Reserve de Biosphére de Mata Atlantica

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BIOSPHERE RESERVES Territory for Conservation and Sustainable Development The experience of Mata Atlantica Biosphere Reserve

MAROC May 2010 - Clayton F. Lino

1971 - Man and Biosphere Program 1974 - Biosphere Reserve Concept

MAB’s objective is to provide the knowledge, skills, and human values to support harmonious relationships between people and their environments throughout the world world.. Biosphere Reserves act as keystone of MAB by providing a global network of sites for cooperative research toward this end. end. They also demonstrate the sustainable use goals of the World Conservation Strategy. Strategy.

Biosphere Reserves – Functions Model regions and Learning spaces for Sustainable development

•Cons Conser ervation vation – contribute to the conservation ecosystems, species and genetic variation variation;;



•Development – improve economic and human development which is socio--culturally and ecologically sustainable socio sustainable;; •Knowledge – support for environmental education and training, research and monitoring related to local, regional, national and global issues of conservation and sustainable development development..

Biosphere Reserves - Zoning Core Zone – A legally constituted area or areas devoted to long-term protection, according to the conservation objectives of the biosphere reserve, and of sufficient size to meet these objectives;

Biosphere Reserve Original Concept

Buffer and Connectivity Zone – Area or areas clearly identified and surrounding or contiguous to the core zone or zones, where only activities compatible with the conservation objectives can take place; Transition and Cooperation Zone – An outer area where sustainable resource management practices are promoted and developed.

Core Zone Buffer and Conectivit Zone Transition and Coperation Zone

The World Network of Biosphere Reserves is composed of 553 reserves in 107 countries

Biosphere Reserves in Brazil 1991 – (1992, 1993, 2000, 2002) Mata Atlantica BR Area = 780.000 km2 1993 – Sao Paulo City Breen Belt BR Area = (15.400 km²/ RBMA) 1993 – (2000, 2001) – Cerrado BR Area = 296.500 km² 2000 – Pantanal BR Area = 251.570 km² 2001 – Caatinga BR Area = 198.990 km² 2001 – Central Amazon BR Area = 208.600 km² 2005 – Serra do Espinhaço BR Area = 30.700 km²

Total Area ≅ 1.760.000 km² ≅ 18% of the Brazilian Territory

Mata Atl창ntica




Traditional Culture


Climate regulation


Ecosystems Services Soil Protection

Culture and Ecotourism

Carbon Sequestration


Mata Atlantica


BRAZIL Mata Atlântica




Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Florianópolis

The Evolution of the Mata Atlantica Biosphere Reserve

Phase I - 1991 Phase II - 1992 Phase III - 1993 Phase IV - 2000

Core Zones = 623

Phase V - 2002

Municipalities = 2.385

Phase VI - 2008

States = 16 of 17 of the M.A. Biome Total Area = 784.654 km² (78 million hectares)

The Mata Atlantica Biosphere Reserve Management System BR World Network

Brazilian Government MMA

UNESCO IberoMaB Regional Network


Sao Paulo City Green Belt BR

Pantanal BR

Linked Institutions


National Council

Serra do Espinhaço BR

Cerrado BR

Amazonia Central BR

Caatinga BR


•IA-RBMA •Advanced Sites •Protected Areas Councils

Executive Secretariat Regional Colegies

State Committees

State Sub-Committee

50 % Governmental Members


50% Non Governmental Members

The Mata Atlantica Biosphere Reserve: Main lines Institutional Building Public Policies International Cooperation Conservation and Sustainable Development Communication and Environmental Education


Mata Atl창ntica Market Sustainable Tourism Environmental Services

Mosaics and Corridors Foresty Restoration Culture and Mata Atl창ntica

Public Policies International Cooperation Communication and Environmental Education Capacitation and Training Institucional Management

Priorities of RBMA for the territory

Integrated planning and management of the territory (nature conservation, culture and economy) Participatory and dynamic planning Strengthening the communities culture and local identities Support in sustainable production and access to markets Ecotourism Promotion

