NEWS A Texas Team Ag Ed Publication
February 2016
Are You Making The Most Of Your Chances? Ray Pieniazek, East Central
For many agriscience teachers the spring semester is filled with numerous activities. Many of you have completed your county shows and have moved on to this year’s major livestock shows. You may be thinking, “How am I going to keep up with everything that is happening.” I often wonder how I have managed the hectic spring schedule throughout my years of teaching. It seems like every weekend there is an activity where I am with my FFA members. As I said in my article last month, I enjoy this time of year because I get to venture out on the road with the members who really want to be a part of what we offer. Encourage your students to take a chance and compete in one of the FFA’s many different career development events. Help them make the most of their chances by providing them the opportunity to learn and prepare for a contest. When we are out on the road I enjoy the chance to get to know the students. I get to see them outside of the classroom and learn some of their other traits and characteristics. So many students want to shine and make us proud. Don’t forget that! They want your praise and approval. If they
mess up in a contest, it is okay. Remember you are teaching them life lessons; whether that is during the contest or while traveling. Make it clear that it is okay to make mistakes and encourage them to learn from their error. I had a young man that had missed a practice and just this week he arrived late to another one. It was probably a good thing for him. I was able to run a longer practice and give him some one-on-one time. I asked him to explain why he placed a turkey carcass class the way he did. He said, “That one was bottom because it had the most blood on the floor.” This was a great opportunity for me to get him on track, he was quiet in practice, but I was able to get him to talk and tell me his reasoning directly. Sometimes students will not justify their decision in front of their peers. Remember these contests are to help our students to learn to make decisions based upon sound principles. Life usually gives us many different opportunities to make choices, but we should not leave it to chance to make the right decision. The Texas FFA Association has begun a constitutionally
mandated area realignment process. The committee has recommendations and now it is your turn to share your thoughts on how you think it looks. Please take advantage of this occasion to express your comments and concerns. This is your chance to share what you think about what is being proposed. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Good look this month in all that you do. Remember continue making the most of the chances you have to influence your students. You are a teacher first; don’t forget that. Every moment offers an opportunity.
Stock Show Season Is Upon Us Barney McClure, VATAT Executive Director For many of our teachers and students, the spring semester is when the year of preparation and hard work is put to the test at county and major livestock shows. For most students involved, projects are shown with the expectation of having fun, possibly missing some class time, and getting their money back through a sale of some type. For a few students, their families, and teachers, the expectation is to compete for a championship, with all the rewards that come with it. Regardless of the expectations, these are incredibly stressful times. Simply organizing movein at a show can be a daunting task. Then, market animals have the all-important weigh-in that will determine what class an animal will compete in. After that, preparations begin for the animal to actually go into the show ring for the judge to evaluate them against the competition. The hope is to be placed in the sale order. With any luck the student will receive a payday large enough to re-load for the next year or possibly contribute to a college fund. Teachers are under tremendous pressure during this whole process. Expectations from students, their parents, and your school administration all come into
play. It is very important for the teacher to maintain a cool head and make mature decisions that put actions into play that stand the tests we are all subjected to. Never let yourself be backed into a corner where your judgment will be questioned. Simply getting some rest during the show can help your decision making ability. The stock show program in Texas creates much excitement, helps thousands of and is the envy of most other states. Our stock show partners are valued members of agricultural education in Texas and I couldn’t imagine our program without them. Stock show participation is often an important component in having a well-rounded agricultural program. Good luck to all.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE VATAT................................................................1 - 2 Texas FFA.........................................................4 - 5 Foundation....................................................7 Texas FFA Alumni................................................8 Young Farmers.............................................10 - 11
