affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism
(To sponsor a Sentinel call the Temple office at 775-747-5508.)
Volume 37, No. 1 — October 2010 • Tishrei/Cheshvan 5771
INSIDE: From the Rabbi’s Study . . . . . .2 From Sinai’s Board President . .3 Yahrzeits: In Loving Memory . .4
Donations & Our Temple Family. . .5 Service Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Religious School / Youth. . . . . .7
B’nei Mitzvah Schedule . . . . . .7 Sinai Sisterhood / Men’s Club .8 Other Meetings/Announcements .9
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sisterhood Pajama Party Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (insert)
A Few Follow-Ups To My High Holy Day Sermons
n three of my sermons rmons this year I asked you to get involved, to take some action, to dialogue.
Creating a Vision For The Future
On Erev Rosh Hashanah I addressed the issues of decreasing Jewish knowledge and commitment to leading Jewish lives with each new generation. And I suggested, if we want our children to be knowledgeable, thinking, questioning, curious, ethical, engaged, and involved Jews, then we—the adults and community in their lives—must be knowledgeable, curious, and engaged Jews. I asked: How do we become more engaged and committed Jews? How do we transform the stagnation and complacency that plagues so many synagogues? I invited you to join me in conversation and partnership to create a vision for our future. To ask yourselves: How can we become a congregation with deeper learning, more soulful and joyful worship? How do we become a more caring, compassionate, and dynamic community? Please let the conversations begin. Please attend our upcoming brainstorming and dialogue sessions in the areas of Ritual, Education, and Community.
Mitzvah Day
In my Rosh HaShanah sermon I discussed the ever-growing needs in our Reno community and suggested two ways we could expand our community service work. The first was the introduction of a Mitzvah Day into our congregational life. A Mitzvah Day would be a wonderful opportunity for our congregation to participate in the holy task of tikkun olam, repairing the world. It would be a concerted effort, on a single day, to bring the en-
t congregation together to tire sspend one day volunteering with social justice projects and w aactivities in the community. If yyou are interested in joining a ttask force to consider, brain sstorm, and organize a Mitzvah Day, please let me know. D
P.I.C.O. My second suggestion was to get involved with a new faith-based community organizing project that is coming to Reno. It’s called PICO— People Improving Communities through Organizing. PICO began in the Bay Area as a way to bring people of faith together to identify, discuss, learn about, and advocate for the issues of particular concern to them. The goal: to empower us to go to City Hall or Washington DC with our questions and demands for policies that make sense and address solutions to the particular issues we care about. PICO’s approach is grass-roots. Oneon-one conversations would take place within our congregation to find out what we, as individuals, are concerned or worried about, what we’re passionate about. These one-on-one conversations are all about building community through relationship. After the conversations take place, we would see what concerns or issues are common to the greatest number of people in our congregation and that’s how we would decide what issues to spend our time and energy on. Please let me know if you are interested in getting involved.
Women of The Wall As I mentioned in my Yom Kippur morning sermon, it is against Israeli law for women to wear a tallit or read from a sefer Torah at the Kotel— the Wall—in Jerusalem. One way to support the Women of the Wall (a group of women who have been meeting on Rosh Chodesh to pray at the wall since 1988) in their fight for religious freedom and pluralism in Israel, is to participate in its campaign to gather 10,000 photos of women holding Torah scrolls, which
will be sent to the powers-that-be in Israel. If you already have a photo of yourself holding a Torah scroll upload your photo to their website (www.womenofthewall.org.il); input your contact info as signatory to the letter they've prepared; and click "submit." If you would to have your photo taken with a Torah scroll, Marilyn Roberts is organizing a few photo shoot days and Steve Davis has volunteered to take our photos. Please watch our weekly e-mails for dates.
Conversion Bill In response to over 60,000 e-mail and faxes from Jews worldwide, Prime Minister Netanyahu stopped a vote in the Knesset on Rotem’s Converison Bill. This bill would have placed unprecedented authority over conversions in the hands of the ultra-orthodox Chief Rabbinate. Only orthodox conversions would be allowed in Israel; and conversions performed by Reform, Conservative and even some orthodox rabbis in America would not be recognized. The URJ urges us to send a thank you letter to Netanyahu. Here’s how you can do this: go to www.urj.org and type in “conversion bill” under search; you will see the link to the letter to Netanyahu.
