Cdf13 booklet 23jul

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主辦 Organised by 采風電影有限公司 Visible Record Limited 節目查詢 Programme enquiries : 2540 7859 / 網頁 Website : http: //

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短片組 Shorts 二 Little Proletarian

中國 China / 2012 / 56 min 貴州話對白,中英文字幕 In Guizhou dialect with Chi & Eng subtitles

沈潔 / Shen Jie 12/9 (Thu) 7:30 pm 21/9 (Sat) 2:00 pm

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

十四歲的海二無心向學,結果被學校開除,他終日在鎮上遊蕩、泡髮 廊、飲酒打架,或是三五成群騎摩托車狂飆,儼如黑社會小頭目。雖然 父親不斷打罵,但他仍死性不改,更蠢蠢欲動,想去城市裡淘金。

Hai’er has been expelled from school. He wanders around town and hangs out at the beauty parlours. When he isn’t drinking or getting into fights, he’s racing motorcycles with the gang. Beatings by his father simply won’t stop him. Now he is thinking about going to the city as part of some shady business, at the age of 14.

冷雨盛夏 Summer Rain 曾翠珊 / Tsang Tsui Shan 14/9 (Sat) 5:30 pm 15/9 (Sun) 2:00 pm

香港 Hong Kong / 2013 / 27 min 粵語、國語、英語及德語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese, Mandarin, English and German with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

影片以詩意的手法描寫兩個香港人在兩個城市中尋找身份的經驗。導 演2012年旅居德國,探討身在異鄉的感受。另一方面,穿插著在德國 生活的藝術家蔡邊村,回港尋訪生母(即作家亦舒)的心路歷程。

This poetic documentary explores the lives of Hong Kong people living in Germany. One of them is Choi Bin Chuen, a painter and director, who is going back to Hong Kong to look for his mother, the renowned novelist Yi Shu. Made during a stay in Germany in 2012, Summer Rain is about searching for identity.

流浪的狗 Stray Dog

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 38 min 國語、台語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chi & Eng subtitles

林英作 / Lin Ying-tso 13/9 (Fri) 21/9 (Sat)

7:30 pm 7:00 pm

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

林錦賢小時候因國語說得不好,在學校常受欺壓。他熱愛閩南語文 學,最後成了閩南語教師。雖然謀生困難,但他漠視名利,愛簡單樸 實的生活,平日作詩自娛,不為世俗名利所綑。

Lin Jin-xian was bullied in school for not being able to speak fluent Mandarin. Then he developed a strong affection for the literature of the Taiwanese and later became a language teacher. His vast knowledge of local history and literature offers him no money or fame. Instead, he writes poems for enjoyment and lives a simple life. Naturally, he is not understood by many; but this is the life he is most comfortable with.

起風的樣子 The Way We Are 陳穎彥 / Chen Yin-yen 14/9 (Sat) 7:30 pm 22/9 (Sun) 7:30 pm

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 55 min 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

一對失明男女朝夕相對,但感情關係曖昧。女方雖然完全失明,但卻 能把「男友」照顧得無微不至,男方欣然接受照料,但態度吊兒郎 當,一直不肯表態。

There must be something going on between them: she takes care of him day after day. He takes it for granted and never puts forth any effort. Nor is he ready to make any commitment to her. An interesting relationship involving mind-reading and wrestling. For them, love is never blind.

雲上佛童 Nature’s Kid 蔡傑 / Cai Jie 17/9 (Tue) 21/9 (Sat)

4:30 pm 9:15 pm

中國 China / 2012 / 28 min 普通話、藏語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Tibetan with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

十四歲的達娃和尼瑪是雙胞胎,二人被認定為活佛,自小被送到四川 省扎嘎寺中修行。達娃漸漸在山林中領悟出大自然的真諦,希望深入 研究佛學。但政府突然頒佈新政策──不准青少年留在寺院中生活, 新規定霎時間打亂了寧靜的修行。

Dawa and Nyima are twin brothers and Living Buddhas. They have been developing themselves spiritually in a temple in Sichuan Province since they were little. Dawa gradually realises the truth of nature and decides to pursue a deeper level of realisation, when all of a sudden a new policy demands that no teens live in monasteries. This has inevitably stirred up trouble in their tranquil lives.

