Sticky Albums
Mary Fisk-Taylor
Marketing to Millenial State Events
Each month, Southern Exposure magazine will feature images from the annual affiliated judging. All images in the “Gallery� scored 80 or higher and have earned a credit toward the SEPPA degree (SPF). Loan collection images earn one additional credit.
Lisa Carter Solitude
Gordon Kreplin Dancing in the Desert
Michael Zerivitz Chopping Block
Amanda Reed The Dancer
Chairman of the Board
Mary Alice Ross maryaliceross@gmail.com
Doug Peninger ncdoug01@triadbiz.rr.com
District of Columbia
1st Vice-President
George Singleton george.singleton6@verizon.net
2nd Vice-President
Anthony Rumley anthony@anthonyrumley.com
Kevin Jiminez kevinjiminez@aol.com
Salon Exhibition Chair
Jessica Vogel jvogel@shelbywireless.net
Executive Director
Thomas McCollum seppa@comcast.net
***Paula Mignogno Peggy Parkinson
***Donna Campiz Kaye Newsome
***Sherri Noftsinger Jill Stringfellow
***Michael Busada David Corry
Southern Exposure Southern Exposure magazine is an online publication of SEPPA and is published monthly.
North Carolina
South Carolina
Ad Sales & Business Manager Thomas McCollum seppa@comcast.net 888-272-3711
Article & Ad Submission 5th of each month
2712 Marcia Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30044 888-272-3711 www.4seppa.com Acceptance of advertising does not carry with it endorsement by the publisher. Opinions expressed by Southern Exposure or any of its authors does not neccesarily reflect the positions of the Southeastern Professional Photographers Association.
West Virginia
***Andrew Lamb Gil Brady ***Paul Wingler Janet Boschker
Editor Doug Peninger NCDOUG01@triadbiz.rr.com 336-883-7104
On-Line Publication 1st of each month
***Anthony Marill Joe Tessmer
***Clark Berry Greg Martin ***Mac Brown Barbara White ***Sharon Younce Robert Holman ***Beth Forester Christie Kepner
***state president representative
Additional information of state events within the SEPPA Affiliate can be found using the state links below. Please view their websites by clicking on the web address and you will be re-directed. Delaware www.delawarephotographers.com
District of Columbia www.ppsgw.org
Mississippi/Alabama www.ppma.net
North Carolina www.ppofnc.com
South Carolina
Maryland www.marylandppa.com
SEPPA is a regional affiliate of Professional Photographers of America and hosts an annual District Image Judging. To learn more about PPA, click the PPA Logo.
Tennessee www.tnppa.com
West Virginia www.ppwv.org
Doug Peninger: SEPPA President ncdoug01@triadbiz.rr.com
Early Mornings Are you an early riser? Does your alarm clock or coffee grinder sound long before the first rays of light hit the front porch steps? If you are one of those folks, we have a lot in common. I remember back to the days of college, for me, some twenty plus years ago. I would always get up early to study for exams. A late night study hall was a waste of time. My brain just could not concentrate and pull the all-nighters of my classmates. I know, some folks may think, gee, what a loser! Perhaps this is the case. I like to look at it from another perspective. Allow me to explain. If you are an early riser, you get to experience some of the most beautiful paintings you will ever see. The illuminated sky is different every morning. Just this morning, as I was doing my bike ride, I crossed a bridge which overlooks the town lake. At this point, it was about 6:45 am. I was on about mile 20 when I looked over to my left and there it was. The sun was just barely up over the misty lake water. The serenity of the moment was staggering. I had to stop for a moment and just take it in. For me, I knew I had experienced a “God” moment. I can still see it. So, to all you early risers and late nighters, too, have a great August. It’s a great time of year whether sun-up or moonglow.
Doug Peninger SEPPA President Editor
The SEPPA Board of Governors, at the 2010 meeting in Franklin, TN, approved the all new SEPPA Degree Program. The Southeastern Photographic Fellowship is now a reality! You can earn your new SPF Degree in two categories. The orange ribbon is earned with a concentration in print credits, the purple ribbon with a concentration in service to the organzation. The requirements for both options are completed with education and/or service credits. You may also achieve both Degrees, signafied by a purple and orange ribbon. SEPPA will post the Credit Chart and submission forms at a later date. Be sure to check back. All events, beginning April 1, 2010 will be eligible to submit for credit.
