Texas Dog Magazine | Fall 2020

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PUPPY MILL BILL Put a little spice in your pup's life WE SAT DOWN WITH THE

FLETCHER'S HEIRESS Halloween DIY + tips for a fun holiday


SPRING 2019 / VOL. 2/ ISSUE 1







FIDO 411 Edit or 's Not e ... pg 7 Dog news brought to you ... pg 14 Advocat es ... pg 8 Puppy mill bill under fire ... pg 16 Pet 's Per spect ive ... pg 9 FUR FUN FEATURES DIY: Pup-stronaut costume ... pg 20 Q&A with the Corndog Queen... pg 10 Halloween tips and tricks ... pg 22





State Fair fun ... pg 24 OTHER VOICES SPCA: Fur Ball goes virtual ... pg 26 PET M D



PUP CULTURE Review: Self-service dog wash ... pg 30 Review: Shake it Pup ... pg 31 Texas Top Dog ... pg 32

Life with pets post-quarantine ... pg 28

Instadogs ... pg 33

A close look at holiday foods ... pg 29

K9 Classif ieds ... pg 37

Editor's Note Howdy friends! It seems so hard to believe that we have already made it to the fall season in Texas! I?m going to be honest with all of you, it seems like everything has changed. There?s a

t exasdogm agazin e.com PUBLISHER Bookshelf Builders Press

drive-thru State Fair, no one is too sure what?s going on with school and we have no idea how Halloween will even look this year. One thing I can say is that I?m incredibly proud of my team for making this magazine possible from our remote locations, in the middle of our confusing lives in the pandemic and with socially distanced photoshoots. Another thing I?m proud of is our incredible Texas dog community! In the middle of this confusing season of life all the dog lovers in our community have continued to share smiles, wags, licks, pets and more online. Even though we can?t all be together right now, we know our bond still exists for when

EDITOR Nealie Sanchez editor@texasdogmagazine.com

ADVERTISING TXDMadvertising@gmail.com

STAFF Alana Holt alanaTXDM@gmail.com Linda Kessler lindaTXDM@gmail.com Tiffany Ditto tiffanyTXDM@gmail.com

we can be. This fall the team and I are looking forward to seeing what kind of fun and socially distanced events we can push out to you through social! As always, be sure to join our online community using #TexasDogs and tagging us @TexasDogMagazine as well!

222 E. Ren f r o St ., St e. 108 Bu r leson , TX 76028 Š2018 All rights reserved. Volume 1, Issue 2 No Part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher.

Please be safe and well! Know the Texas Dog Magazine team is wishing y?all the best!


Nealie E. Sanchez TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 7


Dogs M atter The Dogs M at t er mission? to provide and promote a safe and healthy environment for dogs of recovering addicts and alcoholics? is one that Texas Dog Magazine fully supports and recognizes a need for. This nonprofit is based in Dallas but reaches much farther than North Texas. People across the country have benefitted from the services offered by Dogs M at t er ranging from fostering to aftercare. Not only does this organization keep the dogs safe, but it actively improves the lifestyle of alcoholics and addicts in recovery. We will continue to support the Dogs M at t er mission by fundraising throughout the year and hosting the first annual Canine Carnival which we will release updated details on throughout the summer. You can learn more about Dogs M at t er at dogsm at t er 2.or g or on social media @dogsm at t er .

This year Texas Dog Magazine has the goal of raising $3,000 for Dogs M at t er . So far we have raised $500 of our goal! Please join us in ?filling the dog bowl? by sending your donation to ?DOGS MATTER.?


Food photo created by freepik.

PayPal.M e/ TexasDog with the subject


Happy Hal l ow een candies the small humans

No matter how different things

bring home. I want to remind

may be in 2020, we still have

everybody that the fall is still a

apple cider and treats and

time to get together, pet your

pets! Take more walks and

animals and love your family.

enjoy the weather and never leave the pupper behind.

--------------------------------------TEX Pet Columnist --------------------------------------Hi furiends! Is time for putting on our funny outfits and making sure I don?t eat the


FEA TURES Q& A w i t h t h e Cor n d og Queen -------------------------------------BY: ALANA HOLT STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

-------------------------------------As I stood outside the door, anticipating barking dogs and the one and only Fletcher Corny Dog Heiress Amber Fletcher to meet me at the door, I couldn?t help but recall a couple dads making the same dad joke: ?I bet she has a weenie dog!? Amber and her mom Glenda ?GG? Fletcher welcomed me into GG?s home where it?s obvious the Fletcher family is proud to be from Texas with their warm greeting and Texas-shaped pool in the backyard. The Corny Dog Heiress has taken on her role in the family business

with pride, but while she is the Corny Dog Heiress of Texas by day, she?s a gentle and loving mom to her own dogs, two Maltipoo mixes Jack and Sophia, both 2, and her Goldendoodle Finnegan, 5? no weenie dogs. Amber, who wore red in honor of her late father Neil Fletcher Jr. (aka Skip the ?Corny Dog King?), is a kind, compassionate and strong-willed woman with a love for dogs whether they?re the deep fried corny dogs at the fair or her own fur babies waiting to greet her after along day at work. Sophia, Jack and Finnegan couldn?t have asked for a better dog mom and Texas couldn?t have asked for a Corny Dog Heiress.

WHAT HAS IT BEEN LIKE TO CARRY OUT THE FLETCHER CORNY DOG LEGACY? Carrying on the legacy of my father and grandfather is a role that comes with its blessings, challenges, family dynamics, and a lot of corny dogs! To be part of something bigger than yourself (as big as the state of Texas) requires you to rise above your own insecurities. Working to be that person who fulfills the role they were raised to be has been one of life?s sweetest gifts to me. Working in the family business also allows me to still feel close to my father, who passed in 2017.

