NEWS A Texas Team Ag Ed Publication
May 2015
The Way I See It Jack Winterrowd, Cedar Park
“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” - Leonardo da Vinci The end of May marks the accomplishments of thousands of seniors all over America. It is a time they look forward to with anticipation and excitement. They are anxious to close the book on one part of their lives and excited to take the next big step into a new and different world. Graduation is a time when parents might have a slightly different viewpoint. For some, it is a time of sadness because the children they have so closely watched and raised are leaving the nest. For others, it is a joyful time because the kids are finally out of the house! For my wife and me, graduations have been times for excitement. Our college graduations marked the close of a successful chapter and a challenging new one as we began our lives together. Our daughter’s graduations held that same level of excitement because we knew our two girls were prepared to enter the world and face the challenges that life was going to send their way. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go...” - Dr. Seuss
I am pleased to say that both of our daughters, Holly and Ashley, have taken Dr. Seuss’ challenge to heart and have gone in directions that make their parents very proud and thankful. Holly graduated from high school and college and worked until she became a mom and decided to stay home with her kids. She keeps busy these days running a suburban shuttle bus from school to soccer to t-ball to gymnastics to stock shows to whatever activity her three children are involved with. Ashley also graduated from high school and college and is working in education. Yes, she is a double teacher’s kid who didn’t fall far from the apple tree. I can recall attending their graduations and feeling a sense of accomplishment because their mother and I were able to instill a love of learning, a desire to succeed and a determination to complete something they started. That determination, sadly, is missing in so many of the students that I see on a daily basis. For whatever reason, the drive to see something through to its endpoint is missing. The month of May can also be a time of disappointment for those students who choose to not accomplish those things they are very capable of doing. That in itself is the most frustrating and annoying part of this job. A waste of potential is truly sad to see. It is something that all teachers face throughout the year but it is especially pronounced during this time of year.
I have a couple of senior students now who are not going to graduate because they have chosen to not complete their efforts. They haven’t done their work and haven’t come to school regularly since January. They haven’t chosen to play the school games that they all know how to play because they have played them for almost 13 years. And now the harsh reality of their choices is raining down on them with a vengeance. Now they are concerned when we can easily count the days to graduation. Now they are concerned because their classmates are moving forward and they have no direction. Now they are concerned and are looking for some way to make it right again. For some, there are still possibilities.
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