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Poetry Planet Book Publishing House Rosario Pozorrubio Pangasinan 2435
Email: Contact number: 09554960044
December 31, 2022 YEAR-END EDITION 2 CONTRIBUTORS Liege Lord Lanre Anjana Prasad Okoi Amadiowei Jacob Kishor Kumar Mishra Daniel Miltz Sudha Dixit Ritu Kamra Kumar Maria Editha GarmaRespicio Okechukwu Chidoluo Vitus Medy Villapando Snežana Šolkotović Madhuri Kulkarni Tha Ono Ulma Taboada
Liege Lord Lanre
We humans are wired with service in our DNA. Service is essential to our progress and development. But service is not a passive process. You have to take responsibility to make the world better. That's why I derive aesthetic pleasure from tossing mental grenades to galvanize people into action.
-Liege Lord Lanre
Liege Lord Lanre
As I put pen to paper, the blood flowing from my lacerated heart is changed into ink With the pain that I feel in the depths of my heart transfused into the ink; the sheets of paper have become a battlefield in disguise This is not to profane the ink to insinuate bloodshed. My goal in the field is to point out a bloodless route to freedom and power This is the mental terrain that I followed to arrive in the literary world I conquered without having to resort to guerilla fighting. It is called killing without blood. To fight this bloodless battle, I made it my business to produce mental grenades and dynamites. These mental explosives are designed to bombard and demolish every form of mental negativity blocking the people's path to progress As we go along, you will find out why these enemies which must be dynamited are not external but inward
What is the cause all this, you want to know? What incited me to take to writing in terms of bombs? Well, you may consider me crazy, but my madness is not without method. Let me begin by having you know that I am a wounded man Years ago, while completing my university education as a social worker; a tragic event befall me During the course of a research work I undertook, I came in contact with a marauding band of unemployed graduates who were then at their destructive best. They were on an all out shooting spree for economic gain Many people were robbed and killed. I made a narrow escape from the blood birth with a bullet injury in the leg
I was hospitalized ten weeks, for six years I was incapacitated; had to walk on crutches Now I get around with the aid of a walking stick and a special orthopedic shoe Even though I went on to blast through the limitations imposed by my incapacitation; at first I was embittered and consumed by a livid rage
So, all hell broke loose when I first found myself in the hospital I was in a fit of temper I was a raving lunatic I blamed society for breeding undesirable elements. I was in black anger against society for driving people into criminality. I bemoaned the capitalist system which induces people to look out only for their own interests at the expense of others. I railed against the school system for manufacturing such defective products
I couldn’t for the life of me understand why people would be educated only to end up as armed robbers. Why would people go to school only to make more money? Is making more money what education is all about? If people are really educated, would they feel left behind in the rat race called ‘success’?
As I lay in the hospital bed in agonizing pain, I saw my world turned upside down. I believed my injury was fatal to my ambition in life and that made me all the more furious I wanted to get my own back at the world. I found myself plotting a vendetta against society. I planned to go the way of the gun and unleash terror on society when discharged from hospital. "Society has raised a hell-raiser! " I proclaimed with pulsating screams. The doctors and nurses were at the receiving end of my feast of fury, despite the fact that they were fighting to save my leg. I just raved and raved and raved like a lunatic in an asylum One day, a doctor approached me and said, “You better thank God that you survived the heist.” All I could do was stare at him as if he had two heads
The rages went on for a space six days. On the night o the seventh day, the fury died down. My frantic agitations ebbed away A dead calm settled over the oceans of my mind. But I couldn’t sleep that night. I was lost in deep thought trying to figure out how to handle the situation I tried to divest myself of the idea of violence. Violence does not pay, I reasoned. Besides, that is not what I wanted to be known for. I refused to succumb to the identity that society wanted to foist on me.
I'd hit on a powerful weapon back on campus. This weapon was buried in a corner of my mind I decided to dig it up and reexamine it closely. In psychology it is termed sublimation. Sublimation is a constructive thing With it you can turn a negative into positive. You can employ it to turn your frustration into inspiration, and your troubles into blessings Technically sublimation is a way to channel your aggression positively through a creative outlet. ( I'm of the opinion that world peace and progress can be attained if we all practiced sublimation).
I was faced with two choices: I could choose to be a menace to society, or I could be a problem solver to society, I knew I was capable of carrying whichever with equal fervor. However, I had the strong conviction that the way to heal the wound inflicted on my heart is to engage in something that is socially constructive.
I had the strong conviction that I would feel better if I did something to make the world better.
I decided to take a stand for positivity. Even though I didn't create the problems that we faced in everyday society, I believed it' was on me to attempt to address them. I didn't want more people to suffer the ordeal I went through. Indeed my heart bleeds every time I hear about the victims of violence anywhere in the world I also feel sorry for those carrying out the violence. I consider them to be helpless victims because they haven't learned to subordinate their interests to the needs of the society.
Long story short. I was fired up by the time I left the hospital Because what I was going to do had dawned on me. I promised myself I will never become what I wanted to change. We humans are wired with service in our DNA Service is essential to our progress and development. But service is not a passive process You have to take responsibility to make the world better. That's why I derive aesthetic pleasure from tossing mental grenades to galvanize people into action And when a gun totting gangster stands up to me, I'm exploding a grenade packed with the high-impact quote from Gandhi, " We must be the change we seek in the world " . Even if the change is commercial; the change must first take place in the cerebral cortex before translating into change in the pockets. This is sound revolutionary tactics because it makes you the officer in charge of your brain
Upon this revolutionary trail of thought I placed myself in the writing arena, registered my game and signed ownership papers
Why would people go to school only to make more money? Is making more money what education is all about? If people are really educated, would they feel left behind in the rat race called ‘success’?
Anjana Prasad
Writers write from the heart and are inspired by society, surroundings and their circumstances. Nature has remained the most inspiring source for poets and authors. Ablaze with ideas, the embers of their writing flickering on pages for years to come. The best writers are those that touch the heart of readers. Good writers pour their hearts out on paper. Be it love or pain, writers do not hesitate to pen it down. The moon, stars, mountains and seasons inspire and motivate writers and give them unique soliloquies to pen down.
Few writers are inclined towards spirituality and their words give solace and guidance to emphatic souls. Those words act as a ladder on the path of seeking serenity and bliss Ingenuity comes from the cacophony and chirps of birds, it keeps drizzling and pouring like the rain from above. Fragrance of ideas permeates via words, characters, and dialogues on sheaves
The doors of inspiration exposes one to mountains of ideas filling the mind with an oasis of ideas. First blossoms and the dew on the morning leaves, comes back vividly in a sweet little line. Mediation with closed eyes on various prompts, projects or subjects impregnates the mind with thoughts and ideas.
When you're tired and overwhelmed and suffer the socalled writer's block, get up from your table The best antidote is to inhale fresh air, take a few deep breaths, stretch your muscles, and calm down.
When the mind turns blank and darkness fills the void, rejoice for this is the time when stars truly shine. Inspiration is never gone. It's always there, lurking between the lines waiting for you to chance upon it In and around, waiting to tickle the mind.