遠去的家園 Home Floating Away 李斌 / Li Bin 12/9 (Thu) 7:30 pm 21/9 (Sat) 2:00 pm

中國 China / 2012 / 54 min 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

受「南水北調」工程影響,河南丹江口水庫區四十萬人大遷徙,其中一 個小島上的七十八戶漁戶,被遷往二百公里外的岸上生活。但因賠償不 公,居民對村長及政府非常不滿,加上風災,生活倍感艱難。

The region of Danjiangkou Reservoir in Henan is undergoing the migration of 400,000 people to cope with the South-toNorth water diversion project. Seventy eight affected fishing households on one of the small islands in the area are told to move onshore, 200 kilometres away from their homes. They protest in vain and fail to get their way, under government pressure. Meanwhile, a thunderstorm hits the island and destroys all their mariculture rafts. The efforts of generations of self-sufficient fishing families are now gone.

築巢人 A Rolling Stone 沈可尚 / Shen Ko-shang 13/9 (Fri) 21/9 (Sat)

7:30 pm 7:00 pm

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 53 min 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

五十歲的父親和三十歲患自閉症的兒子相依為命,兒子雖然有繪畫天份, 但終日生活在幻想世界中,且情緒不穩,時會打人。父親雖然有無比的耐 性,但要內外兼顧,實在苦不堪言。他面對漫漫長路,不知如何是好。

Gifted in drawing but also indulging himself in an imaginary world of his own, emotionally unstable and generally assaultive, his behaviour has become a burden to his father, who strives to make a living while looking out for him. With a long and winding road ahead, it takes more than just patience to keep caring for his 30-year-old autistic son.

長片組 Features 三峽啊 Oh, The San Xia 王利波 / Wang Libo 16/9 (Mon) 7:30 pm 22/9 (Sun) 4:30 pm

中國 China / 2013 / 108 min 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

三峽水利工程雖已麈埃落定,但後遺症仍一大堆,例如移民的生計、水 庫對地質及環境的影響,與及電費利潤分配等問題仍未解決。導演王利 波繼以唐山大地震為題的《掩埋》(2009)後,再找來專家學者與居 民,用抽絲剝繭的推理手法,深入分析三峽工程的由來、影響及其背後 的政治經濟關係。

In the aftermath of China’s Three Gorges Dam project, migrants are still struggling to make a living and reservoirs are causing ecological and geological disruptions; nor have the profit sharing of electricity supplies and other problems been settled. By the director of Buried (2009), this film documents and investigates the course of events and their economic and political links, from the perspectives of experts and the locals.

走馬水 The Lost River 田波、王苗霞 / Tian Bo, Wang Miaoxia 15/9 (Sun) 4:30 pm 18/9 (Wed) 7:30 pm

中國 China / 2012 / 120 min 陜西話對白,中英文字幕 In Shaanxi dialect with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

陜西黃土高原的偏遠村落,從古老傳統祭祀,到現今政府農業政策,到 村委會的選舉,影片都一一盡錄,讓觀眾一睹這條古村的變化。導演田 波繼《佛陀 》(2007)後再度深入家鄉的偏遠村落,描繪出一幅黃土 地風情畫。

A remote village on the Loess Plateau in Shaanxi Province witnesses the old and the contemporary: from communal rituals to the election of village committee and the agricultural policy today. A new take on the yellow earth after The Lost Buddha in 2007, the film follows the director revisiting his home town and tells a new tale of this ancient village.

急診 Emergency Room China 周浩 / Zhou Hao 13/9 (Fri) 7:30 pm 22/9 (Sun) 7:30 pm

中國 China / 2013 / 99 min 普通話、粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Cantonese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum

攝製隊跟隨救護車穿插廣州的大街小巷,搶救各式各樣的病人,有飲毒 酒致命的、有跳樓自殺的、有裝傻來騙藥的……醫院因要自負盈虧,向 病人收取各種奇怪的費用,付不起錢的就聽天由命。導演周浩繼《書 記》(2010)及《差館》(2011)之後,再一次描繪出大陸公共機關 的日常運作。

Imagine taking a ride in an ambulance through the streets of Guangzhou, meeting people from all walks of life en route: the ill or injured, victims of poisonous wine, and the jumpers. It’s even more bizarre at the hospital: some fake illnesses for medication; patients admitted to self-financing hospitals need to pay up ridiculous fees, because if you don’t, you’re doomed. By the director of The Transition Period (2010) and Cop Shop (2011), Emergency Room China is another insightful exposé of the government bodies in China.