Name: _________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Send Order Form and Payment To: VATAT Attn: Buckle 614 East 12th Street Austin, Texas 78701
Net proceeds go towards the VATAT Scholarship Fund
Primrose has been contributing to the Texas FFA Foundation’s Honor Gift Program once per Tyler Allen, Texas FFA News Staff month, and sometimes twice per month, since last The Texas FFA Foundation Honor Gift Program summer when she learned about the initiative from allows donors to recognize individuals that have Foundation Executive Director Aaron Alejandro at made a positive difference in their life through an the summer L.E.A.D. Experience Conference. FFA experience, and Jane Primrose has taken that “I made a commitment to myself that I was going to do it once a month…on each paycheck,” Primrose notion to heart. Primrose, a former ag teacher who is now an said. “I thought if I could donate something every assistant principal at a career and technology high month and each of those people sees it, it’s like the school in Houston, has made a commitment to power of one and it spreads.” donate in the name of a different female ag teacher Primrose admitted that prior to the L.E.A.D. Experience she did not know much about the every month. “When you donate to the Foundation, it gives Foundation’s work. She speculates that it may be the the Foundation resources to do good things for same for other ag teachers, whom she encouraged to learn more about it and try to give back. agriculture education,” Primrose said. Primrose said giving back to the Texas FFA Currently Primrose chooses donation namesakes Foundation is often overlooked but is just as important who have personally made a difference in her life. However, she will eventually branch out and find as donating to other organizations and institutions. With her contributions, Primrose wants to highlight other women in the field that deserve recognition by the efforts of women in the field that sometimes goes talking to students. Primrose believes that the Foundation’s Honor unnoticed. “There are just so many amazing female ag Gift Program is a great way to give back to the Texas teachers…that don’t ever ask for the recognition and FFA while encouraging others to do the same. If you you never see all the things they’re doing behind would like to contribute visit the Foundation’s website the scenes to make a lot of kids super successful,” at Primrose said.
Former Teacher Recognizes Peers
UPDATE 2015-2016 Second Quarter Board Meeting Tom Maynard, Texas FFA Executive Director The Texas FFA Association Board of Directors convened in Austin for its second quarter board meeting January 11, 2016 and took the following actions:
Posted Consent Items: • In an advice and consent vote, the board endorsed the Executive Director’s decision to reappoint Jerome Tymrak as superintendent of the state’s award and degree selection and set the date and place as: June 8-10 at Tarleton State University, Stephenville. • The board set the number of state scholarship qualifiers at 25 per area. • The board approved final Extemporaneous Speaking Development Event rules, with amendments which allow for the electronic storage devices. • The board approved the minutes of the first quarter meeting on September 14 and special conference call meeting on December 8.
Posted Student Officer Items: • The officers have proposed a community service project in partnership with the Dallas Community Foundation to provide school supply backpacks for Dallas-area students. Additionally, the officers are working to create a chapter officer challenge referred to as AIM. • The board was briefed on delegation action from the 88th National FFA Convention and Expo.
Posted Action Items: • Auditors Report: The board received the report of Glass and Company, the independent auditing firm engaged to conduct the audit. The auditor reported a clean audit, which was accepted by the board. • IRS 990: The board approved the IRS Form 990 to be submitted to the IRS. • Area Realignment Commission: The board received the preliminary report of the Commission on Area Realignment from Chairman Jerome Tymrak and approved it for posting, pursuant to the timeline established by the Commission. The report contains three different maps, with the understanding that each map forms a basis for discussion and that the final map will likely be a hybrid of the current proposals and possible new proposals which surface as a result of 4