Apart from inspiration and being inspired, good writing is about the syntax arrangement of words and how they are presented to the audience. Aspects of life when inculcated in writing make it more beautiful As we grow old and learn new things, emotions, joys, sorrows and pain enrich our lives with memories everyday.
To be a good writer first be a good reader, be a good listener. Listen to the voices around you. Being authentic brings the true essence to one's writing. When ideas swell take out your quill and scribble those first thoughts that come to mind Good writers never fear to impart messages, never fails to deliver the truth
For a better writer, ideas are influenced by his or her uniqueness Receptiveness that goes around us itself is an inspiration. The life of people around you changes into beautiful moments that we are a part of Make it a habit to scribble any thoughts that come by before it gets lost in thin air Try to connect with your inner self. Closed eyes and darkness reveal the depth that light can't do Making drafts and scribbling few quality pages attribute to honing writing skills. Ruminate, meditate, do your homework, and research first. Visit a library or a bookstore, grab a book and read Sometimes tune into music to rejuvenate mind.
Writers are dreamers, walk through dawn instead of sitting at your desk. The rising morning sun encourages and motivates a writer by tickling their grey cells. Wisdom brings enlightenment and joy. "Live with your heart, write with your mind " is a simple tip to be followed.
Revise and rewrite until you are satisfied Get inspired by anything and everything. Bubbles of fizz in a soda bottle, chirping birds, kindred souls in parks or streets. Observe the world around you. Wind chimes bring in soulful harmony to mind
A trip to memory lane and lace it with beautiful words Undulating movements of a series of events in life supports creativity. As a writer may we all be blessed, and be inspired Amen!
As we grow old and learn new things, emotions, joys, sorrows and pain enrich our lives with memories everyday.
Okoi Amadiowei Jacob
A creative writer is a skillful educated person who is committed to the artistry of writing thereby dispensing knowledge to his audience in salient styles. Every creative writer has extra edition of entries to share with others in writing. The potentials of a creative writer are essential assets with which one disseminates information to others in desirable dexterity. He is privileged to write above conventions of language use thereby evoking human essences to additional extent. He delves into depths of society, even beyond available details yet is fond of presenting such costly pieces of information in worthy ways that are essential to learning and laughing. He writes with rising inspiration about facts, rumours, promises, experiences, exposures, realities, faults, failures, successes, and achievements of humans. He is limited in knowledge yet is privileged beyond margin to write in excesses even from some depth of divinity thereby making human imaginations to be an ideal asset to be desired by many in society The creative writer has some salient tools with which he employs upon in decorating a story we
had already heard yet he makes up that story in his own worthy way that is amusing, far beyond someone's own way of telling that same story in the ordinary. The creative writer is in possession of some teasing tools such as simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, apostrophe, litotes, irony oxymoron, pun, metonymy, and the elasticity of hyperbole with which he can extend his story to an extra extent.
A writer who is telling a story of an old woman who ran off from a forest scene, having seen two snakes is privileged to magnify its content with spontaneous spices by saying that the old woman ran out of the forest because she saw twenty thousand snakes. And that is aesthetic, amusing and is amazing as it evokes some emotions in the mind of the reader
Creative writing is essentially unique, delicate, sensitive and is highly interesting. It is through the meritorious medium of creative writing that atrocities of dictatorship can be lightly presented to all in society for inhabitants to have details about weaknesses and wickedness of perilous politicians in leadership. It teaches moral lessons, encourages our minds, and counsels us to be brave above the ordinary in mind and in knowledge Every creative writer is a big blessing to humanity in one's moment of existence in society.
Every creative writer is a big blessing to humanity in one's moment of existence in society.
Kishor Kumar Mishra
A young son of a colonel was reading in an Englishmedium school. They are staying in a big bungalow, guarded by few soldiers. A nice garden was attached to their house in the front yard. Every day, he sees his father gets dressed up in army uniform, going to office on army car driven by a chauffeur. He makes up in his mind to become an army officer. He completes his education, tries hard and appears in army officer recruitment examination, passes and joins as a commissioned officer in army.
Another boy, who was staying with his parents in a nearby slum, sees the beautiful life of colonel's family. He makes up his mind to become an army officer. So he and his family struggle hard to bear the cost of his education. He completes his education, appears in recruitment examination, passes and joins army as a commissioned officer. These are two simple examples of inspiration, an internal force, strengthened by own will power and surroundings. Similar are situations for all successful persons, who are inspired at different times in their lifetime.
There are basically two types of Inspiration: (a) Active Inspiration : Creative inspiration comes within the inspired person (b) Passive Inspiration: Inspiration comes from seeing success of other person
A person with an elevated thought process can be inspired by his/her own creative thoughts. He tries to give shape to these thought, works hard and succeeds. He gets new ideas and get inspired to materialize those ideas. Inspirations leading to inventions and discoveries are basically active inspirations.
(B) PASSIVE INSPIRATION: Often, a person gets inspired by the success stories of big personalities of the society. He dreams to achieve success similarly. He works hard to make his dream come true
Motivation acts as a catalyst to enhance inspiration. Patience and perseverance are friendly factors. Clear understanding and proper guidance helps to have a smooth journey on the path of success.
Children and youth normally get this type of inspiration. They dream to become a respectable person - a teacher, a doctor, an engineer, an advocate, a successful entrepreneur, a successful businessman, a politician etc.
A person lives in a family and also in a society. Family and society are the first and the second level of surroundings of a person. These are his/her sources of inspiration. In addition, there are few other sources also. I will mention here seven main sources of inspiration as below:
Family is the main and primary source of inspiration. A child normally gets inspired by his/her parents and his/her elder brothers and sisters. Their success stories influence the child and he/she get inspired.
Relatives and friends of a person are his/her secondary source of inspiration. The stories behind their successful life and career have great impact on the person. He gets internal inspiration.
The society, where a person lives, has also significant impact on the life of a person. Successes of people in different fields influence the person. Here, initially, he faces problems of choosing the field.
But, somehow later on, he is able to choose his career in a particular field and go ahead to achieve success.
The school is a good source of inspiration for children A school, where a child studies, has multiple ways of inspiring one. Inspiration from books, lectures, classmates, seniors and teachers play a vital role Thus a child gets inspiration from his academic arena.
Good story books and Books on success stories of great men influence the mind of a person and inspire him to set and achieve goals.
Need and poverty are other initiating factors for inspiration. These sources bring a lot of challenges and hardship to a person. A determined person has a strong desire to achieves success
Sometimes innovative ideas in the mind of a person inspire him. Dedication and hard work help him to succeed in materializing the ideas.
A true inspiration has enormous power. It can bring success at any cost. An inspired person can achieve success in much difficult situations. Patience, Self confidence, hard work and Perseverance can help achieving wonders and make possible those things, which initially appear to be impossible. Modern inventions like Flying machines, Steam engines, Automobiles, Telephones and mobile phones are some examples.
Inspiration is an internal force generated within the mind of a person and influences it. It triggers when a conducive atmosphere develops Influences of others also act as a catalyst in several cases.
Motivation is an external force that acts upon the mind of a person. These external forces exerted by the suggestions, advices or instructions of others, such parents, relatives, friends, teachers, elders and respectable persons.