長片組 Features

尋找袁學宇 Looking for Yuan Xueyu 鈄江明、王英傑 / Tou Jiangming, Wang Yingjie 19/9 (Thu) 7:30 pm 22/9 (Sun) 2:30 pm

中國 China / 2012 / 94 min 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

大陸傳媒於2007年揭發山西「黑磚窯」醜聞,事件一度在內地鬧得沸 沸揚揚。這些非法窯廠禁錮及勞役年輕民工,甚至虐待和謀殺不聽話 的人。袁成的十七歲兒子袁學宇於同年在鄭州失蹤,他懷疑兒子被困 於窯廠,但去報警求助,甚至上訪,都不得要領,惟有聯同十多個同 病相鄰的家長,穿州過省,四處尋子。年復一年,走遍各地黑磚窯, 但仍不見兒子蹤影。

In 2007, mainland Chinese media reported on the illegal brick kilns in Shanxi, sparking off heated controversies centred on the scandal. These illegal brick kilns incarcerate and impose forced labour on young migrant workers, and owners even go further to torture and murder disobedient slave workers. Yuan Cheng’s 17-year-old son Yuan Xueyu vanished in Zhengzhou in the same year. The father suspects that his son has been locked up in a brick kiln. He goes to seek help from the police but is ignored. He then joins more than ten other parents who are suffering in the same way to cross provinces to search for their sons. Year after year, they visit brick kilns all over the country, but have not been able to find a trace of their sons.

媽媽的村莊 Mothers

中國 China / 2013 / 68 min 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

許慧晶 / Xu Huijing 17/9 (Tue) 21/9 (Sat)

7:30 pm 9:15 pm

香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

中國農村的計劃生育規定婦女在第二胎後一定要做絕育手術。張青梅是山 西馬一村的「計劃生育」主任,今年地方領導下令進行兩次全村絕育工 作,一定要將「絕育釘子戶」拉去做手術,否則她將烏紗不保,於是,她 和幾個男幹部用盡各種手段,日夜追捕堅決不肯絕育的年輕媽媽。

According to the family planning policy for rural areas of China, women giving birth to a second child must undergo sterilisation. Zhang Qing-mei, a family planning officer in a village in Shanxi Province, has received an order from local authorities to reinforce sterilisation twice this year for all women in the village, targeting those “stubborn nail” mothers who refuse. To secure her job, Zhang and other male caders start taking drastic measures to seize these determined young mothers, day and night round the clock.

暖冬 The Cold Winter

中國 China / 2011 / 103 min 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

鄭闊 / Zheng Kuo 18/9 (Wed) 7:30 pm 22/9 (Sun) 7:30 pm

香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

北京藝術村的反逼遷運動一度引起廣泛關注,知名人士如艾未未等也加 入聲援。開始時,藝術家們似乎團結齊心,但當收到賠償後,就馬上你 爭我奪,反面內訌起來了。運動的目的是爭取公義,但最後世人看見的 只有懦弱和自私,艾未未說這就是中國人的一個本質。

The Stop Forced Eviction Movement for an artist’s village-inresidence in Beijing has gains wide public attention. Ai Weiwei is one of the keen supporters, among other well-known figures. At first the resident artists all pull together for the actions, but infighting begins soon after financial compensation has been offered. What started as a fight for justice has turned into a bitter fight over money. The movement has become a showcase for cowardice and egotism. All this is just typical Chinese, says Ai.

對岸異鄉人 The Other Side 蔡崇隆 / Tsai Tsung-lung 15/9 (Sun) 2:00 pm 22/9 (Sun) 2:30 pm

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 70 min 國語、台語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

一個流落在福建不得志的台灣人,一個嫁給台南農民做第三任妻子的 大陸新娘,兩人都面對經濟、生活、文化等種種困難。「台幹」工作失 意,幾乎變成「台流」,但又怕丟面,不敢回家。過埠新娘雖然漂亮能 幹,且能適應台灣生活,但在家中似是個有名份的「廉價勞工」,人微 言輕,感到很是委屈。

A distraught Taiwanese businessman is stranded in Fujian, China. A mainland Chinese woman has married a farmer in Tainan as his third wife. Although these two people are living in different places, they both face difficulties in similar aspects. The unsuccessful Taiwanese businessman has almost become a “Taiwanese drifter”. Afraid of losing face, he does not return to Taiwan. Although the bride from abroad is pretty and capable, and can adapt herself to Taiwanese life, she is virtually a cheap labourer in an overlooked position, with no say in anything. She feels neglected.

