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The Light of Hope and Healing........................... 36 Tih ............................................. 38 ............................................. 40 .......................... 46 ........................................... 46 ............................................................... ............................................................... .......................... ....................................
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Ven. Jan Hai and Ven. Hung I Long Plan Printing
Dharma Garden Editing Committee
Dharma Garden (USPS 019-577) is published bi-monthly by Texas Buddhist Association, Inc., 6969 Westbranch Drive, Houston, Texas 77072, Tel:(281) 498-1616, Fax:(281) 498-8133. Issue 153, May 2007. This is a non-profit venture solely supported by contributions from members of the Texas Buddhist Association and the readership. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. Website:www.jadebuddha.org Email: jadebuddhatemple@gmail.com
Living Dharma for a Healthy Life (Date):
7/1 ~ 7/4/2007 (Sunday ~ Wednesday)
(Jade Buddha Temple)
(Buddhism Teachings,
Arts & Crafts, Outdoor Fun, Games,
Candle Light Night ...) (Registration):
5/7 ~ 6/12/2007 281-498-1616
(Fees): (Age):
$150.00 11~18
The light of hope & healing By Tih
In our fast-paced, multi-tasking world where money and material possessions are the hallmarks of a successful life, it is rare that spiritual practice is a daily priority. Each day in America, people wake up barely refreshed from the night's sleep to a morning silently wishing to snooze just a little bit longer. They rush out of their houses, coffee in hand, only to sit hours in traffic, wishing they were somewhere else. I am part of the generation that seems to run around like a chicken with its head cut off, working to make lots of money, to buy that big house, to drive that nice fancy car, or to take those long, lovely vacations. It took the diagnosis of an incurable disease that still has the potential to kill to slow me down and encourage me to take a second look not at the outside where illness has scarred me but at the inside
where peace, compassion, and wisdom waited to bloom. The summer of 2001, I became very tired after walking just a part of the 5K AIDS walk in Austin, and that was the beginning of my journey with lupus. Since then, I've been hospitalized six times, nearly died twice, lost my job three times, and was even once fired, all as part of the complications of this illness. There were countless times I sat with my soul in pain and in despair, wondering at and at times cursing my fate. What karma have I accumulated to deserve this? Was there really any truth to Impermanence except for the fact that the good times, the good fortunes, the good health were all gone, seemingly for good? I searched the Dharma hoping to find wisdom and comfort and perhaps a way to heal
myself of this incurable disease. What I found were teachings that point to illness as a manifestation of mental formations. Six years ago when I first searched, I was much more "scientific," much more "skeptical," and certainly too "educated" to believe that something as silly as a thought could cause a disease. Undaunted, I continued searching and researching, reading whatever books I could find, studying with whatever teacher would share their path of knowledge with me. And what I've come to find after years of reflection is that the Buddha was very wise in making this observation. What if I created my illness? What if my mind manifested this awful disease? And if mind can create illness, imagine what else the mind can create. Peace, love, and yes, of course, health. Accepting that I might have a role in creating my illness has helped me take responsibility in my own healing. The first task, then, was to uproot the seeds of anger within me, the second was to plant seeds of compassion and lovingkindness for myself and others, and the third was to examine whatever attachments or hindrances that existed within me that prevented me from achieving a peaceful mind. There were other things that needed to be done to heal my illness, but these three tasks alone would become the highest priorities in my life, and looking back through the past six years, I've realized that the journey the Buddha has set me on has been a blessed journey, for I became intimately acquainted with my own life, my own karma, and how I came to
be. And understanding how I came to be, I catch a glimpse of how others came to be in their present state of life and conditions. Once the mind is open and clear in its perceptions, the heart follows, and compassion flows through. The wise ones know when it is the mind that needs healing before the body can experience peace. As difficult as lupus has been for me, I'm grateful for it, for it has served as a bell to awaken my spiritual practice. Yes, I'm still busy, yes, some days I still feel like I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but the difference is that at the end of the day, I still take time to reflect on the teachings of the Buddha, sit myself peacefully on my cushion, or lay down peacefully on my bed, and intend on a better, more peaceful, more loving tomorrow for myself and all the sentient beings. May Peace prevail on Earth, and let Peace begin with me.
ϜҢъ 3118 ѐ 6 ͡ă7 ͡߿ົڱજ! 日期 5月6日(週日)
5月13日(週日) *5月20日(週日) *5月26日、 27日、28日 6月2日 (週六) 6月3日(週日)
6月24日(週日) 6月30日(週六) 定期活動 日期 每週日 每週日 每週二 每週四 每月第二週六 每月第三週六
時間 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p
內容 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答
10:00a - 12:00p 釋迦牟尼佛聖誕法會 1:30p - 3:00p 正授三皈五戒 5:30a - 9:00p 9:30a 10:00a 11:00a 1:30p 10:00a 11:00a 1:30p 10:00a 11:00a 1:30p 10:00a 11:00a 1:30p 9:00a
–12:00p - 10:45a - 12:00p - 3:00p –10:45a - 12:00p - 3:00p –10:45a - 12:00p - 3:00p –10:45a - 12:00p - 3:00p - 4:00p
時間 9:00a - 11:30a 12:30p - 3:00p 3:00p - 4:30p 1:00p - 2:30p 9:30a - 11:30a 9:00a - 11:30a 7:00p - 8:30p 2:00p - 4:00p 10:30a - 2:00p
淨海法師演講: 「知性的佛教」 諸位法師 Seelananda 法師
三 日 禪 修 禮拜《大悲懺》 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地! 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 念 佛 會
活動內容 靜坐/英語佛法 菩提合唱團練唱 佛學研討班 佛學初級研討班 佛學研討班 靜坐 靜坐 粵語佛學班 放生、郊遊、素食野餐
主持人與講題 淨海法師:《學佛三要》 宏意法師:收什麼禮物 智一法師 淨海法師: 《學佛三要》 宏意法師:養生與修行 修慧法師
淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:如何改變命運 淨海法師 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:領眾之道 融通法師 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:是非以不辯為解脫 智一法師 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:方便與隨便 修慧法師
主持人/地點 宏意法師、弘法處(觀音殿) 菩提合唱團(大雄寶殿) 弘法處(會議室) 見石法師 (會議室) 弘法處(會議室) 弘法處(觀音殿) 宏意法師(青年活動中心) 慈善組