December's 2015 Edition of Jackson Expose' Magazine

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Jackson Expose’ FEATURING


December 2015 Holiday Special!5

JOHNSON Preaching


the healing gospel of Christ!

Passionate Man of God!


Who’s Who Profiles Featured Inside!






















4. PASTOR JAY JOHNSON Pastor of Abounding Grace World Healing Church


Brown Bass & Jeeter

12. LOVE AND MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. James Roach

14. EVENT PLANNERS Embellished Events & Interiors

16. FEATURED AUTHOR Lucinda G. Graham





Pastor Jay Johnson Photography: X-Pose Photography Jackson Expose’ Magazine is honored to feature one of Jackson’s most prominent Pastors who has a passionate outreach to the needy in the community. He is a Pastor, Counselor, and a Certified Life Coach! I am also happy to feature the Law Firm of Brown Bass & Jeeter. Giving us the Essence of Marriage is Authors Mr. & Mrs. James Roach. In addtion you will see exquisite interior designs by Embellished Events & Interiors.

in Jackson Expose’

24. MITCH C DAVIS Photo Gallery

28. COOKING WITH HONEY and Friends

Another author Lucinda G. Graham is featured as well as Master Hair Stylist Stacy J. Reed. And check out Who’s Who in Jackson Expose’! A fabulous Photo Gallery by Mitch Cl Davis is inside! And a new recipe from “Cooking with Honey and Friends”.



Editor Publisher.



PASTOR JAY JOHNSON SAVING SOULS Building God’s Kingdom “one soul at a time”.


ell us how Abounding Grace got stated?

Well my parents moved to Jackson MS from Cleveland Ohio to start a church before I was born. My father was a passionate church planter and preacher. My mom stood by his side as they shared duties in a thriving ministry. When my father passed away my mom refused to sit still. She taught Sunday school at a local church and did some traveling doing public speaking at women’s events. She eventually started a prison ministry as she and a few ladies would minster at various facilities. In 1999 they PASTOR JAY JOHNSON decided to start a home bible study. Soon the living OF ABOUNDING GRACE room seemed to be too WORLD HEALING CHURCH small to hold the bible study participants along with their children. At that time my older brother and his wife led an outas Senior Pastor of Abounding Grace reach ministry here in the city but felt in 2006. a call to move to Atlanta GA to start a church. He and his wife gave the keys to Since that time, how have you grown their storefront building to my mother your ministry? encouraging her to carry on her passion for fellowship and sharing the word of In 2012 we moved to our present God. That was the start of Abounding location at 159 Fredrica Ave. Since Grace World Healing Church which was the move our church has grown known at that time as Grace and Mercy significantly. My father built church Ministries. I accepted the appointment attendance by doing tent revivals but 4

our method is a little different. Our growth has been attributed to the loving atmosphere at services and family events such as church picnics, family movie nights, and quarterly gatherings where we eat, fellowship and pray. I believe that this generation lacks the sense of community that I grew up with.

Tell us about your educational background. I am a proud graduate of Callaway High School, Hinds Community College in Utica MS. I received biblical training from Evangelical Training Association. I have done studies at Ecclesia School of Ministry and Theology. I graduated with a Bachelors of Theology and a Master of Divinity Degree from New Foundation Theological Seminary. I am a fourth Unit Graduate of Clinical Pastoral Education from The College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy. I am also a Certified Professional Life Coach from The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences through Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary. As you stated: “There is a King in every kid, and a kid in every King.� Can you expound upon that? My statement about there being a King in every Kid and a Kid in every King is absolutely

ABOVE Pastor Johnson leads a group in prayer.

BELOW Pastor Jay Johnson ministers to residents in a hursing home.

true. Clinical data proves that our past experiences and how we process them have a great effect on who we become and how we deal with each other. A good counselor can quickly identify dysfunctional behavior and just by listening discover the source of it. This is important because unresolved issues have a tendency of showing up

and can cause disturbances in our relationships if we are not careful. There was a particular incident that happened in your childhood that affected your adulthood, . Can you tell our readers about that? When I was two years old robbers kicked in the door of our church during a Friday night service. My father (The Pastor) was shot in the neck and was consequently paralyzed from the chest down. Doctors gave him three hours to live. My father ended up pastoring and preaching from the seat of a wheelchair for 12yrs after that event until he lost his battle with cancer in 1990. During his time as a paralyzed Pastor he ran street revivals, tent revivals, did all kinds of outreach ministry and established 7 churches while maintaining his Pastoral role as Bishop over the organization that he founded. 5