Additional High Holy Day Thank You's Thanks for special music: to our String Quartet – Alex Chau, Alexandra Vallas, Harold De Armas, and Clair Valentine; to cellist Matt Linneman for playing Kol Nidrei; and to Gail Ferrell, Tovah Goodman and Patty Dickens for their vocal contributions. Thanks to our Torah and Haftarah chanters/readers: Ken and Marilyn Roberts; Rachel Greiner, Karen Ceppos, Steve Rubin, Jeff Blanck; Nurit Stites; Marcia Fine, Mary Rubin, Seth Rubin, Sara Merkin, Rachel Willis, and Jeff Gingold. Thanks to Steve Matles and Gary Pomeranz for their shofar blowing and Robert Dickens for reading our memorial list at Yizkor. L’shalom, Rabbi Appleby
he High Holy Days were very early this year, ten days earlier than last year. With even Sukkot over by the end of Sep September, we might be thinking: “OK, now what? We’re done with perhaps the most important of Jewish holidays and the leaves have barely turned.” Well, don’t sit back too long. We also have Simchat Torah on the last day of September, when we celebrate the conclusion—and restart—of the annual Torah-reading cycle. Keep in mind that Chanukah, too, is early this year, starting on December 1. I’m willing to bet that many businesses will still be temporarily including Chanukah with Christmas, even though Chanukah will be over two weeks before Christmas. At Temple Sinai we will be having our adult Chanukah party with live music by Saul Kaye on Saturday, December 4th. I’m writing this column between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur, and although the High Holy Days are not over, I want to thank a number of people who have helped make our services a success. First of all, I want to thank Heidi Loeb for donating the beautiful glass screens behind the platform (bima) in the
On Saturday night, December 4—the fourth Chanukah candle—Temple Sinai will present Saul Kaye who sings Jewish
pop, folk and blues. (Last year’s performance was cancelled due to a snowstorm.) Saul’s music will be followed by an adult Chanukah party featuring traditional songs and food. Look for further details in future Sentinels.
assembly) and Beit T'filah (house of prayer). These activities include our Religious School, Torah for Tots and weekly Talmud study (Wednesday’s at noon); regular Shabbat services, including our first-Saturday-of-the-month morning service, our Simchat Shabbat on the first Friday of each month, and Tot Shabbat on the third Friday; the Men’s Club, with its monthly brunch/speaker series; the Sisterhood, with its upcoming pajama party; the Book Club; Youth Group; and weekly Israeli Dancing. Please refer to this Sentinel and our on-line calendar for details on these and other upcoming events. September 30 ended the twomonth matching challenge for the Capital Campaign (see last month’s Sentinel); we’ll have the numbers in early October. Please remember, unless we’ve reached the goal of bringing in enough money to close out the loan, about $60,000, the Capital Campaign will continue until the loan is retired. I look forward to seeing you at Temple Sinai soon. Shalom, Jake
Sinai Seeking Judaica Art If you have artwork to donate to Temple Sinai, please contact Amy Currier at currierdworkin@yahoo.com or 348-7819. Amy and the Board of Trustees will make decisions on what will be displayed. Thanks for your help.
Save the Date : December 4, 2010
S Social Hall, designed by local a artist Cindy Oberlander. Along w with the large flower bouquets p provided by Jeff Gingold and J Jane Townley, the social hall s setting for our services was the m most colorful it has ever been. I a also want to thank all of those w helped with High Holy Day who l g logistics: Rod Sloan, for setting up chairs and furnishings; Marilyn Roberts, for assisting with honor reminders; the Sisterhood and all who brought food items, for the Break-the-Fast; Mike Medvin, for running the sound system; the Men’s Club, for helping with the prayer books and putting furnishings back; members of the Board of Trustees for greeting; and the Ritual Committee, led by Karen Ceppos, for many other logistical details; Pat Eisenberg and family, for keeping our landscaping in tip-top shape; Gerry Willis, Jon Leo, Rachel Willis and our visiting musicians for the lovely musical accompaniments and vocals; and Steve Matles, Mike Medvin, Jon Leo and Rabbi Appleby for representing Temple Sinai at the Kever Avot Service at the Hebrew Cemetery. It is during these High Holy Days when we really see how blessed we are to have so many among us help to make Temple Sinai a wonderful congregation. In terms of “now what,” we continue with the many regular activities in our Beit Midrash (house of study), Beit K’nesset (house of
Now What?
