Issue 1 – April/May 2011
ell it on the Mountain
Inspiration for Today
From the Pastor's Desk Love Hurt's Home Education – A Leap of Faith Jack Be Nimble – Jack Be Quick From the Heart . . . Plus More . . .
Welcome to Tell it on the Mountain We are so excited that you are here! We're excited that our first issue is now online! It is our desire for you, as you read through this emag., that you will be inspired and uplifted by the words that our writers share from their hearts. With your help, we would love to reach hundreds, thousands, if not millions of people with this emagazine throughout the world via email, facebook, twitter, any social media. Won't you help spread some inspiration? There is so much more we want to include in it and that's where you come in. If you would like to submit a writing, picture, artwork, favourite recipe, announcements, etc. for consideration, we would love to hear from you. Send it to us at in subject put “submission”. You can get some great ideas from people just like you, by reading through the pages. So grab a coffee/tea, sit back, relax and enjoy pondering through “Tell it on the Mountain.” May you find something that inspires you today!
He is Risen!
It’s Up To You!
By Mike Campagna
I was applying for a job that required a print out of my driving record. That's when I got nervous. You see, I hadn't been enjoying the best of driving careers (to put it mildly). Yes, I'd been pulled over for speeding. Yes, I'd gotten in a few accidents (well, maybe more than a few). And yes, (I'm embarrassed to say it) I was even arrested for drunk driving at the bright young age of 18. (I was a wretch before Jesus rescued me.) With this type of background you can see why I was a little bit nervous going to the DMV. I thought it was a forgone conclusion that my record was a mess. So there I was, as the woman behind the counter started to hand me my print out. "It's clean, Mr. Campagna," I can remember her saying. I thought I was hearing things. I thought I was dreaming. "Are you sure?" I was saying as I scanned it over with my own eyes. "There must be a glitch," I was thinking in my mind. But, indeed, it was clean. It really was. (Selah) And so is our "record" before God, if we've received Christ into our heart and life and pledged to live for Him, with everything within us. (Oh, how I pray this might sink down deep in some of you!) No matter what our past, no matter what we've done ~ every last piece of bad ~ there's nothing there. It's all gone. It's been wiped/washed away. (That ought to put a skip in your step and remove a load off your back.) "'For I will be merciful to their iniquities and I will remember their sins no more.'" (Hebrews 8:12) "As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us." (Psalm 103:12) "The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 1:7b)
Want to read more from Mike? You can find him online at
by Author Unknown Via Spreading Joy One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring. One smile begins a friendship, One handclasp lifts a soul. One star can guide a ship at sea, One word can frame the goal. One vote can change a nation, One sunbeam lights a room, One candle wipes out darkness One laugh will conquer gloom. One step must start each journey, One word must start each prayer. One hope will raise our spirits, One touch can show you care. One voice can speak with wisdom, One heart can know what’s true, One life can make the difference,
You see, IT’S UP TO YOU!
© D&S MacBurnie, 2011 © D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Why Did Jesus die? So many people today say God is a forgiving God (and He is), but what they often mean by that is that God will overlook their sin and let them into Heaven. If this is true then Jesus wouldn’t have to die. Why would Jesus have to die? I mean, death is pretty serious isn’t it? Would you ask your son to die if he didn’t need to? People die for important causes, like freedom, but to give your life for nothing and then to think about what a painful death Jesus endured, Why? It doesn’t make sense!
notice that God needs someone to stand between Him and everyone who ever sinned? So if someone did respond one of the fist questions would be, “Have you ever sinned? (of course God knows the answer to this). They would have to respond that they had and would then be disqualified and would have to join the rest of us sinners as we patiently wait for someone who is qualified to stand in the gap to shield us from God’s wrath.
In this passage, God is talking about the sin of Judah and the judgment that is coming because of their sin. Jerusalem needed someone to stand between them and God, to shield them and protect them from God’s judgment, but no one was found and therefore, God judged Jerusalem and found them guilty, so they were conquered, captured and sent into captivity in Babylon.
Jesus never sinned, so He meets the requirement of being sinless which would qualify Him to stand in the gap. Would Jesus be able to endure all of God’s wrath? Well, He is God’s son so he would have power of God to endure his wrath. You may have an important question at this point. You may be wondering why God would ask His son to die? I’m not as good as God, but I would die for my sons if I could take their place. Wouldn’t God do the same? Let me ask you a question. Which would be harder, dying for your son or asking your son to die. Many fathers and mothers have struggled with this as they said good-bye to their son as he went off to war. I’d rather go off to war rather than risk my son’s life but I’m too old and fat! I’m sure the military would reject me with more eloquence, but they would reject me just the same.
