Nov./Dec. 2024 Vol. 4 Issue 8

Nov./Dec. 2024 Vol. 4 Issue 8
Regardless of what anyone else says, I am a natural introvert. Amazingly, I publish a magazine and talk to people, many of who are strangers, and yet I find comfort in not saying anything. However, God often creates scenarios that push me out of my comfort zone. Whether He calls for me to speak to a group of young minds or even a large audience, with obedience, I must meet the assignment. I appreciate each opportunity as they have opened my mind to accepting the assistance for my destiny.
What if tomorrow didn’t arrive? All of your plans, hopes and dreams wouldn’t have a street to park on. What if everything that you decided to put off until tomorrow never happened? There would be no reason to save for a rainy day, and you could spare someone the trouble of making promises. What if your last opportunity seemingly expired today? What would you do?
Ask anyone who really knows me, and they will tell you that I am someone who tries to do a lot on my own. I don’t know why; maybe it has something to do with the way my brain is programmed. Yet, with managing the assignment of the company I run, God has frequently reminded me that He doesn’t expect me to do it all by myself.
I’ve been told that I often seem like I do too much. Honestly, I feel like I am not doing enough and I’m a firm believer in knowing that God wouldn’t put anything on me that I couldn’t handle. I sometimes wonder how life would be if I chose to sit idle and accept what it presented to me. I have found that to be very boring. In my opinion, opportunity is a blessing that isn’t afforded to everyone. A challenge to me is an adventure. What is the worst that can happen? If I do nothing, I fail, and if I try I don’t, but instead learn something new about myself. Relinquish your pride and in return acquire life.
While the capability of what I can do is extensive, the limits of where I am able to take the messages and voices of my community are far out of my reach. A community is only as strong as the input and participation that each member offers. The beauty in the message that God intends to bring forth is a unifying one, and I only hope that I do my part to persuade and inspire others in their journey.
The best advice ever given to me happened when someone told me to make my tomorrow happen today. In doing so I have pressed my way through doors with a key that only hope provided. I have also learned the difference between what God blesses me with and what life can burden me with as well. I compare it to knowing when to be confident and when to be quiet, because someone may get it confused with being arrogant.
God has planted gifts in all of us. My gifts are mine, and whenever I am able to cross paths with others who share a similar passion, I receive that as God expects more to be done. If you see me working alone, don’t mnd me, just know that I am actually trying to find the next opportunity to connect my gifts with others.
Make you tomorrow happen today, but most importantly make it count. Life is but a whisper and we must put ourselves in a position to hear what it is telling us.
Terry L. Watson
Terry L. Watson Editor/Founder
She has goals to build up her community. Learn more about who she is and what she is doing.
Huntsville, AL
He is Huami Magazine’s Cutest Baby. Introducing one beautiful baby. He name is Silas Cade Gibson.
Information provided by Huntsville BIG Online
On Friday evening, September 20, 2024, the HSV BIG held its Chapter Awards & 34th Anniversary Celebration at the Holiday Inn, Research Park in Huntsville, Alabama. The event was a momentous occasion for the chapter in celebrating 34 years of serving in the national organization of Blacks In Government and attended by chapter members and friends.
Featured speaker for the occasion was Mr. Kenny Anderson, Chief, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the City of Huntsville, Alabama. Mr. Anderson made highly congratulatory remarks about the chapter and its accomplishments, noting specifically that longevity says a lot about an organization. Chapter President Mary Peoples provided a brief history of the chapter from its organizational meetings with 20 charter members employed at local Redstone Arsenal agencies and the Office of Personnel Management through years of successful programs, events, recognitions and chapter awards. She considers the chapter as the “Flagship Chapter of Region IV” due to its member’s performance at regional and national levels.