Tell us about the different aspects of your ministry.

refuse to learn and implement these virtues, the marriage fails. If we embrace these prinA very important aspect of our ciples the marriage thrives, we calling is to see the mending grow and we benefit from our of marriage relationships. I commitment to each other. believe that many people underestimate the commitA part of your ministry is to be ment, dedication and sacrifice a Life Coach. Can you tell us necessary to have a successwhat a Life Coach is and your ful marriage. Most couples upcoming Certification as a spend more time planning for Life Coach? the wedding and reception than they do planning for the Just as a Basketball, Football marriage and this often sets or Track coach guides athletes them up for a struggle to stay into victory by sharing secrets together. and principals for winning at what they do. A life coach is I often say that God created there to help you win at the marriage to teach us how to game of life. Part of being sucbe more Christ-Like. Forgive- cessful is learning how to run ness, trust, unselfishness and “your race,� discover your hidpatience are all things that den potential and find your marriage teaches us. If we passion in life. This month I


ABOVE Pastor Johnson is in the Pulpit at Abounding Grace church.

BELOW Fellowship with members of the community.

recived full Certification as a Professional Life Coach from The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. As a Life Coach I will help people find their passion for life. Waking up in the morning to go to a job that we hate, while working with people that we hate only to come home to argue with people we hate to love is not what was intended for us when God gave us life. As a life coach my passion is to help you find your passion!

How important is it to find Finally after years of pouring time, effort our passion? and energy into my It is extremely important! passion, my wife and I decided that it would I believe that Purpose and Passion work hand in be best if I left my job hand. We all have a duty to walk by faith and to contribute to our socie- work in my passion. It ty, community and family. was the best decision for us and the timing was perfect. Purpose may change in various ages and stages of life but we are led to our Tell us about the varipurpose or (God’s purpose ety of outreach minisfor us) by our passion. My tries in your church? mother was a successful entrepreneur who owned (Matthew 23:11kjv and operated three busi- But he that is greatest among you shall nesses. Before she and be your servant.) my father moved to MS they owned and operated Dr. Cornell West said, businesses in the 60s. All “You cannot lead three of my brothers have people unless you love people, you cannot owned their own busisave people unless nesses. One of the most profound lessons that my you serve people.” I mother ever gave me was am super proud of our team. They are humble “Son if you work in the area of your passion you servants. We do outreach in Apartment will never work a day in complexes where we your life. offer prayer and counI worked overtime 55-70 seling to those in need. hours per week and hated We share our personal every moment of it. I told testimonies concernmyself that I was doing it ing past failures and for my family but my fam- present victories. We ily was actually suffering offer lunch after the sessions and follow up because of my thirst for from time to time with money.

those who we have connected with. We do nursing home ministry at 2 different facilities every Sunday morning which is a great ministry. Included in our outreach is Marriage, Family and Crisis Counseling.

BELOW Pastor Johnson poses with a group of pastors while on his Trinidad trip.

I understand you attended an international event in September. How did that come about? I had the great privilege of being chosen to minister the word of God in the Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. I accompanied a good friend and fellow Pastor in the city, Pastor Tyron Hanks of Evangelist Temple C.O.G.I.C. We travelled there in September to promote and rally support for his conference to be held there in February 2016 entitled, “Kingdom Culture.” The purpose of Kingdom Culture is to bridge the gap between denominations and ethnicities while working together to promote unity and diversity within the religious community.

The conference funds raised will go towards building transitional homes for those less fortunate. This is a preventive measure designed to socially and spiritually build ladies and gentlemen in seemingly hopeless predicaments before they are introduced or reintroduced to the criminal element. For more information about Kingdom Culture you may go online to

LEFTT Pastor Jay Johnson and Lovely Family.



I saw where you and your church members delivered food to the poor or homeless, tell us about that project. The weekend before Thanksgiving on November 21st Abounding Grace, Voice of Calvary Ministries and The West Jackson Community Cooperative all worked together within a 3 block radius to serve the community. Abounding Grace served hot plates to the community free of charge and afterwards we loaded up our vehicles with canned goods and groceries to give to the residents in the community as well as the homeless. While we were working on that, Voice of Calvary Ministries and The West Jackson Community Cooperative boarded up abandoned houses, cleared land and cleaned up trash in the community. We all prayed together for the community and we also put our faith into practice by service, labor, efforts and energy. We were able to

BELOW Pastor Johnson and member of Voice of Calvary Ministries.