Meyer Zibulsky, Zibu October 3 Esther Est Kauffman, October O 4
Lyndell Baker brother-in-law of Benala Abrams, September 26 Rose Jeanne Cohen aunt of Alison Lasher, September 26 Ignatz Gruenwald d grandfather of Rod Sloan, September 28 David Harrison brother-in-law of Steve Pansky, September 28 Samuel Eli Molod brother-in-law of Martha Gould, September 28
Gesha Mitchell, October 21
Samuel Samu Jaffe father-in-law of Ethel Jaffe and grandfather of Sue Burkhamer, B kh October O 8 Harold David Seelig father of Nancy Podewils, October 8 Joanne Hanni Reichman, October 9
Joseph Boyarsky father of Barbara Weinberg, September 30
Ethel Greenspon, October 10
KADDISH TO BE SAID OCTOBER 8 Esther A. Goldwater, October 3 Ellen Minuk, 25 Tishrei (October 3)
Augusta Goldstein sister-in-law of Selma Goldstein, October 28 Rae Bass Miller mother of Peggy Levine, October 28 Myrna Lazar cousin of Ethel Jaffe and Sue Burkhamer, October 29 Kathleen Anne Reichman, October 30 Helen Rottenberg aunt of Marynne Aaronson, October 30
Paula Phillips Oliveri, October 11
Barbara Rachael Green mother of Pam Sloan, November 1
Manas Rosenberg father of Mark Rosenberg, October 13
KADDISH TO BE SAID OCTOBER 22 Eduard David Weinberg father of Harry of Weinberg, October 17 Esther Elbaum Weingarten mother of Judy Schumer, October 17 KEHILAT HESED
Let us know if you can help with any of the following: Deliver a meal to a neighbor Give a neighbor a ride to a Temple event Give a neighbor a ride to an appointment Run an errand for a neighbor Call or visit someone who is home-bound Knit a shawl for someone who is ill Offer a place at your holiday table
E. Anthony Cunningham Jr., November 1
Let us know what your needs are and please call: • • • • • •
Robert F. Miller step-father of Peggy Levine, November 2 Mary Aaronson mother of Marynne Aaronson, 28 Cheshvan (November 5) Ilse Rosenfeld Weinberg mother-inlaw of Barbara Weinberg, November 5
sxj ,kve
The goal of the kehilat hesed is to create a more caring and responsive community: to transform our casual associations into loving and sacred relationships.
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Sid Matles father of Steve Matles, October 20
Charles Gingold father of Jeff Gingold, 3 Cheshvan (October 11)
Janice C. Pendergraft, October 2
Frieda Fr Kempler, 28 Tishrei Tish (October 6)
Arthur Gould husband of Martha Gould, October 10
Albert Newberger in the Virginia City Cemetery, October 1
Yetta Fox Einhorn, October 20
Elizabeth Matles grandmother of Steve Matles, September 29
Sidney David Leo father of Jonathan Leo, 23 Tishrei (October 1)
Herman Lazar cousin of Ethel Jaffe and Sue Burkhamer, October 18
Rabbi R Abraham Feinberg F husband of Patricia Pa Blanchard, October 5
Harry Ha Greenspon, October Octo 8
Cathy Gordon Feiertag, September 29
Leo M. Ginsburg, October 18
If there has been a death in your family If you or a family member is ill If you need a ride to the Temple If you need an errand done If you are home-bound If you are the caregiver for a family member with special needs • If you would like to be hosted for a Shabbat or holiday dinner
The Rabbi Wants To Know... Do you have college age children away from home? We would like to keep in touch with them. Let Rabbi Appleby know at 747-5508 or RabbiTempleSinai@ pyramid.net.
