affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism
(To sponsor a Sentinel call the Temple office at 775-747-5508.)
INSIDE: Special Congregational Meeting . .2 Yahrzeits: In Loving Memory . .4
Donations to Sinai. . . . . . . . . . .5 Temple Sinai Family . . . . . . . . .5 Schedule of Services . . . . . . . . .6 New/Prospective Member Dinner. .7
Volume 37, No. 5 — February 2011 • Shevat/Adar-I 5771
Family Promise - 2010 . . . . . . .7 KNPB Documentary . . . . . . . . .7 Religious School / Youth. . 8 & 9 B’nei Mitzvah Schedule . . . . . . 8
Silver Anniversary Celebration . .9 Sinai Sisterhood / Men’s Club 10 Brisket Cook-Off . . 11-12 & Insert Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Special Congregational Meeting
Announcement of Special Congregational Meeting To Discuss Financial Shortfall and Possible Closure of Temple Sinai We Need All Members to Attend Come With Solutions to Keep Our Jewish Community Alive
Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 4:00 PM Temple Sinai Social Hall
Kehillat: Community PASSOVER SEDER
engaged in meaningful, joyful, and soulful prayer embedded with music; a kehillat talmudim: a community of learners in RIS which children and adults are interested in acquiring BA B BY deep and broad Jewish knowledge; and a NA MI NG kehillat hesed: a caring community WEDDINGS S which responds to the needs of NEI MITZVAH B’N FUNER our own congregants as well ALS as to the needs of the larger community?
Question: What does it take to create a kehillat kedushah: a holy community
KADDISH TO BE SAID FEBRUARY 4 Neville Donovan father of Neva Donovan, January 30 Ben Kornbluth father of Bobbi Kornbluth, January 31 Ina Cohen mother of Les Cohen, February 1 Avraham Tordjman grandfather of Deb Garrett, ett, 27 Shevat (February 1) Johanna Bretzfelder, 29 Shevat (February 3) Eleanor Rolston grandmother of Aaron Rolston, February 3 Cecil Greenspan grandmother of Linda Labowe, 30 Shevat (February 4) Albert E. Kaye grandfather of Linda Duffié, February 4 Eva Rosenberg, February 4 Sophie Mathis Kahn grandmother of Robert Dickens and Debra Pomeranz, February 5
KADDISH TO BE SAID FEBRUARY 11 Esther Jacobson grandmother of Rabbi Emerita Myra Soifer, February 6 Rose Medrech sister of Ethel Jaffe and aunt of Sue Burkhamer, February 6 Anne Schwartz grandmother of Deb Garrett, February 6 Florence Roth, February 7 Israel Kaplan father of Mary Garfinkle, z”l, February 9 Joseph Nasater father-in-law of Monroe Barnett, February 9 Jeffrey David Zentner, February 9 Ruth Ragazner step-grandmother of Michael Weinzweig, 6 Adar-I (February 10) Tillie Zwelling great-grandmother of Bradley Medvin and grandmother of Sandra Medvin, z”l, February 10
Dusti Harter nephew of Dawn Frohlich, Dustin February 11 Feb Rosella Reusch, February 12 R Philip Paul Soifer father of RRabbi Emerita Myra Soifer, February 12 Annie Sutton, February 12 A
KADDISH TO BE SAID FEBRUARY 18 Jake Garfinkle husband of Mary Ja Garfinkle, z”l, February 13 Sidne Sidney Stern husband of Vera Stern, February 13 Katy Zwelling great-aunt of Bradley Medvin and aunt of Sandra Medvin, z”l, February 13 Edith Abedon sister-in-law of Ethel Jaffe and aunt of Sue Burkhamer, February 14 Ruth Feinberg wife of Rabbi Abraham Fineberg, z”l, February 14 Bertha Gruenwald grandmother of Rod Sloan, February 14 Leo Minuk, 10 Adar-I (February 14) Alecksander Kregg, February 15 Henry Kahn, February 17 Robert I. Waroff, February 17 Harold Barnett brother of Monroe Barnett, February 18 Sybil Reiman grandmother of Debra McKean, February 18 Mary Gold mother of Adrienne Tropp, February 19
