affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism
(To sponsor a Sentinel call the Temple office at 775-747-5508.)
Volume 36, No. 8 — May 2010 • Iyar/Sivan 5770
SHAVUOT Torah is our LIFE INSIDE: From the Rabbi’s Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Yahrzeits: In Loving Memory . . . . . . . . . . 3 Donations to Sinai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Temple Sinai Family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Temple Sinai Youth Group . . . . . . . . . . 6 Religious School News . 7 Torah for Tots . . . . . . . 7 B’nei Mitzvah . . . . . . 7 May is Jewish American Heritage Month . . 8 Sinai Sisterhood and Men’s Club. . . . . . . 9 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . 11 From Sinai’s Board President . . (insert)
Shavuot 101... This month we celebrate the Festival of Shavuot Shavuot is Hebrew for “Weeks”
b Hellenistic Jews in the 3rd by c century BCE. Counting the Omer C A the end of the Seder on At t 2nd night of Pesach, we the b begin to count the number o days between Pesach of a and Shavuot by counting th omer (barley) (b the for 49 days.
A Pilgrimmage Festival It is the second of three pilgrimage festivals—the other two are Pesach and Sukkot.
Reading Pirke Avot It is customary to read one chapter of Pirke Avot on Shabbat each week between Pesach and Shavuot.
It Falls on the 6th & 7th of Sivan This year Erev Shavuot falls on May 18 on the secular calendar.
Celebrating Shavuot ^ The 16th Century mystics began the tradition of Tikkun Leil Shavuot— studying Torah all night long on Erev Shavuot. A story is told that when the Israelites were at Sinai they slept late and had to be awakened by Moses. Therefore, we stay up all night. ^ At services we read the Ten Commandments. ^ We also read the Book of Ruth. Why? The story takes place at harvest time; Ruth is special because she chooses to become a part of the Jewish people; and she is the great-grandmother of King David. ^ There are two loaves of Challah— each one representing a tablet of the Law. ^ It is customary to eat dairy dishes (especially blintzes & cheese cake). Some say this symbolizes the sweetness of Torah; others say, it represents the promised land which is the “land of milk and
An Agricultural Festival Shavuot began as an agricultural festival marking the end of the spring barley harvest and the beginning of the summer wheat harvest. During the days of the Temple, our ancestors brought offerings of their first fruits. A Historical/Religious Festival The Torah tells us that it took 49 days (7 weeks) to walk from Egypt to the foot of Mt. Sinai where G-d gave us the Torah. A Festival with Many Names: Hag Hakatzir: Festival of the Harvest, Hag HaBikkurim: Festival of the First Fruits, Hag Hashavuot: Festival of Weeks Z’man Matan Torateinu: The Season of the Giving of the Torah (so named in the Mishnah). Pentecost: Greek meaning “fifty”– used
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MAY 2010
The goal of the kehilat hesed is to create a more caring and responsive community: to transform our casual associations into loving and sacred relationships.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Let us know if you can help with any of the following: Deliver a meal to a neighbor Give a neighbor a ride to a Temple event Give a neighbor a ride to an appointment Run an errand for a neighbor Call or visit someone who is home-bound Knit a shawl for someone who is ill Offer a place at your holiday table
Let us know what your needs are and please call: • • • • • •
If there has been a death in your family If you or a family member is ill If you need a ride to the Temple If you need an errand done If you are home-bound If you are the caregiver for a family member with special needs • If you would like to be hosted for a Shabbat or holiday dinner
honey”; or, that it refers to the Israelites’ newly acquired knowledge of kashrut (when they realized they didn’t have kosher meat or utensils they ate only dairy). ^ Homes and synagogues are decorated with flowers (especially roses), greenery, and paper cuts of flowers, because Sinai was blooming with flowers. Confirmation & Shavuot ^ Instituted in Germany in 1810. ^ Just as the Israelites stood at Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah, so do Reform and Conservative teenagers (usually 9th or 10th graders; and sometimes adults) stand and confirm their commitment to Torah and their place in the Jewish community. Enduring Meaning of Shavuot Note that Shavuot is called the giving of the Torah, not the receiving of the Torah. G-d gives us the Torah, but we receive it only through our actions. The Torah was given at a particular time; but we are constantly receiving the Torah throughout the days of our lives. While Pesach freed us from physical bondage, the giving of the Torah on Shavuot freed us spiritually from our bondage to idolatry. YOU’RE INVITED: Please join other Tahoe area Reform Congregations for an evening of study and celebration. May 18th, from 6pm to midnight, at North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation. Hag Sameach ~ Rabbi Appleby
The Rabbi Wants To Know... Do you have college age children away from home? We would like to keep in touch with them. Let Rabbi Appleby know at 747-5508 or RabbiTempleSinai@ pyramid.net.
