Metok Summer 2009

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Vol. XLV

summer 2009

Others Before Self

Editorial News from the Head Office News from Branch Villages / Schools Friends of TCV Receipts & Payments Children's Corner

Thank You India

Metok summer 2009


EDITORIAL As Tibetans all over the world commemorate “50 Years in exile”, we in TCV dedicate this issue of our newsletter METOK, to express our heartfelt gratitude to India. THANK YOU INDIA. For 50 years, the Tibetans in exile have been living in India – a home away from home, enjoying every bit of freedom and rights just as any other Indian citizen. The tragedy that befell Tibet in 1959, when the Communist China invaded and illegally occupied Tibet, resulted in the flight of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and over 80,000 Tibetans into exile in India. The Government and the people of India not only gave political asylum but also provided all necessary humanitarian support to reconcile our life in exile, including rehabilitation of our people in various states of India, education to the children, preservation and promotion of our rich and ancient culture, religion, arts and crafts. Under the direction of the Central Tibetan Administration (Tibetan Government in exile), the entire Tibetan community dedicates this year’s activities to India and its people. This is to show our gratitude and thank them for supporting us during the most critical period of our History. In view of this, TCV had the opportunity to consecrate the TCV College as ‘The Dalai Lama Institute For Higher Education’ on the 16th February, 2009 by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the presence of the former Karnataka State Minister for Higher Studies along with many of our Indian friends and few of our sponsors. At the same time, many individuals, organizations and governments internationally have rendered invaluable support to keep the Issue of Tibet alive and support a thriving exiled community. You are very much a part of this. We take this opportunity to thank the government and people of India and all of you for supporting truth, justice, non-violence and the upliftment of the needy.

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From the last time we reported to you, our students and teachers had a respite from their regular chores of teaching and studying during the winter vacations but learning all the same through other means. There are those of us who have a home and a family to go to during the vacations and there are quite a number of us who stay at the school even during the two and half month vacation. Every one of our schools comes up with a variety of programs to keep the students engaged and in good spirit. Winter Vacation

Some of the programmes include outings in the nearby attractions and many in-house entertaining and learning opportunities. For some it was a vacation to remember all their life. The former TCV students in Nepal had this novel idea of providing a homely vacation to the students who are either orphans or those who are far away from their natural parents in Tibet. All these students never had vacation in their life. Therefore it is but natural that the trip to Pokhara and Kathmandu in Nepal and Delhi on their way back proved to be a fun-filled learning experience, exposure to the outside world and bonding with the family and the community that they stayed with. The kind gesture of the former students in reciprocity to what they have received from our schools, in itself is a big lesson learnt and a tradition that perpetuates fraternity. A more detailed report will be illustrated under the special programmes section. For those who had to stay back in the school besides educational and co-curricular activities, TCV Selakui had a wonderful trip for the

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students related to nature and conservation. Their visit to Jim Corbett National Park, lessons in Ornithology and Waste Management were not only educational but also enjoyable. Lower TCV organized a Trek to the 8000 ft high Triund camping site at the foothills of Dauladhar range. The experience provided the students, the fun of trekking as well as use of natural skills within given natural resources. Upper TCV had lessons in cycling that is unusual for mountainous areas but an essential skill that could be useful. All the schools organized the usual dance, drama, musical, sports, library and other educational events to keep the students engaged in a holidaying mood. School Opening Day The reopening of the schools on the 7th of March brought back all the buzz of reunion and exchange of notes of their experiences during the vacation. The teachers were also rejuvenated and geared up to take their responsibility afresh following two days of orientation before the schools started. All the schools had their reopening ceremonies in their own unique ways. Some felicitated students of merit in the previous year examinations. Yet for the grade X and XII students, it was an anxious moment having appeared in the Board Examinations. In all, the campuses were back to life and activities are in lots galore. NewArrivals from Tibet It is unimaginable for a westerner to understand the fact that many parents in Tibet take this heart-wrenching step to send their children across the Himalayas, risking lives to get proper education and better opportunities in exile, which they have been deprived of. Even those are being restricted eventual to the 2008 peaceful uprising and subsequent repression in Tibet. Due to restrictions on the Tibet-Nepal border only 90 children could come through in the first half of this year, which is relatively very less. This in itself is reflective of the continued grave situation inside Tibet.


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ATypical Day in TCV March to May is the first trimester of the academic session followed by June to August and September to December. Every morning children wake up by 6 O’clock and takes part in the home/hostel chores. By 7 am, every one attends the morning prayers and study by themselves for one hour in their respective classes. Lower TCV in Dharamsala introduced brisk walking coupled with yoga and other exercises for the senior section students early in the morning to inculcate physical fitness. Morning Assembly is held for 15 minutes before the regular classes begin by 9 O’clock. During the morning Assembly, a variety of educational activities are undertaken in different schools and at different levels including reading skills for junior sections to reading news headlines and short elocutions for other sections. During the day, 6 classes are held for regular subjects. In the evening from 4.45p.m to 6p.m, children take part in all kinds of extracurricular activities such as sports, games, art, drama and cultural activities depending on the theme of the season. In the following report, you will find only the highlights as it is not possible to report each and every activity for want of space. Before the children go to sleep by 9 pm, they

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engage in one and half hours of prayers and self study after dinner. The first 10 days of June is Summer break and Winter vacations lasts from mid-December to the beginning of March. Our existence in Exile is political in nature. One of our responsibilities is to prepare our youth to shoulder future political and social responsibilities. No Losar Losar-the Tibetan New Year is one of the most awaited dates in the Tibetan Calender for family reunion and gaiety. However, this year was an exception. Tibetans inside Tibet initiated this movement not to celebrate Losar to demonstrate their unhappiness over the brutal suppression of peaceful Tibetan demonstrators in Tibet in 2008. All the TCV schools joined the novel non-violent tactic to express our solidarity with those who lost their lives or are imprisoned. National Uprising Day The 10th of March marks the day when thousands of Tibetans rose up against China’s high handedness in Tibetan Affairs in 1959, just days before His Holiness the Dalai Lama and scores of Tibetans had to leave Tibet. It is also the day when His Holiness makes the most important political speech in a year. It is a perfect reminder for all of us at the beginning of the academic session of our identity and our plight that propels us to work with much more determination. The senior section students of Gopalpur, Upper and Lower TCV attended

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the official function at the main Theckchen Choeling Temple, where His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibetan dignitaries addressed the gathering. Among the invited guests were 28 pro-democracy Chinese intellectuals and activists. The other schools attended the official functions in their respective settlements. Such participation helps the students in understanding the current situation in Tibet and policies of the Tibetan Government in Exile. For the remaining students in Gopalpur, a painting competition was held on Tibet related themes. Thank You India Day It has exactly been 50 years on the 31st of March this year, the day when His Holiness the Dalai Lama landed on Indian soil in 1959. Since then the government and people of India have taken care of the Tibetan refugees by establishing refugee rehabilitation settlements, schools, hospitals and other basic needs for livelihood. In recognition of their generosity, Tibetans all over organized various programmes to express our gratitude.

Upper TCV middle section sang a moving patriotic Indian song and TCV Gopalpur’s band ‘Woenang’ played the Thank-You-India song at the official function in Dharamsala. The local Indians very much appreciated

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TCV Gopalpur children for cleaning the whole area surrounding the holy Chamunda Temple. TCV Suja performed Traditional Tibetan songs and dances for the Local Indian public at Joginder Nagar coinciding with their Annual Festival. TCV Ladakh dedicated all the activities of the year for India. BirthAnniversary of Panchen Rinpoche Another important event is the Birth Anniversary of Panchen Rinpoche Gendhun Choekyi Nyima that falls on 25th of April. His whereabouts is still unknown since 1995 when he and his family were taken captive by the Beijing authorities at the tender age of 6. TCV also joined the world-wide call for the release of Panchen Rinpoche and other political prisoners in Tibet. Grade IX students of TCV Selakui staged a drama based on the life of the previous Panchen Rinpoche. Teachers gave extensive teachings on the lives of the former Panchen Rinpoches. In the evening a candle light vigil was held to express our solidarity with Panchen Rinpoche and all political prisoners in Tibet. Panchen Erdini Foundation specially invited one hundred and eight 20 years old students from TCV schools around Dharamsala to the official congregation at Tsuglakhang. Buddhism and Culture : The most distinctive of our identity is our religion and culture. The responsibility of preserving and promoting this ancient and unique culture lies in the hands of Tibetans living in exile, in the free world, not bound by the shackles of authoritarian rulers of China as in Tibet. Practice of Buddha’s teaching helps the children in developing a peaceful mind and a compassionate soul. Tsenyi (Dialectics) All TCV Schools provide sound education-both modern as well as traditional, with strong emphasis on moral and ethical values to foster good human beings. Tsenyi is one such traditional method practiced in

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monasteries to develop a logical mind. For the first time a Tsenyi period was introduced to make dialectics a part of the curriculum that also fulfills the emphasis laid by His Holiness on the unique Tibetan system of Dialectics. TCV student’s dialectics presentation in the presence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the 9th of March immediately following a long life prayer offering to His Holiness was a momentous occasion. On the 2nd of May, Lower TCV conducted an exposition on the art of Dialectics witnessed by all the senior students and the staff members. The Middle Section of Upper TCV conducted the final dialectics contest for the class VII boys on the 12th May. Religious Discourses and Spiritual Empowerment Upper TCV middle section organized a talk on value-based education by Venerable Pema Dorjee who is a former principal of TCV. He also gave a talk to the senior section on ‘Ethics and Morality’. Geshe Thubten Jinpa spoke to the seniors on ‘Buddhism and Modern Education’. Geshe Lobsang Tsundue’s discourse on ‘12 Links of Dependent Origination’ was specially organized during the weekends. At the invitation of the organizers of the ‘Mind and Life’, 13 students and 10 science teachers from TCV attended the conference at the residential compound of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. 19 middle section

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students prepared a mind and life power point presentation at the school. TCV Bylakuppe arranged spiritual talk by Khangsar Rinpoche. TCV Selakui organized the first term ‘Learning Buddhism by Enquiry’discussion on the theme ‘What Makes You A Fine Buddhist’ witnessed by the abbot of the nearby Khera Camp Monastery. At the end of the impressive presentation by the students in the new meditation room, the abbot provided valuable feedbacks that were beneficial to all the students and staffs. The biggest religious discourse on ‘37 practices of Boddhisatvas’ was provided for the students by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to thousands of TCV students and other college going Tibetan students at Upper TCV on 24th and 25th of June. Introductory Buddhism Committee, Dharamsala and Upper TCV School jointly organized this annual event. The teaching in the morning was followed by discussions between groups of students with learned Buddhist monks in the afternoon. On 2 n d May TCV Suja o rg a n i z e d a two days teaching on Buddhism by His eminence Ta i S i t u Rinpoche followed by discussions between the

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students and Geshes of Sherabling Monastery. TCV Bylakuppe and all other schools recited the “Kagyur” (Teachings of Buddha) scriptures during the holy Saka Dawa, the fourth lunar month in the Tibetan Calender. Tibet Our Country Project This month long project is an integral part of education in all TCV schools that seeks to promote a better understanding of the rich religious, cultural and political heritage of Tibet. It is usually conducted in the month ofApril. This year TCV Chauntra did something different for the senior section as part of the project. The cultural committee bought the 213 volumes of “Tengyur” (Commentaries on Buddha’s Teachings) that was blessed by his eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche. All the teachers and students over a period of 30 days read the whole of Tengyur scriptures. For the junior section the theme was 50 years in exile. Students and teachers of the junior section spent many days visiting the library and surfed Internet on topics related to achievements made by Tibetans in the last 50 years. At the end of the project work the students made a very informative and systematic presentation on the subject. This exercise helped the students learn more about their community, government and the people. The focus of the junior section in TCV Gopalpur was various facets of Tibetan culture while the senior section focused on 50 Years in Exile, exploring the triumphs and traumas of life in exile. The month long project produced an interesting display highly appreciated by the visiting Tibetan parliamentarians.