YOU?RE THE TEXAS CORNDOG QUEEN BUT WHERE DID YOUR LOVE FOR DOGS COME FROM? I have been an animal lover since birth. In my early childhood I think I "barked" more than I talked. Growing up in the country we always had cats, dogs, and a couple horses. Dogs are the ultimate furry companions in my experience. They are so special and in-tune with us. They know when we've had a rough day and greet us with wagging tails and kisses; they are our companion on walks, vacations, and family nights. They share in our joy with new additions the family, or comfort us when we are in a time of grief. They never judge, never tell our secrets, and are always loyal to us.

WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO FOSTER AND ADOPT YOUR THREE FUR BABIES? I remember that year during the fair the breeder would send me weekly photo updates all fair, and with each photo I grew more and more excited about my doodle love that I would soon be bringing home. My German shepherd at the time had no idea her life was about to change! She was very high maintenance and often bored, I thought adding another dog would help. Bella (my shepherd) instantly took to him and for the next 4 10 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

LEFT: Jack, Finnegan and Sophia sit together on the sofa. ABOVE: Amber and her pups sit for a picture in the damp grass after a nice Texas summer rain had blessed fields the night before. Photo by Alana Holt years they played nonstop. I'd wake up at night and have to tell them to quiet down! He will be five years old in a couple weeks. I like to joke with people that he is my biological dog since we are both redheads.

CAN YOU SHARE A FAVORITE CHARACTERISTIC OR STORY ABOUT EACH DOG? Finnegan (Goldendoodle/age 5) is my constant ray of sunshine. He is the ultimate definition of a happy dog. In fact he easily reminds me of the dog in UP and the look in his face always saying, ?I love you!?. Everything in his world is the most exciting wonderful thing. I?ll be working in my office or getting ready and I can hear his tail hitting the wall, something must have made him smile. He is often found with his chin on my window seal gazing out into the neighborhood watching the birds, the kid?s play, or anything that catches his eye. He has also taken the role as my

protector since Bella passed but mostly just when he hears bugs hit the window, a balloon, or a black trashcan. Jack (Maltipoo mix/age 2), has really come out of his shell this past year. The first year he was a little skittish and distant as he was bonded with his sister. I?ll never forget the day he climbed into my lap for the first time while I was at work and he wanted to nap while I responded to emails. Everything used to make him shake and run to his kennel and hide, I couldn?t take him anywhere without a fuss. Now after working with him over many months, he is now becoming quite the bold and brave little guy! In fact, he gets so excited now for car rides and walks that he yips and yelps like a little monkey, almost like he is so excited for the adventure that waits him. When I first got him I remember thinking, ?I?ve never seen a dog that didn?t know how to be a dog!? He was awkward at playing, affection, or anything outside his schedule but now he walks proud in his

little pack and I can tell he?s quite happy. I had never owned little dogs before and had always been a ?big dog? person but this little girl, Sophia (Maltipoo mix/age 2), completely stole my heart. She is this hilarious combination of a helpless princess that needs to be carried and reassured of her love, and the sassiest, spunkiest, wild dog. She is also the dog I am most in tune with when it comes to my emotions. She can tell when I am upset and she will come running to me and basically throw herself on my face to cheer me up. She is my little shadow that goes everywhere I go. I understand how single women become ?dog moms? because having these three little dogs in my life keep my heart happy and full of joy.


LEFT: Amber holds Sophia and rocks her Fletcher?s Corny Dogs t-shirt. CENTER: Jack and Sophia live, love, and sniff smelly things together. And sometimes when Sophia is feel especially mischievous, she likes to roll around in it. RIGHT: Finnegan the Goldendoodle lounges in the sun.

YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE EVOLUTION OF HIS NAMES? I wasn't very crazy about the name Max from the get go, it just didn't fit him. I found myself calling him Jack and he responded well to it. In our family, adding the word "pooh" to the end of a name is an endearing nickname, so he become Jacky-Pooh, which now, he just gets called "Pooh-Pooh." Its hysterical but he responds. Of course when he is trouble I still call him Max. I guess it's his alter ego.

IN 2015 YOU INTRODUCED THE VEGGIE DOG AS A NEW, WONDERFUL ADDITION TO THE MENU. DO YOU HAVE ANY THOUGHTS ON NEW FLAVORS OF CORN DOGS IN THE WORKS OR EVEN PLANS FOR A NEW ADDITION TO YOUR OWN FOUR-LEGGED FAMILY? The Fletcher family is working on a few new ideas for Corny Dogs to add to our line-up. My dad always said, "stick to your knitting" and the Original Corny Dog has always been our number #1 seller so we try not to wander too far from it. Anything we introduce has to be able to be prepped, fried, and delivered quickly to the customer. I come across great recipes all the time for fun, bold flavors, but in our company I would say quality and efficiency are key over new trendy flavors. 12 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

I have wanted to add another dog to my home. Since my Bella passed in March 2019 Finnegan has not quite been the same. I would love to rescue again so he can have a playmate but only time will tell.

DO YOU EVER FIND IT DIFFICULT TO FIND A BALANCE BETWEEN BEING THE FLETCHER CORNY DOG HEIRESS AND BEING THE BEST DOG MOM FOR YOUR FAMILY, ESPECIALLY DURING FAIR SEASON? I am incredibly grateful for my role in the company as it allows time working from my home office during the weeks. The only difficulty is phone calls and zoom meetings with 3 dogs zigging and zagging behind me, or when the doorbell rings. Working during the Fair has always been challenging when the family is essentially away from home and on site at fair grounds for 24 days straight. I do have a wonderful pet sitter who takes great care of them while I am gone.


