Temple Sinai Sentinel - June2010 Issue

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affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism


(To sponsor a Sentinel call the Temple office at 775-747-5508.)

Volume 36, No. 9 — June 2010 • Sivan/Tammuz 5770

Summer Vacation is not a Vacation from your Judaism...

INSIDE: From the Rabbi’s Study . . . . . .2 From Sinai’s Board President . .3 Yahrzeits: In Loving Memory . . .4 Donations to Sinai. . . . . . . . . . .5 Temple Sinai Family . . . . . . . . .5 Torah for Tots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Religious School News . . . . . . .7 B’nei Mitzvah Schedule . . . . . .7 Sinai Sisterhood / Men’s Club . . .9 June Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Why Not Make It A Jewish Summer…


s Gershwin wrote wrote, Summer time and the Livin' is easy… For many of us, summer often feels more relaxed than the rest of the year—maybe the longer days just give us a sense of more breathing space. Summer is a great time to explore and expand your Jewish knowledge, identity, expression, and, for lack of a better word, spirituality. Why not take the summer to do something new, to learn something new, to think about something new? I’d like to offer a mixed bag of activities for your consideration. Don’t feel limited by my list—it may look exhaustive, but it’s not.

Jewish Texts ^ If you’ve never read the TaNaKh, the Jewish Bible, why not start now? A good place to start is with the weekly Torah reading (see the Temple calendar for the name of the parashah and chapters/verses). ^ Buy a TaNaKh (Hebrew Bible) and/ or a Torah commentary such as The Torah: A Modern Commentary by Plaut or The Women’s Commentary (both are published by URJ Press). ^ Sign up for the URJ’s "10 Minutes


of Torah a Day" (urj.org/learning/ Torah/ten/). T You have a choice of o receiving 1-page emails (M-F) on o Torah Study, Mishnah, Israel Connections, C Liturgy, and Jewish World W & Social Action.

Shabbat ^ Read Abraham Heschel’s The Sabbath. ^ Really take notice of the 25 hours of Shabbat and make them special in some way. ^ Try doing Havdalah with family or friends outdoors. The Gates of Shabbat (CCAR Press) has the blessings, nice readings, and the music. ^ Learn the prayers and melodies of our Shabbat Services: 2 CDs and a Hebrew Transliterated prayer packet are available at the Temple.

Art, Literature & Film ^ Read works by Israeli writers and poets, such as Amos Oz, David Grossman, Meir Shalev, A.B. Yehoshua, and Yehuda Amichai. ^ Read a book by an American author, such as Saul Bellow, Philip Roth, Bernard Malamud, Elie Wiesel, Chaim Potok, Michael Chabon, Steve Stern. ^ Visit the Contemporary Jewish Museum of San Francisco (736 Mission St). ^ Check out the Holocaust section at the Reno library on Robb Drive.


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JUNE 2010

The goal of the kehilat hesed is to create a more caring and responsive community: to transform our casual associations into loving and sacred relationships.


9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Let us know if you can help with any of the following: Deliver a meal to a neighbor Give a neighbor a ride to a Temple event Give a neighbor a ride to an appointment Run an errand for a neighbor Call or visit someone who is home-bound Knit a shawl for someone who is ill Offer a place at your holiday table

Let us know what your needs are and please call: • • • • • •

If there has been a death in your family If you or a family member is ill If you need a ride to the Temple If you need an errand done If you are home-bound If you are the caregiver for a family member with special needs • If you would like to be hosted for a Shabbat or holiday dinner

^ Attend the screening of Blessed is the Match - The Hannah Senesh Story at 2pm on July 25, at UNR.

Music & Dance ^ Join the Israeli Folkdance group which meets at Temple Sinai on Tuesday nights. ^ Discover the variety of Jewish music: Bernstein, Copland, Milhaud, Mahler, Philip Glass, Schoenberg, Kurt Weill, Salomone Rossi; Gershwin, Irving Berlin, John Zorn; Jerome Kern, Richard Rodgers, Steven Sondheim; Sephardic, Ladino, Klezmer and Yiddish; and Israeli (Ofra Haza, Noa, David Broza, Boaz Sharabi). ^ Attend the Jerusalem Day Celebration with Israeli & Ladino music at the Atlantis at 7pm on June 6.

Jewish Food ^ Try old and new recipes from around the Jewish world in books by Joan Nathan, Claudia Roden, Tina Wasserman, and Joyce Goldstein.