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Health and Environment : A sound mind needs a sound body. Human health and the environment that they live in are directly related to each other. Rapid globalization and unchecked consumerism to meet human greed is taking its toll on the natural environment. Global warming and climate changes are issues that threaten the very existence of human beings. We in TCV try to inculcate among our children our global responsibility in managing our environment. World Health Day-7th April TCV Gopalpur observed the day by conveying health messages through music. The Health concert was hosted and managed by the student wing of the Health Committee under the supervision of the Health Committee and Mr. Pema Wangyal, the Science Teacher. TCV Bylakuppe invited Dr. Tsering Dolma to give a talk on health concerns for adolescents. Students and staffs engaged in cleaning the main way and also staged a health related drama. TCV Suja invited a prominent Tibetan medicine practitioner, Dr. Pema Dorje from Dharamsala. He emphasized on the importance of diet for good health and highlighted the concern of HIV-AIDS amongst the Tibetan community. Dr. David Hanny and Nurse Youdon also gave talks on preventive measures for tuberculosis and the conditions in the Indian and the Tibetan community related to the disease to both the senior and junior students. Upper TCV middle section organized a talk on health and hygiene and the junior section on Tuberculosis during the morning Assembly. Like all other schools, all the students and teachers cleaned up the school area in the morning and the water tanks in the evening. World Earth Day-24th April Lower TCV Dharamsala selected 8 students out of 80 students from class VI-VIII for the quiz contest designed specifically to observe the World Earth Day. The theme for the occasion was ‘The Green Generation’. It

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covered global warming, ozone hole, pollution, sustainable development, renewable energy, conservation, afforestation and many other issues related to environment. The Green Committee of TCV Selakui organized environmental awareness programmes through out the day. Staffs and students also participated in ‘Run to Heal the Earth’. In the evening Mr. Abishek, tiger conservationist from the Wildlife Institute of India made presentation on ‘Conservation, Tiger and Ladakh’s Environment’. Brisk Walking Lower TCV Dharamsala introduced an hours brisk walking every morning to promote healthy living and physical fitness. Each senior section takes turn in this eagerly awaited activity. Besides brisk walking, students also practice yoga, meditation as well as fitness exercises. Eco-Tourism 19 students and 4 TCV Selakui staff took part in the 8 day long eco-tourism organized under the aegis of ‘Winterline Nature Trust’ led by Santanu Sarkar and Vijay Thapa. Students learnt reading maps through GPS (Global Positioning System), ornithology, waste management and compost making. Students also visited the Jim Corbett

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National Park and Rajaji Park. They got to see many wild animals in these natural reserves. The whole trip was a huge learning experience and an enjoyable trip for our students and teachers. Workshop on Women’s Health and Hygiene During the winter holidays, the Department of Health of the Central Tibetan Administration organized a 20 days workshop for class VII girls in TCV Suja. Greenathon All the students in TCV Suja took part in ‘Greenathon’ during the winter holidays. Greenathon involves students to make waste bins and collection and segregation of waste. Who will be India’s environmental Ambassador? A total of 125 class VII and VIII students of Upper TCV participated in voting the future environmental ambassador of India organized by Nehru Foundation for Development, Gujarat. Desertification of the Tibetan Plateau 25 class VIII students of Upper TCV made a presentation on desertification of the Plateau of Tibet, which has wide ranging impact not only on Tibet but on the whole region. Presentation by Wildlife Trust of India

Volunteers from Wildlife Trust of India made presentation on the importance of preservation of endangered species in the presence of His Eminence the Karmapa Rinpoche. Gyalwa Karmapa Rinpoche stressed on

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the interdependence of nature and the importance of harmonious ecological balance. Saving Dal Lake Fishes This year unusually, due to the late monsoon, Dal Lake nearly dried up. Upper TCV students along with the local civic officials voluntarily took up the responsibility of moving the fishes from the lake to nearby streams. Mock Earthquake Drills As the whole of the Himalayan belt is earthquake prone, Mock Earthquake Drills were undertaken in all the TCV schools located in the Himalayan region. Tsering Dhondup, a staff of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala, provided the Earthquake Disaster Management and safety measure skills. Community and Social Responsibility : Ultimately with the upbringing that we give to our students and knowing that they themselves are able to reap the benefit of other’s benevolent contributions, it is but natural that we should start helping others when we can. Besides community services already mentioned under different subtitles above, two others are worth mentioning. Some TCV Selakui students voluntarily visited ‘Ngoenga School’ for physically and mentally challenged students near Dekyiling Tibetan settlement. In the three days they were there, they

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helped the disadvantaged children in feeding, changing clothes and beds, listening, reading and playing with them. Wangyal, a student is of the opinion that the experience is special and difficult to explain in words. Class X students of TCV Bylakuppe washed clothes, mopped floors, gave warm bath and cut finger nails of all the inmates of the Old Age Home at Bylakuppe. These experiences are very satisfying and spiritually uplifting in the most practical sense. Leisure and Entertainment : All work and no play make the children dull. All the more for our students, most of whom have no family to take them out for outings or recreational activities outside the school, it is our responsibility to make sure they get their share of fun and entertainment. Trekking up to Triund

Triund is part of the Dhauladhar Mountain Ranges located above Dharamsala. Triund provides a panoramic view of the Kangra valley and is one of the most sought after trekking destinations around Dharamsala. Trekking and Camping provides opportunities for students use real life skills and teamwork in organizing events.

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62 senior students and 3 co-workers of Lower TCV were part of this trekking team. The team woke up at 4 in the morning. It took 2 hours for them to reach the base and then and took another 5 hours to reach the top of the hill. The boys fetched water and firewood while the girls set on cooking food for everyone with all the ingredients that they had brought with them. After dinner, all the students had a fun time singing and dancing in the solitude of mountains around a bonfire. The two days programme was funfilled and tiring but at the same time good for bonding outside the school campus. Spring Fete

Anually every March a fun fare is held by the Games Committee in every school. This March too we had a fun filled day with both our children and co-workers holding stalls for various snacks and games every branch witnessed an enjoyful day as the pictures speak. Some of the games like 'Fishing' and 'Throwing Rings' were crowded with excited children and coworkers both. Some even sold delicious snacks and food. Even rain couldn't stop us enjoying the day. Picnic at Jia Valley and Mahinja The summer break between 1- 10 June is also time for picnics. Almost all the home mothers take their children out for picnics or for shopping during this time. TCV Gopalpur as usual organised picnic for all the students who stayed back during the holidays to a nice spot 20 minutes from their school on the banks of a freshly flowing stream and lush green pine forest. Students were responsible for all logistical arrangements and it is a good real life experience in enhancing their organizational skills.

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Co-curricular Activities : Dance, Drama, Singing, Elocution, Quiz Contest, Spelling Contest, writing and reading are activities that keep our children busy throughout the year besides sports that is covered next in this report. These co-curricular activities provide our children a platform to prove their skills in areas other than the usual scope of academic studies. Upper TCV-Middle Section Upper TCV middle section had a variety of programmes that kept the students busy in the last 4 months. English and Tibetan writing competitions, letter writing exchange programmes with other TCV students, Tibetan spelling bee (Dagcha-Mongsel), ‘You Think You Are a Scientist’and ‘Middle Section Idol’were some of the programmes. 9 rounds of ‘You Think You Are a Scientist’ episodes were held during the morning assembly under the supervision of the science faculty members. Six rounds of ‘Middle Section Idol’ were held to decide the best Tibetan singers and four rounds of ‘Tibetan Spelling Bee’ were held to decide the winner. Students researched and made power point presentations on ‘Nonviolent Mass Movement in Tibet’, ‘Peton Lobdra and Sambhota Schools’, ‘Desertification of the Tibetan Plateau’ and ‘Mind and Life’. Peer Teaching is a method of brighter students voluntarily taking weaker students under their wings. Grade VI D walked away with the prize in the Inter-section English drama competition ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’.

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Upper TCV Junior Section The juniors, under the supervision of the science teachers spectacularly displayed their presentation on the themes of Food, Soil, Simple Machine and Our Body on Science Day. The Grade V Students staged the play, ‘The Princess and the Woodcutter ’. The jam packed hall enjoyed the show. The infant section organized Tibetan and English Reading Week. All infant students got the opportunity and impressed their peers in intonation and clarity. TCV Suja The first Tibetan Quiz was dedicated to ‘50 Years in Exile’. The senior students had a debate competition on the theme ‘If Tibetans Need Freedom, China Should Become Democratic’. The Seniors also had competition on Elocution, Speech and Dramatics. Juniors staged a Tibetan drama based on the ‘Life of Thumi Sambhota’ who invented Tibetan language. The middle section students had four rounds of Tibetan Spelling Bee Competition. A very lively Science and Mathematics Quiz round was also held for the senior students. Lower TCV Dharamsala Grade V students of Lower TCV staged ‘The Beauty and The Beast’ and Grade VIII students s t a g e d ‘Wheel of L i f e ’ a Tibetan play based on a rich family’s obsession with wealth.