Inspiration is the source behind every success It makes a person to set goals, works hard, struggles to clear all obstacles and finally achieves success. Motivation acts as a catalyst to enhance inspiration Patience and perseverance are friendly factors. Clear understanding and proper guidance helps to have a smooth journey on the path of success
A true inspiration has enormous power. It can bring success at any cost. An inspired person can achieve success in much difficult situations.
Daniel Miltz
Writers have the words; it’s the thoughts that are unclear. Knowing what defines an idea and clarity of ideas in writing will make a successful writer. Not everyone who has powerful ideas is a great writer, but it is impossible to achieve effectiveness, much less greatness without them. We can see words, but we cannot see thoughts. Therefore, there is no way for us to know if the word is an adequate representation of the thought. For the novice writer, composing written sentences is not second nature. It is not, as some claim, like talking on paper. Thoughts often manifest as a voice in our heads, but the contents of these thoughts rarely come in paragraph form. Knowing these different styles and languages will help the writer to develop a sense of their own rhetorical awareness. If they have a sense of this awareness then they will be better equipped to write to their intended audience or discourse community.
For example: The inspirational style is a very unique form of creative intelligence. According to this style, novel ideas and solutions are developed by drawing inspiration from the actions taken in situations of similar nature. Also, 'ekphrasis' is a method of communication of writers to describe their writing by associating it with some form of visual art like paintings, statues or drama. ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ could have been derived from the word ekphrasis. Authors relate their expressions of language by pointing out at the other forms of art as they connect their thoughts to those famous artists and their works well known to all. Many authors utilize symbolism in their stories or novels for several reasons Ideas, objects, and characters can be related to these symbols to add a deeper meaning to the story. Writers can use these symbols to communicate a more profound impression than what they actually engrave on the pages.
These unique symbols also help readers relate scenes from the book to other main ideas or stories. Opinions are emotion-charged generalizations, unsupported by evidence or argument.
Furthermore, writing gives us the opportunity to clarify our thoughts and mold opinions into ideas Once a writer has identified what discourse community they are dealing with, then they can begin to decide exactly what would be the best for them to go about communicating to members of this discourse community.
Finally yet importantly, it is learning to act with purpose. Becoming educated is a lifelong process. It can be hard and frustrating at times, but it can also be incredibly exciting and enriching Learning and education can help you change the world, become a better person; reach your potential and eliminate your fears
Learning and education can help you change the world, become a better person; reach your potential and eliminate your fears.
Sudha Dixit
Everyone does not read. People indulge in various types of entertainments Going to movies, theatres, attending musical concerts and watching sports events etc. reading is a kind of pleasure that attracts very few people. It is the erudite and intellectuals mostly who are real bibliophiles It is true that many people with average intelligence read books for time-pass only. They are not interested in literature, science or research materials. But, actual lovers of books or one may say, the seekers of knowledge read genuine literature and authentic research- works. Those who read research papers, sometimes, go to write their own research work or may do actual research in some field Another category of readers is who find DIY, meaning “Do It Yourself” type of material. These are people with practical mind set They enjoy using their brains and hands together. The third types of readers are very simple folks who peruse the inspirational stories, anecdotes or preaching of great gurus. I fall in the category of literature lovers I am a compulsive bibliophile; just cannot live without reading. My first love is fiction Being a lonely soul, I found solace in fairy tales (In childhood). Started reading works of world’s great writers in my teenage As I matured, biographies and autobiographies started attracting me. Knowing about the lives of great achievers gave me immense pleasure and insight regarding life in general and inspired me to do something in particular Though, with age, I did graduate to heavier literary works; the fairy tales, still, occupy a fond place in my heart. The words: - “Once upon a time, there lived a.. king queen demon or any four legged creature ” , even now seem magical to me. Probing into the domain of royalty, flying or hunting with birds visiting and animals, falling in a pit and visiting underworld with Alice, always fascinates me Comics of Phantom, Tarzan, Tintin, Superman, Spiderman and many more keep the little girl, inside me, alive Knowing about the ups and downs in the lives of those who, despite many odds, attained their goals deeply interests me I do enjoy poetic dramas of Shakespeare and witty plays of Bernard Shaw Virginia Wolfe, Thomas Hardy, Mary Shelley is some of my favourite authors.
Margaret Michelle’s “Gone with The Wind” is my all time best read. Fiction keeps me engrossed. It is the opium that makes me forget everything else While I am all for old gold, I find modern writers, too, pretty good Dan Brown, John Grisham, Paolo Coelho, do a real good job. These writers have a large team to do research about theme of the book the writer is going to write. Hence the reader gets to learn a lot about legal affairs, facts and myths about particular religion. This is a two-way gain. We enjoy the story and at the same time learn many things without breaking our heads over dry facts. I have read extensively English and Indian literature I have, also, read French, Russian and Hungarian literature, a little bit There is as men ocean of knowledge in books. I can only drink some portion of it But I am happy with what I can get I read for the pure joy it provides me, not to prove anything. Whatever goes inside you, has to come out Otherwise, the emotion of happiness or anguish may get suffocated in your core Whatever knowledge I accumulated in me was wriggling to come out. So, I decided to pen down all I knew And lo, behold! I became a writer. Although I was an avid reader, my loneliness instigated me to write short poems Writing poem works as catharsis. All the poison of sadness inside me gets poured out on paper The appreciation, those poems fetched, made me a happier person As the time elapsed, the poet and writer in me tried to hone that skill. Initially I was writing whatever came into my head or heart but as I was motivated to do better, I started learning various forms of poetry It was a learning process which I enjoyed immensely.
Actually, searching better writers, reading meaningful literature, learning nuances of writing did help me achieve my goal Thinking becomes clearer, imagination soars. With positive efforts dreams come true It is the love that does the trick My love of books definitely did it. So far so good. I hope to do better- much better next year Adieu year 2022 Adios, amigo.
Whatever goes inside you, has to come out. Otherwise, the emotion of happiness or anguish may get suffocated in your core.
My story when written in paper becomes a legend, this is me, The story of my life… -Tess Ritumalta
Ritu Kamra Kumar
Memories improve with age. The distant past looms before us and events and anecdotes come alive We were a happy family that bonded well through ups and downs. We never felt the pressure of gender, parental authority or expectations and disappointments which most of our friends complained about. Childhood comes as a repeated motif of happiness and mid teens as teenage angst There were regular showdowns at home and the sound of room door being banged often. Soon the days packed with studies and laughter passed as I got a job in college. Then there I stood as a coy bride at the threshold of my in law's home with butterflies in stomach and spring in my steps
After one month of my marriage we lost our youngest sibling who was 19 years old to a fatal illness. Suddenly my parents life changed My elder sister and her physician husband took care of the whole family as we all stood shattered and broken drowned in emotional trauma How truly Robert Frost, an American poet observers" In three words I can sum up everything I have learnt about life, It goes on" Another phase of adjustments and compromises began the same year as our son was born. Both of us as a couple struggled to have a comfort zone 'me time' san dependency with pressure of professional commitments and domestic compulsions. So the whole gamut of transition from teens to thirties and forties passed by quickly Years rolled by My little son grew up as a caring and compassionate youngster. A decade ago I lost my mother too who left a cupboard of memories which I cherish forever Now my mother's memories are like a mutual friend to me and my father, it has made our bond stronger and firmer
My marriage to a calm and patient partner has taught me that differences of opinion and arguments are bound to happen in married life but forbearance and patient hearing can help resolve issues amicably. My son is happily married to a sweet and simple girl. Both of them are our sunshine and lifelines Their thoughtful gestures and loving demeanor adds zest to our life. They are God sent angels to us. What more can one ask in this earthly life! I am thankful to God for bestowing me with love of my dear ones. Happy tidings to all.
