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Poems by

around the world

Ritumalta Shei Mariya Sarah B. Mausisa Lilian L. Barrientos Kishor Kumar Mishra Anjana Prasad Maria Margarita O. Joven Joel Oyeleke DelukeMuwanigwa Imam Sarafadeen Sherwin Mago Angelo Cabreros Maid Čorbić Grace Sitharaman Erwin Rimban Alvin Andino Faisal Justin ThaOno Bennie Alan Rana Zaman Mohammad Erfun Amin Bernadith De La Cruz IvinaEmmanuel Asoh

Dixit Daniel Miltz Ritu KamraKumar Dr. Alekha Prasad Moharana Petros K Veloudas David Soh MadhuriKulkarni MegumiJ29 Medina Valzado LualhatiL. Ballungay Mayyu Hamim OkoiAmadiowei Jacob Rommel Quinsay Gatot malaisianto


Simeon Amiya Rout Liege Lord Lanre ThaOno Kirti V. OkoiAmadiowei Jacob Lucy AbellanaMendiola Vee Barnes Petros K Veloudas

Bearis MadhuriKulkarni Annaliza V. Aquino Marvin Marcelino Erwin L. Rimban

Licudo Ritu KamraKumar Rodrigo Dantay Jr Loreta Bande

Editorial EXCLUSIVE PAGE 2  Featured Artist- Erwin Rimban  Basics of becoming a Poet POETRY fESTIVAL PAGE 9

LIGHT OF THE NORTH Situated in Cagayan Province in theNorth, Cagayan State University is rapidly becoming one of the leading educational institutions in the Republic of the Philippines. Now spanning ninecampuses spread out in the province, its Visionis to become a global stature in thearts,culture, agricultureand fisheries, the sciences as well as thetechnological and professional fields. This powerful Visionis accentuated by a robust Mission, which states that Cagayan State University shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction, innovative and creative research,responsive public service andproductiveindustryandcommunity engagement.

Educational institutions around thecountry share thedistinctive mandate of promotingacademic excellence among Filipinos from all walks of life. Filipinosare, after all, avid learners. This trait has been with the Filipino nation from the beginning.A perusal of historical records reveals the primalunit of lifein these islands, the Barangay,as a unit of civilization as well as the nucleus of mental life. The barangay created, maintainedandsustained a plethora of culturalarchetypes, blooming ina thousand facets of communal life.Here, we decipher the origins of mental, social, psychological, cultural, political, and even spiritual ecosystems These culturalarchetypes wereincredibly rich,because of the nature of these islands. The islands interacted witheach other as well as with foreign shores, represented by visiting ships from other Asian countries. In other words, the ancientPhilippines was alreadya thriving civilization.

“I make all my decisions onintuition.I throw a spear into the darkness. That is intuition. Then I mustsend anarmy into thedarkness to find the spear. That is intellect.”


Educational institutions, like Cagayan StateUniversity, are cradles of mental life,represented by developments in both the left and the rightbrain. The left brain incognitive psychology has long been the symbolicrepresentation of disciplinesin the natural sciences, mathematics, and the engineering and computerscience fields. Thesedomains advocate the primacy of logic, the hallmark of the sequential mind. Computational intelligenceis the outcome, much valuedina world where science is both emperor, auditorand evaluator. On theother hand, the right brain in cognitive psychology has long been the champion of the arts, dance, music, poetry, literature and the humanities. These domains feature therich nuances of the nonlinearmind. Theydo not attempt to conquernature as much as to simulatenature, and enjoynature inall its forms. The interplay of these archetypal forces create a dynamiccontinuum,where art and science dance an eternal, vigorous braid, giving rise to themultiplicity of manifestations that we enjoy in this physical world


These archetypal forcesare also represented as the Yin andYang in Chineseand Asian thought. Yinand Yang represent thearchetypal energypair in Chinese mystical philosophy They are polar opposites but are bestunderstood as working togetherto produce harmony. Yangand yin. Male andfemale Light and dark.Heaven and earth. These archetypal energy patterns are fundamental in Chinesephilosophyand they have capturedtheattention of the world ever sincethese concepts were made accessible to the western mind from treatises such as the TaoTeChingand the I Ching. This archetypal energy pair has many applications in various realms of the natural and social sciences. In fact, ifa system of thought has a concept of polarity, then yin andyang can be inserted into thepicture and generate some constructs that can give rise to other disciplines.


In the ancient Greekreligion, the concept of the god and goddess was recognized. Logos referred tothe fundamentalmale energy principle whileSophia referred to the fundamentalmaleprinciple. Applying Chinese esoteric philosophy, then we would say that yinis Sophia andyang is the Logos. There are many pairs of opposites in the world.

Even in quantumphysics, pairs of opposites in the fundamentalbuildingblocks of matter are recognized. The proton is positively charged while the electronisnegatively charged. This is a manifestation of the yin andyang archetypal pair We can even apply thisconcept to worldaffairs. Europe in particular and the Western hemisphere in generalexpresses the male principle very strongly while Asia and the Eastern hemisphere expresses the female principle very strongly.