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TCV Gopalpur TCV Gopalpur held Ti b e t a n L a n g u a g e Super Speller modeled along Spelling Bee. Pema Gyatso of Grade VIII was declared the best speller. Grade VII presented a short English play ‘Who Pulled the King’s Beard’ and Grade IX staged a play based on a Tibetan Operatic story ‘Nangsa Woebhum’. An English Summer Camp for 70 students, Environmental Workshop for 40 students and Longshoe Camps were held for different sections during the summer break. TCV Bylakuppe Bylakuppe organized Science and Technology project. Exhibits, Written Quiz and Oral Quiz were conducted for different sections. The abilities of the children in innovation and creativity were very much appreciated by all. Academic Result We congratulate all the XII graduates who had performed exceptionally well with very high pass percentage in the Previous Board Examination. We specially congratulate TCV Gopalpur for securing 100% pass percentage. The Village Director celebrated the happiness with the children by marking a Day as a Special Holiday. This strongly motivates and enforces us to further our work for our Children. There is a room for improvement with regard to the grade X result. TCV BYLA. X



Total Appeared









Total Pass










Total Compartment

















Total Fail Over-all Pass %









1 100.00%

Total No. of Distinction










Total No. of 1st Division










Total No. of 2nd Division










Total No. of 3rd Division










Metok summer 2009 Individual Toppers Percentage TCV Upper Tenzing Dhakpa 86.60 Tenzin Choetso 85.80 Jampel Norbu 79.80

CLASS X (AISSE) Percentage TCV Gopalpur Kusang Gyatso 87.80 Wangchen 85.40 Dechen Tsomo 84.20

TCV Ladakh Tsering Landol Tenzin Tsering Stanzin Yutung

TCV Suja 87.00 Tenzin Kalsang 82.20 Shelkar 80.60 Tashi Lhamo

83.60 82.40 82.20

TCV Bylakuppe Dhondup Dolma Tenzin Sherab Tsering Wangdue

TCV Selakui 87.20 Tenzin Gyalchoe 84.00 Rinzin Dorjee 81.80 Kunsang Tsephel

88.40 87.80 86.40

TCV Lower Tenzin Sangpo Tsering Palmo Tenzing Tsering

TCV Chauntra 85.80 Tenzin Ngawang 79.60 Pema Choekyi 78.80 Tenzin Choewang

80.00 77.20 76.20

From L to R : Tenzin Choedon & Tsering Kyi (Gold Medalist from TCV Gopalpur). The two of them are now pursuing Science for Higher Secondary Education in TCV Selakui and Upper TCV. Congratulations to both of you. TCV UPPER XII Sc.





Total Appeared





Total Pass





Total Compartment




Total Fail

2 96.21%


Over-all Pass %


2 100.00%

Total No. of Distinction





Total No. of 1st Division





Total No. of 2nd Division





Total No. of 3rd Division

Individual Toppers Percentage Science Dorji Gyaltsen 88.00 Dawa Tsering 86.00 Norbu Tsering 84.00

CLASS XII (AISSCE) Percentage Commerce Arts Dolkar Lhamo 84.00 Kalsang Dickyi Dhondup Yougal 83.00 Tenzin Youdon Karma Damdul 82.20 Kalsang Dhondup


92.80 92.60 89.80

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Sports and Games Sports and Games are not only integral to our school life but provide our children the much needed fitness regime that is required for a sound mind. TCV always had a very healthy sports and games tradition. TCV Ladakh The school games committee every year organizes 16 Kms marathon race for Senior, Inter and Junior students. For the first time girls football tournament was held. The intensive training helped the girls gain interest in the game and also improvement in their physical fitness. Tsarong team won the first ever tournament. TCV Chauntra Chauntra for the first time introduced Basketball Club Tournament. In place of inter class, this year the Students Council selected 16 students as games officials and created clubs for boys and houses for girls. All the students above grade VII were divided into 14 clubs. Tsering Tashi of the Tibetan Youth Club was the best player among seniors and Sangay Yeshi was the best among juniors. Tenzin Tsesang was the best girls’player among seniors and Pema was the best among juniors. Upper TCV This year all the boys and girls of the middle and senior sections participated

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in the Inter-Class Basketball Tournament. Bangalore College 16 February 2008 is the historic day when His Holiness the Dalai Lama consecrated the newly renamed erstwhile TCV College to The Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education, Bangalore. Former State Minister for Higher Education, Dr G Parameshwar was the Chief Guest. Many prominent Indian and Tibetan personalities and about 2500 people witnessed the momentous consecration ceremony. Lack of a Tibetan Institute managed by Tibetans that offers holistic education prompted TCV to embark on this initiative. The new Institute will offer modern education with value based traditional courses, including study of Tibetan language and culture. The Institute shall be a harbinger of quality education and social and cultural nerve centre for many generations of Tibetans to come that will contribute to the larger universal responsibilities and Tibet in particular. Over and above the existing School of Education, in 2009, the courses under plan are the Tibetan Studies Department and the Computer Department. As the challenging infrastructure facilities are being built phase by phase, the Institute will provide courses in Arts and Sciences, Philosophical Studies and a very wide range of subjects based on the thoughts and teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Building such an Institute is definitely not such an easy task as we depend on our friends, supporters and well-wishers to provide for the required resources. We look forward to your generosity to make our dream a reality in the next few years.

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Tree Planting Project The first Tibetan College in Bangalore, registered as ‘The Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education’ is on a massive afforestation programme to ensure foliage in the College campus. Every evening for one hour, all the students and staffs dig pits for plantations. The tree planting activity is an integral part of community service based training for all the students. Due to our efforts, we are on the verge of finishing the first phase of plantation.

Special Programmes Third Global Family Pleasure This project is the most gratifying one as it is funded by 30 members of the Tibetan Children’s Villages Alumni Association, Pokhara. This is their gesture of gratitude for the love and kindness they received from our Villages. A Total of 12 children were treated for a wonderful vacation. They toured to Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha and when the children were in Pokhara, they stayed with the different host families. The children were treated like tourists with infinite pleasure visits. They had boating pleasure in the serene Phewa Lake, cycled through the trails of a fishing Village Pame and toured around museums, educational and training institutions around the town.

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SOS Village, SOS VTC, SOS HGHSS, Sakya College of Buddhism invited them for luncheons and tea party. But the final lunch gathering hosted by the TCVAA at Hotel Annapurna turned out to be very emotional one as each child thanked the host families for their love, kindness and for treating them as members of their family. The final day was set aside to be spent only with their respective host families. That particular day the host families took their child to the market, shopped for them and provided them with the exciting feelings of a family in a shopping spree! Finally, when it was the time to part, the children requested the TCVAA to invite more children in the years to come, as they said that, “….several are still left at the school with nowhere to go on a vacation….”. These words echoed through the hearts of the Alumni and thus their effort towards this project has become bonded yet more challenging. Workshop for TCV Co-Workers and Management Staff: In keeping with the changing times, it is essential to keep our staff updated with latest methods and ways of management and teaching skills through orientation courses. Sponsorship Secretary Workshop

Given the ever increasing nature of the Tibetan Children’s Villages’ responsibilities, careful training of new recruits and orientation courses for on-the-job staff members are essential for its growth and success. Sponsorship Programme is considered as one of the most important segments of the TCV administration. Smooth and effective running of the programme is therefore absolutely necessary in facilitating the needs of TCV. As a follow up of the workshop held in 2007, the Head Office

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organized a workshop for all the TCV sponsorship secretaries at Dharamsala from 6-15 April 2009. It was attended by 28 sponsorship secretaries. Since the secretary cannot perform optimally without the guidance and support of the Director/Principal, concerned Heads and cooperation of the accountants, we also had separate sessions to discuss matters for improvement with the Heads. And given the increasing number of students under Further Studies/Training Programme, Administrators of Delhi, Bangalore Youth Hostels and VTC Selakui, Dehradun were present at the session as well. Ms. Jodie Underhill from UK, sponsoring two of our children was traveling in India and we were glad to accept her help with letter writing sessions during her visit to Dharamsala. Thank you, Jodie for your precious help. At the end of the course a visit was arranged to the VTC and TCV School, Selakui which proved both informative as well as a pleasure trip for the secretaries which was a well deserved and a rewarding experience. English Teachers Workshop TCV’s English resource person Mrs. Yeshi Dolkar conducted a workshop on the assessment of English paper, Reading and Writing skills with the help of the English Kit 'Power Builder'. Staff Development Programme The programme was conducted from June 8 to 12. About 70 TCV leaders, School Heads and Math and Science teachers attended the conference. The leadership programme helped develop a positive synergy between the teachers and management through practical means to perform as a team. The shared common knowledge of the classroom and management experience will not only contribute to transparency in evaluation of teachers but also in refiningthestandardizedTeacherEvaluationInstrumentunderprocess.

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Furthermore, the Math and Science teachers learned many new instructional skills that can improve learning difficulty in Math and Science concepts. This would practically help improve the standard of Math and Science at the middle school level. TCV remains grateful to the Conference Resource persons from Georgia College and State University and Newman University, USA for ensuring that TCV TEAM becomes better teachers and administrators as we endeavor to take TCV education to a higher level. Thank you Dr. Charles Martin and Dr. TedAnders. Scholarship Abroad : Our children make us proud by proving that they are receiving sound education under TCV as some of them qualify for scholarships abroad. We are really happy to share the good news. Red Cross Nordic United World Colleges We are very thankful to Red Cross Nordic United World Colleges for offering scholarship to one of our students annually since 2003. Tsering Yangzom was the First TCV student to have studied in Nordic in 2003. She is now pursuing her further studies in Mount Holy Yoke, USA. Thupten Sangpo, the second TCV student got scholarship to West Minister College, USA where he is pursuing Business Administration. Khando Kyi is pursuing her further studies in Middlebury College in Vermont, USA. Tenzin Tashi is pursuing B Sc in Biochemistry in Colorado College, USA. Dhondup Tashi too joined Nordic College and has completed the IB course and he is likely to receive scholarship and proceed to the USA for further studies. Palden joined Nordic the previous year and he is in the second year of his studies there. This year Tenzin Tayang got through the scholarship and he has now reached Nordic. It is completely on Merit basis that the children are selected by the Selection Committee Team for the scholarship. Nova Southeastern University (NSU) This University had offered Venerable Tenzin Dhonden Scholarship in 2005 to two of our students. Tenzin Chokden from TCV Bylakuppe and Tashi Wangla from TCV Dharamsala got through the scholarship and they are in the final year of the undergraduate course. Tenzin is studying Accounting and Economics while Tashi is pursuing Biology course. We are really happy for the children to have gotten this golden opportunity all due to their diligent work whilst at school.

Metok summer 2009


Other Scholarships Some of our students also appear for the open scholarships offered through our Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala. This year too we are proud that Sangay Yeshi from Ex-TCV Selakui and Tenzin Tenpa from TCV Dharamsala were selected to study at the Hastings College, UK through the Pestolozzi Scholarship. Nawang Paljor of TCV Gopalpur got through a scholarship to study at the Emory University, USA. Biography I am Sangay Yeshi and I was born in Kham Province of Tibet. My early childhood days were tainted with hardships I faced there. My parents have four children, me being the third, we were quite poor. My father was a simple peasant and my mom, a housewife. Life was hard and I and my brother sometimes went with our father to work on the farmland. My parents were illiterate but they thought for the best of us and sent me and my siblings to India to study. So I crossed the border in 1997 and joined Upper T.C.V. I sometimes think of my life and I realize that if it weren’t for my parents, I would still be in Tibet, working as a peasant with perhaps a family of two or three. I am always indebted to them. In school I performed well. I studied in T.C.V. Upper till class VI. Then I was selected to go to T.C.V. Selakui to study. I feel I have started my real life there. I did study hard but I also started my service over there. I was the head boy and I was also awarded the Best Boy title during my last year in that school. Indeed, I really enjoyed every moment of my school days there with dear friends and the wonderful staff. I would love to return there any time in the future. Most importantly my years over there have completely altered my view or perception of life. Our religion, the basic fundamental of Buddhism became part of my daily life and I began to think of the long run rather than focus on the immediate results. Hence, I owe a great deal to TCV Selakui. Being a Tibetan and that too, born in Tibet, I have strong patriotic feelings towards my homeland. I always believe our generation can bring a crucial change in the history of Tibet’s struggle for freedom. The Tibetan children are brought up with full care and better education these days. Including me, lots of Tibetan students are given scholarship to study abroad annually. I am

Metok summer 2009


positive that we can really do great no matter how poor we were born if we could make the best use of the opportunities created and provided. As for me, even though I consider myself a bit religious person, but still there is a part of me which is quite dominant that is curiosity to learn physics (about the universe and etc.). I would like to contribute to my society through this field. Recently, I got Pestalozzi scholarship to study IB course in UK for two years. It gave me more confidence and made it more possible to achieve my dream. So surely I will make the best use of this opportunity.