The distant past looms before us and events and anecdotes come alive. We were a happy family that bonded well through ups and downs.
Okoi Amadiowei Jacob
I am the last born child of my mother and second to the last of my father in a polygamous family in a vegetable village. By tradition, polygamy is a priceless privilege of the husband in marriage thus children and wives were meant to endure details of its demerits in family life. As a little lad growing up in the village, I was not privileged to advantages of modern medication in moments of illnesses thus peppery herbal concoctions were the right prescriptions for my treatment. I had no positive opportunity to orthodox medication from infancy to youthfulness My doctors were always herbalists from the native stock. I was often sick even though I was not a sickler. I lost my flesh and blood father after completing my primary education, and lost my merit mother while in the junior secondary school. I surely suffered from hunger and illnesses yet was determined to continue my education to the university. At times, I had no breakfast in the morning, no lunch throughout the day and had no dinner to eat at night thus would carryover my hunger-afflicted empty stomach to the next day, and continued with it in subsequent editions to three days interval. I really met hunger on the way while making my journey of life from infancy to adulthood I continued my skeletal schooling till I got admission to the university in the midst of hunger and illnesses. I meritoriously managed whatever opportunity I had, and successfully completed my university studies with flying colours despite such precarious percentages of my experiences. Having completed my university education, I was having the hope of getting a good job to escape the horror of hunger and illnesses but was denied direly on several occasions because securing employment in Nigeria is not on merit but by rigid recommendations from perilous politicians. Even the Jebusite job I managed to secure had been withdrawn from me. Chances for employment are only available for youths who are really ready to be Supplementary Slaves to politicians by telling legible lies in calling "black as white, and will be calling white as black" in our surely sinful society
Sudha Dixit
The Childhood: A happy, sheltered and contented life yet lonely. Alone I chased butterflies, climbed trees without any companion. But that solitude was a bliss in disguise. My wandering mind started spinning and weaving yarns I wrote tales of fairies, of kings and queens, of birds, of monkeys. The imagination sprinted wildly. This story making session happened when I was in euphoric mood – happy. Happy to sing songs and dance in the rain, run with the wind. But nothing stays for long. I had my mood swings too Sometimes, the sense of loneliness would overpower me. I missed company of friends, the normal children had. Being a privileged child has its own pitfalls. I could not go out without escort Other children were a bit daunted at the thoughts of coming to my house The end result was that I remained lonely. I grew up encircled with perennial loneliness The teenage is the time of dreams Dreams gave me inspiration to write poetry. Also, for the first time I was allowed to watch a romantic movie Before that I, along with my young siblings, was permitted to see, only religious or mythological movies. As a result, I fell in love with the handsome hero of that film Well! Love is fine but it had to remain platonic A person in love – actually unrequited love- becomes poet. I was a dreamer and a poet throughout my teen years Marriage makes you an adult Marriage may or may not bring romance in one’s life but it, definitely, brings lots of responsibilities with it Joy of motherhood is fine but it is tiring There is never-ending work associated with raising a child; much more if you have more than one kid It is true that parenting is, in fact, akin to nation building Whether the nation is built or not but person doing so gets exhausted and sometimes collapses. Finally, much needed, free from duties time comes You grow old You are able to do what you really want to do I had saved my dreams, my aspirations and my energy for this moment I drowned myself in aesthetic activities I painted, I wrote and sang my poems I wrote and published my prose.
The story of my life is too strong to be thoroughly told in daytime. It is only at night that I can wearily whisper fragments of it to someone in secrecy.
-Okoi Amadiowei Jacob
My twilight zone is colourful and beautiful. Old age is relaxing. Life begins after sixty. –Sudha Dixit
Maria Editha Garma-
As far as I remember, I grew up to be the favourite child of my father. Among my siblings, I was the one closest to him. Perhaps because I was the firstborn girl, or he saw his childhood on me, the stubborn, strong-willed one, plus I was his carbon copy among the brood. He's my rock and fortress, my superman I was the spoiled princess. He showered me all his time and attention. Every whim of mine's was met. Oftentimes my siblings got jealous, Elisa in particular. Elisa came after me. There has always been sibling rivalry among us for it's open secret that I was his pet At first I reciprocated his unconditional love, I was a diligent section 1 student, winning Science quiz bee often, and doing my passion in writing every time But I have had my share of ups and downs too, when I became rebellious and defiant. I went astray, a far cry from what I used to be I fell in love, studied a course against my father's will. I broke his heart in the process. But guess what? Dad never abandoned me Oh, what an amazing demonstration of love to a daughter! He truly believed he'd embedded genuine love within me, and that I was just exploring and discovering my true purspose. While traversing this tumultuous path, a dilemma hit me hard Father at age 44 suddenly passed away in his sleep. I was shattered and wounded. I was the sheep without my shepherd. I was an empty vessel without my anchor I was drifting away for I lost my beacon of inspiration. This was the turning point, so I decided to toil abroad, to breathe anew Father's demise impacted me so hard. During this adversity, Elisa and I grew closer, as can be manifested by our monthly long distance letters
Fast forward, after many years, when all I thought everything was going well, a devastating news astounded us The healthy Elisa (as we knew), my altruistic, straight-A sister, the one who walked the extra mile for family's sake, was suffering from a debilitating disease Chances of surviving were slim. I was caught off guard. She's terminal...
After a year of fighting, Elisa met our Creator at age 39. See how destiny was so cruel unto us. Was it mission accomplished? Please help us to unleash your purpose God Give us wisdom May we unravel, even just a bit the reason behind this profound suffering.
"Hey, Elisa don't feel jealous of me, see you go first, you're actually Dad's favourite child!" I uttered in between muffled cries, my heart was heavy.
"Tita let's go now, it's getting dark, there might be a heavy rain," Angel, Elisa's firstborn, summoned me to stand and leave the cemetery. Yes, it's been three years now, yet reminiscing Elisa's life story is still a bitter sorrow.
"Live blissfully in heaven my dear Elisa. May your legacy transcend in our hearts, just like dad "
See how destiny was so cruel unto us. Was it mission accomplished? Please help us to unleash your purpose God. Give us wisdom. May we unravel, even just a bit the reason behind this profound suffering.