Eventhe field of binarymathematicshas polar principle very well. Thewhole field scienceactually relies on two numbers, its myriad operations. That is how archetypal polarity concept has beenin technology As applied to neuroscienceand psychology, the yin would refer tothe the yangwould refer tothe leftbrain. analyze the implications of thesearchetypal representations. Educational theorists researchers have long realized thatthe betweenleft brainandright brain thinking reaching educational implications. The part of the human anatomy that deals mathematical reasoning. Thus, the disciplines feature logic and computation intheir physics,mathematics, statistics,accounting, engineering,and chemistry are governed by left brain processes. When a childisexcelling at these disciplines he is said to be proficientin logical-mathematicalthoughtand thus is usinghis left brain very strongly. Outstandingexamples of this kind of thinking are scientists like AlbertEinstein, Newton, Werner Heisenberg and Niels chess playerslike Bobby Fischer, Gary MikhailTal, Viswanathan AnandandMagnus woulddemonstrateexceptional left brainprocessing On theother hand, the intuitive-aestheticrealms human personality have their roots thinking. Therightbrain governs suchactivities music,dance, mysticism andintuition manifesting rightbrain functions is innovative, intuitive and perceptive. But, time, he is more sensitive andsometimes, introverted than his fellows. Outstandingexamples this kind of thinking are Beethoven, Mozart,Bach, Picasso. Jose Rizal, our nationalhero, understood to be an exemplar of right with his creativity and versatility. The achievements rightbrain processing and artistic sometimes understated in worldaffairs mistakeabout it, without art andmusic wouldbe avery boring place indeed. The way oureducational system is organized these knowledge systems to be compartmentalized This flowedfrom the premises of educational philosophy whichcreatedcategories thought to be explored to their ultimateminutiae brain processes are thought separately processes.

Subjects are lumped into theirrespective arenas. Ever heard of the artists scientists? These are extraordinary peoplewho have managed to transcendtraditional schools and taught themselves to understand how the right brain can be made to connect withthe left brain to achieve what is termedas synergisticthought. Truly remarkable, these people have accessed parts of thehuman mind that were traditionally taught to bebeyond the capacities of ordinarymen. The result is exceptional literary,scientific,artistic, mathematical and mystical accomplishments. The most outstanding example of anartist scientistis the phenomenalLeonardoda Vinci, the greatest genius in the history of the world, thepride of humanity.

So, what is the point of all these? It is the fact that ordinary men andwomen can learn how to synergize theircognitive capacities in order to fully optimize the functions of their left and right brains.And thesetechniques have been around for generations.

The goal isalways a harmony of two spheres.


In Cagayan State University, boththe faculty and students are makinga vigorous effort at synergisticthought. This is demonstrated by the creativity withwhich faculty members employ various classroom strategies in order to inspire heir students to learn beyond the natural confines of their domains. This is also demonstrated by the openness of thestudents to traverse thecognitive pathways presented by their mentors. Trust is important here, as is thepersistence to sample the roads and many forks once thecognitivepathwayhas been taken. These synergistic efforts can only result in excellence invariousdomains, which is the outcome later in thecognitive pathway, once fully grasped and exercised. We culminate this essay by presenting two literary attempts. One by astudent and another by a faculty member (yours truly) in Cagayan State University. Come and visit us, and explore our many program offerings.

Looking at nativities we contemplate Inceptors, births and beginnings, where our Ken may travel, from shores known to shores unknown Heroines and heroes may be born under duress Adamant in their voyages, we negotiate and Parley with old destinies, and offer peace Amidst the troubled contexts of emerging blueprints

Hours subside and perspectives collide

In a sea of multiple vectors, minds are in collision Normal for worlds where scribes intersect And yet, there is born something unique Radiant solutions in an ocean of verities

Youths rise, and maturity beckons As we sail into greater and greater shores!


Multilayered, multifaceted brilliance will always stand the test of time The way this brilliance flows through our veins is utterly sublime Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of the fire A proof that the Filipino society is brilliant by design

I am Jose Rizal writing to the Rizal of the streets The Rizal of the lowlands, coastal waters and mountainous peaks

The Rizal filled with unwavering courage and the Rizal who is too petrified to speak Always remember that you are the hero that you seek

Pepe isn't just ingrained in peso coins and embossed in books He is ever alive and present wherever you look In every Filipino that fought for what is right though they may be branded as fools And in everyone that stood up against the system that's inherently cruel He is all of the dirtied hands that trembled and bled to feed the country He is all of the crooked shoes that were led to a foreign land in order to feed their family Rizal is every empty stomach that continues to keep on dreaming The Filipino people is Rizal because his passion, dedication, and heroism is our complete being.


A poem is a composition that expresses emotions or shows something in an imaginative way. Poems can be categorized many different ways. The three main types of poems are narrative, dramatic, or lyric.

NARRATIVE POETRY is a form of poetry that tells a story, often using the voices of both a narrator and characters; the entire story is usually written in metered verse. Narrative poems do not need rhyme. The poems that make up this genre may be short or long, and the story it relates to may be complex.

LYRIC POETRY refers to a short poem, often with songlike qualities, that expresses the speaker's personal emotions and feelings.

HOW TO WRITE POETRY! (For Aspirants)

10 Tips on How to Write a Poem

If youare writinga poembecause you want to capture afeeling that you underwent, then you don't need thesetips. Just write whateverfeels right. Only you knew the feeling you want to express, so only you will knowwhetheryour poem succeeds.

If, however, your goal is tocommunicatewith a reader drawing on the established conventions of aliterary genre (patterns familiar to the experienced reader) to generate an emotional response in yourreader then simply writing what feels right to you won't be enough.

These tips willhelp you make a significant transition: * away from writing poetryto celebrate, commemorate, or capture your feelings (in which case you, thepoet, are thecenter of the poem's universe) * towards writing poetry to generate feelings in your reader (in which case the poem exists entirely to serve the reader).


DRAMATIC POETRY is a form of poetry that is written in verse and meant to be recited in public or acted out. Dramatic poetry is often in the form of long speeches either to another actor, the audience, or oneself by musing aloud.

follow all;I still

that writing what you feel and freely expressing yourself makes you a poet!

