affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism
(To sponsor a Sentinel call the Temple office at 775-747-5508.)
INSIDE: From the Rabbi’s Study . . . . . .2 From Sinai’s Board President . .3
Yahrzeits: In Loving Memory . .4 Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Our Temple Family . . . . . . . . . . .5
Volume 37, No. 3 — December 2010 • Kislev/Tevet 5771
Schedule of Services . . . . . . . . .6 B’nei Mitzvah Schedule . . . . . . 6 Religious School / Youth. . . . . .7
Sinai Sisterhood / Men’s Club .8 Family Promise 2010 . . . . . . . .8 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Chanukah: Beyond the Miracles - Challenges of Assimilation
hen we think of Chanukah, we may think of the stories of the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian Greeks, the desecration and the rededication of the Temple, the miracle of one-day’s oil burning in the ner tamid for eight days. We may think of our family celebrations: lighting the candles in the Chanukah menorah, playing dreidel games with chocolate gelt, eating latkes or sufganiyot (jelly donuts) and opening presents. But Chanukah is also about the lure of assimilation and about being different from the majority and popular culture. The Jews in our Chanukah story were attracted to the ways of the Greeks and the battles were also ones within the community about how much (or how little) to adopt Hellenistic culture. Patti Goldin, creator of the “Holiday Workshop Series,” tells the following story about her daughter: One year at Passover, her daughter came home from college and shared the results of a dorm “bull session.” Trying to figure out why she hadn’t turned to drinking, drugs, or carefree sex as had a number of those with whom she grew up, she had come up with only one answer, Chanukah. Her reasoning: “When we had to celebrate Chanukah while everyone else
c celebrated Christmas, I learned it was OK to be different. I didn’t b have to do everything h tthat everyone else did.” At this time of tthe year, with the onsslaught of Christmas ccelebrations and decorations, Jewish children (and adults) feel different. Every Jewish child’s sense of isolation during the winter season is an innate understanding of one of Chanukah’s deeper meanings: the celebration of being different. How do we help our children through this maze? Research tells us that the strongest ways to reinforce our children’s Jewish identities include participation in Jewish Youth Groups, Jewish overnight camping, and trips to Israel.
Youth Group We reinstated our Youth Group last year under the leadership of Steve Rubin and Tracy Bartlett. This year Tovah Goodman is assuming the role of Youth Group Director. Activities will include social and community service events. All post-B’nei Mitzvah age students to 12th graders are welcome to join. Contact: tovahgoodman@gmail.com.
Jewish Camping Jewish Summer Camps offer young people the unique experience of a totally Jewish community, living out Jewish values and culture in an exciting camp setting. The URJ offers a variety of camping
experiences for our children: Camps in the West include Camp Newman in Santa Rosa, CA and Kalsman in Arlington, WA; Kutz Camp in Warwick, NY for young people interested in Social Justice; and Camp Simcha and Mitzvah Corps Tzofim Program for children on the Autism spectrum. Contact: www.urjcamps.org. The San Francisco Jewish Federation runs Camp Tawonga in Groveland near Yosemite. Several of our Sinai kids attend Tawonga (my kids did, too). Contact: www.tawonga.org.
Youth Trips to Israel The URJ offers a variety of trips to Israel for teens through NFTY (National Federation of Temple Youths). Contact: www.nftyisrael.org. The Jewish Federations of S.F., the Greater East Bay, Silicon Valley, and Sacramento have teamed up with the S.F. Bureau of Jewish Education to offer a 4-week trip to Israel. Contact: www. Letsgoisrael.org. Birthright Israel offers FREE tenday trips to Israel for 18-26 year olds who have never been to Israel before. Contact: www.birthrightisrael.com. I hope you’ll consider one (or more) of these options for your child or grandchild. By the way, my Discretionary Fund is available to help young people with Camp and Israel Trip scholarships. L’shalom, Rabbi Appleby
Bikur Holim ~ Visiting the Sick
n Jewish tradition, it is a mitzvah to visit those who are sick. This includes visiting patients in the hospital, a rehabilitation center, or a nursing home; it also includes visiting the homebound and making phone calls. Rabbi Appleby makes bikkur holim visits and phone calls, but can only do so if she knows that someone is ill or is in the hospital. Due to HIPAA patient privacy laws, the only time a hospital will inform us about a congregant is if the patient lists Temple Sinai as his/her congregation. If you, a loved one, or a friend, would like Rabbi Appleby to make a bikkur cholim visit or phone call, please let Rabbi Appleby know. Call the Temple office at 775-747-5508.