Jewish Spirituality ^ Peruse the myriad of books on Jewish spirituality and expression at www.JewishLights.com and find something that fits you or stretches you. ^ Visit the mikveh in San Francisco (on California St.; they’re very friendly to the non-Orthodox). (continued next page)

The Rabbi Wants To Know... Do you have college age children away from home? We would like to keep in touch with them. Let Rabbi Appleby know at 747-5508 or RabbiTempleSinai@ pyramid.net.

^ Donate plastic diapers to the Women and Children’s Center of the Sierra, Northern Nevada Diaper Bank (a donation barrel is at the Temple); or support their Gift Shop and Café (146 Vassar St. Reno). ^ Make it a point to purchase freetrade coffee and cottage-industry crafts. Please share with me (and one another) what you did over the summer; I’d love to know. Kol Tuv ~ Rabbi Appleby

T End The of the o First Year F


congregation beyond the Board: Amy Dworkin (art and décor), Rod Sloan (buildings and grounds), Pam Sloan (gift shop), Marsha Cohen (library, seder, Sisterhood), Judy Schumer (Torah for Tots, programming, Family Promise), Marilyn Roberts (ritual committee), Gerry Willis (piano music), Dave Levine and Jeff Gingold (Men’s Club), and Bobbi Kornbluth, Adrienne Tropp and Ali Lasher for giving Mike Stombaugh a hand when needed. I also want to thank Tracy Bartlett for directing the Religious School and Jeff Blanck, Sharrone Blanck, Nurit Stites, Nitza Auerbach, Dawn Frohlich and Debbie McKean for serving as teachers. Of course, I also want to thank the current Board members who will be staying on for helping guide the congregation this past year, and I look forward to another productive year. This congregation thrives and depends on your volunteer efforts and team work from all of us. I hope to see you at upcoming Temple Sinai services and events. Shalom, Jake


High Holy Day Torah Chanters and Choir Singers

If you love to sing, please join the High Holy Day Choir (there will be ample rehearsal time)

Contact: Rabbi Appleby If your are interested in chanting Torah... Rosh HaShanah or Yom Kippur morning (special High HolyDay Melodies) Yom Kippur Afternoon (Shabbat melody) please let Rabbi Appleby know ASAP. CDs with the melodies will be provided to you by the end of July.

JUNE 2010

ith the end of June, Rabbi Teri Appleby will be completing her first full year as our Rabbi. Please join me in thanking her for leading our congregation from regular services through life-cycle events, guiding our children (and adults) through their B’nei Mitzvah, caring for those in need, providing adult education, being a part of interfaith activities and other achievements. The Board recently held its retreat to discuss long-term synagogue planning, membership outreach, fund-raising and other topics. I want to thank all of you who responded to our survey, which was used during the retreat. Hearing from you in person or through the survey allows us to more effectively plan and provide you with the programming and synagogue environment you would like. Beyond the formal survey, constant feedback is critical, so please approach me, Rabbi Appleby, or other Board members if you feel the need to discuss any aspect of our congregation. We hope to discuss the results of our retreat at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Friday evening,

June 11 immediately after Shabbat services. Please attend this important meeting to vote on the slate of new Board members and our proposed 2010-2011 budget. The voting quorum needed is 30 membership families or individuals in good financial standing, that is those who are current on their membership pledges. No additional nominations have been presented to the Board Secretary, Julia Rubin, and so the slate will remain as presented in last month’s Sentinel. As I noted in my April column, we have developed an operating deficit as the fiscal year has progressed. At the end of April, the deficit was at least $12,000, and we are also ending the year with less money in the bank than we did at the end of the 2009-2010 year. As I have mentioned, please keep your membership contributions current with your stated pledge commitments. As of the end of April, our New Building Loan balance was about $74,000 and we have about $13,000 in the Capital Campaign / New Building Fund, meaning our remaining need over the next three final years of the loan is about $61,000. If you are a new member of the congregation and have never contributed to our Capital Campaign, which has raised over $1.5M, please consider making a donation or a longterm pledge to help us retire this debt burden. Please approach me if you have any questions. The Board is seeking a motivated individual to serve as chair of our Fund-raising Committee, which will be charged with designing and driving programs that will continue to provide for the financial strength of Temple Sinai. Please see me or any other Board member if you are interested. I would like to thank departing Board members Michelle Ramirez (Member at Large) and Mike Medvin (Men’s Club Representative) for their service to the congregation. I want to thank all those who made donations during the year, and I especially want to thank a number of people who have volunteered their time for the


