Huami Magazine for Hampton Roads Jan./Feb. 2021

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Jan./Feb. 2021 Vol. 1 Issue 9 FREE

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Tyneka Howard - H2G Leadership Group Lead(H)er – Faith, Fitness, Relationship, & Career 202-709-6447 -

There Are No Your If, Ands, Buts About It! Make 2021 BestOr Year Yet!

There Are No If, Ands, Or Buts About It!

A Letter From The Editor

A Letter from the Editor

Well, we can finally put the year of 2020 to rest. I am grateful for what last year presented. Every test and each challenge served its purpose in A Letter from the Editor my life. What if tomorrow didn’t arrive? All of your plans, hopes

and dreams wouldn’t have a street to park on. What if

As iteverything states book Psalms in chapter 119: ithopes was that youofdecided tothe putbible, off until tomorrow never Whatinifthe tomorrow didn’t arrive? All of your plans, good that I was afflicted. I will add to that message and share that happened? would beano reason to save a rainy and dreams There wouldn’t have street to park on. for What if my afflictions me appreciate being in 2021. day,have and made you could spare someone theuntil trouble of making everything that you decided to putalive off tomorrow never

promises. What your last happened? Thereif would be opportunity no reason toseemingly save for aexpired rainy

I would like toyou take this opportunity to encourage every listener to today? would you do? day, andWhat could spare someone the trouble of making make this year your best one yet. Let go of the baggage that you have promises. What if your last opportunity seemingly expired been carrying around forthat all too long. Unnecessary baggage has the I’ve been I often today? Whattold would you do? seem like I do too much. ability to adversely affect our futures. What is the use in starting fresh Honestly, I feel like I am not doing enough and I’m a firm and new, if we continue to share our lives with things that don’t add believer in knowing that God seem wouldn’t on me I’ve been told that I often like put I do anything too much. value, things that depress us, and the things that want to remind of who that I couldn’t handle. I sometimes wonder how life would Honestly, I feel amtrying not doing enough I’mThis a firm we used to be and wholike weIare to move awayand from. may be if I chose to sitthings, idle and accept whatput it presented to in knowing that God wouldn’t anything onme. me I involvebeliever people, material and even some parts about ourselves have found that to be very boring. In my opinion, opportunity that I couldn’t handle. I sometimes would that you instinctively know doesn’t belong. wonder It is not ahow partlife of who we are is a blessing that isn’t afforded to everyone. A challenge be if I chose to sit idle and accept what it presented to me. I becoming.

to mefound is an adventure. What is the In worst that can opportunity happen? have that to be very boring. my opinion, If aInew do nothing, I fail, and if I try to I don’t, buthave instead learn is blessing isn’t afforded everyone. A challenge In this year, that let’s do the unthinkable. If you been setting on something new about myself. Relinquish your pride and in it to me an give adventure. What is the thattowards can happen? a dream, whyisnot that dream some lifeworst and work making return acquire life. If Imore do nothing, I fail, and ifBring I try Iitdon’t, become than just a dream. to life.but instead learn something new about myself. Relinquish your pride and in Clean up your mess. Inever my home, of the ugliest sights me The best advice givenone to me happened when for someone return acquire life. is a sink fullme of dirty dishes. expectshappen for his children told to make myGod tomorrow today. to Inoperate doing soin excellence. you advice havemy any unfinished try acleaning itsomeone up. I have pressed way through doors with key that onlyFor me TheIfbest ever given tobusiness, me happened when personally,, Iprovided. am going to attempt to trythe andtoday. clean my upsoall in hopeme Imy have also learned difference between told tonot make tomorrow happen Inmess doing one day. I know It will take some time. I also understand that it will never blesses and what cana burden with Iwhat haveGod pressed my me waywith through doorslife with key thatme only become complete without an effort on my part. as well. I compare it toalso knowing when be confident and hope provided. I have learned the to difference between whenlife tocan be quiet, what God blesses me with and what burdenbecause me with Finally, in this new year I have decided to forgive. It starts with may get it confused as well. I compare it to knowingsomeone when to be confident and forgiving myself for all of my self inflicted problems. Instead of with being when to bearrogant. quiet, because blaming others, I have decided to hold my own self accountable. someone may get have it confused “Terry, I am sorry. I should Make youarrogant. tomorrow with being known better. I promise to love myself happen today, but most unconditionally and without reservations importantly make it Make you tomorrow for the rest of my life.” I owe count. it to myself Life is but a whisper and today, but most to do so.happen we must putmake ourselves in a importantly it count. position hear what ithave is been Life is buttoaothers whisper and I will also forgive who telling us. wefor must ourselves in a a problem me put in my life. Allowing their infractions space positionto tooccupy hear what it in is my life will only rob me of the opportunity to telling us.



