18 minute read
Great Britain
Yorkshire Postal History 17th to 19th century.
An alphabetically organised collection of postmarks on over seventy entires and covers from 1600s through to line-engraved frankings, varied condition with some marked with the collector’s reference codes in pen, yet some scarce strikes in very nice quality, incl. bishop marks, circular undated mileage strikes of Barnsley and Selby, circular dated mileage Scarborough, straight-line mileages for Beverley (1818), Boroughbridge (1807), Bridlington (1809), red Brough (1825), Pocklington (1816), Pontefract (1818), purple Rotherham (1807), Tadcaster (1827), Thirsk (1815) and Wetherby (1819). Other good postmarks are attractive centrally struck Bedale straight-line (1792); red oval ‘Paid at...’ strikes and red circular ‘Paid One Penny’ of 1840 (latter with ‘N’s reversed); circular undated Guisborough in red (1834); an 1852 cover with all blue cds strikes of York, Northallerton, Grosmont and ‘Gisboro’ - the latter abbreviation stated as apparently unrecorded; 1839 part-cover to Grassington with ‘Gomersal Penny Post’ Italic straight-line along with red oval ‘Paid at Leeds’ and manuscript ‘Missent to -’ beside Carlisle cds; another manuscript ‘missent to-’ (Bishop Auckland cds) with ‘try Auckland’ in another hand, along with ‘1d’ and ‘Paid at Leeds’ on September 1840 letter from Charles Fowler, author of Fowler’s Railway Traveller’s Guide, to the Bishop Auckland & Weardale Railway requesting data for his coming publication. The greatest range for a single town is on Hull, including 1669 bishop mark cover, another bishop mark with large ‘Hull’ straight-line (c.1700), scarce double arc ‘234’ type (1826), travelling/temporary arched strike in blue (1840), large blue ‘Ship-Letter’ strikes and an absolutely superb strike of a spoon duplex tying 1d red stars to cover. Much more here to see, a most interesting specialist’s collection.
Great Britain
Yorkshire Postal History
Interesting local collection of 19th century postal history mostly from a Middleham solicitor’s correspondence, with 56 covers, the majority imperf 1d red frankings, plus stampless covers, 1d rose postal stationery, a few perf issues incl. 2d plate 13, etc. Some of the better quality covers have been blessed also with four-margin frankings, including a very large margin single on well-preserved 1846 entire from Leeds & Carlisle & Yorkshire & Glasgow Union Railway, Leyburn with extensive contents on early railway business in a neat hand; another very fine franking (1841) superbly tied by Manchester MX cancel alongside boxed arched ‘Missent to Glasgow’ cachet; a pair on cover with blank circular Thornton and seven further blue cds transit/arrival marks of York and Pocklington (July 27th), Middleham (July 28th), Pickering (August 11th), Bedale (Au.12th) and back at Middleham, with four of these postmarks crossed through in pen. Also a penny black (H-F, plate 4) with four margins and neat red MX on large piece, 1d rose stationery envelope 1845 uprated with 1d red pair (incomplete margins), a perf 1d ‘stars’ on large piece strongly mis-perfed completely lacking lower corner letters and value tablet, etc. An intriguing and charming range.
Great Britain Postal History
A Mainly 19th Century Commercial Correspondence
A box of over 100 items from a wool mill archive, from pre-stamp period onwards including a nice range of ‘Paid’ strikes, ‘Too Late’ etc, followed by 50 imperf 1d red covers with a handful from black plates incl. four-margins pl.8 and pl.11, also an early ‘Registered’ letter of May 1846 from Wakefield to Keighley. Later line-engraved incl. 1d plate 49 (D-’D constant variety) on 1862 Furness Railway stationery. Some interesting contents, including letter regarding an 1846 combers’ strike involving this mill. The material ranges into the 20th century, with official mail incl. ‘Privy Purse Buckingham Palace’, please inspect.