input solicited during the 60-day comment period. An electronic forum was activated on Friday, January 15 to gather input. • Texas Team Ag Ed Strategic Priorities: The board received a report regarding a collaborative meeting with Texas Ag Education leadership concerning current and future strategic priorities and foundation development priorities from Foundation Director Aaron Alejandro. The board took no action on the report. • Convention Sites: Contract meeting planners Laura Traylor and Abby McCulloch providing a briefing concerning future convention sites and managing housing. Future sites and their respective status are as follows: 2016, Dallas; 2017, Corpus Christi; 2018, Fort Worth; 2019, Fort Worth; 2020, Negotiating with Fort Worth; 2021, Negotiating with Dallas; 2022, Open; 2023, Dallas. There is continued uncertainty about the future of Fort Worth’s downtown arena. The current facility is scheduled to be razed in 2020 or 2021. What the city builds in it place will have a significant impact on FFA’s future in downtown Fort Worth. • 2016 Housing: Currently 2300 rooms are booked in Dallas. The residual impact of the Corpus Christi housing shortage is that teachers are overbooking and sometimes at multiple properties. High attrition rates--more than 20%--could result in significant financial penalties being levied on the FFA. The board queried the meeting planners concerning a workable cutoff date at which time room deposits become non-refundable to provide a meaningful impetus for teachers to make final rooming decisions and cancel rooms, which will release rooms back into available inventory and reduce late attrition. The board voted to set May 20 as the cutoff date. • 88th Convention Update: Executive Director Tom Maynard briefed the board on running schedule changes as a result of stakeholder feedback. The first round of voting on the final two state officer candidates per area will be held in area delegate caucus meetings on Wednesday morning. These caucus meetings will be the full area delegations of chapter delegates, who will hear candidates speeches and questioning, cast ballots and received a delegate business session briefing, before heading into the second general session. The third session (Wednesday afternoon) will be set to accommodate a 3:45 p.m. adjournment to
facilitate a 6:00 p.m. start to the Stars/Lone Star Degree program, which is an hour earlier in an effort to finish sooner. The board also received a first look at proposed seating, which is shared with the Mary Kay event which follows the FFA. The angled chevron arrangement will require additional sound and a additional delay screen, with a price tag of about $20,000, which is being negotiated. This is not an out-of-pocket expense for FFA, but it could be mitigated through sharing of rigging and equipment with Mary Kay’s production team. • Competitive Event Revision, State and National Summaries: The board received a report concerning the largest, most comprehensive revision cycle in Texas FFA history from the Student Recognition and Scholarship Coordinator. The board report provided summaries of the work of 44 revision subcommittees, who have participated in 43 conference calls over the past few months and will eventually report all proposed revisions back to the respective parent programmatic advisory committees. The board will receive drafts in its third quarter meeting in April and final proposals in in June for its fourth quarter meeting, to ensure that all rules are finalized prior to the VATAT Conference. The plan also calls for teacher briefings and inservice opportunities at the summer conference. The report also contained revision summaries from the National FFA Organization. Final rules will be release in late January. • HLSR Response to Request to Reduce Class Rank Eligibility Requirement: The board received correspondence from Amy Moroney in which the Educational Contributions Committee declined the request to reduce the class rank requirement from top ¼ to top ⅓ for Texas FFA academic scholarships funded by HLSR. In its first quarter meeting, the board endorsed a committee request for HLSR to consider this amendment, in part, to assist smaller, rural schools which frequently have small graduating classes.
assessment measure in an interview. The staff will seek opinions from legal counsel and parliamentarians. The board approves the recommendations, contingent on clearance from legal counsel.
Reports: • FFA Operations: The board received the report of the executive director, membership operations, Leadership Development Event participation, results and survey data, national participation reports and a Texas FFA News Online activity report. • Texas Education Agency: TEA Statewide CTE Coordinator Ron Whitson submitted a report with a summary concerning Proclamation 2017, for the CTE instructional materials review and adoption, revised work-based learning training plan form, Educational Excellence Grant and CTSO audit standards. • Texas FFA Foundation: Foundation Executive Director Aaron Alejandro provided a robust report detailing its latest shared marketing strategy, “Texas Needs the Texas FFA.” The project requires a $72,000 commitment from the Texas FFA Association, paid over two years. The project features high-grade videos and an “app” that creates an enormous communication enhancement. • VATAT: VATAT Executive Director Barney McClure provided report concerning the upcoming Conference to be held in Corpus Christi, on July 2429, 2016, as well as the record setting year for VATAT membership. There are 1835 active teacher members, up 150 from the previous year and a grand total of 2548 active members (associate, student, honorary life), which included a 150 member increase from last year in active members. VATAT is exploring options for a mentoring initiative for early career teachers.