TOP10 TIPS 1. KnowYour Goal 2. AvoidClichés 3. Use Images 4. UseMetaphor and Simile 5. UseConcrete Words Instead of Abstract Words 6. CommunicateTheme 7. Subvert the Ordinary 8. Rhyme withExtreme Caution 9. Revise,Revise,Revise NOTE: You don't; have to

In the Figment of her wild imagination

Create ideas beyond the impossible

Words as sharp as the edge of a dagger

Pen that could dig the core of the earth

Paper that could fly to the horizon

Lines that could ignite a cold lover

Verses that could waken a dead soul

Stanzas that could melt the frozen.

Though her lips maybe sealed and mute

Though she maybe modestly demure

Though she may be brought up as a nun

She could be a rich man's slutty mistress

She could be an angel with broken wings

She could be a slave in a chamber caged

But only because she is a poetess...

She can portray a thousand personalities

A pretty princess dancing with a prince

A beggar begging for a slice of bread

A farmer working in a swamp of pigs

A Queen sleeping in the smoothest bed

A goddess of beauty idolized by men

Or, a millionaire wearing the rarest gem.

She could be anything she wants to be

A strong tree towering above all day

A sweet jasmine scenting the air

Grasses greening on a windy month of May

A storm in rage attacking like hurricane

A mountain stream that flows in solemnity

A wave of water gliding at the sea beach

Or a drifting wood abandoned at the seawall.

She could be your lover on a romantic night

Or an enemy stabbed you with a knife

She could be you, or your neighbor's wife

She could be a dream or worst nightmare

But only because she is a poetess...

Yes she is a poetess with emerging ideas

So don't judge her by the poems inscribed Her creations maybe lovely, cruel or dark But can you tell what's in her heart? Her reflection is as dim as twilight She is always a stranger in your eyes But she will always be a poetess who writes....

Tess Ritumalta

Shei Mariya

High ticket critter commenced from some things But overall from the Supremes' knowledge

Eternal chastise beginning and end

Between living, travails are unforeseen

More and more travels lead critter to coil

Mistrusting the value it has within Escaping dark; agonizing even

Unconsciously striving hardest still Merely created from passion that is, Diverse faces of obstacles had faced

But a beastie needs to be in a league, Not substantial in blood and flesh lineage

To whom made it at home amidst darkness Supreme-sent to have you feel the dearest


Attention, you’re the air that I breathe, For you’re the lead for every deed Their eyes should only center On the shining me, full of splendor

So I used your every likes To improve my every posts I created a new self To be loved by everyone else

Big fact: her heart’s really hurting Enduring pain, always trying

Knees are trembling, world is shaking Heart is aching, pain is burning

Hearing symphonies of heartache

Confusions, questions in her head

Yet LOVE is highly embedding

To risk and resist is willing

Love is giving and forgiving Chances are big part of loving

Understanding and accepting For real love is overflowing

She still believe in loving you Chances for she’ll keep loving through She loves you that’s all she knew CHANCES are yours to continue

But alas! The once heavenly place Turned my glorious day Into something ablaze That caused me terrifying nightmares

Addicting yet suffocating That my world felt spinning I was still craving for more Yet the pain was to sore that I tore

Your once thoughtful words Now pierced my soulless core I replaced yours with deceitful lies And gave you my pretentious smiles

My glittering crave for the spotlight Grew a monster that choke me tight So I took my one last glance To my followers, asking for a chance

Kishor Kumar Mishra

Festive season is here again Earth has taken a new look Streams, rivers no more muddy Trees and plants dance joyfully Islands get their natural beauty

Valleys surrounded by green hills Each one is eager to join celebrations.

Sun now travels on clear blue sky Eager to spray golden rays on Earth Aroma from blooming flower garden Spread all around wooing everybody Occasions for fairs and festivals come Neighbors join together for celebrations.

In villages, towns and in big cities Social meet take place for celebrations.

Holidays become fun filled with family Eateries prepare mouth watering delicacies

Refresh of minds, hearts fill with joy Ecstatic feel among all, boost celebrations.

Atmosphere is cool, surroundings suitable Gardens are filled with blossoms beautiful Again and again, season gives a call Inviting all with the beauty of Nature Never say 'No' to festive celebrations.

Ones gazing grief, frozen Misery locked in the salty streaming Forever stilled in time



Nature awakens my thoughts as the morning sun Wind guides, ink flows whilst poetry is spun Vision comes from autumn and winter Along with the voice of spring and balmy summer.

Sad and gloomy mood as wayside elm Sways with gentle breeze in verses n' rhythm swells Uplifting my emotions and musings for poetry Wisdom thwart, passion writes quieting anxieties.

Words get arranged and rearranged in eloquent diction

Bouquet of poesy spreads fragrance of motivation Opening closed doors of creativity As I sip pearly nectar of ambrosial divinity.

No legacy I carry on my shoulder as a poet Sometimes it's hard to scribble in frosty mind; a sonnet

Melody of birds ring out the bells of mind n' soul Triggers grey cells while poetry thrives in core.


Maria Margarita O. Joven

I used to run away from you Hide myself anywhere but you But you keep on knocking, following my path Here I am trying elsewhere my luck.

I always say i am not worthy There are so many others greater than me Bolder and better, more persuasive in leading But you insisted I can, and believe its my willing

With your persistence, I go on with the flow Although my capacity is deep down below You open up opportunities for me to grow Just like a flower, starting to glow

As soon as i feel am ready to lead Reality slaps painful truth in my face Getting down in my knees, so much i plead I can't be a leader i said, let me go as you please

Destiny answered "what is second chance for?" If you will not try again, and move on? Stand up and train, am your destiny speaking, your future is to lead, and to lead your people

With healing heart, i tried again Supportive mentors helped me regain The leader's spirit that i once lost Is finding its way back into my soul

Now i am here again, leading my people Listening to your call, my destiny, Believing in you, my life you rule There is no turning back

When destiny made its call With God, my life's grandmaster I heed to your call, being the leader of my people.