Shop Attend 13 14 18 20 23 24 25
8 9 12 21 30
Virginia Convention
Florida Convention 2013 SEPPA Convention TPPA Reniassance
Photo Care
Millers White House Michel Company
Georgia School
Academy Productions
10 26
Victoria Kelly Sticky Albums
Mary Fisk Taylor
Marketing to the Millenial
Imaging USA Pages Art “Swan Lake” by G. Robert Brown
Oct ober
Coming in October..... Your Complete Guide to the 2013 SEPPA Convention in Athens, GA.
Victoria Kelly
Sticky Albums Chances are very good that at least one of your clients owns an iPhone or an iPad. And, as an interesting factoid, Apple sold over 37 million iPhones in the first quarter of this fiscal year. And I’m sure you’re asking yourself why this is both interesting and important.
I keep track on a pretty regular basis how many of my clients have smartphones. While there are a few who own up to having an Android device, hands down most of my clients own an iPhone. I want to introduce you this month to “StickyAlbums”, a totally out-of-the-box marketing concept to get YOUR work on THEIR iPhones. Intrigued? Read on... StickyAlbums gives you the capability to create a mobile album for each of your clients...it can be a personal gallery...it can be a showcase of your work...it can be a way to offer your clients the digital images they want without selling your soul (OR) your digital files. I’ll admit...I was a bit skeptical...but StickyAlbums gives you the opportunity to sign up and create your first mobile album for FREE. It includes 12 images...and there are short YouTube videos on the website to get you started. I had my first album created (and on my iPhone!) in about 15 minutes. Not bad, eh? Here’s how it works: you’ll first download a folder with templates for your logo, vertical and horizontal loading screens AND a homescreen icon. I used Photoshop to drop in my logo and a generic “album loading” message and I was finished with the first part of the process. (Keep in mind you only have to do this once.) I watched the video on sizing my images--they should be 72dpi and 1600 pixels on the long side--and within just a few minutes I had 12 images resized and in a separate folder to upload.
Now...here’s the great part: after the upload of the images, I found I could crop the thumbnails however I wished. (I always find it annoying that the thumbnail in so many apps shows me the random middle of the image.) I also had the opportunity to arrange the images in whatever sequence I found pleasing. And...presto! In just a few seconds I received a message telling me that my mobile album was ready to view. I was instructed to open the email that had been sent on my mobile device so that the album would download to my iPhone. Cowabunga! The images filled the screen, I could rotate horizontally if I wanted to...and I found if I scrolled to the bottom I have the option to send an email to the studio, press a “share” button so it can be forwarded to others PLUS a hotlink to my studio phone. Pretty cool, huh?
So the mental wheels started turning...since my primary market is high school seniors...(and most of them have iPhones!) it didn’t take me long to realize that I could make an album of sample images that included some informational “images” as well. AND..I could make one for babies! for debutantes! for families...all available for me to send to prospects. OR...I could make personal galleries as either an add-on or giveaway. You DO have the option of editing your albums once they’re uploaded. Just choose the appropriate album from the list, click “edit” and you’re in. So...try out StickyAlbums and see if you agree with me that it will boost your marketing and give you that little something that sets you apart from the pack. Your first one is free--and then you’ll be convinced. Visit the StickyAlbums website at http://www.stickyalbums.com to see for yourself.
16 10
19 18
W I L L I A M Backdrop: Candy Shop Cream Floor: William Thin Gray
T H I N Images © Vicki Taufer
Backdrops by WHCC aims to be the premier resource for photographic backdrops and floors. Utilizing the latest printing technologies, we are able to provide Backdrops and Floors at a far lower price with a much faster turnaround time than our competitors. Our Backdrops and Floors ship within 2–3 days after purchase with free ground shipping anywhere in the United States. Backdrops
• 10'x8' ($240) and 6'x8' ($175) Backdrops include a pole pocket for easy hanging. • Printed directly onto wrinkle-free 100% polyester so they are easy to store and transport.