Great Britain
Postal Orders Collection 1881-2000s
Collection of over 180 items (77 QV to KGVI, 90 QEII, plus foreign), virtually all different, presented neatly in a binder. Excellent condition on the scarce early items including 1881 first issue 1/- with perfect Usk cds, 1881 20/- specimen ovpt superb, 1884 design 1/6d and 2/-, 1892 5/- (and 2/- in lesser quality). Then rare 1/6d provisional KEVII head in design of 1892, with affixed 4d stamp, with faults however ‘only a few known to exist’ according to Lunn. The KGV with thirty items including several pre-1927 examples, plus two Pension Orders in green: 5/- Downey head type h/s ‘Cancelled’ with value tablet excised and 10/- profile head in near-perfect condition, followed by 6d and 2/6d orders used during the reign of Edward VIII, the 6d postmarked 9/12/36 (day before abdication) bearing stamps of KGV and KEVIII. After the extensive KGVI and QEII sections are a few nice overseas items including Ireland, Sudan and KGVI British Honduras 50cts with Belize 1986 postmark. Postal Order collections of any level are very seldom seen. Accompanied by Stephen Cribb’s invaluable 1984 ‘Standard Catalogue of Postal Orders’. This lot is photographed in entirety online.
Great Britain
Exciting compact collection of about 300 mint and used stamps 1840-1934 in an old stockbook, with an interesting range of first issues including two apparently mint/regummed(?) penny blacks with four margins, similarly 1840 2d blue plate 1 with four margins and again with some form of gum, faults yet attractive appearance. Also used four-margin 1d blacks (3) with red MX cancels, one with hidden creases, one with heavy crease, the third very nice. Then 1d four-corner-letter plates set used virtually all sound examples including the pl.225, 2d blue plates set used and embossed issues incl. very clean 1/-. The surface-printed includes 1883 5/- cds and 10/- sound with purple reg. cancels, ‘lilac and green’ sets used, mint and used Jubilee sets, two 1891 £1 examples used, followed by KEVII to £1 and a page of KGV - high values only - incl. quality mint B/W 10/- seahorse and PUC £1. A few postal history items are tipped-in as well incl. 1807 entire with Thirsk straight-line postmark. Some hidden faults particularly on the early issues, however the condition overall is well above average.

Great Britain
Collection of about 250 stamps, mainly Victorian, on Stanley Gibbons album pages in a binder, incl. two penny blacks with four margins and red Maltese crosses, other useful line-engraved incl. perf 2d blue plate 12 superbly postmarked and centred, 1876 8d orange, 1881 5d indigo, 1d redlilac 14 dots cds, etc. Mixed condition on the rest, please inspect.
Great Britain
Accumulation in three cartons, one with about 1,400 used perf penny reds in books and on pages and loose, some organised including postmarks, multiples, etc. with a further very approx. 3,000 penny reds loose in a box, mix of stars and four-corner-letters, many with cut edges. This hoard given to the collector by an old lady several decades ago and never checked. Also noted a penny black, three margins, tied by red MX to cover of May 11th 1840 addressed to James Taylor, first partner of Samuel Lloyd, with contents on banking policy. Lots here for the enthusiast of the later line-engraved issues.
Great Britain etc.
Two large clear containers with the main collection in three green Lighthouse hingeless albums, incl. penny black with four margins and red MX, 1840 2d blue attractive though margin touching frame lower right, mint 1d red ‘stars’ (SG.38) and 1½d regummed, 1d red plates 1864-79 only missing a few, ½d plates incl. mint pl.12, 1867 1/- green MNH (SG.115, cat. £1,300 for hinged), 1874 5/- rose used, fine examples of the 3d and 6d surcharges, 1880-81 mint set of five to 5d indigo, 1881 1d pale lilac 14 dots mint, 1883/84 high values with superb cds 5/- and sound used 10/-, the 1884 £1 brown also appears sound though altered to grey, then mostly cds lilac and green set, Jubilees mint, KEVII to 1/- lightly hinged and fresh, nice range of mint KGV from Downey head sets onwards, £1 PUC cds used, etc. The first QEII volume appears all MNH incl. Wilding watermark varieties, 1955 Waterlow castles, etc. Interesting later QEII as well, with Diana Welsh inscription presentation pack noted. Also some worldwide stamps and a box of decent literature and optical accessories.
Great Britain
A northern postal historian and exhibitor’s collection filling a small carton, with many hundreds of mostly used stamps and much postal history, especially of the line-engraved period, written-up on pages plus a very interesting stack of loose 19th century covers with some unusual postmarks. Includes a series of pages of Victorian ‘not found at address’ covers (21) from a Sheffield post office, an album on postal history of Barnsley from 1807 to 1970s incl. 1951 typed letter to the collector from Clement Attlee urging coal production, as well as imperf penny reds on pages with many attractive four-margin examples, a page of blue cancels, another with numbers in cross, as well as useful surface-printed, QV revenues, etc, etc.