-Maria Editha Garma-Respicio
Bokechukwu Chidoluo Vitus
I woke up with expectations that the day will produce all the joys that I have ever had, yet, I remained where I was sitting and I said a little prayer It is good to be free and pleased to God the maker of our lives. It is indeed a day I was not expecting I prayed as I have not prayed Then I see my self going to take my bath. What do I do every morning? I would check my diary to see if what and what appointments I had will make me better. I would go through it with joy and if I did, I would follow it where it leads. I will put my hands on the paper and prayed "God give me a good day Make my commitments a blessing. Amen." And I will joyfully walk to the bathroom and take my bath Thursday, the fourth of April 2019, seem special to me and will remain special to me It seems to me, a day packaged by God. It is a day, that God helped me to meet with the team that Fidelity Bank gathered to make my life better and more better. I worked hard. I didn't stop working hard I had been told that I shall be going to the stockbrokers office to apply for grants and I didn't know what to do I kept to faith, that the prayers that I did the night would produce a result that I needed to live my life So, I initially prepared I was going to the church to finish my prayers and get more anointing I had faith that all will be well. I walked the walk. I paid the price. I realized the truth I was told the Pryers could not hold I could not know why. I could not understand it. I could not believe it I was told the person holding our applications are still on the way coming. I asked further that I desire to know why he would not come to no reason outcomes I asked to be taken to the place so I could fill the form and I am asked to go to De Lumen Suites, a place where I do meet the men and women who will change my life for the good of it
So, I wore my cloths and I started on my way to the place where my life will change for good I used to pass Omeagana to Modebe and then to ugwuta Road. I didn't know that Fidelity Bank, has really learnt to keep their words. They did it well and people were glad. They made sure that small business didn't die out This is their way of telling all the account owners they design and desire their business growth
From what had happened in the church the following weeks, I was adamant about going. I didn't know the place I worked hard to be told I was actually told I got the message from sister and went immediately to the place
On my way, I went to see a young man. I was not satisfied with the response I got from him He made me sad.
I didn't tell us that every morning that I write I loved writing and write with my heart. I did write. I did pray.. While writing I wrote twenty short poems and rejoicing that one day, my God will reward my good works I never forget, that I have registered a business name that seem impossible to work or make ends with. I am certain that others are making ends with it I can see the good that comes from doing the business is from what people say I knew that people are making it with the the company and I was always praying and asking God, why the delay I know chika jerry, the authority author, he is now a know governor aspirant in the state I loved him for good When you lacked the needed ideas, and didn't find the right people it always seem as if you are lost I am not lost I have got Jesus I have the church. And I seem to be alone.
So, I was going to ask Fidelity Bank to come to my aid I didn't know I was not only going to be blessed. I will meet the people who will change my life for good The bank has done that in the past. And it won't be the first, they are changing the lives of people So I started out with the faith that my life will change and change for the good
I passed where they sold water, and I started dreaming. I dreamt with hope that life will be good for me, only if start joining my fellow water distribution in water selling The money that is needed to start the business is not too much. I prayed that some body would give me an old bus so I could start out and make success in life.
I loved writing and write with my heart. I did write. I did pray.. While writing... I wrote twenty short poems and rejoicing that one day, my God will reward my good works.
I have been praying to keep running my newspaper called the career day, and soon it will be called Dr vitus I am on my way to getting my doctorate degree. I know I will be blessed by it. The journey took me to many important places, like the ENUGU Electricity Distribution Company. I didn't enter the place I walked around it with joy Why the notable company was privatised I could not tell. Just as the water corporation, I could not tell why the company died a natural death. When I look back, to the happening I was about to ask the military to come back to take the seat of government again and rule. Yet, the koboko and the shining shoe seems terrible I walk up till I approached the stock exchange building. I remembered I had a call The call was from a girlfriend. She had been good to me She was a friend in some season I dare not tell her that. I don't care. God may not approve of such a relationship Yet, I was the one who got myself into it I have been praying for the ones that I loved and the ones that I hated And the ones that I didn't know about. So, I had a call, and she said to me, finally, I have gotten a shop I know what we did when we got the house. We walked erywhere until, we found the place, until I was able to take the property to her house for her. God proved to be God and good. I accepted I would ho to her, in due time After so much questions, I arrived at the hotel. It was a beautiful one The gossips of the day would not stop me. It would not make me do things that makes me or people or God sad So as I entered the place, the hall was empty except for the bank people and a few people and I took my sit Immediately, I sat down two young ladies sat too. They were happy or they seem happy yo be part of the team The team with the good people in it.
I was given papers to work and a pen and writing material which I branded JLC MEDIA by my writing immediately And set to work to hear the good news that will change my life for good.
Soon, the introduction prayers was said by one of the members of the people that had an account with the bank And then the man whose story will touch my life for good came on board. His name is Dr. Nwuche. A real child of God A motivator, a business owner and a believer.
He told about Nigerians in Ghana, and how they lived their lives. "I happened to be in a wedding occasion and the couple were dancing and Nigerians were throwing money everywhere and the big basket was filled with money They were displaying the mentality of the illiterates and had no knowledge of what they are doing to themselves
Living I Ghana is a good one He has been called to many presentation to and fro the world. I have an occasion where I wanted to pay for house rent to Ghana landlord and on hearing Nigeria, he was angry. So I proved to the that Nigeria is not bad after all by giving them an app that will motives them to greatness"
These words I still remembered and it echoed in my heart My desire for the things of God, is a blessing that what I see I'm the hall motivate me towards greatness I shall soon start and make a change all for the good of mankind.
Two sessions was taught by my mentor, they are why do we do business and how do we make our business profitable? When he is through we had breakfast of water, kola, breadfruit, and then the next motivator came, to tell us why we should pay our tithes It is from there that we were given the ledger to make our small business better I am already making good use of it. I am producing all round results in life.
My desire for the things of God, is a blessing that what I see I'm the hall motivate me towards greatness. I shall soon start and make a change all for the good of mankind.
Medy Villapando
There's nothing much about it. No defining moments to flaunt but just some tragic story of pain... Pain about dying embers. The relationship dying a natural death and therefore, supposed to be buried to oblivion... But what we conjure as something very easy is totally difficult to do and comprehend. And we lived separately in Hong Kong. She among her friends who could profit from her affluent status while i lived alone with my fantasies and dreams... writing my verses. I evaded her because I want to be at peace with myself. Somehow, Hongkong is a small place, among the crowds from a distance, I would see her and I would turn back so she'd never had a chance to hurt my feelings by her hurtful words why I lost my job..
She'll invite everyone to her party but not me and remembering this on one of my holidays, I felt so sad and took a train to Lo Wu and mercifully cried out my loneliness along the way. And until now I cried in the memory of that day..
The trauma is not easy to deal. The trauma of unrequited love when you could not come to terms with a sister who's your flesh and blood. She could not understand me as a Muslim wearing those head coverings and covering most of my body. Or not eating pork But I simply could not forgo my religion because my sister hated it.. And so I was hurting. I decided to cut off my connection with her.. Because her hurtful words create words that time could never heal. I dissociate with her and there is peace in my heart.. Of course I don't hate her. And so we came to part when we are supposed to be closer to each other helping to arrive at a common dream of togetherness showing love and support drawing strength from each other She was sick of diabetes and always confined at a hospital and somehow I couldn't take care of her. I knew I want to take care of her and feeling so sad I just wait and pray for her recovery. But with all her money and loving care of her daughter, she didn't make it to recover, and that was a tragic and painful memory of my sister.... My heart didn't lie... I love her deeply in my heart
But it was too late to understand that love for her is in my heart and hate is in hers and in that status she died hating me in her heart Why can't it be only love we feel as we grow older? As we come advancing nearer to our grave.. My tears haven't dried Ahhh! the beautiful memory of our childhood where love colour our days came back surreptitiously and I was numbed from the pain, from the thoughts that we can't go back
Continuation from page 18.