Louis Braslawsky father of Leslie Pansky, April 25
Seymour Goldberg, April 25
Louis Rosenthal in the Virginia City Cemetery, April 25 Anita Ellen Altman, April 28 Marvin Daling, April 29 Sigmund L. Heller, April 29 Ida Friedman grandmother of Stuart Labowe, 16 Iyar (April 30)
Marshall Harris father of Edie Paris, May 9 Ronald Zwelling cousin of Sandra Medvin, z"l, May 9 Leonard Winograd father of Ellen Winograd, May 10 Ernest Gruenwald uncle of Rod Sloan, May 14 Sam Kaplan brother of Mary Garfinkle, z"l, May 14
Harvey Gordon Schar, May 26 Reba Horwitz, May 27 Fred David Wolfson father of Tamara Rolston, May 27 Sarah Krassenstein grandmother of Eileen Wells, May 28 Leroy Tate father of Sharrone Blanck, May 28 Morjorie Winograd mother of Ellen Winograd, May 29
Shirley Cooper grandmother of Barbara Pratt, May 15
David Mitchell, May 31
Gene W. Fenton, June 1
Samuel Alderman father of Natalie Sera, June 1
Martin Maskowitz father of Rose Orenstein, 16 Iyar (April 30)
Sidney Goldstein husband of Selma Goldstein, May 16
Mikel Shanna Kladney brother of David Kladney, June 1
Eugene Brown husband of Beatrice Brown, May 1
Samuel Goldwasser father of Jill Greiner, May 17
Frances Schumer Saper mother of Gary Schumer, June 1
Harry Norman father of Beatrice Brown, May 1
Albert Abraham Levine father of David Levine, 4 Sivan (May 17)
Annie Rubin, June 3
KADDISH TO BE SAID MAY 7 Leonard Greiner father of Miles Greiner, May 3 Nathan Finkelstein uncle of Ethel Jaffe and great-uncle of Sue Burkhamer, May 5 Franklin Jay Barnett son of Monroe Barnett, May 6
Sol Barnett brother of Monroe Barnett, May 18 Pauline Rosenberg mother of Mark Rosenberg, May 20 Robert Schoen father of Richard Schoen, May 21
Anita Neesh Kroot mother of Marty Matles, May 7
Saul Millstein father of Deborah Baer, May 23
Samuel Gordon father of Howard Gordon and grandfather of Mindi Brenner, May 8
Cydelle Blum mother of Stephen Blum, May 25
Julius Ashkin father of Laura Ashkin, June 4 Helen Brustein grandmother of Marilyn Roberts, 22 Sivan (June 4) Samuel Siegel father of Richard Siegel, June 4 Rosa Bronov cousin of Bernard Bronov, June 5 Rebecca Eliasberg, June 5 Ronald Small brother of Gail Ferrell, June 5
MAY 2010
Anna Cowan aunt of Marynne Aaronson, 22 Iyar (May 6)
Peggy Davis Seelig mother of Nancy Podewils, May 17
Bessie Greenfield sister of Mary Garfinkle, z"l, April 25
Joanne Klein cousin of Shirley Rutkovitz, May 25
Barney Felix Eisenberg father of Richard Eisenberg, April 25
Robert Schaffner grandfather of Lynne Daus, May 8
Donations to Sinai We thank those who support Temple Sinai.
Furniture, Fixtures & Interiors Jake Margolis for new blinds in the sanctuary
General Fund Jane Grossman in memory of Florence Platmer and Ivan Grossman Steven Rubin, M.D. in memory of his grandmother Mary Shapiro
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Ann Ezgar because miracles do happen Toby Isler in honor of the birth of Ilana Marie Appleby-Leo, granddaughter of Rabbi Teri Appleby and Jonathan Leo Toby Isler in honor of the university graduation Molly Matles
Religious School Fund Willis/Winograd Family in appreciation of the leadership of Tracy Bartlett and the Religious School
MAY 2010
Jaffe/Burkhamer Family: "Mazel Tov and much joy to Rabbi Teri and Jon on the birth of their first grandchild"
Kristin & Al Brenner for the Religious School Un-Fundraiser
Ritual Fund Gail Ferrell and Michael Wilkin in memory of George and Hadassa Small towards new memorial boards
Please Consider Making A Donation Specific Needs New large memorial board for the Sanctuary: Approx $5,000 needed, Ritual Fund Donation To pay for the New Book Cases in the Rabbi’s office: Approx $2,500 needed, FF&I Donation Software Upgrade for the Synagogue Management Database: $950 needed, General Fund Donation
General Needs Capital-Maintenance Fund: Building and grounds maintenance Cemetery Fund: Maintenance of cemetery FF&I Fund: Furnishings, fixtures and interior improvements General Fund: General operating expenses Music Fund: Events, equipment, musicians New Building Fund: Servicing our newbuilding loan Religious School Fund: General school needs Ritual Fund: Sanctuary and religious supplies Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Directly supports Rabbi’s tzedakah efforts
he Center For Cultural Exchange (CCI) is looking for families to host foreign exchange students for the academic year. If interested, contact Lee White, Regional Director at (888)440-8750 or Whites@CCI-Exchange.org; or visit their website: www.cci-exchange.org.