What would God require of the person who would stand in the gap? What are the qualifications that would please God? If God where to put out a help wanted ad saying, ”Wanted…someone to stand between me and my judgment and everyone who ever has sinned. They must be able to stand the full wrath of God until I have exhausted my wrath!” Who would be willing to respond to such an add? I don’t think God would get many takers, and even if he did, they probably wouldn’t meet all the qualifications. Did you
That’s why Jesus had to die! Only he could meet the requirements, only He could stand in the gap to protect us from the wrath of God. How did He do that? When Jesus went to the cross he took all the punishment for our sin. The beatings, the mocking, the suffering on the cross, the humiliating death, we were the ones who deserved that, but Jesus took it for us as He stood in the gap to endure God’s full wrath against sin. So, is that it? Do we all get to go to heaven because Jesus stood in the gap? Maybe Continued on next pg....
Ezekiel 22:30 And I searched for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. 31 "Thus I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; their way I have brought upon their heads," declares the Lord God.”
I should ask you another important question. Are you standing behind Him or in front of Him? If you are standing in front of Jesus, you’ll still experience God’s full wrath, but if you’re behind Him you’ll be save! So the question becomes, “How do I get behind Him?
Have you put your faith in Jesus? Do you believe He died for your sin and took the wrath of God for you? If you do, then you are standing behind Jesus and He will shield you on judgment day. If you don’t, you are standing in front of Him and I encourage you to trust Him to protect you and not faith in John 3:18 "He who believes in Him is not yourself…get behind Him today. judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in By Guy Myers Ks the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
From Pain to Victory by Mona Vail
The pain that happened March, two thousand eleven, Made me plead to my Father: “Please take me to Heaven!” The pain in my left leg, caused me to cry; I somehow knew what my Lord felt, Hanging up high! I couldn't take everyone's punishment, as did He; I'm surely not pure like Him. I know I'm not suffering for things I've done wrong; He loves me so much! To Him I belong! I want always, to give Him more Glory and Praise! With pain or not, I'll do it all, the rest of my days! He desires that I tell Him, it's Him Whom I love! I'll come out of this in victory, into Heaven above!!
Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. Prov. 16:24
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10a
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 11
I Have Arrived! Pleased to announce the birth of
Aaliyah Haley Jade Morin
Born January 30, 2011 at 10:36pm Regional Hospital, Saint John, NB To Jonathan & Ashley Morin Grand Parents – John & Michele Israel Rev. Lawrence & Heather Morin Great Grandparents – Wesley & Mona Vail
Reminding you: "There's no joy like Spreading Joy" and helping you to make a difference by doing what you can, where you are with what you have!
Picture This...
Can we come in now? Beautiful winter day! Norton, NB, Canada
Fundy Trail NB , Canada If you would like to see your photo here, please submit them to us at for subject put “photo” Tell us a little about your photo and who it was taken by! © D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Home Education - A Leap of Faith To home school or not to home school? That is the question that plays on the hearts and minds of an ever increasing number of Christian and nonChristian parents today. Whether you heard about it from a friend, read an article about it in the news, or always knew the concept was out there, you’ll face the age old question “Should I or shouldn’t I?”. Some might say “Well, it isn’t even a consideration for our family”, and that’s O.K. because in reality home education does not work for everyone. Others seem to have always known that they would choose this course of action, as if they were born with the instinct or inherited the genes. Still, others wrestle with the idea, wondering whether to venture into unknown territory or just ride the waves of public/private school. When my oldest child was attending the local elementary school in my community and my 2nd child was a toddler I didn’t even know the option of home education existed. I had tunnel vision like most other people and assumed that school would include home reports, Christmas concerts, fundraising activities, intramural sports, and eventually high school graduation and the prom. After all, wasn’t that the natural part of learning and growing up? It was for my generation. Then I got to know a couple of ladies who were doing something different, very different from what I was used to seeing. I remember thinking to myself “I would ruin my children’s lives if I did that (home schooling)”. Little did I know that a few short years later my thoughts would be completely different and I would say to myself “I’m going to ruin my kids lives if I don’t home school them”. Of course God was working on me in many areas of my life and teaching me to prioritize things according to his plan not my own. I was a working Mom with a good career, making good money, and enjoying it. So it wasn’t that easy to just change everything in a day. But if God convicts you in a matter of this magnitude, it’s like the Borg on Star Trek say “Resistance is futile”. You know you have
