FAINA for design gallery / museum

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Acompos i t i onofj ugsandmoder ndecoronal ow t abl ei nL ent r a Hal l s .Ont hewal l pr oj ect i ngofUkr ai ni anl ands capes .Asanopt i on –mus i cal accompani mentonabackgr oundoft heex pos i t i on ( mel odyoft r adi t i onal Ukr ai ni anmus i cal i ns t r ument s ) .

T heex pos i t i ons t andwi t ht hear mchai rL ono –t hes ymbol ofmot her hood,ar oundwhi ch ar ehungcr adl es .

Wal l ar r angementwi t h s i evesandcol ander . T hi ss t or yi sabouthow hyper bol i z at i onand r ej ect i onofaf unct i on enhancet heemot i onal ef f ectofa t r adi t i onal hous ehol d i t em.Ukr ai ni anshave al waysbeenf ar mer s .T he t r adi t i onoff ood,i n par t i cul ar , br ead,i si mpor t anti nour cul t ur e.

Mi l l s t onesandar mchai r sT opt un Her ewear et el l i ngaboutt her ol eofl i ves t ocki nt hel i f eoft heUkr ai ni an. Mi l l s t onei sadevi cef orgr i ndi ngcer eal s .S uchi ns t r ument swer eact i vat ed manual l yormechani cal l y.Of t enmi l l s t onesl edt oamovement ,har nes s i ng cat t l e.Ani r oni cembodi mentofani mal sar ear mchai r s .T hes t andt es t i f i est he s ens eofUkr ai ni anhumor .

Home Oneoft hel eadi ngs ymbol sofUkr ai ne i scl aypl as t er edl oghous e.I t swal l s wer emadeofcl ay,andt her oof madeofhay.I t si magei sembodi edi n t hi sex pos i t i ons t and. I nt hemi ddl eoft heex pos i t i on– cabi netS ol odwi t hcer ami cf acades t hats ymbol i z et hewar mt handcomf or t oft hewal l soft hehous e. Abovei tont hewal l –phot ogr aphsof t hef ami l y,embr oi der edt owel s , pai nt edpl at es ,whi chwer eacqui r ed byowneroft hehous edur i nghi sl i f e.

Par t r i dgei nt hehayl of t F el tvas est hatl ookl i kebi r ds ( par t i cul ar l ychi ckens )s t andona gl as sbox ,i ns i deofwhi chi shay; ont hehayar es mal l Ukr ai ni an hous ehol di t ems .

Wi ckeri t emsandf l oorl ampS t r ykha I naddi t i ont opot t er y,i nUkr ai nei sver y commonweavi ngf r om wi l l ow vi nesand s t r aws .

Compos i t i onwi t hvas esBandur a agai ns tt hebackgr oundofs t r et ched s t r i ngs . Ani ns pi r at i onf ort hecr eat i onofvas es wast hemus i cal i ns t r umentof “bandur a” .Kobz aandbandur aar e s ymbol soft heCos s acks .T hes e i ns t r ument swer eus edast he accompani mentt ot hes ongs“dumy” –uni ques ongst hathavenoanal ogs . Mus i cal accompani ment( bandur a mel ody)i sont hebackgr oundoft he ex pos i t i on.

T hecompos i t i onof s t ool sandcof f ee t abl esHr yb.

T he compos i t i on wi t ht abl e Kor ot unand wooden t r oughs .

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