4 Editor In Chief

Terry L. Watson Alana Allen - Deputy Editor Editor In Chief TerryWriters L. Watson Alana Allen - Deputy Tonya Dixon Editor

Terry L Watson Terry L. WatsonPublisher

Writers Alana Allen Tonya JeuronDixon Dove Writer Dawn C. Thornton Terry L. Watson Laci Ollison Photographers Alana Allen Writer Marrissa Dick Photography Dove Writer PerfectJeuron Lenz Shaw Photography Group Photographers AshleighStill Crawley Shots Photography Tamara Smith Photographer Lenz Who Shotya Photography LechelePerfect Jackson Photography Photographer Shaw Photography Group Gwendolyn Wilson Photographer Still ShotsLayout Photography Who Photography MykelShotya Media Company Linda Bennett Layout Howard Gaither Photography

Mykel Media Inquiries Company General Linda Bennett (336) 340-7844 HUAMI MAGAZINE is published bimonthly quarterly by the Mykel Media Company. Any reproduction of any 340-7844 portion of (336) this publication is prohibited without

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live. Letting go of theL.hurt and pain will Terry Watson On The Cover add years to your life. It’s 2021 and there Photo by Shaw Photography Group Editor/Founder is a whole world to conquer. Open your Want To Advdertise? Terry L. Watson On The Cover heart to what God is doing in your life and Please call Photography 336-340-7844 Photo by Shaw Group Editor/Founder November/December 2014 Want To Advertise? Call (336)340-7844 have your best year yet!

Terry L. Watson

November/December 2014

Want To Advertise? Call (336)340-7844

Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021



Dream Financial Services

Talisha Birdsong

On The Cover

Author of Fin: A Story of Love and Hope


Gamal Williams

Photography by Lechele

Lechele Jackson

JAN./FEB. 2021


Tyneka Howard


Stacy Bryant


Coach Stacy



Also Featured

Timothy M. Joe There is magic in his hands, and in his paint brushes. Fine Art Artist. Huntsville, AL


Skylar Harper She is the cutest, and has been selected as Huami Magazine’s Cutest Baby.

Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021

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Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021

Gamal Williams Fin: A Story of Love and Hope

By Dr. Marrissa Dick Photos by Gwendolyn Wilson Becoming an author can be a massive undertaking but it is certainly worth the effort if you want to achieve creative fulfillment while touching the emotions, hearts, and minds of others through writing. Some people feel the unction more readily than others to express their emotions and thoughts openly while others may be more introverted with their emotions and thoughts and could quite possibly replaying scenes over in their mind. How creative is that? If you believe there’s a story inside of you then you should let it out. Meet Gamal C. Williams, a native of Brooklyn, New York, a father of four, and a retired 20-year Naval Senior Chief Officer hailing from Hampton Rhodes, Virginia. On November 29, 2020 Gamal released his first novel entitled, Fin: A Story of Love and Hope. Remember we spoke earlier about scenes being replayed over in their mind? Well Gamal’s novel was created through dreaming. According to Gamal, “First, let me explain how I came up with the name, Fin. Fin is actually short for Finely. One thing we do in the military is shorten last names. For example, my last name is Williams, but everybody calls me, Will. So, this whole thing started because of a dream I kept having. I had this same dream four or five times a week for about three or four weeks. In this dream I am working in a convenience store and as I’m taking the trash out in the back somebody comes in and tries to rob the store. The cops intervene and somehow, I accidently get shot. Each time I had this dream I would wake up in a panic. After a while I realized I was dreaming. Then finally one night I woke up at two o’clock in the morning and I grabbed my laptop and just started writing. I wrote the first ten or twelve pages of the book and sent it to my publisher, Sasha Ridley. After she read it, she encouraged me to finish this story. So, I started thinking if I’m going to finish this story then I am going to have to figure out how did this person get here, and how do I write this scene, so it was the dream that actually got me into writing. I never grew up saying I wanted to be an author

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it was never anything like that. I didn’t know I wanted to be a writer until I started writing Fin. I loved it immediately. I enjoyed seeing the characters come to life. Every waking moment I had I would be thinking about this story.” Talking about making your dreams come true. Gamal literally wrote his dream into existence. How many of you have dreams and you don’t know why it continues to reoccur? Who knows perhaps your dreams are speaking to warn you or they could be speaking to you to create a novel. Either way, your dreams can be looked at as gifts and we already understand that your ‘gifts will make room for you’ - - Gamal’s did. When writing your book an author should have a particular audience in mind because having a base to connect with is important. For Gamal’s target audience are adolescent black males, specifically.

