Together WeCan. Your Guide to Supporting the Tesseract School Annual Fund 2012 -2013
Together We Can.
What is the Tesseract Annual Fund? Tesseract, like all non-profit independent private schools relies on the tax-deductible financial generosity of trustees, parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty and staff to meet its annual budget. Tuition plus a strong Annual Fund enable Tesseract to meet the immediate costs of salaries and benefits for faculty, expand our rich curricular programs that help each child find their passion, and ensure a socio-economically diverse student population. Each child is touched by these funds and every aspect of the school depends upon a strong Annual Fund campaign. Every family is expected to make a gift to the Annual Fund.
The only gift too small is no gift at all. Please make your pledge today.
A gift to the Tesseract Annual Fund shows you support Tesseract’s mission of engaging minds and inspiring dreams. I already pay tuition, why give more? While tuition covers a portion of educating your children, it does not cover all of the needed costs. Attracting and retaining superior educators, enriching the curriculum, keeping our class sizes small and providing signature programs is what makes Tesseract an extraordinary education and community. Your generous donation ensures that your children get the richest education possible. There is no better way to allocate money than to the tax deductible Tesseract Annual Fund. How much am I expected to give? Your donation is an endorsement of Tesseract’s mission, and each gift, no matter the size, will benefit every student this year. It’s not what you give, but that you give which is most important. All we ask is that every member of our community makes a gift that is comfortable to their family. Why is participation so important? While our monetary goal for this year is $200,000, our goal of 100% participation
is equally as important. It displays the unity that the Tesseract Community possesses for the school and its mission. Last year, we achieved 100% participation from faculty, staff and Trustees. This year, we ask our parents to join our faculty and staff in not only reaching our goal of $200,000, but more important is achieving our goal of 100% participation. Together we can. Does it matter when I give? Yes. The gift you make today will be used to meet the needs of our students immediately. How is the Annual Fund different from FAIS: The Arizona State Tax Credit Scholarship Fund? A gift to the Annual Fund is a tax deductible donation to support the school’s annual operating budget. Whereas, a contribution to FAIS is an allocation of your state income taxes which will be used solely for needsbased financial aid.
Yes! I want to support engaging minds and inspiring dreams.
Donate online today at or by returning this form to the school office. I/We Commit $ to the 2012-2013 Tesseract Annual Fund. months (maximum of 8 months),
per month
Designate my gift to the following operating budgets: Circle choice(s) The Arts
Financial Aid
Payment preference: Check Credit Card Amex
Our Goal is to achieve 100% participation from all trustees, parents, faculty and staff. Levels of Giving:
Gift enclosed Gift will be paid over
Visionaries $10,000 + Stewards $5,000-$9,999 Leaders $2,500-$4,999 Patrons $1,500-$2,499
Card #:
MasterCard Exp. Date:
Printed Name:
Benefactors $500-$1,499 Friends $25 to $499
Signature: Date: Recognize my gift in the following manner: Gift is from I wish my gift to remain anonymous.
Tesseract School is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, and ISASW – Independent Schools Association of the Southwest.
Contact Sharon Hunger in the Development Office if you would like more information on donating securities or about matching corporate gifts. Sharon Hunger, Director of Annual Giving c: 602.541.7144 • f: 480.991.1954
Thank you for your support!
4800 E. Doubletree Ranch Rd. • Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 • p: 480.991.1770 • f: 480.991.1954 •