Costume Supplies: 2 soda bottles A can of silver spray paint A roll of duck tape Black Felt A printout of the NASA logo 1 piece of elastic or pet shirt Red, orange, and hot pink tissue paper A hot-glue gun and glue sticks Scissors
Prep your jet pack bottles by drinking or dumping the soda out of the bottles and peeling off the labels. Then, rinse out the bottles. Using the silver spray paint, coat the outside of the bottles in paint and let the bottles dry. This part of the process could take 10 minutes to an hour. Next, using your duck tape, tape the two bottles together around the area where the brand labels once were. Now, take your tissue paper and begin cutting out a leaf shape. Be sure to create different sizes in each color that way the flames look more realistic. Layer the different colors of tissue over the top of each other? being sure that they don?t align so that each color can be seen. Using the hot-glue gun, glue the stack of the paper flames inside the drinking end of the bottles. Cover the duck tape area on the bottles with a strip of black felt. This is where your logo will be placed later on. Cut out your NASA logo and place it on top of the black felt in the middle of the two bottles. Lastly, hot-glue your elastic or shirt to the back of the bottles. This will be used to attach your jetpack to your dog, so be sure that your elastic is long enough to fit around your dog?s abdomen if you choose to go that route. Voila ? your pup is now an astronaut!
Dressing up your fur baby for Halloween isn?t a new trend, but it has became more prevalent with the rise of social media. But after buying yourself a costume sure to wow your friends, your Halloween budget may be stretched pretty thin. Stress no more! We?ve DIY-ed an easy costumes you can create for your pet for less than $10.