grossmont College Oct. 28. GRIFFINS 1 Grossmont defender Ismay In a key game to keep COMETS 0 Caballero used a free kick outPalomar College in contention side the Palomar box to score for a playoff spot in the Pacific Coast the Griffins second goal and kill any Conference, the Comets could not capiattempt at a Comets comeback. talize on scoring opportunities nor get "I think (Palomar) is not so good in past mental lapses during the game. the box," Hanson said. "In front of the "Execution in key moments were goal, we're not so good. We could kick lacking," said co-head coach Holland 50 feet high and from 30 feet wide. We Hanson. "(Grossmont) executed at key couldn't hit water if it fell off a boat." moments and we didn't execute at key Hanson said the team lacked the moments. We had a lot of opportunities hunger to win during the game and that and we didn't get one goal. " is necessary in competition. ~idway through the first half, the Hanson said that Palomar has just as Griffins scored on a lob shot from the much talent as Grossmont and other

By Mark Beerman



sports CALENDAR @lilf I


• Women's Volleyball Cuyamaca @ Palomar- 7 p.m.

• Men's Soccer SO City @ Palomar- 3 p.m.

• Wrestling Palomar @ East LA- 7 p.m.

PCC teams, but the lack of depth on the team leaves the players vulnerable to exhaustion in game. A key situation in the first half came when Lauren Towner was pushed from behind in the Griffins' goal box, which could have resulted in a penalty kick for the Comets. The referee let play continue and did not award Palomar a penalty kick. With the play happening so late in the first half, Hanson vehemently expressed frustration with the no-call and Hanson was warned by the referee to drop the subject or face ejection from the game. "Keep the peace, not be thrown out or maybe take it to the edge, where my players will respond and I'll back them to the nines," Hanson said about showing support for his team .

Palomar @ So-Cal Championships in Cypress - All day, through 11112

• Women's Soccer Palomar @ Imperial Valley- 3 p.m.

• Women's Soccer Palomar @ Imperial Valley - 3 p.m.

• Women's Water Polo Palomar @ So,Cal Championships in Cypress- All day, through 11/12


• Men's Water Polo

d • Women's Volleyball 11/11

Palomar @ Grossmont - 7 p.m.

What was apparent throughout the game was the Griffins' noticeable height advantage over the Comets. "(Grossmont's) girls were bigger," said Judy Barragan. "I really thought they needed the win, we did too. It was just the refs that had a lot to do with our game. The refs really messed up the whole game." Teammate Veronica Sanchez echoed the same comments made by Barragan, but thought the Comets should have been able to score one or two goals. What the team thinks as a whole are that the final four games are must-wins and any loss could cripple or kill its shot at a post-season berth. "Right now, it's whoever scores wins the game," said Sanchez about how desperate things are getting for the Comets.

g •L.A.Women's basketball Valley Palomar -

• Women's Basketball Palomar @ Mt. San Antonio Tournament- time to be announced



• Women's volleyball San Diego City College @ Palomar - 7 p.m.



• Football ·ty @ Palomar Long Beach c 1 -?p.m.

• Wrestling Palomar @ Embry-Riddle Tournament - all day, Prescott, Ariz.






• Wrestling Palomar @ State Dual Championships - time and site to be announced

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