We thank those who support Temple Sinai.
General Fund Doug & Saundra Goodman in memory of Charles Krahenbuhl, father of Saundra Lynn Robins in memory of George Howard Mark Rosenberg in appreciation of his honor during the High Holy Days Gary & Judith Schumer in memory of Jack Schwartz
New Building Fund for the Matching Campaign Anonymous Rabbi Teri Appleby David Castleman Karen & Jerry Ceppos Lester & Marsha Cohen Patty Dickens to say "Thank You" to Temple Sinai Lauren & Paul Diefenbach Carole Fineberg Teri Gerritz in memory of Hany Weinberg Jeff Gingold & Jane Townley in memory of Charles Gingold Jeff Gorelick Lisa & Charles Krasner
Temple Sinai Family Thanks ~ Todah
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Anonymous in memory of Charles & Mildred Cane
Thanks to our September Oneg sponsor: the Religious School. Thanks to our September greeters: Temple Board members Jeff Blanck, Marcia Fine, Ken Roberts, and Doug Goodman.
Refuah Sheleimah “Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery” to: Herb Pevney, Eur Donovan (sister-in-law of Neva Donovan), and Louise Wilson (mother of Julie Stage); and Sister Laureen (friend of Temple Sinai).
Birthdays Sep 26: Eric Hobson Sep 27: Philip Wells Sep 28: Joseph Paris, Michael Weinzweig Sep 29: Heather Bartlett, Catherine
Religious School Fund Kristin & Al Brenner in memory of Beatrice and Roslyn Brenner for R.S. music programming Grace Morgan in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Greiner
Please Consider Making A Donation General Needs Capital-Maintenance Fund: Building and grounds maintenance Cemetery Fund: Maintenance of cemetery FF&I Fund: Furnishings, fixtures and interior improvements General Fund: General operating expenses Music Fund: Events, equipment, musicians New Building Fund: Servicing our newbuilding loan Religious School Fund: General school needs Ritual Fund: Sanctuary and religious supplies Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Directly supports Rabbi’s tzedakah efforts
Harris, Esther Isaac Sep 30: Neva Donovan, Samson Flagg, Rebecca Labowe Oct 1: John Louie Oct 2: Steven Rubin Oct 4: Jane Townley Oct 5: David Levine, John Preschutti, Elizabeth Thompson Oct 6: Madeline Burak, Tamara Rolston Oct 8: Martha Gould Oct 9: Marilyn Rappaport Oct 11: Ethan Labowe Oct 13: Ronnie Varney Oct 14: Jerry Ceppos Oct 16: Judith Schumer Oct 18: Michael Bloch, Talia Guzmán Oct 19: Diana Basché, Sharon Chabrow Oct 20: Michael Medvin Oct 22: Loth Lieberstein Oct 24: Michelle Ramirez
(Continued on page 8)
Thanks to all who helped with the Oneg to honor Patty Dickens and her years of service to Temple Sinai as our High Holy Day Choir Director on August 27: Benala Abrams, Karen Ceppos, Marsha Cohen, Lynne Daus, Gail Farrell, Marcia Fine, Saundra Goodman, Dave Levine, Marty Matles, Mike Medvin, Debbie Pomeranz, Julia Rubin, Shirley Rutkovitz, Rabbi Emerita Myra Soifer, Julie Stage, Jane Townley, Pam Sloan, Helene Spinner, and Barbara Weinberg, and to Adrienne Tropp for coordinating the event.
Albert Lerman Thomas & Maureen Leshendok Rodley Moser & Doug Lowenthal Steve & Marty Matles The Medvin Family in memory of Sandy Medvin Joe Merkin in honor of Ethel Jaffe Caroline Musselman David & Danielle Nisenfeld in memory of Cy Nisenfeld Paula Noble Jim & Marilyn Rappaport Ken & Marilyn Roberts Steven & Julia Rubin in honor of: Ethel Jaffe; the B'nei Mitzvah of Dennis Dworkin and Hannah Margolis; the Anonymous Donor to the Capital Campaign; and Rod Sloan for all of his dedication and hard work at Temple Sinai Jules & Shirley Rutkovitz Gary & Judith Schumer Rabbi Emerita Myra Soifer Julie Stage Robert Volk in memory of Maddie Kate Barbara Weinberg Kenneth & Louise Wilson Charles & Linda Wunsch Gerald Zabo
Donations to Sinai
Regular Weekly Shabbat Services EVERY FRIDAY at 7:30pm (Except the 1st Friday of each month) followed by an Oneg. Everyone is always w welcome at all of our services.