Sponsorship Coordinator This is to inform all our sponsors and friends that Mrs. Tashi Lhamo, our Head Office Sponsorship Coordinator has retired from service with effect from June 01, 2009. She worked for TCV since 1973 and in these last 36 years of her dedicated and sincere work, she had served the organization in different capacities before her retirement. We take this opportunity to thank for her valuable contribution in the work of TCV and particularly in sponsorship work which had formed the financial lifeline of the organization and as the manager of our TCV Handicraft Centre. We wish her a happy retired life with many more years of good health and prosperity. With Mrs. Tashi Lhamo’s retirement, her replacement has been taken over by Mrs. LOBSANG TSOMO as the Sponsorship Coordinator. As many of our sponsors and friend will already know, we are proud Mrs. Lobsang Tsomo is one of the ex-students who after completing her higher studies had returned back to TCV to serve in 1992. Since then she worked in different capacities and has good experience. We are confident in her work and will receive the best of cooperation from our sponsors and friends. Home Reconstruction Many of the children’s homes in Dharamsala were not only built under very trying financial circumstances in the early years but have also endured several earthquakes, which now demands reconstruction. Due to lack of space in the village, we cannot build new homes to overcome the existing overcrowding situation. However, rebuilding some of the oldest homes would not only be economical but also help reduce the strain on space in the campus. The reconstructed homes are more spacious double storied buildings with

Metok summer 2009


dormitory and common dining facilities for a capacity of 35-40 children in each home. For majority of our children, the homes provide a safe haven and a home away from home, for the hundreds of children who come from Tibet with painstaking experiences of separation from their families. We express our profound gratitude to the Costa Family Foundation, Italy who helped us rebuild home no. 13 and the Beate-Aglaja-BuschFoundation, Germany for home no. 26 through Shelter 108 e.V. We thank you all for the timely contribution in helping us provide our children with decent and healthy living. Thank you everyone!


Metok summer 2009

Friends of TCV This issue acknowledges financial and clothing contributions received during the period of 1 December 2008 to 30 May 2009. Please note that regular sponsorship towards maintenance and gift money of children is not reflected here. Sponsorship payments are shown in the consolidated Annual Receipts and Payments. Specific Donations Donor Nuun and Sukha Khazikov Nikolai Karlheinz Hostailek Mongush Ho Hsiang Ching Michele Meurice Virtue Generose Onlus Manuela through kesang Chhemovito Monika Bremes Ivan Broadhead Family Mair Marcella Dean Dorji Sunang and Gaelle Piret Jeong Gyung Hee FDC member through DIIR Thomas Yan Tokyo Garcia Emile Lidia Yukiko Komatsu L’Associazione Amici Dei Bambini Tibetani Onlus Nathalie Marcotte Julie Jobin Evelin Umeyam Plassek Makan Rish S. Letalsa Sandra Sanders Nancy Watson Antonina Egostina Andreas Patrick Scherrer And Carmen Odetle Bernazzani Peter Bonderenko Family Peier Industrie und Finanzkontor Etablissement Mme. Genevieve et M. Rene Jean Duiet


Amount (Rs.)

Korea Kalmykia Austria Russia Taiwan France Italy


4,742 14,220 16,300 6,405 2,420 32,025 30,365

General Donation Unsponsored Children Medical Fund Suja General Donation General Donation Dental Donation Ladakh Winter Special food Suja

Switzerland Germany Hong Kong Austria Portugal France Korea India Hong Kong Japan France Brazil

46,670 7,360 6,120 274,905 5,880 33,525 24,500 24,500 4,900 4,900 3,353 4,900

Unsponsored Children General Donation Children from Tibet Bed & furniture Chauntra Children from Tibet Musical inst. Upper TCV Children from Tibet Unsponsored Children General Donation Unsponsored Children Children from Tibet Children from Tibet

Italy Canada Canada Germany USA USA USA Kazakhstan

27,491 2,450 1,581 2,481 19,844 4,961 17,363 9,922

Switzerland Canada UK France

37,771 9,548 13,284 146,880

Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children in Suja Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Baby home Donation for Home 16 Upgrade of office computer Library books



Children from Tibet



Education Fund


Metok summer 2009 Elizabeth Mink Furrer Max Association Padmasana Janyga Helmut Spada Viviana Pierre Wittmann Ursula Kamischke Patricia Wahlwend Nadja & M. Kalin through Verein Tibet Freunde Bern Rietschin family through Verein Tibet Freunde Bern Ruth Balsiger through Verein Tibet Freunde Bern W.Franen Felder through Verein Tibet Freunde Bern Borbely through Verein Tibet Freunde Bern Fam. Yangdol Tsokhim through Verein Tibet Freunde Bern T F Berne through Verein Tibet Freunde Bern PaulaAnne Hinson Family Trust Jane Turnbull Stichting Wilde Ganzen Yaleria Monterotte SFT Italia USHA Funding Lee Cubbison David Andrews Joan Simpson+Karen Brennan Jan Cornelis Lageweg SHAT Dao Dang Michael Eyre Australian Group Denise Dietrich Claire Honan Univ. of Denver/Colarado Rita & Paolo

Nitherlands Switzerland France Germany Italy Thailand Germany Switzerland

65,950 50,972 55,468 12,720 5,639 12,971 9,668 2,165

Rita & Paolo



Aloma Sellamy Pezzoti G. Paolo Gatti Luigi Katarin Govanini Candy + Carolyn Hodgen Robert Van Mulligen

Uruguay Italy Italy USA USA Netherland

1,000 50,000 30,000 1,500 2,000 89,397

Joon Lee S.



For TCV Pathikhul Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Chauntra Library Unsponsored Children



Children from Tibet



Children from Tibet



Children from Tibet



Children from Tibet



Children from Tibet



Children from Tibet

Switzerland USA UK Holland Italy Italy USA USA Canada Canada Netherland Netherland Australia Australia Australia Canada UK USA Italy

8,600 141,579 1,227 360,539 6,405 12,800 2,254,928 1,000 2,000 2,600 7,000 4,030 3,275 1,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 2,005 31,500

Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Staff Fund Girl’s Hostel Chauntra General Donation General Donation Funding for Suja/Bir Unsponsored Children Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet for travelexpenses in country General Donation General Donation Unsponsored Children Unsponsored Children General donation Children from Tibet Clothing for needy children at Chauntra Clothing for needy children at Suja/Bir Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet General Donation Unsponsored Children Maths Lab Improvement, Dharamsala Children from Tibet


Metok summer 2009 Costa Family Foundation Onlus



Base Camp Explorer foundation Norway Peace & Dialogue Associazione Maitri Onlus Italy New Inter-nationalist Pub. UK Patricia Wohlwend Switzerland Verein Visionaere Switzerland Frank Vassal France Verein Tibet Freunde Switzerland F. Thomas Roder Germany Philip & Rosanna Taylor Australia


Foundation Global Exploration



Patricia Wohlwend Hanna Schmidt Brigitte Pfeifer Italian Amala Mr J Swan The Dalai Lama Trust

Switzerland Germany Austria Italy UK India

Gesellschaff Fuer Bedrohte Voelker Bamboo Trading Company Michael Muelbert Judith B Hirabayashi Colas - Godart Shelter 108 e.v.

Austria USA Germany USA Belgium Germany

643,500 48,284 64,785 4,480 18,870 988,833

Shelter 108 e.v.



Light for Tibetan Children Staub/Kaiser-stiftung Verein Tibet Freunde Irmgard karador Patricia Wollwend Associazione Tara Cittamani

Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Germany Switzerland Italy

65,516 208,455 930,711 25,223 2,125 333,861

Germany Germany Germany

435,500 20,000 5,000

Dentists without limit Foundation Bernd Trapp Meseg Petra Pichler (Foundation Lene Thunonlus) Petra Pichler (Foundation Lene Thunonlus) Norkyi la Paula Van Wageringen Centre paramita group Centre paramita group

Italy Italy Tibet Netherland Canada Canada

50,171 3,363 2,103 60,158 16,255 256,715 90,875 32,238

2,085 11,415 10,000 â‚Ź 180 2,211 1,400,000

18,819 1,008 5,000 10,000 2,150 345,000

Clinical Analyser, Health Center, Dharamsala Improvement of House of Children from Tibet General Donation Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Flooring of two class room at Middle Section Rebuilding of Junior Class at TCV Choglamsar Children from Tibet Children from Tibet School Pullover for Suja Vill. Jeep & Lib. at Ladakh Unponsored children Community hall at Meclod Day School Special needs program Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Reconstruction Home at TCV Dharamsala Reconstruction Home at TCV Dharamsala LCD Projector, Ladakh General Donation for Suja Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Dormitory Construction at Lower TCV Dental project Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Ceremic project Ceremic project Students value education Unsponsored children Unsponsored children Children from Tibet


Metok summer 2009 Shelkarfoot Austrialia Derbyshire Tibet Support Group England Deville Danney Belgium Anne & Peter Reymond Switzerland Lorillou France Mark Vaughan UK Tenzin Wangmo Switzerland Stephanie Levin USA Gravesend Grammer School UK Malgiorzata Struminska Poland Sonam Yangchen India Ngawang Gyaltsen India Ann India Shanmpeechanda & Abhijit Thakur India Dr. Leo Matos Brazil EMU USA Dhirubhai Ambani Intl. School India Anita Persson Sweden Maj Britt Gasso & group Sweden Tibet Relief Fund UK Aide a’l’Enfance Tibetaine France Aide a’l’Enfance Tibetaine France Associatione Amici dei Bambini Tibetaine Onlus Italy Mary Brownless Canada Rotten Records US Missmahl W. Martin France Michael Evan USA Janet Yelochan USA Blue Beryl Dharma Centre USA B. Eckstein USA Rebecca A Weiner USA Midge Henline USA Ann Colman Wilson USA Margaret Ayton UK Anna Colman UK Blue Beryl Dharma Centre USA Kirchen Kreisamt Germany Karin Fellhauer Germany K. Weest UK Alois von Dellemann Italy Irmgard Wagner Irmgard Wagner Patricia Wohlwend HR E J D Leenderts Associazione Garuda Franck Vassal Tambini Cinzia Joan Smith

35,000 5,000 2,195 65,335 12,899 10,915 13,230 142,980

Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Netherland Italy France Italy UK