CORNY DOG MIGHT BE THE NORMAL THAT MANY PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO. ALTHOUGH THE STATE FAIR OF TEXAS DECIDED NOT TO OPEN THIS YEAR FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE WORLD WAR II AND WON?T RETURN AGAIN UNTIL 2021, WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON 2020 AND KEEPING FLETCHER?S TEXAS STATE FAIR SPIRIT ALIVE? The year 2020 has been a new world for all of us, presenting different challenges and change. The thing I love about my family business is that we truly bring happiness to people with our Corny Dogs. When the pandemic first hit, we began to reach out to neighborhoods around Dallas-Fort Worth and hold pop-ups. When we bring our truck to the events and neighborhoods people's faces just light up. The joy and excitement comes to them like they are little kids again. We have also partnered with the fast-casual restaurant chain, Golden Chick, to serve our Original Corny Dogs in 187 of their locations in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana through October 25. It?s that sense of normalcy, nostalgia, and comfort food all at once ? plus it?s deep-fried! 2020 has had its ups and downs but we are hopeful that 2021 is bright. We will continue to carry on the tradition of bringing Fletcher?s Original Corny Dogs to folks through our pop ups, events, and catering. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 11

Jack and Sophia, Amber Fletcher?s two Maltipoos, sit on her lap with Finnegan her Goldendoodle sitting proudly next to them. Photo by Alana Holt TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 13

FI DO 411

TCAP gets $40K grant

Petco Foundation invests in work of Texas Coalition for Animal Protection FORT WORTH ? Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP) is excited to announce it has been awarded a $40,000 grant from the Petco Foundation to support its Fort Worth free spay and neuter program for cats and dogs living in 14 target ZIP Codes. The Petco Foundation investment will help to fund free spays, neuters, and rabies vaccines for Fort Worth residents in the following ZIP Codes: 76102, 76103, 76104, 76105, 76106, 76107, 76110, 76111, 76112, 76114, 76115, 76116, 76119, 76140. Fort Worth?s Animal Services Department identifies these ZIP Codes as high-intake areas for the shelter ? meaning these funds are needed more than ever to end pet overpopulation and euthanasia. ?We are so thankful to the Petco Foundation for providing us this grant funding,? said Stacey Schumacher, TCAP executive director. ?Due to financial constraints put on families due to the COVID-19 pandemic, now, more than ever, Texas pet owners need help providing essential wellness care to their pets. With the funding we have been awarded by the Petco Foundation, we will be able to continue our Fort Worth Free program and provide hundreds of spays and neuters to Fort Worth pet owners free of charge.? This grant investment is part of the Petco Foundation?s recent distribution of more than $13M to animal welfare organizations nationwide. In addition, the Petco Foundation distributed $1M in emergency product and cash donations to partner organizations facing the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis and put out a national call to mobilize animal lovers to take action and Pledge to Save Pet Lives. TCAP is a nonprofit organization that exists to end animal overpopulation and improve community animal welfare by 14 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

providing low-cost preventative services throughout North Texas. Since 2002, TCAP has provided more than 502,419 spays and neuters, and vaccinated more than 958,314 pets, across North Texas. For more information about TCAP visit texasforthem.org. For more on the Petco Foundation, visit petcofoundation.org and join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram by using the hashtag #PetcoFamily. ? Texas Coalition for Animal Protection

PAWSITIVE NEWS FROM DOGSLIFE While COVID-19 created a pause for many, dogslife has certainly remained busy! Since April, we have awarded nearly $30,000 in grants to pet owners impacted by COVID-19. Thanks to you, we can continue to serve people and pets in our community!

Miles for Mut t s Our first Annual Miles for Mutts has concluded, and we are thankful for your participation! Together, we raised nearly $10,000 to provide lifesaving treatment to pets fighting cancer. Participants of all ages joined from Florida, California, Oklahoma, Michigan, Washington and of course Texas! We had such a fun time seeing your photos and greatly appreciate you being a part of our first race! Excit ing new s

Meet Tiger This is Tiger, our latest grant recipient. This sweet boy is a giant teddy bear that enjoys running and finding lizards. When he is tired, Tiger loves to sleep with all four legs in the air! Thanks to YOUR support, dogslife was able to provide a $7,000 grant for cancer treatment.

dogslife is participating in North Texas Giving day again this year! Even better and thanks to our friends at Meridian Veterinary Real Estate, ALL donations will be matched up to $25,000! North Texas Giving Day campaign hosted by the Foundation. The campaign to build awareness and non-profits like dogslife.

is an online Communities was created support for ? dogslife

Note: With so many events canceled and constantly rescheduling, and taking into consideration public health recommendations from local, state and federal entities, we at Texas Dog Magazine have nixed our calednar for this edition. But just because we don?t have a calendar doesn?t mean there aren?t plenty of ways to have fun with your pup. Stay active and have fun this fall and don?t forget to tag us in the pics at @texasdogmagazine. We?re all in this together!

FIDO 411

Texas' puppy mill bill under fire -------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------The Texas Legislature may vote this year to uphold or abolish two key pieces of animal rights regulations pertaining to the oversight of cat and dog breeding in Texas, and the oversight by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation of those who have completed court-ordered responsible pet ownership courses. Cat and dog breeders as well as responsible pet ownership courses must be licensed by TLDR, which oversees these licenses and has the power to revoke the license of pet breeders or declare that a responsible pet ownership class is inadequate. This year, these programs came under fire after the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission, which conducts audits on

Contrary to popular belief, House Bill 1451 does not make puppy mills illegal in the state of Texas but heightens the threshold of care required for cats and dogs used in breeding operations.

upheld and strengthened." Texas began regulating cat and dog

government agencies to ensure their practices and policies are relevant in an ever-changing world,

breeding in 2011, with the passage of House Bill 1451, commonly called "The Puppy Mill Bill." The bill states

recommended doing away with the programs.

that persons required to be licensed as a dog or cat breeder are licensed and provide adequate and humane