The awards ceremony was a significant part of the event, where several members of the community, and BIG members were recognized. Award recipients were:
BIG Distinguished Service Award - Mary Peoples, Chapter President
Mary D. Peoples Award - Michelle Smith, Chapter Treasurer
Thurgood Marshall Award - Commissioner Violet Edwards, Madison County Commission, District 6
Trailblazer Awards were presented to recognize individuals who were pioneers in breaking color barriers or the glass ceiling in occupying certain positions, and receiving high level promotions in occupations at the local, state, and federal level. Trailblazer awards were presented to:
Major General Lori Robinson, first woman to command the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal;
Mr. William Reeves, first Black to be promoted into the Senior Executive Service at the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Redstone Arsenal;
Mr. Brian Wood, first Black to be promoted into the Senior Executive Service at the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal
The 100 Black Men of Greater Huntsville (100BMOGH), Inc., is celebrating its 25th “Silver Anniversary” Holiday Gala on December 21, 2024. The 100BMOGH’s primary fundraiser for the 100’s Four for the Future programs: Mentoring, Education, Health and Wellness, and Economic Empowerment. These programs were created to improve the quality of life in our community by encouraging our youth to be healthy, educated and contributing members of our society.
As a nonprofit organization the 100BMOGH invites you, as a Greater Huntsville community leader, to join us as a Gala partner/sponsor as we celebrate 25 years of service to the Greater Huntsville Community on December 21, 2024, 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm at the Von Braun Civic Center, Saturn Hall. The theme and motivation for this year’s event is “25 Years of Empowerment: Honoring Our Legacy, Shaping Our Future!” We, the 100 BMOGH, would like to continue making a positive impact in the community we serve by partnering with our community representatives, business owners, corporate leaders, and fellow community service organizations to forge a path that focuses on advancing our youth.
This “Black Tie” event will feature Dr. Joshus Murphy, 100 Black Men of America, Inc., National Mentoring Chairperson as the guest speaker, a video of the work of the 100 BMOGH, live entertainment, dining, dancing, and networking with community supporters of the Greater Huntsville area.
We are asking that your business or organization partners with us as a Platinum Partner – $10,000; Sponsoring Partner – $8,000; an Executive Partner – $5,000 or purchase a single Guest Table at $800.
We also encourage attendees and friends to support a $175 advertisement with our Commemorative Souvenir booklet.
The 100 Black Men of Greater Huntsville is a 501c (3) non-profit organization in our community. The fulfillment of our vision, mission, and goals is largely dependent on the charitable financial and corporate resources provided by businesses and organizations within our communities. The investments you make to the 100 BMOGH, Inc each year through partnership and sponsorship donations may be considered tax deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines. h
By Terry L. Watson
Patrick Wynn is the Chief Executive Officer of The Boys & Girls Club of North Alabama. The areas the organization serves are Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Athens, Ardmore, and Pineville, AL.
The mission of the organization is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need them the most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. The organization’s code says, “I believe in God and the right to worship according to my own faith and religion. I believe in America and the American way of life, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I believe in fair play, honesty, and sportsmanship. I believe in my Boys & Girls Club, which stands for these things.”
Born and raised in Huntsville, AL, Patrick attended and graduated from Southern Mississippi University. After college, he returned to Huntsville to provide leadership to the community that helped to raise him. “I felt like I had a real tangible role model in my mom, Janice Fletcher. She was a single parent, worked, went to college, and raised three kids. I was able to avoid many of the pitfalls that many of my friends endured due to how she raised and provided for us,” he says.
Coming back to Huntsville is something that Patrick believes he was destined to do. For 26 years, Patrick has worked with the Boys & Girls Club. For the last 16 years, he has served as the organization’s CEO. In his role, Patrick is charged with setting a vision and leading the organization. He adds, “I am required to work with our Board of Directors to ensure that fiscal responsibility and policies and procedures are intact. Ensuring safety and the quality of our program is one of my primary objectives. One thing that I learned is that many people in our community are familiar with the name of the Boys and Girls Club, but many are not aware of the depth of our organization. It is my goal to educate others about our depth and how vital we are to the communities that we serve.”
By design, Boys & Girls Clubs work in and with communities where there is a void of males, fathers, mentors, and role models. These could be rural communities, low-income communities, Indian bases, and military bases. The organization provided essential care for the young people there. The care in mind may consist of education and career development, workforce readiness, ACT prep, public speaking, arts and crafts, drivers’ education, and more.
“I believe that I am successful in my role as CEO because I can relate to those that we serve. I have walked the same path they have. With the help and guidance of God, along with a very special mom, I was able to navigate through tumultuous situations that exist in the areas where I grew up.”