KADDISH TO BE SAID FEBRUARY 25 Kenneth H. Fliess father of Adam Fleiss, February 20 Bernard Paul Platshon father of Linda Platshon, February 20 Joan S. Siriott, February 21 Leo J. Stillpass, February 21 Anne Zimmerman mother of Norm Robins, February 21
Herbert Brenner father of Van Brenner, February 23 Frederica Lue grandmother of Catherine Harris, February 23 Rae Aaronson Carpol aunt of Marynne Aaronson, 20 Adar-I (February 24) Milton Krochmal, February 24 Anna K. Mandelstam, February 25 John S. Sinai, February 25 Margaret Winnick mother of Ilene Hobson, February 25 Ken Yeghoian son of Enid Matteson, February 26
KADDISH TO BE SAID MARCH 4 Rebecca Shenkman, February 28 Lila Nasater mother-in-law of Monroe Barnett, March 1 Nathan Serotick grandfather of David Kladney, March 1 Ruby Smolensky grandmother of Michael Weinzweig, 25 Adar-I (March 1) Tillie Thalmessinger, 25 Adar-I (March 1) Adeline Mayer in the Virginia City Cemetery, March 2 William Bradbury Platt grandfather of Marynne Aaronson, March 2 Julia Salmirs great-aunt of Barbara Pratt, March 2 Audrey Merkin sister of Joseph Merkin, March 3 Ella Spinner mother of Helene Spinner, March 3 Leon Tretter grandfather of Helene Spinner, March 3 Joseph I. Bluhm father of Susan Bluhm, March 5 Mary Garfinkle wife of Jake Garfinkle, z”l, March 5 Leonard Levenson step-father of David Zucker, March 5 Ellen B. Levine mother of David Levine, 29 Adar-I (March 5)
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The goal of the kehilat hesed is to create a more caring and responsive community: to transform our casual associations into loving and sacred relationships.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Let us know if you can help with any of the following: Deliver a meal to a neighbor Give a neighbor a ride to a Temple event Give a neighbor a ride to an appointment Run an errand for a neighbor Call or visit someone who is home-bound Knit a shawl for someone who is ill Offer a place at your holiday table
9 9 9 9 9 9
Let us know what your needs are and please call:
If there has been a death in your family If you or a family member is ill If you need a ride to the Temple If you need an errand done If you are home-bound If you are the caregiver for a family member with special needs 9 If you would like to be hosted for a Shabbat or holiday dinner
The Rabbi Wants To Know... Do you have college age children away from home? We would like to keep in touch with them. Let Rabbi Appleby know at 747-5508 or RabbiTempleSinai@ pyramid.net.
We thank those who support Temple Sinai.
General Fund Rabbi Teri Appleby & Jonathan Leo in consideration of the fiscal emergency Karen & Jerry Ceppos towards the Selichot Oneg Kurt & Dawn Frohlich in memory of Lotte Frohlich, z”l and Dustin Harter, z”l Betty Goodman in memory of her husband Jesse Goodman, z”l Douglas Goodman in memory of his father, Jesse Goodman, z”l Allison & Jeff Gorelick in appreciation of Torah for Tots and Temple Sinai Kim Grist in memory of Estelle C. Mannis, mother of Kim Grist and grandmother of Brittney, Randall, and Courtney Smith Israeli Folk Dance Co-op in appreciation of Temple Sinai Ethel Jaffe Bobbi Kornbluth Arlene Levenson in honor of Ethel Jaffe on her 95th birthday
Temple Sinai Family Thanks ~ Todah Thanks to our January Oneg hosts: Sharrone Blanck’s 4-5th Grade Class, the Gertler, Rappaport and Rubin Families, Benala Abrams, and the Sisterhood.
Our Condolences Our Condolences to Marilyn Rappaport on the death of her aunt, Dorothy Reich, on January 4, 2011, to Edie Paris on the death of her mother, Donna Harris, on January 11, and to Adrienne Tropp on the death of her father, Bernard Gold, on January 20.