to do it, but you wonder how. That’s where God’s word, His Holy Spirit, and the help of those who have “boldly gone where no man has gone before” come in. These aids, along with others, are essential to you and your family on this “final frontier” of education. (Have you guessed that I’m a Star Trek fan?) When you leave your precious little toddler with the babysitter early in the morning and cry all the way to work, cry in the bathroom at work, all the time anticipating the moment when you pick him up at 5:30pm, only to discover when you get there that he has fallen asleep and won’t wake up again until the next morning, you know something has to change. This rollercoaster period in my life, which thankfully didn’t last long, was God’s way of telling me that He had a better plan for our lives. When the Holy Spirit speaks to you, it is vital to listen carefully, even if it goes against everything you thought was right. Have faith that God knows what is best for you and your family. Make sure you and your spouse are on the same page with this new choice of lifestyle, and yes it will become a new lifestyle for all of you. Consult with friends who are pioneers of this same journey and realize that there will be valleys as well as mountains on the trip. Most of all, put Christ first in your life and make time for Him in prayer and Bible study each and every day. For a Christian, raising Godly children should be your first priority, and then all the other things will fall into place. As it states in Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”
Respectfully submitted by Sherry Ogden, home school mom of 3, in Public Landing, NB, Canada. Sherry and Brad have a daughter age 20 who graduated from home school in 2009, a son age 15 and a daughter age 10. This is their 10th year of home education. © D&S MacBurnie, 2011
“A Heart for Teens” by Brad Silliker
I’ve been trying and trying for the last week to come up with a great topic of conversation, for my first time ever, writing an article for an e-mag. And to be honest, I’ve had a few ideas and was feeling blocked, even before I attempted to write. So I will just be writing about a few things on my mind right now. Thank you for reading. As a youth Pastor, I see many teenagers in the course of a week and deal with many different issues. However, throughout this week I noticed a trend that I believe extends outside our doors and more likely, right across our country. I am speaking about apathy. The dictionary defines apathy as: “absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.” It also defines it as “lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.” In the years that I have been involved in any sort of ministry, but especially youth, I have found that apathy has been one of the hardest issues to conquer, and it’s not something that gets talked about a lot… or at least in my experience having grown up in various churches and youth groups. This all came to the forefront of my mind, when I was talking to a youth this week and we were playing guitar together and I could tell for this person, that they were having an off day and were getting very frustrated with their instrument. I made a comment to the youth, hoping to encourage them to keep playing and that it would take practice... and the response I got was, “I don’t care!” I thought long and hard about that comment, I think that a lot of kids, when we talk to them about
Jesus, give that same response, maybe not verbally… but I’m sure that a lot of kids today couldn’t care less about Jesus and how He can change their lives. I’m afraid that the culture in which we live, promotes the ideas of “I don’t care”, and “If it feels good, do it” so much, that it’s harder than ever to teach youth about having a passion for Jesus and people. Something that our Lead Pastor says to me, probably once a week is, “LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE.” It seems so counter cultural to ever think about someone else before yourself today and when I see kids just going through life not caring about anything, it really burdens my spirit. A good friend of mine said to me recently, “I don’t remember any of the talks my Youth Pastor gave, well some, but not many… but what I’ve always remembered was how he lived!” I think that it comes down to us loving these teens, living a passionate life for God and people and bringing these teens into our lives, so that they can see it and experience it first hand. We need to care about these teens and they need to know that we care, before we can teach them what it’s like to care about others. We need to show them that it’s okay to show emotion and get connected with our hearts. "You must worship no other gods, but only the Lord, for he is a God who is passionate about His relationship with you.” Exodus 34:14 I pray that we can be and teach our youth to be as passionate to God and people, as he is about us. Thank you again for journeying with me as I unravel what’s in my head.
Golden Field By Zechariah MacBurnie age 9
The cows are in the golden field, The clouds are moving in the sky, The wind is blowing through the air, The flowers all blooming near by!
I tell you the truth, whoever believes has eternal life. John 6:47
J u s t
G i g g l e
i t !