“You know as a young male nobody teaches you how to deal with anxiety and depression or even how to deal with your anger. Those things just aren’t discussed in the black community. Instead of talking about it openly we are more likely to go to church and pray it away. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with church. What I am saying is that sometimes you need to go to somebody and talk about your feelings and say hey I need help.” Gamal Williams

He shares, “The main group would be young adolescent black males because they need help with learning how to communicate with one another and they need to learn how to show love and affection toward one another without negativity being associated with their actions. Today there’s not as much condemnation associated with telling another black male who is your close friend that you love him, but when I was growing up that’s not something we did outside of the family. I grew up in Brooklyn and saying those words to another man is something that was frowned upon. You were looked at as being soft or weak. You couldn’t show any other type of emotions other than being tough or being street wise. So, this is a good seaway to the three main characters in Fin: A Story of Love and Hope. There’s Fin, the protagonist, and he’s the son of Command Master Chief. Then there’s a guy, Justin, who is the son of a former police officer, and the other guy is Chris, who goes by the name, Stacks, well, Stacks father is really a gangster. So, these guys from three completely different worlds end up becoming friends and they find out that they have way more in common than they thought they did. And even though they don’t overtly say ‘I love you’ it’s apparent through their actions the love they have for one another.” As a black male, Gamal understands the social anxieties and depressions that both preadolescent and post-teens experience. Some of his experiences can be found in Fin. Continued on the next page


He shares, “You know as a young male nobody teaches you how to deal with anxiety and depression or even how to deal with your anger. Those things just aren’t discussed in the black community. Instead of talking about it openly we are more likely to go to church and pray it away. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with church. What I am saying is that sometimes you need to go to somebody and talk about your feelings and say hey I need help. Communication is important and that is also apparent in the book. All three characters have their fathers in their lives, but their level of communication just isn’t where it needs to be.” Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another. It is Gamal’s earnest desire for his readers to pick up golden nuggets while reading his novel and implement those nuggets in their lives. Though the book is fiction there are some elements of truth imbedded in the fabric of the story line. “There are elements in the book that do pull from my life. I think you can say this of any author who is writing a book that there are certain elements to the characters that they get from within themselves or people around you. There has to be some point of reference to understand what anger looks like or what a loving person looks like. There are definitely influences from my family and friends and people I have served with, but I wouldn’t say that there is any one character that’s a specific person. No, there isn’t.”

Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021 9

It took Gamal the better part of five weeks to type out his first rough draft. Along the way he would send chapters to his publisher who would provide him motivation to continue forward. He says, “I just got the raw version of the story out. I didn’t think about spelling, punctuations, sentence structure or grammar. All I did was write and send pieces of it to Sasha to read and she motivated me to keep going. Once I got the full story out then I went back and started doing rewrites and expanding on the story, the characters, and the scenes. So, from beginning to end I would say it took me six months to finish the book.” Gamal is aware that the pandemic has caused a huge disruption in the world, but he has been able to make good use of this time by bonding with his children and working on his next book Jump which has been coauthored by his 12-year-old son, Gabriel. According to Gamal, “I created Jump just for him. He would say, ‘daddy what if he did this or that’ and I would give it some thought so I told him when I do the rewrite, I’m going to put that in there and add his name to the book as my coauthor and he just smiled.” See what our children can help us do when we communicate.

“The book is a great story. It’s a gripping tale of three young boys who form an unlikely friendship and soon discover that despite their differences, they have more in common than they realized........ When an unexpected tragedy occurs, the young men’s bond is put to the test. A test of friendship, loyalty, family, and love. For one of them, their choices would shape his life, mold him into the man he had to become, and pushes him to the edge of death itself.”