台北紀錄片工會作品選 Selection of Taipei Documentary Filmmakers’ Union Films 不能戳的秘密 II 國家機器 Unveil the Truth II : State Apparatus

台灣 Taiwan / 2013 / 83 min 國語、台語對白,中文字幕 In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chi subtitles

李惠仁 / Kevin H.J. Lee 9/9 (Mon) 7:30 pm 15/9 (Sun) 7:30 pm

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

攝影記者出身的李惠仁,用了六年時間,自資上百萬台幣,拍出這部令高 官下台,震驚台灣的影片。故事追尋當地禽流感疫情散播的起因,揭出官 員不斷欺上瞞下,隱瞞真相。它絕對是「調查報導」的示範之作,也是台 灣獨立媒體的典範。

A photojournalist turned documentary director, Kevin H.J. Lee spent six years and over a million TWD to make this film that shocked Taiwan and brought down senior government officials. The film traces the origin of the spread of avian flu, exposing officials who tried to hide the truth and deceive the public. It is a masterpiece of investigative journalism and Taiwan’s independent media at its best.

天亮了 Breaking Dawn

台灣 Taiwan / 2009 / 50 min 國語對白,中文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi subtitles

李中旺 / Lee Jong-wang 17/9 (Tue)

4:30 pm

香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum

廿四歲的莊馥華因火災受傷,以致身體嚴重傷殘。但她並沒有自暴 自棄,仍努力不懈地生活下去。同時,媽媽在馥華身邊不離不棄, 令她能再看書再寫作。

24-year-old Zhuang has been injured by a fire, resulting in her severe physical disability. But she does not give up and tries her best to live. Zhuang’s mother stays by her all the time, which helps the daughter read and write again.

失婚記 Out/Marriage 阮金紅 / Nguyen Kim-hong 13/9 (Fri) 21/9 (Sat)

9:30 pm 7:30 pm

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 68 min 國語、越南語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Vietnamese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

如同許多「過埠新娘」一樣,玉蘭、金玲、阿詩、美麗來台灣追求 幸福快樂,但在失婚的那一刻美夢瞬間破滅。她們在台灣各自面對 不同的家庭困境,自願與否,最終都走上失婚的道路。未來的路途 依然迢遠,離婚後,她們該如何選擇人生的下一步呢?她們所生的 子女在父母的跨國婚姻決裂之後,又將面臨甚麼樣的難題?

Like many new emigrants, Yu-lan, Jin-lin, A-shi and Meili came to Taiwan in hopes of finding happiness but found their dream crushed when their marriages ended. They faced different family troubles before ending their marriages, be it voluntarily or involuntarily. An uncertain future lies ahead of them; what comes next in life? And what lies in store for their children born in Taiwan to parents from two countries?

部落之音 Radio Mihu

台灣 Taiwan / 2004 / 136 min 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

李中旺 / Lee Jong-wang 20/9 (Fri)

7:30 pm

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

在台灣921地震後,大安溪畔的雙崎部落被破壞無遺,族人們希望能 重新開始,再建新家園。然而,重建計劃困難重重,無限的拖延和 改變令居民愈來愈不滿,衝突一觸即發。

After the 921 Earthquake in Taiwan, the Mihu tribe’s homes have been completely destroyed. The tribespeople hope to start over and build a new home. However, the rebuilding plan has hit a series of obstacles. Indefinite delays and constant changes have bred discontent among the tribespeople. Conflicts are imminent.

尋找背海的人 The Man Behind the Book 林靖傑 / Lin Jing-jie 9/9 (Mon) 14/9 (Sat)

7:30 pm 7:30 pm

台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 104 min 國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

本片是前年轟動港台文壇與電影界的「我們在島嶼寫作」系列中的其中 一部,導演林靖傑不止是純粹介紹小說家王文興的生平,而是帶著好奇 去了解這位《背海的人》的作者,追索他的創作歷程和對生活的看法。

This work is a part of The Inspired Island Series: Eminent Writers from Taiwan, a film series that stunned the literary and film circles of Hong Kong and Taiwan two years ago. The director Lin Jing-jie not only makes a literal record of the life of novelist Wang Wen-xing, he has pursued where his curiosity has led him, towards a greater understanding of Wang’s view towards creativity and life.

台北紀錄片工會作品選 Selection of Taipei Documentary Filmmakers’ Union Films

最遙遠的愛 The Unreachable Love 郭笑芸 / Kuo Shiao-yun 8/9 (Sun) 2:00 pm 15/9 (Sun) 7:30 pm

台灣 Taiwan / 2008 / 74 min 國語、台語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

郭笑芸「家暴三部曲」的第一部。為了尋求自由與尊嚴,也為了喚起大眾 關注,多個長年累月被丈夫虐打的女性,勇敢地站到鏡頭面前,道出自己 的遭遇。其中不少受害人因沒有謀生能力,不敢離婚,惟有含淚啞忍。

The first part of director Kuo Shiao-yun’s Domestic Violence Trilogy.To pursue freedom and dignity, as well as to inspire public awareness, four women who have experienced domestic violence bravely stand in front of the camera to recall their past experiences. We can soon realise how many victims have given in to perpetual violence due to their financial difficulties. They dare not divorce their husbands and endure in tears.