Texas Humane Legislation Network, a 501c4 nonprofit that lobbies on behalf of animal rights, is trying to encourage the legislature to vote against doing away with these programs, especially the dog and cat breeder licensing regulation ? a bill they had a hand in passing in 2011. "It's been heartbreaking, but we are ready for the fight," THLN Executive Director Shelby Bobosky said. "This law stops cruelty before it begins and protects taxpayer dollars. If we don't have this law in place, we're back to the wild west. We want to see this law 16 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

care for the animals they breed, keep them properly sheltered and provide adequate veterinary care. The bill also prevents those who have been convicted of animal cruelty from becoming a licensed breeder and requires TDLR inspectors who witness animal cruelty to report it to local law enforcement. The




Sunset Commission to eliminate these licenses, and 13 others, would result in a loss of about $520,800 each year. The commission states, however, that this financial loss will

be "partially offset by an estimated annual savings of $349,500 in operating expenses, and a reduction of 4.4 full-time staff positions, beginning in the fiscal year 2022." Whenever a governing body goes under Sunset review in Texas, the body has the opportunity to submit a self-evaluation report to the commission containing more details about their mission and their progress with respect to each aspect they oversee. According to TLDR's self evaluation report submitted in September for Sunset review, TLDR assessed more than $78,000 in administrative penalties to breeders during 2017 and 2018 but has not collected any monies in restitution. Also in 2018, TLDR governed 174 licensed dog breeders. However, breeders who fall under the jurisdiction of the Texas

Dog and Cat Breeders Act must have 11 adult intact female dogs in their

lowered to five because 11 is too high."

animal seizures.

breeding program and/or sell at least 20 puppies each year in order to be considered a commercial breeder.

"Even five breeding females is high for a hobby breeder," Bobosky added.

inspects a breeding facility to make sure it meets standard of care requirements, TDLR Public Information Officer Tela Goodwin






organizations like THLN would like to see the law strengthened, not overturned.

Contrary to popular belief, House Bill 1451 does not make puppy mills illegal in the state of Texas but rather heightens the threshold of care required for these animals. These

"This law has many shortcomings," Bobosky said. "This is a high threshold compared to other states.

regulations help ensure that breeders don't let pets live in filth and squalor, or sell sick puppies to unsuspecting

It's all too easy for breeders to lie about the number of puppies sold. We argue that there is no legislative

pet parents. THLN states that these regulations also help save taxpayer dollars by preventing cruelty before it

intent behind that number and recommend the breeding females be

begins by keeping breeders in check ? lowering the number of large-scale

"Before issuing a license, TDLR

said in a statement. "Agency inspectors then visit breeding facilities at least once every 18 months and other inspections may occur as needed." According




breeders must adhere to standards of care in these areas: ? indoor or outdoor housing ? enclosures TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 17 11

? compatible grouping of animals ? exercise for dogs ?

feeding, watering, cleaning and

sanitation ? housekeeping and pest control ? training of onsite personnel ? grooming ? veterinary care ? sales and transfers ? transportation standards Goodwin states that some of the most common code violations committed by licensed breeders include not allowing females adequate rest time between breeding cycles, not providing sufficient heating or cooling for animal enclosures, not exercising animals daily and not providing veterinary

exams for each pet at least once every 12 months. After the initial report is completed by the Sunset Commission (the stage the review process was at when this article went to press), the Sunset Commission will hold a public hearing to take testimony on the staff report and agency overall. After this hearing, the Sunset Commission will vote on which changes to recommend to the Texas Legislature ? which will ultimately have the final say. The second meeting of the Sunset Commission was scheduled for Aug. 19; however, this meeting was

animal seizures. We encourage anyone who is interested in helping us to call the members of the Sunset Commission, especially if they are their State Representative or State Senator. Texans can use their voice to ask our legislators to preserve and strengthen the breeder 's license." Anyone interested in learning more about THLN's efforts to preserve the

canceled and the Commission website doesn't list any upcoming meetings on this matter at this time.

"Puppy Mill Bill" can visit thln.org where they can sign up for updates, sign petitions and find contact

Representatives from The Sunset Commission did not respond to Texas Dog Magazine?s requests for comment

information lawmakers.

before the time of publication.


"While the Texas Licensed Breeders Program is not perfect, Texas cannot afford to lose the program entirely," Bobosky said. "Puppy mills significantly contribute to the abuse of animals in Texas and large-scale




Twitter: @TiffanyDitto



readyfor takeoff

Costume Supplies: 2 soda bottles A can of silver spray paint A roll of duck tape Black Felt A printout of the NASA logo 1 piece of elastic or pet shirt Red, orange, and hot pink tissue paper A hot-glue gun and glue sticks Scissors









Prep your jet pack bottles by drinking or dumping the soda out of the bottles and peeling off the labels. Then, rinse out the bottles. Using the silver spray paint, coat the outside of the bottles in paint and let the bottles dry. This part of the process could take 10 minutes to an hour. Next, using your duck tape, tape the two bottles together around the area where the brand labels once were. Now, take your tissue paper and begin cutting out a leaf shape. Be sure to create different sizes in each color that way the flames look more realistic. Layer the different colors of tissue over the top of each other? being sure that they don?t align so that each color can be seen. Using the hot-glue gun, glue the stack of the paper flames inside the drinking end of the bottles. Cover the duck tape area on the bottles with a strip of black felt. This is where your logo will be placed later on. Cut out your NASA logo and place it on top of the black felt in the middle of the two bottles. Lastly, hot-glue your elastic or shirt to the back of the bottles. This will be used to attach your jetpack to your dog, so be sure that your elastic is long enough to fit around your dog?s abdomen if you choose to go that route. Voila ? your pup is now an astronaut!



Dressing up your fur baby for Halloween isn?t a new t rend, but it has became more prevalent wit h t he rise of social media. But aft er buying yourself a cost ume sure t o wow your friends, your Halloween budget may be st ret ched pret t y t hin. St ress no more! We?ve DIY-ed an easy cost umes you can creat e for your pet for less t han $10.


