Poetry Planet International Magazine January 2023 edition

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The Showering Hope of 2023 Featuring MR. LEO A. EDAÑO ISSN:2799-0540 Inside: FLASHBACK: Poetry Planet International Magazine Featured Artists Calendar 2022 1 JANUARY 2023


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Poetry Planet Book Publishing House

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January 2023 Edition 2 CONTRIBUTORS  Mr. Leo A. Edaño  Sudha Dixit  Okoi Amadiowei Jacob  S. Afrose  Vijaylaxmi Sarmah  Saroja Krishnamurthy  Snežana Šolkotović  Daniel Mitlz  Marvin Marcelino  Ashir Chipu  Margaret Karim  Marivic Miranda  Maria Elvira Fernandes Correia  Dolo Res  Amb Maid Corbic  Kenneth Munene  Prashanta Kumar Samanta  Vicente A.Valdez Jr.  Madhuri Kulkarni



He is currently Instructor at President Ramon Magsaysay State University- Castillejos Campus. He teaches College of Teachers Education (CTE) students in the areas of General Science & Biological Science. He is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and he took up 18 Units of Continuing Professional Education major in Biological Science. He is currently a campus coordinator of Student Body Organization at PRMSU-Castillejos. He is a former Junior High School DepEd teacher. He is a registered nurse of the Philippines and a United State Registered Nurse (USRN) and a former Clinical Nurse Educator (CNE). He completed his Master of Art in Education -Major in Science at the President Ramon Magsaysay State University. Presently he is pursuing his Doctor of Philosophy of Educational Leadership and Management –Major in Science at Pacific Intercontinental College. He also received an honoris causa award Doctor of Humanities (DHum), Gawad Maharaja Award, and several awards in teaching.

He is member of several professional organization and had attended many seminars, webinars and received various awards related to his field of specialization at the regional, national and international levels.



There are few emotions more powerful than hope It’s a spark inside of us that brings a smile in our lips, a light that shows on our face, a feeling that lifts our head and pulls us forward Hope is what keeps us alive Today hope often feels hard to come by. But in reality hope is based on how deep our faith which claims and offer to us a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about the present.

It sounds good…but is it true? Whatever we do or don’t believe, the long series of our lives is our opportunity to explore, to discuss, to question, to discover and that is the long journey of our hope.

Most of the time we keep asking What is HOPE? Actually, hope is not Pollyannaish optimism the assumption that a positive outcome is inevitable. Instead, hope is a motivation to persevere towards our goal or end state, even if we’re skeptical that a positive outcome is likely. In succeeding studies, it says HOPE involves activity, a can-do attitude, and a belief that we have a pathway to our desired outcome. HOPE is the willpower to change and the way-power to bring about that change.

HOPE is a bit easier in teens and with young or middle-aged adults. But for older adults, it’s a bit harder. Aging often means running up against obstacles that appear unyielding like recurring health or financial or family issues that just don’t seem to away. HOPE for older adults has to be “ STICKY”, persevering, a “MATURE HOPE”

Unfortunately, most of the time HOPE become harder for us to met and to build it up. In order for us to maintain HOPE in the long run is good, but it’s still grey for us it is because we do not know where we start and what action should we do.

Here are my four suggestions: 1 Attend a motivational speech or watch, read, listen to one online that increases HOPE, although usually the fix is short-lived.

2 Engage with religious or spiritual community, this has worked for millennia. Amidst a community of like believers, people have drawn strength, found peace and experienced the elevation of human spirit, just by knowing there is something or someone much larger than them. 3. Forgive. It reduces depression and anxiety and increases your capacity to forgive That’s true even with long-held grudges. I’ve personally found that successfully forgiving someone provides a sense of both the willpower and waypower to change 4 Choose a “HERO of HOPE”, it’s give us a motivation in order for us to keep strong.

HOPE changes system that seem stuck. Although of how hard we try, we cannot eliminate threats to HOPE Bad stuff happens. But there are the endpoints of persistent hope: We become healthier, and our relationships are happier We can bring about that HOPE by buoying our willpower, bolstering our persistence, finding pathways to our goals and dreams, and looking for heroes of hope. And just perhaps one day, we too can be such a HERO of HOPE

HOPE is a shield and a path, particularly powerful protector against the dread of a chronic or life-threatening illness. It needn’t center on a cure to be useful, though those aspirations are enticing


Rather, a person’s HOPE --- even when facing an illness that will likely end their life can be aimed at finding joy or comfort. It can be cultivated and focused on achieving life milestones, such as meeting grandchildren or attending a child’s wedding. It can be found in moments of serenity: What is contentedness if not an acknowledgement that there can be good in our lives, even under challenging circumstances?

Lastly, HOPE can be an opportunity for us to process events that seem insurmountable. A massive setback in life, a crushing accident, a vigil held during a relative’s last days, or even our own final months living with a fatal disease can be times when HOPE for comfort or reprieve serves as a pathway from one stage to the next.



Hope are stardusts that shower in the depth of an evening, Fireflies that twinkle in a dark forest And a lightened candle when the world is in total blackout….