與愛無關 Nothing to Do with Love 郭笑芸 / Kuo Shiao-yun 8/9 (Sun) 4:00 pm 22/9 (Sun) 5:00 pm

台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 67 min 國語、台語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

「家暴三部曲」的第二部。四個因虐打老婆而被政府下令參加輔導課程的丈 夫,憶述與妻子的關係,與及家暴的起因。有人希望與妻子修補關係,有人 卻已經離婚再婚。本片是首部從施暴者角度,探討家庭暴力的華語紀錄片。

The second of the Domestic Violence Trilogy. Four husbands have been sentenced to attend counselling sessions, where they recall their relationships with their wives and explore the causes of domestic violence. Some men hope to mend their present marriages, while some get remarried. This is the first Chinese documentary to examine domestic violence from the victimisers’ point of view.

愛的黑海 Crossings Love 郭笑芸 / Kuo Shiao-yun 8/9 (Sun) 7:30 pm 19/9 (Thu) 9:30 pm

台灣 Taiwan / 2012 / 82 min 國語、台語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and Taiwanese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

「家暴三部曲」的最後一部。同樣是以四組家庭為背景,四個在暴力陰影 下長大的年輕人,憶述在地獄般家庭裡的生活,及對他們的影響。

The final part of the Domestic Violence Trilogy. Four youngsters that have grown up with violence at home recall how their extremely tense family lives have affected their own.

推介影片 Special Selection 三生三世聶華苓 One Tree Three Lives

香港 Hong Kong / 2012 / 98 min 粵語、國語、英語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese, Mandarin and English with Chi & Eng subtitles

陳安琪 / Angie Chen 22/9 (Sun) 4:00pm

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

聶華苓是華人文壇重要的「推手」,本片透過和她及多位著名作家的訪 問,細緻地描繪她豐富的一生。從她的身世、文學創作,到異國情緣,都 一一展現在觀眾眼前。

Nieh Hua-ling is the cornerstone of the Chinese literary world. Through interviews with Nieh and other famous writers, the film documents the enriching life Nieh has led, from her upbringing and her creative journey to her finding love in the United States.

大堡小勞教 The Juvenile Laborers-Under-Indoctrination 謝貽卉 / Xie Yihui 15/9 (Sun) 2:00 pm

中國 China / 2013 / 106 min 四川話對白,中英文字幕 In Sichuan dialect with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

記者曾伯炎於1958年被打成右派後,送往四川樂山市農場勞教,他發現農 場的「大堡作業區」囚禁了上千名兒童勞教犯。「大飢荒」期間,這批 「小勞教」就成為首批犧牲品,大批大批地活活餓死。數十年後,曾伯 炎誓要追尋真相,不讓它湮沒在歷史中。

In 1958, after the journalist Zeng Boyan was labelled a rightist, and was taken to a farm in Leshan, Sichuan to be reeducated. He found out that up to a thousand children were incarcerated for reeducation in the “Dabao Work Zone”. During the Great Chinese Famine, these children were the first to starve to death. After decades, Zeng Boyan is determined to seek the truth, to make sure the atrocity become a vivid part of history.

羅家屋:我和任定其 Luo Village: Ren Dingqi and Me 羅兵 / Luo Bing 15/9 (Sun) 4:30 pm

中國 China / 2011 / 80 min 湖南話對白,中英文字幕 Hunan dialect with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

八十後的導演返回湖南老家的村子,準備拍攝以「大飢荒」為主題的紀錄 片,遇上七十八歲的鄰居任定其,他剛完成了的幾十萬字回憶錄,就正正 涵蓋了那年代。導演得到老人的信任,受託付把回憶錄印製出來,然而卻 受到其家人的反對。

Post-eighties director returned to his home village in Hunan, getting ready to shoot a documentary on the Great Chinese Famine. He met 78-year-old neighbour Ren Dingqi, who has just completed a memoir covering that period. The director has earned the trust of the old man, and is requested to publish the memoir, but this is met with objection from Ren Dingqi’s family.