Sinai Seeking Judaica Art
eeking donations of paintings, artifacts, and wall hangings, in excellent condition, to beautify our Temple. Please do NOT bring items to Temple Sinai, but instead contact Amy Currier first at currierdworkin@yahoo.com or 348-7819. Amy and the Board of Trustees will make decisions on what will be displayed. Thanks for your help.
New At Temple Sinai: A Book Exchange
o you have hardcover or paperback books in GOOD condition that you have finished reading? The Temple library now has room for a book exchange. Please bring in your gently-read books and exchange them for books you’d like to read. Look for the “Book Exchange” sign on the shelves. PLEASE: don’t “clean out” your closets—bring in contemporary, popular, or classic books that our Temple members might enjoy.
Refuah Sheleimah
“Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery” to: Charlotte Soifer (mother of Rabbi Myra), Herb Pevney, Rabbi David Novak (friend of Rabbi Teri and Jon), Michael Davis, Len Chyet, Eunice Merkin (mother of Joe Merkin), Annette Rutkovitz (sister-inlaw of Jules Rutkovitz), Sophie Gold (step-mother of Adrienne Tropp), Barbara Benjamin (grandmother of Michelle Ramirez), Sister Mary (friend of Temple Sinai) and Alan Reid (step-father of Barbara Pratt).
May 6: Rod & Pam Sloan May 11: Bradley & Laura Medvin May 15: Martin & Nancy Cohen May 20: Esther Isaac & Richard Mazza May 22: David & Jennifer Briggs May 27: David & Maryann Zucker May 28: Caren Jenkins & Farrell Cafferata May 30: Sheldon & Alma Chanes and Richard & Patricia Eisenberg May 31: Hank & Ann Frohlich May 31: Bill & Debra McKean Jun 5: Herbert & Olga Blanck
Mazel Tov Congratulations to Rabbi Teri Appleby and Jonathan Leo on the birth of their granddaughter Ilana Marie Appleby-Leo on March 31, 2010.
Our Condolences to...
Regional Tikkun Leil Shavuot (Erev Shavuot Study Session)
join other Tahoe area Reform Congregations and rabbis for an evening of study and celebration. May 18, from 6pm to midnight at North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation (located at 7000 Latone Ave., Tahoe Vista, CA).
Directions: take State Route 28 to National Avenue; NTHC’s parking lot is off of Latone Avenue, a small street that looks more like a driveway, approximately 300 feet up National Avenue.) Watch our weekly emails for details and to RSVP.
By Board action, on recommendation of the Ritual Committee, pork and shellfish may not be served at Temple Sinai. This includes any products containing either pork or shellfish; so, do check, carefully, the contents of what you might be serving at Onegs, meetings, receptions, etc. Also be careful to remember those possible “common” foods that are indeed included in these restrictions (pepperoni pizza is one good example!).
MAY 2010
Jeff Gingold on the death of his aunt Evelyn Gingold on April 14.
April 29: Jeff Dodd and Valerie Weinstein May 4: David Briggs, Larri Picker, Marilyn Roberts, and Nurit Stites May 5: Vera Stern May 6: Neil Alderman and Ann Frohlich May 7: Marina Kottler and Shulamit Levine May 8: James Rappaport May 9: Daniel Fuchs, Jessica Fuchs, Mira Kurka, and Richard Spero May 10: L.J. Kutten, Brett Rappaport, and Gary Schumer May 11: Rebekah Bonds May 12: Adam Greiner and Anne Zucker May 13: Rachel McKean May 14: Rabbi Myra Soifer, Emerita May 15: Maryann Zucker May 16: Melanie Stites May 17: Jocelyn Islas May 18: Larry Ezgar May 19: Howard Fine, Edwina Flagg, and Danielle Stage May 26: Enid Matteson May 27: David Pomeranz and Amber Sloan May 28: Mary Rubin and Seth Rubin May 30: Jacob Smith June 1: Nolan Warner June 4: Michael Bollman and Kurt Frohlich
Thanks to our April Oneg sponsors: Jeff & Nurit’s 6/7th Grade Class, Barbara Pratt, Shirley Rutkovitz, Mechelle Merrill and Rob Fleischman. Thanks to our April greeters: Board members Jeff Blanck, Julia Rubin, Doug Goodman, Adrienne Tropp, Phil Shalitt, and Michelle Ramirez. Thanks to Gerry Willis for providing musical accompaniment to our community seder; to Karen Ceppos for leading Talmud study on March 10; to Jeff Gingold for leading Talmud study on March 31; to Jeff Blanck for leading the Family service on April 2; and to John Louie and Neva Donovan for leading Israeli Dancing on April 16.
