LTWA Newsletter 2009

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Library of Tibetan Works & Archives Vol. 02 2008 - 2009

2009 international

seminar on tibetan and himalayan studies p4 intensive translation programme p6 intensive Course on tibetan studies p9 The new annexe building p3

obituary: Gyatsho tshering

p8 1st monks’ science exposition p10

▪ No. of visitors to the Library’s museum 9000 ▪ No. of students attending Dharma and Language classes 351 ▪ No. of research students 76 ▪

Tashi Delek!


It was perhaps with the profound understanding of impermanence that Shakespeare famously spoke of the varying stages of life and the ever changing roles that people play. For the world at large, the global economic recession jolted millions of people out of their selfcentered consciousness and introduced, with a bad taste, the reality of impermanence and prompted the need for deeper cultivation of compassion and altruism. For the family of LTWA, the passing year saw the loss of our longest serving director Gyatsho Tshering la. Though all the staff members of LTWA are deeply saddened by his death, we look up to his legacy of hard work, sincerity and dedication and try our best to carry on the mission that was so dear to him. LTWA also suffered a tragic fire incident, the shocks of which are still fresh in our minds. Yet, these events have made the family of LTWA stronger and under the able guidance of Geshe Lhakdor la, we look forward to serve the missions of the LTWA with renewed fervour and zeal. This year LTWA shall see the completion of its much awaited annexe building and along with it the further advancement of its activities. As a part of the several events this year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Tibetan Government and people in exile, the LTWA organised an intensive course on Tibetan studies to enrich the knowledge of our youngsters with the teachings of our rich Tibetan studies. We also organised an International Seminar on Tibetan and Himalayan studies which brought together twenty Tibetologists from around the world. The LTWA looks forward to organising more of such seminars and workshops. Editor







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DONORS We gratefully acknowledge the following contributors during 2008-2009

Bobby Sager


Michael Muller


Charles Antoine Janssen


Mr. Bartel Worth


Emory University


Prof. Mark


Feryde Braileanu



Gene Lin


Regional Parliament Trento

Juigen Eisele


Tenzin Kacho


Koshin Suzuki


Tenzin Kunsig & Woi Ho

South Korea

Loon,Yeng Yeng and Friends


Teresa Khoo & Mr. Boonpeng


Ma Xue Wen Sharon


Tibet Relief Fund


Maria Rita Stumpf


Zeinulla Kakimzanov



New Annexe Building


International Seminar


Intensive Translation Programme




Intensive Course on Tibetan Studies


Fire Tragedy


1st Monks’ Science Exposition


Annual Report by each Department


New Scanning Machine


New Book Arrivals


LTWA Staff at a Glance


Director’s Diary


LTWA 2008-2009

Your feedback We welcome your comments and contributions about what you would like to see in our newsletter. Please contact Chemi Wangmo, Managing Editor, LTWA or email: Layout & design by Tenzin Sonam, Photographs by Sonam Tsering Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 & Recognised by Himachal Pradesh University, Govt. of H.P. Our mailing address: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala, 176215. H.P. INDIA Tel: +91-1892-222467/226181 Fax: +91-1892-223723 E-mail:

The new annexe building The rapid growth and diversification of the LTWA since its inception reflects a profound awareness of the urgency of not letting the unique Tibetan cultural heritage wither away. It demonstrates a deep commitment to preserve and promote and responds to the growing interest in Tibetan culture worldwide. This perceptible progression has rendered the current institutional infrastructure prematurely inadequate. Since the present building has seen its capacity saturated and can no longer accommodate the growing needs of the institution, an extension is urgently needed to overcome the space inadequacy. With a munificent endowment from the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, the project to build an annexe was realised. It has been built on a floor area of 600 square metres adjacent to the existing Library building and is conceived in three storeys. Tibetan design elements have been incorporated complementing the architecture of the original building. Dharamsala being one of the most vulnerable regions to earthquakes in northern India, special reinforcements have been devised and included to withstand the average impact of an earthquake in consultation with international experts. To sum up, the extension building alleviates the constraints of the existing infrastructure that has already reached its saturation. With this new annexe the institution will be able to embark upon various developmental programmes and activities besides catering to the needs of an increasing number of scholars, researchers, students and public in general. ■

The construction of an extension is an important project and remains a determining factor in our ongoing efforts to preserve, disseminate and promote Tibetan and Buddhist cultural heritage. The new building will accommodate: •

An additional reading room and consultation of periodicals and other reference resources

A conference room, which can be doubled up as a gallery space for the display of photographs, new publications, exhibitions, etc.

Sound archives laboratory with appropriate sound-proof and climate-controlled storage facilities

Adequate classrooms for Buddhist Philosophy and Tibetan Language courses

A storeroom for increasing stocks of publications

A garage

September 3-5, 2009

international seminar on

tibetan and himalayan studies The subjects discussed during the Seminar were broadly categorised into five sections: Buddhist Masters and Religion, Tibet in the Four Directions, Tibet and the Noble Land, Material Culture, Tibet in the Later Period (History and Linguistics). Under these five broad sections the scholars presented their papers giving extensive details on various topics such as religion, history, linguistics, traditional customs, material arts, relations with other nations and so on. The presentations were followed by robust sessions of questions and discussions aimed at a better understanding of the topic. The

LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter

The first ever International Seminar on Tibetan and Himalayan Studies, organised by the LTWA was held here at the LTWA from September 3rd to 5th, 2009. The Seminar was held in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan people’s uprising and the arrival of the Tibetan government and people in exile. Twenty eminent scholars on Tibetan studies from ten countries namely: Nepal, Poland, The Netherlands, Japan, France, USA, Germany, Austria and Australia attended the Seminar. The Seminar began with an inaugural function at the Club House with Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche as the Chief Guest.


Seminar proved to be an inspirational platform for the scholars to come together and exchange their views on Tibetan studies. The International Seminar on Tibetan and Himalayan Studies served the objectives of the LTWA to provide a comprehensive cultural resource centre and to promote an environment that encourages research and an exchange of knowledge between scholars and students. The proceedings of the Seminar would soon be published by the LTWA. The LTWA looks forward to organise more of such intellectual seminars, conferences and workshops. ■



Mr. Matthew Akester

Independent scholar, Kathmandu Nepal

The rediscovery of dNgos grub sdings

Prof. Agata BarejaStarzynska

Warsaw University, Poland

Mongolian Incarnation of Jonangpa Taranatha - a case study of the Tibeto-Mongolian Relationship

Dr. Henk Blezer

Leiden University, The Netherlands

Greatly Perfected, in Space and Time Historicities of the Bon Aural Transmission from Zhang Zhung

Mr. John Bray

Independent scholar, Cambridge - UK and Tokyo - Japan

Trader, Middleman or Spy? The Dilemmas of a Kashmiri Muslim in Early 19th Century Tibet

Dr. Katia Buffetrille

Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris - France

Preliminary Remarks on the 2002 Gesar Millenial Anniversary Festival (Machen, Amdo)

Prof. José Ignacio Cabezon

University of California at Santa Barbara, USA

Khonton Peljor Lhundrub, a Non-sectarian Gelug Master of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century

Prof. Jampa Samten

Central Tibetan University, Sarnath - UP

Notes on the 13th Dalai Lama’s confidential letter to the Tsar of Russia

Prof. Andrea Loseries

Shantiniketan University, West Bengal

Windhorse, Jest and Play. Some observations on the Semantic Field of rtsed mo in Tibetan Culture

Mr. Sangye Tandar Naga

LTWA, Dharamsala

Bod kyi skad yig gi gsang ba khag gchig rtsam gleng ba

Mr. Sonam Tsering Ngulphu

Department of Education, Dharamsala

Rab gnas: Shift in Religious and Soteriological Significance in Tibetan Tradition

Prof. Peter Schwieger

Bonn University, Germany

Significance of Ming titles conferred upon the Phag-mo-gru rulers

Nawang Tsering Shakspo

Jammu and Kashmir Academy, Leh Ladakh

Tibetans in Ladakh

Dr. Sonam Wangyal

Independent scholar, Gangtok - Sikkim

Walung-gnas: A Report on the Lost Tribe of Tibet

Prof. Elliot Sperling

Bloomington University, Indiana - USA

Some Preliminary Remarks on the Influx of New World Silver into Tibet during China’s “Silver Century” (1550-1650)

Mr. Tashi Tsering

Amnye Machen Institute, Dharamsala

Bod dang jha snyags pa dang ‘brel ba’i chig lab thung ngu

Prof. Helmut Tauscher

Vienna University, Austria

Some remarks on Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge and his Madhyamaka works

Dr. David Templeman

Monash University, Melbourne Australia

“South of the Border”: Taranatha’s Perceptions of India

Prof. Laxman Thakur

Himachal University, Shimla - HP

Sculptural Productions during the bstan pa phyi dar and its Stylistic Nomenclature: Examples from Khu Nu of Rong Chung

Dr. Roberto Vitali

Independent scholar, Dharamsala

Tibetans at Bodhgaya (last quarter of the 12th century to year 1300)

Tubingen University, Germany

East of the Moon and West of the Sun? Approaches to a land with many names north of ancient India and south of Khotan

Dr. Bettina Zeisler



The International Seminar organised by the LTWA has explored the various facets of Tibetan Studies demonstrating that Tibet was always a part of the inter-continental historical processes and never remained isolated from the impacts of major global events of socioeconomic and political nature. All these aspects of Tibetan studies were discussed in an amicable intellectual atmosphere. The LTWA has demonstrated that it can organise so successfully an assembly of scholars in its premises.

This was a wonderful conference: a diverse group of papers, all of them interesting. It was also a wonderful chance to reconnect with colleagues at the Library. Altogether a wonderful, well organised event. Many thanks to all of you.

Dr Laxman S Thakur Prof. of Ancient History & Archaeology, H.P. University, Shimla

SOME THOUGHTS The seminar was superb. Great hospitality all the way by the convener, Prof. Roberto Vitali and his charming wife, the papers were absolutely of the highest order, and the fellowship truly warm and worth recalling. It was good to be there.