BELOW Food Give-a-way collaboration with Voice of Calvary Ministries.

get quite a bit done within a 24hr time frame and the community got a first-hand experience of brotherly love through the many volunteers who sacrificed to make Jackson MS a better place. Tell me about your lovely wife and family. My wife and I are high school sweethearts and best friends. We met in a community choir during our 10th grade year and became very close. We were married after 4yrs of


courting in June of 1997. We have three beautiful and respectful children. (Genesis, Jonathan and Abigail.) We have a great relationship which has produced a good marriage. We try to date every 14days to keep the romance fresh. Most importantly our goal is to be a good example for our children. I made a commitment to pray with my children every morning before they go off to school, so every morning at 6 a.m. they gather in our room around the bed and we all pray from the youngest to

the oldest. I must admit that when I first introduced this idea there was plenty of resistance and protest. However it has now become

part of our daily routine and has produced peace and increased communication within our home.

ABOVE Pastor Johnson on guitar with church music group..

LEFT Pastor Jay Johnson and wife Juanita Johnson.

What is your vision for Abounding Grace? We have a detailed vision statement for our church but to put it simply our vision is to serve our community, grow spiritually and expand in numbers, influence and effectiveness. To be representatives of Jesus Christ as we build God’s Kingdom one soul at a time.




Katrina S. Brown, Co-founder of Brown Bass & Jeter One of the Most Highly Acclaimed Attorneys in the State of Mississippi!

I recognized there was a void in the legal community for a law firm that provided exceptional professional services coupled with integrity and steadfast client communication.”

Katrina S. Brown Co-Founder of : Brown Bass & Jeter.

Tell us where you were born and raised.

I was born in Jackson, MS and raised in Crystal Springs, Mississippi.

Where did you attend college and law school? I am a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi and the University of Mississippi School of Law. When did you realize your passion to become a litigator?


I knew at an early age that I wanted to be a lawyer. I have always enjoyed helping people and had a genuine desire to make the world a better place. My hope is that I am using my God given talents to give a voice to those who feel their voices aren’t being heard, to the wrongly accused or the person who has been mistreated. What inspired you to start your own law firm? As Gandhi said, “be the change you want to see in the world”.

I recognized there was a void in the legal community for a law firm that provided exceptional professional services coupled with integrity and steadfast client communication so I partnered with two other phenomenal women and to start the Brown Bass & Jeter law firm. What does it mean to have an all minority and women owned law firm? Having a firm owned and managed by minority women allows us the opportunity showcase,

The Phenomenal Ladies of Brown Bass & Jeter exit the Courthouse.

promote and encourage other women leaders. My firm is comprised of exceptional lawyers and staff who all have unique and different backgrounds, experiences, personalities and ideas to guide the firm to success and address our clients’ needs.

Photo Credits: Melissa Champion

I understand that you were honored by the Mississippi Business Journal as a “Top 40 under 40” Business Leader for 2014 and also honored in the first annual “2013 Lawyers of Color Hot List.” How did you feel to receive such honors?

Attorney Katrina S. Brown Speaks to a Crowd of Onlookers.

What areas of practice does your firm specialize? I am truly privileged to be recognized for my contributions to the legal comThe firm has a number of practice areas munity. Although being honored is but we focus on bankruptcy, employment not my driving force, it is always nice law, family law, government law, medical to be acknowledged. Accolades and malpractice, personal injury, and premises recognition are always great, but the liability. greatest reward is the feeling I get when I see a client’s face after obtainWhat would you say makes your firm ing a favorable verdict. stand out from many other law firms? What are some of the organizations The thing that sets us apart from other that you are a member of? law firms is that our firm was founded on the core principles of integrity, dedica- Some of the organizations I am a tion, and zealous advocacy for our clients. member of include: The Mississippi Brown Bass & Jeter is comprised of expe- Bar, Magnolia Bar Association, Parliarienced litigators that have represented a mentarian. Magnolia Bar Foundation, vast array of well-known and prestigious President; Jackson Young Lawyer insurance clients. We have harnessed the Association; Capital Area Bar Associawisdom accumulated from those experi- tion; Defense Research Institute; Delta ences to deliver the highest caliber of rep- Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. resentation to not only corporations and insurance carriers but to small businesses Location: 1991 Lakeland Drive, and individuals. We want to provide great- Jackson, MS. Call 601-487-8448. or er value to those we service and we strive visit: to always make our clients top priority.



mr&mrs roach

Photo Credit: Sharetha Jamison of X-Pose’ Photagraphy Studio


“Our service is providing a paradigm shift in how people view love, marriage, & partnership as a couple”


The Essence of Marriage Is Revealed!