Music Fund Karen & Jerry Ceppos in memory of Dorothy Appleby, z”l, mother of Rabbi Appleby The Stites Family in honor of Jon Leo and Gerald Willis
Refuah Sheleimah “Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery” to: Herb Pevney, Joe Amsterdam (friend of Marilyn Roberts), Jules Rutkovitz, Marsha Levins (mother of Marilyn Rappaport), Hilary Schweigler and Cindi Prescott (friend of Alison Lasher)
Birthdays Jan 30: Ariya Weiss Jan 31: Gary Pomeranz Feb 2: Shane Gray Feb 3: Jason Lopez Feb 4: Nathan Zeltzer Feb 6: Jacob Zucker Feb 7: Douglas Goodman Feb 7: Linda Kutten Feb 10: Max Blanck, Eli Povolny Feb 12: Amber Frohlich Feb 13: Daniel Dichiara, Selma Goldstein
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund The Stites Family in honor of Rabbi Teri Appleby
Religious School Fund Gay Warner in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Stites
Please Consider Making A Donation General Needs Capital Fund: Servicing capital improvements to the Synagogue Cemetery Fund: Maintenance of cemetery FF&I Fund: Furnishings, fixtures and interior improvements General Fund: General operating expenses Maintenance Fund: Building and grounds maintenance Music Fund: Events, equipment, musicians Religious School Fund: General school needs Ritual Fund: Sanctuary and religious supplies Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Directly supports Rabbi’s tzedakah efforts
Feb 15: Marc Picker Feb 16: Pam Sloan, Rod Sloan Feb 17: Sue Burkhamer, Samantha Medvin Feb 18: Linda Duffié Feb 19: Debra Pomeranz Feb 20: Marynne Aaronson, Monroe Barnett, Honor Edmonds Feb 21: Louis Medvin Feb 26: Bradley Medvin, Max Zeltzer Feb 27: Susannah Skyer Gupta Feb 28: Saundra Goodman Mar 2: Mindi Brenner, Ikaika Flagg Mar 4: Sharrone Blanck Mar 5: Mary Bonds, Hannah Davis
Anniversaries Feb 4: Deb & Robert Garrett Feb 22: Elliott & Gail Steriss Feb 24: Stuart & Linda Labowe Feb 28: Marc & Diana Basché
Thanks to our January greeters: Temple Board members, Jeff Blanck, Marilyn Rappaport, Marsha Cohen, Doug Goodman, Adrienne Tropp, Bobbi Kornbluth, and Julia Rubin, and Temple Board president Jake Margolis.
Susan & Alan Liebman in appreciation of Temple Sinai Wayne Omel Susannah Skyer for Family Promise The Stites Family in honor of Camille Gertler, Marilyn Rappaport, and Julia Rubin Rabbi Emerita Myra Soifer, Ethel Jaffe, and Sue Burkhamer towards the memorial plaque for Sis. Laureen Jane Townley & Jeff Gingold in memory of Jane’s mother, Dorothy Townley Adrienne & Richard Tropp in memory of Dalit Gold, z”l Adrienne & Richard Tropp in consideration of the fiscal emergency Leonard Weinberg in memory of Rose Weinberg, z”l and Herman Rappaport, z”l
Donations to Sinai
Erev Shabbat Services EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30pm (Except the 1st Friday of each month) This month: FEBRUARY 11, 18, & 25 at 7:30PM
Monthly Simchat Shabbat Services (ages 9-109) The FIRST FRIDAY of every month at 7pm The service is followed by an Oneg with an ice cream bar and Israeli dancing (all levels are welcome). This month: FEBRUARY 4 at 7PM
Monthly Shabbat Morning Service & Dairy Potluck Lunch
Curious About Hinduism?
ajan Zed, President of the Universal Society of Hinduism will be our guest speaker during Erev Shabbat Services on February 11, 2011. Since the format of this event will be question and answer, Mr. Zed requests that you go on to Wikipedia.org to acquire some basic knowledge about Hinduism and bring your questions.