A shorter musically-oriented service, at which we celebrate community simchas for that month, such as Birthdays and Anniversaries, with a blessing under the Tallit. The service is followed by an Oneg with an ice cream bar and Israeli dancing (all levels are welcome).
Monthly Shabbat M Morning Services
invites you to share in the celebration of his
BAR MITZVAH 10:00AM Saturday, October, 16, 2010 Temple Sinai
The Family of Dennis Lee Dworkin invites you to share in the celebration of his
Bar Mitzvah at 10:30am, Saturday October 23rd, 2010 at Temple Sinai. Please RSVP to currierdworkin@yahoo.com.
The Family of
SATURDAYS on the FFIRST SHABBAT of every month October 2 & November 6
John Zaudy Eisenberg Jo
10:30am Shabbat Service 12 noon Dairy Potluck Lunch
Tot Shabbat Services
Ethan Isaac Labowe
Monthly Simchat M Shabbat Services The FIRST T FRIDAY of every month at 7pm
The Family of
October 15 & November 19 6:00pm: Tot Shabbat Service 6:30pm: Dairy Potluck Dinner This is a NEW monthly Shabbat service and dinner for families with children 0-8 years of age. Please join us to celebrate Shabbat with upbeat songs, simple prayers, a short story, and taking the Torah out.
invites you to share in the celebration of his 10:30AM Saturday, October, 30, 2010 Temple Sinai
Temple Sinai Youth Group ages 12-18 For more information and to be placed on the Youth Group email list, please contact: Rabbi Appleby (at RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net or 747-5508) or Tracy Bartlett (Religious School Director at luvjrz@aol.com or 972-1396).
We are also planning to hold more fundraisers this year. I will keep you posted on those. If you have any ideas, please feel free to contact me at any time. I am always open to new ideas and suggestions! By-the-way, students will receive rewards for arriving on time for Religious School on Sundays (9:30am) and for their attendance at Shabbat Services (Tot Shabbat doesn’t count but Saturday morning Services DO count). Welcome back to Religious School! Tracy Bartlett Religious School Director Email: luvzjrz@aol.com Home: 972-1396 Cell: 848-3559
Schedule Upcoming B’nei Mitzvah Now! November 13, 2010 – Hannah Margolis November 20, 2010 – Ikaika Flagg January 15, 2011 – Jacob Stites May 14, 2011 – Jessica & Daniel Fuchs June 18, 2011 – Matthew McKean July 2, 2011 – Noah Blanck B'nei Mitzvah must be scheduled at least eight months in advance. Call the Rabbi at 747-5508 to reserve your date. ALL services listed above are at 10:30am.
orah for Tots, Temple Sinai’s class for children ages 2-5, will resume on Thursday, October 28 at 4 PM at the Temple. For further information about the class or to get on the email list, please contact Judy Schumer at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net.