Show and Tell
Checkup! Sixty year old John went to his annual checkup. The doctor asked him if he was still getting up in the middle of the night and going to the bathroom. He replied, "Yes, but the lord has made it much better for me, He turns on the light when I go and He turns off the light when I am done".
A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment. Each student was instructed to bring in an object to share with the class that represented their religion. The first student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish and this is a Star of David." The second student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm a Catholic and this is a Rosary." The third student got in up front of the class and said, "My name is Tommy. I am Baptist, and this is a casserole."
The doctor replied "Really"!!! The Best Way To Pray About and hour after that the doctor called Johns wife and said: He looks fine. But he said that God is making it better for him, when he gets up and goes to the bathroom during the night God turns on and off the light. She replied, "That old fool he has been going to the bathroom in the refrigerator again"
A priest, a minister and a guru sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby. "Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray," the priest said. "No," said the minister. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven." "You're both wrong," the guru said. "The most effective prayer position is lying down on the floor." The repairman could contain himself no longer. "Hey, fellas," he interrupted. "The best prayin' I ever did was when I was hangin' upside down from a telephone pole."
“Recipe” by Emily Vail
Local by Deanne MacBurnie
It’s fast approaching, that time of year again. Barbeque season! Have you ever wondered how This summer, instead of grabbing that regular old bottle of Heinz, why not try making your own ketchup? By making your you could make a difference in own, you can control the flavor and ingredients to make it the final price of your grocery exactly the way you like it, and you can also avoid the high bill. sugar content of store bought ketchup. Making your own With the soaring prices of food ketchup is easier than you might think, and while there are as these days, it makes it really many different methods and recipes as there are bottles on the grocery store shelf, here is my preferred way to make difficult to buy the stuff that's everyone’s favourite condiment. good for you! Homemade Ketchup
1 small onion, roughly chopped 2 cloves garlic, peeled and halved ½ tsp salt 2-3 tablespoons olive oil 1/3 cup vinegar (apple cider or white wine) 1/3 cup molasses 1 28oz. can diced tomatoes
It seems that highly processed
food is always more affordable (well cheaper) than the fresh food (veggies, fruits, dairies,
etc.) which is priced out of this world!
One way we can keep “Healthy
Heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the Food” on our table this summer onion, garlic and salt and sauté until the onion is soft. Pour in is by growing some of our own the vinegar and scrape the bottom of the pan. Add the molasses veggies and fruit! and the diced tomatoes. Bring to a boil and simmer for If that's not an option, make a anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 ½ hours, depending on how point of getting out to your thick you want your ketchup to be. Now taste and add more vinegar, salt or molasses to taste. local “Farmers Market”, where I like sweeter ketchup so I always add more molasses. You can also add any spices you might like at this point. We like a bit of cayenne, cinnamon and cloves in ours, but feel free to add whatever you think might be good. How about curried ketchup? Or hot sauce ketchup?
you can buy fresh veggies, fruit, meat, dairy products, etc. And you are also supporting your local farmers and craftsmen.
Please remember to buy local this summer, where and
whenever you can! Taste and adjust, this is the fun part! Once you like the way your ketchup tastes, let it cool down and then blend until It not only cuts down on your smooth. If you have an immersion blender this would be a great food prices, you,re also not time to use it, otherwise put the ketchup in the blender or food processor in batches. Store in the fridge, either in a jar or funnel paying these big grocery stores trucking fees! into an empty squeeze bottle. Enjoy, knowing you’re doing good for your body and your taste buds.
Love Hurts Love hurts when you do your very best but you hear that your best isn’t good enough. Love By Marie Wikle hurts when you no longer fit in because aren’t A friend of mine reminded me of something today as nice looking as the rest of the group.
that I know and unfortunately – I know it all to Love hurts when you are holding a limp body well. Love hurts! It truly does.
No matter who it is that you love, you run the risk of hurting because of that love. Sometimes it’s done intentionally, other times it’s by accident and sometimes there is absolutely nothing that can be done at all. We’ve all spent countless hours with tears falling because someone we love has hurt us, or someone that we love is hurting.
that is convulsing with pain because it has been through so much and your only desire is for the pain to be placed on you, but you know differently. You can’t help them; all you can do is hold them and weep because love hurts so much.
