Dharma Garden 154 (2007-07)

Page 1


2007 • 7

若能放下憂怨事 無盡法喜盈滿湖


Texas Buddhist Association, Inc. 6969 Westbranch Drive Houston, TX 77072 TEL: (281) 498-1616 URL: www.jadebuddha.org

Periodicals Postage paid at Houston, Texas

Dharma Garden Bi-monthly


目 錄

編者的話 .....................................................................................................................


法義探討 知性的佛教.................................................................................................................... 2 苦之原因─集諦淺說...............................................................................................


專題- 永遠的微笑 ............................................................................................................... 10 「喜悅的泉源」 喜悅的來源 ............................................................................................................... 13 喜從何來? ............................................................................................................... 15 喜悅來自當下 ............................................................................................................ 17

見聞覺知 喜事急事

五 濁 眾 生 令 離 垢

第154期 2007年7月


淨海法師 智一法師 宏意法師 果璟 依壹 仲蕙



法苑文輯 求道心切 ..................................................................................................................... 19

宏意法師 嚴崔常敏 蕙心 碧蔭 曹桂卿 李瑋 智一法師 余蒨如 卓以定

青山依舊在 ................................................................................................................. 智月朗秋空 ................................................................................................................. 永遠的懷念 ................................................................................................................. 感念恩師 ..................................................................................................................... 假如我不能感覺痛苦............................................................................................... 微笑的魅力.................................................................................................................... 壹句話 ............................................................................................................................. 談華裔家庭教育 .........................................................................................................

21 22 24 25 27 28 30 31

英文選輯 A Celebration of Kwan Yin ........................................................................................ 36

同 證 如 來 淨 法 身

Keith McCreary

菩提中心簡訊 菩提中心活動報導 ................................................................................................ 38 菩提中心捐款芳名 ................................................................................................ 40

生活園地 一個草藥一個故事─到手香 ............................................................................... 46 菩提素齋─牛蒡煲湯 .............................................................................................. 46

菁菁 見石法師

新聞類 2007年菩提獎學金得獎名單 .............................................................................. 35 活動預告 ..................................................................................................................... 43 活動翦影 ..................................................................................................................... 44 七月、八月各項活動時間表 .......................................................................... 47 專題預告•助印功德錄 .................................................................................... 48 《惠賜稿件,請自行存底,本刊保留刪改權。若未如期刊登,或未採用,恕不退稿,請見諒。》 發行人:



Ven. Jan Hai and Ven. Hung I


Dharma Garden Editing Committee

編輯者: 出版者:

佛光法苑編委會 德州佛教會

封面、封底:菩提中心追思堂 攝影:見石法師 承印者:Long Plan Printing

Dharma Garden (USPS 019-577) is published bi-monthly by Texas Buddhist Association, Inc., 6969 Westbranch Drive, Houston, Texas 77072, Tel:(281) 498-1616, Fax:(281) 498-8133. Issue 154, July 2007. This is a non-profit venture solely supported by contributions from members of the Texas Buddhist Association and the readership. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. Website:www.jadebuddha.org Email: jadebuddhatemple@gmail.com

憂 悲 惱 苦 的 止 息

內 觀 智 慧 的 訓 練

我 今 灌 沐 諸 如 來

浴 佛 節

淨 智 莊 嚴 功 德 海

內 觀 禪 修

Ven. Seelananda 指導禪修













Mr. Stephen Covery











Port Lavaca



M.D. Anderson









mass killers mass NBC





Amy Tan Luck Club God's Wife


The Joy The Kithchen

Jesus Alberto Angel Catherine Chou Shehzila Dhanani Van Bao Diep Thang Quyet Do Tuyen Bich Do Edgar Gonzalez Nhatrang Ho Nasheel Hussain Natasha Hussain Kishwar Kabiruddin Narmeen Kabiruddin Cam Tu Le Alice Liu Watkins Yu-Chern Liu Huy Vu Nguyen Linda Anh Thu Nguyen Michelle Paul Truc T. Pham Irma Delcarmen Rauda Veronica Beatriz Rauda Jolene Sandra Tang Jennifer Chucle Valdivia Like(Peter) Wang Angie Min-Ting Wong Jia Hua Zhang