Gamal Williams

Support is always important in our endeavors and Gamal is grateful for Rae Legacy Publishing. He admits, “I like Sasha’s company because it’s small enough to where I can have that personal touch. She and my cousin Brian helped me a lot with editing. Sasha has really been a champion for this book, and she has also gotten me interviews and set up all my social media platforms. I believe in her and I like the fact that I can pick up my telephone and just call my publisher and talk to her about what my thoughts are or simply about what’s going on in my life. Rae Legacy Publishing is really the driving force behind getting the book out there so, no, I don’t have any regrets with going with her company at all” Many of you could be asking yourselves why you should go out and purchase this book. Gamal explains it this way, “The book is a great story. It’s a gripping tale of three young boys who form an unlikely friendship and soon discover that despite their differences, they have more in common than they realized. When 14-year-old Fin meets Stacks and Justin, he never thought their union would be bonded in love, friendship, joy, and pain. When an unexpected tragedy occurs, the young men’s bond is put to the test. A test of friendship, loyalty, family, and love. For one of them, their choices would shape his life, mold him into the man he had to become, and pushes him to the edge of death itself. The book has been heralded as “evocative,” “thought-provoking,” “heart-warming,” and “gut-wrenching.” Fin never allows you a moment to catch your breath. You’ll think you know everything, then Fin spins you in a direction you never saw coming.” Continued on the next page


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The book also shows the complexities of love on multiple levels. For instance, there is a romantic love between Fin and his girlfriend Cory; there is the love between his grandparents; and there is the love that father and son show one another. Fin: A Story of Love and Hope is a book that transcends nationalities and genders; it is relatable enough to spark the interest of everyone who reads it. Gamal shares, “I hope the book sparks conversations that families need to have when it comes to sharing information. There is a generational divide where the older generations don’t share with the younger generation what they’ve experienced in their lives or even thigs about their health. If they would share those struggles the youth could gain so much from their grandparents, parents, aunts or uncles experiences. I’ve been guilty of it too - - not sharing information with my daughter or sons that could have prevented them from messing up. Again, it’s been my experience that we just don’t share information until it’s too late. We should have these difficult conversations early. I hope this book can spark that level of conversation so adolescents can begin to make better decisions. I hope this book sparks life changing conversations and deliberate actions of correction. You know I was at my local library doing the photo shoot for this book and the director came out and asked where she could purchase the book so it could be displayed in the local author section. I happily gave them the copy I had. When I was growing up on my way home from school me and my friends would stop at the library every day to do our homework then we would read for hours. To know that some young man will be able to go into the library and see a book that looks like him on the shelf and be able to resonate with the emotions going on in the book is so rewarding for me. If a young kid can see themselves in one of those characters, then I am happy. That’s a blessing right there. I just hope people would give it a chance and pick it up and enjoy it.” You can purchase this newly released book on in both paperback, and in Kindle and Nook. You can also visit Gamal William’s website at which will usher you to all the links to purchase this new and inspiring novel. h

Gamal Williams 757-642-7595 13

Dream Financial Services

By Laci Ollison Photos by Lechelle Jackson For Talisha ‘Tee’ Birdsong, it really is all about the money. As a mindset and money coach, the 26-year-old Nashville, Tennessee native has decided to use her expertise in finances to help other people of color repair the credit, start businesses, and establish generational wealth. Tee, who currently resides in Richmond, VA, is the founder and CEO of Dream Financial Services. The business aids individuals who are looking to fix their credit as well as start a business or gain more knowledge about personal and business finances. She is also known as a mindset coach. “I believe if you shift your mindset your money shifts,” Tee said. “So, I help people get on top of their finances and help them with whatever they’re struggling with from a financial standpoint.” Through her company, Tee helps individuals and families by providing workshops, courses, and one-on-one coaching. “In a lot of my programs, you get way more than what you pay for,” Tee said. “I’m big on educating and I always pray that my students and my clients don’t have to end up in my program again unless they’re a referral partner.” The inspiration to start a financial services business came from her past experiences. “I lived a pretty sheltered childhood. When I got in the world, I did everything under the sun and eventually ended up messing my credit up,” she says. Eventually Tee’s decisions caught up with her. She experienced eviction after eviction, repossession after repossession. By the time no one would lend to her or allow her housing, Tee had to shift some things because she also had a son at the age of 18. It was at this time that Tee realized she needed to do something different. “I decided I had to fix it because if not we were going to be homeless. I made the conscious decision to take hold of my finances to provide a better life for me and my son. I started changing my budget. I started applying for stuff and doing what I could do that made sense for what I made,” she says.