Pu p-f r ien dly Pu m pk in Pat ch es Here are three dog friendly pup-kin patches you can attend to enjoy fall frolicking with your costumed furry friend. LOVE CREEK ORCHARDS Medina, TX ? Friendly pets are welcome on a leash as long as waste is picked up and dogs are not brought near the petting zoo area. The orchards also ask that dog owners refrain from allowing dogs to use the pumpkins as fire hydrants. Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, as well as 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays Oct. 10-Nov. 1. Admission price is $7 per person. For more information, visit the website. Address: 13558 State Hwy 16 North Website: lovecreekorchards.com Phone: (830) 589-2202 OLD TIM E CHRISTM AS TREE FARM Spring, TX ? Pets are welcome with the family to enjoy crafts, food and fall festivities as long as they are on a leash and picked up after. Open from 4-7 p.m. on Fridays and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays during the month of October. Admission price is $7 per person. For more information, visit the website. Address: 7632 Spring Cypress Road Website: oldtimechristmastree.com Phone: (281) 370-9141

This article previously ran in Fall 2019 in Texas Dog Magazine Vol. 2 Issue 3. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 21


Petco offers Halloween 'Bootique' Plus tips for a safe, fun holiday with pets -------------------------------------BY: PETCO

the dark. Keep a pet first aid kit on-hand with supplies such as bandages or antimicrobial spray for treating any minor injuries. And since this time of year can heighten pets' anxiety, consider calming chews and diffuser kits to help mitigate seasonal stresses.


-------------------------------------SAN DIEGO ? Petco has launched its 2020 Halloween "Bootique" collection, offering on-trend costumes, toys and treats, and is sharing tips for a safe, fun and memorable Halloween with pets. As people continue to follow evolving social distancing regulations and safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Petco recommends pet parents consider the following for this year 's festivities and new traditions with furry family members:


GET INTO THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT WITH DELIGHTFUL COSTUMES AND TOYS Whether celebrating at home with DIY activities or hosting a virtual costume contest, Petco's "Bootique" has trendy costumes and accessories for animals of all sizes. Pet parents can show off their undeniable bonds with matching outfits for pet and human companions, including unicorns and dinosaurs. Small animals can also join in the fun with costumes like a shrunken shark and pumpkin, perfect for pets like guinea pigs. For comic book fans, costumes such as Captain Marvel, Deadpool, Wonder Woman and Batman are ideal to highlight pets' superhero alter egos. MAKE SAFETY A TOP PRIORITY DURING FESTIVE CELEBRATIONS Playful decorations are a key part of Halloween preparation for humans, but can present sneaky dangers for pets. To help keep furry friends safe, pet parents should secure and cover electrical cords to prevent chewing, be cautious of where dangling strings and cobwebs are placed, supervise any open flames, and keep glow sticks, necklaces and other spooky accessories off the ground. Make 22 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

sure sweets ? especially chocolate ? and candy wrappers are out of pets' reach. If you suspect your pet may have ingested a toxic food or other material, contact a veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline immediately. Pet parents can also consider online training to teach their pups important Halloween etiquette, such as keeping off kitchen counters and learning to "sit" and "stay" amid distractions. PREPARE FOR SPOOKY ENCOUNTERS AND INJURIES If venturing out at night, make sure four-legged family members are wearing proper identification and are microchipped with up-to-date information. With scary noises or strange Halloween happenings, animals can panic, break loose or slip out the door when no one is looking. It's important to leash pets when walking outside, and reflective gear can help keep them ? and pet parents ? visible in

Petco offers a full assortment of minimally processed and low-calorie treat options to reward furry friends. While tasty treats go hand-in-hand with Halloween, remember that treats should not make up more than 10% of a pet's calorie intake, and year-round, quality nutrition is vital to pets' overall health and wellness. Supplements can help provide pets with targeted support for specific health needs. With deals available both in-store and online, and through the easy-to-use Petco App, pet parents can shop in a variety of safe ways, including buy online, pick up in store and curbside pick-up. For more Halloween pet safety tips and products, visit petco.com, the Petco App or a local Petco store. All Petco stores are diligently following health guidelines recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including cleaning, sanitizing, facial coverings and social distancing. For pet parents seeking additional information, refer to guidance from the CDC around COVID-19 and pets.



St at e Fair Fu n -------------------------------------BY: TAYLOR AUSTIN STATE FAIR OF TEXAS

-------------------------------------DALLAS ? For t he fir st t im e in it s 134-year hist or y, t he St at e Fair of Texas is int roducing t he Big TexÂŽ Fair Food Dr ive-Thr u ? a special event for 2020 in lieu of t he annual 24-day exhibit ion. Saddle up for t he r ide of t he year , Fair fanat ics ? you asked, we list ened, and we cannot wait t o deliver you a safe, one-of-a-kind, St at e Fair Dr ive-Thr u exper ience. But what is t he St at e Fair wit hout Big Tex? You guessed it , it ?s all in t he nam e ? Texas?s favor it e cowboy will ret ur n t o his r ight ful hom e in Big Tex Circle. As an icon of t he Lone St ar St at e and a t r ue Texan, Big Tex will do his par t as a good neighbor t o keep t he com m unit y safe by adding t he lat est and great est accessor y t o his get -up for 2020 ? a Big Tex-sized face m ask. In a year of m any fir st s, t his hist or ic event will offer Fair lover s t he oppor t unit y for a once-in-a-lifet im e phot o and exper ience. Now t his isn?t our fir st rodeo? well, act ually, it sor t of is? however , we t hink fairgoer s will love what we have in st ore for t hem dur ing t he Big Tex Fair Food Dr ive-Thr u ? from t he sweet sm ell of fr ied food t o sight ings of different Fair icons and even a lit t le Midway fun, t his event will celebrat e all t hings Texan. It will give t he com m unit y an oppor t unit y for t heir annual phot o wit h Big Tex and a t ast e of t he Fair , all while suppor t ing t he St at e Fair of Texas?s nonprofit m ission of prom ot ing agr icult ure, educat ion and com m unit y involvem ent . To provide guest s wit h t he best exper ience possible, while keeping healt h and safet y t op of m ind, only a lim it ed num ber of t icket s will be sold for t his hist or ic event . A special Big Tex phot o-only Dr ive-Thr u exper ience opens Sept . 19-20. The Big Tex Fair Food Dr ive-Thr u will operat e Sept . 25-27, Oct . 2-4, 9, 11 and 12, and 15-18. 24 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM









COTTON BOWL To best ser ve guest s, while ensur ing ever yone?s safet y, t icket s are lim it ed and will be pre-sold in t hree windows ? ent r y bet ween 10 a.m . and 1 p.m ., ent r y bet ween 1-5 p.m . and ent r y bet ween 5-5:45 p.m . We ant icipat e t he Dr ive-Thr u t o t ake no longer t han 1 and a half hour s once you ent er t he gat e. Ticket s for t he Big Tex Fair Food Dr ive-Thr u are on sale at BigTex.com . For infor m at ion on each t icket package or regarding new healt h and safet y prot ocols for t his Dr ive-Thr u event , visit BigTex.com / Dr iveThr u. Proceeds from t his event will suppor t St at e Fair of Texas operat ions, allowing us t o br ing back all your favor it e t radit ions for 2021

TEXAS STAR and fulfill our nonprofit m ission t hrough our year -round init iat ives. A por t ion of t he proceeds will also benefit t he Nor t h Texas Food Bank t o help feed our com m unit y in need. While t his year has felt anyt hing but ordinar y, we look for ward t o br inging a piece of t radit ion back t o t he Lone St ar St at e in an all-new safe and fun way. We hope t hat you will join us at t he m ost Texan place on ear t h t his fall ? for m ore infor m at ion, please visit BigTex.com / Dr iveThr u. Whet her you can join us t his year or not , t he St at e Fair of Texas and Big Tex look for ward t o welcom ing you back wit h an iconic, ?Howdy Folks,? when t hat t im e com es.

OTHER V OI CES SPCA: Fur Ball 2020 Galagoesvirtual Fur Ball 2020 is sure to be the bark of the town thanks to chair Patricia Villareal, co-chair Steve Atkinson, auction chair Amber Camper and auction co-chair Rebecca Marabito. The emcee for the evening is Brian Curtis, NBC 5 news anchor, and the auctioneer is nationally acclaimed auctioneer Grant Snyder.

SPCA OF TEXAS Facebook : @spcaof t exaspage Tw it t er : @SPCAof Texas In st agr am : @spcat exas Websit e: spca.or g


? Maura Davies, SPCA of Texas


DALLAS ? The SPCA of Texas?Fur Ball 2020 will be held at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19. And this year, the SPCA of Texas? gala is going virtual for the first time due to COVID-19 with a program that is sure to inspire and uplift the spirits. The one-of-a-kind virtual experience will feature mission-focused stories, entertainment and gratitude, all with a focus of raising important funds for the SPCA of Texas in support of our critical work in our community through live and silent auctions packed with fabulous items, the always-exciting Pony Up for Paws and more. Fur Ball is Dallas-Fort Worth?s salute to the bond between people and their pets and a celebration of the SPCA of Texas?important mission to provide every animal with exceptional care and a loving home. All money raised through Fur Ball 2020 will go directly to the SPCA of Texas to help rescue, heal and find homes for thousands of animals and help keep pets in homes, out of shelters and off the streets. During this difficult time, more than ever, the SPCA of Texas depends on its patrons? generosity to continue to provide these essential services to our community?s most vulnerable pets and their people. 26 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

Country music artists Lee Brice, Tyler Farr and Randy Rogers are scheduled to perform at the SPCA of Texas?Virtual Fur Ball Gala. This year, the gala has a new look as the event will be totally virtual and will feature nationally-recognized, award-winning musical talent. Gala patrons are in for a very special evening with Grammy and CMA Award nominee, two-time ACM award winner Lee Brice; #1 Platinum-selling artist Tyler Farr; and Texas? own award-winning entrepreneurial and musical stalwart Randy Rogers. Each artist will perform their hit songs, making Fur Ball 2020 a night to remember.

Photo courtesy of the SPCA of Texas Facebook page.

Along with fantastic music, long-time patron favorites such as Pony Up for Paws, live and silent auctions, and mission-focused stories will also be presented. This exciting new format for Fur Ball promises to be a one-of-a-kind virtual experience with a focus on raising important funds to support the critical work of the SPCA of Texas. Stay tuned to www.FurBallDallas.com for details about this reimagined event. ? Victoria Albrecht, SPCA of Texas

PET M D LIFE POST-QUARANTINE PET TALK Texas A&M Un iver sit y College of Vet er in ar y M edicin e & Biom edical Scien ces,