-Tess Ritumalta



Sudha Dixit

My last visit to Perth, Western Australia, was three years back From March 2020 to year 2021, we all were confined to home because of COVID. Since there was no outing to be done, I read extensively and wrote with flourish The forced house-arrest was a blessing in disguise. We have to look at things with a positive attitude. There is no point in cribbing and crying over spilt milk In favourable or in adverse situation, we should find an alternative solution, howsoever hard the quest might be I utilized the virtual captivity to do my creative work for which I was always short of time. It paid dividends and got several of my books published In 2022, the world got its freedom from the malady of COVID. With a sigh of relief, people started moving and planning holidays I, too, needed a break. So, I decided to go Perth to be with my daughter. It was not possible to take an escort with me Children were concerned due to my age and fragile health, as to how I would travel alone. I explained to them that everything would be fine God, above, would look after me They booked my flight with wheel chair. There was the stop over at Singapore for three hours The wheel chair person deposited me in front of designated gate and disappeared with a promise to come back in time. I was relaxed and spent time reading a book Suddenly, I realized that people were going in the gate but saying that their flight was for L A. I asked the girl attending to them that my flight was for Perth She said the gate number has been changed and I need to go to the other gate. I told her that I need the wheel chair person to take me as I could not walk She expressed her helplessness. I panicked but saw one passenger coming in wheel chair. I caught hold of him and explained my plight He swung into action and almost ten minutes to take off time someone came to take me to board the plane

It is alright to have hope yet, one must be alert observant. God is there to care for us but even He needs our participation in solving our problems Well, all is well that ends well.



S Afrose

Life is not going on smoothly. So many strikes, trying to break the pedestal. How can survive? Oh! How pathetic! Who can help? Please God, bless us.

We must love ourselves. Life is beautiful like the blooming roses. Will win all hearts by spreading ray of heart. There are so many thorns, try to fight back. Sometimes a flood of painful tears. It's fine. Until the last breath. We can enjoy the hidden flame of dear life, at the last verge.

How is that possible?

Holding a ray of hope. It will be your best supporter. It will guide you to lit the way of onward verses. Don't be disappointed. Don't be shocked. Don't be shattered. Accept all as parts of life's exam. When one will pass other will be your pride.

By this way you can discover the spiritual sense of dear life. Let it come and help to touch all sites. Not so tough nor so easy. But you must believe this in deepest heart. Always rememberH stands for happiness O stands for optimistic vision P stands for pride of dear heart & mind E stands for eternal life on earth

That's the hymn all the time. Life will be turned into golden charm on this earth.



My father is the one who taught me the power of hope. He told me never to step back for the fear of failure, but keep faith in my beliefs and the spirit of hope.

When we have hope, we actually win half the struggle Hope gives us the push to move on and carry on with our journey no matter what. Hope is the seed of a beautiful flower, that we need to tend and nurture, even if it takes time to blossom.

Dreams dreamt with hope, takes shape, because with hope there is in us the quintessential spirit within us never to give up, When our hope and faith is strong, we also have the potency to carry on with our tasks , and take up the challenges, because we believe we will succeed one day

We will always win battles and achieve our goals, when we keep on doing our work steadily.

Examples galore of how many celebrated personalities, never gave up hope even when they failed and was on the verge of losing.

Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela did not have another weapon, but great hope in their hearts for new dawns to dawn ,for new beginnings to begin overcoming all hardships.

Columbus never gave up hope of finding new lands

There is no point, sitting, grumbling and grudging on the negativities of life but to fill our hearts with hope's positive mantra

It will lift us each time we fall, each time we give up. Hope is like an eternal glowing candle that never let darkness to cover us completely It keeps one corner of our home brighten even when all the lights are out.

Hope is that silver line in our dark clouds, making us to believe that yes, the sunshine is there behind those clouds. The warm sun will thaw our heart.

Hope is our strength to keep on walking, even with sores on our feet.

Hope never abandons the optimist mind. It looks forward to every new tomorrow to every new sunrise.

It is really sad to see those individuals who commit suicide, because they give up on hope too soon

Yet, see the hopefuls one lying in hospitals but yet thinking of spring flowers and rainbows

These hopeful individuals never loose hope to stay alive and enjoy their days

The alarming rate at which teenagers are committing suicides is indeed something need to be concerned about.

We have to teach these young people to build optimist and positive mindsets

Failure in one area does not mean one needs to end life. Parents and teachers also have important roles to play in helping them to cope up with their troubles and difficulties.

They need to be taught to be positive in all aspects of life, their hopes should not diminish or dwindle, at any point

Often parents themselves dismiss their kids' optimism saying them' You are hopeless '

It breaks their heart, that makes them take drastic steps like ending lives

Whereas parents need to support and stand by their children even when they have failures , and tell them never to give up and lose hope.

Hope is the most powerful tool that we possess to survive, to fight, to achieve our goals.

The whole world can come in our way to quash our dreams, taunt us for our failures, but when there is hope within us we will overcome the hardships and achieve those dreams.

The most ruthless storms might uproot the tall trees, but one tiny root still holds to the soil,with hope to come up again from the earth

Hope is the eternal spirit that never let life to die Hope is life.



Okoi Amadiowei Jacob

Hope is an instinct of encouragement in the mind that motivates someone towards target objectives in life which perhaps result to fulfilment in future It is the confidence developed in the mind towards realization of target objectives thereby working with commitment and diligence towards its fulfilment in future.