Torah for Tots
Our current schedule is as follows:
ow that Religious School is going strong, I wanted to tell you about some of the programs we are planning this year. Rabbi Appleby is going to be holding a Family Education Day with each class at one point during the year for your child’s class. This is a fantastic opportunity for you and your child/ren to learn together! We have three new teachers on our staff this year. Meet Jen Briggs in PreK-1st ; Heather Bartlett in 2nd /3rd grade, who also teaches the Aleph Hebrew; and, last but not least, Tovah Goodman who is our new music & drama specialist, Hebrew teacher (on Tuesday nights), and Youth Group Director—well, you name it, it seems Tovah does it! Please introduce yourselves to all of our new teachers if they haven’t already done the same with you! The Religious School classes will host several of our New Simchat Shabbat Services (the 1st Fridays of each month at 7pm) and Onegs. At every Simchat Shabbat Service, we celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and other happy events; there is a lot of music and singing, an ice cream bar at the Oneg, and Israeli dancing. Please plan to attend all of these Friday night services. Recent Religious/Hebrew School events included: celebrating Sukkot (including decorating the Sukkah) on
Sunday, September 26 and the Simchat Torah and Consecration Service (for our new students) on Friday, October 1. For Chanukah this year, we will have a competition for the best home-made Channukiyot (Chanukah menorahs). On Friday, December 3, as we celebrate our Simchat Shabbat Service, awards will be given for the menorah competition and every family will light their own menorah brought from home. On Sunday, December 5, we will celebrate Chanukah with games, prizes, and lots of yummy treats, from 10am to 12:30pm (no Hebrew School). Purim will be celebrated with a Purim Sphiel at services on Friday, March 18 and a new and improved Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 20. After the reading of the Megillah, and awards for best costumes, there will be games, yummy hamentashen, prizes, and loads of fun at the carnival! You and your family and friends are invited too! This event is from 10am to 12:30pm (no Hebrew School). But wait... there’s MORE! In April, the Religious School gets to have a “mock Passover Seder.” This seder will take place during regular Religious School hours, and will include all the fixings of Passover and a fun seder story skit too. In May, we have an Israeli Independence Day Celebration on the 1st, from 10am to 12:30pm. And last, but not least, is our End-of-Year Picnic (details to be announced soon). I will have a calendar that includes all of our events, breaks, and more in our parent packet soon, so, if this is confusing, not to worry. There will be more detailed information soon!
הנעורים/ בית מדרשׁ
Religious School News
מועדון גברים/ אחותיות סיני
Oct 25: John Eisenberg, Linda Labowe, Sara Merkin, Errin Morgan Oct 26: Camille Gertler Oct 28: Olga Blanck, Van Brenner, Merle Bruce, Emily Paris Oct 29: Patricia Blanchard Oct 31: Benala Abrams, Rachel Greiner, Francesca Jensen Nov 3: Samuel Briggs Nov 4: Dennis Dworkin Nov 5: Theodore Bloch
Anniversaries Oct 8: Leonard Chyet & Rebecca Loftis Oct 26: James & Marilyn Rappaport
Men’s Club
e started off our season in September, with Stephanie Sant’Ambragio, who gave all in attendance a superior talk about her career and her musical family. She also played some unbelievable music for our enjoyment. On October 10, we will be featuring one of our own, Dr. Steven Rubin, MD. He will be speaking about the aging process, specially the development stage in life between middle age and late adulthood. Dr. Rubin is a geriatric psychiatrist, and since I am in my (very) late adulthood, I am especially looking forward to his presentation. All are welcome to our 9am breakfast and to hear Steve at 10am. Dave Levine, Men’s Club President
Sinai Sisterhood
(Continued from "Birthdays" on page 5)
We Need Your Help!
Sisterhood Tributes Have the he Sisterhood send greeting cards for you: birthday, anniversary, get well, sympathy, congratulations, new baby, new year, etc. If interested, call Marilyn Roberts at 662-3115 or email her at kenmar74@gmail.com. Send the check directly to her at: Marilyn Roberts, 5807 Dessert Mirage Dr., Sparks, NV 89436. COST: $3/per card or ten cards for $27.
emple Sinai’s Sisterhood is planning a pajama party on October 24 in conjunction with Make a Difference Day. Flyers are on the lobby table.
We will be assembling backpacks for children who have been taken away from their families. The backpacks are distributed by the police & Child Protective Services and given to the child(ren) right away. The backpacks are labeled by age, so age appropriate “gifts” are distributed. If you would like to donate to this worthwhile project, you can drop off your items at Temple Sinai using the barrel barre for the Food Bank in the front door foyer (we will separate the backpack items from the food). Some items separ to do donate include coloring books, crayons, small stuffed animals, books, nail polish, hand-made quilts and sweats i or anything a child might want if taken from his/her home. We prefer new items, please. Thank you. Mark your calendar to join us for a movie and fun on Sunday, October 24 from 4pm to 7pm at Temple Sinai. Any questions, contact Pam Sloan at 852-4417 or email psloan55@charter.net.