This was a most productive and well conceived conference convened by Dr Roberto Vitali. It fully met its intended aim of offering an opportunity for scholars to meet with the minimum formality to exchange new ideas and directions. I especially enjoyed the frank and forthright exchanges between the participants. Our hosts, the LTWA offered all possible assistance to make it run smoothly and seamlessly. I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended such a well managed Conference. Dr David Templeman, Monash Asia Institute, Melbourne Australia ▪3▪ The conference itself was well organised. We had enough time to present our papers without the hurry which often takes place in large conferences. There was also enough time for discussion. The discussions were fruitful and vivid. I am sure that this successful conference was a good opportunity to strengthen the Library as a renowned center for the international community of scholars in Tibetan studies. Peter Schwieger, Bonn University, Germany ▪4▪ The opportunity to participate in the conference, graced by many distinguished scholars and experts from around the world was an enriching and enlightening experience. It provided an opportunity to present our views and to access the wisdom of many renowned scholars right here in Dharamsala, the center of both Tibetan and Himalayan communities.

Jose Cabezon University of California, USA


Dr. Sonam B. Wangyal Gangtok, Sikkim ▪6▪ The seminar brought together twenty Indian, Tibetan and Western researchers. This gathering was very pleasant since it allowed each of us thirty minutes for the presentation of our paper, but also time for discussion. All papers were interesting to listen to and the organisation was perfect. I’m also grateful to the Director and all the people of the Library for their kindness. This seminar also gave me the opportunity to come back to Dharamsala and to enjoy all the academic activities the Library provides. The Library offers all facilities to researchers to work in a very pleasant environment. Katia Buffetrille École Pratique des Hautes Études/UMR 8155 (Paris) ▪7▪ The International Seminar held at the Library provided a proper forum to the Tibetologists the world over to present their new findings in their respective fields and the proceedings of the seminar will be remembered for a long time by the participant scholars. Nawang Tsering Shakspo J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Leh-Ladakh ▪8▪ The present conference revitalised the relationship between the old Tibetologists and the LTWA, and built a new relationship with the new scholars across the world. Sangye Tandar Naga LTWA

Sonam Tsering Ngulphu, Deptt. of Education, CTA, Dharamsala

▪10▪ The conference was a resounding success and provided a good and delightful mix of topics. One might say without exaggeration that this conference and its proceedings in a sense reap part of what the LTWA and its community has helped sow. I greatly commend the efforts made by Ven. Samdhong Rinpoche and Geshe Lhakdor and his staff, but I should particularly thank Lobsang Shastri and to Roberto and Cicci Vitali, who initiated and courageously waged that notoriously ungrateful battle with organisational details. It is a conference that I will long cherish, kudos! Henk Blezer Leiden University, Th e Netherlands ▪11▪ The conference was an excellent opportunity for scholars from all over the world to discuss their researches in a professional and friendly atmosphere. Ven. Geshe Lhakdor should be congratulated. The convener secured perfect organisation of the meeting. The organisers provided not only proper environment for scholarly discussions, but also interesting movie shows, LTWA book exhibits as well as delicious and healthy meals. They were all thanked by the participants. It is our great hope that such meetings will be organised in future as well. Agata Bareja-Starzynska Warsaw University, Poland ▪12▪ The seminar brought together a compact group of Tibetologists and was extremely well-organised. It was a fitting tribute to Gyatsho Tshering, the late director whose leadership of the Library during the early period of my studies was important in starting me off. Indeed, one of my first published articles was written in large part at the Library. I’m quite grateful to the Library for the excellent organisation of a stimulating seminar.

Elliot Sperling Bloomington University, Indiana - USA


LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter



The translation workshop has been a great learning process and an enriching experience for all the students. This workshop has equipped me with the knowledge and skill in both Tibetan and English language which are indispensable for those who aspire to become a translator or take up translation as a profession. Also, the lessons on the key elements of unique Tibetan Buddhist philosophy have taught me to adopt a positive attitude and holistic approach towards life. These lessons have further stressed the importance of moral and ethical values for the happiness of not just an individual person, but for the society as a whole. I request the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives to continue organising more of such trainings so that many other people like me can be benefited with its positive inspiration and holistic guidance. Besides, I think increasing the number of practical, oral and written translations, speaking and writing practices in the future translation workshops would be even more helpful. Dr. Namdol Lhamo

▪ Newsletter LTWA LTWA ▪ 2008▪ -2008 2009- ▪2009 Newsletter


The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA), Dharamsala, organised the third three-month Intensive Translation Program (ITP) from 1st June to 31st August 2008. The ITP exclusively covered the various methods and practices adopted in the translation of Buddhist teachings and scriptures. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Through the ages, translation (a simple yet complicated process of rendering a piece of information from its language of origin so that it may be expressed within a different culture) has proven the greatest force behind constructive interaction among humankind. Translation has enabled the sharing and exchanging of knowledge on religion, culture, science, technology, education, tradition, arts and so forth among people of different cultural and environmental backgrounds. For the Tibetans, translation ushered in a golden era as it facilitated the advent of Buddhism in Tibet from India in the late seventh century. Today, Tibet’s identity is largely characterised by the principles and values enshrined in the innumerable ancient Buddhist scriptures that have been translated from the languages of India and other countries. Though its history is brief compared to other ancient countries, Tibet has witnessed one of the highest rates of Buddhist


translation in the world, both in quality and quantity. The quality of translation works by the great scholars motivated solely by the intention to benefit others continued for hundreds of years under the patronage of the Tibetan kings and the successive rulers. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES In the wake of the new millennium and the ongoing struggle for Tibet’s freedom, Tibetans stand face to face with two major challenges: firstly, to sustain their unique identity through the preservation of their distinct culture and religion, and secondly to begin to embrace modern science and technology and seek to excel in these areas for the betterment of Tibet and the world. In view of these challenges, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government-in-exile have worked tirelessly towards the rebuilding of monasteries and centers for cultural education, and the opening of new schools for teaching modern subjects. These two challenges further spur the need for translations to enable both the dissemination of Tibet’s ancient spiritual culture to the materialistically advanced West and the assimilation of Western knowledge of modern science and technology to further Tibetans’ spiritual richness. This imperative could well yield an unprecedented growth of literary works to add to the already vast Tibetan literary collections, and

My aim in becoming a translator of the Tibetan language is to primarily translate Dharma texts and oral Dharma teachings. To be able to do this, it is important to have a good understanding of Dharma in both the base and target languages. The translation workshop gave a strong emphasis on Buddhism and related literary studies in the Tibetan language. Studying Buddhism in Tibetan helped improve my understanding of the language and Buddhist concepts and terms. The texts that we studied in Tibetan were also available in English. So, while studying I was able to compare the English text to the Tibetan. This was useful as it gave me ideas about how to translate Tibetan into English as well as get a better understanding of the text we were studying.

After this intensive immersion into Tibetan literature, I definitely feel more comfortable reading Tibetan and while reading I know my comprehension has improved. As I become more fluent in the language it is faster and easier to translate texts. Overall, during this intensive workshop, I feel that my knowledge of Tibetan has greatly improved. Also, I know that I have a long way to go to become a skilled translator, but I know these three months of intensive study was a good first step forward. Julia USA

Though translation is not something which could be taught totally in three months but it really helped me to find my feet somewhere in this interesting trail. The teaching style clearly portrayed the real motivation of our teachers, which was purely to help us become a better person and a good translator of course. I think LTWA is doing a great job by initiating such courses in Tibetan community. Every teacher was a role model to us. It strengthened me to become a more responsible youth and I am confident that it motivated every student in one way or the other. Thank you LTWA. Dr.Sonam Dolkar Oshoe TMAI

will significantly help to ensure the intellectual growth of a nation. In light of these pressing needs, the LTWA has been organising its annual ITP for the last three years. PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION The programme is conducted for a period of three months. It focuses primarily on four subjects: Buddhist philosophy and practice, Tibetan language, English language and translation methodology and practice. Whenever possible the LTWA also invites experienced translators and scholars to speak on related topics. Students are also allowed to attend scholarly talks organised by the LTWA for the general public. The LTWA entrusts students with translation tasks during the training programme such as translating religious and secular texts from Tibetan to English and vice-versa. Translated works may be published by the LTWA.

Individual Students (Private) Five seats are reserved for students exhibiting an in-depth knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and having adequate knowledge of spoken and written Tibetan and English. This category considers applications from private Tibetans. This year all five seats were given out. Institutional Students (Private) Five seats are reserved for candidates officially sent by monastic, academic or medical institutes. They should also have an in-depth knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and an adequate knowledge of spoken and written Tibetan and English. This category accepts applications directly from the institutes in favor of their candidates, whose skills will eventually be utilised by the respective institutes. This year, five students from Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute were selected under this category.

STUDENTS In all, the programme facilitates the training of thirty students: fifteen gratis and fifteen private students. Under the private student’s category, there are three sections. Gratis Students Fifteen seats are reserved for gratis students. They are selected through the regular selection process and provided with accommodation and a monthly food allowance. This year, ten students were selected under the gratis category.


Non-Tibetan Students (Private) Five seats are reserved for non-Tibetan candidates. They should also have an in-depth knowledge of Buddhist philosophy and adequate knowledge of spoken and written Tibetan and English. Unlike the previous years, this year there were five non-Tibetan students who participated in the workshop with great interest and enthusiasm. ■

LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter

All of the instructors of the workshop had good educational and experiential backgrounds in the subjects they were teaching. In class they gave thorough explanations of the more difficult aspects of the texts that we studied. They were also very accessible, helpful and friendly when we had questions regarding what we were working on or studying. We were also given a few translation homework assignments. These were very useful, especially the feedback related to the mistakes that were made on the first attempt at translating the assignment.



“A self-effacing scholar, administrator and gentleman who sacrificed his prime life for the services of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and fellow Tibetans”


Gyatsho Tshering (1936 - 2009) - Ngawang Yeshi the Department of Religious and Cultural Affairs, official translator to His Holiness and editor of the official bulletin. In the late 1960s Ku-ngo la was entrusted with the onerous job of setting up a library by His Holiness. Despite limited resources Ku-ngo la made his way through this arduous job. After a couple of years the fruits of his hard work paid off and in 1970 a distinctive Library building with typical traditional elements emerged. The following year the door was flung open to the public.