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“In a lot of my programs, you get way more than what you pay for. I’m big on educating and I always pray that my students and my clients don’t have to end up in my program again unless they’re a referral partner.” 15

Once Tee altered her own credit and finances, she realized that she could potentially assist others. “After I saw that it could help me, I wanted to do that for other people,” she said. “It’s a better life when you’re in a better financial state versus when you’re not stable.” Tee said that she wanted to help people see that financial freedom was closer and more attainable than they believe. “I wanted to help people get there because the biggest thing is that it seems so far-fetched that you don’t know what to do or how to do it, but it’s really just a hand grab away.” Talisha understands that it only takes small lifestyle changes to get started in paying off debt and creating financial freedom. She states that, “Anything is possible. If you buy lunch every day or if you buy extras, it’s just a matter of wanting it. A lot of people think they can’t do it because of the cost. But if you think about how much you spend in eating out, or on gas for extra trips, you probably have the money you need to get started.” These are the principles that she teaches to her clients. The same principles that helped some of her clients achieve major results. “One young lady was a part of every single program that I did. And not only did was she able to start a business in the middle of a global pandemic, but she was also able to buy a house and purchase a car with no money down and 0% interest rate,” she says. In 2020 alone, Tee was able to assist 100 individuals and families with purchasing their first home. And according to her, this is just the beginning. “I want to put brown women in position. That’s where I think we lack. We have many people that compete but not many that come together to show you it really is possible.” Talisha hopes to be an example to black women that they too have the potential to be successful. “That’s what I do daily. I teach women of color that we can have anything that anyone else has, we just have to have the knowledge,” she says. However, Tee says that people have to be willing to ask for help when they need it. “It’s just a matter of learning how to not be afraid to ask. Pride is a big thing with us. We get so afraid to say we don’t know that we never get the chance to learn. And if you break that pride and say hey, I don’t know and find someone who does, you won’t know how easy it actually is,” Tee shares.

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Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021

Although she has a passion for business, Tee still encounters some difficulties in being an entrepreneur. “It’s a challenge especially in the industry that I’m in because I find myself wanting it more than some of my clients sometimes,” said Talisha. “With this being a full-time thing for me, it caused me to step out on faith. And one of the things that I’m paying attention to now that I am a full time entrepreneur, is you find yourself being very passionate about helping people fix their credit, about teaching them finances, about helping them build a business, but if they don’t really want it, you end up getting burned out and you end up getting stressed out because you want it so much better for some people who don’t even want better for themselves.”

“I want to put brown women in position. That’s where I think we lack. We have many people that compete but not many that come together to show you it really is possible.” But Tee also finds joy in helping clients who didn’t think they could be help. “It’s also about those clients that come to me and say, ‘I didn’t think I could be helped.’ To see those people who thought they were so far-fetched learn how to reach their financial goals is absolutely amazing.” The future looks bright for Talisha. She recently made six-figures in her business and helped two of her students make six-figures in their businesses as well. If you would like to learn more about Dream Financial Services, please contact Talisha directly.

Dream Financial Services Inc. 877-863-7326 Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021 19

I’m A Boss, Coach, and Cancer Conqueror

By Terry L. Watson Photos by Stacy Bryant

Stacy Bryant, also known as Coach Stacy, is the founder of The Icu Coaching Academy, The Stiletto Bosses Network™ and The Free Hope Foundation for Domestic Violence. She is the host of Candid Conversation with Coach Stacy on 108 Praise Radio. Her coaching specialties are focused on transformation, mindset, and manifestation. Another business she owns is Clean Tax & Credit Repair Service, where she assists her clients with becoming financially stable and efficient. Stacy has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and is currently pursuing her MBA. Additionally, Coach Stacy is a Master Life Coach Trainer and Best-Selling Author. She is the author of Building Self-Confidence and the Her Story Series. Coach Stacy is also the co-author of best seller, “Will Win” with Brian Tracy. Coach Stacy lives a life that is rooted in winning and overcoming. For starters, she is a “Cancer Conqueror”. It really doesn’t matter what is thrown at her, she is determined to win. “I have walked the road of an overcomer my entire life. Because of this, I am dedicated to helping others rise above their circumstances. My mission is to encourage and empower others to explore and find who they are, inside and out. By doing so, I believe they will be able to create the life they’ve always dreamed of,” she says. Coach Stacy is a retired Veteran of the United States Army. Presently, she devotes her life to empowering others. “My goal is to assist and empower people all over the world by instilling and expressing confidence in themselves. This involves helping them with their finances, relationships, entrepreneurship, health, faith, and life,” she says. “As a personal coach I work with a wide range of clients and offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each individual. In a supportive atmosphere, I help clients attain the professional and personal growth they’re striving for. I offer sessions, both in-person and over on the phone. The process begins with an initial assessment to clearly define my clients short and long term goals. This may involve everything from communication skills to personal acceptance. I will use these goals as a foundation to create a strategy for attaining their objectives,” she says. Some of the services offered by Coach Stacy are Personal Growth, Professional Development, Relationship Coaching, Communication Skills, Confidence & Personal Power, Inner Peace, Achieving Balance, Health & Weight Issues, and Organization & Productivity. Continued on the next page