s phrased by the great Hillel, Judaism has always demanded two things of us – commitment to ourselves and commitment to our community around us. During my daughter Hannah’s recent Bat Mitzvah, I ended my short speech before her with this concept in the hope that she will continue the tradition. How will you continue this tradition? I hope that it is at least in part through service to Temple Sinai. Temple Sinai needs your help, but not simply in a financial sense. We are in need of volunteers to help in many areas, and if you are interested in giving of your time and energy, please see me, Rabbi Appleby or other Board members. FUND RAISING: The Board as well as some of our other members have been assembling ideas for cre-
aative events that would also sserve as fund raisers. We need ssomeone to help drive these iideas forward. ONEGS AND KITCHEN: We aare seeking someone to help enccourage members to sign up for O Onegs following Friday evening sservices as well as monitor our kitche kitchen needs, such as consumable supplies, and monitor kitchen use. (Thank you Ann Ezgar for getting the ball rolling on this. Anyone interested in helping Ann?) BUILDING AND GROUNDS: We can always use help with the general maintenance of our facilities. Let us know if you’d like to help with repairs, getting bids from contractors and monitoring the condition of our building. COMMITTEES: Existing committees, such as Lifelong Learning, Caring, Ritual, Membership, Music and Facility Rental can always use more input and help. Again, please contact me or Rabbi Appleby if you’d like to be a part of these important behind-the-scenes groups. BOARD: This Spring, the Board Nominating Committee will prob-
!!!! SALE !!!! Take advantage of this terrific offer from your Board of Trustees!
So consider it and start saving so you can pay your dues in full by the end of the year!
!!! Such A Deal You Can’t Refuse !!!
Hannah Margolis would like to thank all who gave to the Animal House animal shelter in Elko during her Bat Mitzvah. $80 was raised.
Sinai Seeking Judaica Art If you have artwork to donate to Temple Sinai, please contact Amy Currier at currierdworkin@yahoo.com or 348-7819. Amy and the Board of Trustees will make decisions on what will be displayed. Thanks for your help.
¾ Between now and December 31, 2010 you can receive a 5% discount on your membership dues! ¾ If you pay your annual pledge to Temple Sinai “IN FULL” by December 31, 2010, you get the benefit of the TAX DEDUCTION for 2010 and you save 5%!
ably be seeking several new people to serve on our Board of Trustees. Please consider serving. MAILINGS: Mike Stombaugh needs occasional help with bulk mailings. If you’d be able to help with this, please contact Mike. Speaking of helping, I want to thank the 26 women who took part in the international Women of the Wall photo campaign (organized locally by Rabbi Appleby and Marilyn Roberts) to help support efforts to bring women more religious freedom in Israel. Also, thanks to Steve Davis for taking the pictures. All of you who took part should be proud of continuing the tradition of: “But if I am only for myself, who am I; and if not now, when”? Don’t forget about our December 4th Chanukah party with Saul Kaye and have a joyous Chanukah. Shalom,
But If I Am Only For Myself
KADDISH TO BE SAID DECEMBER 3 Moe Feingold father of Karen Ceppos, 21 Kislev (November 28) Louise (Toots) Lewis mother of Mark Lewis, November 29 Joe Bass father of Peggy Levine, November 30 Aaron Finkelstein cousin of Ethel Jaffe and Sue Burkhamer, December 1 Rosella Eiseman mother of Sandra Medvin, z"l and grandmother of Bradley Medvin, December 2 Louis A. Barnett father of Monroe Barnett, December 3 Constance Hellman, 26 Kislev (December 3)