משׁפחה של סיני
Thanks ~ Todah
הנעורים/ בית מדרשׁ BEIT MIDRASH / HA-N’URIM
Temple Sinai Youth Group Get-together (Ages 13-18) Saturday, May 22nd, 2010 6:30pm Meet at Round Table Pizza
Mae Anne Avenue & North Mccarran Blvd., Reno, 747-6400. Located near Kohl’s & Safeway in the Ridgeview Plaza (Dinner provided by Youth Advisor)
After a Pizza Dinner we will caravan to:
Roller Kingdom
515 E. 7th Reno 329-3472
8:00pm to 10:00pm
Please bring $5 for admission plus $2.50 skate rental or $4 roller blade rental.
MAY 2010
Steven Rubin, Youth Group Advisor: (H) 829-8104 or renorubins@yahoo.com or Tracy Bartlett, Religious School Director: 972-1396 or luvjrz@aol.com
Temple Sinai Youth Group open to all Jewish Youth ages 12-18 For more information and to be placed on the Youth Group email list, please contact: Youth Group Advisor Steven Rubin (at renorubins@yahoo.com or 829-8104) or Tracy Bartlett (Religious School Director at luvjrz@aol.com or 972-1396).
SAVE THE DATE: Friday JUNE 11, 2010-Temple Sinai 6:30pm Sinai Youth Group Pasta Dinner in the Social Hall 7:30pm Shabbat Services Lead by Sinai Youth Group
Israel Outdoors:
NFTY in Israel:
Torah for Tots
Do you know someone who has young children ready to come to Religious School? Temple Sinai’s Religious School is open to all and is always happy to accept new students. Feel free to call Tracy at 972-1396 (H), or 848-3559 (C) for Calling all families! Temple Simore information. nai’s Family Shabbat Services are the first Friday of every month. Shalom, Since services begin at 7pm, this Tracy Bartlett is a great time for families to participate together. Rabbi Appleby’s services are loads of fun and everyone has an opportunity to participate.
UPCOMING EVENTS: May 2 – LAST DAY OF RELIGIOUS SCHOOL May 7 – Family Service in honor of the Teachers/students and aides May 9 - No Religious/Hebrew School: Mother’s Day May 11 - Last day of Hebrew School May 16 - Annual Religious School Picnic at the Lazy 5 Ranch in Spanish Springs: hamburgers/ hot dogs/salads/ cookies/ brownies/sodas/etc. Is there something you’d like to see offered at the picnic? Then please feel free to call Tracy at home (972-1396) and make a suggestion.
Schedule Upcoming B’nei Mitzvah Now! Our current schedule is as follows: August 21, 2010 – Jacob Greiner October 16, 2010 – Ethan Labowe October 23, 2010 – Dennis Dworkin October 30, 2010 – John Eisenberg November 13, 2010 – Hannah Margolis May 14, 2011 – Jessica & Daniel Fuchs June 18, 2011 – Matthew McKean July 2, 2011 – Noah Blanck It’s not too early to schedule an upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Call the Rabbi, 747-5508, to reserve your date.
MAY 2010
orah for Tots, Temple Sinai's program for very young children, will celebrate Shabbat and Shavuot on Thursday, May 20 at the Temple at 4pm. The class is for children ages 2-5, siblings are welcome, and Temple membership is not required. The class teaches about Jewish holidays and celebrations through song, simple prayers, stories, art projects and games. There is no fee. To find out more about the class or to join, contact Judy Schumer at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net.
lease support your fellow classmates as they become B’nei Mitzvah and read Torah for the first time from the Bimah. Also, you may be inspired with great ideas for your own B’nei Mitzvah. Each of you in the B’nei Mitzvah class should plan to attend these services.
the most incredible summer of your life. Summer 2010 Programs(4, 5, and 6 week programs available). Info at: www.NFTYIsrael@urj.org and (845)987-6300 x6351.
Religious School News
Thank you so much to all who have donated to our 1st Annual Non-Fundraising Fundraiser. With your support, we are able to buy supplies, books, and other items necessary for the Religious School.