Do Not Call Me Mad

Joel Oyeleke

What you call madness is blunt sanity in someone’s thinking faculty...

Do not think about it, Never imagine me insane Because what you deem insanity Is sanity in strange reality? You have no right to address me lunatic When you have not tasted my idea of life, When you have failed to see the light.

If you say I have gone nuts Then allow the voice of my madness give you sense, Let the aura of my craziness heal you, Don’t interfere when it purges your soul.

I am not mad or at least Not fit for a psychiatrist, I illuminate the world with the vibrations from

My spirit, I evaporate into air that you breathe for a reason, Do not call me mad because Mine sanity is unique.


The joys of being a poet are immeasurable putting words together to evoke an image A reader reading, understanding, feeling pleasurable

A reader reading, understanding, feeling pleasurable is what really makes humanity and this world a better place and with the power of poetry our progress is measurable.

The joys of being a poet are immeasurable unlike the disingenuous exploits of politicians whose divisive speech is bad, a poets work is palpable

A reader reading understanding feeling pleasurable because, unlike a politician a poet expresses raw emotion which every reader of poetry will find relatable

The joys of being a poet are immeasurable so much so that poets are regarded as part of the fourth estate on par with journalist whose articles are conscionable

So, the effort of every poet is commendable

Let the fires of poetry burn by publishing more poems The joys of being a poet are immeasurable

A reader reading, understanding, feeling pleasurable


Mother that was left alone in the darkness, when her light had been taken away from her by the blast.

Mother that sees her shadow walking ahead of her while she stands, mother that cries out her happiness because she was depressed.

Mother that left her children crying and went out to meet her death, mother that looked up in the sky and begged the cloud to take a good care of her stars.

Mother that went to the church to praise the Lord and returned home dead, mother that slept in her ambush and been carried out by the ambulance.

Mother that waves a goodbye to her joy and welcome sorrow into her life, mother that was left with nothing but grief.

Mother that watched her child in the television and cry, mother that heard a good news that her child had been brutally murdered. Mother that believed her son is coming back to her after his dismissed, mother that believed that her daughter will bring hope to her not knowing that she had been kept.

Mother that smiled because she doesn't know what to do anymore, mother that was left with no choice than suicide.

Mother that bites her tongue and put her hands on her head, mother that eats once a day.

Ode to mothers in Africa.

Deluke Muwanigwa
Imam Sarafadeen

Sherwin Mago

He held those clouds of truth above; when all had gone but none had love.

Each day, each night, each rain he fought, each gray and blue did stain his thoughts.

How could they float like weightless hopes; but cry and flood unending slopes?

How could they shape such cotton soft; but rage too rough, leave all dirtswashed?

How could I dare to love such wrath; how could I dream to pave its path?

Do I not live where my toes touch; have just held the truth not much?

You are the bear, I am the air. We're swiping the weather. While, we holds together.

After the seasons of fear, It follows by tear. Continue waving as our world rotating.

Love can't be bind, Little Holes can't be find. Heart that cross our feelings That stuck between to things.

The tragedy and the darkness, Tragedy that mourns as sadness, Darkness that find lightness. Into the wave of seas.

I hope this be a world for me, for I have been a world to none; I searched and tired this place that leaves; more souls may it be lost or gone.

I'm not one God who builds gardens; I'm but a bird with restless wings; maybe a nest of soft linen, maybe a branch be good to cling.

I'm nor the mother who gives birth; I'm but a child who cries for warmth; maybe a song my Mother Earth, maybe a care to show me worth.

Neither am I the gift of lent; into this mess of false heavens; maybe I'm but a gift unsent, maybe One's grace be our presents.

I hope this be a world for me; for I have been a world to none; so I may find my home in Thee, if Thee, my God and I, Thy son.

Cry no more Fear no more just trust For God is now here

Angelo Cabreros
-Dr. Rodrigo Mison Dantay Jr

Maid Čorbić

Kids needs to be so happy

Since I want to share my sappy

Love needs to be forever settled again To be happy and energy gain

My endless sense and time

Makes me now so prime

Since I need to be so thyme

I need to say one good rhyme

My sense and my good sense

Makes me so presence

Again and again I see self

How big I am like in Christmas Elf

I need to be just smart and nice

Since I will be good as a king of vice Venice of my good sense

Makes to be always so presence

My goodness and nice love

Makes me to be so cove

I need to stay focused and happy

Since I share for kids good sappy

I love the devil in my mind, I am aware of it's antics, So to keep it dear and friendly, I listen to it's round the clock statistics.

Refrain : The devil is a dreamer! Hahahaaaa!

The devil's workshop a deadly den, Is at work always but no friends It stops not anyway rain or snow. A little monkey till the end. Refrain :- The devil is a dreamer! Hahahaaaa

The devil knows your fears well, It appears when you are low, It eats your mind at any cost, Do you ever seen it going slow? Refrain : The devil is a dreamer! Hahahaaaa

You, not a child with broken spine, Who cannot speak up his mind, Face the phantom and the fears, Thank the devil and unwind.

Refrain : The devil is a dreamer! Hahahaaaa.

Be mindful in the present, Wean out the mind of fears, Clap your hand and go around, Let the devil shed some tears!

Refrain :- The devil is a dreamer! Hahahaaaa

Grace Sitharaman


Dancing Light, Frozen Light Opposites of immortal plight Dare we venture, dare we see The immortal keys hidden within Thee?


Dancing Light, Frozen Light The one is poised to rule for might Can you guess, can you stress The dominions you want to caress?

III. The Fool is tempted, the Fool captured Into million snares of game, enraptured Mighty creeds of hierophantic mold Did we discern those evil cords behold?