15,800 15,000 1,500 5,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 2,000 13,000 1,000 100,000 5,000 50,000

Children from Tibet Unsponsored children Winter special food Unsponsored children Children from Tibet General Donation Office fund Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Needy monk Baby home Children from Tibet

1,360 8,180 4,500 7,500 7,500 4,000 1,069 928,944 90,314

Unsponsored children Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Orphanage Children from Tibet Children from Tibet TCV, Bylakuppe New classrooms, Gopalpur Global spon. support, Bir

538,519 3885 14565 12980 1534 2045 15336 4178 2045 2425 16162 34343 25721 5244 50447 4556 2045 17,064

General donation Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Gen.donationTCVChauntra Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Gen.donationforTCVLadakh General Donation in memory of LateAnder Pohl Health Center, Dharamsala Office Fund, Dharamsala Children from Tibet Children from Tibet General Donation Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet


Metok summer 2009 Les amis du Tibet Schweizer Freunde der SOS-Kinderdorfer Edith Erbacher

Luxembourg 13,688,965

Dev. Projects in Suja

Switzerland Switzerland

506,477 43,250

Stichting Karmath



Soleterre-Strategie di Pace Onlus



David M. Raymer Stumpf Family Trust Michelle Bussereau Mohan Daswani Wen Chin Ko Michael T. Evan in honor of Kalsang Dhondup Simone Caulier Odette Liautard Lisa and Chris Bruckner Win Jodell Janet Yelowchan Sue Orloff and Carol Cole M. Robicheaux Bob Tackett Beverley Askam Simon Couldry through Margaret Ayton Mary Betts through Margaret Ayton Daphne Pelling through Margaret Ayton David C. Dixen Dhirubhai Ambani Intl. School

USA USA France France USA

3,581 4,774 22,127 1,265 4,774

Donation for Gopalpur Sight hindered children, Dharamsala Improvement of children and old people’s homes Home Reconstruction, Dharamsala Children from Tibet General Donation Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet

USA France France USA Australia USA USA USA USA New Zealand

1,432 6,322 6,110 2,387 7,743 1,194 23,775 4,755 23,775 14,265

Children from Tibet Old People Unsponsored children Children from Tibet General Donation Children from Tibet Unsponsored children General Donation Children from Tibet Children from Tibet



Winter Needs, Chauntra



Winter Needs, Chauntra

Mrs. Oanh Voan Mej. I. K Deibel Frank Vassal Mrs. Patricia Wohlend Muzi Alifio Reto & Kesang Dohartsang Tenzin Topgyal la Andreas Franconi Hill Shelter 108 E.V AET Sofia Montserrat De Juan Sanchez Marie Rorbek Stichting Hupl Aan Tibetanen (S.H.A.T) projects Dr. Barbara Schulhof

UK USA India India Netherland France Switzerland Italy Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland Germany France Spain Denmark Netherland Sweden

6,642 2,378 7,500 14,000 16,200 10,197 2,103 32,251 14,217 17,596 20,280 917,549 332,112 12,032 3,611 740,004 11,918

Winter Needs, Chauntra Children from Tibet Donation for orphage at TCV Dharamsala TCV Children Maint. Unsponsored children Unsponsored children Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Reconst. of Home 19 D/sala Ptg. of Class II textbooks Unsponsored children Unsponsored children Funding for various Unsponsored children

Metok summer 2009 Maj. Lis Isabella Lindblad


Geshe Tsultrim Gyaltsen Department of Health (D/sala)

USA India

Mme. Convert Mathilde Frances W. Masland Jon & Myla Kabat Zinn Dr. Victoria Sujata Stichting Otten-Philips Fonds Dr. Leo Matos Mr.& Mrs. John W. Day Angels by Angles Design TM Mr. Ngawang Lobsang Parents at Colman First School Mrs. Margaret Ayton Maryse Jacob Social & Resource Development Fund (SARD) James & Donna Fredkove Anne Garvey Linda & Allen Delzell Amando Ashley Karin Stok Harrison Penny George Mme. Tolle Jacky Iperal SPA Dr. Helmut Huber

France USA USA USA Netherland USA USA USA UK UK UK Canada India USA USA USA USA USA USA France Italy Austria

32,452 9,712 517,800 3,271 9,480 18,960 47,400 33,150 23,650 23,650 2,838 15,640 30,420 8,580 2,556

35 New arrivals with bedding & toiletries Unsponsored children Usha Funding ‘Nutrional Program’ for TCVs Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Don. for Tibet returnees Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Don. for TCV Gopalpur Don. for TCV Chauntra Don. for TCV Chauntra Children from Tibet

1,379,213 4,800 9,600 4,800 2,400 2,400 24,000 1,650 28,412 40,005

Usha Funding for TCV Bir Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Don. towards TCV Ladakh Musical instrument for TCV Bir/Suja Books in Tibetan for TCV SUJA/BIR Angle Box for homes at Lower TCV Contstruction of Staff quarters, Dharamsala Mini-hostel Shisha Pangma House at Gopalpur Dental Prg. at TCV Schools Const. of Mundgod Hostel TCV Schools at Sumdo & Hanley, Ladakh Children from Tibet House of Hope and old people homes New arrivals from Tibet Wages for old people care takers, Dharamsala Children from Tibet Children from Tibet

Unidea Fondazione Unicredito Italiano



Asso. Europeenne Phase 7



Mrs. Uta Zimmerman



Mr. Joachim Schulz



Zahnaerzte Ohne Grenzen Anonome Provinz Bozen Dr. Claudio Cordelli

Germany Italy Italy

186,450 914,056 321,395

Mr. Ruth Kemper Mrs. Elisabeth Bach

Germany Germany

18,615 296,190

Helga Anna Hagge Lena Weiren

Germany Sweden

28,133 19,180

Mr. Frank Vassal Michael Fruth

France Switzerland

10,086 11,782

Metok summer 2009 Late Manfred Geiger



Intl. Campaign for Tibet Mrs. Brigitte Wagner

Germany Austria

5,740,589 80,431

Patricia Wohlwend De Heer R.H.A Bartings Odette Daetwyler-Kaeslin A.M.P.I Broekhoven Giuseppe Tahily Max and Ginola Ms.Megumi Furukawa Jacqueline Riesen Ms. Hasegawa Maki Mrs.Feiechtenschlager Mrs.Johanna Palocsay

Switzerland Netherland Switzerland Netherland Switzerland Switzerland Japan Switzerland Japan Austria Austria




Save Tibet Fam. Zottele & Zimmermann

Austria Austria

57,915 135,135

Tomas Rio and group Janssen Nadine

Spain Belgium

3,217 6,435

Swine Pierre



Dieter Glogowski



Korkis Victor



Rotary Club Neerpelt Dommelvallei Lien Lijen German Group Mr.Joachim Schulz Kim Wol Soon Mrs.Andrea Nacken Ken Tor Ilana Mr. Jacques et Chiristine Richard Noto Elisa

Belgium Taiwan Germany Switzerland Korea Germany Israel Switzerland France

Raija Airio Individual Donors Fam. Bruins Mrs.Marlen Maes Cristina & Rof Spillmann Debra Kauffman Fant Renee Leinbach

Finland Netherland Belgium Spain USA USA

2,044 45,114 19,392 43,309 2,161 4,322 149,100 51,480 14,910 23,166 19,305

6,435 121,600 4,207 3,200 25,140 4,950 17,325 1,284 21,180 4,236 20,612 3,300 3,300 2,350 9,400 1,175

36 TCV Upper Boy Hostel roofing and dinning 2009 project RTL Project in TCV Bir New Tibetan Reading Books for TCV Bir Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Un-sponsored Children Children from Tibet General Donation General Donation Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet TCV Suja Uniform Sweater Firewood for Choglamsar old People Firewood for Choglamsar old People Solar Project Ladakh Renovation of Science Laboratory Upper Un-sponsored Children Suja Dental Equipment for Health Center. General Donation for TCV Suja School Unsposnored Children in Bir School General Donation towards TCV Suja. Library Books Ladakh Children from Tibet. Outreach Programme TCV Gopalpur Unsponsored Children Home 36 repair General Donation Unsponsored Children Unsponsored children under six years of age Children from Tibet. Gen. Donation for Sumdo Further Studies Program. Clothing for TCV Suja. Children from Tibet. Children from Tibet. Children from Tibet.

Metok summer 2009 Preis Irit Dr.Reyes Garcia Nancy Uhl Lisbeth Karlsson Zhen Huang Li Min

Israel USA USA Sweden USA

1,320 3,960 4,230 2,820 4,700

Alnowki Ehren



Pema Ngodup



Mr. Claudio Rossetti (Dir.) Ms.Milena Aidin Collins Georgina Elliott Makcolm Smith

Switzerland Switzerland North Ireland UK Australia

German Group


Apostoleki Petzonla Astha Jurarga S.M.Brodie Wiggans S.M.Brodie Wiggans

Greece Israel UK UK

Mrs.Philippa Baker Mr. Sonam Norphel Mr. Tom Loeybak Yeshi Norbu Da Silvia Vieira Sudents from Bangkok Zvika Korraw Mrs.Beatrijs Baptist

UK Switzerland Belguim Italy Belgium Thailand Isreal Belgium

6,600 2,500 3,000 6,500 2,500 1,500 1,500 3,000

Ms. Ku Jeong Suk Vill. Ms. Jodie Underhill

South Korea



Cedar (Susan) J.Sorensen Natascha Eitel Wheeler Peter Pastora Vivcent H.P.& Tah Zwaanswyk Dr.Margriet Onssoren

Canada Ireland Switzerland France Holland Netherland

6,000 2,000 1,000 4,200 1,000 3,500

Ronit Bender Fioma Agombar

Israel UK

1,000 1,000

Lindsay Skog Ithaca Namgyal Siobhan M. Clory


1,500 10,000 1,000

22,000 4,400 1,000 1,000 6,199 3,100 5,000 1,500 3,000 20,000


37 General Donation children from Tibet. children from Tibet. children from Tibet. General Donation towards TCV Bylakuppe General Donation towards TCV Bylakuppe General Donation towards TCV Ladakh children from Tibet. children from Tibet. General Donation General Donation Gopalpur Village Environment Development Donation towards Outreach Programme General Donation General Donation Children from Tibet. Purchase of Television set for TCV Dharamsala Donation towards Suja Don. towards Suja School Don. towards Suja School Children from Tibet. Children from Tibet Children from Tibet Children from Tibet. Donation towards TCV Suja School Clothing Unsposnored Children in Recycling and Gardening at Chauntra General Donation General Donation General Donation General Donation General Donation Children from Tibet Medical Expense General Donation Donation towards Further Studies Program General Donation Children from Tibet. Children from Tibet.