It was in the early spring of 1994 when I first signed up for a job at the LTWA (Library of Tibetan Works & Archives). Before I could join my duty I was summoned to the Director’s office. Being young and naïve I was somewhat unnerved but as I trod into the office the incumbent responded with a benign grin beaming across his face doing away with my trepidation. He was sitting comfortably on a regular wooden chair cushioned by a hand-made shawl that stretched across his lower waist. His work table was prominently stacked with books, loose pre-published manuscripts, some scholarly journals and a couple of off-prints strewn on one side. In the middle of this jumble there was an old Remington typewriter that he conveniently fiddled with without peeking at the tabs. A single lean shelf standing by his side was loaded with dossiers and publications on assorted subjects. The only conspicuous decorative objects were a lone classic brass idol of the Buddha and a portrait of His Holiness the Dalai Lama that perched above overlooking his workplace. The office was awfully austere without any prettification and that was enough to reflect the incumbent’s simplicity and aversion for adornment. Yet the room would exude intense warmth and wisdom that pervaded throughout.

Ku-ngo la officiated as its Acting Director in the early years, while holding the post of Secretary of the Department of Religious and Cultural Affairs. In 1974, His Holiness appointed Ku-ngo la as the Director. Since then he served for the institute that he virtually fathered, nurtured and developed into an internationally acclaimed centre until his extended retirement exhausted in April 1998. Ku-ngo la’s stint at the Library brought several feats. To cite the least, the LTWA invented the first-ever Tibetan type-writer in the late 1970s. In the mid-’90s Tibetan fonts were integrated into computers for the first time and made available for use. Recognition from Himachal Pradesh University, Government of H.P., was earned. The Parliament of the exile Government accorded the institute the full status of National Library, Museum and Archives. Yet despite a number of significant accomplishments he would keep his profile low and would balk at any publicity. He would say “it is better to have a small stove with intense fire than a large stove without heat.” Ku-ngo la indeed transpired a dream of His Holiness into reality. Today, the LTWA proudly stands as one of the premier Tibetan cultural and academic institutes in the world committed to preserve and promote one of the most ancient cultural heritages.

▪ Newsletter LTWA LTWA ▪ 2008▪ -2008 2009- ▪2009 Newsletter

The man nestled in the piles of literary materials, fully focused, was the Director of the LTWA, respectfully known as Ku-ngo Gyatsho la. Born in 1936 in the northeast Indian state of Sikkim to a mediocre family he earnestly read through to graduate successfully from Calcutta University, India. After his studies he joined the Government of India as a class ‘A’ civil servant where he served in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Home. During his tenure in the former Ministry he was briefly posted to the Indian Mission in Lhasa and served there until the PRC invaded Tibet in 1959. Coming into exile when a new administration was set up by His Holiness there was a dearth of modern educated, qualified and competent officers. This lacuna in the administrative setup prompted the late elder sister of His Holiness, Lhacham Tsering Dolma la, to turn on to Ku-ngo la and urged him to serve in the newly instituted administration. In 1963, sacrificing the covetous post of the Indian Civil Service, Ku-ngo la joined the administration. He would then receive a princely one-tenth of the remuneration of what he drew in the Government’s service, let alone other privileged benefits.

Having sacrificed his prime life of three decades and a half for the services of His Holiness and the Tibetan cause Kungo la breathed his last on 25 June 2009 in the USA leaving behind a legacy of selflessness and utter conviction. Ku-ngo la was not only an erudite scholar, translator, editor and conscientious administrator but also dedicated, industrious, and indefatigable yet a person of absolute simplicity and humility. A gentleman of such calibre is indeed very rare to find these days. The LTWA indeed lost its father! ■

Ever since Ku-ngo la joined the exile fold he had served in various important capacities including Secretary of


Intensive Course on Tibetan Studies May 1 to june 30, 2009

Class in session

Kalon Kesang Y. Takla, chief guest at the final day of the workshop

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Tibetan Government and people in exile, a special two-month Intensive Course on Tibetan Studies was held here at the LTWA from 1st May to 30th June 2009. Its main objective was to enrich the knowledge of our youngsters with the teachings of our rich Tibetan studies. It was attended by twenty students who were either college graduates or serving in our Tibetan community. For two months they were taught on a wide range of subjects like Tibetan language and literature, Tibetan history and culture and Buddhist philosophy. The teachers during this workshop were eminent scholars on Tibetan studies. Lobsang Shastri and Wangdue Tsering taught Tibetan history and culture, Geshe Lhakdor and Geshe Lobsang Tsondrue taught Buddhism and Sangye Tandar Naga taught Tibetan language and literature. Students with no accommodation were given a monthly allowance of Rs.3000/- on request. Others were given a monthly allowance of Rs.2000/- on request. On completion of the workshop the students were awarded certificates which would prove useful in their future academic endeavours. This was convened by the Cultural Research Department of LTWA. Mr Sangye Tandar Naga was the coordinator of the programme. ■

Fire Tragedy Jan 26, 2009 Fire at LTWA staff quarters

Top view of a section of the burnt staff quarters

Though a brigade of the firefighters arrived at the site, they had to struggle hard to extinguish the fire because of the inadequate pressure in their water hose. Nonetheless, everyone nearby came together and along with the firefighters brought the fire under control. After three hours of strenuous efforts and anxiety the flame was finally doused. But by then, the fire had done its job, everything was charred. The Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, Security Minister Mr. Ngodup Dongchung, local Indian officials and police chief visited the affected site. LTWA expresses its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased.


LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter

The LTWA was struck by a tragedy on January 26, 2009 when a fire broke out at one of the blocks accommodating eight staff quarters and resulted in an unfortunate death of Ven. Sangye Yeshi. The deceased who was eighty six years of age, was one of the last eminent Thangka-painting masters in exile community. The fire started at around 2 p.m. at the deceased’s room but rapidly spread on to the adjoining staff quarters intensifying the flames and causing consecutive blasts of cooking-gas cylinders. By then the whole block was engulfed in an inferno despite efforts to extinguish it by the residents around.



▪ Newsletter LTWA LTWA ▪ 2008▪2008 - 2009- 2009 ▪ Newsletter

After going through the exhibition I came to realise that nowadays monks are not like what we used to think, with a rosary in hand and praying throughout the day. Now they have become smarter and are scientifically touched by modern education. I think it is a great achievement. Palper, XI A Upper TCV

The 1st Science Exhibition by Tibetan Monastics, from June 22 to 24, 2009, was an undertaking of LTWA and part of several events this year to commemorate 50 years of the arrival of Tibetan Government and people in exile. The interactive exhibition focused on topics of common interest to both Buddhism and science and was presented by monks from various monasteries in the exile community. The exhibits contained various hands-on activities that allowed visitors to explore a range of phenomena from physics and cosmology, to biology and neurosience. The three day event was well attended by over 600 visitors, including: 3rd to 5th graders from Tibetan Model School and Gangkyi Day School; senior students from Upper and Lower TCV; monks from Kirti, Namgyal, and Gyuto monasteries; nuns from Dolma Ling and Jamyang Choling nunneries;


and Tibetan government officials, including a special visit from Ven. Tsering Phuntsok – Minister for the Department of Culture and Religion. The science exhibition was a unique platform for the scholarly monks to share their perspectives on modern science and to also compare and contrast the western knowledge with Buddhist philosophy. The science exhibition proved to be a great opportunity to engage the Dharamsala community in sharing their wisdom on modern issues. David’s Chronons at Sera Monastery made a presentation on vision and memory. From the neuroscience perspective they described vision through the workings of the eye, to the region of the brain responsible for memory, and from the Buddhist perspective, they described the eye consciousness that functions through the eye organ.

How do we remember what we saw yesterday? Presented by David’s Chronons at Sera Monastery How is sound made and heard? Presented by Nargajuna’s Modern Science Group at Drepung Monastery How was our universe formed? Presented by Monk Science Corner at Drepung Monastery What is light and where does colour come from? Presented by monks from Zhang-Zhung Group at Menri Monastery What are the elements? Presented by Sakya Pandita Group at Sakya Dhongag Choeling Monastery Why do we look the way we do? Presented by monks from Gaden Science Leadership Group at Gaden Monastery

and Bon traditions. Hands-on activities demonstrated how the colours of the visible spectrum can be derived from white light with the use of a prism, and how individual colors can be mixed to form white light. According to the Dzogchen and tantric text within the Bon tradition, all materials come from the five elements, and all the five elements come from light.

Monk Science Corner at Drepung Monastery compared and contrasted the history of our universe according to Buddhist philosophy and modern cosmology. From the scientific viewpoint our universe started from the rapid expansion of a quantum fluctuation, through a process that has been termed as “the big bang”. However, according to Buddhist philosophy, individual universes can begin and end, but overall universes are without a beginning or an end.

Gaden Science Leadership Group at Gaden Monastery showed how physical traits are passed on from one generation to the next, from both the perspectives of modern genetics and Buddhist philosophy. The science exhibition was the culmination of many years of science education programmes for monastics organised by the LTWA. The exhibits were created entirely by the monks working in consultation with expert educators from the west who help implement LTWA’s Science Leadership Institute, a programme supported by the Sager Family Foundation. ■ For more information log on to:

Zhang-Zhung Group at Menri Monastery described the nature and property of light from both the scientific


LTWA ▪ Fall 2009 ▪ Newsletter LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter

Nargajuna’s Modern Science Group at Drepung Monastery fused the Buddhist and scientific understandings to describe the chain of events from: the source and production of sound, to the propagation of sound waves, to the inner ear that transforms the mechanical wave to a chemical signal sent to the brain, to our experience of sound.

Sakya Pandita Group at Sakya Dhongag Choeling Monastery was inspired by the periodic table of elements and generated a table of the Buddhist elements that include the psycho-physical elements and compositional factors. The exhibit compared the Buddhist table of the elements to the scientific table.