What is the real essence of marriage?

How can couples balance each other?

The real essence of marriage is knowing that a certain man was uniquely designed and prepared for a certain woman who was exceptionally designed and prepared and through discernment and authority, brought together strategically for a mighty purpose.

The balance comes from identifying that your differences individually, make you stronger together. Take time to identify strengths that you both bring to the table and honor them in all that you do as a couple.

During a Napoleon Hill Foundation radio show in which you and Mrs. Roach were being interviewed, the concept of “mastermind alliance” was mentioned. How does that relate to marriage? Being huge fans of Napoleon Hill writings, we’ve identified that the Mastermind Alliance was the key principle following definite major purpose. In his book the Keys to Success, Hill says that the Mastermind alliance is important between husband and wife because it brings perfect harmony to the marriage. I have heard the two of you say that you were friends before marriage, how important is friendship in marriage. We believe that there are strong components to having friendship in your marriage. Friendship in marriage allows you to be yourself at all times, to communicate freely without condemning or being defensive, to stretch each other beyond all comfort levels towards your best self, and to protect while focusing on building intimacy and creativity in your marriage. How do you help couples find their purpose as a couple?

What motivated you to share your love story in your book “Our Story”?

We were often asked questions about our relationship, or told how we are admired because of it. While our book shares our story, it also highlights invaluable principles for relationships and personal wellbeing that have been instrumental in Tell us about your marriage coun- our growth. Our hope for those that read seling service and seminars and our story, whether married or not, is that how you balance marriage as an they reflect on their own process to refine those divine lessons that ultimately entrepreneurial couple? equip them for greater works. Our service is providing a paradigm shift in how people view Love, Marriage & Partnership as a couple. Walking in our purpose allowed The Award Winning Savvy Book Club of us to be Partners in Marriage and Jackson, MS will feature the authors on Business. The balance comes from Saturday, January 9, 2016 at the us having a common vision. That alWillie Morris Library from 1PM until 3PM. lows us to daily know what we are They will read highlights from the book, doing, how we will do it, and brings and sign purchased copies. Purchase joy to us by doing it together. copies of their book as well as contact via

RIGHT: Mr. and Mrs. Roach with their baby son.

If the couple is ready to take their relationship to the next level trough the elements of love, marriage and partnership, then we assist them through a development program. Our team will assist them in discovering, developing, and devoting to their purpose as a couple. 13

Our clients love our sense of pleasing when it comes to customer service.�


mbellished Events and Interiors is a one stop shop for all your event needs. What makes Embellished Events and Interiors unique is we design each event to each clients desires and expectations. Tell us about some of the venues you have done. We love working with our local venues like the South warehouse, King Edwards Hotel to Agricultural Museum. We also love traveling to other states to transform event venues. Natchez, MS and New Orleans, Louisiana are like second homes. Where do you get your inspiration for each event location and how do most of your clientale find out about you? We get our inspirations from our clients. Most of our clients come through word of mouth.


EMBELLISHED EVENTS and INTERIORS Tasha Rowe is Owner/Founder of Embellished Events and Interiors. Nicole Hardy Co-Owner of Embellished Events What would you say is the unique essence of Embellished Events & Interiors? What make us so unique is we provide many types of services from event planning to event designing. How small or how large can the an event be? No project is to small or to large. Tell me about your wedding planning services. Our wedding planning services varies from planning each detail to only coordinating the wedding. Tell us about the upcoming “Black & White Affair: New Year’s Eve Celebration”. When and Where. What can invitees expect at the event?

Our upcoming Black and White Affair is a New Year Event benefiting Methodist Children’s Home of Jackson and various other charitable organizations. There will be live music, cash bar, champagne toast and hor d’oeuvres, You don’t want to miss this Spectacular Event. How can interested person contact you for your event planning services and to attend the Black & White Affair? We can be contacted via email at eventsbyeei@ or 601 564 3899.