Patrick says that he is a firm believer that there is no coincidence. “I believe that God aligned the stars for me to work at the Boys and Girls Club,” he says. Before coming there, Patrick worked as a Therapeutic Group Counselor, and a high school teammate informed him about opportunities at the Boys & Girls Club. “I was ready to get out of my role as a Therapeutic Group Counselor because I felt that wasn’t serving my community.”
What Patrick says he loves most about what he does is the opportunity to work with young people. “I see myself in each kid that walks through our doors. Again, I was a product of single parenting, and I also grew up in public housing, and even more, my mother was a teenage parent. I believe that I am successful in my role as CEO because I can relate to those that we serve. I have walked the same path they have. With the help and guidance of God, along with a very special mom, I was able to navigate through tumultuous situations that exist in the areas where I grew up. I was able to excel despite being in disadvantaged circumstances. Amazingly, I never felt disadvantaged because of the guidance that I had. I believe that God put me in those situations so that I can help the people that I do today.”
As the CEO of the Boys & Girls Club, Patrick shares that he has faced a few challenges and has found ways to overcome them. “Being an African American and wearing a CEO title in the nonprofit space, I have always strived to help people understand that this is a business,” he says. “When I first began, my goal was to understand the business aspect of the organization, and I surrounded myself with people who ran companies. There have been people who have taught me some things and may not realize they have. I am inquisitive by nature, and I ask questions because I want to learn. Over 26 years, I have won many awards, but if you come to my office, you will not see any of them. They are in boxes because I feel that I haven’t arrived and that I am still hungry. I believe that when you stop learning, you stop living. That is why I continue to ask questions and pick others’ brains; I want to get better. I believe that success breeds success. If you are not watching what other successful people are doing, then you don’t want to be successful. I want to pick up successful habits and be the best version of myself.”
Patrick credits many individuals with inspiring and impacting his life. Obviously, his mom has, and Patrick also credits his wife, Kecia, with whom he has shared 20 years of marriage. Together, they have three boys. “My wife is always looking for greatness.” Patrick also finds inspiration in his community. “There are things that were built to stop us from being successful, but still, we rose like a rose from concrete. There are so many people who come from our communities who didn’t begin with an advantage, but we still have found a way to succeed. That is what I love about the communities we serve. It is not about the position you hold or what you own; it is about where you come from. It is also about how many lives you’ve touched,” he says.
It is obvious that Patrick has a genuine desire to help and serve others and being in the role of CEO for the Boys & Girls Club of North Alabama appears to be the perfect fit for him. When asked if there is anything that he would change about the way things have happened along his journey in life, Patrick’s response is very concise. “Your journey makes you who you are. If some of the things that happened to me hadn’t happened, I would be where I am today. I also wish I would have read more when I was a child,” he says.
Looking ahead, Patrick is eager to continue to lead the Boys & Girls Club into greater places. In 2021, he led the organization with its Comprehensive Capital Campaign. A first for them, they were able to raise $13 million dollars, and those funds are being used to build new facilities throughout North Alabama.
Patrick concludes by offering a bit of sound wisdom. “I want to be an airplane. People of great height don’t go backward. Airplanes don’t fly backward. I want to go to great heights like an airplane. We all will make mistakes, but when I make them, I write them down to ensure that it will not happen to me again,” he says.
By Terry L. Watson
Photos Provided by Shonte Baltes
Shonte Baltes is the owner of Shonni B. Realty, which is powered by One Key Realty Brokerage.
Shonte describes herself as a full-fledged entrepreneur. Born in Kissimmee, Florida, Shonte has called Atmore, AL, home for the greater part of her life. “I have the luxury of having country roots with a global mindset,” she says. She completed her undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama, and is currently finishing her Doctoral degree in Leadership at Regent University.
Originally an aspiring publicist turned realtor, Shonte has chartered entrepreneurial waters for the last decade. She adds, “I am a believer in Christ and try to implement those principles in the way I do business. I love meeting new people and enjoy helping individuals reach their greatest potential.”
Shonte originally began as a makeup artist and later transitioned into real estate as an investor circa 2011. She says, “The vision to work in real estate came through prayer, coupled with an internal desire to be in real estate. I have had the privilege to be owner and operator of BonMercy Beauty Bar. In 2023, I became a full-time real estate investor. I was able to begin my first endeavors in real estate by partnering with my mom and we started with one contractor. We found our first foreclosure property moved strategically with one property at a time.”