Christine T. Nguyen Tran Bao Nguyen Eric Sung Katie Thompson Chen-Ling Cheney Tsai Wenting Xie Jenny Yeh Janet Ruth Yen Ann Yu

Ndidi Sharny Anofienem Julia Ming-Yan Shu

Connie Weijia Chen

Ming-Chieh Hsueh David Kaigen Hu Christina Evlynn Ma Glenn Ravina Manansala Connie Soong

Amorette Kwan Christopher Chen Jeffrey Chiang Cindy Chou Yolanda Yu-Lin Han Thu (Cathy) Minh Ho Malory Lee Sharon Liao Crystal Ann Lin Steven Ma

Helen Tsang

Andy Jan Kenny Jan Justin Liao


A Celebration of Kwan Yin Jade Buddha Temple By Keith McCreary Thank you, Venerable Jan Hai, Venerable Hung-I, and all the other Venerables assembled here today to celebrate the birthday of the bodhisattva Kwan Yin, and to all members of the Jade Buddha Temple. I have been asked to speak on behalf of the English Dharma Group and to share my experience, a journey that began in the early 1970s. I was greatly influenced by television and the movies of the time, and the martial arts exploded onto the scene and became popular around the world because of Bruce Lee. I began learning Chinese martial arts while in college, even though it was very difficult to find them in Texas at that time, but fortunately, I did find such instruction. It was in the mid-1970s that I had an opportunity to learn from Edmund Kealoha Parker while in Colorado. Ed Parker, a native Hawaiian, opened the first commercial martial arts school in the United States, had appeared in several films and was the bodyguard for Elvis Presley. He was the man who filmed the unknown Bruce Lee in Los Angeles in 1964 and introduced him to the movie studios for his screen test. Mr. Parker was the fastest man in the world with his hands, able to strike twelve times per second. I thought this was an exaggeration until I saw it for myself. And one night for a demonstration, Mr. Parker asked me to take part in the performance. What an honor! Without hesitation, I said OK. What I didn't know was that I was to be a dummy. When the time came for the performance that night in front of a large crowd, I had no idea what to expect. Mr. Parker stood before me, smiling, and said "Punch!" 36

I thought I was going to die. Afterward, I was told that his technique had lasted less than three fourths of a second. I have no idea because he could move so fast, it was just a blur. But later that night, I had nine beautiful bruises on various parts of my body to prove his abilities. Mr. Parker told me that what I needed to do was to relax and to clear my mind. I returned to Texas and did my best to follow his example, discovering over the years how difficult it is to simply relax and clear the mind. Some time later, I had an opportunity to learn with an instructor named Joseph Cowles. He had begun his training in Seattle in the early 1960's with a nineteen-year-old "kid," as he called him, who had just arrived in the United States from Hong Kong. The "kid" was named Bruce Lee. Mr. Cowles said that Bruce Lee liked him, not because he was the best student, but because he was the only person who could do the Iron Forearm exercises with him. This is done by two men banging the forearms together full speed and full force. So Bruce Lee had a willing student with whom he could practice this training. Shortly after I began, Mr. Cowles told me that in order to progress and to begin learning the wooden dummy form, I would have to train with him on the Iron Forearm exercises. Without hesitation, I said OK. Mr. Cowles stood in front of me, smiling, and at his signal, I swung my right arm as fast as I could across my body to collide with his. I thought I was going to die. It was like hitting a baseball bat made of steel.