Area Realignment Feedback
Committee Action:
Commission on Area Realignment • Budget and Finance: The committee The Texas FFA Realignment Commission has received updates regarding the recent transition to the posted the preliminary report and has made it available Quickbooks accounting system and reviewed budget for public comment. The report contains three different map proposals, line item overages from Fiscal Year 14-15 • Convention Speakers and Entertainment: with the understanding that each proposal constitutes The committee submitted a list of preferred speakers a rhetorical “what if” question and forms a basis for and entertainers to be considered to be contracted for discussion. It should be understood that the final map proposal will likely be a hybrid of the current proposed the 88th convention. • Human Resources: The committee is maps and possible new proposals which surface as considering proposals to convert current sick leave/ a result of input solicited during the 60-day comment administrative leave policies to a paid time off system. period. The proposal is not ready for consideration from the full The Area Realignment Commission Page can be accessed from the home page of board • State Officer Selection: The committee The public comment form does require you to include submitted proposals to the board concerning campaign name, chapter, area and what stakeholder group you speech lengths, under the area caucus format being represent. Texas FFA will not publish anonymous implemented in 2016. The proposal retains the 2 ½ posts to the system. Please be thoughtful, honest minute speech in the area round, but adds four forum- and professional in your remarks. They will become a style questions, and adds speech time and thought permanent record in the Texas FFA archives. questions to the final round. The committee report It is the earnest desire of the board and of the also proposed transferring the areas of knowledge commission to have a robust, vigorous discussion portion of the interview into the 20% allocated for exam about issues related to area realignment and to provide score. There was some discussion as to whether the an open, accessible opportunity for input and the airing constitution, which references a written exam would of concerns. Furthermore, it is understood that new ideas are likely to be produced by this public process. could be interpreted to allow for a knowledge 5
UPDATE Ducks and Eagles… Aaron Alejandro, Texas FFA Foundation Executive Director Have you ever heard any of these five sayings before? 1) This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have. 2) Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. And then there are those who wonder, “What just happened?” 3) Make sure you’re not just waiting for someone else to fix things, or hoping that things will improve... Figure out what’s going on and make a plan to improve things. 4) When your values are clear … your choices are easy. 5) The essence of leadership is to plant trees under whose shade you may never sit. All great sayings. So as you read these “apples of gold,” where do you find yourself? Among the ducks or eagles? Go to a local pond and watch the ducks. Usually, one will start off by themselves. Apparently disappointed they have no one with them, they start a moderately quite “quack.” As they paddle along with no real focus or goal, their “quack” becomes louder…hey, look at me I’m “quacking.” Before long, here comes another duck who joins in. They have no goal, no purpose, no direction … just swimming along “quacking.”
As this plays out soon other ducks have joined them and they have congregated at one end of the pond
“quacking” – louder and louder as one seems to want to “out quack” the other. Listen do you hear that “quack.” “Quack! Quack! Quack!” “Complain! Complain! Complain!” Ducks in a pond quacking …. complaining! Every business, organization and school has a pond … a place where “ducks” congregate and a place where people “quack” … “complain.” Ever sat in a teacher break room? What about a company’s smoking area? It doesn’t take long to hang around a pond and you’ll hear some quacking. Now, a more important question “Why are you there?” It’s hard to soar with eagles when you’re quacking with the ducks. Eagles on the other hand are a bird of prey, focused on a mission; something bigger than themselves, a purpose. They are a strong bird with large eyes that help them look for opportunity. They sore to heights of 10,000 feet to survey for opportunities. Eagles mate for life and can live as many as 30 years. Honoring their family, focusing on opportunities and soaring above the “quacking” at the ponds.
In life, there can’t be a game won without a game plan and we are all making a plan for something. So what’s yours? What does it say? When it was time to get your hands dirty, did you do it? When something beautiful needed to be made, did you make it? Time will be kind to those who use it - did you use it? Will you create something? Build something? Nurture something? Love something? Be something?” Because the ones that do…they’ve earned the spot. And the world stops to listen. So tell me, what will you say? What will you be? Duck or Eagle? Focus, take flight and soar! 7
UPDATE “Me Time” Kelly White, Texas FFA Alumni President I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there’s purpose and worth to each and every life. - Ronald Reagan As I write this article it is mid-January; the holidays are over, the decorations are up in the attic, the county stock show has ended and the auction is in a few days. I am asking where did the Christmas break go? I spent a majority of my Christmas break on the road with family. Some of this time was spent in the hospital visiting my mother-in-law. Yet most of my travel time was spent in the driver’s seat of a vehicle. My travels took me from Kyle, Texas to Natchez, Mississippi to Nashville, Tennessee and back. I was by myself for several hundred miles during this time. During this “me time”, I would get tired of music on the radio, so I found myself searching for my favorite talk radio host but to no avail. What I found was Sunday Morning Sermons! The pastors were from varied denominations and varied congregation sizes. There were rural churches and “Big City Churches”. Some were syndicated while most were local. One of the syndicated speakers was Charles Rozell “Chuck” Swindoll, an evangelical Christian pastor, author, educator, and radio preacher. Here are some of his quotes; • “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” • “The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.” • “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” I found myself inspired by several of these speakers. I enjoyed my “me time” searching for radio stations and finding a message that I needed to hear. I wish you luck throughout the show season and you find what you are looking for.
