Outdoor Survival Kit - Always Be Ready!

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In an urbanized milieu, what are the available outdoor survival gear and equipment that you will need that will be helpful in an emergency situation? While in the process of conceptualizing the contents of your kit together, you need to put emphasis on safety items. Consider also where you are working, is it large city or just a small one. Evaluate where you live and equip yourself with the right safety items to carry. If you are living in a geographically earthquake zone city, you need to gather tools that will protect you in case building collapse or to facilitate others with safety in case earthquake shall happen. Prepare safety glasses and breathing apparatus to keep your lungs supplied with a breathable air. A small pry bar and pliers can also be helpful in case you get trapped. And if you are on your way to a city and all of sudden you need water and the utilities broke down, what is the best approach for you to do? As part of your outdoor survival kit, you will need water. You may take advantage of ponds and lakes that can be found on the city park. A water filter will also be helpful. There are portable water filters that you can easily bring with you. There are also water purification tablets that can be very efficient for you. You also need to have a tool that can troubleshoot faucets that had lost its handle. You can purchase it at hardware and shops. This shall allow you to have water supply in buildings where the faucet handle had broke down. Just ensure that if you are drinking the water, ascertain its safety and make sure it is indeed potable. In an urbanized living, an outdoor survival pack is essential. Water and food is a universal need that you need to fulfill, have this ready. You will also need external light, protective gloves, and strategies that will ensure that are dry. Plan on how to carry all your stuff, be in a car or a backpack. It should be portable and lightweight. You can have it all in one bag or you may have different kits. You may have one for your car and another for your home. It may appear like a hassle or a burden, but you will never know when you will need it. Ensure that the contents of your outdoor survival gear that is for emergency purposes stay within the confines of its own container or kit. What is meant by that is, do not use some of the contents for camping trips and other escapades because you may fail to return them and you won't have them when you most need them. Inspect periodically also for expiration date of the food and medication that you stored. Ensure

also the functionality of your batteries and flashlights within your outdoor survival gear pack.

If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out the Outdoor Survival Gear site. Another site that you might be interested in is White Water Kayaks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pierce_Zigney

==== ==== More Info on Surviving the Great Outdoors http://bit.ly/zsfKA5 ==== ====

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