Social Justice


‫יארצייט‬ YAHRZEITS

KADDISH TO BE SAID JUNE 4 David Mitchell, May ay 31 Samuel Alderman n father of Natalie Sera, June 1 Gene W. Fenton, June 1 Mikel Shanna Kladney brotherr of David Kladney, Junee 1


Frances Schumerr Saper mother off Gary Schumer, June 1 Annie Rubin, June 3 Julius Ashkin father of Laura Ashkin, June 4 Helen Brustein grandmother of Marilyn Roberts, 22 Sivan (June 4) Samuel Siegel father of Richard Siegel, June 4 Rosa Bronov cousin of Bernard Bronov, June 5 Rebecca Eliasberg, June 5 Ronald Small brother of Gail Ferrell, June 5

KADDISH TO BE SAID JUNE 11 Joeseph Glaser uncle of Alison Lasher, June 6 Ethel C. Chyet mother of Leonard Chyet, June 7 Rebecca D. Gumbert, June 7 Nathan Nussbaum, 25 Sivan (June 7)

JUNE 2010

John H. Gertler grandfather of Alan Gertler, June 9


Shirley Ben Bennett, June 11 Carol Anne Gordon Ca w wife of Howard Gordon and m mother of Mindi Brenner, Ju June 11

Ethel Frankel mother of Enid Matteson, June 24

Ed Edna Maze, June 11

Gould Frank father of Barry Frank, June 25

Yetta Berger, June 12 Ye

Charles Isler father of Toby Isler, 13 Tammuz (June 25)

Harry O. Horwitz, Ha June 12

KA ADDISH S TO BE SAID JUNE 18 Jeffrey L. Kagel, June 14 Adele C. Simkin, 2 Tammuz (June 14) Julius Reusch, June 15 Sarah Pollock Aaronson grandmother of Marynne Aaronson, 4 Tammuz (June 16)

Jennie Riker grandmother of Tracy Bartlett, June 25 Rube Goldwater, June 26

KADDISH TO BE SAID JULY 2 Herman S. Brown father-in-law of Beatrice Brown, June 27 Roslyn Gingold mother of Jeff Gingold, 15 Tammuz (June 27) Phebe Reusch, June 27

Joe Dworkin father of Dennis Dworkin, June 16

Mary Birnbach grandmother of Peggy Levine, June 28

Selma E. Bluhm mother of Susan Bluhm, June 17

Harry Matles grandfather of Steve Matles, June 29

Scott Borrus brother of Debra McKean, June 17

Jack Smolensky grandfather of Michael Weinzweig, 17 Tammuz (June 29)

Donald G. Oelsner, June 17

Bernard S. Borrus father of Debra McKean, June 30

Lottie Cohn in the Virginia City Cemetery, June 18 Claire A.P. Duffié, Jr. father of Linda Duffié, June 18

KADDISH TO BE SAID JUNE 25 Paul Rubin, June 20

Cornelius Jacob Klomp, June 9 Reuben Zucker father of David Zucker, June 9

David Anger friend of Rabbi Emerita Myra Soifer, June 22

Violet Katherine Klomp, June 10

Max Cohen grandfather of Marilyn Roberts, 11 Tammuz (June 23)

Zev Wildenberg father of Nurit Stites, June 10

Anne Lutzker mother of Shirley Rutkovitz, 11 Tammuz (June 23)

Si Sis Greenspon, June 11

Sarah Rebeccah Feinberg mother of Rabbi Abraham Feinberg, z"l, June 21

Richard Alan Margulies, June 10

Gil Israel Gafni husband of Carisse Gafni, June 23

Harold Fox father of Lori Johnson, June 23

Mary Eiseman grandmother of Sandra Medvin, z"l, June 30 Nan M. Goldwater, June 30 Bess Kaplan sister of Mary Garfinkle, z"l, June 30 David Loeb father of Heidi Loeb, June 30 David Stein uncle of Rabbi Emerita Myra Soifer, June 30 Louis Medvin father of Michael Medvin, July 1 Link Johnson father of Sydney Johnson, July 2 Irving S. Chyet father of Leonard Chyet, July 3

We thank those who support Temple Sinai.