Summer Trip Registration Now OPEN. Registration for May, June, July and August 2010 free Taglit-Birthright Israel trips with Israel Outdoors is now OPEN at www.israeloutdoors.com and (202)537-0006.
הנעורים/ בית מדרשׁ
חנוך מבגרים
May is Jewish American Heritage Month
Classes with the Rabbi Introduction Intr roduction n to Judaism
Sunday, May 2, 2:30-4pm in the Temple Library
y Congressional resolution and Presidential proclamation (George W. Bush, April 20, 2006) May is Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM). A national month of recognition of the more than 350year history of Jewish contributions to American culture, JAHM acknowledges the achievements of American Jews in fields ranging from sports and arts and entertainment to medicine, business, science, government, and military service. JAHM coordinators suggest the following videos and books:
Monthly Shabbat Morning Services
9am Torah & Bagels 10:30am Shabbat Service 12 noon Dairy Potluck Lunch May 1 & June 5, 2010 (the FIRST Shabbat every month) Everyone is welcome. If you’ve missed having Saturday services, this is for you. No special experience needed.
Videos: American Tail Bugsy Crossing Delancey Dirty Dancing Driving Miss Daisy Funny Girl Gentleman’s Agreement Hester Street Marjorie Morningstar The Chosen
The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg The Jazz Singer The Way We Were Woody Allen films Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg The First Basket: A Jewish Basketball Documentary
Adult Books: Wayne D. Omel Financial Advisor
MAY 2010
465 S. Meadows Pkwy. Suite 13 Reno, NV 89521 Bus. 775-826-7880 TF. 877-826-7880 TF. Fax 866-445-1350 wayne.omel@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com California Insurance License 0C24309
Available Now: Spring 2010 Sinai Membership Directories (for Temple Members only)
Pick yours up from the synagogue office. Also, please call the office (747-5508) if you notice any corrections that need to be made to your entry.
American Jewish History by Norman H. Finkelstein Jews in America by David Gantz From Krakow to Krypton: Jews and Comic Books by Arie Kaplan The Jewish Americans: Three Centuries of Jewish Voices in America by Beth Wenger Forged in Freedom: Shaping the Jewish-American Experience by Norman H. Finkelstein From Haven to Home: 350 Years of Jewish Life in America, by Michael W. Grunberger (ed.), Hasia R. Diner (ed.), Leonard Dinnerstein (author), Eli Evans (author) American Judaism: A History by Jonathan Sarna
Children’s Books: Molly’s Pilgrim by Barbara Cohen Like a Maccabee by Barbara Bietz Portraits of Jewish American Heroes by Malka Drucker The Rebecca Books: American Girl by Jacqueline Dembar Greene When Zaydeh Danced on Eldridge Street by Elsa Okon Roel What Zeesie Saw on Delancey Street by Elsa Okon Roel The Yankee at the Seder by Elka Weber
Sinai Sisterhood
Temple Sinai Book Club
who make it possible for me to enjoy the social benefits of membership at Temple Sinai. ~ Phil Shalitt
Folk Dancing at Sinai ISRAELI IS RAELI
Folk lk Dancing: 7pm Every Tuesday Night & 7pm Every 3rd Saturday Monthly. a 1st time FREE, (Open to all; $5 regular, $3 for students.)
7pm Every Thursday Night. (Open to all; $2 for the public and $1 for Temple Sinai Members.) Check the calendar to confirm all dates and times.
Cleaning Up? If you are ttaking ki g ttrash h outt and d it does not fit into the dumpster, DO NOT leave it on the ground beside the dumpster. Please leave a note for our Administrative Assistant and arrangements will be made to have the dumpster emptied.
MAY 2010 M
For more information contact Dave Levine at SinaiMensClub@sbcglobal.net or call 329-4642.”
7pm Wednesday, May 12. All Temple members are welcome to attend.