The significance of hope in pursuit of target objectives is once noted from outcome of the Qatar World Cup. Argentinians had been nursing the hope of winning the World Cup through Lionel Messi whom generality of Argentinians believed to be their new Diego Maradona. The Argentine society expected Lionel Messi to replicate Maradona by returning the keenly awaited Trophy to Argentina Messi therefore bore that burden of winning the World Cup for Argentina upon his shoulders, since 2006

Messi had made enviable efforts with the national team to bring the highly coveted trophy home but was disappointed severally in the past His successes at the club level became questionable as he had never achieved tangible success with Argentina. Even when played in the final in 2018 edition, Messi became unfortunate again thus was defeated to continue with the stigma of not performing well with the national team He got tired of the situation and announced his retirement from international engagement but was persuaded to continue with the national team thus he returned When Scolani became the head coach of Argentina national team, he advised Messi to continue playing. They encouraged each other in their respective involvements with the national team. They later won the Copa America in 2021 which motivated them to work harder thereby booking qualification in Qatar World Cup. At the starting of the tournament, the trauma emerged again to frustrate Messi when Argentina were defeated in the first match. Fortunately, they overcame their initial defeat with series of winnings through Messi's meritorious performances

This resulted to Argentina progressing to the second round, quarter finals, semifinals, and to the final for which France were defeated by Argentina through penalty shootout Argentina waited and waited and waited and waited for 36 Years for this Great Glory which ushered in Cheeeeeeeeers of Joyfulness to all in Argentina through the enviable efforts of Lionel Messi in world football. Hope is like a seedling inserted in the mind whose sprouting is encouraged with commitment and perseverance. We must therefore be hopeful in our respective engagements in life in order to be successful in future.



Saroja Krishnamurthy

Hope is what keeps us all alive giving importance to positive sides of life. No doubt, life is full of struggles. However much cleverer we are life pose lot of challenges ahead of us. Our world is still beautiful regardless of all its hopeless situations. Even if we need to change anything we have to plant a seed of hope. What is past is past. Wrongs can't be erased now. At best we can give a good thought before plunging into new ventures. So it is not wrong in dreaming of a good future for our future generations. It's better to acknowledge our limitations.

We have to descend from the stairs of despair and destitution Life has its inequalities We should accept and realize our potentials Let's hope to recreate another new world leaving the past behind

In this age of globalization our focus should be to create a pleasant atmosphere between nation to nation Hatred should stop We don't gain anything from wars

Though we are doing some good showing our solidarity in issues like pandemics, natural calamities etc. it's not enough. We can keep our faith in our youngsters who are making a difference in their views, hinting at global community.


Hope exists for everyone; there is not one-person that can’t use hope. I use hope everyday and I’m extremely happy. If you have hope you can fly to your dreams in life, for example when we were all little someone asked us what we wanted to be when we grow up and no matter what that kid said he or she didn’t have a doubt in their mind that they were not going to be what they dreamed but as we get older we start to loose hope and focus more on “reality. ” Hope is imbibed deeply in our mind and soul and it is our soul that gives rise to the hope as it is its home. All of us have many dreams in our minds, but hardly few manage to get them fulfilled in the first attempt. Dreaming is the sweetest thing ever, because we always dream about things we love and hope .The best way to reach your dreams and hopes is to work to achieve them and to change them to reality and never giving up in any situation. “Never give up” means keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Last but not least, the poorest person with hope is happier than the richest without hope. Some of the richest people used hope to get where they are now with just a little bit of faith and hope, that is all you will ever need in life, because it provides you with everything you will ever need.




Fernandes Correia

That feeling whose emotion peeps; outside, he looks on as a guest. Days he has endured a race. Fails, up in spree made him a prey of him self. If a goal to achieve he has, he shall go for with care. He is against sermon, but it is not it, wise advice of age experience good. His mother always pull the strings tight. Recklessly, he does not consider anything, yet he fails once more. Stubborn boy never will he learn. His mom never will give up, too. He is an only child, his mother Pampers him since birth. It's not her fault, a child always the apple of eyes of a mom. He is bold, he has no right measure to anything, impulsive he does before thinking. O', what a mom shall do as a guardian. - Teaching, teaching, that's all folks! - Besides, lots of love share. Being a mother is sublime! - A present of God for woman. She has a being for nine months in her womb growing before birth. A link tied for life days her. And hope, a mom keeps on her heart that she can deal with all troubles; and turn a child unto a man of principles following societal rules upon truest values. Believe and trust her, she is capable of transformation and form any child into good citizen.



He went in for an annual test and the doctor said his TMT is positive.. So he needs to take an Anglo... My heart trembled but then I smiled... All ECGs, blood pressure, and other tests where normal. The doctor never heeded and brushed away all the reports. The next week we had an appointment. Early in the morning he was wheeled into the operation theatre ..I was waiting for the angiography to be over...I had my heart at my sleeve... and couldn't see him off as it is...With a large lump in my throat. I smiled as if I was at ease ..Because I was deemed to be the strongest...in the family... I had no right to cry...Doors of the OT closed ..I sobbed wholeheartedly...washed my face and came and sat on the chair in the waiting room.. Time passed by... Hour by hour gone... The doors opened and he was wheeled out. He came back smiling...No blockage...no bypass...surgery. The doctor smiled as he said...He is healthy...the diagnosis was wrong...Tears of joy freely fell down my cheeks...Hugging my hubby happily I said ..I always had the Ray Of HOPE that you are clear at heart and soul... Now the doctor confirmed it too...I chuckled...I would give up the world. Just to see the sparkle in his eyes. Returning home...I could smile at every single person. The dark clouds that had gathered in the heart from a fortnight had melted away .. The sun shone upon me with his gentle rays...



Dolo Res

What is hope without faith? For these two joined together to give strength to the failing heart. Hope is an intangible feeling but exists in every mankind’s heart. It cannot be seen but dwells in every desperate heart. We are clinging to something that we are unsure would happen but faith gives us strength and hopes to make our uncertain desire becomes certain.