Annual Report by Each Department: TIBETAN BOOKS & MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARY This year sixty four national and international researchers visited our library to do research work on various topics such as ancient and modern Tibetan history, Tibetan medicine, Tibetan opera, Tibetan and Indian Buddhism, Tibetan culture and Buddhist philosophy, monastic education and so on. The department provided every possible guidance and services to them. We also provided necessary services to the office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Eminence Gyalwa Karmapa, reincarnate lamas and geshes of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, research institutes, monasteries, schools and various departments of the Central Tibetan Administration. 1.

No. of new books bought



No. of newly printed books received



No. of books loaned



No. of people who visited the manuscript department



No. of books catalogued in computer



No. of book covers repaired



No. of forms filled under all India manuscript project


No. of copies catalogued in computer



New books bought

A total of 267 books were bought costing Rs.1,21,923.50. Following is the list of some of the important books: 1.

‘Brug lugs chos mdzod chen mo Vol. 101


Rin chen gter mdzod Vol. hü to


mDo smad reb gong zhe ‘ong dpyis sde ba’i lo rgyus pad dkar phreng ba



mDo smad Aa chung gnam rdzong gi lo rgyus


nags tshang zhi lu’i skyid sdug


‘Jam mgon bla ma tsong kha pa chen po’i gsung ‘bum, book form, Vol. ; to ²ü


Yon ten rin po che’i mdzod kyi ‘grel pa Vol. I-IV.


sNga ‘gyur rnying ma pa’i gsung rab Vol. I-XX.


Khyung bla nyi ma tshul khrims kyi rnam thar dang nyams khrid


sKyabs rje bde phug rin po che dbyings rig byang chub dbang po’i bka ‘bum


mKha’ spyod ‘bras mo ljongs kyi gnas yig phyogs bsdebs


‘Bras ljong nang dgon sde khag gcig gi chags rabs yig cha


Tsab yig phyogs bsdus dpyad bsgrigs ma


dKyil chog Vol. I-XI


Khrid yig Vol. I-III

Technical Services


gZhung lugs Vol. I-XII


Sit tu padma nyin byed kyi bka ‘bum 3 Vols.


Chos dang mthun pa’i gom stabs bsgyur ba Vol. I-VI


gSung nag lam ‘bras slob bshad chen mo Vol.

6,945 press clippings were filed. Around 200-300 card catalogues were prepared manually. Eleven theses sent by Mr. Gabriel Lafitte from Australia in CD format were printed, duly bound, accessioned and added to our Library collection. Queries of the readers were resolved through post and email.


sGrub thabs kun btus glegs bam Vol. 14


rGyud sde kun btus glegs bam Vol. 32


‘Brug rgyal dang po nas gsum pa bar gyi rtogs brjod


rNam sras be’u bum Vol. I-II

Number of books catalogued in the computer

27,134 catalogues were fed into the computer. Following are some of the rare texts copied in CD and DVD format from the manuscripts archived in the library:


mDo sde bskal bzang


sTag brag ngag dbang gsung rab kyi gsung ‘bum


Kri ti blo bzng ‘phrin las kyi gsung ‘bum


mKha’ spyod ‘bras mo gshong gling yangs par snang sog gong gsum brgyud ‘dzin dang kun gzigs lnga pa songs kyi rtogs brjod


Rin chen gter mdzod Vol. hü to Íü


’Jam mgon Aa myes zhabs ngag dbang kun

Serials and Newsletters

dga’ bsod names kyi bka’ ‘bum Vol. ; to Èü

Twenty five Journals were bounded in this financial year. The following new periodicals and journals were added to the reading room acquired on a complimentary or exchange basis. Following is the list of some of the important ones: ▪▪ Buddhadharma Quarterly on complimentary basis ▪▪ Tathasatu from USA on gratis ▪▪ Shambhala Sun was revived after a lapse of a short period on request

‘Phags yul gyi byung ba brjod pa Vol. I and II.

A total of 492 books were received and exchanged. Following is the list of some of the important ones:


bCom ldan rig ral gyi gsung Vol. ; to Dü


Sa lo chen po ‘jam dbyangs kun dga’ bsod names kyi gsung ‘bum


‘Gos kyi gsang ‘dus stong thun/


sNgags ‘chang kun dga’ rin chen gyi gsung Vol. Dü

Reference Service and Membership

A total of 275 readers enrolled for the Library membership this year. Among those, fifty three were research scholars, 202 were general public, and twenty were institutional members. This year 506 books were loaned by LTWA staff, registered readers, research scholars and various institutions. 1,609 books were read and consulted in the reading room and around 196 titles were lent out for photocopying.


; to ¶øü


Phyi yul du rang dbang


Number of newly printed books received and books exchanged

▪ Newsletter LTWA ▪LTWA 2008▪-2008 2009-▪2009 Newsletter

gNyal ston dpal ‘byor lhun grub kyi rgal ba’I gsung rab kyi drang nges ‘byed pa’i rnam bshad snying po’i don gsal bar byed pa’i bstan pa’i sgron me

This year, seventy new titles were purchased and 532 books were received on a complimentary basis in English and other European languages. We would like to thank our donors for their contribution in building our Library collection - Claire and Fred Shapiro, National Library Beijing, Gabriel Lafitte, Andrey Terentyev, Lumbini International Research Centre, Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, Karma Triyana Dharmachakra New York, Snow Lion, Wisdom, Verlag Der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenchaften, Brill (Leiden), Krishnamurti Foundation and also to the office of Tibet, Liaison Officer, Latin America for donating old Tibet maps to the Library


▪▪ Far Eastern Economic Review subscribed in lieu of Newsweek ▪▪ Journal of Bhutan Studies on exchange with the LTWA’s Tibet Journal ▪▪ Nechung Drayang Newsletter ▪▪ Palden Sakya



Around 667 titles were classified, catalogued and successfully entered in the SLIM software. All the titles in Hindi language were re-entered in their respective scripts with the input of Hindi Unicode in SLIM software. Works on analytical entries have also been done along with data entry of new books. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

The Department would like to extend its sincere thanks to Mrs. Blava from the USA who helped translate and prepare entries for around forty Russian titles. This eased our work in classifying and cataloguing Russian entries. OTHER SERVICES

▪▪ Helped Miss. Tenzin Mehru, Librarian, Confederation of Indian Industry, and Northern Region in locating materials for her research synopsis on Tibetan manuscripts ▪▪ Assisted Stephan Talty, a journalist from New York in his research work titled “His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama’s Flight to India in 1959” ▪▪ Attended a three-day workshop in January 2009 on “E-Grenary Digital Library: Storing the seeds of knowledge.” It was developed by the University of Iowa and the workshop was held at American Embassy School, Delhi. E-Grenary Digital Library puts together over ten million resources at educational institutions in developing countries without using an internet connection ▪▪ Assisted Mr. Mohinder Singh Chauwan, HP University, Shimla in locating materials for his Ph.D. synopsis on ‘Tibetan Government in Exile, A case study of its struggle for independence’ ▪▪ Reference assistance was extended to Mr. Tenzin Norbu, a Ph.D. candidate from Chennai University in procuring materials for his thesis on Tibetan theatre 2 AUDIO-VISUAL ARCHIVE ▪▪ This year 203 titles totaling 1455 hours and thirty minutes in various forms and through various mediums were archived safely. The collection included interviews, documentaries, teachings, radio broadcasts and other accounts related to Tibet. ▪▪ The department continues to provide access to the collections in the archive to those interested in Tibetan studies and culture. The






Oral History Series 24. Dus ‘gyur ma byung gong bod du chab srid skyon rim (The Governance of Tibet before 1959) Oral History Series 25. Gangs can bod kyi bdud rtsi sman chab khag gcig gi ngo mtshar khyad chos gnad bsdus (Therapeutic benefits of medicinal springs)





An additional interview with Jamkhyil Phuntsok Dolma and six other people living in Nepal and also a narration on Drob Drob. (Three cassettes)

A compilation of notes on the geography of Khambu region and its monasteries, along with the customs of Khambu region as provided by Lhakpa Tsering residing in Gangtok.

Kashi Gaden Dhargye residing in Canada Jigme Trede residing in the United States


Tsakha Lhopa Kunchok Gyaltsen

A written account of Tsering Norbu, brother of Phagri Lachi residing in North America explaining his services to the Government and people of Tibet in both pre and post 1959, and also a hand-written note explaining the history of his native Khambu and Phagri.


Kongpo Tenzin Choenden

The hagiography of Pachig Dampa Sangye and a note introducing sacred places in Dingri as provided by Dingri Nyima Woeser residing in Nepal. A short typewritten biography of Dragyab Rinpoche provided by Kasur Phunrab Lobsang Dargye and also an additional few pages biography of Dragyab Rinpoche written by a former staff mrmber of the Library and a researcher on Tibetan language, Lobsang Dhonden.


Ratoe Rinpoche’s hand-written lists of the offerings and prayers requested by the devotees around 1960’s during the long life prayer for H.H. the Dalai Lama and consecration ceremony. This hand-written list was provided by Ratoe Sonam, former member of Central Dotoe Committee to the Department.

An interview with Gyen Tenzin La narrating the taxation system followed by the nomads, farmers and subjects. (One cassette)


The history of Phenpo region in U-Tsang, Tibet as narrated by Phenpo Gyaltsen in Nepal. (Four cassettes)

The future plan of new Tibet titled Pagsam Nyema distributed by Tensung Danglang Magar in 1959.


A brief note on the life of Jinpa Gyatso, former employee of Sherig Parkhang.


A hand-written draft of Chisur Lobsang Rabgay’s life history including his participation in the secret training in the USA and services to the Government and people of Tibet.


Kasur Phunrab Lobsang Dargye narrating the life of the XIVth Dragyab Rinpoche. (Three cassettes)


An interview with Kasur Tethong Tsewang Choegyal narrating his services to the Government and people of Tibet in both pre and post 1959. (Four hours)


An interview with Narkyid Ngawang Dhondup narrating his services to the people and Government of Tibet in both pre and post 1959. (Nine hours)



An account describing the landscape of Godruk Drel in Phentag District, Central Tibet by Phenpo Lobsang Tenpa living in Bir Tibetan settlement.


An autobiography of Phenpo Lobsang Tenpa living in Bir Tibetan settlement.


The structure of Pelchen Palace and the lifestyle of the nomads and farmers in Tingkey District as provided by Dechen Dolkar residing in Gangtok.


