Dharma Garden 152 (2007-03)

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28 29 30 31 33 34 36 37

The Last Journey ................................................... 38 Chi Wai ............................................. 40 ..................................... .......... 42 ............................... 46 .................................. 46 ............................................................... ............................................................... .......................... ....................................


44 44 47 48

Ven. Jan Hai and Ven. Hung I Long Plan Printing


Dharma Garden Editing Committee

Dharma Garden (USPS 019-577) is published bi-monthly by Texas Buddhist Association, Inc., 6969 Westbranch Drive, Houston, Texas 77072, Tel:(281) 498-1616, Fax:(281) 498-8133. Issue 152, March 2007. This is a non-profit venture solely supported by contributions from members of the Texas Buddhist Association and the readership. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. Website:www.jadebuddha.org Email: jadebuddhatemple@gmail.com







1 佛法 ………………………

第一義悉檀 …………


2 大乘佛法 ……初期………

對治悉檀 ……………



各各為人悉檀 ………


世界悉檀 ……………


3 秘密大乘佛法………………




先 知 法 住 後 知 法 涅 槃

以 人 間 佛 弟 子 為 本

大 直

薩 乘 從

佛 涅

法 槃



為 本 佛 果 為 本


原 始 部 派 初 期 大 乘 後 期 大 乘 秘 密 大 乘


教 團 和 合 教 團 分 化 一 切 法 空 空 其 所 空 咒 術 軌 儀




以緣起法為最高理則; 第 顯 以無常故苦,苦故無我,離無明、愛染為修 一 行方法; 揚 以貪瞋癡永盡,一切煩惱永盡為修行目標。 義 真 論典發達,對法義、戒律、佛陀觀的詮釋多 悉 樣化,孕育往後大乘佛法的多元發展。 檀 義 信願門:淨土、念佛。 慈悲門:迴向、隨喜。 智慧門:般若、中觀。(性空唯名論) 瑜伽行派:唯識無境。(虛妄唯識論) 真常如來藏:佛性本具。(真常唯心論) 瑜伽行中觀派:俗諦唯識,勝義中觀。 法義上:本於如來藏與清淨心,融攝後期 佛法與印度教思想。 修行上:本於念佛、瑜伽,使用與印度教 濕婆派秘宗十分相近的軌儀。

對 治 悉 檀 生 善 悉 檀 世 界 悉 檀

破 斥 猶 豫 滿 足 希 求 吉 祥 悅 意



Cuninghan M. A. C. Carlyle

Mahaparinirvana Temple


Subhaddara Vajrapani


Maha Halibala Svami


Mathura Dina

Mahaparinirvana Stupa

Mathakuar Shrine

U po Kya

Halibala Svami

Angara Cetiya

Kumara Cupta

jh<pita Rambhar Stupa


Mahabir Do@a Ven. U Chandramani




























What gose around, comes around"


The Last Journey By Chi Wai


few weeks ago, I told one of my coworkers that my 95 year old mother-inlaw passed away while sleeping. He said, “That’s the way I would prefer to die.” I thought to myself, who does not want to die peacefully. Actually, Buddha had taught us ways to live happily and to leave the world peacefully. What happened to my mother-inlaw was just another proven example. My mother-in-law lived with a house keeper in Hong Kong (HK) and also was under the care of my sister-in-law who lives across the street. Besides meal time and sleeping, she stayed in the house chanting Bodhisattva’s name everyday, seldom leaving her apartment. In October, my husband and his brothers arranged for her care while the house keeper took her accumulated one month vacation. My older brother-in-law went to HK for 2 weeks, and then my husband and I stayed with her for another 3 weeks. Her sons had asked her to immigrate to the United States ever since my father-in-law passed away six years ago. She had persistently refused to leave HK believing she would like to join the same burial plot with her husband when she died. My older brother-in-law asked her again this time. She immediately agreed to come to the US. Her response surprised all members of the family. She explained that she missed the family members in the US and wanted to see everyone. We could sense that she wanted to be with her son(s) when she left this world, according to the Chinese tradition. The arrangement of coming to the US went extremely smooth. My brother-in-law started by applying for her visa to the US and re38

quested a doctor’s letter confirming that she was in good health. The US Embassy in HK gave her a visa on the same day with 10 years multiple entrances. It seemed that she knew she would leave us soon and wanted to wrap up all her business. When my husband and I went back to HK, she was in high spirit getting ready for the trip. We helped her to check all her belongings. She decided to leave most of the things behind and to pack the minimum clothing and belongings. We packed her Bodhisattva statue that had been with her for more than 40 years. I feel grateful that she wanted me to keep her chanting necklace and the Bodhisattva statue after she passed away. Her will power was very strong during her 26 hours of long grueling air plane flight from HK to Houston. She held up well except with some minor back pain. She stayed with my eldest brother-in-law first upon her arrival to Houston. Unfortunately, she slipped in the first night while she is in Houston and that caused her much pain. In the process, her doctor also discovered that she had a gal bladder stone, which went undetected. She cared about us very much even when she was in pain. She felt uneasy because of the trouble that was created. Three days later on Thanksgiving, she was able to see most of the family members including meeting some of her great-grand children for the first time. I will