學生作品選 Selection of Student Films 夜問2012 Small Talk 2012 甘劍宇 / Gan Jianyu 14/9 (Sat) 7:30 pm 22/9 (Sun) 7:30 pm

香港 Hong Kong / 2012 / 20 min 重慶話對白,中英文字幕 In Chongqing dialect with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre


Pointing a camera at each other, two lovers ask what each thinks of the other. The more they ask, the unhappier they get……

家事 Story of a Family 王丹妮 / Wang Danni 13/9 (Fri) 21/9 (Sat)

9:30 pm 7:30 pm

中國 China / 2012 / 30 min 普通話對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum


Mother and Grandma depend on each other, but Grandma only attends to the gambling-addicted uncle, making Mother brokenhearted and angry.

張大仙 Master Cheung 馮子珊、柳清、秦琪書 / Feng Zishan, Liu Qing, Qin Qishu 14/9 (Sat)

5:30 pm

香港 Hong Kong / 2013 / 20 min 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre


A fortune teller who calls himself Cheung Tai Sin survives the streets using his silver tongue.

梁師傅的一天 One Day of Master Leung 陳威文、尹景輝、林尚霆、張偉業 / Wyman Chan, Wan King Fai, Lam Sheung Ting, Cheung Wai Yip 14/9 (Sat) 2:00 pm 16/9 (Mon) 4:30 pm

香港 Hong Kong / 2013 / 12 min 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum


Traditional hair salons are fading out, but the skill and heart of the master hairdressers are hard to replace.

牽牛花 Yeung Yeung with Cows 黃勺嫚 / Wong Cheuk Man 14/9 (Sat) 2:00 pm 16/9 (Mon) 4:30 pm 22/9 (Sun) 5:00 pm

香港 Hong Kong / 2013 / 25 min 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum


With all her heart, Yeung Yeung devotes herself to taking care of a herd of stray cows.

學生作品選 Selection of Student Films

都市農夫 City Farmer 譚曉怡、李俊桐 / Rebeka Tam, Li Juntong 14/9 (Sat)

5:30 pm

香港 Hong Kong / 2013 / 23 min 廣東話對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre

Becky一家居於粉嶺馬屎埔村,經營社區農場,面對地產商及政府的收購逼 遷,他們堅持守衛家園,不遷不拆。

Becky and her family live in Fanling’s Ma Shi Po village. They farm and run a community farm. Despite mounting pressure from property developers and the government to redevelop the area and relocate residents, Becky and her family remain unmoved by compensation offers.

勞師來施 More than Ice-cream Wong Kwong 梁浩倫 / Riley Leung 14/9 (Sat) 2:00 pm 16/9 (Mon) 4:30 pm

香港 Hong Kong / 2012 / 13 min 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chi & Eng subtitles

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum


Already unsteady on his feet, an eighty-year-old keeps on selling ice-cream on the street.

奧林匹斯 Olympus

香港 Hong Kong / 2012 / 6 min 粵語對白,中文字幕 In Cantonese with Chi subtitles

葉偉平、王偉健 / Yip Wai Ping, Wong Wai Kin 9/9 (Mon) 14/9 (Sat)

7:30 pm 7:30 pm

香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

本片改編自西西1979年的同名小說。男主角和他的老相機「奧林匹斯」一 起穿街過巷,去追尋這個城市過去的一鱗半爪。

This film is an adaptation of Xixi’s 1979 novel with the same name. Our protagonist and his long-time companion, his camera, scout the streets of the city, looking for traces of its past.

遠航 Fishman

香港 Hong Kong / 2013 / 20 min 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chi & Eng subtitles

楊倩如 / Yang Qianru 14/9 (Sat) 2:00 pm 16/9 (Mon) 4:30 pm

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum


The government has banned the use of trawling, but the fishermen are unsatisfied with the compensation.

長洲誌 Cheung Chau Diary 「采風電影」於今年六月在長洲舉行為期七天的「紀錄片大師班──青年訓練營」,《長洲誌》為大師班 學員作品之結集。

Cheung Chau Diary showcases films by students from Visible Record’s seven-day training camp that took place in Cheung Chau in June this year.

長洲誌─大師班結業作品(一) Works from YTTA(1) 6/9 (Fri)

7:30 pm

香港 Hong Kong 2013 / 70 min

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

長洲誌─大師班結業作品(二) Works from YTTA(2) 7/9 (Sat)

7:30 pm

香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum

長洲誌─露天放映會 Outdoor Screening 10月初 (待定)

長洲東灣籃球場 Tung Wan Basketball Court, Cheung Chau

廿五個年輕人帶著攝錄機,跑到長洲,花七日七夜,發掘小島上形形色色 的故事。在這些影片中,有有趣的人物、重要的社會問題,和日漸消失的 香港文化。小島上的小故事,正是社會的縮影。

Equipped with a video camera, twenty five young people headed to Cheung Chau for seven days and nights in search of stories to tell. This film is about the interesting people, important social issues and the slow demise of culture on this small island, reflecting to a large degree what is happening to Hong Kong at large. (詳情請參閱場刊 Please refer to the programme guide for further information.)