The landscape of Dokhyul region and especially the main statues of Sog monastery in Kyidlung Tsal as provided by Lhakpa Tsering residing in Gangtok.

Dragyab Chime Yangzom residing in Bhutan



Lhasawa Tenzin Jinpa, a resident of Nepal narrating his participation in the Mustang Guerilla. (Two cassettes)

Lama Ugyen Rinpoche residing in Gangtok

2. 4.

An oral narration elucidating the relics of Ngari Tholing Monastery and the lyrics of agricultural songs in Tsang region. (Two cassettes)



A biography of prominent late silversmith Pema Dorjee in English as provided by Lhakpa Tsering residing in Gangtok.






Cassette 13 to 18 of a life story narrated by Jampa Kalden, former secretary of the Security Department.


An account narrated by Phenpo Gyaltsen. (Three cassettes)


An account narrated by Tenzin Jinpa. (One cassette)


An account narrated by Gadrang Passang Tsering (HOURS).


An account narrated by Kasur Lodhar La (HOURS).


An account narrated by Kasur Tsewang Choegyal La (HOURS).


▪▪ A CD containing eighty-seven pictures reflecting the actual process of establishing major Tibetan resettlements in exile was handed over to Archivist Tenzin Sonam. ▪▪ A group photo including the abbots and lamas of the newly established ecumenical Buddhist centre at Buxar (Assam) by the Tibetan Government in Exile.


2 RESEARCH AND TRANSLATION Publications this year


Tibet Journal Vol. XXXII, XXXIII and XXXIV, 2007


“Karuna Shakti” by H.H. the XIVth Dalai Lama (Hindi Version of Power of Compassion)


The Story of the Golden Corpse (Ro langs gser ‘gyur gyi sgrung)


sGrung gter (Treasury of Fables)

Works in progress

a. Yarlung Dharma History (Yar lung chos ‘byung) (Translated into English from Tibetan) b. Je Lamrimpa Ngawang Phuntsok’s ‘The Four Seals’ and his short biography (Translated into English from Tibetan) c. Sku ‘phreng bcu gsum pa’i mdzad rnam (Tokan Tada’s ‘Thirteen Dalai Lama’s Biography’) (Translated into Tibetan from English) d. Rahul Sangritayan’s Journey to Tibet (Translated into English from Hindi) e. ‘Tales of Golden Plain’ (Samdhong Rinpoche’s preface to gTam rgyud gser gi thang ma) (Translated into English from Tibetan) f. His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s ‘Human Approach to World Peace’ (Translated into Tibetan from English) g. Tibet Journal Vol. XXXV, 2008 h. Teaching Tibetan as a Foreign Language: A Manual of Standard Tibetan Pronunciation i. Bodhicharyavatara (Hindi version of Shantideva’s ‘Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds’) j. Bodhipathpradipam (Hindi version of Atisha’s ‘Lamp of the Path of Enlightenment’) k. His Holiness’ Collection of Speeches on Education (2 Vols.) l. His Holiness’ Collection of Speeches in the Tibetan Parliament (1st Vol.) BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY AND LANGUAGE CLASSES:

1. Three different Buddhist philosophy classes have been taken daily out of which two are being translated into English 3. Teaching three different Tibetan language classes daily. 4. An intensive Tibetan language course of two hours a day was conducted based on the materials from the research work entitled ‘Teaching Tibetan as a Foreign Language: A Manual of Standard Tibetan Pronunciation’ (Vol. 1) and ‘Speak Fluent Tibetan’ (Vol. 2) by Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam. 5. Conducted English language courses for staff members of CTA and other institutions around Gankyi to enhance their working knowledge. Ms. Katrina Moxey, our volunteer editor, from Australia, generously took the classes. WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS

1. From June 1 to August 31, 2008, the threemonth Intensive Translation Programme was

LTWA ▪ Fall 2009 ▪ Newsletter LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter

Library’s Buddhist philosophy class is made available online for those who could not make it to the Library ▪▪ The department continues to record, edit, copy, digitise and archive audio-visual materials on Tibet and als o maintains the Library’s official website. ▪▪ As per the directions from our Director, 159 oral history files were handed over to the Oral History Department on 12th November 2008.

held at the LTWA. Twenty eight students from various institutions, colleges and monasteries and four different countries participated in this programme. 2. Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam participated in the Khyentse Foundation Translation Conference: Translating the Words of the Buddha, March 15-20, 2009, Bir, India. Other Miscellaneous Services

a. Assisted and provided research and translation guidance and services to Tibetan and non-Tibetan scholars, researchers and students throughout the year. 2 Tibetan CULTURAL RESEARCH Publications this year


gTam tshogs (The Journal of Tibet), Vol. I and II, 2008


History of the origin of gTsang ljongs lha rtse rdzong, authored by skal bzang mkhas grub


rTags kyi ‘jug pa’ rnam bshad mkhas pa’ dgongs rgyan, authored by be ri dge bshes ‘jigs med dbang rgyal


tShab yig phyogs bsdus dpyad bsgrigs ma, authored by Dr. Yonten Gyatso


Collected works of the Sixth Dalai Lama, Vol. Kha, ga, nga, ca.


Works (bka ‘bum) of sKyab rje bDe phug rin po che dying rig byang chub


Huen Tsang’s Guide to India


A brief biography of the 13th Dalai Lama by Narkyid Ngawang Thondup

LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter

Works in Progress


Rest of the Collected Works of the 7th Dalai Lama, Kelsang Gyatso, Volumes ka, ja, nya, ta and tha


gTam tshogs (Journal of Tibet) Vols. 1 and 2, 1992, and Vols. 1 and 2, 1993, final editing to be done by Historian Tashi Tsering


gTam tshogs (Journal of Tibet) Vols. 1 and 2, 1994, and Vols. 1 and 2, 1995


gTam tshogs (Journal of Tibet) Vols. 1 and 2, 2009


Biography of the Buddha, by Rakra Tethong


The key to the Middle Way, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Gyaltsab Darma Rinchen


Biography of the Buddha


Mirror that clearly depicts Buddha’s Virtuous deeds, Traslated by Gelong Ngesdon Gyatso


Compilation of works on Tibetan medicine and Astrology by Sonam Rinchen


Tibetan Grammar and Composition, to be reviewed and published by Sangay Tendar Naga


Reflections on Tibetan language, Literature and Arts by Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche


Functioning of the Tense Verb in Tibetan Grammar and Composition by Alag Dorzhi


Brief Biography of Ling Gesar by Me od bar tsal


Biography of Bari Rinpoche, edited by Bari Rinpoche


Collected Works of Historian Tashi Tsering


Publication in memory of Ba Nyag Athing

Other services rendered by this department:

▪▪ Taught Tibetan literature to the students of the three-month intensive translation programme organised by the LTWA from June to August, 2008 ▪▪ Taught Tibetan language and culture to the Department of Education, CTA, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Varanasi, and Suja School. Also sent invitations to educational institutions in and around Dharamsala and Varanasi to participate in a seminar on Tibetan language and literature; also sought their views on the latest Tibetan computer font designed by Lobsang Monlam. ▪▪ Also taught the Intensive Language & Literature class from 8 to 9 am. ▪▪ Taught Tibetan to Tibetan graduates participating in a workshop organised by the Planning Commission of CTA. 2 MUSEUM The increasing numbers of visitors are taking much more interest in Buddhism and Tibetan issues than before. In a month there are around 250-300 visitors, among them, 150-200 are Tibetan and Indian visitors. The foreigners take great interest and they ask many questions. During the visit of Ann Shaftel, the thangka conservator, she shared her experiences on thankgas and how the conservation processes would prevent the precious thangkas from being damaged. So, the old displayed thangkas which were in very bad condition were rolled in white cotton cloth, labeled and put in a box to protect them from further damage. We also wrote reports on the condition of the thangkas and took photographs of some of the oldest thankgas we had. As according to our renovation plan, some of the old altars and shelves were repainted and new glass was fixed. The outer wooden plates of the three-dimensional mandalas were replaced with new ply. Some other furniture was also repaired for future use in the museum. The artifacts displayed were all labeled with some basic descriptions which are very informative for the visitors. A tentative brochure of the items displayed in the museum is being checked by our Director Geshe Lhakdor la. It will be made available for the visitors very soon to ensure better understanding of the artifacts. More documents found on stupas stating the dates of the items and their descriptions were all catalogued. In 2008 a visitor’s book was opened in which the visitors could write about their experiences in the museum and also give suggestions for further improvement. It helped greatly in understanding what needs to be improved and what has already been achieved. 2 PUBLICATIONS New Editions Published


The Founding Inscription in the gSer khang of Lalung



The Joy of Living and Dying in Peace


Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart


Way to Freedom


Account of a Pilgrimage to Central Tibet


Biography of the 13th Dalai Lama


Grub mth’i rnam bshad


The Story of Golden Corpse



The Guru Puja


The Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Buddhism


English Tibetan Dictionary of Buddhist Terminology


Basic Grammar of Modern Spoken Tibetan


Path and Grounds of Guhyasamaja

Misc. services provided by this department


Bod Jong Lhatse Chozong Account


Collected Works of the Seventh Dalai Lama, Vol-Kha


Collected Works of the Seventh Dalai Lama, Vol-Ga


Collected Works of the Seventh Dalai Lama, Vol-Nga


Collected Works of the Seventh Dalai Lama, Vol-Ca


Collected Works of the Seventh Dalai Lama, Vol-Cha


Science Journal 12


sKyabs rje bDe ‘phug rin po che dbying rig byang chub dbang po’i bka’ ‘bum


Dialogues on Universal Responsibility and Education (Hindi Version)


Oral History Series 25


rTags kyi ‘jug pa’i rnam bshad mkhas pa’i dgongs rgyan


Seminar on Tibetan History


Thang sen lam yig


Tsab yig phychogs bsdus dbyad bsgrigs ma


gTam Tsog 2008 Vol 28 No 1


gTam Tsog 2008 Vol 28 No 2

Translation rights given

Korean translation right for Lectures on Religious Culture by Geshe Lhundrup Sopa was given to Jeeyoung Sa, Seoul, Korea 2 SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Workshops and Seminars May - June 2008 - The first Emory Tibet Science

Initiative Workshop was held at Sarah and attended by thirty eight monks and nuns from various monasteries and nunneries. In total there were eleven teachers who taught Physics, Philosophy, Maths, Life Science and Neuro Science. 16th June - 5th July 2008 - The first Science

Leadership Institute workshop was held at Sarah and was attended by thirty three monks. It was organised by Sager Family Foundation, Boston

USA and the LTWA. There were six teachers and they taught Cosmology, Life Science and various teaching methods. 20th - 31st January 2009 - The second Science

Leadership Institute workshop was held at Central University of Tibetan Studies Sarnath Varanasi, in which twenty eight monks participated. It was taught by five teachers. The LTWA appreciates the hospitality extended by the Director and the staff during our stay there. 4th May - 16th May 2009 - The third Science Leadership Institute workshop was held at Bon Menriling Monastery, Solan. Thirty monks from various monasteries and three teachers participated in this workshop. for more information log on to:

18th May - 20th June 2009 - The second Emory Tibet Science Initiative workshop was held at Sarah in which, a total of ninety monks and nuns from twenty three different monasteries and nunneries participated. A total of fifteen teachers taught on various subjects like Philosophy, Maths, Physics, Life Science and Neuro Science. 10th - 12th November 2008 - The second Science

Terminology Seminar was held at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. In this seminar, fifteen scholars were invited from various institutions, namely: Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute, TCV, Institute of Buddhist Dialectics and Education Department.