• 4'x8' ($250), 8'x8' ($430) and 8'x12' ($620) Floors. • Printed directly onto polyester with a neoprene backing so it is non-slip. • Floors are lightweight and easily roll up to transport or store. | www.whcc.com
© Jeff Woods Backdrop: Wall Paint Pearl; Floor: William Thin Brown
Backdrop: Plush Temple Gray
Backdrop: Polka Heaven Storm Cloud
Backdrop: Angel Fire Gray
Backdrop: Abandoned Study Charcoal
Marketing to
Marketing our businesses is certainly an interesting journey. Sometimes a challenge, sometimes exciting and fun and sometimes just a mind-boggling puzzle of why did this work and why did this not work. As we find ourselves seated in the year of 2012 and certainly well on our way in the new millennium we need to also consider our clients. There is a new buzz in marketing and it is called the Millennial. The Millennial is indeed the new generation that we are marketing to and in order to be effective and efficient with our marketing we need to consider the Millennial, their personality, priorities and overall wants and needs. The Millennial mantra is “come join us”, they invite their community (family and friends) to be a part of their “team” and ultimately part of their decision making. Think about it. This is the first true digital age. They have grown up sharing everything on line through web pages, social media, blogs, emails, cell phone pictures, etc. Their peer approval is VERY important to them. We used to have to please the client and perhaps their parents, now we have the task of pleasing them and their entire “team”. This group was educated in the 1980’s, the era that politically, socially and fiscally focused on teamwork. The 1980’s were the start of the trend of Action Teams, Team Projects, Group Events, etc. Everything in the school systems, work place and even neighborhoods was shifted towards a TEAM concept. Remember, there is no “I” in TEAM, no man is an island? For those of us that are still trying to figure out how to market to the Generation X clients, now we have to concentrate on this new group. The 20th century generations break down as follows:
Silent Generation 1925 – 1942
Baby Boomers 1943 – 1960
Generation X 1961 – 1978
Millennial 1979 – 2000
The new generations of Millennial are confident, they are the wanted generation. True “trophy kids,” remember this is the group that got the participation trophy; everyone is equal. They just had to show up and win an award. So, with this being said, awards and trophies no longer hold the value that they did for past generations. They have been handed awards since birth. I see this in my own children. Whereas I still get excited about a ribbon or award they could truly care less. They are much more motivated by pleasing me, the parent, and winning the approval from their friends and peers.
Silent Generation
When marketing to this generation be prepared to have every thought, every opinion and every option you propose filtered through their parents, their friends and possibly their facebook page. They want to please everyone and win their approval. That is their TROPHY or AWARD. So being great in our business is no longer enough. Offering great customer service is expected and the lack of great service is not tolerated. The way to stand out and win these clients is to be DIFFERENT. Being great is the new standard, whereas being different is the new luxury market. 43% of luxury spending today is by the Millennial. They do consider luxury, they do buy luxury, and they consider many of the luxury products a necessity, not a frivolous expense. This is great news for many of us in the high-end wedding and portrait business. Our services are definitely seated in this market. However in order to get that business you must be communicating what your story is, what makes you different, what makes you YOU!
1979 – 2000
We must communicate with our clients our story, who we are and why we are different in everything we do. From our web page, to our blogs, social media, printed material, word of mouth in our community, etc., etc., etc. So today I challenge you to consider this new generation and look at your existing business and marketing. Are you telling your story?
1925 – 1942
Baby Boomers 1943 – 1960
Generation X 1961 – 1978
Millennial Silent Generation 1925 – 1942
Baby Boomers 1943 – 1960
Generation X 1961 – 1978
Millennial 1979 – 2000
Silent Generation 1925 – 1942
Baby Boomers 1943 – 1960
Generation X 1961 – 1978
Millennial 1979 – 2000
Each month, Southern Exposure magazine will feature images from the annual affiliated judging. All images in the “Gallery” scored 80 or higher and have earned a credit toward the SEPPA degree (SPF). Loan collection images earn one additional credit.
Amanda Reed Coal Miner’s Son Joe Campanellie Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks Aamerican Treasures”
Joe Campanellie Winged Migration Mario Munoz Traditions of Skibo Castle