Ministers Financial Health Grant opens doors for student ministry in Corpus Christi
M AY 2 0 2 0 / T E X A S B A P T I S T S L I F E
By Meredith Rose, Social Media Specialist
In the summer of 2018, Micah Roddy felt “When we moved, Amy struggled to a call to minister in Corpus Christi, TX. find employment, which was the main He and his wife Amy were faithful to that cause of our financial strain,” said Roddy. call when First Baptist Church of Corpus “Normally, we would have been okay Christi (FBCC) offered Roddy a position with just one of us working, but I also as a student pastor. had some student debt from pursuing my master’s degree, and we had one car Relocating his family from the Lubbock payment we were trying to pay off.” area, where he faithfully served in ministry for eight years, Roddy and his wife soon began experiencing some financial pressures.