購票須知 Ticketing Information 票價 Ticket Price $60 / $40 門票於8月1日起在各城市電腦售票處、網上及信用卡電話購票熱線發售。

Tickets will be available from 1 August at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet and by telephone.

購票優惠詳情 Discount schemes -、全日制學生、六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人之票價為四十元 二、集體購票優惠(只限正價門票) 每次購買正價門票四張或以上,即可享下列優惠: 門票數量






註:以上優惠不限場次及放映地點 優惠(一)及(二)不可同時享用,觀眾需於購票時說明所選用之優惠

1. Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder can enjoy discount price at $40 of each ticket. 2. Group Booking Discount: Ê

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Patrons can only enjoy either one of the above discount schemes for purchase of each ticket. Please inform the box office staff of the eligible discount type at the time of purchase. 票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries: 2734 9009 網上訂票 Internet Booking: 信用咭電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries: 2540 7859

備註 Special Notes 每張門票經折扣後,不足一元亦作一元計算。

The price of discounted tickets will be rounded up to the nearest dollar on each ticket. 香港科學館不設城巿電腦售票處。如需領取網上 / 信用卡電話訂票服務所訂購的門票;請移步到設於其他場 地 / 地點的城巿電腦售票處或自助取票機領取門票。

URBTIX counter sales service is not available at the Hong Kong Science Museum. If you have booked tickets via our Internet / telephone credit card booking services, please patronize URBTIX outlets or Ticket Dispensing Machines located at other venues / sites to collect tickets. 香港電影資料館售票處只發售於該館放映之電影節目門票。

The Hong Kong Film Archive box office only provides counter sales and ticket collection services for film programmes scheduled at Film Archive. 香港太空館售票處只發售於該館放映之電影節目門票。選擇領票服務的顧客可於館內的自助取票機領取門票。

The Hong Kong Space Museum box office only provides counter sales service for film programmes scheduled at the Museum. Ticket collection service is available at the Ticket Dispensing Machine in the Museum.

放映時間表 Screening Schedule 誠品香港銅鑼灣店 11/8 Sun

3:00 pm


香港太空館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum 6/9 Fri

7:30 pm

長洲誌─大師班結業作品(一) Works from YTTA (1)

7/9 Sat

7:30 pm

長洲誌─大師班結業作品(二) Works from YTTA (2)

8/9 Sun

2:00 pm

最遙遠的愛* The Unreachable Love*

4:00 pm

與愛無關* Nothing to Do with Love*

5:20 pm


7:30 pm

愛的黑海* Crossings Love*

13/9 Fri

7:30 pm

流浪的狗 + 築巢人 Stray Dog + A Rolling Stone

14/9 Sat

7:30 pm

奧林匹斯 + 尋找背海的人* Olympus + The Man Behind the Book*

15/9 Sun

7:30 pm

不能戳的秘密 II 國家機器 Unveil the Truth II : State Apparatus

20/9 Fri

7:30 pm

部落之音* Radio Mihu*

21/9 Sat

7:30 pm

家事 + 失婚記* Story of a Family + Out/Marriage *

22/9 Sun

5:00 pm

牽牛花 + 與愛無關 Yeung Yeung with Cows + Nothing to Do with Love

7:30 pm

暖冬* The Cold Winter*

香港藝術中心agnès b.電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, Hong Kong Arts Centre 9/9 Mon