Love hurts when you get a phone call that says “there was an accident” or “they had a heart attack” and you think back to the last words When you give your heart away you run the that you said. Love hurts as you are numb risk of having to pick it back up, one piece at a with grief and try to remember if you told time because someone has torn it into a them just how much you loved them. million pieces. You don’t know if your heart will be treasured as much as you desire. But Love hurts when you’ve tried and tried but fail. You look upon your friends and wonder still, you take the risk and give it away. when will it be your turn. You love them, but Love hurts when parents don’t care or value love hurts. Love hurts when your best friend is their children as much as they should. Love on the phone, crying and the words won’t hurts when we’ve taught our children to do come. You have no comfort to offer her, so you their best, make wise choices and they still listen in silence and cry with her, wishing your decide to do what will completely destroy heart would speak to you so you could help their life. Love hurts when you are sitting in her. the hospital room and the doctor tells you to do what you want to do because you’ve only Love hurts when you realize that “I’ll always got six months to live. Love hurts when that love you” doesn’t mean forever anymore and person looks at you after hearing they only love hurts when “I’ll never forget” ends way have a short time to live and says….”what do too soon. you think?” At that moment LOVE is killing Yes, my beautiful friend. Love DOES hurt. you and ripping your heart to pieces and all But Love also does many other things. you can mutter is, “I love you and I’m going to Love comforts the heart that has been torn miss you deeply.” into a million pieces because the heart is an Love hurts when you watch your loved one slowly forget what they’ve known all along as well as how to do simple day to day things. Love hurts every single time you leave them at the nursing home because they can no longer take care of themselves nor do they remember who you are.
amazing thing and love is so very powerful. It is the comfort of sending an emergency text requesting prayer and having that text replied to at 2:30 in the morning saying that others are praying as well. © D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Love brings peace on the other end of the shows
phone that simply says, “I’m sorry and I love you. I can not let you hang up until we laugh!” and then simply talking until the natural effect of love takes place and the laughter simply oozes out. Love gives delight and puts a gleam in the
parent’s eyes for a visit from a “complete stranger” at the nursing home. They don’t have the memories anymore, but the time spent right now fills their heart with delight! Love is coming home to a parent that says welcome home, your room is waiting and even though you don’t deserve one single solitary nice thing from your parent, the forgiveness is greater than all that awaits you, because you know you don’t deserve that love or forgiveness anymore.
the beauty of disfigurement, the tenderness of the aged, the passion of the brave and the power of the fearful. Love thunders its power through the pain and sickness of cancer and the many diseases that grip our hearts with uncertainty. Love whispers reassurance that no matter what, I’m right here with you. Love divides the pain and doubles the JOY. Love is patient, kind, enormous, caring,
abundant, boundless, dependent as well as helpful, responsible, peaceful, thoughtful, calming and serious. Love will allow a mom to step between her
child and danger without consideration of the outcome. Love will wake a friend in the middle of the night without worry of what might be said later. Love brings music to the heart during the worst trial and allows you to Love assures the child and reminds him or her sing even though tears may be falling. that he doesn’t have to pretend or be fake Love is the mile wide smiles that are because their parents love them, just the way painted on faces because of the sparkle in the they are. Regardless of weight, looks, IQ, eyes of another. Love is the hug that doesn’t status in school or the kind of career they end let go right off the bat because the moment, the up in. Love is real and unconditional. Love is instant the hug is given the heart is flooded stomping through mud puddles while holding with spectacular joy from such a simple, yet someone’s hand and laughing because this wonderful gift. Love is the joy that fills the opportunity doesn’t happen often. soul when good nights or even good byes are Love is an opportunity to say I will miss you exchanged. Love is the tears that are shed
when these few short months are gone, but you have made my world far better than I could have made it without you. Love is an opportunity to share and laugh at the little things that make life big. We can’t always count on being wildly successful or the greatest, but we can make the most of each opportunity brought our way, no matter how small. Love restores hope when all hope has been
lost. It lifts the head of the discouraged, it lights a fire in the eyes of the depressed. Love motivates, encourages and inspires others to love and usually in a greater fashion. Love
because you wonder how in the world you ever made it through the day without their love to begin with.
Yes, it is true. Love does hurt and the risk is great. But with all the wonderful things love does, I say go for it! Love and love deeply! Love is worth the risk as the returns are so much greater than the pain. Will you risk love? Is it worth the risk? Visit Marie online at or to see the wonderful work she is involved in! © D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Grace Valley Church
WaterSki Camp 2011 July 24 – 30 July 31 - Aug 6
Living Water for Students entering Grades 7-12 We have full facilities with dining area and cabins for each age group. We provide awesome meals! (you may get some junk food) We provide all the ski equipment and personal floatation devices required for the water. If you have a favourite wakeboard or pair of water skis – bring them along!
