Dharma Garden 155 (2007-09)

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2005 MBSR - Mindfulness Based stress Reduction



Quality of Life










University 23


Jon Kabat-Zinn


The Center for Mindfulness CFM


"Healing Emotions" - Conversations With The Dalai Lama On Mindfulness, Emotions, and Health, Edited By Daniel Goleman. In 1979, Dr. Jon Dabat-Zinn found the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester. www.umassmed.edu/ cfm/index/aspx

"Healing Emotions"




simple repetition 28








sila morality Goenka rality




craving, clinging


hatred, aversion equanimous mind






MIS MISSION: MISSION: SION: Bust Bust the the Bank Bank Presented at: Jade Buddhist Temple, Houston Texas on Buddha's 2551st birthday, May 20, 2007 By: Patricia M. Pellicciotti Introduction. When I was asked to deliver a speech today about how Buddhism has changed my life or what it has done for my life my first reaction was an overwhelming emotion of how lucky and honored I am to have this opportunity to speak in front of so many extended relations. Because since the first day I stepped into Jade Buddha Temple that was love at first sight. The first place since I arrived in Houston that makes me feel like home. The first place where generosity and sincerity permeates through every pore of the Temple, representational of the wisdom of Venerable Hung I, its leader and Abbott. The second reaction was that I was perplexed because I have never lived any differently in mind body or spirit than I do now. I said, how am I going to express something I already knew before. As a young adult brought into the further study of Buddhist Philosophy by the personal encouragement of the Dalai Lama. I immediately I realized through the intellectual exposure to the principles, Sanghas and Sutras of Buddhism that I already profoundly understood them and seemed previously familiar with them and their significance. Aside from that we were already living the practical applications of Buddhist Theories in our family. Maybe it was coincidence or maybe I was a Buddhist before in another lifetime. But undoubtedly, my parents were superior spiritual and wise individuals that lived according to a


compassionate and mindful existence towards themselves and others. Instead, I decided the best thing I could do is to share with you in this short span of time allotted some of the ways that I learned to deal with life and living in an imperfect world. THE SPEECH. The Significance of Vesak or Buddha's Birthday lies with the Buddha and his universal peace message to mankind. Troubled by the thought that many people had to return to this world to suffer; driven by this he left his family and princely luxury to search for an end to suffering. He soon discovered that Life often presents itself with many personal challenges and more often with stunning rewards. My life as all of yours has been riddled with not just personal obstacles but the challenge of discovering, unraveling piece by piece just where the benefits are hidden within those ever present perplexing challenges. Doing so delicately, patiently and mindfully as one peels layer by layer the skins of an onion attempting not to shed tears of remorse, self-pity or guilt. When we mishandle or don't deal with our trauma at all, we can give rise to a collective Karma of violence. We, then, become the "terrorists." Be mindful of your feelings. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering can lead to anger.

Counteracting this suffering or anger is what the Jedi of Star Wars call the "Will of the Force." People often ask me for a simple method or approach to overcome and learn from our impediments within the context of a hectic every day lifestyle-They also ask "how they'll know if they've succeeded in overcoming them. Now, I share with you some of the techniques we used in our house taught to us by our parents and my mother in particular. In the USA there are some old movies when the heroes want to save the population who are poor, sometimes they have done this by robbing banks. One of those characters in history was Jesse James. When he wanted to break into a safe there is this one guy the safe cracker who puts his ear up to the lock he listens as he dials the combination listening for what they call the tumblers. Because when the number is right, there's a click, and he knows with the click he is breaking in. In a man's life there is a tumbler too. That number is from 1 to 108 representing the 108 sufferings of karma. Like the Jesse James bandits this is how I know when I have learned from a particular trauma. Thus, the title of this speech, MISSION: BUST THE BANK. This is how: There is a click in a person's life this means that we have broken into growth and have overcome our grief and grieving and this growth opportunity has reached its stage of ripening. Ask any Enlightened sentient human being they all know that enlightenment is a continuous work in progress. When we reach that stage, we have broken into the safe of life and our lives open up and then there is a KAZAAM. Then we can go on to our subsequent homework or learning lessons.-- Always utilizing and repeating the same process. Here is one other sure fire way to help you to reach the final step to overcoming obstacles that will evidence themselves eventually as gain. Look for the benefits or the positive within that situation. Because after all crises are not disastrous. They are opportunities for our growth. Even within a tragedy is an opportunity for something positive.