The pain was intense, but I was too stubborn to quit and too embarrassed to cry. The second day was a nightmare, but soon I was able to do the exercises with him. He taught me privately also, not because I was the best student, probably, but because he needed someone to do the Iron Forearm training. He said that what I needed to do was focus the mind with full intensity. Do not, he said, attach yourself to any preconceived ideas. I continued, again learning over the years how difficult it is to concentrate fully and not to become attached to ideas. My most in-depth training, though, was with a master of Filipino martial arts named Robert Brabante. He had begun his training while only a child. His ability with sticks, knives and swords was amazing. When he first began to teach me over thirty years ago, he said that in Filipino Kali, training begins with swords and sticks, and then after skill is attained, the students learn to fight without weapons. He asked me again if I wanted to learn the art of Filipino warriors. Without hesitation, I said OK, and he handed me a sword, picked up two swords, and smiled. Then he said, "Attack me." I thought I was going to die. I never really saw the blades move, but I did feel the breeze they created. I trained with him for years, and he told me to accomplish my goals I had to be mindful of everything and to meditate to calm the mind to make the teaching part of your life. I was never able to study Buddhism in the past except in books and conversations with Buddhist friends. However, because of dissatisfaction with traditional churches, my wife and I learned that there were English classes at the Jade Buddha Temple. We came to the Temple and immediately felt the love and kindness of the people here and decided to study with Sister Shiou-Chih and Josten Ma of the English Dharma Group.

Soon I had an opportunity to attend a oneday retreat with Venerable Hung-I. I had heard him speak before, so I was very excited to take part in the session. He greeted everyone and began some stretching exercises. I sat right in front of him so as not to miss anything, feeling very confident and self-assured. We finished the stretching, and then Venerable Hung-I smiled and said, "We will now meditate for one hour. " I thought I was going to die. After an eternity, I glanced at my watch. Three minutes had passed. I was in enormous pain, and I was ready to quit. But I somehow made it through the hour, mainly because I was too stubborn to quit and too embarrassed to cry. I couldn't move or straighten my legs, my back had turned to jelly, and my wife had to help me up from the floor. I knew then that my journey was just beginning. He said that you should relax, clear your mind, focus your mind with full intensity, not become attached to preconceived ideas, be mindful of everything you do, meditate to calm your mind to make the Dharma part of your life, and, most importantly, to practice loving kindness. And that is, as I understand it, perhaps one of the most important aspects of our religion. Venerable Hung-I said something that made an immediate impact upon the way I think and in the way that I try to live my life, to raise my children, and to teach my students. He said, "Loving kindness is like sunshine. It shines on all people equally without distinction. We should be the same way in all that we do to others." And so my journey has begun. On behalf of everyone in the English Dharma Group, I want to thank Venerable Jan Hai and Venerable HungI, all the teachers and members of the Jade Buddha Temple for all that you have done to help in our learning of Buddhism. May the sunshine of the blessed Kwan Yin shine upon us all in our journey. 37


metal studs

metal studs







Mr. Hubert Vo

281-498-1616 Ven. Seelananda Seelananda




ϜҢъ 3118 ѐ 8 ͡ă9 ͡‫߿ົڱ‬જ! 日期 7月1日(週日)

時間 內容 主持人與講題 10:00a - 10:45a 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 11:00a - 12:00p 第二節:佛法開示、問答 宏意法師:收什麼禮物


四 日



9:30a – 12:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 9:00a – 4:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 9:30a –12:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a –10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a –10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 7:30p – 9:30p 9:30a - 4:30p 10:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:30p

禮拜《大悲懺》 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 念 佛 會 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 禮拜《大悲懺》 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地! 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 盂蘭盆法會 誦念《地藏經》 盂蘭盆法會 《三時繫念》 慶祝 盂蘭盆法會 念佛大回向



7月22日(週日) 7月28日(週六) 7月29日(週日) 8月4日(週六) 8月5日(週日)


8月19日(週日) *8月23、24日晚 *8月25日(週六) *8月26日(週日) *8月26日(下午)

融通法師 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 智一法師:佛教徒的人生態度 淨海法師 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:心平氣和之方 融通法師 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:懺悔的力量 智一法師 融通法師 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:如何善用逆緣 修慧法師 融通法師 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:結緣與攀緣 淨海法師 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 智一法師:佛教的世界觀 融通法師 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:剛柔並濟之道 智一法師 諸位法師及信眾 諸位法師及信眾 宏意法師演講:積極的人生

定期活動 日期 每週日 每週日 每週二 每週四 每月第二週六 每月第三週六

時間 9:00a - 11:30a 12:30p - 2:30p 3:00p - 4:30p 1:00p – 2:30p 9:30a - 11:00a 9:30a - 11:00a 7:00p - 8:30p 2:00p - 4:00p 10:30a - 2:00p