Great Britain
Accumulation of hundreds of mint and used stamps from 1840 to QEII on cards in a large binder, mainly pre-1920 with approx. 280 QV stamps incl. eleven penny blacks in mixed condition, 1840 2d blue plate 1 four margins, 1841 2d blue mint with three margins and good-looking gum, requiring expertization as always, then 1½d mint shades, a quite attractive embossed set, nice 1862 1/- green and later 1/- plate numbers running from 4 to 13, 1867 5/- rose plate 1, 2½d plates 1 to 23 complete incl. rosy mauve plate 17 cds, through to jubilee set mint, highly presentable 1891 £1 (slight wrinkles and pen mark on reverse), as well as KEVII mint to 1/- and attractive used to £1, KEVIII FDCs and much more.

Great Britain
Collection in three Lighthouse hingeless albums, mainly used, starting with fifteen penny blacks of which all but two are sound four-margin examples, 1840 2d blues both plates attractive, lots more line-engraved incl. decent plate 225 1d red, excellent 10d embossed with margins clear all round, the surface-printed in varying quality with occasional cds incl. 1874 5/- plate 2 and 1878 10/-, 1881 2/- orange-brown with bar cancel and possible hidden faults yet presentable, 1d lilac 14-dots both shades mint, 1883-84 high values with possible blue papers certainly including 2/6d, a superb 10/- SG.183, very decent £1 brown-lilacs 1884 crowns and 1888 orbs, as well as all the £1 greens cds 1891, 1902 and 1911. Further highlights in the 20th century are the seahorses with cds 10/- shades and mint £1, PUC £1 used, etc. Mixed condition and somewhat scruffy presentation here with some mis-identification of issues by the collector, still generally a good effort on quality where it counts. Please inspect.
Great Britain
Exhibition-style collection of many hundreds of mint and used stamps, booklets and postal history 1840 to early decimal QEII, well-presented and written-up in three Safe albums, starting with four penny blacks including a May 30th 1840 cover with four-margin stamp neatly tied by red MX, further line-engraved on cover incl. perf ‘stars’ 2d blue and 1d L-G with double ‘G’, etc. The individual stamps are a relatively basic range in mixed condition, with later QV to 5/-, then Kings incl. KEVIII 1936 2/- booklet (edition 361), through to useful Wilding issues. Please inspect.
Great Britain
1840-1970 collection in a Climax loose-leaf album incl. three-margin penny black and 1840 2d blue, a nice range of line-engraved to 2/- blue and 5/- plate 1 of 1867 completely without fault though off-centre as usual, later 19th century also to 5/-, KEVII to 5/-, 1934 10/- seahorse cds, etc, etc.
Great Britain
The pre-decimal/early decimal and used part of a collector’s estate (the Great Britain continued in Lot 55), a somewhat disorganised mass of albums and loose in three large containers and a carton, including a collection in SG albums with an excellent 1840 1d grey-black plate 6 with neat black MX, mint 1d red ‘stars’, surface-printed in mixed condition to 10/-, decent Kings, etc. On the later material into the 2010s the collector went to great lengths to ensure good cds postmarks on first class panes, souvenir sheets, booklet panes, etc, in stockbooks and loose. Then FDCs from 1940s to 2010s in sixteen volumes (ten are Royal Mail binders) including 1948 Silver Wedding set, frequent commemorative covers starting from 1936 Queen Mary maiden voyage illustrated stationery, numismatic covers (~30), etc. Please inspect.
Great Britain
Vintage collection of the reigns of the four kings in an old exercise book, mostly mint with controls and cylinder numbers, as well as three booklets: first KEVII issue (SG.BA1, cat. £500) in excellent quality, 1935 3/- edition 299 (SG.BB29, cat. £550) in absolutely pristine condition having been in a glassine envelope since issue, similarly with 1936 2/- edition 368 (SG.BC2, cat. £140). Other highlights are Downey head controls incl. 1d SG.341 full lower edge of sheet strip of twelve with control B11 perf type 1A, many shades incl. 1d scarlet-vermilion SG.361 used, 1935 2d orange wmk sideways pair mint (SG.442b), etc, etc.