Folk Dancing at Sinai
Here are the books for the next few months:
Folk Dancing: 7pm Every Tuesday Night & 7pm One Saturday each Month (check the calendar for dates) (Open to all; 1st time FREE, $5 regular, $3 for students.)
Monthly Board Meeting Bo 7pm Wednesday, October 14. All Temple members are welcome to attend.
December 2 (a combo Nov. & Dec. meeting): Oxygen (fiction) by Carol Cassella Host: Barbara Weinberg Facilitator: Carisse Gafni
7pm Every Thursday Night. (Open to all; $2 for the public and $1 for Temple Sinai Members.)
To join the book club, please contact Judy Schumer at garyjudy2@sbcglobal.net. Synopses for all the books can be found on amazon.com.
By Board action, on recommendation of the Ritual Committee, pork and shellfish may not be served at Temple Sinai. This includes any products containing either pork or shellfish; so, do check, carefully, the contents of what you might be serving at Onegs, meetings, receptions, etc. Also be careful to remember those possible “common” foods that are indeed included in these restrictions (pepperoni pizza is one good example!).
If you are not already receiving the Temple’s Weekly eNewsletter, send an email to Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net asking us to add you and we’ll put you on the list.
ROBERT RAND MD (775) 826-7263 6512 S. McCarran Blvd. #D, Reno, NV 89509
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If you are ttaking ki g ttrash h outt and d it does not fit into the dumpster, DO NOT leave it on the ground beside the dumpster. Please leave a note for our Administrative Assistant and arrangements will be made to have the dumpster emptied.
January 21: Start-up Nation – The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle (non fiction) by Dan Senor and Sol Singer Host: NEEDED! Facilitator: Marsha Cohen
Check the calendar to confirm all dates and times.
Cleaning Up?
he Temple Sinai Book Club will meet next on Thursday, October 28 at 7pm at Judith Strasser's house. The book is Good for the Jews (fiction) by Debra Spark.
מועדון גברים/ אחותיות סיני
Temple Sinai Book Club
Tracy Bartlett
Gold G o Canyon Candle Available for:
Home Hom me Parties, Book Parties, & Fundraisers
775-972-1396 • 775-848-3559 775-97 775775 www.mygccandle.com/TracysGCCandles www.my www. luvzjrz@aol.com
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Calling Oneg Hosts: 2010/2011 Oneg Hosting Calendar now available for sign-ups...
Oneg means “delight/pleasure.” It is for the delight of the host and the pleasure of congregation. The host to share his/her delight for the special occasion/event and the congregation to enjoy the pleasure of interaction with others.
Dave Levine, EA, MGFC Dave Maddy, EA Julie Freemyer, EA William Harrison, Esq. Tori Warren, CPA
For your personal appointment, call:
775-329-3443 Please sign up for a date or two. There are four easy ways to sign up: 1. Stop by Temple Sinai office to sign up 2. Sign up on Temple Sinai kitchen door Oneg sign up sheet 3. Call the office at 747-5508 4. Email Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net If you are unable to host an Oneg, please consider a donation to sponsor one. Just send your donation to Temple Sinai with a note that it is for the Oneg Fund and if the donation is in honor or memory of someone or of an occasion. Thank you to all our Oneg hosts. The congregation certainly enjoys all Onegs.
Temple Sinai Breast Cancer Support Line Julia Rubin, Sinai member, a nurse, and herself living with breast cancer. 829-8104 or renorubins@sbcglobal.net. Confidentiality honored. Go to www.thebreastcancersite.com to donate a free mammorgram a day to an under-privileged woman. Go to www.armyofwomen.org to join a movement to bring women and researchers together to eradicate breast cancer.