Metok summer 2009 College Donation Name




Korean Anila Bild Hilft e.V The Dalai Lama Trust The Tibet Bureau Aide a’e’Enfance Tibetaine Comune Dueville The Tibet Fund Deer park Corporation Helena Loven Graines D’avenir Un cuore per Tulti per un cuore onlus Arnold Otten Dorjee Khandu (CM, Arunachal Pradesh) Aide a’l’Enfance Tibetaine Ngakpa Rangshar Lingev The University of Muenster Mrs. Shouabh Mukerji Mr. Bruno Maistrello Mr. Arnold Otten Un Cuore Per Tutti Tutti Per Un Cuore Onlus Tibet House Inc. Dalai Lama visit Trust Liaison Office of Tibet Tibet Les Enfants de L’espoir Jacqueline Helene Theres Stiehting Wilde Ganzen Mrs. Helena Loven

South Korea 338,690 Germany 4,971,592 India 10,000,000 Switzerland 1,498,528 France 643,500 Italy 127,413 USA 12,560,000 USA 2,450,500 Sweden 1,000,200 France 1,315,763

College Project College Project College Project College Project College project College project College project College project College project College project

Italy Germany

96,760 94,126

College project College project

India France Germany Germany India Italy Germany

500,000 645,100 635,500 1,839,205 190,000 2,941 120,500

College project College project College Project College Project College Project College Project College Project

Italy USA New Zealand New Zealand France Switzerland Holland Sweden

619,946 715,534 1,854,962 187,875 435,259 203,000 777,335 12,99,234

College Project College Project College Project College Project College Project College Project College Furniture & Equip. Girl’s Hostel


Metok summer 2009

Donations received via L’Associazione Amici Del Bambini Tibetani Onlus, Italy Sponsor Fiori Serena-Rondoni Francesco Bianco Angela Borsetto Giorgio-Murru Luciana Pia Mariella Pasquarelli Alessandra Bani Paride Militello Luca Rotary Rodengo Abbazia Merigo Giambattista Avrella Luciana Gruppo Dipendenti “Rondini” Famiglia Rondoni Meschini Franca Compagnoni Ludwig Bertanza Sandro Famiglia Marende Belleri Enrico Luciana Aurella and Turelli Gianni

Amount in Euro 200 360 100 500 100 400 390 9,300 500 200 500 200 50 100 100 100 100 950

Purpose New Arrivals New Arrivals New Arrivals College New Arrivals New Arrivals New Arrivals College College College New Arrivals Children from Tibet New Arrivals New Arrivals New Arrivals New Arrivals New Arrivals New Arrivals

Donations received through Tibet Fund, New York, USA. Donor



Charles Smith Donna Z & Lawerence Kaplan Susan & Cullen Couch Steven Schwartz


General Donation General Donation General Donation General Donation

Donors through Virtu Generose Onlus-Italy(For College) Name of Donor Moiz Palaci Manetta Tullio Pietro Piano Conigliaro Giuditta Az. Agraria Di Valeri Centro Arte Isa Firenze Nicoletta e Carlo Gabriella Carlini Alessandra Guli Scoula Vestreno A Manzoni Marina Mari A.S.D. di Diego Bartolini Marina Bitti Melita Lupo

Country Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy

Euros 190 200 200 402 150 1059 105 500 30 80 84 12 150 50 350

Metok summer 2009


Parcel And Packages Received During The Period 6th December To 15th June 2009 Donor Name


Akemi Morijiri Akemi Negai & Yoshiko Hondo Aki Yasutake Andrea Oberholzer Andrea Leimer Anne Green & Per Lundquist Aruno Higuchi Asako Ichikawa Asako Kawamoto Association Amichi Dei Bambini Ayako Iwahori Ayako Matsubara Brighton Buddhist Centre Brigit Stangassinger C. Goodwin Caron & Shelby Carr Cheiko Murakami Chenel Brumat Chieko Murakami Chisato Suzuki Christine Hepting Compassionate Kids Helping Kids Corinne Schneider David Gardner De Jong-Baker Dr. Gerlind Weiss Dr. Iris Tamme Elaine Tholen

Japan Japan Japan Swiss Switzerland Denmark Japan Japan Japan Italy Japan Japan UK Germany UK Australia Japan Germany Japan Japan Germany USA Switzerland UK Holland Germany Germany USA

Elke Hass Erika Tsuji Evelyn Sentenac Fabrizia Fumagalli Fiukuyo Gotou G. Huffman G. Warriner Gabi Mucke Gymnashium A. M. Rittersberg Gretchen Huffman Gunther and the italian group Harold Sherman Heide Rituper Helena Sjostrand Svenn & Gosta Svenn Helmut Claudia Hiromi Igucchi Hiroyuki, Kaoru, Anju & Kinoshita

Germany Japan Japan Italy Japan USA UK Germany Germany USA Italy USA Austria Sweden Germany Japan Japan

Remarks 1 box used clothes 2 boxes used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 packet of clothing 2 pkg of baby clothes & toys C/o — H/O 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 3 boxes used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 52 boxes used clothes, toys & shoes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 3 boxes of toys & ball 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 2 boxes clothes & stationery 1 box used clothes 29 boxes second hand shoes 1 box — H/O 18 packages c/ H/O 1 box used clothes 1 box —— H/O 2 boxes stuffed toys and toys 1 box books, pens and DVD for XIth grade Boys 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 2 boxes used clothes & stationery 1 box used clothes for TCV Gopalpur 2 boxes used clothes 2 pkgs. of medicines & used clothes 2 packages of medicines 1 packet — H/O 6 boxes used children 4 packet of clothing and medicine. toffees and stationaries used clothes, toys & baby quilts 2 boxes clothes, mittens & hair band 1 plastic bag used clothes 3 boxes used clothes 2 boxes used clothes 1 box used clothes

Metok summer 2009 Honda Sachiyo Ingelore Enderle Jinzo Shiraishi Kakuko Yonekawa Kaitlin ( US Ambassador ) Kazuko Tamai Kearley Khiko Natale KIKU

Japan Switzerland Japan Japan USA Japan UK Japan Japan

Kohta Esaki Kumiko & Masarusano Kyoko Shimaya Lilia Spadaccini M. River. M. School Mail Box Mart Margit Baranek Margaret Ayton Mari Nagashima Massin Mechthild Matsuko Otsuka Maya Michiko Yokokawa Miki Imaizumi Miki Oashida Misa & Takuwa Higawara Miwako Hamanaka Miyuki Kurihara & Amanamana Morena Poltroneri Nacko Sakorapa Nana Matsuda Nanko Kawai Naoko Matshurio Naomi Omebayashi Nadja Mueller Natsumi Oikawa Noriko Morimoto Oberbeck Trautel P. Hille P. Whitfeld Pace Lorehna Paula Jost

Japan Japan Japan Italy Australia USA Austria UK Japan Germany Japan Netherland Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Italy Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Swiss Japan Japan Germany Holland UK Japan Switzerland

Prever Irene Rayna Saron Renata Otteli Renate Ottell Rhea Lindert Rocky Mountain Foundation Stefanie Kendel

Austria USA Switzerland Switzerland Italy USA Germany


1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 29 boxes of shoes 2 boxes used clothes 1 packet used clothes 1 box used clothes 5 boxes clothes, shoes, stationery & music instruments 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box H/O 1 box baby clothes 3 boxes used clothes valuable books for culture centre 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 3 boxes used clothes 47 plastic bags of clothing 1boxusedclothes,shoes&rubbergloves 3 boxes used clothes 2 boxes stationery 2 boxes used clothes 1 box used clothes 9 boxes used clothes 1 box clothes for H. no. 20 children 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box —— H/O 1 box ——H/O 1 box — H/O 2 packet of clothing 1 box used clothes 4 boxes —— H/O 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 2 packages —2 boxes used clothes 3 boxes knitted baby blankets & peom book & clothes 1 box —— H/O 6 boxes —H/O 1 box —— H/O 1 box —— H/O clothing 1 box used clothes 1 packet pens, bandaids, ballons & Chocolates

Metok summer 2009 Sumiko Oku Sylvia Ransom Takashi Kurauchi Tenzin Yiga/Naoko Sakubara Tifent Center Tim Kasten Tomoko Miyazaki Trantlind Ochotta Tsuneko Fujinawa Urusula Pieter Meisgner Y.T.H.S.S.K Yasuko Ono Yoko Kikuhara Yoko Nakajima Yoko Teramura Yoshiko Ito

Japan Australia Japan Japan USA USA Japan Germany Japan Germany Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan

Yoshiko Miyaicch Yuka Kunji Yuka Nagatomo Yukako Akatsu Yukari Tatsumura Yuki Edwards Yukiko Sato Yuko Ishii Yumi Kishi Andrea Oberholzer Nadja Mueller Andrea Leimer Monica Witschi Light for Tibetan Children Light for Tibetan Children Light for Tibetan Children

Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Luxemberg Luxemberg Luxemberg Swiss Luxemberg Luxemberg Luxemberg


1 box used clothes 2 boxes of books for library 1 box used clothes 4 boxes used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box clothes and sweets 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box — H/O 1 box —— H/O 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 5 boxes used clothes 1 box books, tissue paper, towels & notebooks chalk and dusters 1 box used clothes 1 box towels, stationery & stuffed toys 2 boxes used clothes 4 box used clothes 2 boxes used clothes 1 box shirts & sweaters 1 box used clothes 1 box used clothes 1 box of cloths and shoes 1 box of clothes and shoes 2 boxes of clothes and shoes 1 laptop, 3 boxes of clothes and shoes 1 computer for Library Bylakuppe 1 math Lab kit 1 laptop, 1 travel notebook

Metok summer 2009


Metok summer 2009




SCHEDULE -II DONATION FROM VARIOUSASSOCIATIONS SOS Kinderdorf (Austria) AET (France) LesAmis Du Tibet (Luxembourg) Deutsche Tibethilfe (Germany) Save Tibet (Austria) Int.Campaign for Tibet Deutschland (Germany) S.H.A.T. (Netherland) Social & Resource Development Fund ( India ) Chodron Foundation (USA) FADN (France) SOS Villages D’enfants (France) LesAmis Du Tibet (Switzerland) AssociazioneAmici Dei Bambini Tibetani Onlus (Italy) Virtue Generose Onlus (Italy) Bild Hilft (Germany) Benard Stiftung (Switzerland) The Office of Tibet (UK) Stichting Wilde Ganzen (Netherlands) The Tibet Fund (USA) Tibetan Development Fund (Belgium) ASIA Associazione (Italy) ItalianAmala (Italy) Graines D’Avenir ( France ) Save the Children (Austria) Autonome Provinz Bozen (Italy) Costa Family Foundation (Italy) Liaison Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama (Japan) The Dalai Lama Trust (Newzealand) Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (Germany) Verein Tibet Freunde Bern (Switzerland) Shelter 108 (Germany) Association DesAmis Du Tibet (Switzerland) Tibet Foundation (UK) APACT (France) Suomalais Tibetilainen Kulttuu - Helsinki (Finland)

118,989,147.00 34,783,763.00 21,582,553.00 21,111,721.00 21,005,480.00 15,930,800.00 12,449,371.00 11,200,553.56 10,909,881.00 9,639,986.00 6,992,940.00 6,507,893.00 5,328,686.00 5,095,290.00 4,971,592.00 4,200,000.00 3,764,805.00 3,556,746.00 3,457,991.00 3,178,775.00 3,139,803.00 3,011,479.00 2,984,405.00 2,292,189.00 2,222,661.00 2,210,453.00 2,199,497.00 1,854,962.00 1,800,000.00 1,596,799.00 1,517,369.00 1,477,500.00 1,450,729.00 1,386,810.00 1,347,700.00