Monthly Board Meeting
lans for the May meeting n Sunday morning, May have not yet been decided 2, the Men’s Club will feaas the Sentinel goes to ture Rabbi Emerita Myra press. But watch your Sisterhood Soifer, and our current Rabbi, Teri email or the Temple Sinai weekly Appleby speaking on “Women in email for an exciting program. the Rabbinate: A 30 Year PerspecSisterhood is open to all. tives.” Please join us to learn about this wonderful, and important, No membership dues required. additional information chapter in modern Jewish history. For about Sisterhood, call Marsha In June, the Men’s Club Break- Cohen at 851-1724 or email her fast will be on Sunday, June 13 at marshacohen@charter.net. at 9:00am. We are delighted to feature Stephanie Sant’Ambrogio as our guest speaker. Many of us know Stephanie as a brilliant violinist who has played with her nationally and internationally renowned colleagues at the Nevada Chamber Music Festival for the last half dozen years. Since 2007 she ext Temple Sinai Book Club has been Assistant Professor of books and meeting dates: Music at UNR where she teaches May 27, 7 PM – The Faith Club by violin and viola and leads Argenta, Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver and UNR’s wonderful Trio. Pricilla Warner – Marcia Cohen's Stephanie Sant’Ambrogio home, Marsha Cohen, facilitator. founded the Cactus Pear Music June 24, 7 PM – Turbulent Festival in 1996 and plays with several others annually. Her per- Souls by Stephen J. Dubner (home formances have been aired on – TBA, Judy Schumer, facilitator) National Pubic Radio and she has Please check out synopses and recorded several CDs. She holds a reviews on Amazon. Addresses Masters in Music from the presti- and directions will be sent prior to gious Eastman School of Music In meetings. To get on the book club Rochester, New York, routinely mailing list, contact Judy Schumer ranked among the top three con- at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net. servatories in America (along with Juilliard and Indiana University, where she received her Bachelors A note of thanks to those in Music).
מועדון גברים/ אחותיות סיני
Men’s Club
Your Ad Belongs Here! By purchasing an ad in the Sentinel, not only will EVERYONE see it and know more about your business, you will be supporting your synagogue.
Call Mike at (775) 747-5508 TODAY to place your ad. Temple Sinai 3405 Gulling Road, Reno, NV 89503 www.templesinai-reno.com temple.sinai@pyramid.net
Tracy Bartlett
Drop it! For your convenience, there is a drop box outside the Administrative Office to leave incoming mail when the office is locked.
Gold G o Canyon Candle Available for:
Home Hom me Parties, Book Parties, & Fundraisers
775-972-1396 • 775-848-3559 775-97 775775 www.my www. www.mygccandle.com/TracysGCCandles luvzjrz@aol.com
ROBERT RAND MD (775) 826-7263
Please, ALL LOOSE CASH MUST be placed in an envelope with your name and a note telling what the cash is for.
Calling Oneg Hosts: 2010 Oneg Hosting Calendar now available for sign-ups... Oneg means “delight/pleasure.” It is for the delight of the host and the pleasure of congregation. The host to share his/her delight for the special occasion/event and the congregation to enjoy the pleasure of interaction with others.
6512 S. McCarran Blvd. #D, Reno, NV 89509
Family Medicine, Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, Biofeedback, Impedance Cardiography, Non-Narcotic Pain Relief Natural Supplements Dietitian On Staff
“ We pick up where chicken soup lef t off.”
Please sign up for a date or two. There are four easy ways to sign up: 1. Stop by Temple Sinai office to sign up 2. Sign up on Temple Sinai kitchen door Oneg sign up sheet 3. Call the office at 747-5508 4. Email Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net If you are unable to host an Oneg, please consider a donation to sponsor one. Just send your donation to Temple Sinai with a note that it is for the Oneg Fund and if the donation is in honor or memory of someone or of an occasion. Thank you to all our Oneg hosts. The congregation certainly enjoys all Onegs.
MAY 2010
Temple Sinai Breast Cancer Support Line
Julia Rubin, Sinai member, a nurse, and herself living with breast cancer. 829-8104 or renorubins@sbcglobal.net. Confidentiality honored. Go to www.thebreastcancersite.com to donate a free mammorgram a day to an under-privileged woman. Go to www.armyofwomen.org to join a movement to bring women and researchers together to eradicate breast cancer.