Dying cancer patients woke up every day with hope in their hearts believing that they will be healed thus, faith strengthens their belief and hope to fight their everyday battle in life hoping that tomorrow they will be alright and that gives them a spirit to smile and courage to go on because of their extraordinary hope through faith. To the struggling family whose every day is a struggle where they are going to get food and other needs for their children, still wake up every morning with hope in their hearts believing someday a miracle will bestow upon them and God will answer their hopeful prayers.

Troubled spirits never saw a blink of hope, for they always dwell in the dark side of life. They are low-spirited people that do not let FAITH rule their life. Problems dim our hope that the spirit of desperation will come to our senses and that is what evil wants us to do. Once we indulge in this trickery our. minds will settle for the worst. We will always be surrounded by negative thoughts that might end up in desperation. Out of desperation people tend to act without even thinking about the consequences that might result in more serious problems. We are all hopeful because we know that there is an Omnipotent One who is with us. The God that will give light and ease our burden in life Hope requires a lot of patience to see the fruit of patience. An endless faith in God. Yes, all of us are hoping for desirable results for our wanted dreams.

But if we are faithful, and patient and believe that God will answer our prayers, that gives us hope. Hope without prayers and faith is futile. One should have faith to obtain hope. One should be prayerful to strengthen their faith.



HOPE is the confidence someone developed in mind towards realization of target objective in life thereby working towards its fulfilment in future It is a passive form of inspiration in the mind that motivates someone to be committed in working towards target objectives which will be realized in future Hope is like a guiding spirit that encourages someone to continue in searching for what one intends to achieve in life. The impact of hopefulness in realization of target objectives is made more perceptible as recently noted from the courage of the Argentine National Football Team, especially their captain, Lionel Andres Messi The veteran Argentine captain who even pronounced his retirement from international engagements due to previous setbacks in his quest to win a major trophy with the national team fortunately reignited his hope through series of persuasions from fans, friends and team mates Having confidence in his ability to win a major trophy for Argentina, Messi and his teammates continued to make exploits in the game of football which resulted to their winning of the Copa America trophy for Argentina in 2021. This noble stride in international engagement invigorated their interest in winning more trophies for Argentina

Consequently, their hope for winning more major trophies for Argentina became alive earlier this year, as the Messi lead national team defeated the Italian national team thereby bringing the Finalissima trophy to Argentina. Messi and his compatriots were motivated more through their clinching of this particular trophy They therefore went to the Qatar World Cup with that winning mentality. Several obstacles beset them on their journey towards winning the world cup, especially their unexpected defeat by Saudi Arabia at the group stage. However having hope of winning the highly coveted trophy, they encouraged themselves, and worked together as a team which resulted to series of winning on their way to the target glory With God on their side, and with the Messi magic in football, which was complemented by Martinez outstanding performances, the Argentine society and Messi hope of winning the World Cup was realized on the 18th of December, 2022. Hopefulness therefore is a secret source of motivation that encourages someone towards achieving target objectives in life.


Getting into the year, 2023 will be great. It is a moment I shall make more efforts to achieve some of my target aims in the journey of life, especially my quest for getting married, as well as my interest in getting one of my books published Having such tangible objectives in mind, I shall get involved in low income generating businesses such as petty trading, with which I shall be keeping aside some little savings that will be realized from the sale of my commodities. Consequently, I shall be making effort to embark on market survey, with regard to publication of my literary texts in the subgenre of short story. Having scripted three interesting short stories, I am anxious to publish them so that members of the public will have access to delicacies in those interesting literary contexts, as well as deriving thematic details in those texts. I shall approach some of the book publishing firms in my locality, with the aim of getting proper information on the cost of publication for each of the short stories, and the processes involved in the course of publishing my texts in the first or second quarters of this nearing year.

Interestingly, I shall be searching for life partner in marriage Finding suitable, educated life partner, as a common man in our part of the world is delicate and dangerous.

Many parents never wanted their daughters, especially educated daughters to get married to young men who are at the edge of starting a living with the least level of financial validity. A lady may consent to a young man's proposal in marriage but the parents or perhaps the guardians of the young lady will make it direly difficult for the marriage to come to fulfilment Many of such proposals had been dismissed by greedy and arrogant parents who are fond of making money with marriages of their educated daughters Nevertheless, searching for the right suitor will help to an extent as the lady herself will plead with her parents to take it easy thereby resulting to a successful marriage

Having proposed certain business strategies in mind, and with subsequent implementation in the nearest future, the dearest dreams of publishing my literary texts, as well as getting married to a beautiful, beloved darling wife is achievable in the year, 2023. And with God on my side, it shall be purely possible! I give God the glory who had brought me to this enviable extent in life, especially in my writing career 2023 therefore shall be my year of Showering Hope in life.


Hope makes the world so happy that I want only to stay happy and be blessed. Happiness in my soul always brings back to me memories that I wish to stay. The Word of happiness and hope is to be just who I am and to share morals of life to all. Time runs out so I want to have the freedom to share hope to everyone in the world. That is my mission for now, to be happy and be motivated.


