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Figure 2.2 Planning Context
2.2 Planning Context
The Planning Context sets the basis for the development of the UEP. The Diagnostic Report in Appendix A covers key international and national trends likely to influence the sustainable growth trajectory of KKM; national strategies and policies, and; KKM’s own priorities and ambitions.
The Kirinyaga County Integrated Development Plan 2018 – 2022 aims to coordinate development and allocate budgets at a County level. The strategic goals of the CIDP are:
1. Job creation through new industries and diversification; 2. Affordable and accessible health care; 3. Increased income through competitive and efficient productivity and market accessibility, 4. Improved urban planning and infrastructure, 5. Enhanced knowledge and skills to create a talented and unique work force.
The Draft County Spatial Plan 2015 – 2025 (CSP) is the long-term land use and spatial planning framework that aims to guide the allocation and distribution of resources to promote sustainable growth. The Draft Plan identifies the towns of Sagana, Wang’uru, Kerugoya, Kutus and Kagio as the main urban centres, earmarking the vision for KC to “be an agriculturally viable, industrialised and economically prosperous County with reliable infrastructure, utility and social service provision’’.
The Mountain Cities Blueprint 2032 is the conceptual model for polycentric development of KC, with a vision and guiding principles. The plan proposes to brand and differentiate each constituency with an economic function grounded on existing activities and future opportunities. The suggested function for each constituency were identified through public participation forums. At a local level, the planning policy and development framework in KKM is mainly guided by the Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018 – 2022 (IDeP) and the Draft Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan 2020 – 2030 (LPLUDP). The Draft LPLUDP seeks to guide future growth, providing an integrated physical development by setting out the zoning and proposed land uses and development control regulations, prioritising infrastructure projects and budget.
Figure 2.2 Planning Context The IDeP is the guiding instrument for the Municipal Board to achieve the vision “to enhance a vibrant, innovative and sustainable Municipality, characterised by holistic growth and equitable opportunities for all” through proper management of the environment and natural resources. The plan is anchored by the main programmes of solid waste management, natural resource management and mainstreaming climate change into development plans.
International trends
Urbanisation trends Depletion of resources Climate change Impacts of the 4th Industrial Revolution Green post-Covid Recovery
Source: Atkins National Polices and Strategies
Kenya Constitution 2010 (Chapters 5 & 12) County Governments Act No. 17 of 2012 (revised 2017) Urban Areas and Cities Act of 2011 (revised 2019) The Physical and Land Use Planning Act (2019) Kenya Vision 2030 National Spatial Plan (NSP) Kenya Green Growth Strategy Medium Term Plan (MTP III) and the Big Four Agenda Local Plans
County Integrated Development Plan 2018 – 2022, Draft County Spatial Plan 2015 – 2025 (CSP) Mountain Cities Blueprint 2032 Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018 – 2022 (IDeP) Draft Local Physical and Land Use Development Plan 2020 – 2030 (LPLUDP) Kerugoya – Kutus Municipality Priorities change
KIDA support to industrial development to add value to abundant agriculture produce Continue to be the main rice producer in Kenya and improve value addition Adequate provision of infrastructure to fulfil needs of local population and visitors, Protection and conservation of unique water and natural resources such as Mt Kenya and Mt Kenya National Benefits from its central location and good connection with the rest of the Country Improve livelihood of residents through creation of green jobs
2.1 State of Kerugoya-Kutus
2.1.1 Municipality Character
KKM is mostly rural in character, with agricultural land use predominantly occurring through the Municipality, which is similar to KC. The Municipality contains two main towns: Kerugoya in the north and Kutus in the south, which are about 10 km apart and linked by the B27 road and Rutui river. There are other smaller built-up areas such as Kibingo, Mukinduri, Kiamwenja, Ithareini, Karia and Kiamirici spread across the Municipality.
The Municipality widely benefits from its strategic location, due to its close proximity to Nairobi, located within the Central region and Mt Kenya climatic zones, the existing railway station at Sagana and its rich agricultural land and resources. The Municipality and the County are relatively small, but have a sound economy and are leading producers of rice and other agricultural produce such as tea, coffee and tomatoes. Given its predominant land use across KC and KKM, agriculture has been identified as the main economic activity, with 87% of the population relying on agriculture for their livelihoods and 72% of household income. Lack of proper planning, poor implementation of plans and poor enforcement of regulations have led to uncontrolled growth and informal settlements. These settlements across KKM and KC are characterised by higher residential and population densities, inadequate housing, land tenure insecurity, poor roads and accessibility, inadequate access to basic services and environmental degradation. These neighbourhoods also suffer from social deprivation, including high levels of unemployment, lack of schooling, security issues and drug and alcohol abuse.
Kerugoya Town Character
Kerugoya is located in the north of the Municipality and is the second largest town in KC, with a population of 30,045. The town has mainly been developed as a district headquarters and administrative centre, including the provision of key urban services such as:
> Health centre, hosting private and public hospitals such as
ACK Mt Kenya, Kerugoya Referral Hospital and the on-going construction of Kerugoya Multipurpose Medical Complex; > Financial hub, where many banks, financial institutions and insurance companies are settled; and > Retail, commercial enterprises and markets, Kerugoya market has recently been upgraded and is the largest in the County.
Similar to the other urban centres in KC, Kerugoya is reliant on agricultural-related activities due to its rich agricultural hinterland. Agri-processing or light industries such as milling, the slaughterhouse and coffee factories (Rutui and others) are located in the town.