7:30 pm

不能戳的秘密 II 國家機器* Unveil the Truth II : State Apparatus*

12/9 Thu

7:30 pm

二 + 遠去的家園 Little Proletarian + Home Floating Away

13/9 Fri

7:30 pm

急診 Emergency Room China

9:30 pm

家事* + 失婚記 Story of a Family* + Out/Marriage

2:00 pm

學生作品選* Selection of Student Films*

5:30 pm

冷雨盛夏 + 都市農夫* + 張大仙* Summer Rain + City Farmer* + Master Cheung*

7:30 pm

夜問2012* + 起風的樣子 Small Talk 2012* + The Way We Are

2:00 pm

大堡小勞教 The Juvenile Laborers-Under-Indoctrination

4:30 pm

羅家屋:我和任定其 Luo Village: Ren Dingqi and Me

7:30 pm

最遙遠的愛 The Unreachable Love

18/9 Wed

7:30 pm

走馬水* The Lost River*

19/9 Thu

7:30 pm

尋找袁學宇* Looking for Yuan Xueyu*

9:30 pm

愛的黑海 Crossings Love

2:00 pm

二* + 遠去的家園* Little Proletarian* + Home Floating Away*

5:00 pm

頒獎禮 Award Ceremony

7:00 pm

流浪的狗* + 築巢人* Stray Dog* + A Rolling Stone*

9:15 pm

雲上佛童* + 媽媽的村莊* Nature’s Kid + Mothers

2:30 pm

對岸異鄉人* The Other Side*


三生三世聶華苓* One Tree Three Lives*

7:30 pm

夜問2012 + 起風的樣子* Small Talk 2012 + The Way We Are*

14/9 Sat

15/9 Sun

21/9 Sat

22/9 Sun

香港科學館演講廳 Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum 9/9 Mon

7:30 pm

尋找背海的人 + 奧林匹斯* The Man Behind the Book + Olympus*

16/9 Mon

4:30 pm

學生作品選* Selection of Student Films*

7:30 pm

三峽啊 Oh, The San Xia

4:30 pm

雲上佛童 + 天亮了 Nature’s Kid + Breaking Dawn

7:30 pm

媽媽的村莊 Mothers

18/9 Wed

7:30 pm

暖冬 The Cold Winter

22/9 Sun

7:30 pm

急診* Emergency Room China*

17/9 Tue

香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 15/9 Sun

22/9 Sun

2:00 pm

冷雨盛夏* + 對岸異鄉人 Summer Rain* + The Other Side

4:30 pm

走馬水 The Lost River

2:30 pm

尋找袁學宇 Looking for Yuan Xueyu

4:30 pm

三峽啊* Oh, The San Xia*

7:30 pm


光華新聞文化中心 20/9 Fri

4:00 pm


長洲東灣籃球場 Tung Wan Basketball Court, Cheung Chau 10月初 (待定)

長洲誌─露天放映會 Outdoor Screening (免費入場 Free admission)

* 導演與觀眾會面 Q&A session with the director

場地資料 Venue 香港太空館 Hong Kong Space Museum 地址:香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 Address: Hong Kong Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong 前往方法:港鐵尖沙咀站E出口步行約五分鐘。 Directions: Around 5-minute walk from Exit E, Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station. 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 地址:香港灣仔港灣道2號 Address: 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 前往方法: 港鐵灣仔站C出口,通過入境事務大樓的行人天橋,下橋後行至港灣道,轉左行一分鐘。 Directions: Get off at Wanchai MTR Station, leave the station via Exit C, then walk along the footbridge leading to the Immigration Tower and go straight to the Harbour Road, then turn left. The Arts Centre can be seen after a one-minute walk. 香港科學館 Hong Kong Science Museum 地址:香港九龍尖沙咀東部科學館道2號 Address: 2 Science Museum Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong 前往方法:港鐵尖沙咀站B2出口沿金馬倫道向尖沙咀東部方向步行約十八分鐘。 Directions: Around 18-minute walk along Cameron Road from B2 Exit of Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East. 香港電影資料館 Hong Kong Film Archive 地址:香港西灣河鯉景道50號 Address: 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong 前往方法:港鐵西灣河站A出口步行前往約需十分鐘。 Directions: Around 10-minute walk from Exit A, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station.

「釆風電影有限公司」於2004年成立,由香港紀錄片導演張虹聯同 多位電影、文化及教育界朋友創辦。「采風」為非牟利電影藝術團 體,致力推動香港紀錄片藝術及文化,其主要之活動包括製作、放 映及研討會、訓練課程及發行等。 Visible Record Limited was founded in 2004 by filmmaker Tammy Cheung with other like-minded individuals from the fields of film, culture and education. Visible Record is a nonprofit art organisation that promotes documentary film in Hong Kong. Other than producing and distributing films, it also organises screenings, seminars, training courses, and many other programmes.

座談會 Seminar 1. 香港紀錄片與兩岸的關係 日期: 11/8(日) 時間: 下午3:00–4:30 地點: 誠品香港銅鑼灣店 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號希慎廣場8-10樓

2. 家庭暴力 日期: 8/9(日) 時間: 下午5:20 – 7:00 地點: 香港太空館演講廳 香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號

3. 台灣紀錄片和社會發展 日期: 20/9(五) 時間: 下午4:00 – 6:00 場地: 光華新聞文化中心 香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場49樓4907室

4. 中國大陸紀錄片的前景 日期: 22/9(日) 時間: 下午7:30 – 9:00 地點: 香港電影資料館電影院 香港西灣河鯉景道50號 免費入場,請以電郵或電話留座( / 2540 7859)

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