Ten Proverbs Product

Singles Should Know Before Marriage Written By: Lucinda G. Graham


Lucinda G. Graham, Author Photo Credit: Timothy Nimox - photography

Ten Proverbs is a Guide for Singles Who are Considering Marriage . . .�


Ten Proverbs Singles Should Know is a page turner and a narrative of real circumstances in a marriage that ended in divorce because the couple lacked the Ten Proverbs. This book was written with college singles in mind. During her tenure as a Campus Minister, Lucinda witnessed the lack of commitment in relationships, so she

decided to write about the importance of relationships. Not only is Ten Proverbs a guide for singles who are considering marriage it is also a guide for married couples who need encouragement. Ten Proverbs is unique in that it is not gender specific. You can get a copy at:

STACY J. REED Master Stylist













Master Hair Stylist Stacy J Reed is the owner of Suite Essence Salon. She has been in the hair styling business for over 20 years

hair. Stacy witnessed the depression and loss of confidence her mother experienced. After the pssing of her mother in 2008, Stacy decided that she would “I love helping women feel build a brand with her wigs. and look beautiful”, Stacy She named this brand Samsays. “Accentuating every mie O. Quick Weave Units, client’s beauty through my which was named after her hair art.” See some of her mother Sammie O. Johnson. work of art below. And for ladies who are go through chemotherapy and In addition to Stacy’s hairloosing their hair, her wig styling, she also makes making service is absolutely custom wigs units. She free on the first visit. This is started making wigs when Stacy’s way of giving back in her mother was diagnosed remembrance of her mothwith Ovarian Cancer in 2006 er.. Suite Essence Salon is and had to undergo chemo- located at 151 East Metro therapy which caused her Parkway, Sola Salon Studios. mother to loose all of her Phone: 769-251-6532.

Check out some of Stacy J’s Hair Creations


Who’s Who in Jackson Expose’

Dr. Deidra Snell, DMD

Valerie Sims

Jillian Smart, M.Ed.

General Dentist

Star Healthcare Registry/Owner

MISSION: To provide quality dental care to all walks of life.

MISSION: We here at Star Healthcare strive to focus on the holistic need of our clients that we may be able to provide the most optimum care.

Educational Support Professional | Jackson Education Support

FAVORITE FOOD: Just about any fruit FAVORITE TV SHOW: Modern Family PET PEEVE: People who are not genuine. CONTACT: 601-807-0185

FAVORITE Food: seafood FAVORITE TV SHOW: Super Soul Sunday/OWN

MISSION: To develop more independent learners in literacy, math, and science by implementing personalized lessons and supporting parental engagement efforts. FAVORITE FOOD: Seafood & Sushi

PET PEEVE: When people down grade one another

FAVORITE TV SHOW: The Real Housewives of... everywhere!

CONTACT: 769-251-5602

PET PEEVE: It’s all about adopting a growth mindset. CONTACT: 601.724.2152


Who’s Who in Jackson Expose’

Shawuanna Williams-\ Minnifield Founder/Artistic Director of EyeShine Creative Arts Company

Yolanda R. Owens

Kenyetta Cooper

President of Jackson State University National Alumni Association, Inc.

Prestige Event Planning

MISSION: To educate, empower, and inspire girls and young ladies through inspirational arts.

MISSION: To strengthen our Alumni Association by motivating all alumni to commit and connect to Jackson State University.

FAVORITE FOOD: Salad FAVORITE TV SHOW: Empire PET PEEVE: My pet peeves are people who are dishonest and late. CONTACT: 601-207-4463

FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza FAVORITE TV SHOW: In the Heat of the Night PET PEEVE: Those who complain without offering viable solutions. CONTACT: 601-979-2281

MISSION: To show my daughter that you can succeed despite adversity. FAVORITE FOOD: Seafood FAVORITE TV SHOW: A Different World PET PEEVE: People who complain but don’t try to change. CONTACT: 601-906-8210


Who’s Who in Jackson Expose’

Myron C. Johnson

Charity Rogers

Chelcey Leahman

CEO of Energizer Entertainment and DJ Energizer

Owner and Stylist of Bella Hair Studio


MISSION: My mission is to give as much as I receive and to support others whenever is possible.