Great Friends!
JOIN IN THE FUN! Enjoy an action filled week on the beautiful Salmon River, just outside Chipman, N.B., Canada Receive ski instruction for all ski levels, from beginner to advanced. Make new friends while swimming, canoeing, boating -or just relaxing around the campfire.
If you like to eat....... You will not be disappointed!! Ski Camp offers hearty meals for all campers. As well as enjoying all of these camp activities, there will be an opportunity for you to grow spiritually or be introduced to the Christian faith.
Why not be part of something this summer that will make a difference for the rest of your life. Games, fun, sun, water, new friends, sports activities, superb meals, quiet time and the life changing truth of God's Word!
For more information or to register, contact: CAMP DIRECTOR Jim Brewster 506-849-1492 -- or -ASSISTANT CAMP DIRECTOR Chris Arbour 506-849-3790
Finding My Way
by Mike Messerli
by CLH
It’s often hard for me to see God’s work in my life. I’m living moment by moment and I can’t see what he is doing in my moments. The light that shows me what God is doing sometimes comes much later. Most of the time I only get a glimpse, a stream of light through the clouds, a smile from heaven as it were. Finding my way is the challenge of life. How to navigate the road ahead when I only see a little bit in front of me. I remember, years ago, while driving late at night in my 1937 Plymouth Road King that I accidentally hit the light switch and turned off the lights. What a panic! Going down the road in pitch blackness at 60 miles per hour. I quickly fumbled for the lights and the fear that overwhelmed me from the experience took hours to wane. It’s that feeling we often live with…the feeling of living in the dark. How to find the way? How to know what God is doing. It’s often a matter of trust when we see nothing at all. Finding my way….I’m still working on it. But what I know is that God has promised to lead me, to help me, just as a guide would lead a blind man, holding my hand and leading me around the things I can’t even see. Paul wrote these words in Philippians, “My God will supply all your needs in Christ Jesus…” My greatest need is a guide to show me the way. I’m so glad He is that tender hand leading me along…even when I can’t see the way to go.
© D&S MacBurnie, 2011
I see your fingers touch the keysBring forth unequalled melodies That sing of skies and pounding seasNot only for the world to please. You seem to seek the ear of GodTo lift your spirit to His throne. To free your heart from earthly sod, And so commune with Him alone. Both you and I can hear His voice. Though different notes the music blendsTo live for Him our only choice, Our love for Him makes us friends. © D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God . Ephesians 6:17 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:11, 12 Earrings $5.00
Budding Artist... Featuring “Chip Away Woodworking” Caleb MacBurnie Age 13
Welcome to our Budding Artist page. If you have a budding artist of your own and would like to see their art work displayed here, send it to: In the subject put “Budding Artist”
© D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Jack be Nimble, Jack be Quick By Holly Myers
have said before that I am not a night person. After about 8:00 pm my brain and body quickly shut down as they enter into sweet slumber. Well, this week, I experienced an amazing physiological phenomenon... adrenaline. My casual, East Coast, domestic life rarely involves the hype and excitement regular to Navy Seals and big city ER doctors. I'm not accustomed to the fight or flight decisions...more like instant or perked? ...and I haven't seen 3:00 am since I had babies. I don't miss it. I reluctantly awoke to a conspicuous beeping sound around 1:00 am. Upon a blurry scan of the other side of my bedroom door, by body transformed instantly. Our house was filled with smoke and I met adrenaline. We didn't take time to shake hands and small just picked me up and carried me along for a dreamlike ride. The next 15 minutes or so involved feelings, visions and scents that I'm not yet sure I want to remember. God given, mama bear instincts got my 4 babies out of our burning house...which was not yet consumed by fire, but saturated with enough smoke to make eyes and lungs revolt. Shaking fingers pressed 911 on the hot phone...twice...I actually messed up those 3 little numbers on the first try. Papa bear was doing what he could to put out the small fire starting around the wood stove pipe, not at all aware that the outside wall of the house was already ablaze and beyond water bucket's help. Once we were outside, cuddled up together in the cold, silent unreal night, the adrenaline seemed to vacate as quick as it moved in. Standing there with my family, watching nature take it's uncontrollable course, I felt an amazing sense of happiness and hope. Yes, the