His name is Dr. Okereke. He corrected an error by saying that Nigerians are special I loved my motivator for he was a professional in my field, in the write and publish factory. Soon, the question time came and gone
I heard fro the manager how good it is to be sponsored to start your business, I prayed that the next sponsor to help me start a 20 Page paper publication to be sold 100 naira. And I need 70,000 to run a state distribution. And extra 70,000 for continuity I believed that with it I can get all the adverts that the paper ever needs. One, of the participants who knew about me and my books asked me "shall we wait for two thousand years for a leader or a Messiah?" I did not waste time I'm replying, "no, we have Fidelity Bank. Get your own account Fidelity Small Business Account, Now and enjoy a bank that keeps their words"
You should imagine what I looked like ad I poss like Mighty Sparrow, as I was having my Launch. IIT is incredible words that were kept. Will you keep the words you said to the people? Think about it The manager of the bank at stockbroker office and other managers, looked at my JLC MEDIA complimentary card and saw my logo "you shall testify" and starts sharing the the testimonies that they kept with the people they loved. Don't wait any longer, to get your Fidelity Small Business Account, and be like me, testifying everywhere.
YEAR-END Edition 19
Now only a memory of sharing our days in the sun when the world was young, and so beautiful. And, there was no hate running in our blood...
Snežana Šolkotović
They used to hang out when they were children. They were inseparable, full of dreams and hope Together they dreamed of a happy life in the future. She knitted a flower corolla for him and he intrepidly gazed at her as they strolled through the meadow and enjoyed their love which had bind them On parting, he handed her a panel saying: "Keep it until I come back " Sheretski smiled and got onto the bus Years had past as the dust rose after the bus. She was waiting for him She thought: "He promised " She would look up at the panel. She had heard from a friend that he had got married in a distant city and got children. Dreams disappeared through seasons and she wrote rhymes – lyrics for the romantic melodies that touched the heartiest hearts. Miraculously, he heard the songs in the distant city The tunes stunned him at the very thought of her. He would tremble He was told that it was her who wrote the heartbreaking rhymes... He was thrilled thinking it was written for him The uncertainty bothered him. He finally decided to take the road towards her – it seemed endless He watched the familiar landscapes he had long since left through the window of the bus It seemed as he was dreaming "What is this?" he wondered shaken with aroused feelings The nostalgia he was deeply suppressing awakened within him. On the way, he was wondering what to tell her What could he even tell her ? He wondered shaking in discomfort. He got off the bus – excitedly and eagerly walking through the familiar village road. The same old house where she lived was in front of him He stopped in front of the gate fearful of her reaction. Many years had passed The decision was made...
"I came to pick up the panel " he delightedly looked at her beautiful appearance. A beautiful young woman handed him the palate she had kept for years.
"I didn't mean that " he murmured Suddenly, a tall blond man appeared at the door. He realized He was touching the envelope with the palate inside with his trembling fingers trying to erase the discomfort and disappointment; and perhaps the feeling of guilt that what he could have had, he had lost forever
Daniel Miltz
As I advanced through my adolescence, I moved on from school. I had extraordinary work, working in an auto plant, yet I felt like I was missing something I was tense with a gigantic anxious life. Additionally, the time I experienced childhood in (the 40's, 50's and 60's) we glorified break free against the genuineness of the past age. The qualities and standards were unique. I was getting exhausted. Thinking back on my life growing up, I somehow needed to re-invent my high-strung gumption. I was becoming more refined in my post teenage years. I grew up being a mischievous punk kid, who had a score to settle.
I at long last shared with myself enough of this nonsense Following a couple of long periods of more wildness. I got increasingly more dedicated to supplicating, associating with my actual self, and supernatural pondering I felt somewhere down in my heart to make a few changes in my external world. That choice included traveling through the whole country I was amped up for the new experiences that I was attempting. That was without a doubt clearing the way for my new horizon, through, the 'Doors of Perception ' In addition to what has been said, I may say: ''there were many forthcoming days in my blue collar town.'' I decided
it was time to really grow up and move on the time I experienced childhood in (the 40's, 50's and 60's) we glorified break free against the genuineness of the past age. –Daniel Miltz
Dreams disappeared through seasons and she wrote rhymes, lyrics for the romantic melodies that touched the heartiest hearts. -Snežana Šolkotović
Madhuri Kulkarni
Life always takes an unexpected turn when we feel everything is going smoothly and according to us. I was born in a family wherein the income was hand to mouth But our parents taught us the moral and ethics of life. They taught us how to handle finance, education and family life. I used to teach small kids for paying my college fees. Later I joined an office where I worked hard and when I got married, they weren't ready to let me go Hubby was in a distant place, so I had to leave my city and join him. Life there was not easy. I spoke English and Kannada whereas they spoke Hindi and Marwari They followed the Purdah system and they labelled me that I am not a follower of their rituals. Time passed by and I became one of them My diploma in tailoring and fashion designing and English classes are the memories which I cherish. We returned back to our home and settled tough times come and go but we moved on surviving all odds... My playschool and classes for kids of autorickshaw drivers and housemaids made me feel satisfied about the life I lead. Hubby being a calm and composed personality lends his support in all walks of my life My children and family feel proud of us . What more do we need...!!
Tha Ono
Far Too Well, my life once existed My thoughts are constantly returning to previous times of my life.
Conceived to my mother during a painful moment in her life, will lead to tragedy that fall and rise. I was just nine years old when my innocence was taken from me in a classroom I was reluctant to speak up because I knew Mr. Perfect's former pupil would accuse me of lying. I do not remember his name, but I do recall the pain and the yellow transformer truck I once had. I am all too aware of this since... Branded as a nerd and other names that are well-known, from close friends, instructors, and strangers. Even now, I am continually pressured to do things that I do not want to. I constantly revisit it. I am all too aware of this internal suffering and chaos abound, love-based rejection falling all around The paper and pen it was written on are worthless. I do not care because I keep seeing. You can use me as a sweep and scoop whenever necessary. To fix the problems in the lives of those I serve, soon I am placed in the corner once more until required. I am all too familiar with this emotion so cold. giving more than you request. Sweet lies are spoken by them, continuous fake gratitude pass by their lips but sincere gratitude never in their eyes. Only words leaving their mouth are equivalent to lies Just to be beaten to become even more harder I would like to spend less time looking for a getaway vehicle. These are all too present in the moments I live, haunting my days. I am unsure of what the days hold. Whether she finds me first or I find her The events that take place even during the blinding days. Every second will be permanently carved in my memory.
These are all too present in the moments I live, haunting my days. I am unsure of what the days hold. –Tha Ono
Our parents taught us the moral and ethics of life. They taught us how to handle finance, education and family life.