Saturdays on the FIRST SHABBAT of every month at 10:30am This month: FEBRUARY 5 at 10:30AM
Monthly Tot Shabbat Service & Dairy Potluck Dinner (ages 0-8) The THIRD SHABBAT of every month at 6pm This month: FEBRUARY 18 at 6PM
Shabbat Across America
n Friday Night, March 4, 2011, hundreds of synagogues and Jewish organizations across America will take part in the historic national Jewish event to celebrate what unifies all Jews -- Shabbat! Join us for the 15th anniversary of Shabbat Across America, where tens of thousands of Jews will come together to eat, drink, relax, dance, enjoy, debate and celebrate!
phone calls, but can only do so if she knows that someone is ill or is in the hospital. Due to HIPAA patient privacy laws, the only time a hospital will n Jewish tradition, it is a mitzvah to visit those inform us about a congregant is if the patient lists who are sick. This includes visiting patients Temple Sinai as his/her congregation. in the hospital, a rehabilitation center, or a If you, a loved one, or a friend, would like nursing home; it also includes visiting the homeRabbi Appleby to make a bikkur cholim visit or bound and making phone calls. phone call, please let Rabbi Appleby know. Call Rabbi Appleby makes bikkur holim visits and the Temple oďŹƒce at 775-747-5508.
Bikur Holim ~ Visiting the Sick
Rajan Zed, President of the Universal Society of Hinduism
New & Prospective Member Dinner
he membership committee is organizing a dinner for our new and prospective members. The dinner, hosted by the Board of Temple Sinai, will be held on Friday, February 11. Dinner will begin around 5:45pm and will be followed by Services at 7:30pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for the board to get to know our newest congregants in a relaxed, informal way and to welcome Shabbat together. If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining our Temple community, or if you want more information, please get in touch with Marilyn Rappaport via cell phone at 250-6628 or by email at marilyn@rappaportfamily.com. Invitations will be sent directly to our new or prospective members from the Membership Committee.
Family Promise - 2010
hank you so much for helping with this big Mitzvah! Once again, our Temple Sinai family, and members of the Reno-Sparks community, came together to help before and during the week. More than 77 volunteers, including Kim and Abdul Barghouti of the Northern Nevada Muslim Community, made dinners or breakfast, bought food and supplies, hosted for several hours, stayed overnight, laundered the linen, set-up and cleaned-up, bought gifts, or donated money. Our yearly participation in Family Promise wouldn’t be possible without everyone’s generous help. A giant thank you goes to Mike Stombaugh for all his help,
especially with setting up the “Volunteer Spot” website. The cash donations given by Temple Sinai’s Men’s Club and many individuals enabled us to buy nested wheeled suitcases and gifts for each family, needed items mid-week, and replacement items for our kitchen. The food left over at the end of the week was donated to Casa di Vida, the shelter for pregnant women. Thank you again--and please put Family Promise down for late December on your new 2011 calendar! And... Temple Sinai thanks Judith Schumer for all her hard work in coordinating Family Promise. It is through her herculean efforts that Family Promise is the tremendous success it is every year.
SAVE THE DATE: Temple Sinai Passover Seder
Look for a mail flyer and reservation form by the beginning of March
NPB - Nevada Public Television - is planning to produce a documentary that will present the history and unique stories of the first Jewish settlers and other prominent Jewish figures in Northern Nevada and their contribution to shaping what our community is today. Telling this story is an important part of preserving the history of Northern Nevada. Upon completion, the show will be offered for distribution to PBS stations across the country, sharing and telling the story of Jews in Nevada to millions of viewers The production cost for this project is around $100,000, of which more than $45,000 has already been raised. KNPB is asking the members and friends of Temple Sinai to participate in this project. The Temple will be listed as a funder in the program credits. Additional information about the documentary is available at the Temple. If you would like to contribute, please write a check to Temple Sinai and indicate “Community Education Fund - KNPB” in the memo line.
