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184 Thematics
Exhibition-style collection on various themes in four Safe albums: two volumes on The Great Age of Sail, a volume on USA and the final volume with a range of subjects including The Farthing Stamps of the Commonwealth, Robert Burns, etc. Very neatly presented and written-up. Please inspect.
RAF and Military Commemorative Covers
A massive collection of over 2,000 covers well-organised in more than thirty volumes, looking all different (save where the collector has deliberately displayed unsigned and signed versions) quite comprehensively assembled, an obvious majority with signatures including many household names. The nucleus is RAF flights including special limited albums for large Medals/Awards and King’s Cup Air Race. Also Navy and general military history albums, Concorde from 002 first flight onwards, Antarctica, hovercraft and helicopters (incl. 1969 longest flight to Australia, three signatures), balloons and airships etc, incl. 1936 Hindenberg flight USA to England, 1971 1st RAF rocket mail incl. ‘damaged by fire during flight’ and ‘damaged by immersion in river Soar’, etc. Accompanied by two volumes of the HMSO ‘High Commanders of the Royal Air Force’ biography both with the set of twenty signed covers of each Marshal tipped-in, plus four-volume Reference Book and Catalogue of Flown Covers. Probably the most extensive collection of this area we have seen. Highly recommended. Online photos consist of one from each album
Football 1966 World Cup Winners Autographs
Four signed items: 1966 illustrated and postmarked card with signatures of Geoff Hurst, George Cohen, Alan Ball, Martin Peters, Jackie Charlton, Bobby Charlton, Gordon Banks, Ray Wilson, Nobby Stiles and Roger Hunt; then Bobby Moore on 1986 FDC, Bobby Charlton on 1966 illustrated FDC and Alf Ramsey on 1974 World Cup match cover. All in perfect condition.
Sport: Autographed Covers
A binder of 37 covers signed by many big names in sport, particularly football, including 1966 World Cup Winners with 10 team-members on 1999 cover plus Alan Ball, George Cohen and Charltons on single covers, as well as Sir Stanley Matthews, Linford Christie, Frank Bruno, etc. Another binder has general celebrities (18 covers) incl. famous actors, David Attenborough, Ranulph Fiennes, Margaret Thatcher, etc.