“Life coaching can take you above and beyond your own personal limitations. More often than not, people try to achieve their greatest potential, but don’t even realize what stands in their way. A personal Coach can offer an unbiased and objective perspective and can help you realize your patterns and habits. Most people experience that they are more efficient when working with a Professional Life Coach and that this provides the opportunity for them to better realize their potential. Life coaching can make your dreams attainable and will give you support and encouragement along the way.,” she says. The books that she’s authored, “Her Story 2” shares her testimony of overcoming domestic abuse.” My Pink Stilettos” gives a synopsis of her life to a current state. “Audacity to Shine” shares her testimony of fighting cervical cancer. “I am Enough” shares her testimony of narcissistic abuse recovery. She is currently authoring “Broken Crayons Still Color” where she shares how a life filled with brokenness has allowed her to show others that they can still color. She says, “After a life filled with shame, guilt, hurt, and traumatic experiences, I still color, brightly!”

Coach Stacy offers some advice to others who may find themselves in similar situations that she faced. “Do not stop at start. When I first started my business, I hit instant success. I was young, and not ready. I did not take the time to learn the tools that I really needed to run an effective business. But I kept moving,” she says. “I would not be where I am if it were not for the journey. The journey gave me experience. The journey gave me wisdom. Most of all, the journey gave me resilience.” Moving forward, her plans are to expand her personal development academy. By doing so, she will be able to empower, heal, and shift mindsets to souls all over the planet. “Seeing the light bulb go off in someone and watching them embrace healing is the most amazing thing I can witness,” she says. To learn more about the services offered by Coach Stacy, please visit her website. h

Coach Stacy Bryant 22

Skylar Harper


Cutest Baby

The daughter of Kelvin and Margo Harper

To submit photographs to be placed in the Huami Magazine Cutest Baby feature, please send a detailed email to


Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021

Tyneka Howard Faith, Fitness, Relationships, & Career

By Dawn Cauthen Thornton Photos by Nick F. Nelson Instagram @Brandpreneur

Tyneka Howard started her military career at 19, and last fall, retired after 20 years of service in the U.S. Air Force. During her tenure, she spent most of her time guiding, mentoring, directing, and leading airmen, both men and women. In the last few years of her military career, she would meet young female soldiers who looked at her as a mentor and someone they aspired to be – confident, assertive, and successful. The majority of women felt misplaced and unsure if they had made the right decision in joining the armed forces. Navigating within a maledominated organization was oftentimes quite challenging so Howard would ‘adopt’ several ladies and mentor them on how to effectively adapt to military life. “I knew exactly what they were going through because I started at the same place they did. I knew they felt displaced and were trying to find themselves. Many also struggled with how to carry themselves as a lady. Because, uniform aside, we’re ladies first,” Howard confirms. The veteran grew up a preacher’s kid, a lifestyle that presented her with a strong foundation and an environment that others may not always experience; Not better, but different. I’ve heard testaments that children of the clergy are usually raised at the hands of solid God-fearing parents and they must answer to everyone in the church. A few stray from the path, like anyone else, and others grow to be strong, faith-filled servants with direction and purpose. Howard proved to be the latter. And her peers apparently saw that leadership quality in her. As she approached the last five years of her military tenure she began mentoring high school students, mainly girls, who were facing real challenges that she was unaware of. Continued on the next page


“I would just go in with a servant heart and want to work with people. It didn’t matter who it was, it was just where I was supposed to be.” A lightbulb went off in Howard’s head with the realization that there was a huge void in the community and help was needed to guide the younger generation. Howard looks youthful and she feels that contributed to young women seeking her out for advice. She attests that her youthful look is achieved by living a stress free life. Last year, the Martinsville , VA native sought to start her organization, Lead(H)er under her parent company H2G Leadership Group, which stands for Howard 2nd Generation. Lead(H) er focuses on Faith, Fitness, Relationships, and Career. This summer she plans to host more workshops and social media live events for her clients and those she hopes to attract. She’s also planning to increase her website and blog posts to grow her following and reach more people. “For ladies, the leadership will come after the knowledge and education. But I also like to focus on communication and how people are receiving your message. Are you just talking or are you communicating? There is a difference. You have to be able to articulate what you want and not be shy about it.” With Covid-19 affecting all of us in different ways, Howard crafted a previous workshop entitled “Covid is making me crazy”. The attendees log into a video conference platform with a code and simply talk and help each other work through their thoughts. They attempt to uncover their dilemmas and help fill each other’s voids. It’s no surprise that many are having a tough time with the lack of social interaction and physical touch. Howard aims to help them work through their feelings.