Cemetery Fund Gary & Debra Pomeranz in honor of the university graduation of Molly Matles

Community Education Fund (for the NMA Israeli Exhibit) Anonymous, Laura Ashkin & Chris Stanton, Dennis & Amy Dworkin, Martha Gould, John Louie & Neva Donovan (in appreciation of Amy Dworkin's beautification of the Synagogue), Ken & Marilyn Roberts, and Steven & Julia Rubin

Furniture, Fixtures & Interiors Jake Margolis and Amy & Dennis Dworkin for new blinds in the sanctuary Benala Abrams towards the bookcases in the Rabbi's office

General Fund

New Building Fund Ellen Winograd in memory of her parents Leonard and Morjorie Winograd

The Dworkin and Rubin Families in memory of Mae Kurka, mother of Mira Kurka Linda & Steve Goldschlag in honor of Dr. Sharon Chabrow and family on the graduation of Dr. Chabrow's son Jason from college Carol Pevney in appreciation for the adult education opportunities provided by classes with the Rabbi

Ritual Fund Steven & Julia Rubin towards new memorial boards for the sanctuary

Please Consider Making A Donation Specific Needs New large memorial board for the Sanctuary: Approx $5,000 needed, Ritual Fund Donation To pay for the New Book Cases in the Rabbi’s office: Approx $2,500 needed, FF&I Donation Software Upgrade for the Synagogue Management Database: $950 needed, General Fund Donation

General Needs Capital-Maintenance Fund: Building and grounds maintenance Cemetery Fund: Maintenance of cemetery FF&I Fund: Furnishings, fixtures and interior improvements General Fund: General operating expenses Music Fund: Events, equipment, musicians New Building Fund: Servicing our newbuilding loan Religious School Fund: General school needs Ritual Fund: Sanctuary and religious supplies Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Directly supports Rabbi’s tzedakah efforts

Sinai Seeking Judaica Art


eeking donations of paintings, artifacts, and wall hangings, in excellent condition, to beautify our Temple. Please do NOT bring items to Temple Sinai, but instead contact Amy Currier first at currierdworkin@yahoo.com or 348-7819. Amy and the Board of Trustees will make decisions on what will be displayed. Thanks for your help.

New At Temple Sinai: A Book Exchange


o you have hardcover or paperback books in GOOD condition that you have finished reading? The Temple library now has room for a book exchange. Please bring in your gently-read books and pick up books you’d like to read. Look for the “Book Exchange” sign on the shelves. PLEASE: don’t “clean out” your closets—bring in contemporary, popular, or classic books that our Temple members might enjoy.

WANTED: The Center For Cultural Exchange (CCI) is looking for families to host foreign exchange students for the academic year. If interested, contact Lee White, Regional Director at (888)440-8750 or Whites@CCI-Exchange.org; or visit their website: www.cci-exchange.org.

JUNE 2010

Lorraine Cohen, Rae Lin Guyton & Darline Capone in memory of Guy Capone who passed on May 11, 2010 Selma Goldstein in memory of her husband Sidney Goldstein Howard Gordon in memory of Samuel Goldstein Berlinda Lawrence Caroline Musseman with thanks to Rabbi Appleby and the Talmud study group: "My cup runneth over." Steven & Julia Rubin Julius & Adrienne Trachtenberg

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund


Donations to Sinai



Thanks ~ Todah Thanks to our May Oneg sponsors: the Religious School, Men's Club, Mark Rosenberg, Gary & Judy Schumer Thanks to our May greeters: Board members Jeff Blanck, Men's Club, Doug Goodman, Phil Shalitt, Marilyn Roberts, and Mike Medvin At our first Tot Shabbat on May 21, thanks to Bennett Kottler for providing the music and to Judy Schumer for organizing the potluck.

Mazel Tov Congratulations to Molly Matles and Jason Chabrow on their graduation from college. Also to Danielle Stage on her graduation from Medical School.

Our Condolences to... Barbara Pratt on the death of her step-father Alan Reid on April 26. Darline Capone, Loraine Cohen, and Rae Lin Guyton on the death of Guy Capone on May 11. Mira Kurka and Hannah Margolis on the death of Mae Kurka, mother of Mira and grandmother of Hannah, on May 14.

Refuah Sheleimah “Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery” to: Charlotte Soifer (mother of Rabbi Myra), Herb Pevney, Rabbi David Novak (friend of Rabbi Teri and Jon), Eunice Merkin (mother of Joe Merkin), Annette Rutkovitz (sister-in-law of Jules Rutkovitz), Sophie Gold (step-mother of Adrienne Tropp), and Barbara Benjamin (grandmother of Michelle Ramirez).