A silver lining to the stress of stay-at-home orders for many has been extra time spent with pets. Whether that means extra-long walks for dogs, chin scratches for cats, or quality time and attention for all of the other critters, many of our furry friends have benefited from this pause in society. A grey cats lays sideways on a couchDr. Lori Teller, an associate professor in the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says pets that have grown used to having near-constant contact with their owner may experience separation anxiety when their owner returns to a more regular routine. Because of this, she recommends that owners prepare now for a return to work or school. ?Before the pandemic, people would come and go and most animals were quite used to this. But now, owners have been at home for much of the day, and their pets are used to getting frequent walks or other types of attention. An abrupt change in the schedule can be very stressful for some animals,? Teller said. ?It also is possible for a pet that has not had previous symptoms of separation anxiety to develop these symptoms as people return to work or school following stay-at-home orders. ?Owners can help their pets adjust by leaving the house for short periods of time and monitoring the pet?s response,? Teller said. ?An owner may need to set up the camera on a phone or tablet to record the pet?s response to his or her departure. If the animal seems fine, increase the amount of 28 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

time away from home to determine if there will be problems.? Teller also recommends identifying high-value treats a pet enjoys, such as food puzzles or toys filled with frozen treats. If owners only provide these treats when they leave the house, the pet will associate good things with their departure and be less prone to anxiety. Owners should also make their departures as low-key as possible after giving their pet a special treat. ?You can also leave on some music for the pet,? she said. ?Studies have shown that dogs and cats like classical music and soft rock, and some dogs have a preference for reggae.? By beginning to match their quarantine routine with what owners expect their future schedule to look like, they can acclimate their animal to certain walk lengths, times, and cuddling schedules before any big changes. Teller also says that people who adopted a new puppy or kitten during the pandemic should be extra mindful, as these pets have only ever lived in a household where humans are always around. ?Dogs with separation anxiety may pace, pant, salivate, or bark or howl excessively. In more serious cases, a dog may become destructive and scratch or chew at doors or windows in an effort to escape,? Teller said. ?Cats may groom excessively or stop urinating in the litter box.? The most important step owners can take in preventing separation anxiety is to prepare early. Even if a pet is only exhibiting mild signs of separation

anxiety, their owner should reach out to a veterinarian to get help before a pet hurts themselves or damages their home. ?For mild cases, veterinarians may recommend some of the dog or cat pheromones that promote calmness and relaxation,? she said. ?There are also some nutraceuticals (a pharmaceutical alternative that claims psychological benefits) that help with calming and relaxation, as well as a variety of prescription medications that can help lessen anxiety.? A veterinarian can help you determine what is best for your pet and how you can best help your pet adjust to time alone. They may also refer you to a veterinary behavior specialist for more severe cases. ?If separation anxiety is allowed to go unchecked, it can be that much more difficult to treat,? Teller said. ?Reach out to your veterinarian as soon as you suspect a problem. Anxiety issues generally have a good prognosis when intervention happens early.? Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. Stories can be viewed on the web at vetmed.tamu.edu/ news/ pet-talk. Suggestions for future topics may be directed to editor@cvm.tamu.edu.


Don?t let holiday celebrations turn into a trip to the animal hospital

-------------------------------------BY: DR. BEAU BLACK Vet Talk -------------------------------------Dr. Beau Black talks holiday foods that are toxic to your pet :

XYLITOL ?This is a sweetener that is often used Photo by Jordan Davis on Unsplash

in ?sugar-free? products, such as sugar-free gum, candies, some brands of peanut butter and baked goods, to name a few. If a pet eats it, their body cannot distinguish the xylitol from a large amount of glucose, so it stimulates a strong release of insulin. The insulin causes a large drop in the pet?s blood glucose, resulting in hypoglycemia. Clinically, this can look a lot like a person who has overdosed on insulin. The pet can act severely lethargic, ataxic (falling over), have seizures, vomiting, diarrhea or even death. If you suspect xylitol exposure, have your pet seen by a veterinarian immediately. It is important to bring the package of the xylitol-containing product so your veterinarian can calculate how much your pet may have ingested.?

CHOCOLATE ?Chocolate contains theobromines and

caffeine, which are toxic to dogs. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, neurologic abnormalities or, in severe cases, death. The type of chocolate the pet ingests is important. For instance, milk chocolate contains the least amount of the toxic components, while dark chocolate and baking chocolate contain much higher quantities. Have your pet evaluated immediately by a veterinarian, taking the chocolate product packaging to your veterinarian as well.?

TURKEY/ CHICKEN/ HAM BONES ?Cooked bone products can splinter as your pet chews or gnaws on them. These splinters can be ingested and result in abdominal pain, damage to the gastrointestinal tract or, in severe cases, obstruction or perforation of the intestines. Do not make the pet throw up; this can result in further damage to the stomach or esophagus. Have the pet evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible.?

TOXIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ?Some fruits and vegetables are toxic to pets. The most common toxicities are from grapes, onions and garlic. Grapes can cause damage to kidneys; onions and garlic can cause anemia (loss of red blood cells). It is important to keep these food items out of reach of your

pets. If you suspect ingestion, have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian.?

ALCOHOL ?Pets can?t tolerate alcohol (ethanol) like humans, so they are susceptible to alcohol poisoning. They can act depressed, become uncoordinated, vomit or become unresponsive. Have your pet evaluated immediately by a veterinarian, and tell your guests to keep their beverages safely out of reach of pets.?

HOLIDAY PLANTS ?Lilies are very toxic to cats; it causes acute renal failure (kidney disease). A cat can eat a very small amount or even ingest the water, and still develop kidney disease. Poinsettias are mildly toxic to pets; ingestion rarely requires veterinary care. Christmas tree water can result in a mild gastrointestinal upset in pets.? DR. BEAU BLACK currently practices at Town and Country Animal Hospital in Aubrey, Texas. He has three dogs, two English Labrador Retrievers, Bear and Finn, and a Miniature Longhair Dachshund, Theodore.