Ford Leadership Scholars On January 8th my wife and I were invited to attend the Texas FFA Ford Leadership Scholars Banquet. The event took place at the Texas Capital. It showcased ten top individuals that made a difference in their community. 8
These individuals were selected based upon six characteristics of leadership: Action, Relationships, Vision, Character, Awareness and Continuous Improvement. These six characteristics were identified by leaders of the agriculture industry as essential characteristics of leadership. With this I am reminded of the 5th paragraph of the FFA Creed. “I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.” Congratulations to the 2015-2016 Ford Leadership Scholars class.
VATAT News 2016 HALF-PRICE CARNIVAL PACKS Carnival presented by
$10 HALF-PRICE CARNIVAL PACK ($33.50 Value) One Carnival Fun Card with 22 tickets (for rides & games) FREE game coupon $5 OFF Show merchandise 4 refreshment coupons (must buy an item to receive the free item) $50 HALF-PRICE CARNIVAL PACK ($131.50 Value) Two Carnival Fun Cards with a total of 150 tickets (for rides & games) 2 FREE game coupons 2 FREE rides (Ferris wheel & funhouse) $5 OFF Show merchandise 9 refreshment coupons (must buy an item to receive the free item) ($30.00 Value) $20 CARNIVAL FOOD CARD Enjoy $30 worth of refreshments for only $20! Valid only at RCS carnival food and beverage stands. Not valid at food and beverage stands operated by ARAMARK or Show commercial exhibitors. Not valid with any other promotions. W CHAMPIONSHIP BAR-B-QUE ADMISSION TICKET (valid Feb. 25 Feb. 27, 2016) Adult (age 13 & over) $ 15 Child (age 3-12) (2 & under free) $ 5 NRG PARK ADMISSION TICKET (valid March 1-20, 2016) Adult (age 13 & over) $ 10 $ 5 Child (age 3-12) (2 & under free) SEASON PASS (valid Feb. 25-27 & March 1-20, 2016) $ 25 DONATE Just $10 sends a worthy individual to the carnival to enjoy a few rides and games. The Show is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity, so your donation may be tax deductible.Half-Price Carnival Packs and Food Cards
may be used during the WCBBQ (Feb. 25-27, 2016) and the Show (March 1-20, 2016). Rides require 4 20 tickets. To enter the Carnival during the WCBBQ, you must have a WCBBQ Admission Ticket or Season Pass. To enter the Carnival during the Show, you must have a NRG Park Admission Ticket, Season Pass or rodeo/concert ticket for that day. Admission tickets and Season Passes are not valid for NRG Stadium or Rodeo Uncorked! events.
