TH Connect 1 (EN)

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Optimization in Quality Control:

How do we test even better, clearer and above all faster?

OPEX (OPerational EXcellence, making processes ever better) is always important at Teva. But right now, more than ever, it is the focus of Dennis Onvlee (Group Leader QC Parenteral In-Pocess & Release control) and Aline Ramos da Silva (Group Leader QC Raw Materials). Their teams worked with consultants from BCG (Boston Consultancy Group) on structural improvement and acceleration of cycle time. How this went and what it delivers read and see here: Scan the QR code

Operator Ruurd Hiltemann in the works council

Operator Ruurd Hiltemann recently became an active Works Council member. Why? Ruurd: “To represent people in shifts, to better understand why decisions are made and to bond more with Teva.” His tip to colleagues: “Join us, fresh ideas are really welcome!”

Read all about the Works Council, what Ruurd experiences and how your also can contribute here: Scan the QR code

People Leaders Day and the new leadership principles

On May 24 the first People Leaders Day took place in the “Koepel“ in Haarlem. Besides inspiration and fun, these new leadership principles were at the heart of the meeting:

➜ We set clear direction

➜ We make it happen

➜ We put the enterprise first

➜ We lead with humility

➜ We inspire and motivate

As you see, the focus is on ‘we’. Do you want to know more about People Leaders Day, these leadership principles and some take-outs of participants? Scan, watch & read:



nr. 1- July 2024

Teva Haarlem

TH CONNECT: From the editors

Teva’s new strategy is Stronger, Bolder, Simpler.

This applies to everything, including internal communications. TH’Magazine therefore has a new look and a new name: TH CONNECT. You still receive the publication at home, aiming to strengthen the connection with Teva. But this is new:

 Hybrid format: articles continue online, accompanied by photos, videos and/or a podcast. Scan each QR code and discover more!

 Published in Dutch and English

 Interactive: you can give feedback and tips for the next

The changes reflect the results of the reader survey. Popular sections have remained. Happy with the renewal? Any tips? Scan the QR code and share your feedback!

Greetings from the editors:

Huib Has, Wendela Heskes, Suzanne Nijssen, Myrna Roos, Nico Schilder, Pauline Cornelisse, Ellen van Kasteren, Francien Mooijekind en Chantal Verweij (Extern).

ICP Decommissioning

How to eat an elephant?

Sharief Goelaman (left) has been assigned as Project Lead Decommissioning ICP, or dismantling the factory in which the inhalation capsules were made.

Jordi Casadevall (right) from E&M is one of 9 Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) involved in the project. Together they face an enormous task to clean up the factory before the end of the year.

A project that has not been done before in Haarlem on this scale.

We talk to them about their good start and follow everyone involved in the exciting months ahead.

Scan for the kick-off interview and the following milestones:

With a hybrid publication comes a new format for the “Through the Eyes of board members”-column. Directors alternate in this POTcast, discussing important topics from the jar (POT). That’s why we call it POTcast instead of podcast. Listen or watch Jan-Willem Scheer and Henri van Drunen:

What’s your question to be answered in a next POTcast:

POTcast: Through the eyes of board members

Growth from within: Gerard Ypma

Gerard Ypma has been Senior Manager of Business Intelligence since May 1. An example of the “jobcrafting” opportunities at Teva. Read or listen to his story:

Volunteer work by Teva employees

✪ What: Community Day at the Zebra Care Farm

✪ When: May 24

✪ Where: Vogelenzang

✪ Who: 8 Teva employees

The mission of Zebra Zorgboerderij (Zebra Care Farm) is to connect children, youth and adults (again) with nature. You can follow them at https://www. 8 Teva employees recently helped out at the farm.

Karin Zoon shares: “It was a wonderful day. We achieved a lot and had great fun. The highlight of the day was the tour of Daan, a client at the care farm. His quiz at the end was compelling, I now know the names of all the animals by heart!”

Scan for more pictures:

Growth from within:

Marjolein Prinsen

‘Master Data Lead’ is a new position at Teva. Marjolein Prinsen got this job. What does the job entail and what does it mean for Teva? Read or listen to her story:

Sports and exercise for all

✪ What: Golf tournament & Golf clinic 2024

✪ When: 6 lessons in May, June and July

✪ Where: Golfclub Spaarnwoude

✪ Who: 13 clinic participants & 23 tournament participants

Golf is more intense than you might think. And much more accessible than it used to be. But above all: fun to do. The Teva participants in the golf clinic and the golf tournament experienced this first hand.

Scan for more pictures:

Growth from within:

Robin Haans

Robin Haans grew from Senior Maintenance Manager to the position of Associate Director Production. What does this mean for him and for the organization?

Read or listen to his story:

Workshop bonbon creation

✪ What: Chocolates making workshop

✪ When: June 3

✪ Where: in the Teva restaurant

✪ Who: 30 Teva employees

Bonbons are actually little gifts. But how do you make them, fill them and decorate them? That involves both creativity and technique. The bonbon workshop participants learned a lot about chocolate, its origin and different production techniques. They went home with knowledge, inspiration and delicious chocolates. Of course, they finished them faster than they made them. But making them provided just as much fun as eating them.

Scan for more pictures:

Inclusion & Diversity at Teva

I&D stands for “Inclusion & Diversity”. An important topic, because at Teva everyone belongs, regardless of ethnicity, race, religion, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, age and ability. For this, the I&D working group makes a strong case for events, communities and awareness. June is even I&D month at Teva. Want to know more about this? Scan the QR codes:

I&D workgroup

HR manager Lotte Hendriks explains what the I&D work group wants to achieve and how:

Pride event June 20

Whatever letter of the LGBTQIA+ suits you or your colleague, Teva should be a happy place to work. That importance was celebrated during Pride on June 20. Check out the photos and video here:

Young Teva Community

Raquel Arribas Bueno and Mauricio Panesso Bula explain the plans for the Young Teva community for employees between the ages of 25 and 35:

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