FLASHBACK: Poetry Planet International Magazine Featured Artists Calendar 2022

Marites Ritumalta

As the world smiled again after two long years of being locked-up in their houses: Our magazine started growing with artists eager to be featured. Let us recall each one of them

January 2022 edition


The Poetry Planet International Magazine

January 2022 edition tackles the hope that awaits in the coming year… Green because it helps calm anxiety and relieves stress under the weight we handled from the previous two years of extreme pressure. Inside are articles of various educators and writers from different parts of the globe expressing their hopes and aspirations while excitedly welcoming the new year with optimistic views in mind that the light will shine once more, after living in dark-filled years because of the pandemic

February edition 2022


The Poetry Planet International Magazine

February 2022 edition does not only focus on the month of the Hearts but on loving oneself and appreciating what we already love, with collaborated love poems from poets around the world and writers’ different versions and ideas of the definition of soulmate.

March 2022 edition

Featured Artist: Ricky Montano

The Poetry Planet International Magazine

March 2022 edition Celebrates International Women’s day with Writers around the globe sharing their thoughts about women and their strengths Also, this article tackles Educators and their research about homeschooling, the struggles of teachers and students in learning from home because of pandemic

Artist: Mr. Leo A. Edaño Artist: Wilmer Joel Decano

April Edition 2022

June 2022 edition

The Poetry Planet International Magazine April 2022 edition focus on the story of friendship in educators and also of writers around the globe…

May edition 2022


The Poetry Planet International Magazine MAY 2022 edition celebrates mother’s day with stories and poetry about motherhood. This month is very special for poets who experience the role of being a mother. They were able to explain their thoughts in writing what they felt in parenting.

This edition tackles the importance of our votes as the election came in the Philippines, essays dedicated to our fathers as we celebrate Father's day, and also about the crisis we have on education after the 2 years pandemic.

July 2022 edition


In July 2022 edition, we learn about the guidelines on how professionals are able to maintain a good relationship with their families despite being busy in their line of work. Also, writers from around the world wrote their points of view on fidelity.

Featured Artist: Zaldy Carreon De Leon Jr., Wilmer Joel Decano, and Florentina Manikad Artist: Naidz Ladia Featured Artist: Romeo Andres Pilongo Artist:Dr. Rodrigo Mison Dantay, Jr and wife, Prof. Rhea Cabueñas Dantay LPT, MAED

August 2022 edition

Welcome to the August 2022 edition of Poetry Planet Book Publishing House. This issue focuses on the feeling of being at home away from the actual home. Writers worldwide express their agonies and stories of living in a home which is away from home.

September 2022 edition

Featured Aritst: Marvin Vasquez

In the September 2022 edition, we learn how educators cope during the post-pandemic, and writers around the globe share their stories of how they were able to reach their dreams.

October 2022 Edition


October 2022 edition undertakes on the joy of winning. Writers around the globe flash their great moments while experiencing the happiness in winning of different types. This issue also captures the moments when writers won various awards in Ophir, and Poetry Planet Awards for writers last August 2022.

November 2022 edition


The poetry festival celebrates poetry around the world, especially for aspiring writers. Thus, giving them the privilege to write and be featured in Poetry Planet Magazine. Aspirants, after all, were the reason our magazine was created.

Exclusive presents Light Of The North In Education And Literature, a tribute to Cagayan State University.

Featured Artist: Ana Rita Reyes Artist: Ailenemae Ramos Artist: Erwin Rmban

December 2022 Edition


December 2022 edition discusses the need to reach home on Christmas day as it is the only time parted families bond. The longingness and the willingness to come home are expressed in this imprint. Also, the issue arises whether being a poet a gifted talent, or an enhance knowledge become the topic of writers from around the world. Reading their pieces of opinions will give you enough understanding of the given issue.

Year-end 2022 Special Edition

Especial Awards


Artist: Ana Rita Reyes Featured Artist: Liege Lord Lanre Poetry Planet International Magazine year-end edition tackles writers enhancing their skills by being motivated. Contributors shared their point of views that can in return encourage readers were given to deserving Artists for their talents in writing articles. Their prizes include Free Publishing Package and Plaques. CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY: LIGHT OF THE NORTH IN EDUCATION AND LITERATURE by Erwin Rimban won the best article for 2022 awards for Featured Artist He was able to make use of his prize by publishing his book “Verisimilitude” for free. Ricky Montano’s March edition cover became the winner of Best Cover Model 2022 and was able to publish his book “Si Nemia At And Pandemia” as his prize for winning. 22



2022 has seen the continued impact of an inflation surge as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, which began at the end of 2020, has continued, and the year has seen the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and the reopening of international borders


Earth interact tidally with the Sun's outer atmosphere, which would decrease Earth's orbital radius Drag from the chromosphere of the Sun would reduce Earth's orbit. These effects will counterbalance the impact of mass loss by the Sun, and the Sun likely engulf Earth in about 7.59 billion years.


Rising sea levels, changing seasons called climate change and the threat of new disease outbreaks are affecting both rural and urban communities and increase tensions as water supplies shrink, food prices spikes and people abandon their homes to find security elsewhere.

While dominant, optimism about the coming year is not as widespread in the U.S. as it is globally. The survey finds that 71% of Americans expected 2022 to be a better year than 2021 for them. The world in 2022 needed a growing humanitarian crises and conflicts. The world is facing unprecedented levels of humanitarian need. In 2022, 274 million people are expected to need humanitarian aid, an almost 20% increase from already record high numbers in 2021.


Ten Conflicts to Watch in 2022 | International Crisis Group Wars in Ethiopia and Yemen A looming humanitarian catastrophe in Afghanistan. Myanmar's deepening political crisis

Russia's war against Ukraine. This latest phase in hostilities between Russia and Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, when Russian President Vladimir Putin directed his forces to launch a major, multi-prong invasion of Ukraine

Right now the war is still going on and the invasion of Russia to Ukraine has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths on both sides



The global economy has affected the world market Due to Pandemic and war.

