Dharma Garden 157 (2008-01)

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2008 • 1

菩薩有願業清淨 白雪無染色自純


Texas Buddhist Association, Inc. 6969 Westbranch Drive Houston, TX 77072 TEL: (281) 498-1616 URL: www.jadebuddha.org

Periodicals Postage paid at Houston, Texas

Dharma Garden Bi-monthly






(五識) (五根) (五境) 眼識 ── 眼根 ── 色境 耳識 ── 耳根 ── 聲境 鼻識 ── 鼻根 ── 香境 舌識 ── 舌根 ── 味境 身識 ── 身根 ── 觸境

所依─── ○ 根 ───能取 識 ○ 境 ──所取 能依── ○ 能 緣

所 緣





















- 佛光法苑‧第 1 5 7期 -



- 佛光法苑‧第 1 5 7期 -


- 佛光法苑‧第 1 5 7期 -

- 佛光法苑‧第 1 5 7期 -

菩 提 中 心 工 程 近 況


追思堂報恩塔內 骨灰龕室


















Dealing with Anger

We experience many different emotions daily. We are happy one moment and sad the next. Our mood swings. Have you ever asked yourself: where do emotions come from? Where do they go? Let's take anger for example. Where does anger come from? What are the causes of anger? Your first response might be: so-and-so said bad words to me, or so-and-so did something that hurt me. In other words, it is all someone else's fault. In Buddhism, however, we take a different view. In Buddhism, we believe, for example, that anger comes from either a hurt ego or an unfulfilled expectation. We are so attached to our "self," that when someone said or did something bad to us, our ego is hurt. In other cases, we expect certain outcomes. For example, the girlfriend expects the boyfriend to bring her a birthday present but he did not. The girlfriend's expectation is not met, therefore she is angry. Regardless of the causes of anger, however, when a negative emotion such as anger comes, what can we do to deal with it? I shared with you four ways to deal with anger. First, because Buddhists believe in reincarnation, therefore just think that I must have done something bad to this person in previous life. I owed this person. What this person did to me now is just a way for me to pay this person back the debt. You will no longer be angry if you believe you are paying back something you owe. If you got angry, 38

then you plant the anger seeds in your relationship. In the future when you two meet, the anger seeds might flourish and you two will be trapped in this bad cycle again and again. Wouldn't you be glad to pay your debt now and be done with it in this life? Secondly, I talked about the concept of returning an unwanted gift. When someone gives you a gift, if you don't accept it, then they have to take it back. Think of the bad words the other person said to you as an unwanted "gift. " If you simply do not accept the gift, then you are unaffected by the bad words. It is very interesting that, say someone is trying to provoke you, trying to make you mad. However, if you do not accept the "gift," and are not mad, usually it is the other person who is really mad now. The third way to deal with anger is to temperately transfer your emotion to something else, especially when the anger is too overwhelmed for you to handle at this moment. Go shopping, go to a movie, go to a restaurant, do

whatever you like to do. However, if you can, try to meditate. Count your breath and pull yourself back to a tranquil state. After all, breath counting is a technique that can be carried anywhere, anytime, and it costs nothing. Lastly, I talked about observing "emptiness. " In Buddhism, we believe all phenomena are created as a result of many conditions. If you analyze the causes of your anger, you will realize that anger itself does not have its own "self." (therefore the concept of emptiness) Think about it. A moment ago someone said a bad word to you. That moment has since passed. However, you are still clinging to that moment and creating anger in yourself. Remember a couple of weeks ago I shared with you the story of two monks crossing the river. The younger monk was still attached to a phenomenon that had long gone. If the phenomenon is gone, why do we still punish ourselves by continuing thinking about it? A young lady always got angry for trivial matters. She went to ask a Zen master how she can deal with her emotion. After listening to her complains, the Zen master said nothing. The Master led her into a meditation room and locked her in it. At first, the lady was very angry. She kicked and hit the door. She shouted, yelled and cursed. However, no one paid attention to her. Eventually, she calmed down. The Zen master stood outside and asked, "Are you still angry? " "No, I blame myself to decide to come here, only to have such a hard time." "If you can not forgive yourself, how could you forgive others? How could you have peace in your mind?" Then the Zen mater walked away.

you just temporarily suppress it. The anger would burst out violently later." The third time, Zen mater came to talk to her. The lady said, "I am not angry now, because it is not worth it." The Zen master said, "You still think about whether being angry is worth something. You are still angry." "What is anger? The lady asked the Master, then she reached enlightenment. Why are we angry? Anger is something dumps from someone else but you willingly accept. It gives you a stomachache if you swallow it but if you don't pay attention, it disappears. Being angry is to use someone else's mistake to punish yourself. Life is too short to waste our time in being angry. Meditation helps eradicate our negative emotions such as greed, anger, and ignorance by being true to yourself, by gaining true understanding about yourself. Once we have the purified mind, we will not be influenced and controlled by desires, wants, and all the emotions. We live in a fast paced society where we are always running around, trying to do everything. We give very little time to ourselves. Meditation gives us the awareness and mental power necessary to face everyday life with tranquility. It is extremity important that we meditate every day. When we encounter emotions, we then can quickly go back to this peaceful state of mind. For more information about University of Houston, Association of Buddhist Students (UHABS), please visit our blog http://uhabs. blogspot.com

After a little while, Zen master came back and asked, "Are you still angry?" "No" "Why? " "Even if I were angry, there is no way out of here." "You still have anger in your mind,









ϜҢъ 3119 ѐ 2 ͡ă3 ͡‫߿ົڱ‬જ! 日期 1月5日(週六)