Metok summer 2009 Believe in Yourself & Kickstart the World (Slovenia) Dept. of Health,CTA(India) A.E.M.T. (France) TAURUS (Norway) TibetAid (USA) Global Ministries Child (USA) Passport Tibetaine (France) HGFD (Germany) Tibet House Trust (UK) Asso. Exchange Himalayans (France) Tibetan Children Relief Society (Newzealand) Solhimal (France) The Tibet Bureau (Switzerland) Association Tibet Vent De Liberte (France) Ass. Destin de Femmes (France) Foundation Pistorio (Switzerland) Mandala - Le Vie Della Solidarieta Ovia (Italy) Association Drolma (France) SOS Kinderdorf (Switzerland) DANA e.V. (Germany) Tibet Charity (Denmark) Base Camp Explorer (Norway) Tibetan Buddhist Center Un Peace (USA) The Lalu Smile (Spain) Tibetan Society Europe (Belgium) SOS Bernebyer (Norway) Asso.Tarab Int. (France) Dakini Network e.V (Germany) TCVAlumniAssociation (USA) Danish Tibetan Cultural Society (Denmark) Office of Tibet (USA) TRAS (Canada) Lets Hold Hands (UK) Trans HimalayanAid Society (Canada) Casa Del Tibet Onlus (Italy) Tibetisches Zentrum (Germany) St. JohnAmbulance (UK) Cobat - Consorzio Obbligatorio (Italy) Tibet Relief Fund (UK) Liason Office of Tibet Newzealand (Newzealand) ASBLTibetan Help (Belgium) Int. Gesellschaft Fur Menschenrechte ( IGFM ) (Switzerland) Soroptimistclub Bommelerwaard (Netherlands) Hope One World (UK) AideAux Refugee Tibetan (France) Tibet Les Enfants De L’espoir (France)

1,295,618.00 1,204,775.00 1,109,473.00 1,075,853.00 1,935,342.00 1,868,757.27 1,853,017.00 1,750,589.00 1,744,997.00 1,743,169.00 1,677,807.27 1,651,585.00 1,645,518.00 1,644,670.00 1,640,500.00 1,560,500.00 1,515,113.00 1,498,716.75 1,455,640.00 1,440,951.19 1,437,896.15 1,407,940.00 1,387,500.00 1,383,460.00 1,346,241.00 1,310,049.00 1,309,375.00 1,303,425.00 1,272,268.00 1,272,057.00 1,266,261.00 1,262,474.23 1,252,631.00 1,251,879.70 1,247,600.00 1,225,124.00 1,219,040.00 1,211,049.00 1,207,223.00 1,187,875.70 1,186,750.00 1,160,200.00 1,157,540.00 1,113,911.00 1,113,059.00 1,112,055.00


Metok summer 2009 Fundacio PR. Casa Del Tibet (Spain ) Tibetan Friendship Group (Australia ) Enfant Du Monde (Belgium) The Light of Four (Australia) Blue Beryl Dharma Center (USA) TibetanAssn. of Colorado Inc. (USA) Green Peace (Germany) Potala Fund (Czech Republic) TCVAlumniAssociation (Canada) Association Padmasana (France) Stiftung Tibet Forever (Switzerland) Other Miscellaneous Organization T O T A L

108,284.00 102,375.59 97,457.00 85,000.00 82,212.00 80,903.00 80,258.00 76,186.00 72,525.00 55,468.00 52,575.00 9,913,855.72 Rs.


SCHEDULE -III DONATION FROM MAJOR INDIVIDUALS FOR PROJECTS Helena Loven (Sweden) 1,299,234.00 Dorthy Lichtenstein (USA) 1,216,500.00 Detlef Hass & Elke Hass (Germany) 561,094.00 Choate Rosemary Hall (USA) 486,600.00 KoreanAnila (Korea) 435,592.40 Dr. Ivo Pulcini (Italy) 313,450.00 Genevieve & Rene Jean Duret (France) 228,000.00 Friends of Enrica Bortolazzi (Italy) 155,300.00 Markus Widmer (Switzerland) 155,200.00 PaulaAnne Hinsom Family Trust (USA) 141,579.00 T O T A L


SCHEDULE - IV Donation from Individual Sponsors from different Countries Switzerland USA Austria Germany France Italy U.K. Denmark Australia Holland Sweden Belgium Canada Japan


18,344,788.48 6,941,665.00 6,701,470.50 6,536,692.50 4,708,087.40 4,672,360.60 3,260,570.59 3,193,759.73 1,351,910.22 1,000,816.36 923,517.26 883,423.50 727,100.56 680,629.00

Metok summer 2009 India Hongkong Taiwan Norway Malaysia Netherland Spain Finland Korea Portugal Greece Israel Others Singapore Czech Republic Luxembourg Europe Russia Polland Liechtenstein Thailand New Zealand Ireland Mexico Ukraine Kalmykia Nepal Indonesia Hungary Argentina Island Brazil Scotland Bangkok Turkey Mauritius Vietnam T O T A L SCHEDULE - V CONTRIBUTION FROM TIBETANS TCV Lower Dharamsala School TCV Dharamshala TCV Bylakuppe VTC Dehradun

47 554,218.50 487,597.87 483,170.00 481,047.08 452,206.40 438,834.00 491,382.00 377,193.00 349,786.00 292,846.00 261,522.00 213,735.00 185,617.00 164,542.50 163,469.00 150,013.00 141,940.00 130,786.00 126,164.00 151,860.00 100,894.00 198,518.80 145,234.00 142,850.00 142,095.00 142,000.00 140,000.00 38,752.00 132,464.00 121,125.00 119,982.00 118,435.00 115,962.00 114,434.00 117,890.00 113,826.00 113,000.00



11,173,556.00 6,506,158.00 3,652,522.00 2,997,800.00


Metok summer 2009 TCV Gopalpur TCV Ladakh TCV Mcleod Day School TCV Chauntra TCV Selakui TCV SOS Bir T O T A L

1,369,099.00 792,580.00 650,950.00 256,825.00 236,390.00 21,510.00 Rs.

SCHEDULE - VI OTHER RECEIPTS FD Interest Miscellenous Income Bank Interest T O T A L

29,976,144.29 285,530.59 82,046.00 Rs.

PAYMENTS SCHEDULE - VII VILLAGES / SCHOOLS EXPENSES TCV Ladakh & Camp TCV Dharamsala TCV Bylakuppe TCVGopalpur TCV Lower dharamsala school Bir School TCV SOS Bir TCV Chauntra School TCV Selakui VTC Dehradun College Working Capital(B’lore) TCV Mcleod Day School TCV P’kuhl Thangka School Kullu / Pondah Day School T O T A L



50,418,363.53 47,168,595.79 34,308,745.22 29,310,484.99 22,552,073.00 19,150,155.75 17,097,530.00 14,150,074.50 6,181,018.00 2,997,800.00 1,000,000.00 650,950.00 650,059.50 90,590.00 Rs.


SCHEDULE - VIII VILLAGES / SCHOOLS CONSTR. & PROJECT EXPENSES Bangalore College Construction 121,644,564.00 Bir School Construction 17,044,209.00 TCV Ladakh Project 12,176,150.00 TCV Dharamsala Projects 11,864,999.00 TCV Chauntra Project 10,352,605.00 TCV Gopalpur Project 7,449,136.00 TCV Bylakuppe Project 4,679,202.00

Metok summer 2009 TCV Selakui School Project Lower TCV Project Mundgod Hostel Project TCV Delhi Youth Hostel Project VTC Dehradun Project Renewal/replacement Fund Health Center Isolation TCV Banglore hostel Micro Financing Project Ongoing Project T O T A L

4,627,756.00 4,124,350.50 1,949,518.00 820,378.00 615,392.00 596,100.00 436,782.00 302,560.00 281,091.00 30,537.00 Rs.

SCHEDULE - IX SPECIFIC FUND / PROGRAM EXPENSES: Higher Studies and Training Endowment Fund Outreach Sponsorship Outside SP Education Development & Resource Centre Unsponsered Child NewArrival From Tibet Gothia Cup in Sweden Education Head Office Mother Training Centre Special Needs Children Summer Camp Community Radio Station Vocational Training/Rehab. Fund Human Resourses Development Fund Painting Works Education Reserve Fund T O T A L SCHEDULE - X HEAD OFFICE EXPENSES Salary Other Expenses Administrative Expenses Project Support Expenses Metok & Other Publications Bank Charges InternalAssessment Fee Audit Fee T O T A L



52,859,680.00 21,995,449.00 13,433,715.94 6,544,281.50 2,366,509.00 999,567.08 942,227.00 783,455.50 739,235.00 518,738.00 346,194.00 309,766.00 112,362.00 64,911.00 62,065.00 51,367.00 6,674.00




3,671,402.00 3,087,976.00 1,679,088.94 570,465.00 430,426.00 97,550.75 51,000.00 4,495.00 9,592,403.69

Metok summer 2009


SCHEDULE - XI LOANANDADVANCES Advances / receiveable as per list- 2


SCHEDULE - XII CLOSING CASH & BANK BALANCE (A) TCV VILLAGES/SCHOOLS FUND TCV Dharamsala TCV Ladakh & Camp TCV SOS Bir TCV Chauntra School TCV Bir School TCV Selakui Maint. TCV P’kuhl Thangka School Teachers Training Centre TCV Gopalpur Mother Training Centre EDRC Higher Studies and Training TCV Bylakuppe TCV Lower Dharamsala

132,690,759.91 114,362,764.69 144,135,241.96 143,829,712.03 142,772,949.35 141,376,269.58 141,057,056.50 148,848,763.00 148,532,887.96 148,244,195.00 (1,599,588.14) (2,036,077.77) (13,294,699.67) (15,049,448.96)











Metok summer 2009

CLOSING CASH AND BANK BALANCE AS ON 31.12.2008 Opening (Jan 08) Closing (Dec 08) Bank Amex - 79 PNB - 20134 SBI - 01100055316 SBI - 01100060248 PNB - FDR SBI - FDR BOI - FDR Cashier ( Main ) TOTAL

















List No.-2 Advance/ Payable S.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16





CREDIT 1,523,364.00

Advance to Gift



Advance to SPO



FD Interest Receivable






Audit Fees Payable


Panna Travel Advance Payable Photostat Receivable















Sub Suspense TDS Salary Technology Centre Travel Advance

TOTAL IND. Debit Blance









134,664,003.97 15,108,990.13

Metok summer 2009


Children's Corner The Tribute From the day, I saw this world I am With nobody only with my mom, she Made my life most valuable one, whatever I am today is just because of her. She is the one who brought me in this World, taught me the ways of life. She is the one who encouraged me to go Shoulder to shoulder with everyone. Even if you’re not with me right now, I don’t feel sad because when The day comes to meet you with You will be proud to call me your son. When a child meets their parents I feel a bit of home sick and miss you But I know, meeting you after Long time will make me forever jovial. I will be waiting for the moment I will Come out from the dream and meet you In the reality when I will give a tight Hug and my heart cherish like a flower. I know that you are missing me as I Miss you but don’t worry mom The days are not too far to meet you, You just wait for your dear son. I promise that I will come out with an Excellent achievement to fulfill your desire Which I will never ruin, I just want to pay my tribute mom, miss you and love you from deep within my heart. - Phuntsok Choephel, X S