Abe Hoff H man father of Diana Hoffman Kazubowski, December 14 Ka Seymour (Shimon) Kottler S father of Bennett Kottler, December 14 f Ira I Lee Marks, December 14 Fred Solomon grandfather of F Barbara Pratt, December 14 Ba Jeanne Daus grandmother of Je Lynne Ly Daus, December 15 Daniel Rutkovitz uncle of Jules Da Rutkovitz, Rutko 8 Tevet (December 15) George Georg Small father of Gail Small Ferrell, December 15 Bella Minuk, 9 Tevet (December 16) Sarah Grinewald in the Virginia City Cemetery, December 17 John Lee Carrico, Sr. father of Patty Dickens, December 18 Gertrude Heller, December 18
Joseph George Jaffe husband of Ethel Jaffe and father of Sue Burkhamer, December 5 Ernest Sloan father of Rod Sloan, December 7 Judi Zeltzer sister of Nathan Zeltzer, December 8 Inge Kahn grandmother of Errin Morgan, December 10 Sidney Mann, 3 Tevet (December 10) Eleanor Leo aunt of Jonathan Leo, 4 Tevet (December 11)
Robert Kurka father of Mira and grandfather of Hannah Margolis, December 12 Howard Stanton father of Chris Stanton, December 12 Robert Alan Appleby brother of Rabbi Teri Appleby, 6 Tevet (December 13) Ethel Wells mother of Bill Wells, December 13 Nathan Feinberg father of Rabbi Abraham Feinberg, z"l, December 14
William Paul Blanck brother of Herbert Blanck and uncle of Jeff Blanck, December 19 Estelle Mannis mother of Kim Grist, December 19 Molly Diamond Cohn, 13 Tevet (December 20) Benjamin Herman grandfather of Mindi Brenner and father-in-law of Howard Gordon, December 20 Bernard Kroot father of Marty Matles, December 20 Chet Boddy stepfather of Rod Sloan, December 21 Samuel Cantor husband of Judy Cantor, z"l, December 21 Leon Winnick father of Eric and Ilene Hobson, December 21 Iris Morris sister of Toby Isler, 15 Tevet (December 22) Rose Brown mother-in-law of Beatrice Brown, December 23 Gustave Kempler, 16 Tevet (December 23)
Jerry DeRocco stepfather of Esther Isaac, December 24 Mindel Fishman grandmother of Jacob Margolis, December 24 Lillian Solomon, December 24 Adele Gordon grandmother of Mindi Brenner and mother of Howard Gordon, December 25
KADDISH TO BE SAID DECEMBER 31 Vivian Beels mother of Carisse Gafni, December 26 Abraham L. Engle, December 26 Ida Lasher grandmother of Alison Lasher, December 26 Selmar Thalmessinger, 19 Tevet (December 26) G. Ted Matteson husband of Enid Matteson, December 27 Charles Reusch, December 27 Charles Birnbach uncle of Peggy Levine, December 28 Phillip Brustein father of Marilyn Roberts, 21 Tevet (December 28) Shirley Rotkin Lichtman sister of Beatrice Brown, December 29 Hana Tordjman grandmother of Deb Garrett, 22 Tevet (December 29) Jessica Brown granddaughter of Patricia Blanchard, December 30 Sidney Scheinman, M.D., December 30 Lola Kaesz mother-in-law of Bobbi Kornbluth, December 31 Lauren Soifer Sokol sister of Rabbi Emerita Myra Soifer, December 31 Dorothy J. Townley mother of Jane Townley, 24 Tevet (December 31) Max Weinberg father of Leonard Weinberg, December 31 Robert Holzman Colt father of Robert Colt, January 1 Sydney Davis grandfather of Nancy Podewils, January 1
sxj ,kve
The goal of the kehilat hesed is to create a more caring and responsive community: to transform our casual associations into loving and sacred relationships.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Let us know if you can help with any of the following: Deliver a meal to a neighbor Give a neighbor a ride to a Temple event Give a neighbor a ride to an appointment Run an errand for a neighbor Call or visit someone who is home-bound Knit a shawl for someone who is ill Offer a place at your holiday table
9 9 9 9 9 9
Let us know what your needs are and please call:
If there has been a death in your family If you or a family member is ill If you need a ride to the Temple If you need an errand done If you are home-bound If you are the caregiver for a family member with special needs 9 If you would like to be hosted for a Shabbat or holiday dinner
The Rabbi Wants To Know... Do you have college age children away from home? We would like to keep in touch with them. Let Rabbi Appleby know at 747-5508 or RabbiTempleSinai@ pyramid.net.
We thank those who support Temple Sinai.