The Temple Sinai Sentinel is published monthly. Temple Sinai is a Reform Congregation affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. Temple Sinai is located at: 3405 Gulling Road, Reno NV 89503. This issue is: Volume 36, No. 8 • May 2010
MAY 2010
May 2010
15 Iyar
Iyar/Sivan 5770
Apr 29
4pm Torah for Tots (Noah’s Ark) 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
Temple Sinai is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism 3405 GULLING ROAD • RENO, NEVADA 89503 (775) 747-5508 Fax (775) 747-1911 E-mail: temple.sinai@pyramid.net, web page: www.templesinai-reno.com
30 7:30pm Shabbat Services 7:33pm Candle lighting
Rabbi Teri Appleby
Lag B’Omer 9am Last Day of Religious School 9am Men’s Club 11:30am Last Day of Sunday Hebrew (Grades 3-7) 2:30pm Introduction to Judaism
6pm Midweek Hebrew (Grades 4-7) 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
11 6pm Last Day of Midweek Hebrew (Grades 4-7) 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
Mother’s Day
11am Religious School Teacher’s Appreciation Picnic at Lazy Five Park
Memorial Day Temple Office Closed
Noon Talmud 7pm Ritual Committee Meeting
Yom Yerushalayim Sentinel Deadline Noon Talmud 7pm Temple Sinai Board Meeting
13 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
20 Shavuot II 9:23pm Havdalah (72 min) 4pm Torah for Tots (Shavuot)
26 Noon Talmud
Jun 1 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
6 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
25 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
Erev Shavuot 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op 7:51pm Candle lighting 6pm–Midnight Regional Tikkun Leil Shavuot at NTHC
10am Board Retreat
2 Noon Talmud 7pm Ritual Committee Meeting
7pm Book Club (The Faith Club by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver and Pricilla Warner at Marcia Cohen’s home) 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
7 7pm Family Shabbat with the Oneg hosted by the Religious School in honor of our Teachers, students and aides. 7:40pm Candle lighting
1 Sivan
Torah Portion: Behar – Bechukotai Lev. 25:1-27:34 7pm Monthly Israeli Folk Dance Evening 9:11pm Havdalah (72 min)
Rosh Chodesh Sivan 7:30pm Men’s Club Shabbat Service with Services and Oneg by the Men’s Club 7:47pm Candle lighting
21 7:30pm Shabbat Services 7:53pm Candle lighting
15 Torah Portion: Bemidbar Num. 1:1-4:20 9:18pm Havdalah (72 min)
Torah Portion: Naso Num. 4:21-7:89 6:30pm Temple Sinai Youth Group (Pizza & Roller Skating) 9:24pm Havdalah (72 min)
28 7:30pm Shabbat Services 7:59pm Candle lighting
3 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
May 1
Torah Portion: Emor – Lev. 21:1-24:23 9am Shabbat Morning Torah & Bagels 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service Noon Potluck Dairy Lunch 9:04pm Havdalah (72 min)
4 7pm Family Shabbat 8:04pm Candle lighting
29 Torah Portion: Beha’alotecha Num. 8:1-12:16 9:30pm Havdalah (72 min)
23 Sivan
Torah Portion: Shelach Num. 13:1-15:41 9am Shabbat Morning Torah & Bagels 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service Noon Potluck Dairy Lunch
Temple Sinai 3405 Gulling Road Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 747-5508
Rabbi Teri Appleby (775) 747-5508 • E-Mail: RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net President Jake Margolis (775) 827-1068 • E-Mail: Jake.Margolis@sbcglobal.net Treasurer Ken Roberts (775) 622-3115 • E-Mail: kenmar74@gmail.com Religious School Director Tracy Bartlett (775) 972-1396 (h) • E-mail: luvzjrz@aol.com Temple Sinai Fax (775) 747-1911 • Web Page: www.TempleSinai-Reno.com • Email: Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net Rabbi Myra Soifer, Emerita (775) 747-6330 • E-Mail: myrabbireno@yahoo.com
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Year-round staff including:
Dave Levine, EA, MGFC Dave Maddy, EA Julie Freemyer, EA William Harrison, Esq.
For your personal appointment, call:
Committee Officers will be completing the second year of their two-year terms, Members at Large are elected each year, and auxiliaries appoint their representatives. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICERS COMPLETING THEIR TERMS (no vote)
President: Jake Margolis 1st Vice President: Doug Goodman 2nd Vice President (membership): Marilyn Rappaport Treasurer: Ken Roberts Secretary: Julia Rubin
emple Sinai's annual congregational meeting will be held on Friday June 11, 2010 following an abbreviated Shabbat service. For a voting quorum, we need at least 30 membership families in “good PAST PRESIDENT (no vote) financial standing,” families or inAdrienne Tropp dividuals who are current in their 2009-2010 membership pledge. If AUXILIARIES (representatives you are uncertain whether you are selected by each auxiliary) no vote Sisterhood: Marsha Cohen current, please contact Mike in the Men's Club: David Levine office. Please plan to have at least one adult member of your family attend this important meeting THE SLATE (to be voted on) that will include the presentation EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the 2010-2011 budget and the Financial Officer: Marcia Fine election of members of the Board of Trustees for the 2010-2011 year. MEMBERS AT LARGE Marynne Aaronson The Board slate and meetJeffrey Blanck ing agenda are presented below, Bobbi Kornbluth along with brief vitas on each canPhil Shalitt didate. Additional nominations to Gerry Willis the Board cannot be presented at the meeting. However, additional Board Member Vitas: nominations may be made by petition of 5% of membership units President – Jake Margolis is a (7 units) in good financial stand- mineral-exploration geologist who ing and must be presented to the currently works for Redstar Gold Board secretary, Julia Rubin, at Corp. He grew up in Baltimore, least 20 days prior to the meeting has lived in Reno for 15 years and (May 22). has one daughter, Hannah. Jake