“I am a believer in Christ and try to implement those principles in the way I do business. I love meeting new people and enjoy helping individuals reach their greatest potential.”
More than anything, Shonte loves what she does. She says, “I have always desired to change the lives of people and found that providing integral experiences in home buying fulfilled that desire.” She also says that she finds inspiration in offering change to others. “I am inspired when evolution takes place. I am inspired when cities grow and when people grow. Whether it be through generational wealth or realizing the possibilities of life. I am inspired by seeing people succeed. No matter what that looks like. To see others excel inspires me to keep going. That takes the pain out of the process of entrepreneurship.”
Her life she says has been mostly impacted by God. “I know that sounds churchy and mystical, however God does not let me settle. For every new achievement, it becomes my new floor. God gives me a vision beyond what I comprehend at times. His standard for people is something I strive to produce daily.”
Moving forward, Shonte has her eyes set on doing greater things. “The goal is to build an enterprise. I ultimately want to build affordable housing for seniors and build communities. My long-term goal is to become a builder.” h
By Terry L. Watson
More than anything, Kischa Howard is determined to keep the memory of her son, Khamron Dawson, alive. In 2019, Khamron was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma Cancer, and in 2022, he died at the young age of 20. Osteosarcoma Cancer is a bone cancer and is labeled as a childhood cancer. Having to care for her son while he battled cancer was understandably a blow that Kischa hadn’t prepared for. “I have faced many challenges in life. To watch my baby boy go through the pain of cancer and die before my eyes has been by far the hardest thing I have ever experienced,” she says.
During the time that Khamron battled cancer, the world was shut down due to COVID-19, and it made it difficult for Kischa to assist Khamron with care, mainly because he was deemed as an adult at age 18. “I worked as a cosmetologist and a part-time life insurance agent. Things were a little difficult for me, but with the love and support of her family and community, we made it work. My family, friends, organizations, and cubs pulled together financial resources to allow me to stay with my son at M.D. Anderson hospital as he received his first chemotherapy treatment. On Jan 2, 2022, Khamron passed away. It was then that I decided to give back in the same way that others had given to our family.”
In response to Khamron’s passing, Kischa started a 501C3 nonprofit organization called Kham’s House. The goal of Kham’s House is to reduce the financial strain on families who have loved ones navigating the journey of cancer and disease that require treatment through short-term lodging, hotel vouchers, food and travel expenses, and fertility clinic storage fees. They also have comfort care packages and partner with mental health professionals to provide social and mental health services.
Born in New Orleans, LA, Kischa moved her five children to Dallas, TX, after Hurricane Katrina ravished New Orleans in 2006. They also only brought three clothing outfits each. Looking forward to life in Dallas, Kischa decided to pursue higher education in 2015 to obtain my B.A. in Social Work. She started by studying at a community college and completed her studies at Texas A&M University-Commerce. Kischa completed her Master’s Degree studies in Social Work from Texas A&M University-Commerce in 2018. While pursuing higher education, Kischa’s primary income came from working as a licensed cosmetologist.
“Oftentimes, I wonder if I am doing what my life’s work and purpose is, and each time, a new opportunity presents itself. It is then that I am encouraged to keep moving forward.”
Kischa Howard
Kischa shares that she finds inspiration in the strength that Khamron displayed during his cancer journey. “Khamron didn’t complain about what he was going through. Even in intense pain, his spirit was as strong as that of a lion. The day he died, the last thing he said was to his oldest sister, asking her if he did good. Her reply to him was that he did. He was always concerned about pleasing others and giving them grace even when they manipulated him,” Kischa says.
Since Khamron’s passing, Kischa has received grief therapy and grief coaching. Both, she shares, have enabled her to move into the space of actually working with her nonprofit. “Being an Executive Director for a nonprofit is new to me and can be overwhelming. I have a heart to give and do the work, but I need a team to share the responsibilities. I am challenged to obtain supporters as I try to serve any individual between the ages of 15-29 who are receiving cancer treatment or treatment for any disease,” she says.