Great Britain
1840-1970 collection on blank pages in a binder with strength in later 19th century in very attractive mint never hinged quality. Includes two penny blacks (incomplete margins), later 1d red plates to 224 used and four mint plates, ½d x2 mint and all plates used incl. sound plate 9, many surface-printed plates, average postmark quality, values to 2/- incl. 8d orange, then 1880-81 set MNH to 2d rose incl. both ½d shades (SG.164/168, cat. £740 for hinged) and the full set to 5d used, 1881 1d pale lilac 14 dots MNH (SG.171, cat. £225 for hinged), lilac and greens to 3d MNH and 4d same though slight imperfections (cat. £1,300 for hinged), Jubilee set of twelve MNH (cat. £940), 1900 changed colours ½d inverted watermark and 1/- both MNH, followed by KEVII to 1/- MNH, 1911 perf 15x14 set vibrant MNH (cat. £250), and lots more with watermark varieties through KGVI, better QEII phosphors, etc. as well as postage dues complete 1937-1969 virtually all MNH incl. SG.D46/D55.
Great Britain
1840-2015 collection in six volumes: two binders of stockpages with the generally used collection, then four Royal Mail binders of presentation packs. Some useful earlier issues including four-margin penny black with neat black MX postmark, line-engraved and surface-printed in mixed condition to 5/-, KEVII 5/-, officials incl. 1902 1d Royal Household mint, etc. Face value £2,000+ excluding Machin types.

Great Britain
The balance of a lifelong collection (the other parts being Lots 21, 38 and 188) in a small carton, with a very neatly written-up volume of lineengraved incl. seven penny blacks in mixed condition, 1840 2d pale blue plate 1 three margins on cover, then a good study of the imperf 1d red plates and varieties, incl. superb used four margins lake-red shade (SG.11, cat. £850) and four margins orange-brown (SG.12, cat. £275), black plate printings, etc, 1841 2d blue strip of six used, ½d plate 9 single and on cover, etc. Then much more line-engraved in a work-in-progress stockbook incl. four-margin imperf reds with varieties identified, and on into surface-printed with a very interesting range incl. specimen overprints, I.R. Official 6d mint (SG.O4), Govt. Parcels 1/- green ‘specimen’ block of four (SG.O68s) unused with manuscript figure on reverse and chemical stain suggestive of testing, 1883-84 2/6d and 10/- mint (10/- with fine mark on front), 1d lilac controls set N to X and ½d vermilion M to Q, etc. Also a battered old loose-leaf volume with written-up Scottish pre-stamp covers incl. red bishop marks, a folder with album pages of Scottish postal history and loose line-engraved covers, further loose material incl. 13.3.1954 air-crash cover of B.O.A.C. Lockheed Constellation ‘Belfast’ which crashed at Kallang airport Singapore en route from Australia to London. Lots here to investigate, please inspect.
Great Britain
Several hundred mint and used stamps from 1840 to 1950s disorganised on hingeless pages in a Lighthouse binder, the 19th centur y in mixed condition, then the collection comes into its own with the George V with many good issues bought individually in excellent mint or never hinged quality. Includes Downey head 1d aniline scarlet MNH (SG.333, cat. £375), imperf paper trials, 1912 1d scarlet ‘no cross on crown’ MNH (SG.350a, cat. £225) and wmk sideways MNH (SG.350c, cat. £325), ‘Postage’ watermarks incl. full wmk on vertical strip of five 2d orange (SG.Spec.N19yb, cat. £300), ‘specimen’ and ‘cancelled’ ovpts incl. 1d red SG.Spec.N16u block of four vlh on upper pair (cat. £360 for hinged singles), booklet panes, lots of control numbers, later KGV side-profiles with watermarks inverted on values to 9d MNH (SG.421Wi/422Wi, 424Wi/427Wi, cat. £960), etc. Also 1959 phosphor-graphite set in MNH blocks of four (gum adhesions in selvage only) SG.599/609, cat. £400.
Great Britain
Used collection 1841 to 1930s in a Devon album with slipcase, mostly QV issues (1000+) from line-engraved onwards, some duplication on the penny red and surface-printed plates, mixed condition, incl. 1867 5/- rose plate 1 with no faults, through to seahorses incl. 10/- in deep dull shade (mis-identified as re-engraved by the collector). Very high catalogue.