Global growth is forecast to slow from 6.0 percent in 2021 to 3 2 percent in 2022 and 2 7 percent in 2023 This is the weakest growth profile since 2001 except for the global financial crisis and the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic

Many parts of the economy will continue to grow, and employers will continue to face a relatively tight job market That is likely to suggest to the NBER Business Cycle Dating Committee that the US economy never reached a peak in 2022 or 2023; continued growth means no recession

In the latest McKinsey Global Survey on economic conditions, respondents also see inflation as a growing threat to the global economy and continue to view geopolitical instability and supply chain disruptions among the top threats to both global and domestic growth

Why is the world's economy going down?

The IMF said in a report last month that the global economy was facing “steep challenges” as pandemicrelated supply-chain disruptions, the war in Ukraine, China's economic slowdown, and rising interest rates weigh on growth

Which countries are facing economic crisis 2022?

Soaring food and energy prices are eroding real incomes, triggering a global cost-of-living crisis, particularly for the most vulnerable groups. Growth in the world's three largest economies the United States, China, and the European Union—is weakening, with significant spillovers to other countries.


Being locked-up in our houses has given opportunities to writers to write books that became a trend. A trend in literature refers to something that an author adheres to, like ideologies, forms, themes, and expressions, similar to the general course or the popular idea in the period they are writing

Can't say we saw it coming, but like many art forms poetry is finding a new life on TikTok and Instagram — and taking on the complexities of modern life In Facebook poetry can be read in groups and the walls of the poets. Spoken poetry has became the trend in YouTube So while being locked-up in their houses, Aspiring poets were able to enhance and share their talents to the world. Thanks to social media, more talents are being recognized in the contemporary world of literature.


Korean dramas have taken the entertainment world by storm. Intriguing plots, captivating storylines and varied genres coupled with phenomenal performances by the star cast there are more reasons than one behind why some of the best Kdramas of 2022 have garnered global viewership Perhaps the biggest reason why K-Dramas have seen an increase in viewership is simply that they're just that good This speaks not to just the writing quality of the shows themselves, but also the production values.



The first part of the poem describes the meeting between Bess and the highwayman, them falling in love and their excitement at the chance of seeing each other again soon; the second part describes the tragic events that led to the death of Bess (and subsequently the highwayman) upon the return of the highwayman.


This poem starts out with a highwayman (that's a robber who holds people up on the road) visiting his girlfriend Bess at her father's inn He's on the move (apparently he's got some robbing to do) so he only has time for one kiss. He promises that he'll be back by the next night at the latest.

"The Highwayman" is the most famous poem ever written in literature It is a romantic ballad and narrative poem written by Alfred Noyes, first published in the August 1906 issue of Blackwood's Magazine, based in Edinburgh, Scotland. The following year it was included in Noyes' collection, Forty Singing Seamen and Other Poems, becoming an immediate success. In 1995 it was voted 15th in the BBC's poll for "The Nation's Favourite Poems" FORMAT

'The Highwayman' is a three-part poem that is divided into one set of six stanzas, another of nine, and a final concluding two stanza section. The stanzas are all six lines long, known as sestets The rhyming scheme is AABCCB. Check two or three of the stanzas all follow this pattern.

The next evening, instead of the highwayman, some British soldiers show up These guys are real jerks They drink a bunch of beer, they tie up Bess, and then they wait at the windows to shoot the highwayman when he comes back Bess is tied up with a gun at her chest, and she wriggles around until she has her finger on the trigger. Then, when she hears the highwayman's horse, she fires the gun, and gives her life to warn him about the ambush

The highwayman tries to get away, but it doesn't work He gets mowed down by the soldiers in the middle of the road, and dies in a pool of blood Still, on certain winter nights, his ghost still rides down the highway to meet Bess.

-with credit to the owner in Google search


Ekphrastic Poetry

EKPHRASTIC POETRY has come to be defined as poems written about works of art; however, in ancient Greece, the term ekphrasis was applied to the skill of describing a thing with vivid detail.

Ekphrastic poems are now understood to focus only on works of art usually paintings, photographs, or statues And modern ekphrastic poems have generally shrugged off antiquity's obsession with elaborate description, and instead have tried to interpret, inhabit, confront, and speak to their subjects.

I have chosen “Maid Of Bataan”, a famous work by Fernando Amorsolo from the Philippines and let aspiring writers from different part of the world write an ekphrastic poem on the painting

The work features a young woman caressing a fallen soldier during the Battle of Mactan. With fiery flames behind them, the painting is said to liken war with the downtrodden misery of hell. The World War II-inspired piece was originally titled 'Maid in Bataan', but was soon simply renamed "Bataan."




Animageofahelpless Sufferingperson

Apatrioticone,stricken Whichglorifiesthefallen soldiers

Andgivesmeaningbetter Divinitytotheirdeathssurety

Withfearlessnessandgaiety Theywereyoung,withaknow Oftrueeye,steadyandaglow Fightingfortheircountry Withextremebravenessand gallantry

An ekphrasis interpretation by Daniel Miltz from USA



Depictswar'sgrimreality Paintsastarkscene Encapsulatingitsbrutality Backlitbyragingfires Suggestiveofhellonearth Deadsoldier,youngwoman Symbolizeslife'slackofworth Lossofinnocence

Capturedoncanvas Hostility,bloodshed Futilemessage;ageless Yettakeasecondlook Seehumanspirit'sdefiance Expressionongirl'sface Comfortingresilience HaloedMaidofBataan ReminiscentofHolyMother Serene,bathedinwarmth, Hope'sglowingcolours

An Ekphrasis interpretation by Margaret Karim of Gibraltar.