house was still burning and I was verbally entreating my Heavenly Father to slow the flames and save our sweet little home, but I was delighted. Delighted that I was holding all four of my shivering, distressed children. Their fearful faces glowed in the firelight and I was thrilled to be able to wipe away the tears, smile in their eyes and ease their worries. Warming their panicked bodies, singing choruses to fill them with hope and celebrating with them as the first firetruck pulled up to the house. So very thankful to continue being Mom. Teetering on the edge of tragedy is unnerving, but there was no tragedy. It did not happen. Only five minutes separated the two tales, but only one was told. A glimpse of imagination tries to rattle reality, but cannot take it's place. I entertain the imagination just enough to protect the future and to preserve gratitude, but not to continue in fear. I know the Master of the Universe. He created fire, water, wind and earth. The winds and the waves obey him. He cannot do anything but love me, even if I don't understand His ways. Trusting Him is the absolute answer to peace and happiness, but doesn't come easily. In order to have faith we must experience doubt. I have to stand in the face of fear in order to find courage. I will never be a thrill seeker. I will never enjoy the rush of skydiving, race car driving or storm chasing, but I have a great appreciation for adrenaline. That wonderful little biochemical turned a midnight zombie into a thinking, functioning woman of action...but there are side effects. Sleep does not come to one who has had a recent encounter with the little tyrant. My later motionless body was still a frenzy on the inside. Like most parties, the clean up takes awhile...but in this case, it was well worth it :) Š D&S MacBurnie, 2011
From the Heart . . . Say Yes
Life With My Friend
by Keturah MacBurnie
by Mona Vail
The sun shall rise, As the birds sing their song. Their song of life, Their song of joy.
As I sit on my bed, in this hospital room, Will the MRI tell me, nothing but gloom? Then I look out the window, at my Father's blue sky, The white clouds are so happily, floating by!
Life is still here, But death is coming near. For those who don't live, For the Lord, Jesus Christ. He raises the sun, He waters the plants, He feeds every bird, And will not forget. He loves you and me, Why not love Him back? He shed His own blood, For the sake of us all. Say yes to the One, Who created the earth. Say yes to the One, Who created us all. Say yes to Jesus, And you will have life. Say yes to Jesus, And your sin will be no more. Let go of your life, And let Jesus take control. Say yes to Him now, And give Him your all. Š D&S MacBurnie, 2011
So bright is the sun, as it smiles from up there, Then suddenly, the rain clouds are covering everywhere; And all gets sad, as the raindrops fall fast, But take it from me, that will never last! When I walk with my Lord, on the narrow path up, My life gets so bright, as His Son fills my cup! It never will fail, as time flies by, I'll get older and weaker and won't see the sky! It will darken, so often, as the day nears the end, But even if it does, I still have my Friend! I'll never let bad news, of my health, get me down, I'll keep looking up, at my King's golden crown; Just to think, that He wore, painful thorns on His brow, Makes me sure that He loves me! Oh, to Him I will Bow! No matter how dark life gets, don't you see? There'll always be a bright Son, who died just for me! He paid for my sins and I'll never forget, He's the greatest of friends, that I ever met! He lives for and loves me and will 'til the end; His arms wrap around me! He's my Friend! His name is Jesus! Š D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Identity Crisis By Cory Vail Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 In today’s world there is a large emphasis put on identity, or what makes you who you are. Are you attractive or ugly? Smart, funny, sporty, into music or not? A lot of times people will try to find identity in their looks. What style of clothing they wear, what type of music they listen too, etc.
But are these things really what make a person who they are? Maybe we should find our identity in things like our family name or history, Like I am a Smith and that means I am a hard worker. Others try to find their identity in whether they are a city slicker or a country bumpkin.
Again, are these really even how we should define who we are? The big question is where are we finding our worth—our value— Is it in stuff, looks, what others think, etc.,
or Are we finding our worth as God’s children created in His image and likeness to reflect His glory to the world? We as God’s children were created for worship, created to worship the creator.
