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British Commonwealth and Great Britain
Interesting vintage collection of thousands of different pre-1930 stamps in two loose-leaf Simplex albums, including Great Britain with four-margin penny black, penny red ‘stars’ mint, 8d orange well-centred and relatively light cancel, 1881 1d lilac 14-dot mint, KEVII to 1/- mint plus 2/6d toned, 10/- sound used, etc, Canada 1897 jubilee 20cts and 50cts used, Cyprus incl. 1904 and 1915 45pi top values used, Hong Kong surcharges incl. 20cts on 30cts grey-green (without Chinese characters) superb used, 1891 jubilee ovpt used, lots of India and Convention States ovpts with high values and mint multiples, Iraq 1925 2r olive-bistre mint, Ireland with Dollard ‘Provisional Govt.’ ovpt set mint to 10/- (slight toning), ‘Irish Free State’ set mint to 10/- (not toned), etc. The old paper of the pages has reduced the freshness of many of the stamps, however there are plenty of good items here in nice quality and there will be more to discover.
British Commonwealth
A green ‘King George VI’ album (damaged spine) with very few empty spaces, the majority used with some sets and high values mint, a little untidy and occasional condition issues including some sticking due to sloppy hingeing, nevertheless overall a very decent effort at completion of KGVI, including Aden mint 5r and 10r, latter with lightly toned tips of some upper perfs, Bahrain 25rs mint, Bermuda with clean 10/- and 12/6d mint, the Burma 25rs with cds postmark though couple of tiny pinholes, Hong Kong with $10 green and purple defin and $10 silver wedding used, India with good range of Feudatory and Convention States postage and officials, most Malaysian States sets complete, useful postal fiscal types of New Zealand and Islands, etc, etc.
British Commonwealth Collection in four Lighthouse hingeless albums with material mostly from 19th century to early QEII, generally by country and in sets or better singles, sometimes haphazardly organised. One volume is for a relatively basic range of New Zealand only. In the three main books mint never hinged KGVI is a strength, including the 1938 first sets of Bahamas with 5/- shades, 1938 Bermuda, British Honduras and Leeward Islands etc. Further MNH are Basutoland top values, Brunei 1947-51 set to $10 incl. perf and shade vars, most - if not all - of a 1949 UPU set, Occupations of Italian Colonies and other sets of Provisional ovpts on GB etc. Also noted British Guiana 1899 2cts on 10cts wmk inverted and reversed mint (SG.223y, cat. £350), British Honduras QV incl. 1872 1d blue wmk inverted mint (SG.5w, cat. £350) and 1878 6d rose used (SG.15, cat. £200), Leeward Islands 1902 set mint with 5/- MNH, Bahamas 1902 £1 ‘Specimen’ ovpt, Montserrat 3d ‘tower on hill’ mint (SG.106ac, cat. £375), 1935 Silver Jubilee mint set (lacking Egypt), as well as Rhodesia hole-punched proofs, high value revenue usages incl. British Guiana 1888 $5 pair, St. Lucia QV 10/-, Rhodesia 1901 £20 and 1909 £5, etc. An eclectic style of collection, making an entertaining viewing.
British Commonwealth
Carton of miscellaneous material, the main part being a British Commonwealth collection in two Simplex loose-leaf albums, issues up to about 1950, with Great Britain including a series of KGVI FDCs culminating in two covers with 1951 high values to 10/-, also Canada, New Zealand postal fiscals page, 1938 Ceylon to 5rs (2rs used), India 1948 Gandhi set mint (lower values stuck-down, 10rs faultless), Pakistan first official set mint, etc. The mint here, though hinged is otherwise very fresh. Please inspect.
British Commonwealth
Six red Stanley Gibbons albums with remaindered collections: two ‘King George VI’ albums (one boxed), British Empire ‘Ideal’ vols. 1-3, ‘New Ideal’ album (boxed) and ‘New Age’ QEII (boxed), with many hundreds of mainly used stamps in mixed condition, with some useful mint sets as well incl. Nyasaland 1938 to £1, Ascension to 10/-, etc.
