2 minute read
Netflix's 'Dogs' deserves two paws up
By: Tiffany Ditto
Staff Writer
Netflix screenshot.
Dogs, the Netflix series, takes viewers on a journey through many unique human-canine bonds around the world — each one demonstrating just what a huge impact these furry friends have on our everyday lives.
This six episode docuseries premiered late last year and is a must watch for any dog lover. The series will take viewers on a roller coaster of emotions from happiness, sorrow, tranquility and most of all love.
Viewers begin the journey with a young girl named Corrine who longs to do everything other kids do, but is unable to because she has epilepsy. Throughout the episode, we see Corrine meet Rory, a service dog trained to detect seizures. As Corrine learns the challenges that come with getting a service dog fresh out of training, Rory brings a new sense of hope and security to Corrine's family.
Episode two tells the story of Zeus and his owner Ayham. We join Ayham in Germany where he found asylum after leaving war torn Syria, but Ayham had to leave his dog Zeus behind. This episode may bring you to tears as you see the lengths Ayham will go to in order to be reunited with his beloved Zeus.
Episode three shows the unique bond a fisherman and his dog, Ice, share in Italy as they venture out every day in their boat to catch fresh fish for their restaurant.
Taking a different approach, the fourth installment shows how Japanese groomers Miki and Kenichi bring a passion and playfulness to their work turning the fur kids of Japan into style icons — but a real challenge lurks when the two groomers prepare to compete in an American grooming competition.
Episode five takes viewers to Costa Rica where Álvaro and Lya run a free-range dog shelter. The pack of hundreds of dogs running through the countryside looks like something from the Isle of Dogs movie. The 1200-plus dogs that live on Lya and Álvaro's farm show their dedication to help animals that would otherwise be homeless and without care.
Viewers finish off the series in New York City, where there are more dogs in the big apple than people in Cleveland, Oh. The episode tells the story of Anna and her passion for going on rescue missions to unite dogs with a new loving owner. Anna drives from New York to Texas and drives dozens of dogs back to the city where they are more likely to be adopted.
Each episode teaches it's own lesson on the bond that humans and dogs have forged over thousands of years as the series ultimately proves that the love human kind has for dogs is something that spans across cultures and nations.
Twitter: @TiffanyDitto