1. Buy online with credit card at Select “Tickets” icon at the top of the page Click “Half Price Carnival Packs” Click “Buy Now” Select Sales Person: Soule, James 2. Select direct link: Online orders are accepted through Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016 Allow 7 business days for processing ™
The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
For more information, please contact Show volunteer: Contact: Jim Soule Email: Phone: 832-277-2700
VATAT & FFA Instructors June 11-12th
CEU credits available Voluntary welding contest No experience required Meals will be provided
There will be both underwater and topside welding contest. Prizes will be awarded
10840 Rockley Road, Houston, Texas 77099 800.321.0298 Approved and Regulated by Texas Workforce Commission Accredited by Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges
UPDATE Notes From the Executive Secretary Don Beene, Texas Young Farmers Executive Secretary We had an excellent 61st Annual Texas Young Howdy From Your President Farmers State Convention in Bryan, Texas. I Robert W. Bland, Texas Young Farmers President would like to thank our Convention Coordinator Terry Hausenfluck, President Kenneth Brown, and As the calendar year has moved to 2016, the President Elect Robert Bland. They put in a lot of Texas Young Farmers Association just finished their extra hours to make this event great. annual convention in Bryan, Texas where they elected I would like to recognize Lance Hausenfluck, Brad me, Robert W. Bland to serve as President of the and Debi Peyton, and Christan Thompson and all of Texas Young Farmers. This year I am excited to be the other board members for all their work. Debi is working with the following individuals who will make not a board member; however she takes care of our up our state board. Those individuals are as follows: webpage, collects registration fees and tends to the Bill Ward, Limestone County; Clovia Ketchum, San books for the scholarship auction, with additional help Saba; Connie Koopmann, Schulenburg; Debi Peyton, from Clovia Ketchum. Chico; Herb Casey, Teague; Makayla Cruz, Bryan; The tours were outstanding, meals were delicious, Natalie Swenson, Bryan; Stephanie Wood, Teague; and accommodations were great, so overall the Steve Mancill, Buna; Trina Holaway, Decatur. convention was a good time. We had a lot of In addition to the state board members, I wanted educational tours and contests, fun and games, and to take a moment and recognize several individuals great fellowship. and groups that have helped promote the Texas The Texas Young Farmers also had an outstanding Young Farmers this past year. delegation attend the National Institute in Charleston, I would like to thank Terry Hausenfluck, Carrie SC. Look for pictures in next month’s newsletter. Halpain and the Bryan Young Farmers chapter for Remember that scholarship applications are their tireless effort in making sure that our convention due April 1st. We will be awarding five $1,000 in Bryan, Texas went off without a hitch. Additionally, scholarships and will have three of these in memory I would like to thank Past President Kenneth Brown of some of our members that are no longer with for an outstanding job at leading us this past year us. We started the Billy Harrell Scholarship several and during the convention. This year’s convention years ago. Billy was instrumental in getting the Young had outstanding participation from our Young Farmer Farmers involved in the Ag Mechanics Show at the member’s throughout the state. We are hoping to Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. Also, this year build on that success for our 2017 convention, which there will be one scholarship awarded in memory of will be held in Gonzales, Texas, by working to add a Past State President. This year we will recognize new programs for our members. Doug Gandy. The last scholarship is in memory of The state board is committed to helping grow our Sharon Beene, my wife and a member of the Texas membership through new chapters and increased Young Farmers for approximately 40 years. She participation in our local chapters. If at any time the dedicated a tremendous amount of time assisting state board can be of assistance with helping you with with all the awards, photo contest, hosting board any matter dealing with the Young Farmers, please meetings, and many other activities. I want to express feel free to contact me either by email at rbland@ my appreciation to the board and the Texas Young or by telephone at (830) 672-2437 and I Farmers for this memorial. Now is the time to start on can get you in contact with a state board member or your applications. our Executive Secretary, Don Beene. 10
Congressman Kyle Kacal presented the keynote address at the 61st Annual State Convention. We were honored to have the Congressman address our members and guests at our award banquet.
2015-2016 Texas Young Farmers President, Kenneth Brown addressed the convention attendees.
The 61st Annual Texas Young Farmers State Convention was filled with educational tours, official business and contests. Members and guests also enjoyed great fellowship during our “Casino Night.”
614 East 12th Street Austin, Texas 78701
Upcoming Events February
1st National FFA Scholarship Deadline
1st Spring Membership Deadline
1st VATAT Scholarship Application Deadline
20th - 27th National FFA Week
29th Texas FFA Foundation Board Meeting, Austin
4th Texas FFA Association Board Meeting, Austin
23rd Day at the Capitol
15th Foundation Ambassador Application Deadline 15th Texas FFA Convention Media Deadline 15th Texas FFA Convention Chorus Deadline
Office 806.794.7752 | Cell 806.789.7712
(512) 472-3128
Officers Ray Pieniazek, President
Shane Crafton, Vice President
Michael Meadows, Secretary/Treasurer
Staff Barney McClure, Executive Director
Ashley Dunkerley, Communications
Karen Jones, Membership Services