British Commonwealth
QEII used collection in four well-filled ‘New Age’ albums, Aden to Zanzibar, with lots of better sets as well as extra varieties.
British Commonwealth
Three large stockbooks filled with thousands of mostly mint stamps by country, QV to mid-QEII, mixed condition on earlier material and with duplication on lower values of all periods, includes some high-catalogue classics only lacking gum, several Cape of Good Hope triangulars incl. 6d full margins, etc. Also a stack of FDCs, mainly Australasian Pacific. Please inspect.
British Commonwealth
New Ideal album, intact as received, with very approximately 1500 mint and used stamps from 1840 to 1935. A highlight is the Australian States, particularly New South Wales with classic imperfs and later mint high values incl. 1886 10/- ‘Postage’ ovpt SG.241b and 1890 20/- ultramarine perf 11 (SG.264c, cat. £425), Queensland incl. Chalons from SG.1 through to 1880 mint 5/- with small faults and 20/- possibly cleaned and regummed (SG.127, cat. £2,500), etc. Further classics to investigate include the Barbados Britannias incl. SG.5 mint four-margins, India 1855 8a on blue paper mint (SG.36, cat. £1,100), New Zealand four-margin imperf 1d orange on thick blue paper and 2d on thin paper, as well as useful Great Britain from penny black (two margins) with both red and purple Maltese crosses and surface-printed issues used in Constantinople. An honourable mention too for Canada Colony SG.9 and SG.17 each with subtle tears yet highly-presentable four-margin spacefillers. Recommended viewing.
British Commonwealth
George V group of mint sets in excellent quality: Antigua 1921-29 SG.55/61; Bermuda 1921 SG.68/76; Montserrat 1916 SG.49/59 with MNH top values; St. Vincent 1921-32 SG.131/141 incl. shades; plus Southern Nigeria 1912 £1 SG.56 fresh MNH (cat. £200 for hinged). Total cat. £880. £150-180
British Commonwealth
About 15,000 mint and used stamps from QV to 21st century, very little if any duplication, organised by country in eight binders of stockpages, with some useful pre-1960 sets incl. Basutoland 1938 mint to 10/-, KGVI Malta to 10/-, decent range of Canada, Trinidad/Tobago, etc. Lots of mint sets and souvenir sheets in the later years as well.

British Commonwealth
KGVI group of mint never hinged sets in high quality: Aden 1938-48; Ceylon 1938-49 incl. 5cts apostrophe flaw in inscription positional pair (SG.387fa, cat. £110) and extra 5r shade (the only hinged stamp, and toned gum therefore not counted); Hong Kong 1941 centenary; Swaziland 1938-54. Cat. £525.

British Commonwealth
KGVI used collection in three ‘New Age’ albums, fairly well-filled overall, with effort taken in postmark quality. Better items include Ascension 1½d black and carmine davit flaw, Bahamas defins to £1, Falklands £1, many Silver Wedding high values incl. Hong Kong $10 with minor imperfections, Hong Kong also with 1938 $10 green and violet, India to 25rs plus Gandhi set (10r cto with minor faults), K.U.T. varieties to £1, Malaysian States sets, Pakistan ovpts to 15r, etc, etc. Some mixed condition, please inspect.
British Commonwealth etc.
Two cartons with a range of collections, the main being Ceylon with at least 80 long queens imperf and perf, later QV high values, then Kings highly complete excepting the large high values, incl. 1903-05 rupee values used, 1910 10r mint, 1912-25 to 20r used, 1921-32 used to cds 20r (SG.357, cat. £425) with Die varieties incl. Die I 50cts (SG.353b), etc. Also India from classics onwards, Nigeria incl. KGV pictorials to 10/used, 1935 Silver Jubilee set used in contemporary commemorative album incl. the Egypt, as well as an Australia/AAT used collection 1913-1996 in four SG albums with varieties on the early issues, including 1913 ‘roos to 1/-, 1915 ‘roos to 2/-, 1915-’28 to 5/- shades, 1929-’30 to 5/-, 1931-’36 to 10/- (faults), then highly complete incl. 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set with attractive 5/-, etc. Much more here to inspect, including a few dozen decent circuit books, etc.