Building Fund Doug & Saundra Goodman in memory of Diane Goodman, sister of Doug Martha Gould Miles & Jill Greiner in appreciation of Rabbi Appleby for helping their son Jacob prepare for his Bar Mitzvah; and in appreciation of Gerry Willis for providing music the Friday night of Jacob's Bar Mitzvah Ethel Jaffe & Sue Burkhamer in honor of the adult Bar Mitzvah of Dennis Dworkin Ethel Jaffe & Sue Burkhamer in appreciation of Marilyn Roberts and Steve Davis in their continued good work for Temple Sinai Parties to Remember (Missy Green) in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Labowe, the adult Bar Mitzvah of Dennis Dworkin, and the Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Margolis. Ken & Marilyn Roberts for the Selichot Oneg
Temple Sinai Family Thanks ~ Todah
For Family Promise Ethel Jaffe & Sue Burkhamer Wayne Omel
General Fund Oscar & Lucille Alexander for kitchen / Oneg supplies Monroe Barnett in memory of Bert Barnett Gail Ferrell in memory of her aunt Helen Luksin Bennett Kottler in memory of his father Seymour Kottler Norm Robins in memory of Philip Robins Judith Strasser in celebration of Ethel Jaffe's birthday Richard & Adrienne Tropp in memory of Rima McAvoy
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Oscar & Lucille Alexander Kerry Greenwald
Eisenberg, Hannah Margolis, and Ikaika Flagg. All of you did a wonderful job! Our Condolences to Julia Rubin on the death of her uncle Tom Fettkether on November 9 and to Jules & Shirley Rutkovitz on the death of their long time friend Jack Laskin.
Refuah Sheleimah “Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery” to: Herb Pevney, Joe Amsterdam (friend of Marilyn Roberts), and Bill Povolny.
Birthdays Nov 28: Marty Matles, Jacob Stites Dec 1: Ellen Winograd Dec 3: Zachary Mehler Dec 4: Sydney Johnson Dec 5: Todd A. Jacobs Dec 8: Gary Abrams, Al Alderman Dec 9: Griffin Kutler-Dodd Dec 10: Evan Klass, Debra McKean, Linda Spero
Religious School Fund Nurit Stites in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Labowe
Please Consider Making A Donation General Needs Capital Fund: Servicing capital improvements to the Synagogue Cemetery Fund: Maintenance of cemetery FF&I Fund: Furnishings, fixtures and interior improvements General Fund: General operating expenses Maintenance Fund: Building and grounds maintenance Music Fund: Events, equipment, musicians Religious School Fund: General school needs Ritual Fund: Sanctuary and religious supplies Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Directly supports Rabbi’s tzedakah efforts
Dec 11: Maia Povolny Dec 12: Eric Frank, Suzy Klass Dec 14: Hannah Garrett, Emily Zeltzer Dec 15: Leah Willis Dec 16: Bennett Kottler Dec 17: Gay Warner Dec 19: Doug Lowenthal Dec 21: Stephen Davis, Rachel Willis Dec 22: Lorin Basché Dec 29: Ethel Jaffe Dec 31: Robert Dickens, Adrienne Tropp, Richard Tropp Jan 1: Rachel Islas
Anniversaries Nov 29: Alan & Jordi Fuchs Dec 3: Al & Wendy Alderman Dec 20: Gerald Willis & Ellen Winograd Dec 22: Gary & Debra Pomeranz Dec 24: Eric & Ilene Hobson Dec 27: Larry & Ann Ezgar Dec 28: Norm & Lynn Robins Dec 29: Laura Ashkin & Chris Stanton, Chester & Nurit Stites Dec 31: Richard & Linda Spero
Thanks to our November Oneg hosts: Nurit Stites & Jeff Blanck's 6-7th Grade Class, the Rubin and Currier/ Dworkin Families, the Flagg Family, and Ann Ezgar. Thanks to our November greeters: Temple Board members Jeff Blanck, Doug Goodman, Marilyn Rappaport, Marcia Fine, and Marynne Aaronson. Special thanks to Rabbi Emerita Myra Soifer for conducting services on November 26. Thanks also to Bennett Kottler for providing the musical accompaniment and to Judy Schumer for organizing the Dairy Potluck for our Tot Shabbat on November 19. Mazel Tov to all of our recent B'nei Mitzvah: Jacob Greiner, Ethan Labowe, Dennis Dworkin, John
The Stites Family in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Dennis Dworkin
Donations to Sinai
Regular Weekly Shabbat Services EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30pm EV ((Except p the 1st Fr Friday of each month)
Monthly Simchat M Shabbat Services The FIRST FRIDAY of every month at 7pm The service v is followed by an Oneg with an ice cream bar and Israeli dancing (all levels are welcome).