Great Britain
Collection in four Stanley Gibbons hingeless albums in slipcases, plus prestige booklets in four additional binders. A solid mint/MNH run from KGVI to 2017 plus issues to 2018 on loose pages and to Christmas 2022 on loose cards. The first book has useful earlier material in mixed condition incl. penny black, QV jubilees mint to 1/-, mint KEVII to 1/-, KGV re-engraved seahorses mint set, 1936-37 dues with MNH 2/6d (SG.D26, cat. £325), 1937-38 set MNH (cat. £300), 1955-57 set MNH (cat. £475), etc. Comprehensive later issues: without counting non-barcoded Machins, the face value will exceed £4,200.
Great Britain
Mint collection in 15 stockbooks, 1940 to end of 2020, with booklets and miniature sheets, the sets from 1980s onwards in gutter pairs including the first class panes. Also noted early ‘smiler’ sheets. Some foxing here due to storage. Face value will easily exceed £4,600 excluding Machins.
Great Britain etc.
A carton of assorted material, including Great Britain mint sets and prestige booklets, neatly organised in shoeboxes with non-Machin face value well over £600. Some useful pre-decimal period too incl. Wilding booklets and a small binder of postal history with over half 19th century incl. 1893 1d lilac cover to India redirected via Rangoon and back to England.
Great Britain
Mint/MNH collection in five SG albums, issues from KGV to 2012, along with FDCs from KGVI to 2012 in nine further volumes, of which five are large Stuart binders. In the smaller binders the earliest include Guernsey 1940 2d bisect, 1948 Olympics, 1953 coronation, ‘57 scout jamboree, and so on. Accompanied by a small stack of supplement pages and other accessories. Face value exceeds £1,000 not counting any Machins.
Great Britain
Collection in seven loose-leaf albums plus a few stockbooks, chiefly QEII parallel mint and used, the mint sets to 2011, with commemorative face value well over £1,400.
£600-700 46
Great Britain
Collection in seven binders, mainly sets from 1990s to 2018 mounted on pages. Face value minimum £1,750 excluding Machins.
Great Britain
A carton of stockbooks and shoebox, unassuming in appearance, however there are many large gutter sheets of 4x panes of ten 1st class commems here (a few with condition issues), along with commem booklets and miniature sheets in duplicated groups, lots of gutter block sets, etc. Face value on non-Machin issues will exceed £1,200.
Great Britain
Mint collection in seven stockbooks and parallel FDCs in nine binders (two Post Office and seven Royal Mail) plus two 2012 Olympics binders. Runs from pre-decimal through to Christmas 2017, with over £2,400 face value excluding Machins.
Great Britain
Two cartons of mint QEII material running into 2010s in two Royal Mail binders, seven stockbooks and loose, with souvenir sheets, smiler sheets, prestige booklets and presentation packs. Excluding Machin types the face value is over £2,300.
Great Britain
Collection in twelve loose-leaf albums, from 1840 with 1d black with four margins and red MX though with thin, the main strength in later mint with traffic lights from the 1960s onwards with new issues through to 2022, the majority in margin imprint or traffic light pairs. Excluding non-barcoded Machins, face value is over £4,000.
Great Britain
Decimal collection running to 2022 in at least twenty volumes, eight of which are for the parallel mint and used sets and souvenir sheets on album pages, with much of the mint in gutter pairs. The other volumes are for the FDCs also to 2022. Face value at least £4,000, excluding non-barcoded Machins.
Great Britain
Collection of mint sets (five volumes) and FDCs (eleven volumes) both up to 2019. Some earlier material and foreign stamps as well, though these appear inconsequential. Face value on commemoratives only is certainly over £1,800, approx. £2,000.
Great Britain
Two large containers of new issues, with mint sets, m/s and booklets to at least Christmas 2020, plus FDCs of the same period and a good range of other commemorative and special edition material incl. ‘smiler’ sheets, a few coin covers incl. 2015 ‘longest reigning monarch’ m/s FDC with 22ct gold proof crown (approx. £1,700 bullion value at time of going to press), silver stamp ingots, Royal Mail desk utensil set in solid silver, etc. Face value on the commem stamps alone will exceed £2,800.
Great Britain
First Day and commemorative cover collection neatly presented in seven binders (six are Royal Mail), 1992 to 2012 (the Olympics FDCs in loose envelope), including about 80 coin/medallic covers with approx. £140 legal tender.