“There was a huge void in the community and help was needed to guide the younger generation.”

The ladies Howard mentors tend to be between 14 year to 25 years of age. “The biggest issue I’m seeing is the lack of direction and foundation in the home. And because homelife and it’s makeup looks a lot different, children are exposed to certain topics and conversations much sooner than they should be. This year Howard plans to also incorporate families into her organizations structure. Focusing on communication within the family unit can aid in building the foundation that the younger members need. Within her own family unit, her 13 year old son has taught her how much different boys and girls tend to communicate. “My son is quiet and calm. I can tell him something and he’s okay. He’s easy with lots of patience.” Studies show that girls tend to have more words in their vocabulary by a certain age and tend to react to news differently. Continued on page 28


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“My five year plan is to create a camp-style Lead(H)er lock-in at different locations to serve my community in Raleigh, NC. Think 4-H camps.�


Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021

“My five year plan is to create a camp-style Lead(H)er lock-in at different locations to serve her community in Raleigh, NC. Think 4-H camps,” she says. The unfortunate introduction of our current pandemic forced Howard to tap into her ideas sooner than she expected and take a look at her business plans to see how she should operate. Instead of opening in June, H2G was introduced in April. “God works in such a way and I became restless enough to start working on and refining my idea. I was able to meditate and have such a clear headspace of where I wanted to see my business. She simultaneously started the corporate side of her business that handles communications and marketing for companies and how they can better communicate with their employees and clients. Continuing her quest to bridge the gap and network with other ladies to bring the second generation along and add value to their lives is at the forefront of Howards mind. At the rate she’s moving, it seems that she’ll accomplish that goal in no time. h

Tyneka Howard H2G Leadership Group

Lead(H)er – Faith, Fitness, Relationships, & Career 202-709-6447 Email: Instagram/Facebook: @leadher10 LinkedIn: Tyneka Howard


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By Terry L. Watson Photos by Lechele Jackson Lechele Jackson aka “Kamragurl” describes herself as an average woman living an extraordinary life. She is a lifestyle photographer that’s based out of Richmond, VA. She specializes in family, business, and event photography. The name of her company is Photography by Lechele LLC. Most importantly, Lechele loves God. She also loves her family and her community. When she doesn’t have a camera in her hand, she can be found traveling or soaking the rays from the sun on the beach, listening to the ocean, or enjoying the quiet splendor of the mountains. Lechele’s story began in 2008. “By the Grace of God, my creative gift and love for photography turned into a business. My pastor and Bishop had preached on a sermon entitled “Your Gift Will Make Room For You” and with my faith and the support of family and friends, as well as my clients, I am here today, doing what I am passionate about,” she says. For Lechele, photography is more than just providing a service to capture images to go into a magazine, a photo album, or to be put in a frame and hung on a wall. She shares that photography is about creating moments and capturing memories that will last a lifetime. “Photography is not a business for me, it’s a ministry. I would like to think that after having a session with me, you come away with a memorable experience!” Photography has afforded her to build long lasting friendships and partnerships. As a woman of God, and a believer in the love of God, Lechele shares why it’s always important for her to have faith, and to be faithful. “It all begins with my trust in God. We must walk in your calling, follow our hearts, and live your dreams. When we trust God, He will open doors and pour out blessings you won’t have room enough to receive. God has definitely been the giver and source of this business and He is still opening doors and opportunities for me. For the last couple of years, I have been praying and speaking about having a larger studio space. Currently I am partnering with someone to do just that. We must be reminded that your words have power. Speak positive affirmations into every aspect of your life and watch the fruit of your labor coincide with the words of your tongue. The creator of every good and perfect gift has already worked it out in your favor,” she says. While enjoying a natural talent of her own, Lechele is inspired by other photographers. “My peers in the photography industry are so creative and talented, and it is an honor to be among so many awesome souls. I love and appreciate each one of them,” she says. Her advice to others who may follow in her footsteps is to go for it. “Don’t give up. Take your time and listen to your spirit. Do not compare yourself or your work to others because everyone is different and has a unique style of their own. Find it and never stop evolving. We can be our own worst critic,” she shares.