Sustenable Territory – People Place and Products Integrated and participatory management of the territory promoting the conservation of natural and cultural heritage and the sustainable development. Biosphere Reserves

Cultural Landscape

Mosaic of Protected Areas

Ribeira Valley Eco-region

Ribeira Valley - Nature

Ribeira Valley - Culture

Ribeira Valley – Handcrafts

Ribeira Valley – Traditional Economy

Quilombos in the Mosaic of Jacupiranga

Mata Atlantica Market Program Sustainable Production and Consumption

Strategies and Priorities

Identification of sustainable products and services; Improving the quality of local products and services; Valuation of products and services through the aggregation of social and environmental values; Promotion and dissemination of products; Consumer Awareness.



Mata Atlântica Market – Sustainable Products

Cosmetics and Phytoterapics

Ornamental Plants

Wood and Forniture


Mata Atlântica Market – Tecnical and Legal Suport

Visual Identity and Communication

Support for Cooperatives and Workshops

Mata Atlântica Market – Businesses Fairs

Revelando São Paulo

Mercadão Floresta

Adventure Sports Fair

Expo Sustentat

Mata Atlântica – Market Places

Sustainable Tourism - Certification


Tourism of Sustainability in Costa Verde


Pousadas Certificadas Gastronomia Sustentável Monitores Ambientais Comunidades Tradicionais Patrimônio Histórico/ Cultural Unidades de Conservação

Geographic Identification of Products in the World - 2006

Fonte : Projeto SINERGI (Sylvander and Barham, 2007)

Brazilian Geographical Indications

Quality Certification

Priciples and Criteria - Building and Managing Economic Sustainability;


-Development of Social Promotion and Good Relationship with the Community; - Conduct Effective Environmental Management and Respect the Cultural Heritage; - Contribute to the Mata Atl창ntica Conservation.


Diagramação: Felipe Sleiman e Danilo Costa

Strategies and Priorities

Identification et pour des entreprises durables; Améliorer la qualité des produits et services locaux; Valorisation des produits et services par l'agrégation des valeurs sociales et environnementales; Promotion et diffusion de nouveaux développements; Sensibilisation des consommateurs.

PRINCÍPIOS E CRITÉRIOS - Bâtir et économique




- Développer actions de promotion sociale et de bonnes relations avec la Communauté - Patrimoine conduite de gestion environnementale efficace et respectant les valeurs culturelles - Sauver la forêt atlantique

Selo de Origem “Mercado Mata Atlântica – RBMA”

Principes et Critères (approuvé par diverses entreprises de la Communauté) Développement et de gestion de la durabilité économique: 1. Responsabilité environnementale et l'engagement des entrepreneurs. 2. Réduction et l'utilisation de recyclage des matières premières a adopté et a encouragé les entreprises et les consommateurs; 3. Améliorer la qualité des biens et des services sur une base permanente, à travers la responsabilisation des producteurs, l'innovation technologique et de gestion, de développement technologique et le sauvetage des savoirs traditionnels; 4. la chaîne de production dans des conditions de traçabilité complète. Développer actions de promotion sociale et de bonnes relations avec la Communauté 1. La création d'emplois et de revenus en priorité par le renforcement des entreprises et des entrepreneurs locaux, l'ouverture des marchés et de promotion de la citoyenneté responsable. 2. La consommation durable et solidaire encouragée dans tous les secteurs de la société. Conduite efficace de gestion environnementale et le respect du patrimoine culturel 1. Production, transformation et distribution en équilibre avec la capacité de charge des écosystèmes, intégré dans le paysage, de la société, la culture et les systèmes de production locale recommandée. 2. Utilisation des ressources naturelles et le patrimoine culturel, conformément à toutes les lois et les procédures d'incident sur les normes de certification ou les conventions collectives de l'utilisation et la responsabilité, fondée sur une politique interne minimale de gestion de l'environnement. Sauver la Forêt Atlantique 1. Focus sur les questions clés pour la conservation efficace du biome local. 2. contribution effective à la gestion de la RBMA.

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