Finding locations near a hospital to house their clients has also been challenging for Kham’s House. Kischa says, “Oftentimes, I wonder if I am doing what my life’s work and purpose is, and each time, a new opportunity presents itself. It is then that I am encouraged to keep moving forward. Days before my son died, he grabbed my hand, looked me in the eyes, and said momma, move forward.”
Currently, Kischa is seeking assistance through a United Way Incubator program, which will allow her to gain business mentors and advisors. Her hope, she says, is to gain some insight through others who are stronger in this space than she is. She also plans to provide lodging units across the United States in every major city where comprehensive cancer treatment facilities are located or a Ronald McDonald House is available. “We would like to have our first location in Dallas and another in Houston, TX. Our goal is to increase the community knowledge and awareness of childhood cancers, specifically osteosarcoma, and the effects on the AYA Adolescent and young adult population.,” she says.
To learn more about Kham’s House, please visit their website. h
By Terry L. Watson
When you think of someone who embodies joy, creativity, and a knack for connecting with people, Laresa Thompson undoubtedly comes to mind. She’s captured hearts with her infectious energy, love for storytelling, and dedication to shining a spotlight on organizations and businesses in her community through her business, Thompson and Boyd Communications, LLC (T&B).
T&B offers a variety of services such as media and public relations, on-camera and voiceover talent, media training, writing and more.
A true “Carolina” girl, Laresa Thompson was raised in Greensboro, NC, and earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from North Carolina A&T State University. Throughout her career, Laresa has held a variety of roles, including serving as the Morning Co-Host at WCCB and as a Content Producer/Reporter for Neighborhood TV (NTV). Laresa also served as the spokesperson for Charlotte Amusement Park, Carowinds, and FORTUNE® 50 home improvement company Lowe’s. She’s also been featured in two Style Blueprint articles: “FACES of Charlotte” (2017) and “The Morning Routines of 11 Successful Charlotte Women“ (2017), and was recognized as one of the Top Women of Excellence by Radio One (2016).
For over 15 years, Laresa has enjoyed a career in the broadcast and communications industry. Her roots began in her hometown of Greensboro, NC at radio station, 102.1 JAMZ. She would later work at a local television station there, WFMY News 2, before working in Charlotte and working at WCNC-TV, a television station. Laresa would pause television and find her footing working in public relations and internal communications for several companies before returning to television. Leveraging the expertise she gained through years of experience across various businesses and organizations, she built her own brand, Thompson and Boyd Communications, LLC.
Always looking for unique ways of expressing her gift of communication, Laresa is also the owner of a popular yard sign business in the Charlotte and Greensboro areas, Yardy Cardy, LLC. Yardy Cardy provides customized lawn greetings and foam parties for residential and commercial clients.
Her passion for helping others has led her to take on many volunteer roles at various organizations, including Nations Ford Community Church, Rebuilding Together of the Carolinas, Dress for Success, the Battered Women’s Shelter, and Habitat for Humanity. She professes her love for the Charlotte community and continues to serve as an emcee or host for organizations with causes she is passionate about, including those with developmental and intellectual disabilities, as well as her alma mater.
Laresa shares that she is such a people person. She adds, “I always enjoy learning new things about people, a new store or restaurant, a company, whatever it may be. That curiosity is the reason I’m working in the field I’m in today. In many instances, when I am hired by a company, I am hired to represent them. To do that effectively, I must know who they are.”
Our were taught to go to college and get an education so you can get a good job and stay at that job until it’s time for you to parents retire... a way of thinking that was passed down to me.
Laresa credits her mother, Fannie Thompson, for having the most significant impact on her life. She says, “My parents divorced when I was very young, and my father died in a car crash a few years later when I was 11. That left my mother to raise three girls on her own, with the help of family, friends and church members. My mom was a schoolteacher, and she dedicated more than 30 years of her life to the classroom. While growing up, our parents were taught to go to college and get an education so you can get a good job and stay at that job until it’s time for you to retire… a way of thinking passed down to me. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this mindset; however, I do believe there’s more to life, like owning your own business… that’s a good thing too. When I started my first business, my mom was concerned, as any parent should/would be. What happens if you don’t have any customers? How will you pay your bills? Those type of questions were real”, she laughs. “Today, it’s a different story and I know my mother sees what entrepreneurship offers and what I’m able to accomplish for my own company and not someone else’s.”