Works in Progress

1. Working on the translation of B. Alan Wallace’s book “Hidden Dimension” which is in its final stages of completion. 2. Working on the translation of Victor Mansfield’s book “Towards the Union of Love and Knowledge” which is almost complete. This Year’s Publications

1. Three Science Newsletters 2. Science Journal No.11 3. Science Journal No.12 Other Services

All the articles that were presented by the distinguished speakers during the International Science and Buddhism Conference, at the Central University of Tibetan studies, Sarnath, Varanasi, were translated by the staffs of this department. 2 ADMINISTRATION

Governing Body


Three staff members were recruited in various departments while one staff member resigned. There are four vacant posts that have not yet been filled because of paucity of adequate budgetary need to meet the expenses.

Science Exposition:

Fiscal Budget

22nd - 24th June 2009 - The first ever Science Exposition by the monks was held at Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala. The monks were from the Science Leadership Institute programme.

The LTWA is chiefly dependent on annual funding from the Government of India for meeting both recurring and non-recurring expenditures. It is indeed the lifeline of the LTWA, without which it could not survive. The institution received a total annual grant of Rs. 5,500,000 (five million five hundred thousand). The rest of the fiscal budgetary expenses were met from donations and income generated from the sales of publications and hostel rents.

October 2008 - Central University of Tibetan Studies

- Sarnath Varanasi held a three-week workshop on Physics - Cosmology, during which our staff member Karma Thupten was invited as the translator.

December 2008 - Central University of Tibetan Studies

-Sarnath Varanasi held a Science and Buddhism International Conference. The entire Science Department was invited for this conference.

5th - 10th January 2009 - The workshop on Astronomy

was held and organised by the Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi, during which our staff member Karma Thupten was invited as the translator.

Xeon machine with windows 2003 server. b. Free edition of AVG Antivirus version 8.5, installed on all compatible LTWA computers and updates are made available twice a week. The update files are available at the computer section and can be acquired through the chat service. c. Time to time assistance regarding AC Power, UPS and computer maintenance was provided to Norshing and Chol-Sum History Documentation projects. d. Twenty five illustrations for a children’s book “A Treasury of Fables” proposed by the Director was completed this year. e. Three days SLIM workshop was conducted. f. The IPCop firewall system installed at the Library was upgraded from 1.4 to 1.4.11. The entire computer system at the Library has internet facility with a daily usage limit of 5 to 50 MB depending on their requirements sanctioned by the Administration Office. g. DNS security system was also introduced to maintain a more productive, faster and safer use of the internet facility.


No major maintenance work was executed. Computer & Information Services

During the fiscal year three Governing Body meetings were held. Important matters pertaining to the developments of the institution were discussed and resolved. Executive Committee

The LTWA Executive Committee had four meetings to assess the over-all development of the institution. Important matters were discussed and resolved. Acknowledgement

The LTWA expresses its deepest sense of indebtedness and venerated gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama for His constant support and guidance. We also record our profound gratitude and thankfulness to the Government of India for its unremitting financial support and guidance. We are also indeed thankful for those institutions and individuals who have come forward to support us in our endeavours.

a. Troubleshooting, maintenance, Data backup and Computer system update at the Institute were carried out promptly. The Manuscript and Foreign language Library server was upgraded to an Intel


The LTWA gratefully acknowledges the Polish Embassy, Delhi for loaning a Zeutschel OS 12000 state of the art scanning machine. The scanner will be used primarily for scanning old and rare manuscripts, thangkas, maps, and large-format documents. It will be ready for public use after the completion of the new annexe building. Specifications Description:

Maximum resolution:

overhead tabletop scanner for books, newspapers, and large-format documents (certificates, drawings, maps, thangkas)

100–600 ppi

Scan area:

Scan speed: 1 sec./300 ppi in gray scale, 4 sec./300 ppi in color

635 x 460 mm (>DIN A2)

Scanner interface:

Book cradle: maximum book thickness 100 mm, optional bookcradle with glassplate (scanning with or without glass plate) Auto focus approx. 50 mm Scan mode: OS 12000 C: 36-bit color, 12-bit grayscale, 1-bit b&w OS 12000 G: 12-bit grayscale, 1-bit b&w

Firewire Data display: all standard formats, e.g. Tiff uncompressed, TIFF G4, JPEG, JP2, Multipage Tiff, PDF, BNMP, PCS Dimensions: (w x d x h) 950 mm x 890 mm x 1,250 mm Work space: (w x d) 700 mm x 720


LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter

The new scanning machine

New Publications!


THE TREASURE OF THE ANCESTRAL CLANS OF TIBET Gyilung Tashi Gyatso & Gyilung Thugchok Dorji

Despite the popular image of Tibet as a remote and inaccessible land to which few Europeans ventured, more than one hundred British-Indian officials lived and worked there during the years 1904-1947. Following Colonel Younghusband’s 1903-04 mission to Lhasa, these officers and their supporting staff were posted in central and southern Tibet, and, after 1936-1937, at the British Mission Lhasa. Among those who rose to the senior positions there were such famous frontiersmen as Colonel F.M.Bailey, Sir Charles Bell, and Hugh Richardson. This ground-breaking work draws on previously unpublished sources, both oral and written, to examine the character, role and influence of these officers. It concentrates on those who formed a small, distinct, group of Tibetan specialists: ‘the Tibet cadre’. These men were diplomatic representatives of the Raj, but they were also scholars, spies, and empirebuilders, who not only influenced events in Tibet but also shaped our modern understanding of that land. This will be the definitive source for students of Anglo-Tibetan relations.

The Treasure of the Ancestral Clans of Tibet is a translation of Bod mi bu gdong drug gi rus mdzod me tog skyed tshal zhes bya ba bzhugs so composed jointly by Gyilung Tashi Gyatso and Gyilung Thugchok Dorji, Tibetan scholars in Tibet. Based on various old Tibetan records, folksongs, biographies, oral stories, etc., this book discusses the origin of Tibetan people, supporting the traditional Tibetan theory that Tibetans originated from a monkey father, an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, and a mother rock-dwelling ogress. It tells us how the ancestral Tibetan clans or tribes got their names and how they branched out and spread throughout Tibet, with a special focus on Kham and its environs. This rus mdzod or genealogical account of Tibetan people is one of the most important sources of reference for study and research on the Tibetan race and ancient Tibetan tribes. It contains both the English translation as well as the Tibetan text for the benefit of the readers.

Rs.400 ISBN: 978-81-86470-92-3 Rs.225



Commonly known as ro-drung (corpse stories), The Tales of The Corpse have been an integral part of Tibetan folk tales for many centuries. Originally written in Sanskrit by the great Indian Buddhist master Nagarjuna, The Golden Corpse Stories was translated into Tibetan many centuries back. In this collection, a boy accidentally meets a saint and finding the boy determined and honest, the saint assigns him the task of fetching the corpse called Ro Ngodrup Gyatso from the mountain cemetery. The boy must redeem himself by carrying a talking corpse full of wondrous tales on a long journey, without himself speaking a word. These tales of intrigue and magic provide the reader with a window through which to view ancient Tibetan culture. Within them, you will encounter heroes and villains, fearsome witches, murderous demons, and clever tricksters with a uniquely Tibetan humour. Songs, riddles, jokes, and sayings make the stories come alive as they unfold against the background of everyday Tibet - its farmers and nomads, kings and magical beings.

Account of a Pilgrimage to Central Tibet investigates a rare text, the dbus gtsang gi gnas bskor and its author ‘Jam-dbyangs-bstan-pa-rgya-mtsho, about whom very little was formerly known. This Bragdgon-pa lama made his pilgrimage in 1916, while visiting central Tibet and meeting the 13th Dalai Lama. Besides an edition and annotated translation of part of the guidebook, as well as a translation of the biographical material about ‘Jam-dbyang-bstan-pargya-mtsho, this study also provides a bibliography that lists and classifies some 370 Tibetan-language works belonging to the Tibetan literary genre of historical and sacred Geography. Rs.450 ISBN: 978-81-86470-62-X

Rs.205 ISBN: 978-81-86470-88-3 THE FOUNDING INSCRIPTION IN THE GSER KHANG OF LALUNG (SPITI, H.P.) Kurt Tropper The inscription that forms the subject of this study ranks among the oldest extant literary documents from Spiti (Himachal Pradesh). It was already brought to the attention of the scholarly community by H.L. Shuttleworth in 1929, but despite several attempts to edit and translate the fragmentary epigraph it has hitherto remained unpublished. The present study provides the first edition and a richly annotated translation, thus establishing a basis for further research on this intricate document. In trying to unravel its contents, the author could rely on his detailed digital documentation of the inscription as well as on earlier transcriptions that were prepared in situ. The oldest of these were found among A.H. Francke’s unpublished works and are reproduced in transliteration and as facsimile images in the appendix to this volume.