Dancing Light, Frozen Light The other one is poised for flight How the soul gropes for Thee Who is hidden from our plea!

V. Yet the portals of the Sacred Deep Shall bend their caves to receive thy leap Oh naïve soul, don’t hesitate to seek The Gnostic paths the ancients speak!


Dancing Light, Frozen Light Counterpoise in forever sight Dare not to read crazy scrolls Of temples that deceive in lies and holes.

VII. Shatter the Tower, reach for the Star That guides the soul in straits a jar Within the folds of night entire The bier of death shall rise from pyre!

VIII. In the past, we learned to share Our plights with those who tried to dare Conquer the demons of fire and glare To balance the cup, the song of Grail.

IX. Thousands of us, in dirges of sorrow Sang the lays of captivity for tomorrow Tempted of the machine we learned to borrow From transhumant codes of malevolent woe!


Dancing Light, Frozen Light Sister and brother in the throes of twilight The one loves flow, the other hates flow Can you guess which one to plough?


Into the maws of fate we sought The golden horde that experience wrought But something came and stole the thought That we are One, fractals of the whole begot. XII. Now, we need to see the trick The clever ones laid, such a deep From forgetting to Awakening we seek The kiss of vision, whom we bespeak.


Dancing Light, Frozen Light Teach us the true lays of Light From the darkness of the ancient deep Kindly awaken us from mortal sleep.

XIV. And in the fork that lies at the road May we discern the true Concord The path that leads us to enfold The song of fractal to final fold.


From nature’s crest the Contrary did weave The labyrinths of fear into unconscious greaves To reach the sunlight, the stunted must appear Pilgrimage to echo, reach the golden sphere!


For the Deep Self awaits us all In its bosom, love is not thrall But a cheerful symmetry that erases pall From eons of sadness, that took their toll.


Dancing Light, Frozen Light Tasted we you, children of twilight But now we must leave these vessels of weight To sail into our Home, beyond eternal night!

Erwin Rimban

"All wars have come to an end" Maybe not, it just come out of my head As I was born in the Philippines: Battles were made for centuries

Wars for sovereignty and peace Wars with and against countries It has been hundreds of painful years But the battles are still here

On drugs, on corruption, on lefties Filipinos against Filipinos, that's how it is These people may have forgotten How our wars resulted to a strong Republic

How the death of people before binds us together

To waste treasures of history for inhumanity

To kill our own brothers and sisters To celebrate in the defeat of our government

To burn the flag of our own motherland To destroy the future of our youth

It's a waste of time to cause another war It's useless to fight if two would sprout after one

Now is not yet the end Let the peace start on ourselves

Be educated, give trust, share hope Listen, remember, care, and love

Till that day, these words be heard "All wars have come to an end"

Multiple occurrences of arduous life

Reached in many dubious conditions

Walking away because of toxic people

Seeking tranquility to the remote area

Around nature where breath is fresher

A number of quarries come in mind

Amidst the journey to the unknown

The fear of loneliness is stopping The buzz of disloyalty is hindering

Though detecting solitude is worth

The horror amidst two questions Stepping ahead with consciousness Something's stopping then pondering Laying under the mountain's shadow The moon takes to an unknown place Leave while the birds sing in the morn

The day bounds to the nightfall

The night flings to the morning dew Hours of time passing by so quick A journey that finds things complicated In remote tropical zones

Alvin Andino Faisal Justin


Emergency we need help…

Maroon lights the sky…

Maroon also a shades that fills the streets…

Where tragedy lies…

Long has a struggle been fought…

Longer the time of demise brought…

They say a dynasty crumbles from within…

When the factions are ridden with hate and sin…

Battles wage … Thunder roars…

Anger no longer peace where love has ceased…

Those who avenge for the rights…

Internally fuss and fight…

Bicker as each leader becomes more pickier…

Oh do you not see the wedge laid…

The rope we pull for betterment becomes more frayed…

Signals for help becoming more and more fractured…

For a push for power life now endangered…

Pushing a fight what may seem right…

Once stepped upon a line soon crossed as it dims the light…

A joke soon becomes real…

Self-righteousness deepens the wounds and takes longer to heal… We once ran together now to God we go trying to strike a deal…

Closing our eyes to the happiness our actions steal…

Maroon the light above… Maroon the liquid flows…

Like a merry go round where will it stop???

Nobody truly knows…

The top spins…

Dizzier and dizzier We all get…

Standing up to those who are supposed to lead without regret…

Fight together or not at all because we refuse to see a greatness that was fall…

All for one and one for all…

Let us heed that call…

Not you or I …

Together we rebuild or at least try…

Maybe not now but soon…

Our stand as one shall not be the maroon warning… It shall be a celebration of victory over a fight…

As tears flow of joy seeing everything has been put right….


Love is a dust, Of gold; So pure and bold.

Love is a rust, Of old; So sure and cold.

Love is a gust, Of hold; So lure and old.

A plot untold, An arrow; Without a bow.

Neither high nor low, Love doesn’t flow, From heaven's door; To the ocean floor.

Love has dark, In the light. Love has spark, In the night. Love has park, In the flight.

Love will make you wise, Teach you how to lie.

Love will make you dry, When you realize, The sun, will lose its light.

How long, will the earth say, Love is not here to stay, It will be gone someday.