Monday, April 18th at the Atlantis Casino Resort
New KNPB Documentary based on Jews of Nevada - a History by Dr. John Marschall
Religious School News
wanted to tell everyone about a very wonderful mitzvah project Sharrone’s 4th/5th grade class did for Family Promise. They got fleece material, chose two colors to put together, they were then tied together on the edges to make beautiful blankets! One of our very own students from the Religious School taught them how to do this project. Once completed the blankets were donated to the families at Family Promise over the winter break. Please, read about one of our teachers below and check out the calendar for what we’re up to this month. Tracy Bartlett Religious School Director luvzjrz@aol.com
Meet Your Teacher: Heather Bartlett
ello, my name is Heather Bartlett and I have been coming to Temple Sinai since I was 5 years old. I have very many fond memories of attending Religious School and by becoming a teacher I hope to pass the feeling on to the students I teach. I taught Hebrew on Tuesday
nights here at Temple Sinai last year, and I also taught Religious School and Hebrew at Temple Emanu-El. My favorite thing is to see the students learning something new, like how to count to ten in Hebrew, and be able to pick a number randomly that they can recall automatically without having to count starting at one and on up until they reach the right number. I love to hear the students’ views of our lessons. Some of their answers are very interesting. I was lucky to have been taught by Nurit when I was pre-Bat Mitzvah, and I loved her class very much. I learned so much with her, and of course with Al Alderman. I had my “tutoring” sessions with Ethel for Hebrew before my Bat Mitzvah, and I loved going to her house. She was always so much fun to read for, but my favorite part was finding out what she would call me that day. One day it would be Princess, another day it would be young lady, but my favorite was when she called me her little ‘weed’ since she swore I grew more every time she saw me. My plans for a career are to become a crime scene photographer. I love photography, and I also love to help people. I think it would be great to combine them together to help solve crimes.
Religious School Calendar Religious/Hebrew School (Sundays) Feb 6, Feb 13 Feb 20, Feb 27
Hebrew (Tuesday Evenings) Feb 1, Feb 8 Feb 15 & Feb 22
Upcoming Holidays: Purim Celebration - March 20 (stay tuned for details)
Torah for Tots
orah for Tots, Temple Sinai’s program for children ages 2-5, will meet on Thursday, February 17 at 4 pm at the Temple. The February class will celebrate Shabbat and the children will also learn about Daniel and the Lion’s Den. Torah for Tots incorporates songs, stories, games, prayers, and art projects to teach young children about Judaism. There is no fee for the class and nonmembers are welcome. To join the class, contact Judy Schumer at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net.
Schedule Upcoming B’nei Mitzvah Now! Our current schedule is as follows: May 21, 2011 – Jessica & Daniel Fuchs June 25, 2011 – Matthew McKean July 2, 2011 – Noah Blanck July 9, 2011 – Max Zeltzer B'nei Mitzvah must be scheduled at least eight months in advance. Call the Rabbi at 747-5508 to reserve your date. ALL services listed above are at 10:30am.
A Silver Anniversary Celebration
Temple Sinai Youth Group ages 13-18 For information on the Youth Group and to be placed on the email list, please contact: Tovah Goodman (TovahGoodman@yahoo.com) or Rabbi Appleby (at RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net).
Youth Group News
s a new year approaches, it is time for some new and exciting activities. The beginning of December the youth group had its first event by eating a wonderful Chanukah dinner together. Everyone got acquainted as well as brainstormed for upcoming events. Some of the things to come include an Israel night, a benefit concert, roller skating and a dance marathon. We will also be doing some fund-raisers including bake sales and chip bag jewelry in which we will not only raise money for our group but collectively decide which local organizations we will donate and spend time volunteering with. My assistant director, Heather, has a lot of experience working with many of the charities and organizations in the area and I look forward to getting involved with these groups. Overall, it looks like a very promising year ahead of us and I am excited to get started! Youth Group Director, Tovah Goodman
(learning the aleph-bet) 10 Sessions
Tuesday Evenings from 6-7pm Starting January 18 To join the class, please email Rabbi Appleby at RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net or call her at 775-747-5508.