LTWA Fall 2009 ▪ Newsletter - ▪2009 ▪ Newsletter LTWA LTWA ▪ 2008▪▪ -2008 2009 Newsletter

Rs.140 ISBN: 81-86470-67-0







LTWA Staff at a Glance Administration

Geshe Lhakdor Director

Ngawang Yeshi General Secretary Tibetan Cultural Research

Sangye Tandar Pub. Officer / Editor (Head)

Ven. Nyeton Gyatso Asst. Pub. Officer

Kelsang Yangchen Accountant

Tenzin Lhawang Computer Technician

Tsering Dhondup Reprographer

Tenzin Choedar Storekeeper/Assistant

Tenzin Lhakyi Cashier

Norbu Dolma Receptionist

Samten Sherab Office Assistant

Wangtse Night Watchman

Foreign Language Reference Library

Tsering Norzom Librarian (Head)

Tenzin Choesang Assistant Librarian

Palmo Tsering Assistant Librarian

Ani Norzom General Assistant

Tenzin Pema Sales Officer

Dhondup Passang Multimedia Asst.

Nyima Dorjee Community Officer, LTWA & GHI

Tashi Dhondup Caretaker

Tashi Phuntsok Caretaker

Research & Translation

Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam Res. & Trans. Officer (Head)

Geshe Sonam Rinchen Philosophy Teacher

Geshe Lobsang Tsondue Philosophy Teacher

Tibetan Books & Manuscripts Library

Ven. Lobsang Yarphel Asst. Pub. Officer

Oral History

Yeshi Dhondup Asst. Res. & Trans. Offcer

Dr. Jampa Dawa Editor (Hindi)

Kusang Choedon Asst. Pub. Officer

Sonam Topgyal Assistant Librarian

Thupten Phuntsok Assistant Librarian

Sonam Gyatso Asst. Res. & Trans. Offcer

Wangdu Tsering Editor (Head)

Tsewang Bhuti Asst. Editor

Norzom Tsering Library Assistant

Tenzin Gyaltsen Asst. Res. & Trans. Offcer

Ven. Lobsang Kalsang Cataloguer

Nyima Dekyi Language Teacher

Audio-Visual Archive

Ven.Damchoe Pelsang Asst. Editor


Tenzin Choezom Museum Incharge

Ven. Karma Khedup Archivist (Head)

Jamyang Ngodup Transcriber

Ven. Lobsang Chomphel Caretaker

Tenzin Sonam Senior. Res. & Trans. Officer

Tenzin Paldon Asst. Res. & Trans. Officer

Sangey Tashi Asst. Res. & Trans. Officer

Karma Thupten Asst. Res. & Trans. Officer

Nyima Gyaltsen Asst. Res. & Trans. Officer


Tsering Dolkar Asst. Archivist

Sonam Tsering Photo Archivist


Tsering Namgyal Pub. Officer (Head)

Chemi Wangmo Assistant Publication Officer

LTWA ▪ Fall 2009 ▪ Newsletter LTWA ▪ 2008 - 2009 ▪ Newsletter

Science Department

Buddhism. This was organised by Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, Dharamsala.


September 5


June 25 As invited by the Department of Education, CTA the Director gave a two-hour talk to around twenty five Fulbright Tibetan students who were leaving for the US for their studies. July 1 Gave an hour talk to around thirty international students. It was organised by Cross Culture Solutions, Dharamsala branch.

Met with the five-member Ukraine delegation Mr. Petro Ustenko, Yaroslav Vinyarskiy, Oleg Prozhivalski as arranged by the Department of International Relations and explained to them the fundamentals of Buddhism. September 11 Gave the third round of talks to the staff of Delek Hospital on the third point of the six session preparatory practices which is the observation of 8 Vairochana postures. Cultivation of refuge and bodhichitta was also explained. September 25 Explained the Essence of Tibetan Buddhism to Chinese scholars visiting Dharamsala from Sept. 24–30. The visiting scholars were: Jianglin Li, (Senior Librarian, Writer,) Ding Lin, (Database Analyst, Writer,) Wang Yu, (Editor, Writer) Wei Shi, (Reporter, Editor, Writer,) and Yi Ping, (Poet, Editor.) This was the first Independent Writers’ group visit to Dharamsala.

July 3 Gave a one-hour introductory talk on Buddhism to around twenty five staff members of Delek Hospital, Dharamsala. July 20-26 The Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and TCV Gopalpur invited the Director of the LTWA as resource person of Buddhism for the 8th Inter-School Programme, North India from 20 to 26 July 2008. The Director gave a series of talks on fundamentals of Buddhism and meditation to around sixty students from St. Paul’s Senior Secondary School, Palampur, New Holy Mission Senior School, Chahain Nagri, Delhi, Central School for Tibetans, Mussoorie, Shimla, Dolanji, Paonta, Chauntra, Dalhousie, Herbertpur, TCV, Upper Dharamsala, Lower Dharamsala, Suja, Chauntra, Gopalpur and around thirteen accompanying teachers from these schools. July 22-26 Taught Atisha’s Lamp of the Path in Hindi to around twenty five Indian Buddhist youths from Bihar, UP, Orissa, etc. This was organised by the Deer Park, Old Dzongsar Institute, Bir. July 29 to August 7 The First Highest Translation Committee Meeting organised by the Department of Education was held to finalise the first batch of translation on Administration, Science, Education and Medicine. The Director of the LTWA who was appointed as the chairman of the committee attended the meeting. The other members present were Acharya Karma Monlam (Department of Education), Ven Lobsang Norbu Shastri (Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi), Mr. Thupten Tendhar (Tibetan Children’s Village) and Dr. Pema Dorjee (Tibetan Medical Institute, Dharamsala) September 3 Gave a forty-minute talk to five students from Spain, America, etc. as arranged by Cross Culture International, Dharamsala Branch. September 4 Spoke to around seventy five monks and nuns from India, Nepal and Bhutan on Human Rights and

October 7 The LTWA was visited by fifteen members of the Students for Free Tibet (SFT) consisting mainly of Indians as well as two Tibetan girls and two South Korean girls. The Director gave an introductory talk to them on different aspects of Tibetan Buddhism – and how the messages of Buddha are relevant in our day to day life and especially during unfortunate situations. It was followed by a question and answer session. October 8 The LTWA was visited by sixty students, ranging in ages from 9 to 12 years from Jaipur. The Director gave a talk on basics of Buddhism and reality and the history of Tibet.

December 14-17 Met with Dharma Rain Core Group and on 15th December gave a public talk at Theosophy Hall, New Marine Lines on “Inner Stability for External Stability” organised jointly by PEN All-India Centre and Dharma Rain. (SpiritLevel@ PEN). On 16th December the Director visited the Sophia Polytechnic centre and had interaction with the students of SCM (Social Communications and Media) Course. During the visit a shortened version of the film “Cry of The Snow Lion” (25 min. version) - was shown to the students and a talk was given on “Peace in This World” followed by a question and answer session. In the evening the Director had an informal meeting with Lokamitra and Dr. K.Sankarnarayan Director, Somaiya Centre of Buddhist Studies. On 17th December the Director had an interaction with College J. B. Petit school / National College / SIES College and in the evening attended the film screening of “The Unwinking Gaze”. December 18 Attended the seminar “Philosophy at the Crossroads” and spoke on the topic “Buddhism: Faith Based Religion or Rational Philosophy?” at Somaiya Centre of Buddhist Studies. Other speakers present were Dr. Philip Clayton, ICPS Guest Lecturer who spoke on “Panentheisms East and West”and Dr Shalva Weil, Senior Researcher, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In the evening the Director was invited by the Manuski Centre at Pune and gave a public talk there on “Is Spiritual Practice Relevant in the 21st century?” December 19-21 Led a retreat at Kondhanpur – and taught on the theme - “Siksha Samuccaya” (A Compendium of Precepts) by the 8th century Indian saint scholar Shantideva.

2009 January 12

October 9 As requested and organised by Dharamsala Tibetan Welfare Office, the Director gave a talk on basics of Buddhism and its relevance in this very life followed by a question answer session. The talk was given to an Israeli and a Canadian group consisting of around twenty five people.

The Director was invited to attend an International Conference on Compassion and Cross-Cultural Harmony held at India Habitat Centre and accordingly gave a talk on Jan.12 on Compassion in Mahayana Buddhism. A write-up of the paper was also contributed to be published later. January 15-17

October 16 Attended the fifth Governing Body Meeting of the Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society at the Academic Hall, Department of Education (CTA) Dharamsala.

As invited by the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi the Director attended the Buddhism and Science Conference. February 11-13

November 17-22 Attended the five-day Special Tibetan National Emergency Meeting. December 8 The Director attended the Governing Body Meeting of the Sambhota School. December 13-21 Visited Bombay for the BUDDHA DHARMA WEEK – 2008, organised jointly by Dharma Rain Centre, Mumbai and the LTWA, Dharamsala. On Saturday, 13 the Director had an informal gathering with a select group of people and spoke to them on compassion and forgiveness and in the evening a public talk was given in Hindi on the topic “The Self is the Protector of the Self” at Chunabhatti Buddha Vihara, Chunabhatti East.


As invited by “Empowering the Vision” the Director flew to Panchagani, Pune as a resource person and gave a number of talks on Empowering the Future, Basic Buddhist meditation, Ethics in Personality Development and Human Relations and had an interactive session and group discussion with around seventy Tibetan students from various universities in India. March 29 As invited by the Department of Information and International Relations and the Bureau of His Holiness, the Director gave a talk on salient features of Buddhism to a packed audience at the India International Centre. This was a part of the one-week programme of Thank you India and commemoration of 50 years of Tibetan people in exile.