活動內容 靜坐/英語佛法 菩提合唱團練唱 佛學研討班 佛學中級研討班 佛學研討班 靜坐 靜坐 粵語佛學班 放生、郊遊、素食野餐

主持人/地點 宏意法師、弘法處(觀音殿) 菩提合唱團(大雄寶殿) 弘法處(會議室) 見石法師(會議室) 弘法處(會議室)

宏意法師(青年活動中心) 慈善組

[註:如有更改,將另行公布或通知。] [*:特別活動。]


V. Oudonesom

Laverne Evans & Vicky Ip

Tiffany Lin

Pi Tao Wu


Wei Li Hei Yong Lam

目 錄

編者的話 .....................................................................................................................


法義探討 知性的佛教.................................................................................................................... 2 苦之原因─集諦淺說...............................................................................................


專題- 永遠的微笑 ............................................................................................................... 10 「喜悅的泉源」 喜悅的來源 ............................................................................................................... 13 喜從何來? ............................................................................................................... 15 喜悅來自當下 ............................................................................................................ 17

見聞覺知 喜事急事

五 濁 眾 生 令 離 垢

第154期 2007年7月


淨海法師 智一法師 宏意法師 果璟 依壹 仲蕙



法苑文輯 求道心切 ..................................................................................................................... 19

宏意法師 嚴崔常敏 蕙心 碧蔭 曹桂卿 李瑋 智一法師 余蒨如 卓以定

青山依舊在 ................................................................................................................. 智月朗秋空 ................................................................................................................. 永遠的懷念 ................................................................................................................. 感念恩師 ..................................................................................................................... 假如我不能感覺痛苦............................................................................................... 微笑的魅力.................................................................................................................... 壹句話 ............................................................................................................................. 談華裔家庭教育 .........................................................................................................

21 22 24 25 27 28 30 31

英文選輯 A Celebration of Kwan Yin ........................................................................................ 36

同 證 如 來 淨 法 身

Keith McCreary

菩提中心簡訊 菩提中心活動報導 ................................................................................................ 38 菩提中心捐款芳名 ................................................................................................ 40

生活園地 一個草藥一個故事─到手香 ............................................................................... 46 菩提素齋─牛蒡煲湯 .............................................................................................. 46

菁菁 見石法師

新聞類 2007年菩提獎學金得獎名單 .............................................................................. 35 活動預告 ..................................................................................................................... 43 活動翦影 ..................................................................................................................... 44 七月、八月各項活動時間表 .......................................................................... 47 專題預告•助印功德錄 .................................................................................... 48 《惠賜稿件,請自行存底,本刊保留刪改權。若未如期刊登,或未採用,恕不退稿,請見諒。》 發行人:



Ven. Jan Hai and Ven. Hung I


Dharma Garden Editing Committee

編輯者: 出版者:

佛光法苑編委會 德州佛教會

封面、封底:菩提中心追思堂 攝影:見石法師 承印者:Long Plan Printing

Dharma Garden (USPS 019-577) is published bi-monthly by Texas Buddhist Association, Inc., 6969 Westbranch Drive, Houston, Texas 77072, Tel:(281) 498-1616, Fax:(281) 498-8133. Issue 154, July 2007. This is a non-profit venture solely supported by contributions from members of the Texas Buddhist Association and the readership. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. Website:www.jadebuddha.org Email: jadebuddhatemple@gmail.com

憂 悲 惱 苦 的 止 息

內 觀 智 慧 的 訓 練

我 今 灌 沐 諸 如 來

浴 佛 節

淨 智 莊 嚴 功 德 海

內 觀 禪 修

Ven. Seelananda 指導禪修


2007 • 7

若能放下憂怨事 無盡法喜盈滿湖


Texas Buddhist Association, Inc. 6969 Westbranch Drive Houston, TX 77072 TEL: (281) 498-1616 URL: www.jadebuddha.org

Periodicals Postage paid at Houston, Texas

Dharma Garden Bi-monthly


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