Monthly Shabbat M Morning Services SATURDAYS on the FIRST SHABBAT of every month F December 4 & January 1 10:30am Shabbat Service 12 noon Dairy Potluck Lunch
Tot Shabbat Services (ages 0-8)
lease join us to celebrate Chanukah as a Community. Festive Chanukah music & songs and treats at the Oneg with special participation by Heather Bartlett’s 2nd-3rd grade class. Bring your own Chanukah menorah (with candles) from home to light candles for the 3rd Night of Chanukah. Awards for the Chanukah Menorah Making Contest will also be announced.
For information on the Youth Group and to be placed on the email list, please contact: Tovah Goodman (TovahGoodman@yahoo.com) or Rabbi Appleby (at RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net).
Torah for Tots
66:00pm 00 T bb S i Tot Sh Shabbat Service 6:30pm Dairy Potluck Dinner
he Torah for Tots class will celebrate Chanukah on Thursday, December 2 at 4pm at the Temple with holiday songs, a story, home-made latkes to eat and a menorah making project. Next month, the class will meet on Thursday, January 20 at 4pm and celebrate Tu B’Shevat. Torah for Tots is Temple Sinai's free program for children ages 2-5 and is open to both members and non-members. To join the class or for further information, contact Judy Schumer at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net.
Friday, December 10, 7:30pm
3 December 2010 7 PM
December 17 & January 21
Save the Date:
Simchat Shabbat Chanukah Service
Erev Shabbat Services in honor of Ethel Jaffe's 95th Birthday
Save the Date:
Sunday, December 12, 2-4pm Ritual Committee Presents: Open Forum/ Dialogue on Worship and Celebrations in the Social Hall. All are welcome to attend.
Schedule Upcoming B’nei Mitzvah Now! Our current schedule is as follows: January 15, 2011 – Jacob Stites May 21, 2011 – Jessica & Daniel Fuchs June 25, 2011 – Matthew McKean July 2, 2011 – Noah Blanck B'nei Mitzvah must be scheduled at least eight months in advance. Call the Rabbi at 747-5508 to reserve your date. ALL services listed above are at 10:30am.
I Want To Know Parents, do you have ideas or maybe a favorite memory of your childhood experience with Religious School that you would like to share? Do you have any talents you would love to share with the students? Please feel free to contact me anytime. I am always open to ideas and suggestions.
Tracy Bartlett Religious School Director Email: luvzjrz@aol.com Home: 972-1396 Cell: 848-3559
Nurit Stites: In Her Own Words
was born in Tel Aviv, Israel. My first language was Polish since my mother was a recent immigrant from Poland. Growing up I enjoyed reading Hebrew literature and the theater (as an audience member and acting.) For a short time, I sang with the Israeli children’s choir, but decided to drop out after the director asked me to “mouth the words rather than sing them!” I had my Bat Mitzvah celebration at age 12. It consisted of a huge party where my guests were served Chinese food; no Torah or Haftarah requirements from me! At the age of 14, I arrived in the U.S.A, along with my parents and younger brother. We settled in Orange County, CA. I stumbled upon education during my college years when I decided to tutor B’nei Mitzvah students for their upcoming big day. Prior to becoming an Education major, I had declared Theater Arts as my area of concentration (very secretively, since my father was very much against me becoming an actress and a waitress
Save the Date:
Life-Long Learning Committee Meeting:
Sunday, January 2, 2010 from 10-11:30am in the Temple Library. All are welcome. This NEW committee oversees: the Religious School, Post B'nei Mitzvah programming, and Adult Education.
Mitzvah at Gospel Mission Temple Sinai Sisterhood now has an on-going commitment to serve dinner to the homeless at the Gospel Mission. We serve on the third Wednesday of each month for about an hour & half. Please contact Pat Blanchard at mtnlade@gbis.com to signup for your special date or call 824-0220. This is not a drop-in arrangement.