Bennie Alan ThaOno

My Mother, You Mean The World To Me


M-y mother is the most precious to me

Y-earlong I am very much thirsty

M-ercy is all time available from her O-vation always flow to my mother

T-eacher, the best in the universe

H-ealthy inspiration towards Mars

E-ach time if I fall my Mom pull me up R-esource of my demand, even a pup

Y-esterday tomorrow and today my mother is all O-bviously I feel enchant when my mother call U-nthinkable treasure of tranquility in warm mall

M-ischance came when mom fell ill

E-very time I used to lose my chill

A-ltimeter failed to assess my tense N-ectar also then was out of fence

T-ime is very much cruel H-eaven become a hell E-ven it keep hand a bell

W-onder is blunt when Ma had a heart attack

O-sprey of mom's illness squeezed my bulk

R-acy nursing and medication gradually fail

L-ive has been seized in one day morning

D-eath never glorifies any pauper or king

T-elepathy is not working to talk to my sweetheart

O-beisance never be reducing in any kind of hurt

M-other will never be faded from my mind

E-n-framing Mom within me I don’t look behind

Who Am I?

Who am I for you?

Am I an unnoticed creature?

Or a human with same dignity? If yes

So why can't I live by pleasure?

I want to soar everywhere with freedom and peace and want to feel love and harmony. Who am I for you now?

If I am a human being like you, Why am I struggling for my identity since centuries?

At least not at last, The world's community should try to give me a name, That is my identity since centuries, It is Rohingyaand Rohingyatribe. Skin is just a colour, Language is just a proem,

Religion is just a faith unto God, If we are different with these it's not meant that, we should hate each other.

My identity is my right and pride, And it's a very crucial affair, so one shouldn't rush into it.

Mohammad Erfun Amin
With a love that endures Whatever sent the Absolute, one never fails . AmiyaRout


The goal is to be happy

Treat each person as lucky

Forget how you’ve become lonely

Let your heart to love genuinely

The goal is to be the best version of yourself

Go out from that dark and locked shelf

Never be as tiny as an elf

Instead be a precious treasure delph

The goal is to be an inspiration

To touch hearts of people whichever location

To conquer out fears and be pride of your generation

To cut down negativities and raise the bar of expectation

The goal is to unlock all the blessings

And put smiles to the world from its longings

Avoid consequences from wrong doings

Feed yourself positivity from all life’s cravings

The goal is to attain success

And you know? God is our access

Whom in His Divine Power fulfilled our lapses And provide us answers from all our excuses

Also to raise us from the pit of negativities

And lead us back to our senses.


She aimed to be free Like the wind dancing You can feel her She embraces you Kisses you But you can never touch her.

She was the star That you gaze as she glows in the sky

She was the moonlight That stays as you dream In the middle of the night.

She was the bird Free to fly

To reach her dream She was the water from a fall that never stops From flowing.

You can cuddle her Feel her Sway with her To a romantic music Feel her heartbeat

But you can never love her.

She was caged By a so called fate Feel her spirit

Through the poems, she creates But never own her She was taken By her own destiny.

Adore her secretly Admire her in reverie Let her reside in there Marry her in her fantasy But never in reality Her heart was chained.

Tess Ritumalta


IvinaEmmanuel Asoh

Love delights the human soul

Igniting a feeling to behold.

Like a music lyre of passionate glow

Played on a perfect day to an emotion grows

Kindling the fire to power your side

As though a melodic string desires your oars in all its strides.

As sweeter than honey, It restores the soul.

Emulsifiers all its tastes as comely, It heels bestows in purity of gold.

Conforming minds at last to yearn to stupor What pleasant souls makes hay for succor.

Love leads the way to the heart

It renders a key that paves a path

And keeps fond memories to linger for all times

In a heart of heart that bears a gold mine

Erupting joyous derivatives of feelings to go by and bye

Happy feelings that sways like an air that sighs.


Our World is a fragile egg

Permeable and beatable in form

And as frail as a dimple smile waning in time

A little perfect world could be awesome

If we could make a difference impacting it with our all.

IvinaEmmanuel Asoh
Who says stones don’t cry… They do when a body dies… A Soul Rises…
Don't be too proud to cry The waterfalls of tears Can heal wounded hearts. -Liege Lord Lanre

Footsteps That Led To An Epiphany

Ritu KamraKumar

Today as I strolled in a nearby park

I saw joggers rushing past me so fast

Birds chirping, trees swaying in artistic arcs

Aww! some footsteps drew my attention

I saw a group of children in their teens

Innocent faces, smiling lips and arms waving energetically

Their naive smiles enraptured me, I observed them intently

Their lips moved, not a sound came but their eyes spoke volumes

Gentle tapping of footsteps, gesticulating they swayed to their heart’s tunes

My eyes followed their footsteps and made me introspect

Their lips didn’t speak but their hearts exhibited love and care Holding each other tightly, their spirit taught me to dream and dare

We use our speech to hurt, humiliate and to hate Misuse our blessings and take pride in our good fate

We remain mute spectators to unjust and prejudices we don’t mind

Following the footsteps of these angels walking in mirth Made me ponder isn’t better to be dumb in world of deaf and blind? Their footsteps left indelible footprints on my mind

Pains of a Period

In grief or in joy

We show off our soft side in tears.

About someone in the past -Okoi Amadiowei Jacob

Tears freeze the moments. Let it flow and enjoy life As it unfurls. -Kirti V.
A fossil figurine which Denotes



I was his requirement, not his love Simply a convenience, not desire It was an arrangement to suit men I wasn’t the queen but a maid for hire

It was like slavery, without payment With allurement that I would acquire

Status of grand dame of family And for that title I should aspire

Caught in a web, I lost zest for life But inside me there was a live wire, Kept me going throughout the ordeal And helped me to outlive the nightmare

Finally, I’m free of that prison, Made people to stand up and admire

My perseverance and diligence

Plus, say that their children I inspire

Although I couldn’t live my life the way I would have loved to live happily, Still, I didn’t let it die entirely See me living with zeal merrily


I remained on the highest point of my reality

While standing on a hilltop, truly I had a wide, unrestricted view of the area I vesioned a silhouetted divine figure

I have but to shut my eyes be And the panorama of it is before me I was hearing the music of the earth whiffs

I heard feathered creatures among the leafs Animal life seemed to be bustling

For while I was sketching

The panorama before me Distant hills lying far below, stately I glimpsed the blossoms on the trees The fragrance made me Long for extravagant fields of beauty

Still I was seeing with my mind wandering My existence was close to nothing Yet magnificent in being Which unfettered my thinking I was all the while savoring This awesome encounter

Set in stone

Her tears of pain


-Vee Barnes

When the hand of God thunder Gently touched upon my shoulder

Tears are deadly shards if kept in one's heart so let it water virtuous orchards .

