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1.5 Structure of this Report
Following this introduction, the report is structured as follows:
› Section 2 provides a summary of key findings from the Malindi Diagnostics
Report which forms the basis for the development of the Malindi Municipality
UEP. Summaries of the demographic and economic profiles and the infrastructure and environmental assessments are presented. The section details the key challenges and drivers for growth, identifying Malindi’s key sectors; › Section 3 set outs the Urban Economic
Development Plan, which is underlined by Malindi’s economic vision. The
Development Plan is distinguished into two Action Plans: Tourism Action Plan and Diversification Action Plan. Each
Action Plan provides a description of relevant economic sectors and proposed interventions including identified value chain projects and climate resilient infrastructure projects to enable economic growth within Malindi; › Section 4 presents a range of implementation considerations to support the next stages of the
SUED Programme. The report is supported by a series of appendices, in which: › Appendix A - Malindi Diagnostic
Report The purpose of the report is to assess the current position of the economy and state of infrastructure, alongside the regional, national and international context, before the consideration of emerging economic growth opportunities and infrastructure needs; › Appendix B - UEP Technical Briefing
Provides a Briefing Paper that captures the process followed from identification to assessment of growth opportunities for Malindi Municipality and provides recommendations on those with the greatest potential to maximise benefits and be developed further. The contents of this report will form the backbone of the Malindi UEP; › Appendix C - Malindi Social
Inclusion Study
This study was a key part of the diagnostic process and engaged with special interest groups through interviews and focus group discussions.
The study identified the groups that are excluded in socio-economic activities in Malindi and explored how and why they are excluded. The Study made a series of recommendations for the
SUED programme to ensure inclusion and to address the multiple barriers (communication, physical, attitudinal and organisational) that these groups face; › Appendix D - Climate Vulnerability
Has been undertaken to outline the climate vulnerability context for the selected infrastructure projects to be developed in Malindi. The
Climate Vulnerability Assessment will complement associated pre-feasibility and feasibility study assessments.