Hi, I am the maid, you see in the center of the canvas.

Hi, I am the fallen soldier laid on the ground.

Hi, I am the painter, out of your vision, in front of the canvas.

Hi, I am the canvas, you are gazing at me.

I am a maiden; a happy family is all I ever wished for.

I as a soldier, on a call of duty to a war no sane man dreams.

As a painter, I love lovely and pleasant scenery except this theme. I a platform, a keeper of all types of expressions frozen in time.

I, a female, love to be with the one I dearly love.

I, a male, love to be beside the woman whom I cherish.

I, a painter, loves to reveal pigments of emotions in colors. My task is to display the artist’s feelings, beliefs, and thoughts.

My white veil tells my innocence in contrast with this hellish scene.

My service uniform is my oath to fight for my country and freedom. My delicate brush strokes and lighting reveals my sensitive abilities. My glowing red orange and dark hues show both the realities of life.

Am I a daughter, a wife or a mother to inequality and injustice that knows no one?

Am I a son, husband, a father to avarice and violence that respects nobody?

Am I a god, a life giver? No! I set out to share someone else’s true story.

Oh, if I could whisper who’s who in the frame; I wish I could tell.

I cry in pain for this loss I will bear forever.

I cry to the heavens to quicken my pain and my death. I cry as my brush renders the anguish of the souls I paint. I framed these sorrowful scenes to lock it, hoping it may not happen to others.

Why do I have to suffer in this war I have no part in? Why should I need to fight in this war I did not start? Why did I depict this heartbreaking scene? Is for you to ask questions. Why? The answer lies in the radiant beam of hope amidst the dark shades of misery.

I have my rights to love who was given me, that’s all that matters. I fought for the rights that my loved ones, my country, should forever enjoy. I painted because all have the right to know the reality and cost of conflict.

I bear the memory of each right defined by the brush strokes highlighted in vibrant colors.

I, the unnamed maid; will you want to know me or about my home?

I, the unknown soldier; will you want to know my rank or my family?

I, Fernando Amorsolo, tried my best to portray the beauty of humanity. I, the canvas will hold, and bridge them three for all the coming generations to see.

Remember me whose beloved were snatched away and left me to eternal grief and despair. Remember me whom I offered my life to protect our country, that you now enjoy.

Remember me, I tried to sketch the spirits of loss and sacrifices with my paint and canvas. Remember that your every visit in the museum extends our existence and we live forever.



I don't believe that I won't see you anymore, I pray the good lord to rest your soul,

Inside my heart you leave a scar, You shouldn't have gone to war,

I'll be lonely in this world without your company, I wish you never went to fight the enemy ,

I have watched you succumb to injuries, As you tried to protect our territories,

It's like in the middle of hell, The pain you have left me I cannot tell,

I am here wishing to die I want to join you in the sky,

I wish they came to your rescue, Before the fire burnt you to a human barbeque,

Those who sent you to fight are in comfort, They used you like an emotionless robot,

They have never seen people die from bullets, They care about what they put in their pockets,

I wish I could have you back again, But all these tears are in vain,

I wish they could unite all humanity, So we could live together in peace and harmony


AnEkphrasisInterpretationby KennethMunene ofKenya


Pain much I feel in heart my; Kneeling before my baby, tears I shed while looking at sky... why God? Why this happened Almighty?

My baby dead in front of me, His life was taken from evil Men. Never wish I a hero, A friend only as companion,

To share his life whole with his mother. Now, I have his wound body, Lifeless, in my arms, bleeding yet, Because of a war not of himself.

Greediness, powerful Men Fighting against each other one, Sent young boys foŕ victory of them. Are there winners or losers

When lives are taken in this world? Tell me God why Men can't live in peace! Looking at the sky above, I say a prayer for my baby, Almighty take care of him for me.

An Ekphrasis interpretation by Maria Elvira Fernandes Correia of Brazil



Soldier'soathistoservethehumanity Theyfoughtforfreedomandforyhecountry

Itimesofwarthesacrificetheirlives Deathisnothingbeyondsacrificeswiththecountoffive.



Wheninvasiontookplace,reserveforthebattleground Abletodohisdutytofightasvalorwithhismightygun.





Awoman'slamentationatthedeathofherbeloved Showedcompassion,heartfeltcondolencestohisheroicbed

Howluckyasoldierbeinglabelasahero Foreverbehonoredandrememberedcountry'sfighteroglongago.




Where have you gone, my beloved?

Please say something to me, I frequently request you Not to join the battle with folded knee. You hadn't listened to my request For the welfare of our country, With the sad demise of you I don't find any entry. Though our country has won And I may be consoled by the Govt., But I have to spend the night In my sorrowful compartment. Being your wife I will maintain the rituals With proper dignity, May your soul rest in peace And bless me to attain your affinity.