The Temple Sinai Sentinel is published monthly. Temple Sinai is a Reform Congregation affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. Temple Sinai is located at: 3405 Gulling Road, Reno NV 89503. This issue is: Volume 37, No. 1 • October 2010
October 2010
22 Tishrei
Tishrei / Cheshvan 5771
Temple Sinai is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism 3405 GULLING ROAD • RENO, NEVADA 89503 (775) 747-5508 Fax (775) 747-1911 E-mail: temple.sinai@pyramid.net, web page: www.templesinai-reno.com
Sep 30
Shemini Atzeret 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Night
31 No Religious/Hebrew School: Nevada Day
6 Noon Talmud 5pm Adult Hebrew II 7pm Ritual Committee Meeting
12 Sentinel Deadline 6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 7pm Reno Israeli Folk Dance Night
Columbus Day
9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7)
Mother-in-law Day United Nations Day 9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7) 4pm Sisterhood’s Pajama Party
6pm Hebrew (grades 4-7) 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folk Dance Night 7pm Tommy Sands at NNMC
9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7)
9am Men’s Club with guest speaker Steven Rubin on “Gerolescence and ACJP” 9:30am Religious School 11:30am Hebrew (grades 3-7)
9am Israeli Consul General Yaakov Dayan - Siena Hotel
Noon Talmud 7pm Board Meeting
6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night 7pm Reno Israeli Folk Dance Night
Nov 1
28 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Night
Noon Talmud
2 6:30pm Sisterhood Mahjong Night No Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7)
21 7pm Book Club 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Night
Noon Talmud
6pm Midweek Hebrew (grades 4-7) 7pm Reno Israeli Folk Dance Night
14 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Night
7 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Night
3 Noon Talmud 7pm Ritual Committee Meeting
4 7pm Reno International Folk Dance Night
Oct 1 Simchat Torah 6:25pm Candle lighting 7pm Simchat Torah Service & Consecration with the Oneg hosted by Jennifer Brigg’s PreK - 1st Grade Class
Rabbi Teri Appleby
8 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 6:14pm Candle lighting 7:30pm Shabbat Services
6pm Tot Shabbat Service and Dinner 6:03pm Candle lighting 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by the Labowe Family in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Labowe
5:53pm Candle lighting 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by Mira Kurka and the Rubin Family in honor of the adult Bar Mitzvah of Dennis Dworkin
5:44pm Candle lighting 7:30pm Shabbat Services with the Oneg hosted by the Eisenberg Family in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of John Eisenberg
5:36pm Candle lighting 7pm Simchat Shabbat Service with the Oneg hosted by Nurit Stites and Jeff Blanck’s 6-7th Grade Class
Torah Portion: B’reisheet Gen. 1:1-6:8 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service Noon Potluck Dairy Lunch 6pm Donovan/Louie Birthday Celebration 7:53pm Havdalah (72 min)
1 Cheshvan
Torah Portion: Noach Gen. 6:9-11:32 Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan 7pm Monthly Israeli Folk Dance Evening 7:42pm Havdalah (72 min)
Torah Portion: Lech Lecha Gen. 12:1-17:27 10am Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Labowe 7:32pm Havdalah (72 min)
Torah Portion: Vayera Gen. 18:1-22:24 10:30am Adult Bar Mitzvah of Dennis Dworkin 7:22pm Havdalah (72 min)
Torah Portion: Chaye Sarah Gen. 23:1-25:18 10:30am Bar Mitzvah of John Eisenberg 7:13pm Havdalah (72 min)
29 Cheshvan
Nov 6
Torah Portion: Toldot Gen. 25:19-28:9 10:30am Shabbat Morning Service Noon Potluck Dairy Lunch 7:05pm Havdalah (72 min)
Temple Sinai 3405 Gulling Road Reno, Nevada 89503 (775) 747-5508
Rabbi Teri Appleby (775) 747-5508 • E-Mail: RabbiTempleSinai@pyramid.net President Jake Margolis (775) 827-1068 • E-Mail: Jake.Margolis@sbcglobal.net Treasurer Ken Roberts (775) 622-3115 • E-Mail: kenmar74@gmail.com Religious School Director Tracy Bartlett (775) 972-1396 (h) • E-mail: luvzjrz@aol.com Temple Sinai Fax (775) 747-1911 • Web Page: www.TempleSinai-Reno.com • Email: Temple.Sinai@pyramid.net Rabbi Myra Soifer, Emerita (775) 747-6330 • E-Mail: myrabbireno@yahoo.com
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