Birthdays May 30: Jacob Smith Jun 4: Michael Bollman and Kurt Frohlich Jun 7: Ann Ezgar Jun 9: Melissa Bloch Jun 11: Steve Pansky, Jeff Paris, and Carol Pevney Jun 14: Traci Kutler-Dodd and Peggy Levine Jun 15: Branden Basché, Isabella Basché, Les Cohen, and Alessandra Lack Jun 19: Helene Spinner and David Zucker Jun 20: Matthew McKean and Ken Roberts Jun 21: Caren Weinberg

JUNE 2010

Temple Sinai Youth Group open to all Jewish Youth ages 12-18


For more information and to be placed on the Youth Group email list, please contact: Youth Group Advisor Steven Rubin (at renorubins@yahoo.com or 829-8104) or Tracy Bartlett (Religious School Director at luvjrz@aol.com or 972-1396).

Jun 22: Toby Isler Jun 28: Ellen Holland and Stephen Myerson Jun 29: Dawn Frohlich Jun 30: Steve Mehler Jul 1: Ariela Flagg Jul 2: Noah Blanck

Anniversaries May 30: Richard & Patricia Eisenberg May 31: Hank & Ann Frohlich and Bill & Debra McKean Jun 5: Herbert & Olga Blanck Jun 6: Jeff Gingold & Jane Townley Jun 7: Alan & Camille Gertler and Herbert & Carol Pevney Jun 8: Carole & Richard Fineberg Jun 12: Merle & Joy Bruce Jun 15: Bob & Janice Braman Jun 18: Howard & Marcia Fine Jun 20: Vance & Mary Bonds and Doug & Saundra Goodman Jun 21: Toby & Shirley Jun 23: Ken & Marilyn Roberts Jun 27: Richard & Bonnie Schoen Jun 29: Jeff & Sharrone Blanck Jul 1: Dennis & Amelia Dworkin


By Board action, on recommendation of the Ritual Committee, pork and shellfish may not be served at Temple Sinai. This includes any products containing either pork or shellfish; so, do check, carefully, the contents of what you might be serving at Onegs, meetings, receptions, etc. Also be careful to remember those possible “common” foods that are indeed included in these restrictions (pepperoni pizza is one good example!).


Israel Outdoors: Summer Trip Registration Now OPEN. Registration for May, June, July and August 2010 free Taglit-Birthright Israel trips with Israel Outdoors is now OPEN at www.israeloutdoors.com and (202)537-0006.

NFTY in Israel:

Our current schedule is as follows: August 21, 2010 – Jacob Greiner October 16, 2010 – Ethan Labowe October 23, 2010 – Dennis Dworkin October 30, 2010 – John Eisenberg November 13, 2010 – Hannah Margolis November 20, 2010 – Ikaika Flagg May 14, 2011 – Jessica & Daniel Fuchs June 18, 2011 – Matthew McKean July 2, 2011 – Noah Blanck B'nei Mitzvah must be scheduled at least eight months in advance. Call the Rabbi at 747-5508 to reserve your date.

SAVE THE DATE: Friday JUNE 11, 2010-Temple Sinai 6:30pm Sinai Youth Group Pasta Dinner in the Social Hall 7:30pm Shabbat Services Lead by Sinai Youth Group

JUNE 2010

the most incredible summer of your life. Summer 2010 Programs(4, 5, and 6 week programs available). Info at: www.NFTYIsrael@urj.org and (845)987-6300 x6351.

Schedule Upcoming B’nei Mitzvah Now!




ell, another year of Religious School is over. It was very eventful with our new Family Night Services, the Passover Celebration, our Purim Carnival, and more! This year was Dawn Frohlich’s last year of teaching and we will miss her. There is a leaf on the tree in the Sanctuary to honor her service to the Religious School. Her daughter Amanda, who has been my assistant for the last two years, will be leaving us as well. We will also miss her. We honored our teachers at the Family Night Service last month. Our Religious and Hebrew School has been blessed with great teachers over the years. If you happen to see any of our teachers, (Dawn Frohlich, Sharrone Blanck, Jeff Blanck, Nurit Stites, and Nitsa Auerbach), and our aides (Debbie McKean, Amanda Frolich, Heather Bartlett, Madeline Burack, and Robby Fuchs) be sure to tell them how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication. I was also fortunate to have recent Bar/Bat Mitzvah students helping this year: Zach Mehler and Rachel Willis. Among other things, they helped to get the computer lab cleaned out and ready for use. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who donated to the Religious School in any way. We had a lot of people who donated their time, as well as people who donated to the “NonFundraiser” Fundraiser. Thank you! We had a wonderful picnic on May 16 at the Lazy 5 Ranch in Spanish Springs. As usual there was a lot of food, fun, and more than enough wind to go around. Youth Group is going strong, and planning many activities. Along with many other activities, they got