July 1 Translated His Holiness’s talk to the FUR Indian and Tibetan students. After lunch he attended Dolma Ling nunnery’s 2009 Buddhist Women’s Educational Society’s (BWES) Governing Body Meeting and then the Director, Kasur Rinchen Khadro la very kindly took the members around the Dolma Ling Nunnery Campus and explained its varied and impressive activities and plans. July 2 As organised by the Cross Culture Group on Tibet the Director spoke on the updated situation of Tibet and its relation to China to around forty people from America, Canada and Britain. The talk was followed by questions relating to the legacy of His Holiness, The future of Tibet and Tibetan cultural heritage.

of Buddhism for around forty minutes followed by a question and answer session and a light refreshment for the visitors. July 5-6 As invited by Deer Park Institute the Director explained the 17 Nalanda panditas in Hindi for two days to around thirty Indians who were Shakya Dalits, and came from U.P., Bihar, Rajasthan and even from Goa. July 7-17 The Director was invited by His Holiness’s Office to translate His Holiness’s one week teachings in Spiti. July 19-26

July 4

Visited Singapore at the request of Tara Buddhist Centre in Singapore. During the visit the Director gave special sessions of coaching, guidance and practice of teachings with the four main centre members on Cittamani Tara and Guru Puja. These were teachings they had received from His Holiness and did regular practice on.

Welcomed the visiting Australian Parliament members at LTWA and spoke on the features

He also taught on the Six Preparatory Practices of Lamrim and the Three Principal Aspects of the

The director was then interviewed on Science and Buddhism in Collaboration and Confrontation with two TCV science teachers, a physicist and biologist at the recording studio of Voice of Tibet, Dharamsala.

Path by Tsongkhapa. These Buddhist teachings were attended by around thirty people who were mainly centre members. The Director also gave two public teachings at the Buddhist Library Singapore on the Art of Happiness. On both days, the talks were attended by around 200 people, mainly Singaporeans. July 30-31 As invited by TCV Gopalpur and the Foundation for Universal Responsibility, the Director made a two-day visit to Gopalpur TCV as a resource person at the ninth Inter-School Programme, North India which was held from July 26 - August 1, 2009 organised by the Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and hosted by Gopalpur TCV. Both on July 30 and 31 the Director taught and led the morning meditation and in the later sessions taught on the fundamentals of Buddhism. He also gave a talk to around 200 students of class 12 on the importance of self-responsibility.

LTWA 2008-09 June 02 Lecture on Mind, Body, and Scientific Research on Meditation by Prof. David T. Schmit (Professor of Psychology, College of St. Catherine, USA) at the LTWA. Prof. Schmit‘s research is in the history of psychology. His lecture highlighted the recent research in the neurobiology of meditation in light of philosophical and historical views of the western mind-body dichotomy.

nag Ribo rtse lnga (Wutai Shan)“ by Professor Elliot Sperling (Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University). July 01 to August 31 Two-month Intensive course of Tibetan Studies was held at the LTWA from July 1 to August 31. August 23 The Tibet Fund board member Jessica Brackman, her family and friends (during their visit to Dharamsala, India from August 23-30, 2008) visited the LTWA and met with the Director. September 01

June 02 to August 30 The three-month Intensive Tawas organised. It was attended by around thirty students mostly Tibetans and also from Brazil, the US, Germany and Russia. The workshop covered various methods and practices adopted in the translation of Buddhist teachings and scriptures. June 07 The LTWA organised a talk by Emory University researchers: Geshe Lobsang Tenzin Negi, PhD, and Charles Raison, MD. They shared their ongoing study of Lojong-based compassion meditation on emotional and physical responses to psychological stress. June 17 The LTWA with Amnye Machen Institute organised a presentation on “The Tibeto-Mongol Treaty of 1913: The Original Text Rediscovered“ by Professor Elliot Sperling (Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University). June 26 The Library of Tibetan Works & Archives organised a talk - “The XIIIth Dalai Lama in Exile - 1908 at Rgya

Talk by Dr. Nimrod Aloni on Humanistic Education. Dr. Nimrod Aloni is a senior lecturer in the area of Philosophy of Education at Kibbutzim College of Education. He is also the Head of the Institute of Educational Thought and holds “The UNESCO Chair in Humanistic Education”. September 19 Ms. Manika Jain, who was appointed as the new Director, Liaison Office, Government of India visited the LTWA.

November 10-12 The three-day science terminology seminar was organised jointly by the LTWA and the Department of Education at the LTWA conference hall. December 24 Nicole Willock a dual PhD candidate in the Department of Religious Studies and Central Eurasian Studies at Indiana University, gave a talk on “The Tree of Learning: Researching the Life of Alak Tseten Zhabdrung Jigme Rigpe Lodro (1920-1985)”. December 24 The LTWA organised a one-day seminar on the release of Monlam Bodyig 3.


October 18, 22 On 18th October, Prof. Aguilar, the Chair of Religion and Politics Director, Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics (CSRP) gave a talk on Tsong Khapa and the Foundations of Tibetan Historiography. On 22nd October, he gave another talk on The Jesuits in Tibet at the time of the VI and VII Dalai Lamas.

March 23-26

October 21

The First International Conference on Science Translation was held at Emory University, Atlanta. The conference was organised and sponsored by the Halle Institute. It was attended by the Director and library staff Tenzin Sonam, Sangye Tashi and other scholars namely Tenzin Tsondrue (Emory University), etc.

Mr. Mike Green, a senior adviser and who holds the Japan Chair at CSIS, visited the LTWA.

April 6-10

October 23 Mr. John Davidson, Minister Councillor for Economic Affairs, American Embassy visited the LTWA.


The LTWA science department staff and around ten monks from the Science Leadership Institute attended the five-day Mind & Life Conference in Dharamsala.

LTWA ▪ Fall 2009 ▪ Newsletter


LTWA 2009-10 June 20, 24

lead retreats, give talks at various institutions and have inter-religious exchange programmes.

On 20th and 24th June the LTWA and Amnye Machen Institute organised a talk by Prof. Elliot Sperling (Department of Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University) on “Tibet‘s Status as Part of China“ and “The Emergence of the Kings of Co-ne and their Relations with the Mongols and with Ming China“ at the LTWA conference room.

The LTWA will conduct a five-day science translation and related trainings to a group of select monks and nuns from Science Meets Dharma Programme at Mungod.

June 22-24

December 28 - 30

The LTWA very successfully organised a Science Exhibition and Talks by the monks of the science leadership training. The three-day science exhibition, the first ever in Dharamsala was very well attended by monks, nuns, TCV and other students and general public. There was much interest and appreciation from both students and the public. It was also widely covered by various publications and media.

The fourth National Seminar on Science Terminology Translation will be held at LTWA. It is jointly organised by LTWA and Department of Education, CTA.

June 29 Ms. Rubina Ali, Deputy Secretary (Finance), Ministry of Culture, visited the LTWA and she very kindly expressed words of support and encouraged the LTWA’s activities.

December 14 to 18

2010 January 22-25 The Director will give a series of talks on Buddhism to university students (aged 18-22) led by Prof. Dean Curtin, Chairman of Department of Philosophy, Gustavus Adolphus College, U.S.A., during their visit to Dharamsala.

Governing Body

September 3-5

Chairman H.H. the Dalai Lama

International Conference on Tibetan & Himalayan Studies was held at the LTWA, from September 3 to 5, 2009.

VICE - CHAIRMAN Ven.Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, Vice-Chairman, LTWA Governing Body & Kalon Tripa, CTA

September 14-24 LTWA Director visited Brazil, Colombia and Mexico as organised by - the Office of Tibet, Palas Athena, Sao Paulo, Mexico; Tecnologico de Monterrey and Consejo de valores (Council of Valued of the City).

UPCOMING EVENTS 2009 November 2 The second Governing Body meeting will be held. November 10-15 The Director, will give a series of talks on ”The Value of Patience in Cultivating Happiness“ based on Shantideva‘s Bodhicharyavatara at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Geshe-la is also available for personal interviews and consultations during the above dates by prior appointment. November 22 - 24 As invited by the Department of Information and International Relations, Dharamsala, the Director will give a talk on ”Buddhism in the 21st Century“ during the Tibet Week in Bangalore. This is a part of the ongoing ’Thank You India‘ event. December 1 - 12 The fourth ’Science Leadership Training‘ will be held at Drepung Monastery in South India in an effort to inculcate the wisdom of modern science among the monks. It will be participated by major schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon faith. December 14-22 The Director will attend the Buddha Dharma Week in Mumbai jointly organised by LTWA and Dharma Rain Centre. During this nine-day programme, Geshe-la will

The newsletter of the LTWA is an annual publication. Its purpose is to provide news and information on all activities related to the growth and development of the Library. The newsletter is provided free of cost. However, donations to defray the cost of publication and postage will be gratefully accepted and acknowledged. Readers, who wish to receive future issues of the newsletter, should write to The Office Secretary, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra, H.P. India.

February (Photo Exhibition) Rare photograph exhibition by the LTWA’s Audio-Visual Archive to be displayed at the new annexe building. March 22-25 As invited by the Office of Tibet, Moscow, and Telo Tulku Rinpoche who is both Shadjin Lama of Kalmyk Republic, Russia and the President of Buddhist Union of Kalmykia, Russia, the Director will visit the Buddhist Republics in Russia like Kalmykia, Buryatiya and Tuva, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Public talks and lectures on Buddhism will be given during this visit in various schools and universities. May 3-14 The fifth Science Leadership Training will be held at Deer Park Institute, Bir. May 17 to June 19 The third Emory Tibet Science Initiative Programme will be held at IBD Sarah. This month-long science programme will be attended by around ninety monks and nuns from twenty three monasteries and nunneries. It will be conducted by a team of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated science teachers from Emory University, USA. The teachings will be translated by qualified science translators. June 1 to August 31 The fifth three-month long Intensive Translation Programme will be held. October 14-21 The Director will visit Emory University during the visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Members Ven. Tsering Phuntsok Kalon for Religion & Culture, CTA Ven. Doboom Rinpoche Director, Tibet House, Delhi Mr. Lobsang Dhargay Chief Justice Commissioner (Rtd.), CTA Prof.P.N. Sharma Principal (Rtd.), Govt. College, Dharamsala Ven. Lhakdor Director, LTWA Representatives from the Govt of India Director, Liaison Office, MEA, Govt. of India, Dharamsala Director, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India


Ven. Geshe Lhakdor Ngawang Yeshi Tsering Namgyal Dr. Chok Tenzin Monlam EDITOR

Chemi Wangmo

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