On December 5th we are celebrating Chanukah with games, including a cup cake walk to Chanukah music, and lots of yummy treats such as jelly donuts and latkes. Our event will take place from 10am to 12:30pm (no Hebrew). Families are welcome to attend.
JANUARY Jan. 2 — 9:30am Religious School; 11:30am — Hebrew School (School Resumes) Jan. 16 — 9:30am Religious School; 11:30am — Hebrew School (Tu B'Shevat Seder)
Chanukah Celebration
DECEMBER Dec. 5, 9:30am — Religious School Chanukah Celebration (no Hebrew) Dec. 19 — NO Religious/Hebrew School (Winter Break) Dec. 21 — No Midweek Hebrew (Winter Break) Dec. 26 — NO Religious/Hebrew School (Winter Break) Dec. 28 — No Midweek Hebrew (Winter Break)
at the same time.) I enjoyed my work with children very much and received my Bachelor’s degree from California State University at Long Beach and my Master’s from UNR in Literacy. I have been an educator for over 20 years and my experience in the classroom is diverse: K-8, Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), drama, literacy, English as a Second Language (ESL), and most recently, instructional coaching. I enjoy teaching Religious and Hebrew school because it gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment while allowing me to interact with my kids (mine and yours) in a way that is positive—I feel like a prominent link of the chain.
id you go to the Friday Night Services November 5th? If you did, you had the opportunity to see the 6th and 7th grade class, with Nurit Stites and Jeff Blanck, put on a tremendous play for the Torah Story. This play was complete with loads of humor and wonderful acting by the students. Please plan to come for these wonderful Simchat Services and show your support for the Religious School. These services are for all to share. Have you peeked in Jen Brigg’s class lately? I did, and what I saw was fantastic! Jen gets animated with the children in her classroom, the Pre-K-1st Grade, and even gets down on the floor with the students during story time. Just recently Jen planned a parent day with her class and had such an excellent turnout that nearly all of the parents came to join the class for their challah baking experience. It was fantastic to see such enthusiasm with these parents getting involved with their children. Word has it that Jen and Heather combined their classes last month for a Chanukah Family Ed Day.
Religious School Happenings
הנעורים/ בית מדרשׁ
Religious School News
Men’s Club
e continued our speaker k season with ith Al Alan Gubanich, who gave all in attendance an eye opening talk about the fantastic subject “Wings over Nevada”. I personally never knew we (Nevada) had so many birds living in our desert and the photography was unbelievable. At our November Men’s Club we honored, and gave special recognition to, two very special ladies who have worked tirelessly for the Men’s Club every month. Thanks again to Marsha Cohen and Jane Townley. For December our own Jonathan Leo, an attorney and Environmental Law Consultant, will be talking about his involvment with the Arava Institute in southern Israel and will speak about environmental awareness and programs there. In January, the Honorable Barbara Vucanovich will be talking about her career and give us a view of the Congress over the past 30 years. She and Harry Reid were both elected to represent Nevada the same year, so her insight will be especially interesting and timely. Although they are from different ends of the political spectrum, they were able to work cooperatively for the good of Nevada and our country. What was so different back then? How and why have things changed? Come and learn from an expert. Remember breakfast starts at 9am and is served until around 10. At 9:45am we usually have a very short meeting and our speaker talks from 10 to 11am. For more information contact our president Dave Levine at dmlea@sbcglobal.net or sinaimensclub@sbcglobal.net.
Save the Date: February 26, 2011 Brisket Bake-off Dinner Fund-Raiser
alling all cooks and eaters: Sisterhood’s fund raiser for the year will be a brisket bake-off dinner on Saturday, February 26. We need people who want to share their brisket recipes and compete for “the best of” to enter the brisket bake-off and for the entire congregation to come and vote for the their favorites. Let’s make this a warm, happy winter event to share with family and friends. More details coming soon.