emple Sinai's program for the very young, will resume in October. All children ages 2-5 are welcome. Temple membership is not required, there is no fee and siblings are always invited. The classes teach about Shabbat and seasonal Jewish holidays through stories, songs, games, simple prayers, and food. To join the class, or for further information, contact Judy Schumer at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net.

together to have a pizza dinner and then skating afterwards on May 22. If you are interested in the Youth Group please call Steve Rubin at 829-8104, or me at 972-1396. Stay tuned for upcoming important dates such as the starting date for next year’s Religious School and other activities planned by the Youth Group. Have a great summer! Tracy Bartlett Religious School Director

‫ הנעורים‬/ ‫בית מדרשׁ‬

Torah for Tots

Religious School News


Monthly Shabbat Morning Services (the FIRST Shabbat every month)

June 5, 2010: 9am Torah & Bagels 10:30am Shabbat Service 12 noon Dairy Potluck Lunch July 3, 2010: 10:30am Shabbat Service Everyone is welcome. If you’ve missed having Saturday services, this is for you. No special experience needed.

A special screening for the


July 25th at 2pm at the UNR Knowledge Center, Room 124 Sponsored by Temple Beth Or, Temple Sinai, Temple Emanu El, and UNR Hillel

Tot Shabbat June 8


6:00pm: Tot Shabbat Service 6:30pm: Dairy Potluck Dinner A NEW monthly Shabbat service and dinner for families with children 0-8 years of age. Please join us to celebrate Shabbat with upbeat songs, simple prayers, a short story, and taking the Torah out.


JUNE 2010

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“ We pick up where chicken soup lef t off.”

lessed Is the Match is the first documentary feature about Hannah Senesh, the World War II-era poet and diarist who became a paratrooper, resistance fighter and modern-day Joan of Arc. With unprecedented access to the Senesh family archive, this powerful film chronicles the only military rescue mission for Jews during the Holocaust through the writings and photographs of Hannah and her mother Catherine. Director Roberta Grossman is an awardwinning filmmaker with a passion for history and social justice. She has written and produced more than 40 hours of documentary television. She was the series producer and co-writer of 500 Nations, the eight-hour CBS mini-series on Native Americans hosted by Kevin Costner. Grossman's feature documentary, Homeland: Four Portraits of Native Action, premiered in February 2005, and has won awards at more than 40 festivals worldwide. Other writing and producing credits include Hollywood & Power: Women on Top, a special for AMC; The Rich in America: 150 Years of Town and Country Magazine for A&E; Medal of Honor, a six-part television series produced for US News & World Report; and Heroines of the Hebrew Bible and Judas for the A&E series Mysteries of the Bible. WINNER OF 10 AUDIENCE AWARDS including: Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, San Diego Jewish Film Festival, Hong Kong Jewish Film Festival, New Jersey Jewish Film Festival, Houston Jewish Film Festival, Denver Jewish Film Festival & others

Mens Club Shabbat Thank you

Summer Schedule

Temple Sinai's Annual Congregational Meeting

Temple Sinai Book Club

7pm Wednesday, June 9. All Temple members are welcome to attend.

Folk Dancing at Sinai ISRAELI ISR


ext Temple Sinai Book Club books and meeting dates: June 24, 7 PM – Turbulent Souls by Stephen J. Dubner (for info on address, contact Judy Schumer). Please check out synopsis and reviews on Amazon.com. Addresses and directions will be sent prior to meetings. To get on the book club mailing list, contact Judy Schumer at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net.

Folk lk Dancing: 7pm Every Tuesday Night & 7pm Every 3rd Saturday Monthly. (Open to all; 1st time FREE, $5 regular, $3 for students.)


7pm Every Thursday Night. (Open to all; $2 for the public and $1 for Temple Sinai Members.) Check the calendar to confirm all dates and times.

Available Now: Spring 2010 Sinai Membership Directories (for Temple Members only) Pick yours up from the synagogue office. Also, please call the office (747-5508) if you notice any corrections that need to be made to your entry.