時間 9:30a – 12:00p 10:00a - 10:45a 11:00a - 12:00p

內容 主持人與講題 禮拜《大悲懺》 融通法師 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 淨海法師:《寶積經選講》 第二節:佛法開示、問答 宏意法師:「什麼事會讓你快樂一 1月6日(週日) 輩子」 1:30p - 3:00p 念佛共修/佛學園地 修慧法師 10:00a - 10:45a 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《寶積經選講》 1月13日(週日) 11:00a - 12:00p 第二節:佛法開示、問答 智一法師:「佛法與情緒管理」 1:30p -3:00p 念佛共修/佛學園地 融通法師 10:00a - 10:45a 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《寶積經選講》 1月20日(週日) 11:00a - 12:00p 第二節:佛法開示、問答 宏意法師:「心的觀照」 1:30p - 3:00p 念佛共修/佛學園地 續超法師 1月26日(週六) 9:00a - 4:00p 念 佛 會 融通法師 10:00a - 10:45a 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《寶積經選講》 1月27日(週日) 11:00a - 12:00p 第二節:佛法開示、問答 宏意法師:「處難處之人」 1:30p -3:00p 念佛共修/佛學園地 淨海法師 2月2日(週六) 9:30a–12:00p 禮拜《大悲懺》 融通法師 10:00a - 10:45a 第一節:生日法會、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《寶積經選講》 2月3日(週日) 11:00a - 12:00p 第二節:佛法開示、問答 宏意法師:「如何做一個修行人」 1:30p -3:00p 念佛共修/佛學園地 修慧法師 *2月6日(週三) 9:30p - 1:00a 除夕: 普佛、叩鐘禮佛 *2月7日(週四) 11:20a - 12:00p 春節: 佛前大供 2月9日(週六) 9:00a - 12:00p 佛教入門 10:00a~12:00p 玉佛寺農曆新春團拜 宏意法師:「百事可樂」 *2月10日(週日) 1:30p~3:30p 正授三皈、晚課 10:00a–10:45a 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《寶積經選講》 2月17日(週日) 11:00a - 12:00p 第二節:佛法開示、問答 宏意法師:「開發自我」 1:30p -3:00p 念佛共修/佛學園地 融通法師 2月23(週六) 9:00a∼12:00p 念 佛 會 融通法師 10:00a–10:45a 第一節:念誦、佛法開示 淨海法師: 《寶積經選講》 2月24日(週日) 11:00a - 12:00p 第二節:佛法開示、問答 宏意法師:「忍耐之道」 1:30p -3:00p 念佛共修/佛學園地 續超法師 定期活動 日期 每週日 每週日 每週二 每週四 每月第二週六 每月第三週六

時間 9:00a - 11:30a 12:30p - 3:00p 3:00p - 4:30p 1:00p – 2:30p 9:00a - 11:30a 9:00a - 11:30a 7:00p - 8:30p 2:00p - 4:00p 10:30a - 2:00p

活動內容 靜坐/英語佛法 菩提合唱團練唱 佛學研討班 佛學初級研討班 佛學研討班 靜坐 靜坐 粵語佛學班 放生、郊遊、素食野餐

主持人/地點 宏意法師、弘法處(觀音殿) 菩提合唱團(大雄寶殿) 智一法師主持(會議室) 見石法師 (會議室) 弘法處(會議室)

宏意法師(青年活動中心) 慈善組




目 錄

第157期 2008年 1月

法師的話─新年吉祥 ..............................................................................................

1 宏意法師


《大乘廣五蘊論》略解(二) ............................................................................. 建立阿賴耶識的多重意義 .................................................................................

2 淨海法師 5 智一法師

專題- 「業力與願力」

所作與所求 ................................................................................................................ 生命流轉之動力 ...................................................................................................... 當業力遇上願力 ........................................................................................................ 我對業力和願力的思考 ......................................................................................


唯心與唯物 ................................................................................................................


香江菩提 ..................................................................................................................... 眾志成城護菩提 ...................................................................................................... 南來佛光五年 ........................................................................................................... 我的第一次 ................................................................................................................

英文稿 菩提中心簡訊 新聞類

10 13 16 19

宏意法師 智一法師 和亞 李瑋

8 宏意法師 22 28 31 36

宏意法師 衍頤 宏意法師 思經

Dealing with Anger ........................................................................................... 38 Ven. Jian Dan 菩提中心活動報導 ................................................................................................. 40 菩提中心捐款芳名 ................................................................................................. 41 香港義賣翦影 ........................................................................................................... 菩提獎學金申請通告 ........................................................................................... 活動預告 ..................................................................................................................... 活動翦影 ..................................................................................................................... 一月、二月各項活動時間表 ............................................................................ 專題預告•助印功德錄 ......................................................................................

23 44 45 45 47 48






Ven. Jan Hai and Ven. Hung I



Dharma Garden Editing Committee



封面攝影:翁定台 封底攝影:淩兆基 承印者:Long Plan Printing

Dharma Garden (USPS 019-577) is published bi-monthly by Texas Buddhist Association, Inc., 6969 Westbranch Drive, Houston, Texas 77072, Tel:(281) 498-1616, Fax:(281) 498-8133. Issue 157, January 2008. This is a non-profit venture solely supported by contributions from members of the Texas Buddhist Association and the readership. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. Website:www.jadebuddha.org Email: jadebuddhatemple@gmail.com

熱 鬧 溫 馨 的 義 賣 綻 放 朵 朵 的 蓮 花

香 積 菩 薩 的 巧 手 會 友 大 眾 的 護 持

二 0 0 七 年 度 義 賣 大 會 翦 影

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