Beginning Adult Hebrew
arties To Remember is celebrating its silver anniversary this year as a local Reno business. What began from the love to create the most memorable celebrations, has grown well beyond the original idea of its owner, Missy Green. In August 1986 Missy was talking with an aunt of hers about the aunt’s business selling invitations. A nerve was hit and Parties To Remember was born. Missy started helping friends, neighbors and a few referrals with their children’s birthday parties. Parties To Remember would supply the invitations, party favors and decorations. Soon she incorporated cakes and food. While the original services offered are still available today, Missy has expanded to also include different venues, entertainment, flowers, party and equipment rentals, photography, videos and much more. “Tell me your vision, and I will make it a reality,” is one of the first things that is asked of the customer. The only limit to what an event can entail is how far the imagination can take you. From the description of the customer’s dreams, mixed with Missy’s creative ideas, events come together to exceed any expectations. Missy does not sell a tangible product, but does provide a very important service, the ability to make your event something that is special and memorable. Often clients walk into a first appointment hoping to simply get a new idea, and end up walking out knowing they can have everything they want, and more. Her most important rule is to work within her client’s budget. Missy and Parties To Remember has had the opportunity to work with the National Conference of Christians and Jews honoring the late Sammy Davis, Jr., the sixtieth Israeli anniversary of independence for the Reno community, a local business owner for a story-book wedding in Ireland, themed parties, weddings for our service men and women, and many more special events. Missy also works with her caterer during the year feeding the homeless or those who are less fortunate than most. It is important to her and Parties To Remember that she gives back to the community that has supported her and her business for so long. She has created events for births, birthday parties, bar and bat mitzvahs, Quinceañeras, sweet sixteen celebrations, weddings, and celebrations of life. Many times these events have been for the same family, with just a few years in between. The web site, www.partiestoremember.com, allows its guests to some of the products and services that can be included in their special event. You can read several testimonials from former and current customers about how Parties To Remember made their event much more special. Please call Missy at (775) 348-4787, and schedule an appointment with her for your next event. Missy would be happy to answer any of your questions. Missy wants to help create a magical time in your life that you will always know as a “Party To Remember.”
Men’s Club
he Men’s Club speakers list excels month after month, thanks to the ever expanding thinking of our own Dr. Jeff Gingold. From the world of medicine, to the university, to our friends in Reno’s religious community, there is no end to his list, or equal in his effort. He deserves our thanks every month. Our speaker for the February 6 Mens Club meeting will be Dr. Osca Alvarez Gila, Visiting Professor at the Center for Basque Studies at The University of Nevada, Reno, College of Liberal Arts. He has a PhD from the University of the Basque Country in History and his recent special interest has been the migration of the Basque people to the Americas. We have asked him to speak about the origins of the Basque people, their migration to Nevada, and their influence on our state. Chef Jane and the remaining Lox Smiths will prepare our breakfast as Les and Marcia will be away. We hope to have a strong turnout and expect people to RSVP in plenty of time so that Jane can prepare the appropriate amount of food and we show respect to our noted speaker. For March, we are still trying to firm up Laura Jackson conductor of the Reno Philharmonic and the visiting Israeli musicians. Sunday might be to much pressure on her and the musicians, so, we are looking into a possible special dinner meeting. Remember breakfast starts at 9am and is served until around 10. At 9:45am we usually have a very short meeting and our speaker talks from 10 until 11am. Breakfast is $15.00; Coffee or Speaker only $5.00. RSVP to sinaimensclub@sbcglobal.net. For more information contact our president Dave Levine at dmlea@sbcglobal.net or sinaimensclub@sbcglobal.net.
Mitzvah at the Gospel Mission Temple Sinai Sisterhood now has an on-going commitment to serve dinner to the homeless at the Gospel Mission. We serve on the third Wednesday of each month for about an hour & half. Please contact Pat Blanchard at mtnlade@gbis.com to sign-up for your special date or call 824-0220. This is not a drop-in arrangement.