This article previously ran in Fall 2019 in Texas Dog Magazine Vol. 2 Issue 3. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 29

PUP CULTURE Self-service dog wash makes bathing a breeze

-------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we do many things and if there's one thing we became tired of cleaning pretty early on in the pandemic it's our house, and our bathroom after bathing your furbabies. After a new pet store called Pet Supplies Plus opened near our home in Denton this September, we thought we would review our experience using the self-service dog wash and let you all know if it truly is as pawsome as they say. On arrival, we walked back to the wash station where there were several elevated shower stalls with special grooming leashes on the wall to ensure that your pet doesn't jump out of the shower. Each stall also featured two clean towels with two treats on top and a variety of shampoos that are included with your wash. Along the side of the shower area, there are aprons for the pawrents to wear so that they don't get their clothes wet while bathing their pet. We put the special grooming leash

Riley stands during his bath at Pet Supplies Plus in Denton, TX. This particular location opened in September 2020. Photo by Tiffany Ditto

around the neck of Riley, our resident review dog. We turned on the water and sprayed it at the wall for a few minutes until the water was warm. After ensuring Riley is adequately wet, we lathered him in the



during the whole process was that the

stalls made it easy to reach him without

blow dryer didn't blow warm air, and while

hunching over. The cost of the baths are

Riley was wet, it seemed like the cool air

$10 each visit, or you can buy a three-visit

made him feel cold (he was shivering).

punch card for $21. We think this was well

Once done there was a bin to place dirty

provided (there were more than 4 different

towels in, and Riley got to pick out a toy ?

types of shampoo available). After rinsing

after all, we were in the pet store. It was

him off we reached over on the wall to

nice not having to clean the bathtub and

turn on the special vacuum-like blow dryer

bathroom up after washing the dog, and

hose on the side of the shower and began

was easier on my back not having to bend

drying our pup. Our main complaint

over to wash him. The elevated shower


worth the money because it was so easy and there was no cleanup required. Overall we give the DIY dog wash stations in Pet Supplies Plus three paws up (one paw deducted for the cold blowdryer).

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto


Shake It Pup dog food seasoning struck an $800k deal with Texas Billionaire Mark Cuban earlier this year after appearing on an episode of NBC's Shark Tank. Screenshotscourtesy of Shake It Pup website. Photo by Tiffany Ditto

Put a little spice in your pup's life -------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------If you and your pup are anything like us, food is one of the things in life that bring you joy. We love trying different foods and flavors, so why shouldn't we introduce this spice into the lives of our pets? With Shake It Pup, now you can! After Shake It Pup struck an $800,000 deal with Texas billionaire Mark Cuban on NBC's Shark Tank earlier this year, we knew we had to try to hype ourselves. Shake It Pup dog food seasonings are gourmet seasonings sold directly from the Shake It Pup website, or through the website of their parent company Snap Wag, a gourmet dog food manufacturer. We ordered two Shake It Pup seasonings ? a bone and joint blend, and "Barkin' BBQ." The seasonings tout human-grade ingredients. Depending on the weight of your pet, you simply add 1-2 teaspoons of seasoning to the top of their food they eat every day.

Seasonings sell for $12.99 each and come in 3.5 or 4.5 ounce bottles depending on the flavor. At the time of publication, Shake It Pup is running at buy three get one free sale and offers free shipping on orders over $35. Our resident review dog Riley, a spunky 9-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, did the first tasting honors. We ordered the Bone and Joint formula specifically for Riley because, like a typical Cavalier, he experiences some joint issues. Riley devoured the food topped with Shake It Pup faster than he typically eats his everyday canned food. He enjoyed both of the seasoning flavors, there didn't seem to be a clear winner. But since these seasonings are made from human-grade ingredients, you know we had to try them too. The "Barkin' BBQ" flavor was powdery and tasted like chicken, which makes sense, as three of the ingredients are chicken, chicken bone broth and chicken liver (also lentils). The flavoring wasn't strong enough to want to use it in human

cooking, but it's obvious that it's enough to spice up your pup's life. Shake It Pup's Bone and Joint seasoning tasted strongly like chicken and turmeric with a weird aftertaste (possibly from the cinnamon also in it?). While they weren't that tasty for human consumption, they are made for dogs, so the real win is if your pup loves them and ours did. We give this product four paws up. To order your furbaby Shake it Pup, visit shakeitpup.com Please don't forget to consult with your veterinarian before beginning to add any seasonings or supplements to your dog's food.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 31


Dogs of t h e M on t h

Age: 1 Year Favor it e Tr eat : @answerspetfood Fermented Pigs Feet


Br eed: Komondor

Bio: Wilt is a big time social butterfly from Dallas with a masters degree in chewing and has left his mark on door frames, doors, bed frames and decorative wood art. He also LOVES hungries (food/treats) and thoroughly enjoys pestering his smaller big sister Velma!


Velm a

Favor it e Toy: @kongcompany Mega Wubba & @mybenebone Giant Wishbone

#tex asdogsof i nsta





Pete and Mac?s Pet Resort www.petemac.com


Happy K9 Self-Serve Dog Wash & Grooming



6501 Camp Bowie Blvd B

Toothacres Pet Care Center

Fort Worth, TX

1639 Parker Road

Liv Off Leash


Carrollton, TX

Nevada, TX





(214) 793-1084



Hot Shot Dog Grooming Houston, TX www.hotshotdoggrooming.com 281-849-7999 Salty Dog Wash 1902 Avenue N. Galveston, TX www.saltydogwash.com


PET STORES ---------------------------------------------

MC K9 Training

Daisy And Dog Barktique





Wagg the Dog Trainer

Geaux Fideaux









H ippie Houndz

Noah?s Bark




Bones & Bacon Pet Resort

469-438-6177 Simba?s Barkery

911 W. Commerce St. Dallas, TX

Modern Paw Furniture






817-789-5677 Three Dog Bakery

469-726-2722 Paw Pros

Plano, TX

Daisy?s Dog House



712 Fairview St.




Houston, TX www.daisysdoghouse.com

The French & I



On 4 Legs Wellness



Howl N Woof 10010 Manchaca Road, Ste. C Austin, TX www.howlnwoof.com 512-282-9663





Toothacres Pet Crematory & Cemetery

Pet Tech

1639 Parker Road



Carrollton, TX TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 37


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