–Madhuri Kulkarni
Sudha Dixit
We strive to be a good human being, studious student, dutiful children, successful in career and good parents. We remain busy and content with our handling of life. But a vacuum happens when all duties and goals are over, we are left with nothing –at least we feel the emptiness. Many elders suffer from loneliness. Children develop wings and fly away This is law of nature Elders do need help but they cannot become burden on others. We must be prepared for the last leg of life’s journey Mark Twain has, rightly, said, “Plan for the future, because that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life.” Everyone grows old Hence everyone must prepare himself to live a quality life. Some are blessed with very caring children but all are not. We cannot take good luck for granted
Those who have read the essay titled, “The Superannuated Man” would understand the plight of a retired person An active man, working in an office from nine am to five pm, suddenly retires and finds himself without a job plus lot of time on his hands He reaches the kitchen to help his wife but is shunned by her because she doesn’t want any encroachment on her domain. He tries to be friendly with his children, for whom he never had time to mingle with. He realizes that much water has flown under the bridge. The speed with which time has passed leaves him stupefied His children are grown up. They have no time for him. How long can he take a walk or while away time in parks? That is the time depression sets in. The loneliness starts to play havoc on his mind. In such situation, the question of mental health seeps in. Irritation, boredom, sense of futility of existence and a kind of aimlessness drives him to insanity. I would like to cite an example. Japan is a developed country. It has one of the best technologies in the world. People, there, are financially well off. They have all the luxuries available. What they don’t have is –companionship. The population control has made Japan a nation of oldies.
Thirty percent of its people are above the age of sixty-five. In our sun-set years we lose many of our companions and friends The bond among the group of same age people is much stronger than it is between men or women of different age. Frankly we are more comfortable with our own age group. This fact results in leaving us lonely and isolated from mainstream of young people. I read a news item that left me astonished It said that in order to evade their loneliness some senior citizens resort to stealing items in the malls, not because they lack money but in the hope that when caught stealing, they would get a chance to talk to people. How pathetic! Japan or any other rich country try to tackle this problem by making committees to provide elders some company. They are taking help of machines. They are provided with robots who talk to them and entertain them. These robots could be in human form or in the form of pets, dogs, cats or birds etc. In US school children are asked to go to old -agehomes and talk to senior citizens living there. While it is true that such gimmicks do help to a certain extent but can any intelligent person be fooled by it? We don’t need toys; we need real people with feelings and emotions.
I read a news item that left me astonished. It said that in order to evade their loneliness some senior citizens resort to stealing items in the malls, not because they lack money but in the hope that when caught stealing, they would get a chance to talk to people.
The instances of suicide are maximum in Japan and in other rich countries too We cannot eat money Gold and diamonds cannot give us company. There is a Hindi song that says, “Your photo cannot entertain me It does not smile like you, does not talk to me back like you do. It does not have life. How can it give me solace if it cannot stir feeling of pain in me.” How true! In the poverty ridden country like India where, still, parents live with their children, this problem is not so big in magnitude.
But it does exist. Elimination of joint family system is one culprit. Children get cultural education and knowledge of religious background and myths. On one hand, it’s beneficial to kids, on the other hand it gives the elders a purpose on life. Still, scenario is changing. Modern rat race is robbing us of our heritage. Even a young person, who is lonely finds it difficult to manage his sanity. Often, in desperation, they are driven to take extreme step. An elderly human being is worse off. We, often, hear an old person praying to God to let him die. Loneliness causes us to lose the will to live. Hence, simple entertainment is not enough. We must instil desire to live in desperate people. I advocate ‘euthanasia’ in extreme cases; which is an entirely different issue. Remember Aruna Shanbhag? She remained on ventilator, like a vegetable for fortytwo years. That is inhuman. In such cases, the candidate should be allowed to die by his/ her own will with help of a doctor In any such situation, ‘euthanasia’ is an act of mercy, that provides relief to the sufferer. Leaving aside the rare and extreme cases, we must concentrate on finding solution to the rising problem of loneliness among elderly people. It leads to severe mental issues like insanity, schizophrenia, uncontrolled anger or deep depression. Western countries and self-sufficient countries like Japan are the example that technology has failed us. It can never replace human empathy and emotions. So, while our youngsters have to take the responsibility of the well being of elders, be it their family members, neighbours or other senior citizens of society; the elders, themselves, have to take care of their life They have to plan their future. We have always been taught to save for the rainy day. This saving is, nothing but a foresight; a preparation for not so predictable time ahead. We do anticipate rainy days. So, an umbrella is required
Summer also happens with intense heat Hence, let’s plant trees and secure a cap in case you venture out in the sun. winter protection is also essential. These are the physical and material things we all know about. Similarly, there are abstract thingsintellectual, emotional and, may be, spiritual that, too, should be looked after Time keeps moving, so does our age. We grow old. Old age is our rainy day. We are alone in our twilight zone Let’s keep some baggage with us till we no longer need any baggage. Now, what kind of luggage do we need? We need things which keep us occupied. Mind requires to be engaged in activities It should never be kept empty or it would become ‘Devil’s workshop’. Heart doesn’t get wrinkles. It should never be deprived of love and affection So, what do we do to remain sane and happy in our ‘over the hill’ period? The answer is – ‘Keep ourselves engaged’. The question is, again, how do we do that? The answer is – cultivate hobbies. Hobbies entertain us. They keep mind occupied and heart engaged in happiness
Whatever we do for pure pleasure is hobby. Some love gardening. They talk to plants. They reap the fruits- literally Some like to travel They explore the world. Others read. They, also, explore the universe mentally. Some paint. Some create artefacts. There are umpteen options Just look for them and you would find that sky is the limit. Gardening-lovers may become too fragile to pursue it. Travelers, again, may have health issues Readers might not be able to read due to eye-problem. Hindrances are many. But life is a journey. There is no destination. We have to keep moving and for that we need motivation This motivation is our virtual destination. We have to handle our isolation ourselves.
Time keeps moving, so does our age. We grow old. Old age is our rainy day. We are alone in our twilight zone. Let’s keep some baggage with us till we no longer need any baggage.
Remember, when we used to get hurt in our childhood; mother would cuddle us, soothe us try to comfort us but the pain we only had to bear. Nobody can, physically, share our pain. Same situation in our old age. We must have means to handle the vacuum, time has created in life. Hobbies are those means. Forget reading, writing, gardening or travelling. There are no-stress activities. Just watch movies, play cards, talk to plants, join laughter club.
Most important and easiest thing, in life, is remain connected with friends. Friends are our life-line ever and specially in old age. Our own age group keeps us in our own time zone. Our time-zone is our comfort zone. We should try to remain in our comfort zone. Peace and serenity are the best medicine for mental health. Laughing(funnily), walking (be it staggeringly), dancing (even with two left legs), singing (in out of tune voice), with a bunch of friends and calling them idiots, is the way to live happily. There is nothing more important in life than happiness. We don’t need robots or machines to make us happy. We need human touch. We need emotional healing. We need friends and support of society. On one hand we need to share our loneliness with someone; on the other hand, we need a will and tenacity to stand on our own feet and walk may be with a walker. Japan and other rich and developed countries would tackle their elders’ problem in their own way; our Bharat is a young nation. Our culture is, still, intact to a great extent. We can handle our senior citizens. All we need is awareness and a feeling of love towards them. Our elders are a treasure-trove of experience. They have unconventional knowledge. If nothing else. At least, they have stories to tell. Let us pamper them. Let us not forget that they do not have much time to live. Let us make the last moments of their life comfortable and peaceful. Believe me the effort would make us blissful.