Metok summer 2009


How I spent my winter vacation! For the past few years I never had a quality vacation with my Pala. So I decided that, this vacation would be entirely dedicated to my sweet father who has always been my supporter, protector and advisor. As the school ended, he asked me where I would like to go. I told about my plans and decided to go nowhere but stay at my home and spent the last vacation together. I could see the happiness in his eyes spreading over his face… And I ensured that this winter was really going to be special unlike any of the previous. I and my Pala would get to know a lot of new unknown things about each other and also get to do lots of special yet sweet things together. For example during the morning we would get tired even if we’ve walked only fifteen minutes and would hit a restaurant to have something. We made a rule that we would make the lunch turn by turn and the dinner together. But the fun thing about it was, most of the time we would order our meals from outside and then accuse each other of breaking the rule. After dinner we would sit together and start a game of chess…….. While playing we used to tell each other about the things we did and experienced when we were away from each other. We would even tell how much we missed each other when we felt in need of each other. But the sweetest thing about it was, while playing chess when I was about to loose, I used to cheat and he would let me win. And when I used to argue with him regarding this thing, he would change the subject and act as if he had no idea about it. Every weekend, we used to have family get-together and there always used to be a fight between us before it because of the uncompleted works and the mess all over the place. But at the end, we were always there to help each other. This winter I got to know my Pala and even got courage to share some stuffs, some personal issues, some unexpressed emotions which I never thought I would open up to him- not even in my wildest dreams. Longtime back, when I was a kid my Pala in his own words used to say, “ there comes a time, when a parent not only completes his/her responsibility of being a parent but also becomes a friend of his child!.” Well as my father said, I found my closest friend this winter and am glad I did! Love you pala! By: Tenzin Dawa XII B

Metok summer 2009


The Escape We were at the foot of Himalaya, Saying our last prayers, For a safe journey, Bounded towards south. Farewell to the holy Himalaya. Rising high up amidst the drifting clouds. Farewell to the flapping prayer flags, Promising us of good luck. I took my first step in hope, Escaped through the rugged terrains. I took my last glance, towards my village In a hope and wish of safe return. Farewell to my dear friends, Who had played with me at the brooks nearby. Farewell to my yak friends, Who gave me company in those lonely days. By: Jigme Thinley, XII C What I want in life I want life to go slow, so that I can enjoy the everlasting moments like those once in a lifetime chances. I wish the life to go very fast on my lean days and bad times. Yet I want life to be endless because life is precious. I want my dreams to come true than to be awaken from my dreams. I want to be the first Tibetan to play in NBA, set a world history, then when I am done I’ll look back at my career and say, yeah that’s me I did it. Where ever I go I’ll be representing Tibet. I’ll be using my influence all over the world, then people will encourage others to stand up for Tibet. Not quickly but slowly we will get to live in our own mother land. That is what I want in life. But for now the only thing I want in life is go back to home and live happily ever after with my family. By Tenzin Kunsang, A Tibetan American student, VII S, UTCV What Tibet Means to Me Tibet, the place where even the highest mountains stood still reaches the sky, Where the bloods of our brothers and sisters are still flowing. Even being a big denizen of that nation, I wasn’t blessed to have a glimpse of all these majestic works of almighty, born in India, never seen my motherland. On 10 March, 08 when I heard this news about martyrs sacrificing their lives for Tibet, th


Metok summer 2009

then a sudden question came in my mind. What can I do for Tibet? I said, “ I will study hard and get our nation back! “ FREE TIBET” !!! Tenzin Dudul Takla, VII D, UTCV Tibet – My Homeland Tibet is our country. It’s a country where Tibetans live. There are monks and beautiful monasteries. Tibet was like a heaven before 1959 but since from the time when Chinese captured and destroyed our land, they have made it like a hell. They killed many of our brothers and sisters and destroyed the beautiful environment. Tibet is our country and it’s a very beautiful and clean place with wide clean forest to walk. The air is fresh. All the other people would love to visit Tibet because of its nice environment. Tibet has actually many different names and one of them is the ‘Roof of the World’ because of its high altitude. The world’s highest mountain – Mount Everest is situated in the border between Nepal and Tibet. It is very cold in Tibet and Tibetans wear thick clothes. Tibet is also called as the ‘Land of Snow’ as it is surrounded by mountains covered with snow. There are so many beautiful creatures and animals living in these mountains. The mountains are rich in gold and silver. Tibet is a big country and it is divided into three provinces. They are U-tsang, Dotoe and Domey. There are many big rivers, long ranges and high hills. The capital city of Tibet is Lhasa. There is a big palace called the Potala Palace. It was first built by King Songtsen Gampo, the 33 king of Tibet. rd

Tibet has a very kind and a gentle leader, His Holiness the 14 Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso. He is our God. Tibetan people are very lucky to have a leader like Him. Buddhism is our religion. It is a very famous religion in the world. th

Tibet is no longer a peaceful country as it is under the Chinese. Tibetans are not happy in Tibet. Save Tibet For World Peace. Tsering Dickyi VI D

Metok summer 2009


MANDALA The Tibetan word for mandala is “kyilkhor” which means “centre of the circle with exteriors walls and surrounding environment.” Mandalas may be created with precious jewels, flowers, dyed rice, coloured stones, or coloured sand. Sand, traditionally made from crushed precious stones, is considered the most efficacious materials because of the precious substances involved and the great skill required to create the mandalas’ exquisite details. Since each grain of sand is charged with the blessings of the ritual process, the entire sand mandala embodies a vast store of spiritual energy. BACKGROUND According to Buddhist history, the purpose, meanings, and techniques involved in the spiritual art of sand mandala painting were taught by Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha in the sixth century B.C. in India. Over the centuries the Kalachakra teachings have been transmitted in an unbroken lineage from teacher to student. In the 11th century the Kalachakra went from India to Tibet and during the 18th century the VII Dalai Lama introduced it to the Namgyal Monastery. This continuous lineage extends to the XIV Dalai Lama of our own time. Each mandala is a sacred mansion, the home of particular meditational deity, who represent and embodies enlightened qualities ranging from compassion to heightened consciousness and bliss. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, mandalas are created for rituals of initiation in which a highly qualified teacher grants permission to advanced disciples to engage in the tantric meditation practices. Both the deity, which resides at the centre of the mandala, and the mandala itself are recognised as pure expressions of the Buddha’s fully enlightened mind. Symbolically the deity confers the initiations and the mandala is where the initiations takes place. Through the initiations ceremony the seed of enlightenment in each person’s mind is nourished by the dynamic process of visualising and contemplating a mandala. In essence the ceremony involves the transportation of disturbing emotions into beneficial intuition and wisdom. Normally such an initiation is given at the request of an individual or group of people. The altruistic motivation of the artist and sponsor is essential to the creation of mandala. THE KALACHAKRAMANDALA Everything in this mandala is the symbolic representation of some aspect of the Kalachakra deity and the deity’s universe. There are 722 deities in the mandala which symbolise various manifestations of aspects of consciousness and reality, all part of the ultimate wisdom of the Kalachakra deity. The Kalachakra Tantra is interpreted at three levels referred to as external, internal

Metok summer 2009


and alternative. The external concerns the laws of time and space of this physical world and accordingly deals with astronomy, astrology and mathematics. The internal concerns the elements and structure of the human body, including its energy system. The alternative is the doctrine, path and fruit of the actual meditational deity and its circular mandala abode. The Kalachakra deity resides in the centre of the mandala. His palace consists of our mandala, one within another: the mandala of body, the mandala of speech, that of mind, and the very centre, wisdom and great bliss. The palace is divided into four quadrants each with walls, gates, and a centre. The colours are specific representations of the elements and mental types. Black, in the east, is associated with the element of winds. The south is red, its elements is fire. The west is yellow, associated with the element of earth, and the north is white, represent water. The square palace of the 722 deities is seated upon the first concentric circles, the first of which represents the earth. The other circles, represent water, fire, wind, space, and consciousness extend beyond the wall of the palace. The outer circles, a representation of the cosmos, is a source of Tibetan astrology. The ten wrathful deities who reside in one of the outer, concentric circles of the mandala serve as its protectors. The Kalachakra sand mandala is dedicated to peace and physical balance, both for individual and for the world, thanks to the deities carefully among minute human, animal and floral forms, abstract pictographs, and the Sanskrit syllables that comprises the mandala’s design. Although depicted here on a flat surface, the mandala is actually three-dimensional, being a five-storeyed “divine mansion”, at the centre of which stands the Kalachakra deity the manifest state of Enlightenment. A person who simply sees this mandala many feel peace on many levels. According to the Dalai Lama, the Kalachakra deities create a favourable atmosphere, reducing tension and violence in the world. “It is a way of planting a seed, and the seed will have karmic effect. One doesn’t need to be present at the Kalachakra ceremony in order to receive its benefits,” he explains. Source :

HOWYOU CAN HELPTCV Tibetan Children's Villages is a charitable organisation, almost entirely dependent on the kindness and generosity of others. International aid agencies and individuals have been sympathetic to the Tibetan situation and have responded well to our appeal for help. However, we always keep in mind that eventually Tibetans must become self-reliant and independent. Towards, that goal, TCV initiated handicraft Centres and other projects to generate an internal source of revenue. Furthermore, in recent years Tibetan parents have begun to shoulder more of the financial burden by giving as much as they can. Yet, with so many needy children to look after and the overwhelming flood of new refugees that beseech TCV for help every year, it is impossible to sustain the life-giving works of TCV without help from outside. Therefore, the Tibetan Children's Villages will always stand in need of assistance from its friends. You can help the Tibetan Children's Villages in one of the following ways: • Sponsor a child at US$ 40 per month • Send donations towards the following projects: a) School improvement b) Outreach Programs c) Education Publication d) Specific Projects e) Medical Fund f) Scholarship Fund for Higher Studies g) Emergency Fund • Send used warm clothing for children and adults • Tell a friend about the Tibetan Children's Villages For more information please write to: Head Office TIBETAN CHILDREN'S VILLAGES Dharamsala Cantt. 176 216 Distt. Kangra, H.P. INDIA

Email: Web:

Please issue all cheques in favour of TIBETAN CHILDREN'S VILLAGES /or bank transfers directly to Standard Chartered Bank, 10 Hamilton House, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Account # 5200 - 5002 - 113; Swift Code # SCBLINBBXXX TCV, Head Office, Dharamsala Fax # Tibetan SOS Youth Hostel, Delhi

(91) 1892 221348, 221685, 220356, 221680 (91) 1892 221670 (91) 11 27566569, 27862980 (Fax) 27862652

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