“Photography is not a business for me, it’s a ministry. I would like to think that after having a session with me, you come away with a memorable experience.”

In the future, Lechele plans to continue to grow, learn, and develop her skills. “I have dreams of possibly creating an agency to bridge the gap in the industry by working with various talents and creatives who need their dots connected,” she says. To learn more about Lechele Jackson, please visit her website or contact her directly. h

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Hampton Roads - Jan./Feb. 2021

Timothy M. Joe I Love Art......Really

By Terry L. Watson Photos by Timothy M. Joe How does he do it? When artist Timothy M. Joe begins working on a blank canvas, that’s exactly what it is. A blank canvas. However, when he puts his tools down for the last time, the results are breath taking. It might can make someone to believe there is magic in his hands, or something magical happening with his brushes. Timothy is a self-taught artist who raised in the rural town of Greensboro, Alabama. He is also a third-generation black angus farmer. He also holds a mechanical engineer degree of which he obtained from the University of Alabama. “People are intrigued that I am both a professional artist and an engineer,” he says. He now lives in Huntsville, Alabama with his wife and two children. Officially, the name of his business is Timothy M. Joe Fine Art. “I produce Original artwork in oil, soft pastels, and watercolor,” he says. “I am Online Art Instructor, and I also sell commissioned art.” Timothy shares that art is more than a hobby for him, it’s his calling. “I see beauty in common places. Everyday things that usually would not get a second glance can become beautiful works of art. There is a message in every scene, whether it is a location, personal belonging, or building. I like to capture these scenes and put them on canvas. I paint to show my appreciation of what God created and share what He put in my heart. I am compelled to create art that has a soul. The soul holds our emotions and memories.,” he says.

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For Timothy, art is what gives him purpose and provides an outlet to express himself. “There are so many beautiful subjects that should have a place on my canvas or any other painting surface. My mission is to capture these hidden treasures before time erases them completely. I am compelled to show the younger generation of how life was and raise appreciation of what is often overlooked,” he says.

“There are so many beautiful subjects that should have a place on my canvas or any other painting surface. My mission is to capture these hidden treasures before time erases them completely.” Timothy’s love for art started when he was just four years old. He would sit in his families living room with crayons all over the floor, coloring on brown paper grocery bags. It wasn’t until his first-grade teacher saw his picture when someone else realized that he was quite the artist. Those words started him on a journey that has lasted a lifetime. Naturally, Timothy has a love for art. “I love listening to the testimonies of my clients on what a painting means to them. I also love the commissioned art I receive. Commission is usually for a parent or memorial for a loved one. One example of a commission I did was for a painting of a white flower in the afternoon sunlight. My client picked this particular flower with her grandmother until her passing. Those are the paintings that stick with me for many years,” he says. Continued on the next page


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Timothy can see art in almost anything. He says that he is mostly inspired by the narrative in every scene that he paints. “Whether it comes in the form of an abandoned home that’s falling apart, family heirlooms, or landscape, I am able to make a connection. My role is to remain receptive and be ready to take a quick reference picture or sketch it in my art journal,” he says. “I love learning the history about my subject and gain the appreciation that helps me create meaningful art. Creating a beautiful painting is nice but painting the same scene with an understanding of the history is what I am after. I believe the backstory of my subject is just as important as the color I choose to paint.” Understandably, art itself has impacted Timothy’s career as well. “The reception at my first solo art exhibit had the biggest impact to my art career. I created a body of work of historical landmarks near my hometown. Hearing all the backstories from the town people was amazing. These are the kind of experiences that keep me energized to make more art,” he says. For other artists, or anyone who is headed on a similar journey that Timothy has, he offers some advice to you. “Find your artistic voice. There is an art style unique to every artist and there is a corresponding audience your work is meant for. Paint only what moves you, and always make that your top propriety, not money. You should also be visible. Don’t let fear stop you from making appearances at art shows. Trades shows offer a unique and greatly beneficial experience and discussing your art with strangers is a tremendous way to grow in your craft,” he says. Though the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way artist maneuver in the art world, Timothy has pivoted and found new ways to stay relevant and busy. One way is conducting more online workshops. “I am at the point in my career where I have accumulated enough knowledge to share with artist of all skill levels. I want to help them avoid some mistakes I made and coach them to be the best artist they can be,” he shares.

Timothy M. Joe Fine Art

To learn more about Timothy M. Joe, please visit his website. h

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