-Loreta C Bande


You are an unerased page in my book of life No matter who tries you will never be erased despite strife. The depth of your existence in the core of my heart can hardly be measured No precious material can be compared with the immortal touch of your love rendered

The majesty of your dedication is boundless and great for my all round development It is beyond my horizon to describe your epoch-making event reflecting your prudent..

The greatness of service , endurance and charity revealed in your character are incomparable. Magnanimity feels itself grateful to you for your benevolent attitude unthinkable.

Really God records the deeds of the creatures in the book of life But I record your love, affection reliance and trust bloom in your character for a smooth drive. Your profound endeavour and perseverance have brought an unprecedented change in my character

Every moment fresh dreams also revolve round me instructing to be Pure and better

I will never forget you till I breath my last You will never be a faded flower in the beautiful garden of my heart.


Petros K Veloudas

Distance from the eyes of the sun Body dead burned in the lingering illusions of the dream..

Distance letters far flung in the silent journeys of your hidden quests in the shipwrecks of desire...

Distance from today with the same distance drowns in tears of the ghost of ...pain!.

Life With If

If you endure in your life

And win your dark fears You can be able to ride the white Flying horse of …poetic inspiration!

Petros K Veloudas


We live in an uncertain world as we look at the picture there are dark clouds and a ray of hope light as darkness will always be overcome by light

We faced trails and tribulations in our daily life and this is not easy as for some of us we are stressed up by the seconds thinking of a solution to our problems

We are aware that these are just temporarily but how can we overcome them when we do not see any light ahead of us which makes our life meaningless

We must tell ourself to have FAITH whatever religion we embrace we just need to tell our God to takeover and let HIM be our Captain and lead us all the way

We know though we lift up the load still remain and what must we do daily is to ask HIM to steer us just like the light in the sky and this is FAITH

Tears, likely salt to spice up feeling to exalt and pain to default. EncyBearis


My drowsy mornings woken by the boss' call...

Numerous online meetings to attend all...

Never seen the kids' faces. since weeks...

My hectic schedules have made the mind weak... I slog like a dog in this race of excellence...

Bitching and backstabbing met with fake pretense... You are the best .. the boss declared... He held the bucket.. my colleagues glared..

Applause and humiliation go hand in hand...

The boss is always a volcanic brand... The wheels of life is chugging ahead.. My parents, friends and relatives left behind.

I stare at the window.. to meet the deadline... In the course...I am losing my lifeline... Days and nights are not a difference..

Only perplexed looks without any sense... Now with a shrug.. I let go off the race... I get ready to meet my boss with a grim face...

I need time for my family and kids...

Relief from stress is on the bid...

My clamour for fame and money has to end...

I have a wonderful life over the bend...

Blend family and work...be at ease... After all...life is a one time release..



Pag-ibig, paano kopipigilan?

Kung sa tuwingikaw'ynariyan, Kakaibang ibayo angdulotsa akin.

Tilaidinuduyan sa hangin. Puso’y umaapawsagalak.

Isangsulyapmo, Isang ngiti mo, Natutunaw na ako.

Ang ‘ yong natural na amoyang pumupukaw Sa damdamin hindi ko mapigilan.

Walang pagod sapag ngiti ang puso

Kapag ikaw’y nariyan.

Hawakanmoangmgakamay, Tayo’y maglakbay.

Sa kakaibangparaiso, Na tayolangang bumubuo.

Iindayogsakakaibang ritmo, Ritmo ng atingmga puso.

Mamasdan nating angalonsadagat.

Habang kumakanta nghindi natinalam na pamagat.

Ang magandangsikat ng arawsadalampasigan

At ang paglubog sa kanluran.

Na nagmimistulangsaksisaatingpagmamahalan.

Ito ba angsinasabi nilang kaligayahan?

Walang makahihigit, Kapagkasamaang taong

Pumapayapa sadibdib.

Tahanan ng aking pagsinta, At kasamasa ngagunita.

Ang nagyayabungan na puno ng Narra.

Sa lilim nito’y mukha ng dalawangnagmamahalan.

Nakahigasa ‘ yong kandungan, Habang ikaw’y nakadungaw.

Hindi mapigil ang pagguhit ng ngiti salabi.

Umihipang hangin, isinasayawangmaiklimong buhok. Binibigkas angnais ng damdamin.

Isinisigaw ng ‘ yong mgamataangmgasalitang Kalakip ng ‘ yong nararamdaman.

Kay ligaya ng puso sa tuwing magkadaopangatingmgakatawan Habang isinasayawangpag-ibig na busilak.