but Because of sin, we have started worshiping created things instead. We worship things like our appearance, money, sex… you name it, and people somewhere, probably turn it into an object of worship. The thing about worship is this: you become like that which you worship. If we worship the one true God and find our identity in Him as new creations we will be set free from the bondage of self-worship and be set free to find ourselves in Christ. We will be filled with His joy as we reflect His image to those around us. So the next time you are feeling discouraged about your looks, or how you are doing in school, or how you missed that big pass in hockey, remember that these things pass away and we will always run into another person who is better at the thing that we think makes us great. Instead find your greatness in the fact that God loves you, that you were created in His image and for His glory. © D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Memories & What to Look Forward To! By Sherwin MacBurnie
Growing up as a young boy, I was very close to my father. My parents separated when I was about 9 yrs old and later my Dad received full custody of myself and my 2 sisters. Years later, Dad also received full custody of my younger brother. Dad travelled quite a bit, but when he was home, he always spent a lot of time with us. He would take me to the early hockey games and in the summer, we would load our car up with all my friends and sisters and head to Mispec Beach. When the tide was out, we would play baseball in the wet sand, then go hunting for rocks and sea shells. I really enjoyed the summers, because Dad would leave my sisters home with my grandmother and take me on the road with him. We always ate at the best restaurants and stayed in great motels. In every city, people knew him. They always would say, “Is this your little helper this week?” He would always answer the same way, with a smile and a wink, “He's the best company a father could have!” I never forgot that.
“God has a show for us and we are about to see it.” I was confused...Then I noticed, that on this beautiful bright sunny day, it started to get darker. “Don't look up without the mirror. You could hurt your eyes.” He said. Then he started to tell me what we were about to watch, through his shaving mirror. The total eclipse of the sun. In a short time, it became as dark as night and just as it turned night, a short time later, the sun started to shine through again. It was an amazing show in the sky. A memory I have and will always cherish. Now that my father has gone to be with our Lord, I wonder what it will be like to someday be in Heaven. Heaven will have a beauty beyond our imagination. The best John could do to describe heaven was Revelation 21: 18-21 The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.
On bright, sunny warm days, as we drove along the winding roads, Dad would pull over, get out the fishing rods and we'd hit some Best of all, heaven with God and Jesus will be a rivers and streams along the way. place of love. God in tender love will wipe away all our tears (Revelation 21:4). The angels On July 10, 1972, ten days before my 13th will rejoice as heaven fills with righteous birthday, Dad pulled the car over on side of Christians (II Peter 3:13). Those spirits who the road. We were in Nova Scotia at the time. I have hungered and have thirsted to humbly looked around and saw no streams or brooks. live with God; those with pure hearts; those I said, “Dad what are we doing?” He said, who have willingly endured persecution; and “Hold on you will see.” He went to the trunk those who have lived for God's peace, will live of the car pulled out his suitcase and started to together in life and love forever and ever. hunt for something. He found it. “What are This place is Heaven. Will you be there? you doing with your shaving mirror?” I asked. © D&S MacBurnie, 2011
Kid's Devotion
We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. 2 Kings 7:9 A huge army surrounded the city and God's people were trapped. They were starving and couldn't hold out any longer. Just outside the city gates, four lepers decided that they should go and ask the enemy army leaders for food. 'The worst they can do is kill us,' these four lepers said. 'And if we don't go and ask, we'll starve to death right here.' When they arrived at the army camp, the four lepers found that God had scared the whole army away. The terrified soldiers had even left their money and clothes and food behind. The four men filled their stomachs, filled their pockets, and were looking around for bags to carry more money away when one stopped. 'The people in the city are starving,' he said. 'There's all kinds of food here - enough to feed an army. God wants us to go and tell them.' And that's what these men did. And the city was saved. Christians don't have mountains of food and clothing and money to share. But Christians have something even more precious. They have the Gospel - the good news that Jesus died for all. Like the four lepers, Christians need to share the good news with everyone, so people can become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for dying for me. Help me to be faithful in telling others about You. Amen
The ABC'S of Salvation The dictionary defines salvation as: 1. deliverance 2. pardon 3. snatching from the jaws God's gift to us is everlasting life through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ All we have to do is have faith and follow these 3 easy steps Admit - Believe - Confess Ephesians 2:8, 9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godnot by works, so that no one can boast. 1. Admit That You Are A Sinner. Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.
Results Of Sin And Gods Gift to Us. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
What Did Jesus Do For Us? Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 2. Believe In The Lord Jesus. John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life,
for God's wrath remains on him. Romans 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 3. Confess The Lord Jesus. Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Next Say This Prayer Believing With All Your Heart “Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. Lord the sinful life that I lived separated me from you. Lord forgive me of my sins. I believe that you died on the cross and rose on the third day to pay for my sins. From this day forward I will put all my trust in you, Lord show me how to live a life for you. In Jesus name, Amen”
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