Sunday, December 19 through Sunday, December 26 SIGN UP NOW: At the Temple, or NEW this year - ON LINE at www.TempleSinai-Reno.com
his year Temple Sinai will once again open its heart and its doors to host homeless families during Christmas week. In partnership with Family Promise, we perform this mitzvah, this good deed, during Christmas week so the churches that host these homeless families during the year don't need to do so during their holiday. We need volunteers to host meals, stay with the families for a few hours on Christmas day, bring food and non-food items, help clean out and then reset the classrooms, wash the linen at week's end, and stay overnight. We also appreciate cash donations (to buy gifts and items mid-week) if you can't give time. Please volunteer. Thank you. Judy Schumer, Family Promise, Sinai Coordinator
Temple Sinai Sisterhood
Tribute Fund Marilyn & Ken Roberts: Herb Blanck – Happy Birthday Lynn Robins – Happy Birthday Norm Robins – Happy Birthday Ali Lasher – Happy Birthday John Louie & Neva Donovan – Happy Anniversary Anonymous: Mike Davis – Get Well
Folk Dancing at Sinai ISRAELI
Folk Dancing: 7pm Every Tuesday Night & 7pm One Saturday each Month (check the calendar for dates) (Open to all; 1st time FREE, $5 regular, $3 for students.)
Call Marilyn Roberts (775) 622-3115 or e-mail: kenmar74@gmail.com Minimum Donation: 1 card $ 3.00 Pkg. of 10 $ 27.00
7pm Wednesday, December 8. All Temple members are welcome to attend.
Folk Dancing:
Temple Sinai Book Club
7pm Every Thursday Night. (Open to all; $2 for the public and $1 for Temple Sinai Members.) Check the calendar to confirm all dates and times.
he next book club will be a combined NovemberDecember meeting. December 2 - Oxygen (fiction) by Carol Cassella Host: Barbara Weinberg Facilitator: Carisse Gafni January 20 - Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle (non fiction) by Dan Senor and Sol Singer We don't yet have a host – please consider volunteering. Faciltator: Marcia Cohen To get on the Temple Sinai Book Club email list or for further information, contact Judy Schumer at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net.
Monthly Board Meeting Bo
By Board action, on recommendation of the Ritual Committee, pork and shellfish may not be served at Temple Sinai. This includes any products containing either pork or shellfish; so, do check, carefully, the contents of what you might be serving at Onegs, meetings, receptions, etc. Also be careful to remember those possible “common” foods that are indeed included in these restrictions (pepperoni pizza is one good example!).
If you are ttaking ki g ttrash h outt and d it does not fit into the dumpster, DO NOT leave it on the ground beside the dumpster. Please leave a note for our Administrative Assistant and arrangements will be made to have the dumpster emptied.
If you are not already receiving the Temple’s Weekly eNewsletter, send an email to Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net asking us to add you and we’ll put you on the list.
ROBERT RAND MD (775) 826-7263 6512 S. McCarran Blvd. #D, Reno, NV 89509
3981 S. McCarran Blvd. Reno, NV 89502
(775) 722-1748 www.mixcupcakeco.com mixcupcakeco@me.com
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Calling Oneg Hosts: 2010/2011 Oneg Hosting Calendar now available for sign-ups...
Oneg means “delight/pleasure.” It is for the delight of the host and the pleasure of congregation. The host to share his/her delight for the special occasion/event and the congregation to enjoy the pleasure of interaction with others.
Dave Levine, EA, MGFC Dave Maddy, EA Julie Freemyer, EA William Harrison, Esq. Tori Warren, CPA
For your personal appointment, call:
775-329-3443 Please sign up for a date or two. There are four easy ways to sign up: 1. Stop by Temple Sinai office to sign up 2. Sign up on Temple Sinai kitchen door Oneg sign up sheet 3. Call the office at 747-5508 4. Email Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net If you are unable to host an Oneg, please consider a donation to sponsor one. Just send your donation to Temple Sinai with a note that it is for the Oneg Fund and if the donation is in honor or memory of someone or of an occasion. Thank you to all our Oneg hosts. The congregation certainly enjoys all Onegs.
Temple Sinai Breast Cancer Support Line Julia Rubin, Sinai member, a nurse, and herself living with breast cancer. 846-2122 or jsrubin84@gmail.com. Confidentiality honored. Go to www.thebreastcancersite.com to donate a free mammorgram a day to an under-privileged woman. Go to www.armyofwomen.org to join a movement to bring women and researchers together to eradicate breast cancer.