MISSION: I encourage you to “Love Yourself To Life”

FAVORITE FOOD: Mac & Cheese FAVORITE TV SHOW: Martin PET PEEVE: People that don’t do what they say they’re going to do. CONTACT: energizerent@


FAVORITE FOOD: A nice grilled steak FAVORITE TV SHOW: Good Times PET PEEVE: Poor customer service CONTACT: 769-798-2426

MISSION: To model high fashion nationwide and transition into acting. FAVORITE FOOD: Crawfish Fettuccine FAVORITE TV SHOW: Law and Order : Special Victims Unit PET PEEVE: Assumption - simple minded people that don’t attempt to understand diversity. CONTACT: 601-551-0393

Who’s Who in Jackson Expose’

Maxine Evans Gray

Latasha A. Willis

Ja’Lisa J Mosley

The Exodus Assembly Senior Pastor

Graphic Designer, Owner of The Spinster’s Shoppe, LLC

Girl Scouts of Greater Mississippi

MISSION: Being God’s light of hope and deliverance to the lost.

MISSION: To be financially self-sufficient


FAVORITE FOOD: Salt and vinegar potato chips

FAVORITE TV SHOW: God’s Generals


PET PEEVE: He that sows discord among brethren. CONTACT: 601-624-6098

PET PEEVE: I hate being interrupted when I am trying to male a point. CONTACT: 601-460-1562

MISSION: Building Girls of Courage, Confidence and Character, while making the World a better place. FAVORITE FOOD: Apple Pie FAVORITE TV SHOW: Once Upon a Time/ Historical Drama PET PEEVE: People who are not willing to obliterate the Glass Ceiling CONTACT: 601-326-5647


Who’s Who in Jackson Expose’

Altina Burton-Middleton

Tiffany Johnson

Dr. Betty J. Johnson

God’s Glory Ministries, Pastor

Owner of Attentive Care Nursing

MISSION: To win souls for Christ by helping the wounded to see that just because you fall, it does not mean you FAILED!

MISSION: My mission is to help provide nursing care to the many families in need.

Executive Director, Planting Seeds Outreach Ministry

FAVORITE FOOD: Fried chicken, greens, and sweet potatoes. FAVORITE TV SHOW: Martin PET PEEVE: Lies CONTACT: 601-573-0376


FAVORITE FOOD: Any seafood FAVORITE TV SHOW: Good Times PET PEEVE: Poor customer service CONTACT: 769-798-2426

MISSION: To address the needs of the urban community through a variety of outreach programs and activities. FAVORITE Coconut cake made from scratch. FAVORITE TV SHOW: N/A PET PEEVE: Tardiness/ Wasted efforts CONTACT: 601.613.8963



If you are tired of Apartment Living, This article is for YOU!

Many First Time Home Buyers are shocked to find out that often times it is cheaper to buy versus renting.

However, there are several Down Payment Assistance Programs out there that fit a variety of income situations.

Instead of paying high rent for apartments, many could be paying much less to purchase a home that will give them more space, more privacy and a secure backyard for their children to run and play!

Regardless of the program you choose, there are going to be certain requirements regarding credit scores and in some cases, income limits. The best thing to do is to find out if you qualify and if you don’t qualify today,

In fact many are alarmed by the fact that they are paying nearly a thousand dollars for rent when they could be growing equity in a home of their own.

find out what you need to qualify in the future. The benefit of knowing what you need to do will put you on the path of home ownership! For more information, you can call Terri Smith, Realtor, at 601.826.8304. Or visit: www.terrilynnrealestate. com. By Terri Smith Realtor

SEE NEXT PAGE: Check out the $25,000 Grant featured on the page to the right.

One of the major obstacles for many first time home buyers is the lack of having a substantial down payment. 23

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DeJuan Lockhart, Dr. Vivian Taylor, Dowell Taylor (Honoree) and Andre Delano


MISS JSU Charence Higgins





SLOW COOKED CROCKPOT BLACK-EYE PEAS RECIPE: Depending on the size of your family use: • 1 pound of dry Black Eye Peas • In a large crockpot set on medium high heat add 2-1/2 cups of water • using a strainer rinse off peas and add to water • add 1 -1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste • 1 teaspoon black pepper • 1 teaspoon crushed red peppers

• 1-1/2 teaspoons of freshly minced garlic • 1 small roughly chopped onion • 2 tablespoons of fresh chives • 2-3 tablespoons butter • Cover and allow to cook 21/2 hours now add • add 1 cup heavy cream • 1-1/2 cups chicken stock ( try adding in slices of spicy link sausage or smoked turkey or ham) and allow peas to continue to cook until nice and tender! “DON’T FORGET THE CORNBREAD!” Love You, HONEY


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