Temple Sinai Sisterhood
Tribute Fund Marilyn & Ken Roberts Joe Merkin – Sympathy for loss of mother Julie Stage & Mark Rosenberg Joe Merkin – Sympathy for loss of mother Rabbi Teri Appleby – Sympathy for loss of mother Lynne Daus Joe Merkin – Sympathy for loss of mother Marsha & Les Cohen Rabbi Teri Appleby – Sympathy for loss of mother
Call Marilyn Roberts (775) 622-3115 or e-mail: kenmar74@gmail.com Minimum Donation: 1 card $ 3.00 Pkg. of 10 $ 27.00
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Temple Sinai Book Club
lease join us for these wonderful upcoming meetings:
February 17 – Infidel (nonfiction) by Ayann Hirsi Ali Host & Facilitator: Leona Kockenmeister March 17 – Songs for the Butcher’s Daughter (fiction) by Peter Manseau Host: Judy Herman Facilitator: Judy Schumer April 14 – Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America (nonfiction) by Stephen J. Bloom Host: ??? (any volunteers?) Facilitator: Barbara Weinberg For further information about the book group or to get on the email list, please contact Leona Kockenmeister at lbdask5@charter.net or 853-0808. Note, Leona is the new contact person for the Sinai Book Club.
Folk Dancing at Sinai ISRAELI IS
Folk Dancing: 7pm Every Tuesday Night & 7pm One Saturday each Month (check the calendar for dates) (Open to all; 1st time FREE, $5 regular, $3 for students.)
Monthly Board Meeting Bo 7pm Tuesday, February 8. All Temple members are welcome to attend.
7pm Every Thursday Night. (Open to all; $2 for the public and $1 for Temple Sinai Members.) Check the calendar to confirm all dates and times.
By Board action, on recommendation of the Ritual Committee, pork and shellfish may not be served at Temple Sinai. This includes any products containing either pork or shellfish; so, do check, carefully, the contents of what you might be serving at Onegs, meetings, receptions, etc. Also be careful to remember those possible “common” foods that are indeed included in these restrictions (pepperoni pizza is one good example!).
If you are ttaking ki g ttrash h outt and d it does not fit into the dumpster, DO NOT leave it on the ground beside the dumpster. Please leave a note for our Administrative Assistant and arrangements will be made to have the dumpster emptied.
If you are not already receiving the Temple’s Weekly eNewsletter, send an email to Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net asking us to add you and we’ll put you on the list.
ROBERT RAND MD (775) 826-7263 6512 S. McCarran Blvd. #D, Reno, NV 89509
3981 S. McCarran Blvd. Reno, NV 89502
(775) 722-1748 www.mixcupcakeco.com mixcupcakeco@me.com
Family Medicine, Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, Biofeedback, Impedance Cardiography, Non-Narcotic Pain Relief Natural Supplements Dietitian On Staff
“ We pick up where chicken soup lef t off.”
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Cleaning Up?
Tracy Bartlett
Gold G o Canyon Candle Available for:
Home Hom me Parties, Book Parties, & Fundraisers
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Calling Oneg Hosts: 2010/2011 Oneg Hosting Calendar now available for sign-ups...
Oneg means “delight/pleasure.” It is for the delight of the host and the pleasure of congregation. The host to share his/her delight for the special occasion/event and the congregation to enjoy the pleasure of interaction with others.
Dave Levine, EA, MGFC Dave Maddy, EA Julie Freemyer, EA William Harrison, Esq. Tori Warren, CPA
For your personal appointment, call:
775-329-3443 Please sign up for a date or two. There are four easy ways to sign up: 1. Stop by Temple Sinai office to sign up 2. Sign up on Temple Sinai kitchen door Oneg sign up sheet 3. Call the office at 747-5508 4. Email Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net If you are unable to host an Oneg, please consider a donation to sponsor one. Just send your donation to Temple Sinai with a note that it is for the Oneg Fund and if the donation is in honor or memory of someone or of an occasion. Thank you to all our Oneg hosts. The congregation certainly enjoys all Onegs.
Temple Sinai Breast Cancer Support Line Julia Rubin, Sinai member, a nurse, and herself living with breast cancer. 846-2122 or jsrubin84@gmail.com. Confidentiality honored. Go to www.thebreastcancersite.com to donate a free mammorgram a day to an under-privileged woman. Go to www.armyofwomen.org to join a movement to bring women and researchers together to eradicate breast cancer.