Being able to travel this journey with her mother makes it all worth it, Laresa says. “She is my number one cheerleader and has always encouraged and inspired me and reminded me of who I am and what I can achieve. She sent me a note via text message that read “Have you ever looked back at all of the things you’ve done? You should be proud of yourself”. To get a note like that from my mother lets me know that she understands it now. I often reference her note as a means to remind myself of all my achievements.”
When asked if there is anything that she would change about the way things have happened along her journey, Laresa says, “Honestly, I wouldn’t change anything. By doing so, it would mean that I wouldn’t be where I am or WHO I am today. I wouldn’t have learned so many lessons, even the ones I didn’t want to learn, but needed to go through.” Laresa says she’s glad she did have those challenging times. “You grow when you’re uncomfortable.”
Looking ahead, Laresa has plans to take her brands to higher heights. She also appreciates the opportunity to care for her mother and be there when she needs her.
We are coming to the Queen City of Charlotte, NC.
Please mark your calendars for June 7th, 2025, as the Huami Magazine Community Awards will take place at the Charlotte Marriott City Center. Following up on our first gala of 2023, we are excited for the opportunity to present Black Excellence from various parts of the Huami Magazine network, which covers more than 23 states around the country.
Community Leaders, Business Leaders, and NonProfit Organizations will be honored and recognized for the great work they have done and continue to do in their respective communities. There will also be some great speakers, good food, and entertainment. This a formal, black tie event, and one that you don’t want to miss.
The evening will begin with a Red Carpet Reception at 5:30 pm. The Gala Reception will start at 6:30pm
For more information, please call 336-340-7844. Seating is limited and group packages are available. Tickets are on sale and can be purchased at the link listed below. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. For sponsorship information, please send a detailed email to h
By Terry L. Watson
Photos Provided by Paige Jefferson
Paige Jefferson of Indianapolis, IN, is an accomplished woman who wears a lot of hats. She is a daughter, sister, friend, godmother, and business owner, all rolled into one!
Born and raised in Indianapolis, Paige shares that family is everything to her. She attended Alcorn University and later transitioned to Ball State, where she earned her B.A. in Child Development. From there, Paige obtained her director’s credential, as well as a master’s certificate in teaching. She has been working professionally in early childhood education for 10 years and has owned her own facility, Tiny Explorers Center, for the last six years.
“Together, we are shaping a brighter future—one Tiny Explorer at a time”. Those words are the foundation upon which Tiny Explorers Center stands. Paige adds, “We provide a comprehensive early childhood education program that is broken down by age groups. These include infants and toddler, 2s program, preschool, and pre-K, as well as after-school and summer camp programs for school-age kids. We’re passionate about delivering high-quality education in Indianapolis and ensuring that each child is respected and encouraged to build meaningful connections with their peers and educators. Most importantly, we aim to create a nurturing environment where children can thrive socially, emotionally, and academically.”
The path that led to the opening of Tiny Explorers Center began in 2018. Paige always had a lifelong passion for children, even as a young girl. She was drawn to helping with kids, especially in church, whether in the nursery or during service. After working as a site director for an early learning program, Paige saw firsthand the specific needs of both children and families. That experience inspired her to create a program that would address those needs in a more personalized way. She says the turning point came when she became a godmother that same year. “I knew I wanted my goddaughter to be in a high-quality program before starting kindergarten, and that’s when I realized it was the perfect time to bring my vision to life. Inside my parent’s garage, I hosted an open house and was blown away by the number of families who signed up. It was way more than I ever envisioned. It got so busy that my mom quit her job to help me. With the growing number of children and the state’s ratio requirements, I quickly had to find a new space to accommodate everyone.”
Paige says that what she loves most about what she does is seeing the pure joy on the kiddo’s face every time she walks into a room. “I like to call myself the “child whisperer” because I’ve always had a special connection with children. They light up when I’m around, and it fills me with so much happiness. My passion for children runs deep, and it’s so important to me to make a lasting impact on their lives. It’s not just about teaching; it’s about helping them grow, building their confidence, and making sure they feel seen and supported. When I hear stories of our graduates excelling in school, I feel a deep sense of pride, knowing we played a part in their journey. It’s all about giving them a strong foundation so they can succeed, both now and in the future.”
