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Figure 1-2 – UEP process
1.3 Approach
The approach and methodology have been developed in response to the DFID terms of reference and in consultation with the SUED Team and FCDO and has been tailored to consider local conditions in Wote Municipality. The aim was to enable a collaborative approach between different local stakeholders and the consultant team to assess Wote Municipality’s economy in a systematic way, develop an agreed economic vision and prioritise actions that will have maximum impact and are ready to attract donor co-financing. The preparation of the UEP comprised four main phases::
> Phase 1 – Inception phase: which focused on the Kick-off
Meeting. The aim was to present the approach of the UEP and capture key opportunities and challenges affecting economic growth in Wote Municipality as defined by local stakeholders; > Phase 2 – Diagnostics phase: was developed to provide a comprehensive and wide-ranging assessment of Wote
Municipality’s economy, demographics, infrastructure, environment and climate change risk profile against national and international context; > Phase 3 –Technical briefing paper: set out a development framework for Wote Municipality and identified, assessed and prioritised economic growth opportunities and their requirements; > Phase 4 – Development of the final UEP which sets out in detail economic opportunities and actions and prioritises climate resilient infrastructure projects for implementation.
The Wote Municipality UEP has been developed utilising primary and secondary research and analysis, ranging from the review of local and national strategies and international studies to statistical analyses, business surveys, focus group discussions with stakeholders and site assessments.
Figure 1-2 – UEP process
Inception Phase Diagnostics Phase Technical Briefing Paper UEP Phase
Gather inital comments through stakeholder engagement - KOM Policy Framework International / National Trends
Economic and Demographic
Infrastructure and Transportation Provision Analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Key Economic Sectors
Setting principles for development of the UEP
Evaluating and prioritising VC opportunities
Assessing requirements and impact of shortlisted VC opportunities
Environmental & Climate Change Risk Profile Evaluating climate resilient green infrastructure opportunities
Identification of short listed VC opportunities and climate resilient infrastructure
Consultation with Municipal Board, Municipality and County o cers, Businesses, Special Interest Groups
Source: Atkins, 2022
Setting Vision & Key Economic Sector Actions
Development Framework and Climate resilient, Inclusive infrastructure
Anchor Projects: Value Chains opportunities
Stakeholder Engagement
The purpose of stakeholder engagement is to ensure that stakeholders’ interests and views are taken into consideration throughout the development process and reflected in the Wote Municipality UEP. More specifically:
> To ensure that the development of the Urban Economic
Plan is inclusive and is undertaken in a manner that fits with
Wote Municipality’s business and community culture; > To ensure that all stakeholders are clear on the purpose, scope, recommendations and outcomes of the Urban
Economic Plan as well as meeting key stakeholder’s aspirations and gain buy-in from them; > To understand better the interests of specific groups, especially the vulnerable ones and how the Urban
Economic Plan can benefit them; and > To provide a regular flow of information to and from key stakeholders.
The stakeholders that have been continuously consulted and participated in the UEP process include:
> County Government including office of the executive through HE the Deputy Governor. Other offices within the executive that have been consulted are:
> County Secretary > CECM in Lands, Urban Development,
Environment and Climate Change > CECM in Devolution, County Administration,
Participatory Development, Youth and Public Service > CECM in Roads, Transport, Energy and Public Works > CECM in Agriculture, Irrigation, Livestock and
Fisheries Development > CECM in Sports and ICT > CECM in Gender, Children, Culture and Social Services > CECM in Water and Sanitation > CECM in Trade, Industry, Marketing,
Tourism and Cooperative Development > County Assembly including the Speaker of County
Assembly, Clerk of County Assembly, Committee Members in charge of Physical Planning, members of the county assembly within the Municipality, and ward administrators > Municipal Board including Chairperson, Vice-Chair,
Municipal Manager and Board Members > Business Representatives including Chamber of
Commerce (KNCCI), organised business groups, traders and
Jua Kali, SACCOs, banks and finance organisations, public transport representatives, boda boda operators, Maendeleo
Ya Wanawake, market representatives-Wote open air market, hawkers, and cooperatives > Utilities and Service Providers including KURA,
Kalamba, aggregation centres, ATC, Makueni Sand
Authority, and SEKEB > Special Interest Groups (SIGs) including representatives for women/women traders, local community youths, people living with disability (PWD) and National Youth
Council representatives > NGOs and CBOs including civil society, self-help groups, and faith-based organisation
These stakeholders have engaged in the process through a series of meetings and exercises, namely:
> Project Steering Group meetings. > Stakeholder workshops. > Formal social consultations; and > Business consultations
At the onset of the project, a Project Steering Group (PSG) with representatives from various key groups was constituted with the help of the Municipality to enable the exchange of ideas and information between the Municipal Board, SUED technical team and wider stakeholders. The following representatives were nominated for PSG membership. > Representative of Kenya National Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) > County Economist > Private Sector/Business Community representative from the Municipal Board > Civil Society Representative > Wote/Nziu Ward Youth Representative > Informal Sector Representative from the Municipal Board > Chairman, Environment, water, Sanitation and Social
Services Committee > Representative from Public Works > County Urban Planner > County Sanitation Coordinator > Wote/Nziu Ward Representative > Wote/Nziu Ward Women Representative
The PSG, under an elected representative, also facilitated the dissemination of information on the various components and progress of the UEP and the broader SUED Programme, including liaison with the County Government, the Municipality and the Municipal Board. It includes champions on SUED’s key themes of climate change and social inclusion.
The PSG was also tasked with arranging meetings and workshops part of the overall Programme roll out. The PSG was updated on a weekly basis on progress in the UEP process and the following meetings between the PSG and the SUED team took place.
Workshops were undertaken, both virtually and physically, depending on COVID-19 restrictions, to gather feedback from key stakeholders. The first Kick-Off Meeting on 21st September 2021, was held to present the project and process, to collate information from stakeholders regarding key characteristics, strengths, and challenges.