Great Britain
Mostly 21st century mint accumulation in three low containers, issues running to 2018, the presentation packs together in new issue envelopes with additional imprint margin sets and extra souvenir sheets, as well as ‘smiler’ sheets, booklets, first class gutter panes of twenty seen, etc. The small proportion of 1990s material includes Princess Diana Welsh inscription pack. Face value excluding Machins will be well over £8,000.
Great Britain
Small box of mint sets, booklets, presentation packs, etc. as well as two £5 coin covers. Face value excluding Machins is well over £1,000. £400-500
Great Britain
Mainly decimal period collection/accumulation in three cartons and a plastic container, with a focus on booklets from 1970s to 2006 in Royal Mail new issue packs, many with two of each, also noted two each of the 2000 Christmas ‘Smiler’ sheets (‘Post Office’ imprints, cat. £250 each set). Further mint sets in a bulging SG stockbook running from KGV to about 2000 incl. better 1960s phosphor sets MNH incl. Red Cross. Later mint sets to 2012 on cards. Also FDCs 1970s to 2013 in 13 binders (11 are Royal Mail), 2012 Olympics/Paralympics binders with the full mint set, etc. Face value excluding Machins is over £2,200, of which minimum £1,600 is in 1st and 2nd class commems.
Commemorative Accumulation
A large clear container with 15 volumes of commemorative stamps and covers mostly on printed pages, the Great Britain collection including well over £200 face value in 1980s/’90s sets and panes, silk FDCs, thematic covers with 75 numismatic/medallic GB and overseas incl. £30 legal tender, etc.
Great Britain
Plastic container and carton of neatly packaged and chronologically ordered sets in mint blocks of four, presentation packs (usually x2) and FDCs, the latter also with traffic light or imprint blocks in sets, issues running from 1970 to 1996, with some earlier items from 1933 onwards and also some later post-2000, including Royal Mail ‘The Great War’ album. As the online photos show, the 1970s FDCs are in a plethora of permutations. Later issues then represented in mint only. At least £600 face value from the 1980s onwards.
Great Britain
A wallet of commemorative panes and large multiples, minimum £400 face value.
Great Britain
A small box of presentation packs, miniature sheets and prestige booklets, mostly 21st century. Face value over £550 excluding Machins.
Great Britain
Mint decimal accumulation in several albums of various kinds plus loose, with issues to 2020s incl. bar-coded defins, smiler sheets, prestige booklets, etc. Some of the earlier commem sets are used. Occasional better item incl. Welsh inscription Princess Diana presentation pack. Face value will exceed £4,800 not counting Machin types.
Great Britain
Collection of 100 coin/medal covers housed in six blue Royal Mail/Royal Mint binders with slipcases. Issues to about 2013 including 2009 Kew Gardens 50p noted. Room for expansion including extra pages for both large and regular formats. Just over £200 of legal tender.
Great Britain
Accumulation of presentation packs (to 2007), FDCs, commemorative covers and PHQ cards, filling six grocer’s boxes and three cartons. Without including the earlier short-format presentation packs, the face value will exceed £1,000.
Gold Replica FDCs
Six binders of ‘’22ct golden replicas of British stamps’’ FDCs (152) looking comprehensively assembled with sets from 1980 to 1984. £70-100
Great Britain
Three stockbooks, a cover album and schoolboy album, mainly Great Britain mint sets, plus a range of thematics. Face value approx. £350. £100-150
Great Britain
Small container of predominantly 21st century sets and souvenir sheets, a couple of smiler sheets, etc. Commemoratives only, face value well over £1,300. £600-700
Great Britain
A box of presentation packs running from 1995 to 2017, commemoratives only. Face value over £1,600. £750-900
Great Britain and Channel Islands
Collection of decimal period mint sets, booklets and FDCs in 11 hingeless volumes and 14 small binders, the GB proper in five Windsor albums to 2011 with 2012 on loose cards, plus booklets in two binders partly written-up. The Channel Islands main mint collections have issues to 1996 in SG albums incl. Isle of Man booklets written-up from the earliest issues. GB face value (excl. Machins) is over £1,700. £800-1,000
Great Britain and Isle of Man
Large carton of 1970s to late 1980s mint sets, presentation packs and FDCs including stockbooks of MNH multiples with gutter and margin permutations inc. traffic light gutter pairs, up to blocks of six in the later sets. Also a substantial Isle of Man collection in a further carton with a full hingeless album of MNH from the first set onwards and new issues in packs through to the 2000s.