Cleaning Up? If you are ttaking ki g ttrash h outt and d it does not fit into the dumpster, DO NOT leave it on the ground beside the dumpster. Please leave a note for our Administrative Assistant and arrangements will be made to have the dumpster emptied.

JUNE 2010 JU

June 11 immediately following Shabbat Services (all members in good standing are encouraged to attend)

Sisterhood is open to all. No membership dues required. For additional information about Sisterhood, call Marsha Cohen at 851-1724 or email her at marshacohen@charter.net.

Monthly Board Meeting


The Men's Club will not have any speakers for June, July and August this summer. Our speaker series will start up again in September with Stephanie Sant’Ambrogio, who gracefully rescheduled from our June meeting. The Men's Club will still have meetings during these three months with details to follow. For more information, contact Dave Levine at SinaiMensClub@ sbcglobal.net or call 329-4642.


lans for the June meeting have not yet been decided as the Sentinel goes to press. But watch your Sisterhood email or the Temple Sinai weekly email for an exciting program.



would like to thank Phil Shalitt, John Louie, Ken Roberts and Sheldon Chanes for making our Shabbat Service a success. The Oneg treats were generously supplied by the Chanes, Roberts, and Donovan/Louie families along with Phil Shalitt. Also, this Oneg could never happened without the help of Tracy Barlett. I would also like to thank Rabbi Teri Appleby who gave freely of her time and the pulpit. Mike Medvin, Men's Club Rep.

Sinai Sisterhood

‫ מועדון גברים‬/ ‫אחותיות סיני‬

Men’s Club


Tracy Bartlett


Gold G o Canyon Candle Available for:

Home Hom me Parties, Book Parties, & Fundraisers

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Calling Oneg Hosts: 2010 Oneg Hosting Calendar now available for sign-ups...

JUNE 2010

Oneg means “delight/pleasure.” It is for the delight of the host and the pleasure of congregation. The host to share his/her delight for the special occasion/event and the congregation to enjoy the pleasure of interaction with others.


D.M.L. CONSULTING 305 West Moana Lane, Reno, NV 89509 Business & Personal Tax Planning Tax Return Preparation, including all states Estate Planning, specializing in personally designed Trusts Year-round staff including:

Dave Levine, EA, MGFC Dave Maddy, EA Julie Freemyer, EA William Harrison, Esq.

For your personal appointment, call:


Please sign up for a date or two. There are four easy ways to sign up: 1. Stop by Temple Sinai office to sign up 2. Sign up on Temple Sinai kitchen door Oneg sign up sheet 3. Call the office at 747-5508 4. Email Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net If you are unable to host an Oneg, please consider a donation to sponsor one. Just send your donation to Temple Sinai with a note that it is for the Oneg Fund and if the donation is in honor or memory of someone or of an occasion. Thank you to all our Oneg hosts. The congregation certainly enjoys all Onegs.

Temple Sinai Breast Cancer Support Line Julia Rubin, Sinai member, a nurse, and herself living with breast cancer. 829-8104 or renorubins@sbcglobal.net. Confidentiality honored. Go to www.thebreastcancersite.com to donate a free mammorgram a day to an under-privileged woman. Go to www.armyofwomen.org to join a movement to bring women and researchers together to eradicate breast cancer.

The Temple Sinai Sentinel is published monthly. Temple Sinai is a Reform Congregation affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. Temple Sinai is located at: 3405 Gulling Road, Reno NV 89503. This issue is: Volume 36, No. 9 • June 2010

‫לוח‬ SUNDAY

Rabbi Teri Appleby


31 Memorial Day



(Temple Office closed.)

Flag Day

21 Summer Solstice




Sivan/Tammuz 5770




Jun 1 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op

7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op

6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op

7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op

29 Noon Talmud Study

Noon Talmud

Noon Talmud Study






Noon Talmud Study 7pm Board Meeting

Noon Talmud Study

Temple Sinai is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism 3405 GULLING ROAD • RENO, NEVADA 89503 (775) 747-5508 Fax (775) 747-1911 E-mail: temple.sinai@pyramid.net, web page: www.templesinai-reno.com

June 2010


17 Sivan May 30



7pm Atlantis Jerusalem Day Celebration (Tickets: $18.00)

1 Tammuz Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

20 Father’s Day


Tzom Tammuz 7pm Reno Israeli Folkdance Co-Op



JUNE 2010


Save the Date:

7pm Family Shabbat 8:04pm Candle lighting



6:30pm Sinai Youth Group Pasta Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services led by the Sinai Youth Group with the Annual Congregational Meeting Immediately following Shabbat Services 8:08pm Candle lighting