There's an old Italian fable told to us by my mother: Two mice, both fell into a bowl of milk. The one mouse gave up immediately and sunk to the bottom and drowned, gasping for air. The second mouse kept swimming and swimming and swimming for days and days. Until finally the milk turned into butter and he survived and then had food to share with his family. Which one are you? Which one do you wish to be?-- Mouse number one who gives up or mouse number 2 who is a fighter and keeps navigating his destiny. The quicker we learn this karmic lesson the faster we can move on to the next growth process of our long and our future reincarnated lives. Laughter helps us to eliminate the negative condition to bear fruit to our sadness. It is similar to planting seeds into the soil. If seeds are not provided with the right conditions for growth, they will not grow. Try to find something for all of us to laugh at together right now. We can either think of a time in our life when we were children and something made us happy and something that made us laugh. A funny joke we heard that made us continuously laugh. A time one our lost loved ones did or said something that made us happy or laugh out loud. Let's pause now and think each and every one of us about that time. I see some faces that are still not smiling... Think to yourselves of a joke that a loved one told that made you laugh that was silly but his/her enthusiasm and joy of recounting it made you laugh. If while you are laughing and you feel goose bumps all over that means you have heard the KAZAAM. Those of you, who have not yet smiled, think of this exercise, while you are waiting for the CLICK to be heardยกK And find your KAZAAM or a "fulfilled karmic lesson." As we recall Buddha and his "Enlightment" on the anniversary of his birth and while we bath him today, we offer him our gift of laughter that brought about our peace. May the will of the Force be always with us!










(White Crane Flower)

Whipping Cream Mozzarella Cheese

Whipping Cream

Mozzarella Cheese 46

Mozzarella Cheese

ᇇэҢିົϜҢъ 3118 ѐ : ͡ă21 ͡‫߿ົڱ‬જ! 日期



三 日


9:30a – 12:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 9:00a - 4:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 9:30a –12:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 9:00a –12:00p 10:00a –10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 10:00a –10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p 9:00a - 4:00p 10:00a –10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p 1:30p - 3:00p




9月23日(週日) 9月29日(週六) 9月30日(週日) 10月6日(週六) 10月7日(週日) 10月13日(週六) 10月14日(週日)

10月21日(週日) 10月27日(週六) 10月28日(週日)





禮拜《大悲懺》 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 念佛共修/佛學園地 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答

融通法師 淨海法師:《法寶壇經精要選講》 融通法師 融通法師 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 智一法師: 「佛陀的教育理念(上)」 淨海法師 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:「心平氣和之方」 修慧法師 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師:「如何面對逆境」 智一法師

第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答 禪 訓 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 第二節:佛法開示、問答

淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 宏意法師: 「身忙與心忙」 融通法師 禮拜《大悲懺》 融通法師 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 第二節:佛法開示、問答 修慧法師 念佛共修/佛學園地! 淨海法師 佛 教 入 門 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 第二節:佛法開示、問答 智一法師: 「佛陀的教育理念(下)」 念佛共修/佛學園地 修慧法師 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 第二節:佛法開示、問答 見石法師 念佛共修/佛學園地 智一法師 念 佛 會 融通法師 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《法寶壇經精要選講》 第二節:佛法開示、問答 宏意法師: 「隨緣不變 不變隨緣」 念佛共修/佛學園地 融通法師

定期活動 日期 每週日 每週日 每週五 每週二 每週四

每月第二週六 每月第三週六

時間 9:00a - 11:30a 12:30p - 3:00p 3:00p - 4:30p 1:00p – 2:30p 7:30p – 9:00p 9:00a - 11:30a 9:00a - 11:30a 7:00p - 8:30p 2:00p - 4:00p 10:30a - 2:00p

活動內容 靜坐/英語佛法 菩提合唱團練唱 佛學研討班 基礎佛學研討班二階 基礎佛學研討班初階 佛學研討班 靜坐 靜坐 粵語佛學班 放生、郊遊、素食野餐

主持人/地點 宏意法師、弘法處(觀音殿) 菩提合唱團(大雄寶殿) 智一法師主持(會議室) 見石法師 (會議室) 見石法師 (青年活動中心) 修慧法師(會議室) 修慧法師(觀音殿) 宏意法師(大雄寶殿) 慈善組

[註:如有更改,將另行公布或通知。若有問題請與玉佛寺辦公室聯絡 281-498-1616]


Mei Kuei Lin

May Lan Mok Juliana Nurcahya


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