The Temple Sinai Sentinel is published monthly. Temple Sinai is a Reform Congregation affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. Temple Sinai is located at: 3405 Gulling Road, Reno NV 89503. This issue is: Volume 37, No. 5 • February 2011
February 2011
Shevat / Adar-I 5771
Feb 1 6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 6pm Adult Beginning Hebrew 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7)
9am Men’s Club breakfast and guest speaker Dr. Osca Alvarez Gila 9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7)
9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7)
9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7) 11:30am-4pm 5th Annual Reno Jewish Film Festival (at the National Auto Museum, Downtown Reno)
27 9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7) 4pm Emergency Congregational Meeting (all members are requested to attend)
21 President’s Day
6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 6pm Adult Beginning Hebrew 7pm Board Meeting 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
2 12noon Talmud Study 7:15pm Ritual Committee Meeting
6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 6pm Adult Beginning Hebrew 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
Washington’s Birthday 6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
16 12noon Talmud Study 3pm ACTIONN Meeting at Universal Unitarian Fellowship
17 7pm Book Club 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
2 12noon Talmud Study 7pm Ritual Committee Meeting
3 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
5:13pm Candle Lighting 5:45pm New/Prospective Members Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by Shirley and Toby Isler
1 Adar-I
4 5:36pm Candle Lighting 7pm Simchat Shabbat / Shabbat Across America Service
Torah Portion: T’rumah Ex. 25:1-27:19 Rosh Chodesh Adar I 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service 12noon Potluck Dairy Lunch 6:36pm Havdalah (72 min)
Torah Portion: T’tzaveh Ex. 27:20-30:10 Lincoln’s Birthday Sentinel Deadline 6:44pm Havdalah (72 min) 7pm Monthly Israeli Folk Dance Evening
Purim Katan 5:21pm Candle Lighting 6pm Tot Shabbat Service & Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services with special guest Rajan Zed
5:29pm Candle Lighting 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by Gail Small Ferrell
7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
12noon Talmud Study
30 Shevat Rosh Chodesh Adar I 5:04pm Candle Lighting 7pm Simchat Shabbat Service
7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
12noon Talmud Study 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op
Mar 1 6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 6pm Adult Beginning Hebrew 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op
Emergency Congregational Meeting. All Temple members are requested to attend (see page 2 for information).
Rabbi Teri Appleby
Jan 30
Save the Date: Feb. 27 at 4pm
Temple Sinai is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism 3405 GULLING ROAD • RENO, NEVADA 89503 (775) 747-5508 Fax (775) 747-1911 E-mail: temple.sinai@pyramid.net, web page: www.templesinai-reno.com
25 Shevat
19 Torah Portion: Ki Tissa Ex. 30:11-35:35 6:52pm Havdalah (72 min)
Torah Portion: Vayak’heil Ex. 35:1-38:20 6pm Temple Sinai Brisket Cookoff 7pm Havdalah (72 min)
29 Adar-I
Mar 5
Torah Portion: P’kudei Ex. 38:21-40:38, 30:11-16 Shabbat Shekalim 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service 12noon Potluck Dairy Lunch 7:07pm Havdalah (72 min)
Temple Sinai 3405 Gulling Road Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 747-5508
Rabbi Teri Appleby (775) 747-5508 • E-Mail: RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net President Jake Margolis (775) 827-1068 • E-Mail: Jake.Margolis@sbcglobal.net Treasurer Ken Roberts (775) 622-3115 • E-Mail: kenmar74@gmail.com Religious School Director Tracy Bartlett (775) 972-1396 (h) • E-mail: luvzjrz@aol.com Temple Sinai Fax (775) 747-1911 • Web Page: www.TempleSinai-Reno.com • Email: Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net Rabbi Myra Soifer, Emerita (775) 747-6330 • E-Mail: myrabbireno@yahoo.com
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Temple Sinai Sisterhood
Brisket Cook-off Dinner Saturday, February 26, 2011 6:00 PM
Enjoy many delectable samples and vote on your favorite brisket! 3-Course Dinner Price:
Adults $18.00 before 2-18/$28.00 after 2-18 Children (up to age 12) $9.00 before 2-18/$18 after 2-18 Wine available to purchase by the glass or bottle.
RSVP to Mike at Temple Sinai 775-747-5508 or Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net by February 18 (Sorry, no refunds) Please indicate if you prefer a vegetarian entrĂŠe when you make your reservation.