6pm Tot Shabbat Service & Dinner 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by Linda Duffé in memory of her father, Clair Duffé 8:11pm Candle lighting



7:30pm Shabbat Services 8:13pm Candle lighting

7pm Family Services 8:13pm Candle lighting




Torah Portion: Pinchas Num. 25:10-30:1 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service 9:42pm Havdalah (72 min)

21 Tammuz

Torah Portion: Balak Num. 22:2-25:9 9:43pm Havdalah (72 min)


Torah Portion: Chukkat Num. 19:1-22:1 7pm Monthly Israeli Folk Dance Evening 9:41pm Havdalah (72 min)


Sentinel Deadline 10:30am Sheliach Tzibor Workshop 9:39pm Havdalah (72 min)

Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

Torah Portion: Korach Num. 16:1-18:32; 28:9-15

Torah Portion: Shelach Num. 13:1-15:41 9am Shabbat Morning Torah & Bagels 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service Noon Potluck Dairy Lunch 9:35pm Havdalah (72 min)

Friday, June 11 – Annual Congregational Meeting immediately following Shabbat Services (all Temple members in good standing are encouraged to attend)

3 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op

10 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op

17 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op

24 7pm Book Club Turbulent Souls by Stephen J. Dubner 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op

Jul 1 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Co-Op


Temple Sinai 3405 Gulling Road Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 747-5508


Rabbi Teri Appleby (775) 747-5508 • E-Mail: RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net President Jake Margolis (775) 827-1068 • E-Mail: Jake.Margolis@sbcglobal.net Treasurer Ken Roberts (775) 622-3115 • E-Mail: kenmar74@gmail.com Religious School Director Tracy Bartlett (775) 972-1396 (h) • E-mail: luvzjrz@aol.com Temple Sinai Fax (775) 747-1911 • Web Page: www.TempleSinai-Reno.com • Email: Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net Rabbi Myra Soifer, Emerita (775) 747-6330 • E-Mail: myrabbireno@yahoo.com

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Yom Yerushalayim (Israel Day) Celebration The Atlantis Casino and the United Jewish Communities (UJC) invite you to attend a celebration of 3,000 years of Jewish peoples' connection to the city of Jerusalem, capital of the state of Israel.

Sunday, June 6, 2010 7:00 p.m. at the Atlantis Casino Resort Tickets: $18.00 (Available at Temple Sinai or the Atlantis Gift Shop)

Keynote Speaker: Professor Jonathan Adelman, of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, will speak on the subject of the historical signiďŹ cance of the city of Jerusalem to the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

Musical Performance: By an Israeli & Ladino orchestra led by Rivka Amado for our entertainment and dancing.

Mission to Israel: The itinerary for next year's 10-day mission to Israel which departs on May 15, 2011 will also be presented.

Interested in Learning What a Sheliach Tzibor Service Leader - Needs to Know? Rabbi Appleby will lead a one or possibly two-session Sheliach Tzibor Workshop for any one interested in learning how to lead an Erev Shabbat Service

Saturday, June 12 10:30am in the Sanctuary. MUST RSVP to Rabbi Appleby: By June 9 – No Drop-Ins RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net A 2-CD set of our Shabbat Melodies and Prayers and A Prayer Packet are available at the Temple.

Help Every Washoe County Child Have Clean Diapers

Please Donate to the Northern Nevada Diaper Bank Diapers Will be Collected at Temple Sinai Beginning June 1, 2010

x Disposable diapers cost up to $100 per month at any age x Some families live on less than $400 per month x Proper sanitation of cloth diapers is impossible for families living in shelters or motels. x One in four children in Nevada lives in poverty x Day care centers will not take infants without an adequate supply of disposable diapers x A mother who cannot afford diapers cannot put her child in care, so she cannot work

Many families in our community cannot afford to buy diapers for their infants Some families have to choose between food and diapers

TOGETHER WE CAN HELP! Donations of diapers are being collected and will be distributed to families in need in our community by the

Northern Nevada Diaper Bank, the only weekly source of free diapers in this community 775-348-9565


NNDB is a service of Women & Children’s Center of the Sierra, dedicated to empowering the most vulnerable members of this community to lead independent, normalized and stable lives.

Sponsored by: Robert F. Banks Foundation Reno Rodeo Foundation WalMart Kietzke Lane Diapers.com Sunlight Tree Care

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