forever remember an interesting comment she made, “I feel relax and comfortable now; make sure to bring my fan with me.” She had a habit of using a handheld fan, regardless of the weather. I got a feeling that she was ready to leave us. Later that day, her breathing was very heavy. The next evening, she asked for my older brother-in-law to see her. He slept on the floor next to her bed that night. In the middle of the night she passed away in her sleep with her second son by her side. It surely was a blessing. My husband remembered his mother being a caring, loving person and most importantly a devoted Buddhist. When he was about 6 years old, he developed Muscular Dystrophy symptoms in his legs. His mother prayed sincerely for him daily and believed Buddha would give them strength in overcoming that difficult situation. He remembered that she told him calmly, “Do not be afraid; Buddha is with you. You’ll be alright.” With the care of the doctor and his mother, he recovered from the illness and was able to walk without pain a year later. My husband and I stayed in the United States since we married. With my parents-inlaw still living in Hong Kong all these years, we only had opportunity to get together during short trips to Hong Kong every few years. This past trip made me happy because I was able to be with her for 3 straight weeks. I got to know more about her daily life and routines. I especially enjoyed talking with her about Buddhism, our common interest. I came to know that her mother was also a Buddhist and a vegetarian who loved to chant and lived to her 90’s. I am glad that I am in a family with a long history of devoted Buddhists. My mother-in-law believed in Buddha with no reservation and focused in chanting Bodhisattva’s name. With her age, it was difficult for her to learn other teachings of Buddha. However,

she practiced the teachings that she did know with great sincerity. My mother-in-law’s Buddhists chanting practice strengthen my belief in Buddhism, and also have inspired me to go further with my personal practice. Diligence and effort are important ingredients in the Eightfold Path. Following the Eightfold Path helps us make the transition of our death a peaceful event. There are many teachings that I have yet to comprehend. From my personal experience of seeing her passing away, such event encourages me to practice Buddha’s teaching with greater discipline and in greater depth. I hope that this will allow me to be more prepared to face the challenges that will definitely come upon all of us. I would like to thank the care and support from the Reverends and temple members, especially to Cindy Lin, Caterina Ng and Dennis Kwok. Their timely assistance the very next day, comforting us, coordinating the members’ group chant for my mother-in-law, and coaching us in the funeral procedures, are much appreciated. Things would not have gone as smoothly if it was not for their help.










(Terminalia chebula retz)



ϜҢъ 3118 ѐ 4 ͡ă5 ͡‫߿ົڱ‬જ! 日期 3月3日(週六) 3月4日(週日)



3月25日(週日) 3月31日(週六) 4月1日(週日) 4月7日(週六) +5͡9͟)ฉ͟*! 4月15日(週日)

4月22日(週日) 4月28日(週六) 4月29日(週日)

定期活動 日期 每週日 每週二 每週四 每月第二週六 每月第三週六

時間 9:30a –12:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 9:00a - 4:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p *2:00p - 4:00p 9:30a –12:00p 10:00a─12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a –10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a –10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 9:00a - 4:00p 10:00a –10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p

時間 9:00a - 11:30a 12:30p - 3:00p 1:00p - 2:30p 3:00p - 4:30p 9:00a - 11:30a 9:00a - 11:30a 7:00p - 8:30p 2:00p - 4:00p 10:30a - 2:00p

內容 禮拜《大悲懺》 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 念 佛 會 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 ҢЍъ!!୻‫!ົڱځ‬ 禮拜《大悲懺》 ៍͵ඳᖠཐኚ‫!ົڱ‬ ៍ࢰ೼Ң 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 念 佛 會 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地

活動內容 靜坐/英語佛法 菩提合唱團練唱 基礎佛學研討班 佛學研討班 佛學研討班 靜坐 靜坐 粵語佛學班 放生、郊遊、素食野餐

主持人與講題 融通法師 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 宏意法師:喜悅之源 淨海法師 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 修慧法師:佛教的特色 智一法師 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 宏意法師:親子之道 融通法師 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 宏意法師:如何活在當下 修 慧 師 融通法師 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 宏意法師:受歡迎的人 諸位法師 融通法師 宏意法師演講:感恩中的喜悅 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 宏意法師:處事之要 淨海法師 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 宏意法師:收什麼禮物 智一法師 融通法師 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 宏意法師:養生與修行 融通法師

主持人/地點 宏意法師、弘法處(觀音殿) 菩提合唱團(大雄寶殿) 弘法處(會議室) 弘法處(會議室) 弘法處(會議室) 修智師 宏意法師(青年活動中心) 慈善組




᡻ ਽ ‫؝‬ ՟ ‫ه‬ κ ᙏ ౪ ‫ݠ‬ ެ

‫ט‬ ᝄ Ԙ མ ᝅ

‫ݠ‬ᒘ‫ه‬ᆯ ˥ඩᠶམຎ ˥˥ቯ፯໶ྸ ࣅ ᗸ ࣄ ‫ه‬ κ ఠ ‫؜‬ 㞥 ‫ݠ‬ ެ

ࣅ ᗸ ࣄ ‫ه‬ κ ᗸ ࣄ ၷ ‫ݠ‬ ެ

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