Ayoungladywholookup Seekinghelpfromabove

Alyingsoldierinfronther Whoheldhischest

Untilhislastbreath Blooddripped Battlefieldcaptureditall Withragingflamesmilieu Afearlesssoldierfought Untilhislastgap Restpeacefully

AnEkphrasisinterpretation byPrashantaKumarSamanta OfIndia
AnEkphrasisinterpretationby MarivicC.Mirandaofthe Philippines 32
Yoursacrificessurely Echoesanywhere Neverbeforgotten


There was

loneliness in the field

In the field of sadness War laid down sleeping Soldiers laid down whining Crying for freedom I saw a soldier cry pain in his eyes

His face drowning in tears And his tears fell down to the soil Near him there was a soldier lying dead

The soldier was crying his soul out

He was a man But man don't cry Death doesn't have pity When it sees death death be proud For death is king My heart Was field with anguish

To see war make a hero fall Death is regret Regret is painful Made a soldier weep tears of a fallen hero

Even the soil was in regret Death was indeed regret I felt sad I felt angry That life was not fair Life is filled with suffering

My heart burning towards war Feeling very sorry afflicted by war I asked pity from god I asked for god to repent his soul and make him enter heaven His death will be a forever ending era to the war

I looked at the war showing sad colours

Suggestive of sadness.

Soldiers running on foot carrying guns

Bitterness, enmity and gall Death swallowed a soldier Hostility reigned in the field of war Death is solidified to the soil When life has ended Death keeps the soil fertile Bringing life The war doesn't end When the war ends War starts again, belligerent War is an enemy appearing with white fangs. Pretending to be good Like in war we only perceive what is outside Peace is better than hostility Scold a person scold at war to warn hostility hto change Hostility is the bearer of wrong Love brings peace to the world The earth needs peace Hostility cruelty as he rose To bend with his limbs pulled up close together trying to stand up bristles To cringe in humility Hostility was begged to repent Sail back And watched its hostile act repeated Bitterness,enmity and gall Hostility refused to repent Rebelled in its will desire to harm.

An Ekphrasis interpretation by Asher Chipu of South Africa



Every year around Christmas, I begin to reflect on the year gone by and what the year has meant for me. This year has been different Especially post COVID, most of us have understood the value of living the little pleasures of life and the essence of how fragile our breath is So I decided to get back to being a working woman and shifted my career profile from designing buildings to teaching small children. The decision was monumentous but I felt confident that at this juncture of my life, I rather work for pleasure than for my pay scale and prioritize my children and my passion for writing .

It's been a significant year for me as I shifted my roles from the corporate sector to education sector but a fulfilling one! If there is one thing I've learned this year is there is no limit to what one can acquire if one is willing to give their all to learn and grow in a particular direction.

Children have been the best healers and pure sunshine to my soul. Being with them, giving them my time and knowledge has been more than satisfying. The forever challenging work life balance also seem to working out with the timings of the school much lesser as compared to my corporate high demanding previous career profile

For all that I am yet to become or learn and for all that I have learned and understood, I thank God for all the endless miracles that occurred this past year to make me feel happier about my life.

With each year as I feel more at peace with who I am so I thank God for always showing me the way. Telling me that finding a home in myself is the best gift I can give myself

So I am coming home to myself this Christmas, in supplication as I bow down with folded hands and thank my Lord for loving me and guiding me to become the person I am today.



Writers Are Dreamers Of Dreams And hope is needed to power the dreams. We writers need no small measure of hope to get us out of the present as we write for the future Since writing guarantees no immediate economic gain, a writer has to do all it takes to keep writing. It is disheartening to think of all the writers whose dreams have been truncated due to shortages of sustaining power. In my years as a budding writer, I've learned that the ability to carry on when all odds are against you is the is the secret of to blossoming as a writer. During these years, I've come under a barrage of attack from family, friends and foes Having entered the writing game with less than nothing to my name, many people considered me a nonentity who took up writing due to lack of something better to do There was not a single day that went by without someone telling me to go and get a real job. They said writing was for losers and lazy bones There was no end to the insults that hit my eardrums. But I'd made up my mind that write I must. There was no way that I was going to deviate from the path that nature has carved out for me. So I stuck to my guns. It was either write or die for me. It was with this never say die mentality that I kept my game on, fighting, writing, hustling The lowest point in my career came, sadly, after I got myself a wife. My wife could not comprehend my obsession with writing She couldn't believe that I derived pleasure from doing something that didn't put money in my pocket. She made me to realize in no uncertain terms that she was not impressed by my choice of vocation. She was appalled at my refusal to go into the family business. She was aghast when I didn't accept the offer of a paying job All I wanted was to be my own boss and spend my time doing something that I enjoyed. Despairing of my preoccupation, she would taunt me "If your writing ever turns out to be not a grave mistake, the world must crown you the emperor of hope."

Now that my that my writing career has exploded stardust, many people want to know how I made it Well, I remember when I was young, my family was poor and went through hard times.

In those days mum used to say " This would be a story to tell someday." The hope of telling the story is what kept me going even when the situation looked bleaker by the day Writing has been the creative method of giving life to the story.

One thing about hope is that it teaches you patience. It's like a seed planted on your mind, it will take shoot and blossom if you never give up your dreams

I hated being assailed by the avalanche of complaints from the wife. And sometimes the moods were not working very well. Sometimes I would be down to the last hope, I would find myself giving in to thoughts of defeat. But I've always tried to keep hope alive.

Poetry Planet International Magazine, January 2023 edition tackles Hope as we welcome 2023 with gladness. Writers share their aspirations and point of view on the given theme. This edition also flashes back to featured Artists of our magazine in 2022, what happened to the world in general, the most famous poem ever written, and Ekphrastic poetry by poets from 10 countries sharing their Ekphrasis poems…


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