But life is a journey. There is no destination. We have to keep moving and for that we need motivation. This motivation is our virtual destination. We have to handle our isolation ourselves.
-Sudha Dixit
Ulma Taboada
Story of my life begins and focuses on my family, especially my parents. I missed them so badly, my father who is always there every step of the way. Mom who does wonder in the kitchen and most of all the way they loved each other. Dad never takes a day off to love, take care and guide us every moment of our lives even in time of distress. Then a big blow in our life came. Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. We were so depressed, especially Dad. Even Mom refuses to admit her sickness, ailing she moves with painful difficulty. Sometimes she denies her needs to be healed and loses hope. In her last few days Dad was always with her. My siblings and I tried to be there with Mom too. My heart was particularly touched one morning while I was preparing Mom’s medicine. I hear the sound of music in their room. I peeped through the door, I saw Dad trying to lure Mom to dance with him. Tired and weak she gave the moment a chance. Dad gently carried her in his arms, swaying and embracing her lovingly. She kissed her tenderly. I heard Dad’s deep sigh, he felt her kiss as if she’s saying goodbye. I saw teardrops from his eyes followed by a sob. He laid her back to bed lifeless. The scene really broke my heart. My body froze like ice. Mom is dead. After a year Dad passed away, we were so surprised when we opened his closet. Mom has already prepared everything Dad needs for his funeral My heart is filled with heaviness recalling all the memories they left behind.
Tess Ritumalta
I used to climb trees during my childhood days I was so clumsy and mischievous, it always puts me in trouble. I would end up with sprained feet My grandmother would come to the rescue. Carrying me on her back and will take me directly to the "manhihilot" (old ways therapist or witch doctor). She didn't mind the heavy load even if she walk miles I didn't remember how many times I fell and got lamed, But like a playful, active boy (though I'm a girl) I would climb trees, ride carabao as if nothing would go wrong. Maybe because I knew I have someone who cares for me.. Like a superwoman, that always comes to the rescue when I am at risk When I was young, my mom chased me with a bamboo stick as part of my punishment when I shouted "witch" at an old lady... She took my side and gave my mom a word
She is my rescuer, that pampered me during my unruly days I left my village when I entered high school and never got the chance to be with Grandma again, she came to my wedding once and gave words of wisdom I could never forget. "Getting married is getting tied to a fate that has no way out, don't repeat the same story, make a change"... Years later, I cried in her lap.... Coz she was right But she had changed.. I saw her eyes sunken and deep... Through the years, she had grown very old, tired, and weak.. The last time we met, she was so proud of her great-grandchildren and would tell me, I am so lucky to have them... Then I never saw her again... I wish she was here to be my ear, I could tell her all my troubles, and sighs, and she would tell me words that are simple yet deep She is my grandma, and I regret that I haven't gotten the chance to read her my poetry...or bid her goodbye
I don't know if I can climb trees again, now that my superwoman was gone forever But I know she is happy in heaven...
Love sometimes is taken for granted, you can only feel its depth and sincerity once the person is gone forever I miss my grandma and the unconditional love she has given…
The kind of love they had for each other still haunts my mind and warms my heart. “Love is a promise that should never be forgotten once it is given”. _ Ulma Taboada
Love sometimes is taken for granted, you can only feel its depth and sincerity once the person is gone forever…
-Tess Ritumalta
PLAISIR D’AMOUR is actually an inspiration from "Plaisir d'amour“ "Pleasure of love") a classical French love song written in 1784 by Jean-Paul-Égide Martini’. The text of the piece was taken from a poem by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian (1755-1794), which is seen in his novel Celestine. The song was very popular that it has been used in theaters, operas and movies up to this day… I was inspired by the classic song and the story behind the lyrics that inspired me to make it the title of Poetry Planet 44th anthology participated by more than 130 poets from different part of the Globe… Plaisir D”amour has many different interpretations, it can be sad or happy. It can be about love to a lover or it can be in general.. Although, the analysis in the classic poem is sad. Others may explain it as a source joy
Writers can describe it better because they were born with the gift to express emotions through writing. And Poets are best known to be the most passionate created being on earth. It is the reason why when they were told to write about love, they pen like they are in a dream world, their poems are beautifully expressed filled with passions and tender emotions.
This book Plaisir D’amour is an expression of an intense love written in poetry... Metaphorically explained in whirlpool and Kaleidoscopic emotions… Written by more by poets from different part of the globe, united in one goal…to enhance their writing by means of collaborating… So read the book and be enchanted inside a world these poets created using their wide imaginations…
Marites Ritumalta
As with the wheel, cities and law codes, the earliest examples of written literature appear to have originated in ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerian civilization first developed writing around 3400 B C , when they began making markings on clay tablets in a script known as cuneiform. And so literature evolve, until such time that it became the most important part of history, until historians recorded famous writers and one of them is William Shakespeare that has become the father of literature.
William Shakespeare is considered by many to be the father of modern English Literature It is not just his popularity and influence on modern writers that allows for this title to be attributed to him but because of the massive contributions he made to the development of the English language. Although Geoffrey Chaucer is know to be the first father of literature William became well-known to achieve that title up to this day.. Who is William Shakespeare?
William Shakespeare was a renowned English poet, playwright, and actor born in 1564 in Stratford-uponAvon. His birthday is most commonly celebrated on 23 April which is also believed to be the date he died in 1616.
Shakespeare was a prolific writer during the Elizabethan and Jacobean ages of British theatre (sometimes called the English Renaissance or the Early Modern Period). Shakespeare’s plays are perhaps his most enduring legacy, but they are not all he wrote. Shakespeare’s poems also remain popular to this day.
Shakespeare’s works Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays and over 150 short and long poems, many of which are considered to be the finest ever written in English The most famous among his tragedies are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. Shakespeare also wrote over 150 short and long poems, and a famous collection of Sonnets which was first published in 1609.
Shakespeare's plays are a canon of approximately 39 dramatic works written by English poet, playwright, and actor William Shakespeare.
The exact number of plays—as well as their classifications as tragedy, history, comedy, or otherwise is a matter of scholarly debate
Shakespeare invented words William Shakespeare is credited with the invention or introduction of over 1,700 words that are still used in English today. William Shakespeare used more than 20,000 words in his plays and poems, and his works provide the first recorded use of over 1,700 words in the English language.
Examples Of Commonly Used Words
accommodation. aerial. amazement. apostrophe. assassination. auspicious. baseless. bloody bump castigate
dishearten. dislocate. dwindle. eventful. exposure. fitful. frugal. generous. gloomy. gnarled
majestic. misplaced. monumental. multitudinous. obscene. palmy. perusal. pious. premeditated What is Shakespeare's most famous line? "To be, or not to be: that is the question." Perhaps the most famous of Shakespearean lines, the anguished Hamlet ponders the purpose of life and suicide in this profound soliloquy. ccto
YEAR-END Edition 27
Greetings, I would like to congratulate everyone for making it this far. We are now in our 2nd year together and getting stronger.
Poetry Planet International Magazine year-end edition tackles about writers enhancing their skills by being motivated. Contributors shared their point of views that can in return encourage readers.