The Temple Sinai Sentinel is published monthly. Temple Sinai is a Reform Congregation affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. Temple Sinai is located at: 3405 Gulling Road, Reno NV 89503. This issue is: Volume 37, No. 3 • December 2010
December 2010
Chanukah: 6 Candles
20 Family Promise Hosting
Chanukah: 1 Candle 12noon Talmud Study
1 Tevet
Dec 1
Kislev / Tevet 5771
Rosh Chodesh Tevet Chanukah: 8 Candles 12noon Talmud Study 7pm Board Meeting of Temple Sinai
12noon Talmud Study 6pm Sisterhood Meeting
6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 7pm Israeli Folk Dance Night
12noon Talmud Study
22 Family Promise Hosting 12noon Talmud Study
No Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 7pm Israeli Folk Dance Night
21 Winter Solstice Family Promise Hosting NO Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm NO Israeli Folk Dancing
Rosh Chodesh Tevet Chanukah: 7 Candles 6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Israeli Folk Dance Night
6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 7:15pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7pm Israeli Folk Dance NIght
Temple Sinai is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism 3405 GULLING ROAD • RENO, NEVADA 89503 (775) 747-5508 Fax (775) 747-1911 E-mail: temple.sinai@pyramid.net, web page: www.templesinai-reno.com
Nov 28
Rabbi Teri Appleby
21 Kislev No Religious/Hebrew School: Thanksgiving Break
5 Chanukah: 5 Candles 9:30am Religious School Chanukah Celebration (No Hebrew)
Sentinel Deadline 9am Men’s Club 9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7) 2pm Congregational Open Forum/Dialogue on Worship & Celebrations
19 No Religious/Hebrew School: Winter Break Family Promise Hosting Begins
26 Family Promise Hosting No Religious/Hebrew School: Winter Break
Chanukah: 3 Candles 4:18pm Candle lighting 6pm Youth Group Chanukah Dinner 7pm Simchat Shabbat
Chanukah Service with the Oneg hosted by Heather Bartlett’s 2nd-3rd Grade Class
Torah Portion: Miketz Gen. 41:1-44:17 Chanukah: 4 Candles 10:30am Shabbat Morning Svc. 12noon Potluck Dairy Lunch 5:48pm Havdalah (72 min) 7pm Adult Chanukah Party with Saul Kaye
Torah Portion: Vayigash Gen. 44:18-47:27 5:47pm Havdalah (72 min)
4:17pm Candle lighting 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by the Merkin and Rubin Families in honor of Ethel Jaffe’s 95th birthday
Jan 1
Torah Portion: Vaera Ex. 6:2-9:35 Secular New Year’s Day 10:30am Shabbat Morning Svc. 12noon Potluck Dairy Lunch 5:58pm Havdalah (72 min)
25 Tevet
Torah Portion: Shemot Ex. 1:1-6:1 Family Promise Hosting 5:53pm Havdalah (72 min)
Torah Portion: Vayechi Gen. 47:28-50:26 5:49pm Havdalah (72 min)
4:19pm Candle lighting 6pm Tot Shabbat Service and Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services
Family Promise Hosting 4:22pm Candle lighting 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by Doug & Saundra Goodman
30 7pm International Folk Dance Night
Secular New Year’s Eve 4:27pm Candle lighting 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by Larry & Ann Ezgar in celebration of their anniversary
Family Promise Hosting 7pm NO International Folk Dancing
7pm International Folk Dance Night
Chanukah: 8th Day 7pm International Folk Dance Night
Chanukah: 2 Candles 4pm Torah for Tots: Chanukah 7pm Book Club 7pm International Folk Dance Night
Dec. 3 – 7pm Simchat Shabbat Chanukah Service Dec. 4 – 7pm Adult Chanukah Party with Singer Guitarist Saul Kaye Dec. 5 – 9:30am Religious School Chanukah Celebration
Save these Dates: Chanukah at Sinai
Temple Sinai 3405 Gulling Road Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 747-5508
Rabbi Teri Appleby (775) 747-5508 • E-Mail: RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net President Jake Margolis (775) 827-1068 • E-Mail: Jake.Margolis@sbcglobal.net Treasurer Ken Roberts (775) 622-3115 • E-Mail: kenmar74@gmail.com Religious School Director Tracy Bartlett (775) 972-1396 (h) • E-mail: luvzjrz@aol.com Temple Sinai Fax (775) 747-1911 • Web Page: www.TempleSinai-Reno.com • Email: Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net Rabbi Myra Soifer, Emerita (775) 747-6330 • E-Mail: myrabbireno@yahoo.com
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