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Supply chains
Our approach to sustainability not only involves working closely with our customers to understand their needs but also working with our suppliers to eliminate waste packaging and minimise our Scope 3 emissions
Our suppliers are highly valued by Dennis Eagle and our relationships are strong and mutually beneficial. The nature of our markets and our production regimes means that for many, we are a steady and reliable source of orders. This they value, as orders from other customers in different markets may be far more irregular.
During the pandemic, supply chains were severely tested but thanks to the strength of our relationships and the excellent support from suppliers, our factories were able to continue operating with only a short pause in production.
Against this backdrop, our approach to sustainability through our supply chains has been to commit to working with our existing and valued suppliers wherever possible for both the sake of efficiency and the further strengthening of our relationships. This has required additional engagement with them in two immediate aspects of our work:
• We need them to help us assess our Scope 3 emissions
• We need them to work with us to eliminate packaging waste.
In addition to these initial requirements, we also want to lead by example and encourage and help our suppliers to begin similar journeys towards Carbon Net Zero within their businesses.
We have worked hard to help suppliers understand both the needs and the benefits of reducing or eliminating different sorts of packaging waste. Here, we are typically dealing with wood (such as pallets and crates), cardboard, paper, various forms of plastic and shrink wrap.
Working with selected suppliers, we have been able to replace much of this packaging material with bespoke, stackable stillages. These are both returnable and re-usable.
This project was started in 2018 and savings on packaging up to the end of 2022 had reached 221,000kg. In the first year, the team targeted the lowest hanging fruit for the greatest impact and achieved savings of more than 89,000kg of waste. In the year ending December 31 2021, the waste packaging savings amounted to more than 37,800kg.
Much of this would have been incinerated or would have gone to landfill with the negative consequences of further carbon emissions and other air pollution and more non-biodegradable plastics introduced to the wider environment.
As well as reducing the packaging requirements, this project has also created more space on delivery vehicles which, in turn, has led to fewer delivery journey being required. The net benefits of this have been a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, consequent improvements in air quality, a reduction in road traffic volume and a reduction in working time for both Dennis Eagle and our suppliers.
While the initial cost of the bespoke, reusable stillages is significant, it is expected that there will also be significant long-term cost savings for both suppliers and Dennis Eagle.
New supplier guidelines
Our Scope 3 emissions will be included in the second Sustainability report.
As well as working with existing suppliers to encourage their commitment to reaching Net Carbon Zero status, we are also updating guidelines for new suppliers.
Among these changes, we will ensure that, new suppliers are actively seeking voluntary Scope 3 Carbon Neutrality or engaged in Carbon Net Zero initiatives wherever possible. We will also ensure they are legally compliant with their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions declarations.
And we will encourage them to focus on Carbon Net Zero activities, such as replacing non-reusable packaging in favour of stillages, ensuring vehicle deliveries are as efficient as possible and seeking opportunities to reduce delivery mileages wherever possible.