Paige is a Christian and professes her love and belief in God. She adds that she is a strong believer, and her faith is what keeps her grounded. “I am inspired by my belief that this is my calling, the purpose God has placed in my heart. I feel that I’m here to teach, nourish, and love children, which motivates me daily. Part of that is creating an enriching learning environment that makes growth and development exciting for them. Knowing that I’m helping shape their futures while fulfilling my purpose inspires me to keep pushing forward, always striving to make an impact on the next generation. It’s what gives me the energy and joy to keep going, no matter what challenges come my way,” she says.
Building her brand has come with a few obstacles. That is quite understandable, and without a few challenges along the way, one’s ability to persevere and overcome may not be realized. One such challenge, Paige says, was finding staff members who shared her passion for early childhood education. It took time and trial and error, but she has built her dream team after five years of navigating those challenges. “This wasn’t just about filling roles; it was about finding people who truly believe in our mission and are committed to providing consistent, high-quality care. Having a team that’s aligned with our vision creates stability for the children and establishes trust with families. It also shows that you can find the right people who help build something meaningful and lasting with patience and persistence.”
For those who may follow in her footsteps, Paige offers some sound advice. “Take the risk! There’s no comfort in growth, but you won’t know what you’re capable of until you take that leap. Yes, you might fall, but so what? You get back up, learn from your mistakes, pivot, and try again. Every fall is a chance to grow stronger and wiser. There’s no limit to how many times you can start over as long as you never quit. The key is to never stay stuck— always have a willingness to adapt, learn, and keep moving forward. You’ve got this; just keep moving forward,” she says.
Moving forward, Paige says she plans to expand Tiny Explorers by adding more locations, whether through additional homes or a larger building. She also plans to continue to provide quality care to more families. She also has a vision of starting a non-profit that offers in-house services for children, such as occupational therapy, language therapy, and nurse practitioner support. By doing so, she plans to create a proactive environment where children can get the services they need early on, setting them up for greater success when they start school. “It’s all about going beyond traditional care to truly support each child’s development,” she says.
By Terry L. Watson
One of the hardest things I have experienced while caring for my mother was accepting the fact that she would forever be totally dependent on the care and assistance of others. For all of my life, I had been used to seeing her go, go, and go, and just like that, things changed. One Sunday morning, I stopped by my mother’s home to eat dinner, and the following day, I got a call that she had suffered a stroke. Things changed so fast.
Over the past eight years, I have slowly and stubbornly adapted to meeting my mother exactly where she is. Any success in my ability to adapt to these changes has been connected to my ability to find hope in her—I mean, our situation. Any opportunity that I have to make her smile, I have taken advantage of it, whether it be by saying something silly or reminding her of the things that I know she loves to hear. Seeing and feeling the joy in her smile has been therapeutic for me and her, I do believe.
For anyone who has experienced having a loved one suffer a stroke, one that was debilitating and disabling, you may understand the bucket of emotions that accompany it. My first response was to make life as normal as possible for my mother. I soon realized that would be mission impossible. My advice to others who may find themselves in this place is always to strive to make the most of each situation every day. On some days, my mother could pronounce her words more clearly than the day before. On other days, she seemed so drained from the effects of her brain injury that all she could do was rest. Regardless of what was presented, I had to find a way to prepare my mind to handle it. And I did.
When you truly love someone, the amount is impossible to quantify. It’s just love. My love for my mother is absolutely unconditional, and I am committed to being there for her needs for the rest of our days together. I have also found resolve in learning that she is really aware of my commitment to serving her, and she lets me know in her own way of appreciation.
I have been told that it’s not often that you find a man who cares for his mother as I do as a Caregiver. To be honest, I am surprised to learn that more are not showing up. I have a ton of memories, some great ones, of my mother before she suffered her stroke. However, the memories I have created while caring for her after the stroke are so much more meaningful. God has blessed me to be able to do something for someone that I feel like I owe the world to, and yet, they have never asked for anything in return. That is love. h
I decided to share my experience as a full-time caregiver for my mother to consult, console, and inform other families who may be going through a similar situation. As a son, caring for my mother never feels like work; if so, it is a labor of love. Please continue to follow this message, Becoming A Caregiver, in Huami Magazine. I hope that sharing my experience will help others. From one caregiver to the next, God Bless You!