The stories of hurt and insults.. streaming down the cheeks.. Made the soul free..
Madhuri Kulkarni
Harden not our hearts Tears are silent aches and joys Let it overflow and cleanse our souls.
Annaliza V. Aquino


Medina Valzado

As I was sitting, looking to the clearing As the first day of lockdown begin

The sky is calm and inviting In the night I heard the ambulance crying

Under the moonlight I can see The empty street where I used to be I wish this deadly thing will end So hugs and kisses will be send

The singing of the birds can be heard in the air Like lullabies in my lonely ears

It was the second day of lockdown as I can remember

When our crazy love happened

We can hear the saddest melodies

As the pandemic case rises

But you make me safe with your sweet flying kisses And those red petal roses

Lying in the four corners of my room With these days of loom My love for you blooms and blooms No one can stop nor this doom

This moment of languor is like a solitude But I found it felicitous instead of being bored

As we exchange dulcet messages In the middle of this predicament

A moonlight tryst __ to sneak for a call

In lonely days of quarantine

The ebullience of happy lovers __the silhouette of happiness

I found tranquility amidst of this chao

As you promise me a love to eternity

Far beyond moon and back __to no limit plus more


One wasted land one wasted time one sword on the other hand One lie for a crime

Two roads were crossed Two minds deluded Two faiths opposed Two were never lauded

Three read between the lines Three did not Three lost their time Three drifted apart God bless the soil of this land everlasting madness Certainly for everyone's toil there's unfathomed bitterness

Thread of thoughts, thread of thoughts thread of thoughts that linger Speak your mind, write your soul by the tip of your fingers.

Dark horizon, dark horizon dark horizon before your eyes live with it, see it through prod but do let the dream die.

Wishful heart, wishful heart wishful heart please be still whispering hope, unyielding faith will allow you to heal.


Being a survivor in the packed camp

Like a featherless bird without the cage Surviving with a yearning for justice Like a chipmunk burrowing for its babies.

Living this excruciating life in full Like a deadly patient without oxygen

Like a collapsing building without foundation Like the still water, no florescence.

Living this drearily besetting life

Like an eagle confronting the gales Every bygone day in reminiscence , Slightly drowning in the depression.

Irresistibly abandoned own country

Unlike the fugitive birds hibernating But to obtain equal right and dignity And to seek the nitty gritty of solution.


o tell Great Britain, that the Nigeria they gave to us Is a false fable thus is like a bias brand business bus Go tell the North, the Oil you have stolen from the south Is more than enough thus God is angry with you in mouth

Go tell Mr Putin, that it is a pleasure to kill people's children As Ukrainians do not share sameness with him as brethren

Go tell a thief, it is a pleasure to steal what belongs to others But Judas Iscariot was found dead without someone's orders

Go tell a lady, that her beauty is for her husband's happiness Hence should not share it to someone with Satan's sinfulness

Go tell Nigerians, that politics is not for stealing of public funds Nor it's for killing of opponents in elections to steal public funds

Go tell all sinners in the world, that Jesus Christ is still the Lord He is coming with his angels to judge humanity with his sword

Hard as stone outside. Heart of stone inside. Tears tell them they're humans too.


Rommel Quinsay

B-ooks broaden everybody’s minds

They enlighten us in every way Tells us the simplest to hardest thing And encourage us to do everything.

O-pen this book with tender care

Broaden our talents,skills and knowledge

To ease our mind to comprehend Books is a good friend.

O-ur dreams will be fulfilled

If we truly believed The continuity of all information Read and enjoy with compassion.

K-nowledge, wisdom and skills

To read a book with a bliss

That if you open this, provides you everything To became better and change your surrounding.

S-uccess is the answer

To fulfill our dreams forever And attain our ambitions

Until we finish our goal with flying colors.

The voiceless sorrows speak Through the teardrops drips. Reflecting the soul seeking solace.

-Janet Licudo


I’m all for woman’s liberation From manmade traditions, I fight for gender equality, I am against her exploitations

This equality’s not physical, It’s psychic and it’s a state of mind

In many ways we’re ahead of them, Ironically, they’re far behind

Sixth sense that we naturally have Is minimally found in men folks Avenues that are open to us, In every man they are under locks

We are always made to feel ashamed For our natural menstruation, Actually, we’re superior, For that’s symbol of procreation

Bra burning gimmick is not for me Beauty and glamour are my birth right, Raising children is my privilege

In order to build the nation bright

I’m proud of my femininity, My gentle nature and character, In the god’s limitless creation, I’m the best for I am a mother

Tears are the words that must be written, Painful emotions haunt if kept hidden.
Ritu Kamra Kumar


Rommel R. Quinsay

Reading a book each day is a useful habit

It keeps the mind alert and attentive

My books are here, everywhere around me They keep me excited, happy as can be.

From early morning to the days very end I enjoyed reading books that trend With all the wisdom readily impart Reading fills my mind, body and heart.

A variety of books that come along my way I like to read and read through each passing day

Book reading provides me with wholesome pleasure

And a precious leisure to treasure.

Reading inspires me with a burning ambition

To grow and excel in my chosen profession The best source of wisdom and knowledge With intelligent reading, success we envisage.

A well-read person is admired by everyone

As long as he values it, shares his wisdom with others

If you can read and comprehend , you’ll never get lost

Cause being a wide reader, you’ll lead at no cost.

So get into the habit of reading a book each day

A book read each day will help us a long, long way Sharpen our mind, get a bit wiser everyday Widens our horizons day by day.

Mending sorrow Cascading tears transformed into stone Frozen storm.

-Erwin L. Rimban


Gatot malaisianto

We are brotherhood

Gathering to build true peace The world really needs

We must move so fast

Improving the broken world Fill life with gladness

We must lend our hands

Rendering selfless service

Helping each other

Let's sing our poems Building miraculous place Till all have freedom

Enjoying peace and bliss Be thankful for all we have

Thepoetry festival was celebrated by Poets aroundthe world, especially the aspirants. Thus, we are giving them the privilege to write and be featured in Poetry Planet Magazine to celebrate this November. Aspirants, after all, were the reason ourmagazine was created. Exclusive presents Light Of The North In EducationAnd Literature, a tribute to Cagayan State University.

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