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1st Vice President – Doug Goodman: Temple Sinai member: 4 years; Board Member at Large: 2008-2009, currently 1st Vice-President; Quality Assurance Manager in Dietary Supplement industry; Retired U.S. Army. 2nd Vice President – Marilyn Rappaport: 17-year Reno resident; degrees in Environmental Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry with recently earned Masters in Education; teacher in Washoe County; member of Temple Sinai for nearly 10 years; past Religious School teacher for several years; worked with others to develop new members “Welcome Baskets” for Shabbat; both sons, Drew and Brett, celebrated Bar Mitzvah at Sinai. Financial Officer – Marcia Fine: My husband and I have been in Reno for approximately two and a half years. We have two grown daughters—Amy, an assistant designer in New York and Corey, who is graduating with her doctorate in physical therapy next month and will be practicing in Philadelphia. I am a senior accountant for Club Cal Neva Casino and Nevadan Hotel. I served as president and treasurer of the Sisterhood of Har HaShem in Boulder, Colorado, my former congregation. Additionally I served as a board member, working on the finance and dues committee and as adult education chair. My passions are education, Israel and serving my community. I am grateful for the opportunity to engage with my new chosen community as financial secretary. (continued on back)
MAY 2010
received a Master’s Degree from the University of Washington and AGENDA a Doctorate from the University of Review of year’s activities Oregon. He is in his third two-year by the Board. term on the Board of Trustees: first Report on financial condition as treasurer from 2005 to 2007; and 2010-2011 budget. second as president from 2007 to Presentation and voting on 2009; and currently as president proposed Board slate. beginning in 2009. If elected for Future plans and results of Board retreat. the 2010-2011 year, he will comPlease note: Most Executive plete a second two-year term as
president and will then serve in the “past president” position.
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Treasurer – Ken Roberts: retired from GAO after 33 years; CPA (non-practicing) from California; with wife, Marilyn, moved to the Reno area from Orange County about 1½ years ago; members of Sinai since November 2008; Treasurer and head of the Finance Committee for 3 years at synagogue in Fullerton, CA. and served on the Finance Committee for 4 additional years after term as Treasurer ended. Secretary – Julia Rubin: Registered Nurse and manager of husband Steven’s medical practice; 3 children – Isaac (19) and twins Mary and Seth (13); member of Temple Sinai for approximately 11 years; celebrated her Bat Mitzvah at Sinai in 2003; served on the Religious Education Committee. Past President – Adrienne Tropp: Sisterhood Board representative, Board Vice President (Membership), Board President (2005), on Board as Immediate Past President for past three years; member of the Rabbinic Search Committee. Sisterhood Rep. – Marsha Cohen: has lived in southwest Reno for four years; systems engineer/consultant with IBM for 40 years, now retired; mother of two children who live in Los Angeles; currently represents the Sisterhood on the Temple Sinai Board.
Men's Club Rep. – David M. Levine has been a continuous member of Temple Sinai since approximately 1970. During that time he has held many Board positions including that of president and has also been president of the Men’s Club, a position he once again holds. Member at Large – Marynne Aaronson: member of Temple Sinai for 16 years; former Religious School Director and taught in the Religious School for 6 years; Reno native, attended Sparks High School and UNR and received her Master’s Degree in Social Work from Wurzweiler School of Social Work, Yeshiva University, New York; supervisor of the Clinical Unit for Washoe County Social Services; member of Washoe Express Toastmasters and loves public speaking. Member at Large – Jeffrey S. Blanck: member of Temple Sinai for 9 years; previous Board President; wife Sharrone was Director of Sinai’s Religious School; both Jeff and Sharrone now teach in the R.S.; father of Noah and Max; attorney in private practice in Reno focusing on education matters, Civil Rights and employment; studied at the World Union of Jewish Students Institute in Arad, Israel for six months where he learned Hebrew and is also fluent in Russian; life mem-
ber of the NAACP and Chair of the local chapter’s Legal Redress Committee. Member at Large – Bobbi Kornbluth: mother of Megan Kornbluth (32) and Stefan Kornbluth-Kaesz (19); member of Temple Sinai for 8 years; retired real estate agent; presently involved in property management, volunteering, and various hobbies; particular interest in working with programs and social activities for the Temple Social Hall. Member at Large – Phil Shalitt: full bio not available; presently serves on the Board as a Member at Large and has served as the Men's Club representative in past years. Member at Large – Gerry Willis has been a high school, middle school and college music educator in Nevada for the past 13 years. He has also served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Temple Sinai Religious School, the Sage Ridge School, the Albert Einstein/ Temple Emanu-El Preschool, The Musicians Union and the north Lake Tahoe Symphony Association. His two daughters, Rachel and Leah have attended religious school at Sinai and had their B'not Mitzvah here. Shalom, Jake