Keep moving with the wind

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keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind tengis khasbagana photographs

keep moving with the wind

tengis khasbagana photographs

keep moving with the wind

keep moving w

keep moving with the wind

with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving w

keep moving with the wind

with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving w

keep moving with the wind

with the wind keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving w

keep moving with the wind

with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

keep moving w

keep moving with the wind

with the wind


依靠那些不容易變化的現象重復強調,記憶逐漸形成,某個 建築,某方口音,某種氣候之規律往往能有效的串聯出固定 的情節。其實在我們沒去經營記憶的時候很多事情在試圖變 成無意義的因素,脫離是非,這是時光的看家本領,也是 壹切歷史創傷對其無可奈何並前行至今的壹大荒唐要素。 歷史中的人們很無助,卻因智慧壹直很固執,憧憬大山 之穩固的線條,崇敬花瓣式無限的排列,相信靈魂,研 習醫療…在造化之外人們開始有空隙做這般事情來保護 某種生存法則,使其長久受用。此類經驗無論能否被成 就 ,經 營這故事 的人或 景象 會成為記憶被留存壹段時間… keep moving with the wind

Copyright Š 2012 by Tengis Khasbagana

keep moving with the wind

keep moving with the wind

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